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The Exeter Times, 1893-5-4, Page 5
.. , , ;iii " '• w .'S w 6 -; rrn'•a•cya.• -,. ;, . r:c^c:x.' , r larva, ,^w,t ;rarec..•uauw .sw•.rsy,ss . tr. . w w ✓ . _,:-.,+..-t xur: a•+r • n:. ianr..r xscee NEWSTOPICS OFA.WE' EK E.i?U0.1(1,V8. ARE . -- ' Rev. Wm. Bevan, of Mount Forest has — t -., •:, IMPORTANT EVENTS iN FEW WORDS been elected rural dean of Wellington, 7Sxeter, dfay 31823. N FOR B s4 Tiss G}a%t; daughter of Sir A, T. ClaZt, rspt Fu whaaer Bush $ d3 $: GOING ` US.Y READERS.' onslgm in the Salvation Arm has axriv- 13acle6por bush rbush Y, y 3 3 35 ed at Ottawa to take charge of the corps Vote per bush ... 30 3) 4a A. Complete Record of tate Bus It'oxld's there, Peas per basIX... gS 5S i+ F FlourporbbL„ 00 4 2t) TO 4,.+a , .1„d: ms Happenings Carefully Compiled null Pat A Vancouver despatch says Mr. H. A, Apples per bag • 7 95 Massey, of Toronto has rgmised to Potatoes per bag 00 i 00 P Hayypor ton•..... fi-00 .1 00 s Into Handy and 1lttruotivo Shape for alae give $10,000 towards the B. 0. Methodist Woadpor cord hand .... _.,.. 300 3 GO E ! 1tAadors of Our Paper., college shortly to -be erected there.: w ood Per cord soft 200 2 0e Zf S0 It Wlll a 0'Ll t0 Call . Archbishop Walsh has Buttorporlb;..; is as , pay p purchased the EBseperdo>soa,. 11 12 aIl(I S@8 Ll(3b0llt 01121RZ'CIW.aPe hIODERN IMPROVEMENTS. lantyre property at Victoria park from Pork Der bapdred ... ..... Niagara town, expects to have the Mr. J. F. McLaughlin for $40,000. The 800 8 10 rQOliil 11C1 tl•Ouffhi]]g ` lare of electric lights by May 20, work residence will be used as his grace's TENI)I+ RS. a ate_ 1 to erecta industrial school is also proposed Catholic bo s on t P P avif been begun to that end. summer palace, and i sis a l for Roman Tenders for addition of hicthodist Church ARE g g Sl• .Au a AIILITAlt7t 11]iATTERS. will be received up to Kay lith ;1A93. ]'lane ' The Governor General's. FPot. Guards, Y he premises, and Spooifioations can be seen at Janos Clark of Ottawa, have decided to visit Toronto ofAtco ho vention of the American section Crediton. ,lff',!•s. A. A. Willants on the Queens Birthday. Theosophical society was held 4r ' Lynn, Brass. in New York. Albert E. S, Smythe 'Y 1[y`p" •+ / n a G AcxticuLTaRAL WORLD. of Toronto was one of the d@legates; V it ! t.,l A 4 ,i 4_ For the Good 0f Others Mr. Sandison, the bonanza farmer of The World's, fair management has of - Brandon, Man„ has started to put in a farad theosophists ovary facility far be. — ---01+` OJ.J 'ffi.l,!! w crop of 7,000 acres of wheat, ing represented, and has set September Rev. l[r. ifirtlttatits IIea1•ttl✓ ln- 15th and l6thasthe daysfor their special VALUABLE FARM dorses Jroodas Sarsa artlla. The apple croft of north-west Missouri gatherings: rX Tua Then. call alacl See us about it, We. have all kings L . and north-eastern Kansas will, it is said,. I., We are pleased to present this £rani be an Almost total failure owing to frost PURELY PERSONAL.. T 7kl W11'e, and are S ecial agents for Y.. A. A.• Williams, of the Sillsbee on Thursday night, April 2: Sir. Jahn Abbott's health siin g, ? e Ol alfa best izt.aifeS. street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass.: P improving 11Sj12I QfZCldZcl ilZ, Ca7Z?Zty "I see noreasor a clergyman, moretltan i1IIGRATION, though the ex -premier keeps to his bed. y € • of tlficicllesex, a la ^man, who knows whereof ho speak,The immigrants to Manitoba and the The Baroness Macdonald and lion, should hesitate to apprcvo all ' North-west since January 1 have taken Miss Macdonald are in Winnipeg, the -- Headquarters for- all kinds of Hardware. in with thein $000,000 worth of stock guests of Lieutenant^Governor Schultz, Underandby virtuo of a Power of Salo Article of Merit ' oontaina 1 oortainTndeuturoofmortRa o and effects, Sir William Dawson principal of Mo- made by Stown t nrolralls and Annie nfebails. and, worth. from ed, ho or os family nava + p P 0233LEDT.O s tacen s3giiwny benoAtcd, ane `vlieso commends• C'a}' loads of Fx©Hall Canadians are re- Gill University, is expected to return to his wife, (to 13arpo du to the time of (which tion III ay serve tc extend those benefits to turning to the Montreal district from Montreal before the end of the month. fault havinslbaenprodnogd at ttmo of saie)do- others by iiicroaslnfi their confidence. My wife the New England states, They will now His health is Com mn le an he payment there - his for many yo, con a sufferer Troia severe , pletelyrestored. gftbero will bo Bold byPnblfe Auction at 0 W turn to the Canadian North-west, The new Duchess of Sutherland one Iiod ins' Hotel, Centralia, iVeraesws Headache ----- , g for whieh she found little lief She has tried. CANAJ)e1 AND THE WORLDS rAIR, of the youngest women to wear the ducal a . _ 20th 1I q p 4 many things that promisedp well taut or- Tliree pictures painted by riiss lmma coronet, is a member of the Writers' S3tAI'U the 2Ol h da Of lila tU9t7 forinedllttlo. Last fall afllon(i gave lien a trot Clazks, t@ t her in Alb@rt College, Belle- Club, and a contributor to literature. i , s IS the time Belle- tie of Ht od's Spa sap bottle Vola aiulsitl lido 'villa, hay@ been selected for exhibition President Carnot, of ,France, gave a AT 2 O CLOCK, P. M„BY .N1R• JO1fN (]ILL. iorher. The attitieks of headache decreased in at World's Fair, luncheon to the members of the Behring Auctioneer, subieet to seeh oonditlorI shall TO Thoroughly number and wore less violent in thein Intcn, eau tribunal of arbitration, the counsel then be Produced. the following property, vin slty, m'lxilc lien general health has been int- Zh@ Manitoba Government intends All and singular that oortain Parool or tract of i rt Vroved, Icer appetite has also been bettor, sending a team of large oxen to Chicago zn the case and the members of the hand and Premises attuato lying and being in rr iom our experience with for the World's Fair. The oxen will be French Cabinet. the Township of,Biddulph. in tate Caitnty of In the last tures Mi, In the 13r I osed of n num a air . A" c101' 'S e lisc a "i(l hitched to a Yarm 'tvaggon; and aloe out- years of his life the [,61, In the third [3rd1 concession of the said e' fit, gaily decorated, will travel the Earl of Derby distributed among the Towmhip of Biddulph, containinx by admcas- s In fe C t Y I have no hesitation inendorsing i es nasi ts.aa streets of the city every day by wayof Poor thirty thousand pounds besides uremer fltol one hundrod acres, bt tho same A. A.wILLUOTS, vin lar ' mortarless. A COMPLETE, STOCK OF advertising the Manitoba exhibit, giving large sums to charitable organi- This farm is about (we milesfram Centralia; GOOD'S .PILL,$ are the boat faintly co.thartic, zations. barn and log house on the premises, also good ter^+ xantloandtifactlut, Tzyabox, Prtat2Sc TIIE WORLD'S FAIR, W. H, Ingrate, collector of customs at Raftrandsmalloraht;td: i 1 M1 1 3 j'' Everything is now ready for the open- St. Thomas, has resigne(1 and been ala d s of S so ba anon in thirty dayan or as may _a•• '*`” ^d ins, of the World's Fair Vii Monday, . s Uslaorna. i painted postmaster, vivo F,E, Ermatizig- be agreed, The old .Liberty bell was removed er, deceased W.Y. Emory, Port Bur, eras further particuinra apply toAt Store. SCuoaa liimonx.--For 9, S. No. 1 Us. from Indepentlenc@ hall, Philadelphia, well, is mentioned for the position of ELLIQi.0 I,ILIoT, P Vondor'asoeter,On borne, for the month of April.T,--ROdou , on Tuesday, and has gone to Chicago. collector of customs. Dated thea 4th A1ay, zsg3-3t Exeter, oat. Jaskol], Caleb Cudmore ,—IV Sr., --Alien The bronze monument to. Christopher -- ------- -_ A. HASTINGS, BARBER Jeckell, Albert MaToggart,Grace Cudmore, Columbus erected by the World's Col- THE DEAD. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.— IV ' ' I Jr,, --••Ernest `Wbite, Susie Case, Amy uznbian Exposition on the lake front at Sheriff Harding of St. John, N.B., died South America Itheumatie Care for Bhou. FAN SON'S BLOCK EXETER, Dew.—III Sr,--Nottie Reddy, Edith Lowe, the foot of Qongress street was unveiled suddenly aged 74 , John Morton. -111 Jr ..Ed ar Donn, Ruby ' 8 da. m and Neuralgia radically cures int o As you pass by on the Main street . , G on Tu@sdaywitlz appropriate ceremonies. Rev. Entices Rudkina, of Fetoxboro', is 3 daps. Its Ration upon the system is Just ,for a moment stop. , Tho 5LD RILIABLI Horton, a cilia White, sorry White,- II; dead at the early age of 81, remarkable and mTstorious. It removes And have your hair and whiskers trimmed Part. --Abe Case, Roiinstb White, fee. DOME S is legs legislature The Most Rev. Hut once the cause and the disease immodiat- At Basting's Barber shop. Has the T finest ,Stoci of Furniture Case. Thu Nava Scotia 1@gislaturo in Com- gh Conway,CamvayD.D., John G. Sproat. second line of Tucker- mittee of the wholo throw out the wo- Roman Catholic bishop of Killala, Ire- ely disappears- The first dose greatly 'fie are the lightning barbers, over exhibited in Bxeter and at land is dead. benefits. 75 Vents. Warranted b 19't do our work with care. o ,smith, is lucky this year. He has a cow man suffrage bill. , y We always ktoo our razors prices so low that they draw a craved that has presented him with twin calves, i The Sugar Refinety Amalgamation Mrs, Almira Hancock, widow of U. Lutz Druggist ung. 14. And shears in good repair. of customers every day, and he baa22 lambs from 11 awes all living Bill has been thrown out by the Nova General Winfield S. Hancock, is dead - We have the very finest styles of;ohairs. in. New -fork. Itch Mange and Scratches of every hind wo keep our towels clean. Ptil°ZoY and thriving. Scotia Legislature. on human or animals cured in 30 minutes W0 shampoo in the beat of syla r I , ' John Lefferts of Flatbush L.I,, mil- And use the onsr hair machine. Premier I'lelding has intimated that by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Thia nover Some barbers work so slowly, 2ltZ3lO I OOPIZ I3uron HUron County Gaol Statistics.) it is the policy of the Nova Scotia Gov- lionaire and member of many banking mils. 1lrarranted by C. LUTZ. But this is our text: t erninent to abolish theLe itslative Cowl- institutions, is dead. We do not keep you waiting, The following are the statistics of the g English Spavin Liniment removes all Your turn is always '•nowt." Count of Huron gaol for the , l ail. Rev. Patrick J. Rudkins, rector of St. Hall aldol Y g year ,509. The first of the series of conferences Peter's cathedral, Peterboro' died on hard holt s, Blood -S lumps and blemishes As for aha ladies and children, Number of days Of Prisoners in gaol, 3,590. , frtm horhea, Blood •Spavin, Curbs, Splints, IVo do their work tip -tap, between the government and the busi. Saturday afternoon, ' 0ecr'a Lill,..,... , ..... • , , , , , , , .5141 fib g Icing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore Iyo shingle Choir hair and trim their bangs i 1'tlC%telt ' ll?`i1Zl 1LY8 ' 143 76 ness men of the counts , regarding a re- Mr. James Hough, J. P., died in and Swollen Throat, Coughs, act, Sav a At Ilastina's Barber shop. kor a bill, . , ........ y tolier's bill,. , .. „ , , 60 07 vision of the tariff was li@lti in ltSontreai Guelph, where lie had lived since 1830, 650 by use of one bottle. Warranted th o ---ax T#l1:-- Milk bill .. . , . , ......... 19 O8 t on Monday Mr. Hough was in his 89th. year, ;cost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.3R 41 WOW ,.:,... LATEST DESIGNS 4Vsrranted b C. Ln3s TIIa roa.LD'S1,PrnElvcxcs. The honorary degree of LL.D. has y r >r Total' for food, 5s65 40 ( THE shooks of varying strength been conferred by Dalhousie, N.B., col- or ThoUndertaking over 10 1.7 eta per day, or e37 for 365 ! continue in the island of Zante, lege on the Hon. Justice Sedgwick, — g Department is stock days for 1 prisoner for ]year for food alone. Gen, R. L. T. Beale, who was a BOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT FURNITURE DEALER ed with best and latest to be found ,again, A Russian immigrant afflicted with the count 51370 00 smallox (lied at the quarantine Proiuinent Confederate officer during the PICTURE, country. t3aiaries, .. , ... .. , ....... P q grounds v,•ar, h • Iso bill as above . ...... . .........365 49 t at Winnipeg. , as just died at Frederioles, Va. Head 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap AND Repairing and Framing a special ,land water . . . ...... . ....... ..426 40 The two immigrants suffering from August B. Chiesbreghtthe celebrated i or bearing the words "Why does a woman Clothing and sundries, ........ , . ,177 00 smallpox at Winnipeg are progressing Belgian naturalist and botanist, has just holt older sooner rban a man") to Laver All orders receive prompt attsn favorably, and no other cases are in died at his. home in San Cristobal, pros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and yousam and work done neat and cheap. Total for maintenance ......... , 2338 89 prospect. Mexico. v ill receive b C z $ y pont a pretty picture, free f'ri L or nearly 65 c: par day or 5237.50 for 366 An extra of The Canada Gazette, is- Dr. Neville, who is exploring in Egypt, f am advertising and well worth. craning. e„ .TV'1 days, which woo the cost of keeping one su6d, contains an order in council inak- reports that he has discovered the funer- I his is an easy way to decorate your Home. . prisoner in the goal for 1892, not taking in in, regulations for the disinfection of ary chamber of the great Thothmes I. of •1 he soap is the beat in the market, and Orders promptly attended to. ODDITELLOin'S BLOCIC, to account repairs to building or insurance. the luggage, of immigrants entering the eighteenth dynasty, at Thebes, with it will Only coat le postage to send in the All Accounts must be settled at once County Treasurer's Office, Goderich, May Canada by way of the St. Lawrence. a colossal altar before it. wrappers, if you leave the ends open, 1, 1893, til'ar. Hamm., --- Write your address carefully. THE l IREI RECORD, Ayr• t R. Corby, swell -known old Treasurer. During a fire at Beaver Falls, Pa, resident of Hamilton, was stricken down -- Three Points!Biddul h Council- and died on the street on Saturday H.___ 3" Hl£Lp F0R MER . P three persons were burned to death. while going home from Dr. Ridley's of - The council ,net Al ay ] at pursuant to The house of Dan Erickson, of Brad- fice, where he had been for treatment, 1 ; PAY NO biORE MONEY TO QUACKS. adjournment, the Reeve and the members ford, Bradford, Minn,, was burned with He was 74 years old. lams A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Do - present. Mr,A.Ii.HedgineDep'tyReeseall the household effects, and the man,bility and Loat Vigoz, was restored to hoalth in DOTE WELL, his wifeaucitwochildrenwerecremated. SvxTTi Tri: COlIING OF SPRING. W1 such tyandLremarkable manner, restored all also hada was instructed to have Richardson's bridge Winni eg fears a freshet. ; tailed, that he will the means of Duro rebuilt. During a fixe early on Saturday morn- P _ FRES to fall fellow saffertw, Address, with j The court of Revision was set down for, ng in the premises of Messrs. Mon en- L'Ori nal ba is clear of ice. Millin Co. stamp, l C (;l,lenc g g Y g L , e have had the Juno the lith. at 10 a m. xis & Boivin, plateglass manufacturers, g P MR. ED WARD 1trARTYi7 (Tsecnira) , espenionce that at - The following accounts were ordered to St. Paul street, 1zlontreal, : a fireman Have Opened an cillos opposite Town `tendon to business close p Presque Isle bay is now clear of ice. Hall, Exeter, pendia _ , prices and be Hid • named George Dagenais was killed and g the building of - proper fits, are the main factors in our Harry Robinson. work on Sauble Hill four other firemen were seriously in- Storm signals are displayed on the theirnewMill, where they will keep business. laet winter $5.00 ; J. Cooper, rep. 3 cul'vis jured. lakes. constantly on hand a full stock of the ' I Div. T $2.00 ; D. Whalen work on Sauble Navigation is now open at Parry beat branch of flour. Also all kinds of r IPith THE SPORTIN G ZyORLD. thin ever Hilt with team, $2,00: A. Conway, rep. ! At Bradford Pa., Jim Dal Sound. til o%ri, tltLldE. redeemine feat - road, Div. 3 $3.00: R Cooper, repairing y, of Buf- The Erie canal is not expected too en Will 8tUfft a=d Foal R ure imprinted deeply on our motto we washout Dip, 2 $'2.00 ; W. Harding, I day ton in the third rd round.out Ed. nchauan, of Bos Y P P P patronage of the man before 117a 8. have won the f" on Sauble Hill Div. 1 $1.00 ; J. Lewis Farmers r Farmers and townspeople will find it NOT GUILTY whom despise Y work Div. 3, .50c, ! The New York World says it is abso- Seeding has commenced in sortie parts to their advantage to oaIl and see us'. p se those too -often -resorted PATIDT_ASTF.RS I893, lately certain that the late George Alex- of Manitoba to tactics of tailors PRrecially, namely Con. 1—Div 1—Thos, Neil, 2 Jabez. ander Baird, known to the sporting The western coal agents have reduced ROLLINS & WILLIAMS. The people say we areguilty of sell- putting off until next ween wrau should Short, 3 Thos. Ryley, 4 Moses Hodgins, 5 world as "Squire Abington," did not the price 50 cents per ton, ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that have been done this. Thos. Markin, 6 Adam William6, 7 F, bequeath any money to Mrs: Langtry. any other house in town. Come g Y The new Welland canal was opened )i and be a witness, you will be well Saes f getion. This is a nice 1 Jones, 8 Freirs, 9 Jno. Hodgins, n- The Brantford police raided a barn for the season on Monday morning. repaid for your time. We down the lookinb word, but Benjamin Haakett, 11 James Stephen- where a cock fight was in progress on : The demands at the Ottawa E eri- Ona I to car out its meanie is difficult to son, 999 im country for prices in Felt and Kid. g great co fusion• There was a scene of mental Farm for seed grain have exceed- Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and some' it'tt 2 lrrY in w Mrd and the wap Con. 2-3.—Alex. Jamieson, 2 S. A. 1\7e- great confusion and desperate efforts to ed the supply. Grain Boots,and for Men's andBoys iO exemplified in om shop. We guar. Geo, 3 Geo Hodgins, 4 Wm. Atkinson, 5 escape. About 25 names were secured, Mr. John Sharples, harbour commis antea satisfaction evety time iii all re- ^h1/ bt, per, 5 Wm. Rollins, 7 Jas. Cons-. as well as, the paraphernalia and the ill Long Boots we take the bun. Rey S, R,tlouraey.— Con. 4.5-1—W. J birds. scones at Quebec, has been appointed a j=, pects, Smyth, 2 R. Hodgins ,3 M. Armitage, 4 Legislative Councillor, r QEiO. i1 ANSON'S Nelson Powe, 5 Georve Haskett, 6 Jerry THE INDUSTRIAL WOULD. At Grand Forks Dakota, the water is , If you want a suit, a •coat, vest or pair A receiver has ,,,een appointed The Peoples Shoo Store. of ants give us a call and be convinced Lewis, 7 William Guiloil S Jno. Atkinson PP ted for the 43 -feet above the low water mark and U 'i)ants, Maryland Steel Coin c Mext Door to Post OftSca- hat what vre have said is true. Con. G-7--1 D. McIlhsrgey, 2 R. Keefe, Y Pant• many basements are flooded. 3 Jno. Cain, 4 Jae. Mcf,aughlin, 5 Joo.: A bill to incorporate Port Hood Coal The saws were started last week in O Ryder, 6 M. Hogan, ? ? p, Ryan, Company was introduced in the Nova Branson and Weston's ini1T at the Chau- 1 7 , `'ri i a JOHNS Con. enAn, D Mev, .ihlin, 2 M. Po"we, Scotia Assembly, and passed its first diene„ which is the earliest beginning of ;;a l 3 D. Heenan, 4 James. Harrigan, 5 M. and second readings. the cutting se ;son in the Ottawa lumber 4.11 Cj .. Blake,—Con 10.11 —Jae. Powe, 2 M. The stockholders of the Pullman Pal mills since 180,,k rT, i Shea: 3 Jno. Barry, 4 Bobt. Langford. ace Car Company, at their annual meet- t W e= D — p g, - vol: A:'OI LI'. Con. 12-13 I Noah 'C4'aee; 2 Joseph in decided to increase the capital stool,: TirL r .z Grant, Jno. Beamish, 4 R. Jermyn, 5 A. 20 per cent. A quarterly dividend of 2 The Uniou P ciflc iron workers' strike i t Gibson: per cent. was declared. has been declared off. T H E G ■ & J. i -Hu5 , Noxtih Boundary. -1 (,akar, 2 Jas. A deputation from the Manufacturers' The anarchists in London have decided + es Rally, 3 P. McGee, 4 Stanley, Hodgson, 5 association Waited on the provincial gov- vLo ,lake a dezrionstraticn in Hyde park 1q 'j ® n 1 P. as..D kes. P D Sfanloy, 7 RRranion; ernnient and that the Dominion on May t3a } t " PNEUMATIC 8 Jas..Dykes. • y,, , duty and bounty on pig 'iron be supple- r Hos Gravel Road -1 J. Hodgins, (hill) 2 0 7 hes French Goveiiiineut has probib. aF eoBT p sue zN Geo. Ford - " mexioed by abonus,of', N a ton. ited all workinbnlen zn its employ tak- ." r e TIRE tiJo Mon I BOOMING G S. Bouudar . l 1 • .. .Webbi uF y Quigley,nd, Iti eLb TJFLEIGN POLITICS. i n, part inMap-da demonstrations. L7 3 D Westmitn, 4 P. Lpngford, 5 W. The uncertainty: of. the political,'situa- = ';Iron inoulders to the n.amber of 1,200 h+ Foretiisn, 6 S: vhito, tion in Honolulu., is o hove struck in Chicago because of the t r AT said to be ruiniii r 1 I'sz aL ITuis}Ti Ra. , business, refusal of the eiiiployez:s to grant an ad. h ft ! i ' H. Stanley, Jno, Hoclgiba, Geo. Fax, I', . Tlie second reading of Mr. Gladstone's I ya,nce in wages. _ Stanley, VIorkin, II . Kelly, IV W Rev n ton, Wn: i 3D0 9 g bill ie give Alegislature to Ireland was A lockout of union men , at Toua 4 Armita;e,'ni., Culbert, N. Powe, `Jas, carriedm the house of commons b a «aYida,,N,".Y, lumber aids has caused: Carrigan, T. Toohey, J 11Icl7gndld, . 1'. r YET 4 i ( ma]oiity oL 43. Y much ill feelin Y ' T IR13; ,BE Sri' .Il. E 1. 1 Mowbray, Jno- Jermyn and II'hite, T J : -g, anti it is feared, that TM e Poliz is I isYnits; S11 Z!illiatu S ernon ,I.aicourt, clean- blooc1s11ecT, and dPstructioe. of property' r t Off Sar cellos of,Cho excliequei, introduced the will ftlllavt. LE t'3 EI', ST' a J }iI'Illig odgins cOn 2, lot 36. Von ], lot bud et for the corrin, financial car in i zF l5. N; Iowa con 41ot 15 A. Beatson ja„ % g Y' the ]Ong fought lOclrolin which the TETE BIGGEiS . ('E- ' lot 28 con 12. M the comtnonsou Tuesday. New t'orkclothing inatIfacturersbesan The Council adjourbed to meet ngain,on TIigh of]icials of Cho Ui ited Stn"teal against their cutters has be8ii practically Hold";;, Aprtl.4th 1893 at l ,: m. state cjcllartiilent sa,;'.that no treat 'for settled and ork will P, Y I resumed at (g (r t a5 of ; ,,,•;.'_•"'• - ,- - • -- the nc ,tai;,+inn of territory foi• a c6aling (:once. 4. Rest 'O?d#,.reH10 :.pp Oduwd.,in &$fox°. Y Is the only Tire that gave. satisfaction last year R'S.-IZOLLINS & AMOS, statioi. hits'l ecn negotiated with Ec- ar Ii fc, , ai,ia>> his been received by the G®ntlomeu {. lyave yOnrviaders'taaaty, far witrturacTuneb er: gainsy a+ rr op Jl nar,tlr. with tics beat ata$ of 1talorsr the brio • a•t n : a T)q tutioiz G-ov@xxireft that the znen at a i 8 Saner ,, . !(ices Bteide.ceos.,ama ns for lite. aail?a,o i<.xed.la alisevt Ytllk snout , /± D „ , l i wozk o , ;ate Gitnaclian,Exhibition unild_ - ai k7ine T> rpriiixaga, cru Cho lit 1 he Goold Di n , ,® j, iperly Andrew-st. oiiioca: Spackman'ebaild- . j i:j:e ,,,.f (tl C' YQy Litt. lviaiti-s a Dr. Rollins' mu•itNe : oil dent cal ,. t nttitm in Town, orf are sure -)f is 1 ing, ., a na i7laiiesae feztnorlY, ....::. . , .'lug at.Chit 4ago went on dull. tliell =., y hb+ fl4rW, iia.YONus aTRE T _ north door; DY: Atuos' nano' bums south 1 3,vs to t+ `ir ,L• r;nini+iu#x ,citta Eosin>d o tion e • BrUt1t 0IYf, Cipr1E g, c ` ., I % n.,,es had to be increased from forty to , TORONTO g /, ®1 ' E"i 1 a / door. u1a!<.t,'tittit.9 q lif0 -0 - ✓, ! n,tz car ;:s stn licatii, .'a - . PEP -9 -INS & $tARTTi t, OLLINS, hi, D., P.A. AMOb,I+f.D. ! t i; ti. , , - ] ?, t 1 c•ziali ,,+l<lnow goes J. A, R isxater. Dat o t 4 6'anoon's Bleak. DOUF1:)i' & (? P e .,, alt _.,air.