HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-4, Page 6___­ -------------..-"-,-.--,----,--,----,--.,---,� I ,, — I I — I . ___­­­_-- suspicion connected with his owit aftirs, T11114 it was with him on the laurning I N . ombe and Min-chin-wa set eat I - � I . t, his govemixenb. . for tile temple of Goaf coins - a,ud t s they I 1 ,4 .11 . � � I I =26� ­ I .1-1. I �1.1.1 though he represented it as connected with when VaAsc I , ... , -1 . . A Remarkable Orien al Experienoe. - He was not long, ao liao been seen, in cmr� were nearing the gate apor _� . I . I IF_ 3q , — � . . s a dull lead on st I , ,� , . . U 1 6% Is- __ I in -. b part descended upon the man who only Wait0d, I Th a , QW11A - � __ - J out his misrepresentations a � ; I I T 5 .7 a it- a lain - I Ql . � I . 1W .. �, I THRILLING STORY Or' 011INE' SE' TRU4 40FIRRY. . of his wishes. Chill-61lixt-wa was dangerous slo e in that courtyardi with tile 1� d I . "I CU i �� A � � � I . I � in the city of Pekin, or at least his act -ions ed at his foot, until tile. last moment of his I _-, . . . .1 . OUGH cu'a , I ,­­ _:"�L.-%V. 1Z ,� I � . .1 us, , So Shma-min-yuen gained rigony should come. I . :12wl� �. I- I i �' -1. , ... 1. � I I � _ , � . I I " ilid had were 3aspicio, being At last it panic ; for the, bird, impelled by . 2 C6V 11 � I . CHAPTER XTX, _(CION11INUED.) NN f hng of the lead the in his end, yet not fully; for the oxile,, a I I , I 1. . . bee'll""', dt1i1:c.1:1.',d1-ana. wea,keaed at) as to in- pmr4pned,, was not re -exiled but merely ban- hunger, beat down .at , and caught " I I � . I I s fouresConslimption"Vouglial C"our, Bove �Vjth Norris it W�s thus. A second time I flauxioe the body; withthe falling of the -shed from the city of Pekin,_frorn all the flesh of Norris'Er toolelixl�gtiit. beak, halt I- . n a Gmtranteei � . I ,Mix-gorkt. sc>ld� allDruggifitso 's Porous . 'Fov a Laze Side, i , he caet front him the materials placed near basQna,J0 the body had grown to inEluence I I ack'OrChcst SbUol, � proximity to the court. � Wolldering, perhaps, if t4is Was food to eat, I plastervill lftgreiimtisfacdon. asc=ts. him for his use—east thorn iwa-v in anger be mind. . . rough the air, pie - gr , Did Sharx-min-yuea merely gratify his . The mau!s shrieks rose th: . . I __ it is trikko, and in pain, for with these .with- Now that ,blimu-n-iin-yuen had obtained n � 47SNITALIZERa likelihood this order for five thousand pounds, lie whim, or had he his own suspi . cilo s ? It is ,arid bile bird 9, second time, a . SHILOD , says! in. his reach there was still no difficult to say. . ily, bent forward to taste Ili$ I � :Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn- for the � - , itaZWr�,;iAVtD 1111 LIP i I that. be would slgti� scarcely knew how he should use it; It %vill be replembered that Chin-obin-wa its overlapping beak inet in his ­­, - 1-8. � I "SWO7.187 la-d ,;I;i former . nsid-.r,tttho'bcst7ePtddgfOrade')A7f,tat4a There are two impulses, as some will uu- presentation of the false order in ,r or J�idixeY a the ,went (upon the, day previous to that on great cry came froux him, and again, as) Folve,r'Itsed.11 ForWispoista-T—Sve derstaud—the negative and the positive. times might rellect asivipicion'Upol . which he waq to leave Pekin owing to his was so often the case, the whole world I imubloit�x(iai:_JRri �C'7608�- the negative is that which bids the brain ab- strangely written thing now in his posses- neas I I I stain frout all action ; the positive, that sion, and the utmost citation had become banishment) to the Temple of Confucius, passed away in dark I 6 . I H I L 0 H 7&, ,--,-_ C. ATA"R R R hich, bids it ,164 , and this is the truth necessary. and that whilst there he heard mory—which At that moment the teinple-door opened, , : I . I NY ought, for For, several weeks be retained it, merely be believed to be an Englishman's cry,— and Chiu�cbixx-wa looked down upon the I I "i , I Mf . Dy. I . . , �6 11 I ;�, R E M E: with regard to every human th come front within. scene. I ... I _ey-uCaj�srrh? TrFtbisRemedy. 1tvill thought is dependent on the strength, At waiting till he should devise some plan of It was the cry of William Norris; for Tile strong man*8 heaft-b filled with agony I.. � 9X I the saalle time, of each of these powers and getting rid of and obtaining value for tile I I I o,q1tively e;andCuroyou. PriceBOcts- $barx-ruiti-yrten was at that moment wit- —a pain, which only the strong heart, such I , his t or I successful treatment is of both. note. Send it to Bonsel he could not, for nessing his agony within the temple courtp as his, can feel in its f illness, and this agow, I iurnisbed . e ember, Shilolva Remedies By some strong influence, ore, of these two reasons : firstly, that he had in for- whilst the preparations for artawful tortlire dwelling in him yet stilled him, for he had 0 1 are sold on e Ve satisfaction. two powers of the brain may be destroyed$ mer time had much diffioul+,y to explain "K I., ,,'- �_ I — . I ._� seldom, indeed so fully as was now the the origin of the false note returned, were being put in force. now to act , ])at it burst from hint at a, later I had for dinnele I LEGAL. I ;hrough and, again, that lie now more clearly Slian-min-yuen had come quietly to the time, when all was over, and when he all- . I 1.1!�_/ , I., . - - - case with Norris, for but few pass 1 1 temple, accompanied only by one servant, swered Vanscombe as one who scarcely � — such things as lie; but f requently, in a less- than in the old time perceived who bore within a rough cage, which lie heard, as one who had passed out of 9, torri- was the best I ever At . . . . 'T Ff. DIOKSON, Bivrister, Soli* er degree, either tb e positive or the nega,tive the danger incurred by sending forth a JUG 41tor of Supreme court, 'Notaxy lsoverthrown, and temporarily bitaxished. check with his captive's name appended concealed by a clotb which completely cov- his dvemm­ I . Thank; to COTTOLENE, the J?ablio, 0onvera ricer, O-ommissioner, 'ito ; forhe remembered the swallow, ered it, a bird something of the nature of a I I I do not know." . � 111oney to Loan. The mind then becomes unequal in its thereto parrot, having along, overflapping pointed Now he drove it back, and, bounding for- now and successful shortemln:.!I� Offioel a auson's'Blook, Exeter, balancing, and the remaining power takes which, wounded at the time when Norris beak and feathers of pure white. ward, seized tile white bird in his right - session in a determined and incon- had, xxxonths ago, -attempted to escape, had Shmn-mia-yuen's words to Norris were ]land, crashing the life out of it as lie tore it I R6 11. 00-12ANS, - ft=ble thought. been captured with the message tied to few. For a second time lie bade him sign from the chain, and casting it from hink as . . With Norris the revulsion of feeling upon it—a mossage which bore the words truly, and to Norris's roplyhe turned a deaf a dead thing, killed by the grasp of his . . Barrister, solic , Etc, signing the paper, arid the subsequent "Eleventh swallow," being one of Many car, powerful hand. ASK YOUR I TxZETr,R, - O,I;T. strugg e with the prieut, had effected this— Bitch. ,t any of Then, .it his command, several of tile Then lie called Moull to the priests who GROCER . . ,tuk. i d who )low stood , OFFICE : OVer 0,Neil,s B, that with regard to this one thing all the Although it was unlikely th, I %pturea or had died priests seized and bore tile captive into had followed him, a) I — positive power in his brain was banished ; it these birds had been ci the courtyard, whilst Shan-min-yrien arid agilast some way behind, cowea by an POP, I ][j]LLIOT & was as though lie had no ability to will that in places where the pmper would be ,under, � ELLIOT, his attendant followed. anger that is seldom unown in man, IT. I he should sign, for the begative or denying stood, there was still a dim chance that Here there was a wooden erection fixed Arid lie commanded them to undo the - � ower had fail possession, boulshingall rem. such might be the case -5 chance whose into the grourld, close to the tree which bonds, and to release the poor feet, one of . I . . Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Fallic, P son, and ruling, in the absence of its anti- existence Sban-mill-yrien denied to himself, Norris had olloe known so well. Near this which was dripping blood. ., conveyancers &C, &e. dote, with an iron power. and which -was yet sufficient to make him, was the broad paved, pathway which rail' They obey him silently. Hebadoome to r MR"Money to Loan: at Lowest Rates of So the torture did not at once effect what cautious, Besides, some trace of tile E rig- from temple to temple, and upon. -which the thein bearing t -he cominand from Sha: I — i r was desired, arid it took many days—days lishman's visit might have been left behind boards had been plaoed when tile bastinado yuen: I Uade only by � Interest. of ever-inereAsing hidernisness—before it in Tientsin or Shanghai 0, year ago, mud, if bad been his fate. � CRIN�- N. K. FAIRBANK & C0.0 ra I 11 "PimonT AN'D Givru HONOR To � 01PTIOR, - MAIN- STERMT, -EXETERi grow to such an ext,ent aq to finally restore so, an order bearing his names now p ' EVC ry I orriory connected � with tb 0 place anix-NvA." Wallington and Axin Streets* 2� V. =,TJOT. FfirDritiolc "T.T.70T. that part of will which bad been, as it were duced, would at once create suspicion if it was terrible, and the most terrible was yet 11 !t—_ for a long time lost. was known that lie, VV illiam Norris, had And for what else should lie come but in MONTRPAL. ------- to be graven upon his mind. � _­�E"'R�iL­.­_ ___ Thus was it that Norris lived for nixie silently disappeared. He was placed at the foot of the tree, conuecdon with the prisoner, who was now ____ ,_ ____.,___ - ___ — — days, bearing dally the strokes upon limbs Therefore it was that for a long time and bound to it in a sitting posture with to be unbound'! DR. 0. H. INGR&U, DENTISIr, now terrible to look upon by reason of his Shan-min-yuou kept the paper unused, ropes which surrounded his body, and the Shmu-min-yuen had himself sal,l, "I shall Suceepsor to IL L. Billings. wounds, before the agony grew so intense until finally lie had opportunity of sending trunk of the tree. His left arm -was bound return on the morrow." By chance he had I . -_ --- ---------- 'A irk its lasting nature as to cause the it to Shanghai and dis osing of it through a ' . . I We inbar of the Royal college of natital to his side, not too tightly, so that it should not yet come. To tile priests it wAs mmul. - gradual return of the positive or acting Chinese merchant in ttat place. not. be numbed, but still securely, so th,t fest that Chin.chixx�wm bad come instead, solentille, American Sa' locus I 00"' in"i'lell W "I 01' 1"i "', 11 'Before it reached England and came into and that him they werecommanded to obey. Agency for I PIT" "It tlTdor Jtubl-or� A, vilt kulp M t". power into his mind. N�� C.ti.nf,,t4.1,,ixklcs. .. r.ou.nu t -'1,;t4:1 There may be few who will understand the hands of Norris's balikers, much had it ,nillglit not be moved. Slowly, for the boudswore carefully knot, . right arm was partially free , the .. .. ,"I - light the tim, paper and ink tod, they released Norris -, and at length lie I F Ine GOM FlllingA as Itequira the conditions of his mental thought, and happened -, for every bour lire reason for this was plain. . n, Offlice over the Post Oftlee. few who,will, grasp the reality of the power nearer the day when Chin-chin-wa, entered were placed upon a small board by lay, frod but senseless, upon the groa�d. a'. ­� .. ;Joll, i , iiii __ --,-,- in Chlu-chin-wo, took him- in his arms, Arid, 11 .1.11 , I I � � _­ " ' ' ­ � ­­ ' - '' L ­_?'!� which certain acts have to destroy a, per tion, the temple by the power of his pardon, ' = And Norris knew that itwas use- I ,, 1� . MEDICAL , of the mind, or to restore it, ,is he who has search of the victim of the Chinese priesto. less to sign -, for lie had signed months ago, t ...... the ring him, p%m,,111 out of the ,court � I W . I ln� , oil_ . _h tile torn I 8 , , , I., 111. 11 ­­::..:..::. __ - and until lie reached " , , -'-' � ­ � ­ " I'll - __ ­ studied the human brain must see and clear and the torture had still been the same. the .,ter gat,, and tf , IV �, I J- W . B ilk 0 W N IN Q M. D. , 11. 0 ly know to be the truth. CHAPTER MIL His voice rose in wild word,% that went and ",.at cut ..". tore lie left the priest$ - CAVEATS, e P�S, Graduo,te Victoria Vnjvs� ty. That Norris did finally yield was due to d forth as curses upon Shan-min-yupti. All , for they had seen his , I. . TRADE MARKS# omoe nd residence. voin"uton L�Lhu -a the overwhelming influence of the lasting Foil a very long time Norris was ill ; an . anger, ar!d were afraid. DESICH PATZNTS, r - COPYRIONTS, etc.1 , tory, P,xo ter. which, deadening every thonghbas no the priest tending him by command from "Vesvoial (To DF, c-oxTxNur%Pi) 11 0 In this position arid bound tothe tree, his For Un4grratton anilirce Randlip �, write to __ p in Shan-min-yuen was sorely tried with tb _ ,ft I .tll-r less sustained torture could have -------- mul arcu_mi uoADWAv. swYour. Lv� RYND uAN, coroner for i a$ long endurance ofbis charge's lasting ill. legs were of length �ufficiont tore, rich to tile Oldest bure�klk for gocuriod Patents in irlerlcmfl. done, allowed the return of the power to wooden erection before him, which in a few REARLS OF TRIOTR- Every gatout t1,1,on out by us Is brougA before oullty Of utiron. Omoo, opp'site nezo. thopu 110 ityanotioe given $root char"Autho 33rcs. store, Exeter. will. momen to lie perceived, to be of the nature of -_ . � It was as though the man had forgotten But as Norris once a man of the strengest O. a N a ,% ellfor the old English stocks ; for his ankles were To live for tix-ne and sense is nousen Q'o,, 0 ofific 1111tvica4v DR. J. A. ROLLINS, ff-.6—ii—S. for a time that lie might act, and now slow,i Constitution, had stirvived the past, so he � Office, 31ain St. Exeter, out. 8 grit a ly remembered -what was within big power nowsurvived the present; ad it v s v speedily uud securely fixed therein, so that A lie turns Palo whenever it finds �s Itesidolics, house recently occupied by P, to do. One-half of the maxes mind had hint that his illness was a prolonged one, his bare feet -were beyond, fixed in such a that truth is oil its track. .tar e3t etrouln'-.411 of any sclentiflopaper in the ucPhIllips'Esq. way thati lie could not move, world. Splenuitll,T Hinstrateit. no Intellicout, - I- - ---1- __ been virtually dead -, it was now reborn. and that lie had sense to feign What sculpture is to & block of marble man abould be w thout It Week 00 a � m= The wood above his feet was In height, ar "I'li montba. A( dress X , & CO. D'%It. T. P. XcEiLUGHLIN, MBU- The daily strokes, terrible though weakness than was really his whil. "'. education is to a human soul. t N V - ber of tho collowe of Phy.qieians ani they had been, wore up to this point a lesceat, for this alone sa.ved him from about fourteen inches ; and could be Your own heart, slid not other men's WMANS. 3t$1 IUMPAWSY, 'Newyork city. Ourgeons, Ontario. Physician, Survol 41111 thing ,which his weake,ioa strough had further agoules decreed to come. seen the further side, lie might have .als your true honor. � , I . _1 I . .- 1. 11 __7 I - I I Acco,tchauri OMce.DASlltV 'Tr* wondered that a roO of wood projected opinions, Cot A you Inkist fight - - I �� . 221P —0^ been able to bear; for as twenty-four It is useless to dwell upon this time, for at right angles at a little distanoo above It you wish to beerowao , , 0 W.A.. THOMSON, M. D., C. hours passed between each application. the * assed without incident, until at last toes, and that to this red was affixed a manfully and Buffer patiently. I , It p Torris was recovered his .a ,UoraborofCollegootPhysiclaus I condition of his limba had never attained to till priests knew thatN I thin chain, so that the whole resembled. P. Discoutentis a great deal wors for I .. f I S,u . Surgoolls, Oat&t-lo, and bil't coatinued to feign an illness ; and 10 11 I I perch ii�poxx which a, bird might have sat, man'm health than a disordered liver I that awful state in which one way see the , . , �N Orvien: HODGINS' BLOOK, HENSALL. crininial's flanka after the rapid succession ,then immediately they set, themselves to Norris could not see this; for the height Web many tears are shed ivliezi tile man I �s __ _, I Ofthirtyor forty.strokes. Shan-min,yxien conceive fresh horror& for the wretched man of the board prevented his knowing what AIN I l ­i'&bR69aii�.___ had not paid a second visit to the captive ; to endure. dies who has lived only for hiaisell.. I P 11 - ­­ possib'13 lie knew that in his short interview And even at this time friends were near. was attached to it ,.%poll tile other side. ing the prisoner, for Vanscombe and Chin. But lie was to learn, in a more forcible Taking, things as they come does not' HARIM LIOENSED AUO- laconic as had been his few remarks, lie had wear one out as fast as dodging thorn. mado it clear that'Nurris triust sign an order chin-wa had entered Pekin, and wore I manner still, that the selling of his limbs I I I . I .."-0 I fisneer for .the County of Huron, in a painful position -was not one hundredth Great Christiana are never great in their —TU 14ro''N'TREAL LoSt moderate, LIxeter P.O. for live thousand pound�.' searching for him in vain throughout the own estimation. They are great by being ' __ 4 , "APBR , It which he must endure. 0 al le, ric Co. �14 MILLS ­ - At bangth the day came when Nnrris did great city of rain and decay. p rt of that mlyaud fixed little, I it 7 ][q2 BUSSENBERRY, General Li' ashehadbeen bid. The first streaks oftbe Thopriests hadnow bit upon a torture When they had tied him, fir AroandlueAndr, ,,tEJ,,rtrI* � The discreet man will not, forget when y C his feet, the attendant who had followed , '. Lightir 14�v 1 moton In 4 a consea Auctioneer Sales conducted da,wn had fired the distantskywhen he tool, of,pourl�g boiling oil ill drops upon the Aules are absout that gentlemen may he I .IT cn( ... r.% . mIlparts. Satisfactiougurtrantsea. Charges rs -in! -yuon appromolddand uncovered SCF in the paper that was near hix�, and in the pr gone nailo, fixing both feet and hands Shan it CONTRACTORS I BUILDERS J oderate. HOUNAIIE-0, Out. , which he carrie , and which Norris present- ^HT AN half-light wroto a second time the order to lirrol in a vice, and dropping the boiling that w to be a rough cage, with a white Knowledge is the *hill -which few can ELECTRIC LIQ , D Printing, d� li PVIVER STATIONS Wrapping ,��6 T-TENRYBILBER Licensed &no- pay the sum demanded by his foe. bqai� upon each nail in succession ; but 'low so; hope to climb -, duty is tile path that all may ,n.n7hf",1t tho Dominion, --- _;L�Pln. " of '. they could put this into execution 0, bird of large size inside. tread. 54 to 70 Wellington sth S'lldfois IL -JL tionoor -for the Counties of Efuron As he signed his name once again, a cur. i and Miadlesex . Sa.los eautillotod at, mod. ious imptiise entered his mind -he had more terrible device came from their father, His cries bad frozen upon his lips; lie Every old man sees signs in other old ��__._ -1-3w. Qr&tO MtSg. OM00, at PO$t-011108, area. n that Shau-mlix-yuen, his . ton 011t� written the first narrifi, and half of the sec. Shan-min-yuen, and they put aside their was unaware ova men's faces why they should be propwing --,.-, __ , , _______ end ; but something impelled him just then own torture to adopt his. enemy, was near, or that it lay within his for death and the judgment. PETERMAN'S ROACH FDTD Some three weeks since Sharl-min.yuen power to take the pen and sign - for his ig a slave to yourself VETERINAUY. 0n,4eed it was as though senses contracted in a hideous achin- Have a care of boir some had disposed of tile order given by Norris- . '� for it is a perpetual, a shameful Bad the NOT A ,%�*%,, P01361H I ­ other power actuated him at this moment) a long time, as will be conjectured, since I wonder --a torkible foreboding which over _, to alter the 1pst letters of his name, aud lie . came him, as his eyes watched every move- beavioatof anservitndes ; and this may be Tennent & Tennent completed the signs tare as William, Nor the date upon which it was given. meet of the man who held the cage Will, done by uncontrolled desires.. FATAL 'TO COCKROACHES AND VATER BUGS. UXJUTEXZ ONT. ' After sending it to Shanghai, ill occurred writcyLs ifnoticeptbryournrn irt will ove rxim r` land, not, as William Norris. Thus by to his auspicious mind (curiously enough the white bird. You can not please everybody, but that i DOLLAUS Whero It, I" PV0%Tkt mv. if vroxcrly APP5 , some inexplicable freak of mind -for as The intensity of those moments quicken- no good reason why you .9hould cuirfake 11 'I to the first time that lie ha ; .1 - truly as be wrote, Norris had intendec I d troubled to ques. a �,rxu xmirnis tion tile point) to wonder whel,her this ed his life -blood, so that his heart seemed your efforts to plemalixig yourself. EWING, HERRON & C " , send forth a true order,-anotber thr.t was second document was indeed true. about to burst, and still not believing that Pride, like the magnet, constantly points Solo xfys, z7o & 591 st. paul. street, xoNT . - I - not true, because of four letters w] .� �_,4'-:2'. - Uch had he awful thing could be true -which -was -to one object -itself; but unlike the mag. � . - been substituted for three, went forth as a Had the torture really forced a trae suggested to him by what lie saw, he drank net, it has no attractive pole, but at all I �o,lar,,ro.prictorcithoLio,?IrA.4 attire from the Englishman, or was this of % oo Alt goods bearing this Chaduater,ofthe Ontmrlo Votorfulry cot result of a system of cruel' ty and torture in every particular of the horror that came points repels. tra ainarkarepare. which bad caused the victim to yield, and 8 ig : near. Avoid little dAts, unpunctuality, gossip. WHOLESALM lege. . false. like the last ? These consider- PoUTj Lion BrAd. Aliettute. OFFIvn: One iiaorq4,inth ofTolvu TImll. ations determined the mandarin to test the PORT, Ion ])-and, ,,X, Itmq'it. ____ . whielt had yet, at the last, reduced what I Tile bird was taken from the cage, and its ing, nicknaining, petty quarrelst and FLU lt*m SnpitnT. Lion Broad I'al!­ , ____., _____.,___.__� v it in this way. I head covered with a piece of cloth, so that other of those little vices which fill the do. suruny'Lloullrand.11muz. W I 114 E 1, ,vas a true act into the worthlessness of a POil : anals, CT,Aa,LT1LIonBrvud�44.V' Norris haA been ill so snriAxi!�! UONEYTO LOAN. deceit, long that it was it should not, struggle to be free ; and then ointment with flies.-ESpargeon. - Mr. ,,,Ion pran5Xionir", 6 P I R I ­;:::=:::= �­- ­=__=�=,­�=� I B,.&, ton Brana, Lion MERCHANT. When the priests entered the temple that unlikely indeed that. he would recollect the it was brought nearer to the wood -whioll Show methemaxt you bonor. Iknowby do Vic. MONE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND morning, Norris, filled with the belief that, namegivonas signature byhim,u-ilessit hold his feet. that symptom better than may other, what Asont inr zoian lin'bartson 4ocan saot�h wh1AoTJ ;Are me 1'ergiuon&,,�oa�glins;:or,,-Ito�alleb4-D.�t%m,kln a 1, ,Percent. $525.000 Private Funds. B03b he had now by this writing saved himself was his true name ; if it was his true na One of the priests bent and assisted the kind of a man -you are yourself ; for yon cognac,rrauee. 1l.&311.AVNl,, Via dul?rinzma, md" Loan it 9 COMP11,UiegrepreSented. from turther agony, held forth the order to be would sign in the same manner a, second man, and together they bound the bird by show me what, year idea of manhoid is, 416 St. Paul Street, Montreal. L.H DICKSON Isim who was nearest. time under pressure. I In th . e chain around its leg. what kind of a man you want to be. i —_ Barrister. rimoter, The priest took it in his haad ; &-rid otheis If not, he would betray himself. -y from their — .__.__._­_____ —, I Then the releasoil it as CIW'Y -'U 0 11-V M SURVEYING. curiously crushed around him. A lengthy either case no harm could ba done ; for a - hold, striving to place its feet Wheat Are% of Great Brltain� . . — .--- colloquy onsued. Norris believed tbalall lowing that he had ,signed titily, then. a see- they did so, and as they removed the I oppleto '" RD, D W. FARNOO UB., was well; that to-da.y at least the terrible end order would be but increased gitin; and I th. about its head, upork the project- The Corti TradelVeit7sofLiverbool. predicts I j. W. Lewis, - PI) leto U, bastinado would not bill. if he haasignod wrongly, what now came cc I wouldonrely be the yielding after all that Ing red ; but the bird- did not catch that, the wheat area of Great Britain, when I Provincial Lind Surveyore,nd Civil En- Even as he thus thought, it was proved the woo I but in some way lialf-strug. reckoned up, mayprove to beunder two mil. IN THE CENTRE OF THE DIISTIESS PIRT OF THE UT the viotink had come through. It is said that farmers are in- I ON JqOTJtV, JoAXZ STUE15T C3rXMT3EM1_`?­M1a?0., to him that he was wrong, for tile priests gled free, arid Norris, whose soul bad lion acres. CONYMIENT TO It. R. DEPOTS AID STLUIDOIT LIND I Ofiee,T',T)stai,rs,Samwell'sBloek. Exetor.Ont werenot about tofr6ohirafrolahis pan. ­Shaxk-nlin�yuon therefore, influenced by sickened, and whose eyes stared wildly as creasing the area of oat3, in place of spring ------ _. — ishment. That was no part o�their design. thosethoualits, gave his own story t I 0 the It they could not see, felt the touch of wheat, the price of the former being coin. I Meatrio Cars Pass the Door, � INSUILME . Could he have understood the words now priests, and bade them wait, for his device ftiet"Ing u.1)on his bare feet, and his soul paratively higher than whemb, At this rate, � ruVnRy MODMX 1119 , I - , -chin. Alanitoba will baye half as much wheat area RATES: *1_50 t 82.00. — - — __ ....- :"- said, he would have learned that to tb�-in of a torture which should force the truth ,eat from him in that cry which Chin In the I �= WATERLOO AlUTUAL the signature was but a small thing. it indeed from the prisoner's hand or at least wa heard outside the walls. I this year as the United Kingdom. . . . THREI&E IXSURANOECO. might be given to Sharx-min-yaen at any punish hirn for the past�. He planned a bid. The birahad been placed upon his perch fiftios the wheat area of the United Kingdom )JONTREAL A .1 ,r 'TRADE 0 ,f, 19 I . 4rstabllshedixt 1863. time ; not now, before their vengeance was suits thing, bat wbilst be still gloated over -a perch to which it was confined -by a reached over four million mores, but it has na 101, .f, 0 1 I UEAD OFFIDE - WATERLOO, ONT. complete. his own conception, an even -t, occurred short chain, so that it could not stray -a been steadily declining for, many years. The ' R N (:i COLS paper which turned f;r aUttle the channel of his perch which, placed a little on one side was wheat area in 1872 was 2,840,000 mores ; in r, 0 " co �5 X 8 They had decided to keep the I . ' WALh �-- '- "M - " This Company basbeen over Tiverity-oigh o that the bird looked 1882 it had declined to 3,164,000 acres, Years in succoqsfal oper Ltion in lVestera written by Norris until Shati-min-yaon thoughts, above Norris's feet, s - This event was the visit of Chin-chin-wa down upon them, and could, by banding and in 1892 to 2,299,000 acres, and still the 4 � 1,,J MCARTHUR ,- � ;1 Ontario, and continues to insure rigtdrist loss or should ask for it, or until Norris was utter T) M �! 0. . runi by - Buildim,s, Ale to the Imperial City -a visit in w1iich Chin" forward, reach them with its beak. reduction goes on, as indicated by the pre- P. va Z_ C-, I A � C . Fire relimudiso ly undone, so that by this means they n VallaRetortas and all otbe'r deseriptioas of should still retain tile power to carry out ohall-wa, as the other quickly noticed, had And had not Norris's consciousness now diationof the Cor)i Trad-, Xews. 1 4,P.4 & Go. -­ I � 10 . I Insurable property. Intendinjr insurers have their hellish designs. taken accurate observance of Shan -min- happily left him for, a little time, he mi - ht The cause of the decline in the wheat 1 51 eo rp 1. - on ofinsurincon. the 11realiumNoteor .9 - N,1S.0 �� I . eo 1 steal. The old marder and the desecration of yuen's`Toi'sr5�n in 19'miiwer which unrictice- have seen the white crest of its head just area ir my b,,,,1,ouud b r rence to the corn- FACTORY r. . 'th � y . '. f ri y s'ilao British markets. I � . -, ­ 011scrit.9the mgt ten years this oompamy has the temple were not yet avenged, though able to others, was yet seen by Shall -111111- appearing above the board, beyond which parmtive .e I , - 11, I.q.ned.57,096 ?Iolioios. covering -roperty to the I . ,.to average value of wheat was ' Norris knew this not. yuen, whose suspicious mind, being evil were his feet,, mud the bird whose form he In 1872 ti 11 . CANADA TRUSS FACTORY ,' I I � amount of 640,912 038; and pti&.I� in losses alone $70,752-00., 1 . Then they seized upon him, and lie saw, was, always on the alert. I could not see. 57 shillings per quarter; in 3,882, 45s ld . Est. 1,150. P. GROSS, Prop. . .&isefs, ,%,E76,100-00, consisting of Ca3h notwithstanding that he had signed, that As a bad nature is frequently repolled by . This, then, was Shan-min-yuen's fiendish per quarter; and in 1892, 300d per qaarter. .,� .1 1. . Appliances for all kinds of rhy. 11 I � in Bank (lovernment Deposit and the unasses- the bastinado was to be as it had been for 9, true one. so Shan-min-yuen wait repelled device. The bird which he had chosen Oats and barley have also declined in price, . sical Defornild Gross, 9' Ts I I I ei I . int. Notes on hand and in force of carnivoroliq nature nor ull- but not in the same r as . . ­ j.W-AV,iLnmNr,TTkI.D.. President; 0 14, T,LYLOM days, his brain reeled arid he cursed aload. by. Chin-chin-wa,'conceiving a subtle hatred was not ate wheat.' Increas- Improved PaL Ardficittl Liinb� ; god Prouilu . . But they took himinto the court-yardnot. ior the pardoned exile, the cause of which der ry circumstances likely to ed competition from abroad and the low � F- d r- ** . 'Ta�,:np Storo�ary ; J. B. HUGRU's, I-veator , OJAS, ordina . . llofora ' PBZE(M C,jRCULARS After . EXLLI., AgentforlExeteEr antivicinity withstandingi and once again listened to the mandarin could not find, and whic I h he, feed upon'the human flesh -,but, if deprived freight rate -from. foreign ports, in compar, Uolue 712 orwig Street, Montreal Vain . g , his English cries and marked his 12y,ana still endeavored to seek. of food.for a ldngthy period, it inust assur. isonwIth what it used to'be, has a good . . I The MOISons Bank for tile last time the bastinado f 210, for on Tlien had corrie the meeting in the eating edly obey nature's cidl, and then the over- dettl :to do with the decline in prices. . c BOOT & VIDE MANUFA .1 �that day his strength broke down, and house arid there Sban-n-tin-yuen's faculties lappina beak would meet in the flesh ofthe Wheat can be laid down fit London from J. & T. STE, PEIEN$, '"Ifiolesale, Beaudry St. . I ' � I . (031ARTERED B 7 PA RLIAMEN T, I 865) henceforth he was as one on the point of bad b.en.set oil fire by the discovery that victim's feet, . abroad at a less cost for freight by water Pa! d up capital _ ... $%000,000 -death for many weeks�to come. an Englishman was with the man. called Many hourg would pass before that time than the freight charges by rail on English : DEVIOMING CLIPPERS � � I - I I Rest Fand ­ ... ... 1,100,0r, �Alhilst lie lay thus tend'ed only, by one 6f Chin-chin-wa. . � -how it was hard to say, for the bird wheat to' London from soms parta, of the , . . . , � Headoffioe'm I ontreal, the Chinese priests, Shan-min-ynerk r I It ins, I y have occurred to him for a me. had be 10"? I I L I d as he is ill many :S, S. KIMBALL, 577 Cral I ecelv. ... .d that day, and hunger.alorte country. Handicappe "� ( : , . I . ecl- the noto signed by I I Williai� Norland. " ment, as Chin-chin-wa, had hoped, that all � ways, the British agriculturist finds it up- - I � WoUld, impel itto bond forward and com. � I , . I y WoLr,ERSTANTH(I',%IA",.'P,t;(v.. explainable in the fact, of the English xpectations hill v ork to compete with such low freights MUCILARE St LIQUID GLUE MANS. 6' GWvr,.aALXAXA(;r% The priests, seeing that they could not ,was � - plate �a torture which_ in its e ' . 11 � ,f� �:,��O , � . . I . footsteps of his f4end, and , - a . I fit I a its duration, held a, horror� deeper in f vo of fo�.iga who b. � I AULD, , � man's following in the � a r 759 Craig I rthor torture the man, took the paper to . E Prices Right. ' I I f, � Malloy advmneeil fn good farinerson.th6ir own . Led in adopting Chinese 6ustom8 and dress; but, than could be gained by any other means. — :­P_..­=.aow�� I I., 1, . � 1loter with one or.moro endorser at 7 per cent. shah: min-yuen and by this meaus regain I n _� '11.� I I . I his favor. But lie passed out the com- if so, suspicion must very rapidly Nave Shan.milk-yuen was satisfied now. Ile 'Whigkero in the Britioll Army. MYRIGH FEATHER MAUT. �,,� I ,, perannUm. � . . I mand .that on no account should Norris be supersec . led .any such thought. , knew that the victim's senses would return - AvSNO W, r,eathers Rep � airecl, 1913 Notre Darne :' _,�' l�: � , , Exeter Branch, I allowed to die, It was apparent thatr by 8hati-min-yuen had taken a dislike:to The question of whiskers is agitating the = ... =.uw ':, � I ., Op6n everylawful day, from 10 a. in,to 8 P.m , his death all further gain was gone, arid he Chin-dhin-wa, ad has been said. He found ere long; arid. that long hours, terrible British army journals. The.0galation gov. SCALE MUMMERS " I . 11 ' I � �, �: :. . , . SATTJRDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1 p. m, � . in this meeting all that he could . have de- hours, would paiss whilst he gat, unable to erning the point'is 2lemr . 'and decisive. Offi. . � 11 � . . did not wish that Norris shoula die. . 1 move,. lookirg upon the white crest of the %rmy are not 'W- GORDONA 100" : _661-,q�. � Current, rates of interest allo I Yrod on depest � I sired. For the mandarin to speak against piwrot-like bird that Its could - not wholly ceraand men,of bar mmjssty's � - � .1 . . . . I .. I I , The first months of the summer passed as I I . hi permitted to share tile tipper li 11 - I IRT � Ps, V, s, ETC. , .1 I . the exile surely little justification ,.was re, see, and waiting the completion of s -.1-11 ­ '. .", , P "' all, STENCILSA STEEL STA I . N. DyER,T_TURD01%T, the winter hadpassed, without ovont,.for . I I ghtened commanding vffla - I . I I I., I I . a might be dangerous doorn, bh - 1- _. C, ifol qtices�, 149 0-4 ': � I . _111 I ,'�_�.rul I - .. � I . I . ;Sub-Uanasror. ' the situation was now the same, and yet quired, Chin -chin -w � I .., t young men to shave on tits strict G, W., DAWSO N', &' I I � I I I 1. Al , � � � . I . I .1 -that Was 6,11 .which it wits necessary to '50 they left him thus� with the bird at: I I I 11 ', . I I ; lr"­�_=��­ ­­­ different,: the same in this, that the order -his friend. his feet Norris gradually returned to understanding that it is done for "' � I -1 I - 1. I - __ 11 I I I I , I , ' '"" � I — .( 1 .say : Lfor proof I f . b 11 I - I "� ' signed by Norris bad, gone a ' Thus act; for his lif,-t, * thougn, these It 6f stimulating the growth o ack- TH , I AKERI , I an ours'whichwere Pose E, � I , I r . 1 910 England, � and that the time pas a, t he determined to . Some officers o� high Yank ' � I , I � , i -A-1 .Cdt ,,411 ward, mustache. 11 . "' I . thoughts, dwelling, as they now were, the most terrible of all -to - live thr, , . I I ' T - I" se,d1c1'y."-.:0; �XF r�, R, .� � , : "K M W leeded since lie was reduced to t are said to disregard the regulation, and so ,,sy, 4% 1, � � I , ; , I I 9311. b rellev ec or :r to free a in B, griarente � I I � I I I - . A60 , much upon the torture lie had devised for th,t-rxigbt;,God knows how, and t r I .I OF AN ., B HvEV, ` ji.� rd WE SATIM0110115 � ,ebb ofbodilystrongth; lint differefit inthip everything Eng, tbo'dawn iyt tile m'ookery o ` set a bad example to, the service by going & . I I 'AlAvf I ,o " � 1. . 11% ;,y,d z Norris, found a hatred for . f his S.,I,g ano-d I I � r .. I , 11 I all I Clear% sliuvea. . ., 11 I ­ . SF010 SALF, BY ALL SEAMERW I I that hisbrait was not so much deot I lish, and ground for suspicion at every turn still to wai�, for the time to come. . ... I . . , , I I .was his body. . I ;� I I . I I . I I I I . I . I ­ �� I � . . I I I .1 I 1. � I I I . , I I � I � I , J , � I I . I �, , . 1, / . I I f I I � I � I . 11 I . �. . . I I , I I ­ .. 11 I I I . I 11 , 11 1, , � . I I . I ), . . �',� I � I . I , . I I � . . I : I . I -,_ � � � __ I.- , . �,,�, I I I . . , , � � I . I I I I � , I .1 I I I : �� I , � I 1, �: , I I I. �: I . I.. I . I I :: I 11 1, , .1� ,� j . �kj I . : , I . I I I 11 I . I :,� , � - I I � :1. I � , 11 , I I I . . I I I : I , , AL , I 1; I I I V, . � 17 , 11 1, I - I , I � 1 1 1 � .1 I 1. � ,. . I ,� , , I i: 11 I : I I . I I . I . � I I . ­ �, . i 11 I ,� �. , I I 11:��: . � . , I ­ I'� .� � I I I _1d hik _GdA . . � I I I :. i! �. . .''', � .:,,�.�, 1 �2'' ,L -