HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-4, Page 8i
XNsiiRAivCE: rete®vltieu, seRRarth I11Ye 1iPig,AN
The total number of, Oddfellowa in. the All orders for'the above works can be (M�TAVI C�'II C(li S9
'1RN l'sT LIa1UT,AGrANT j 01t ,world is 1,572,384, left at l H Fish's barber shop. Satisfaa �i f, .•: -
tiou guaranteed,
�ALIA T� o ES%1Eatz aSso� ZAa 0F, CNS s - OLD STAND,) ,
� � e a new town 6 ,
seafurth is sin X.' to liav
1IRti: INSUItANOE 00UPAN,` ozi,,ondan; hall costing$8,250.
England. ALLIANCE 1NT4UliANCB Colli- , y The Business ltren M1Reet: a
l' +AIY afLruglaud, Ter the first fine
d in several weeks yos A meeting of the business men was Thanks
_ tarday was w finQ dtty. .l. hr� People �f
F. KINSMAN, 14.D.6,, held in the town hill an Monday evening xe'�'
• D,D.S The United States have about 1,700 to discuss the adyfsability of accepting �. around.
Graduate of floral College of Dental dif£ertut and distinct railways. American silver at a uniform diaeonnt and
J�a06 20 �e
r-1011tne� and it the Dental bepartiaoht of T{ort carloads of fresh fish left to ennsider other matters of im ortanue. r
arottollstlabriaro;e-wahonore.) Y ISa16S increasing OPOr da
p g _ �' y• No trouble to do business at our prices.
hiIDrownabrld.ace-tvoFit,and gold and pot last week -the entire cargo afresh haul, After considerable discussion a resolution
„ a+eluna growae. The weather the past. week was dram was drafted,, in which an agreement as
1'�'eiiIteousOxld°Qac and 10041 antesthet- p p �`
Res for painlesaextractions. Always at home. and disagreeable, Wt good growing season above was set forth, but as sonne of the Just received 100 pieces )Jest English PHnts all t @ ry
ttQtliae: Taneou's B19ok. Baster. merchants, would not sign it oil account of g r h newest makes and, designs, @X�1a,
v� There are three inmates in the County g wide, fast colors, regularly sold for 121 , and 14 cents all for' the one rice ---9 (1 s. We
Jail,while last year at this time theta were silver now 'being too scarce, the matter 1 , p t
fourteen, fell tbrcuvb. It having been learned that have still a few of those best: 1211; Shlrtings, fast colors, for 8 cts. Dress Goods sales
AIN the G. T. R. bad been approached L. the
� -4'a' If April showers bring forth'Tay flowers Lon3on $taard of Trade, asking the Lo. to have been immense ; prices range from 3c, per yard up to 750, for the,finest al1CZ r1G11@St
then the woods in this vicinity should be extend, the limit of the Saturday excursion bUOCiS,
fall of them. to that city as far north as Hensall, it was
Herman, the little son of Mr. Thomes resolved that the intention of the Railway You might drop in and see our Men's Braces at TO cents. Ties c Rubber
. 1 e s Pricr, who fell cti a log last week and broke Co. be learned, and that the indignation 5 rCoats $ I.5o, )tidies Cir-
his arm, is progressing nicely. of the business men -of this seebi n to a culars worth biz for go cents, d.o cent Ladles Ties for air. all Linen Tabling 16c. and the extra heavy 6o c
y scheme to draw outside trade to the citygoods for 45c., and qo cent Linen Towels for.z c per air.' '
The new shades of Ingrains The annual district meetingof th,iExetor 3 P P
District of the Methodist church will be of London, be expressed in telling terms.
for -walls with handsome _ We have only time to think of a few of our bargains. As little or as much: as you may recfuire of any
held in Parkhill, May 16 and 17. line of goods we shall be pleased to see you and show you rises,
FreiZeS t0 match are ;afar a- Licenses for. South Huron, y � �
CRAYON YosTItalTs-iVTfss M. V. white
head of any former season's is now prepared to do portraits in crayon- • The License Commissioners for South BUTTER, EGGS AND ALL FARM PRODUCE JOHNS
showing, and the prices are life size. Orders to be left ar residence. Huron have authorized gams s, viz :liquore&- TAKEN AS CASH, G JO.E3..11.V STD)
licenses to ills f ens, os parties, viz ;Sea • G.
lover. Come' ir: and see Fait Sant as RkcT,=A comfortable and forth -T, Stephens, Jas, McClinchoy, $, •-`•-
these as well as one hundred commodious house. Moderates rental, or J. Edsall, Levi Walper, Win Flannigan
wtllbe sold cheap. Apply at: Gxloa, and. Jas Dick; Shop -Ed Dawson; Whole- A 11ait stationis to be putonthe mein ( ����� ��� ������.
and fifty Other patterns from will be ' line of the G T R at 44clnt re"a corners, ,
the cheapeat brown blanks sale—Henry Jackson. Tuckersmith—Won
'up to the finest gilt, Parties uttdertaking to do business with- Kyle; "'to Dixon, Rrucefield. Bayfield- near St Marys,
The out an auctioneer'slieeuFe are being looked Ed Elliott, Joe, I'ollock. Stanley -Geo, Samuel Blair of lit Marys who died• in
pattel:nsandpriCestvill Blease uu in the county, and proseautiaus will Fach, F,rucefield; Wilson Cook, Mrarna London recently had an estate worth t'3U,
you as well as hundreds of shortly be in order, John Bressau, Drysdale ; Henry Sobafer, 000. The Ontario Government's shsre i SAVE 50 PER Cotherswho clave seen them The foundry will be in full operation Dipper, Hay -Wm Nicholson, Blake ; will be $1,500. OP
this season. this week, Messrs Murray & Tait have Chaa Greb and H. L. Peine, Zurich; W. The Zion church on 'be Uitcholl road, I By placing your Life Insurance in the
worked hard getting the machinery in Hodgins and J. O9xworth, Hensall. Step, Blanshard, was blown down by the recent { Mutual
( +
place in so short a time. hen -Mrs $odgins and Wm M'ofi"att. Cen storm. A sufficient sum to rebuild the Q VOYIa n 4 1VJL1 t.l� `, Benefit C" ,�� o"
tralia August :Hill and Walter Clark, edifice has already been subscribed.
The Board of of the
has distributed oir- Crediton; 'Wm Holt, Xhiva; Jas Hannan ,
t t The �i�Dt ii culars throe acus the town requesting :sir J Norris of Ribbert, at the (�geen s
r, , • >X Shi ka• Patrick Hall, Mt. Carmel; Robt. Dolle +
every pe sanitation of all premises. Let R College, Kingston is recorded q5 a medalist (✓ 1p`d 1, ] Q n o fGalesburg, L
every person give this matter especial blal+alls, Corbett; Joe, Brenner, Errand in Mathematics. we observe later that f
-1 �. y r Bend; Henry �� nl ort, Dashwood, Us'
J_ attention. borne -'Thos. T otheringbam, Woodham ; Mr' Norris has been awarded an M. A. de.
There will be a grand Societies de gree.
Josiah ;ticDouald Devon. Exeter -Mrs. I30N, A. W BERCIGREN, W. H. SMQT,LIN(�•L+'R,
inonstration in Galton Junel4, 15, 16, 1893 Page, W. T. Acheson, T. W. Hawkahaw, Mr. OF Witte, proprietor of the old President. Secretary.
The Tiarss acknowledges a complimentary John Leathoxne; Shops -Farmer Bres., C+. Larkvvorthy hate], Mitchell had a pocket -
badge. A deputation of the Exeter I. U. F J. Knight. There are six fewer license° book taken out of his coat pocket a few
will likely attend, granted this Sear than last. days ago containing about $300 in bank Under the supervision of the Insurance Department of the State of
A great many people don't know what bills. Illinois, Seventeen years' continuous prosperity attgot' its
they do want in this world until they see Personals Mr. W Whits, of Ribbert, who is going popularity, and its record is absolute] unassailable.
it advertised ; other people know what Dr. Fee of Zurich passed bbrough Exeter tobuild a silo on his farm this year, is y
they want but do not know where to get on his way to Sau Francisco. He will preparing a patch of ground for Prof,
it. Advertising tells theme spend a few weeks in Chicago, -Dr, H, Robertson's mixture of corn, lioraebeans C;.
«L he Big The Ontario Government have decided Kinsman has purchased of W. E. Brown- and sunflowers. New Tnsurance 1892 (written) $28,859,250.
to take a plebiscite on the prohibition of ing, sg°nt, a new comet bicycle, -Mr. and William Dunn, one of the pioneer sett- Gain over 1891 $13,170,875,
retail liquor selling. This was brought Mrs. Ar.soott of Birr, were guests at Mr- leis of Downie, died the other clay at the
about by Mr. :Barter presenting a bill for Edward Jones over Sunday. --,Mr. Mich• age of 84 Fears, He settled in Downie in Or nearly 1QQ }18r C011t.
gel Wednesday
of gave was in town - Knox
and was for man -
the prohibition of the liquor traffic, y years on elder of,
D"'-%ANKRTJPTtvednesday and gave Tris; 7i�iss a call.- Ifnox church, Stratford flit% a life long Be.,
Three veeks until ths24tb Kay. Watch S. H. Gidley of Blyth was in town last former. REOORD OF FINANCIAL STANDING:
for the progrann of the Exeter celebration week, ---Clinton New Bra•-'iMr. Snell of
and cumo to town that day. The grounds Exeter was in town last week on a visit Mr. Joan Aiken e, J P of the Huron road
are in good shape this year, and the event to his brother-in-law bar, C. Hoare. -Mr, near Mitchell has a showing in his sheep ECONOMY Aloinbership exceeds 42,000
Store promises to be the most succesefat in the J. B. Abbott, who bt>a been clerk for :4Xr, Hook that would be hard to beat. For ex. Insurance at risk exceeds 100,000,000
history of the town. Morrow of Varna, the past winter, has re- ample, lie has one apartment of his sheep Paid to Policy fielders exceeds 7,000,000
London has, already appointed its civic turned to town. -Rev. Mr. Martin assisted fold nineteen lambs from eight mothers, is Assets exceed„ ,,,, 1,000,000
For WALL PAPER, CAR- holiday. why cannot our Council do like in the service in the blain at. church on Six of the owes had twelve lambs; one of Surplus over Liabilities exceeds 80-0,
s wive at its next meetingand thus avoid Sunda evening last. -Thos. Bert of Hen. them had three, and another one hasp our, WEALTH. Bi-Monthl Income exceeds .,: ,
Y g Y Y 250 000
PETS, LACE CURTAINS, the possibility of a lot of wire -pulling to sall was in town on Monday purohasine all are doing well, who can beat this. Government deposit exceeds •„ 53,000
ART 1lIUSLINS and TJADO ba`•a the pet scheme of some clique or horees.-Mr. and Mrs, C. Hoare of Otin• _�-•-
society carried into effect. ton spent Sunday in town the guests of The World's best -Unique, Modern, Scientific.
WINDOW BLIN D S. The posters are out giving particulate Mrs, Hoaro's father, Mr. James Sniall.-
of the 24th of May celebration in Exeter, Mr. Nelson Contioa of Buffalo, moved to For rates and other information apply to
There is a good bill of fare and the many town this week, and owing to their being
You make a mistake 1f a scarcity of empty parses in town ,itis
special factures should draw a Uig crowd Y L. D, VINCENT, District Ci•eYler&;l Agent &teter,
you miss the bargains in to take pant in possibly the last celebrat- location is not yet decided. -Mrs. H.
ionlof her Majesty's birthday. Hoc per is visiting friends in .tilichigau and
Houss Furnishings.Illinois -The funeral of the late airs.
Despite the unfavorable weather, a large Brownlee took place on Thursday last,
In Wall Paper, we show congregation assembled at the town hall from her daughter's in Biddulph to the °'�''"�'�
on Sunday afternoon last to hear the Exeter cemetery, and was attended by a A
Without any exeeptiox, the special sermon to the Oddfellows, deliver, large circle of friends and relatives.
ed by Rev, Mr. Martin, who gavo an alo- Among the floral offerings was a pillow of
finest Mock in Western On- quent and impressive discourse. roses and Easter lillies, sent by her soli in
tallo. 'We Want your opin_ The weather of the past few weeks has Chicago, which retained its sweet odor �^in
retarded seeding operations and it is feared and natural form for many days, and was
ot1 of our Papers, that the seed already sown will have rot- admired by hundreds while at Gidley'r ®SZe�,. 'PING
ted in the ground. What at the opening undertaking rooms -Dr. Amos moved to y an
d I_jjj0Tn
promised to bean early spring will now his new office on Monday. -Mr. Sauwel q1=0 ansift
X. A. S
iTEWART. result in the season being unusually late. who has been rusticating in Toronto, re- Gloves.D.0rARffWXqP6MFjNT
CBICii$T 'i1XEE7?rlrnG-A meeting of the turned to town on Thursday last.-Rev.
Cricket Club will be held this evening Mr. McDonagh preached to a large con -
(Thursday) May 4th, at 8 o'clock, at El- pregation on Sunday evening on "Card We are showing the most
hot it Ellioce office, for`ging he purpose ., Playing and Gambling.” Next Sunday 0 0 � �..L.JEl �.t.. M
electing officers, arranging matches, etc., evening his subject will be "The entice eSbenfilv0 range 1n theSO �� r
for the coming season. Every cricketer ments of sin."-Tha Sunday services of Goods we have ever carried -a--
welcome. F. EL1,10T, Sec'y Pro Tem, the Presbyterian church will hereafter be and are S8Ili7]o a beautiful
A lacrosse club was organized is Exeter held at 11 a, m. and 6.30p, m. in the town a
last week with the following officers ; ball. -Mr. Win- Cann was in Kalamazoo Cashmere Hose for 25e.,, and y a {.
Hon. Pres., Win. Bowden; Pr; S c' D fist week attending the funeral of re. in fast Black Cotton Hosiery tt sTj To hand `a choice lot of
Burdon; flies Pres,, Jos. Senior; See'y,W sister Airs. James Baker, who died there.
B. Browning; Treas., W. D. Yeo; Captain -Mr. Geo, Dennis of London it visidug we have them from 1210. �T% %7 MAD' CLOTHING in
Notice to Times Readers. his parents in town, he will remain here jJ.
John Snell, The club a may
out under for sometime. upwards. In Gloves we have }
The wool hers n ma esteem iia favor s, favorable auspices and we may expect to p Mens and. Boys' a tl• prices
" hat
readers woufd,tvheri making'their purchases, hear good reports. `e"' unprecedented Va1110. U
mention that the saw the merchant's adver- , The School Board met last evening but
y The Concert in Drew a Opera House an beyond the parsing of a few accounts, no will sell theta.
theme»i in Tn& Tl�itis. The
evening, under the auspices of business was done. ��'ii
the Epworth League of Caven Presbyterian It was a singular coincident that while }
Zooexth r Mwo church, was a decided success, fiva rented . j.
f f�i wind a re suffered recent
considerable ao single
etch jmpsy Lace F f0 Made -'i® -order S-�.�.'l!s a Ct�9, peer�,G�rlty -
and otherwise, The program presorted by the recent storm, not 4 sin le mill j� s u
was a good one and was carried out sails- g � � •
•� erected by Mr. Paul Madge came to grief, rs �'�T
liiUli9flAY, MAY 4th, .1893, factorily to all, every number being well ®� ours. �l �l a �'Ltara�l�,ee first -
I1:The well sinking Co. have struck water Our Stock of these Goods 'j e
LOBAL Hi APPENfNGS. The following places have Meehaniez' at 25 feet in the well at the town hall and 1S ver complete. Haveyou (class style �i� ®o %or a�"
Institutes : Blyth, Brnssels,Clintou,Ethel, cannot keep it pumped -out that it might p 9 �'
Huron Preabytery will meet at Hensali Exeter, Goderich, Gorrie, Wroxeter,
be sunk the desired depth. George says Seen the new Russian TT1TI1- ship. Our'"Tweed �%eeC�. D�i�(Jart�.e�l.°�
on the 9th of 11Xa St. Helena, Win ham Wroxeter and the he has not such a snap he thought he bad. o • Department
Y receipts of each wore : 'Blyth $128 $rue- The assessment roll of the village has lasing i Its very pretty. We f ;
Seeding is Manitoba has not yet com- cels $107, Clinton $439, Ethel $92 Exeter been returned, to the clerk, from which we Would b0 leased t0 show 1t a never better
mThe a owing to the wetmeat s $309„ Goderich $584, Gorrie $163, Hensall glean the following information : acres as- p
The early closing movement is again be- sessed,1040; real property, t0 you. Heavy Laces aro the '�'g�'
s Win Seaforth $rox St. Helena $189, : 4 p Y, $424,258; per- y y Iii. LAC VY O S D we
ing agitated for the summer months, Mvingham $426, Wroxeter fi247. conal property, $42,865; income, $3,650 ; correct. tilting this season,
The seats for the two rooms to be reseat.4 A number of people in this neighborhood total assessment, $469,773; No. of persons
P P g 592 No. of and we have theta both 1u � ��� �].o equal
ed of the Public School will arrive this on roll, persons in families,
were winners of gold watches r a monthly 1682; dogs, 83 ; bitches, 7 ; horsea, Ill ; Blk, and, Colors.
week, magazine competition. After writing many
The Crediton Brass Baud will play in times and sending $3 for three subscrip- sheep, 13; hogs, 80; cattle, 189; children
Exeter on 24th in connection with the cele- tions, 65 cents for packing the watch in a between v and 1 h 425; children between Dress ood,sCARL11ITG
braylon, box of sawdust and: 25 cents for other7 and 13 220: children between 16 and 21 U
Icon. John Carling has declined the poi• chargee; each winner received a big time- 120.
itiou of honorary commissioner for Canada piece such as can be purchased anywhere To -morrow will be Arbor Day as tip• It is admitted by everbody
at the World's .Fair, for about 60 cents, pointed by the Ontario Government. It that w0 are 'awe 'ahead Of
Immense quantities of Elect trees have g is expected that all the schools will devote away
'ahead subscribers in general and farmers W
q y that dap w the planting' of trees, laying BIRTHS..
arrived here :this week, and are heli die- in particular can materially aid' us in the any [Of Our competitors in
g out t flower gardens and cleaning and SIMS -At Crediton on the 30thult.. the wife V. 0. Rrcnnuns & Co.
tributed by the different agents. production of an interesting- paper if they. beautifying the school grounds general] this line, and. the rate at Gentlemen -The to of m head wag
Those will but remember' to drop in and [tell us Y• r of Joseph Sims of a daughter• p myr va
chose who have been gardening and Next to good buildings, nothing adds more I{ERShAKE-In Usborne on the 29th ult„ the
the happenings of their vicinity. Such which the goods are selling bald for several years. I need MINARD's
planting potatoes and set out tomato to the attractiveness of a town than a wife of Mr. George Kerslake of a son.
plants will begin to think the began ; too favors are highly appreciated by the editor LINIMENT,and now have as good agrowth
p 6• y g plentiful supply of shade trees. There are Shows t�l.2.t .Our s01eCt10nS BERRY -In Tuckersmith, on the 18th ult.,
as it not only helps him to make a readable hair as I ever had.
' coon. a number of siesta in Exeter that could be the wife of )Jr.;VJames Berry, of a son:.
paper, but it encourages him to know that greatly benefited by having .,are in with general a - _ Mite, Albert McNAy.
We received this week a copy of the San his subscribers are taking an interest inhis g Y g more hope 5 c p Wheately River,I-
Francisco Chronicle, containing 64 pages, publication. planted along the sidewalk, and we hope proval. Whip Cords, B'S- MARRXED.
which ave a full description of the re- the owners of the property will devote at FUliE-a11E4101t-At the Kresidenae of the I have 'usod 112INARD'S LINh L
eotirces of the Golden State: We Join the many'friends of Mr.A.Fuke y p g this work. t� menes, Bengalines, and , -LINIMENT
and Miss Sophia Kreger both well-known least one da this spring to -bride's parents 14th con.. Stephen on the
p g ( freely on my head and now have s good head
About sweaty little boys, from slit to and esteemed young people of Exeter)in The annual meeting of the Mechanics' Shot effects,' are taking title 26th ult.. br the Rev.?S. Krnpn. Albert Fuke ..
of Exeter, to Miss Sophia, daughter of Mr. of,hair after having boon bald for several
ten years of age,inieated the public corners congratulations neon thou union in wed- Institute was held Tuesday evening in the load• (i a]1 and 80 our Exeter,
ears. It isthe:onl hair o t r
Indituts rooms. The report of the last S d1S- Y Y r s,..o er I have
last Saturday night till very late. Mothers, lock: The brilliant overt vva° .celebrated ` 1? � IVISON... Mat$LIS-In Kipnen on the 2ndlnst, ever found. -
think if your boy was there. at the residence of Mr. Theodore Kregor, annual meeting and the Librarians ,report playa at the residence of the bride's parents, by `
h father of the bride, on Wednesday last in were read and adopted, 'after which the
ilio Rev. Mr. Ievsne, Mr: henry Iviron,to - Mrs. 0. Anderaon,
Why not Exeter have a canning factory Y Mise Mima, daughter o£ Mr, Robots Mollis "Stanley 13ridgo,-P, F, I,
the presence of the relatives and more in- election of Directors took place as'follows.
Ridgetown has a company operating a p ��.0'�h1Yl all of Kippon.
of the contracting parties. Pree., John; Taylor ; 'Vice do. ,Henry g'
factory and doing well. Big dividends timate friends g
are being paid to the shareholders. They take up 'their residence in town and Smith; Secy, W D. Weekes; Treas., Jno< -
;, are welcomed to the blissful circle by a, Grigg; Directors, Rev. Mr. Martin, Dr. We Lead In This Lines DIED.
In answer .o a correspondent who en host of well.wishers: Lutz, Robt. Muir, T. A. Brown, $. E., , lloiITON-In Seaforth, on the 22nd ult...A, J.
quires for information, we may say the Gruen Goods men are alwa a Haeston, Dan'l Dyer, John Allison J9bn MODS S'1]ts, ' from c7.75 Horton, aged 22 Years.
Y trying to
"ballot was introduced in Australia in 1856. McCallum and N, I). Hurdon• Geo Key EWING$-In Clinton, on `the 26th ult., 010,11,
It got the money of Canadians gullible enough , nP+ u wards. It will re a you Ewings, sued 72 years, and ,9 months•. t
It was introduced in Canada in 1874. Librarian. A vote of thanks was tendered p repay y
to respond to their ctrculars.which promise •�--•�•�
The: sone of Zigland Society will attend abig return for small investment, "Taut to Mr. John, McCallum, the retiring 1?reei- to examine Our shock, Have
.Divine service in the .'Trivitt Memorial occasionally the come to grief, George dent, and a donation of $10 to the retiring
' Y Y g �' r e COURT OF REVISION, l b
church on Sunday, May Mai, at 3 o'cloclt, Albow, one of the gang, was recently cap. Secretary,. Mr. T. A. Brown, for his set -
when you Seen 011e X15:00 Black
when the rector, Rev. F. H, _ Fatt will t g � Y p vices, Worsted Snit made to r v;.
need at Albany, N. Y., and sentenced to order Tho h Court of Revision of the Assessment A lioatl n airless and
preach a special sermon; three ears : end two mo Roll of the Townshs ofHa i e . -p P p • eaef,:ollof immodi .
Y rias in State �► aad bound 2 its reat value n Y,wllb. held in ate. Phis pr°parattonflllkagxoatandlon8-felt:
: Prison andto g theTownhall,On,SaturdayM'ay27th'at10a,m. ntamon those o
'J?he. rumored,amalgamation of the two n pay a fine of $L50. Read- ar g,, a who suffer rl o effo6tjv Ia, is;
James Macdonald, aged 93 years, died et of which all psisona lnterestedwnllpiease take nsemed o t e h
Y f, h ., la�he t menet the
iMi'ethodist cangM�egatioiis of this �ovVn and sus of rho- Tlntcs who receive circulars • - noti<o::and govern themselves aaoordsn I . -
, the Stratford lar] Monday morning, IIs g y reliable and has more than met the anticipa*
:of the Presbyterians purchaser ills Main• offering them counterfeit money cru aid .Appeals will be received until of lona of those h ei 1
1 _ was committed as a vagrant five years ago, R Pickard e+^�► ^ �r t p y c ane who have ,used it in
at, church, is roiindaess, The: Pres t ■ a ■ �✓ �� Son, 1 Tho owners of all prCi;ertY hot has changed thou practice. Pliekotie Is a euro :Our
anbrnn in these gentry to the realization f ,
( 1g . by..er� bringing, B Y At One time, it is the old span visa a ban do will please.notify the dlerlt of such
ran Church will be repaired. of the law by handing the circulars to the -. whali Purr shed, p fall , mita 01 restim-
p g well to do #armee in Nissourr, DIRIBOT IMPORTERl3. oliange. Sam J. L6mie, Clerk, cicala furnished, price $1. For a els bydrttp
police. adato or by mail on receipt of price.