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The Exeter Times, 1893-5-4, Page 3
WO;DER9 OF TFC„ DEEP; leas spines, star fishes,' and bcittlestaas dis M9RVFl,l,OUS OTL 7i ... - ._ g M V FORCE. . . played bile ambutacral or ens in full}gar, Deserted Kind island is tile; Naturalist's The shores of King isGtind are fringed with Aix itiventoir Nukes are�n C1:r ins. Paradise• briglit algal, harboring strange zoophytes THE A SO r+ �+ RT". Crustacea; mnlltiacu -and, in faaC, Iiia u George Sheffield, an ot(1 filen, who de= King Island Iles }n Bass' straits, In bile every shape and form, wfit alt would require: Scribes himself as a illassachusptts,I'aniteo:. .• soutli'Pacific ocean, between the, Australian years to study and understand, and declares lie has seen better days, claims- �' ' coast and Tasmania, and withina few hours Iii such an embarras do richesses on to have discovered a new lrrotive. ower. of Melbourne, Australia, by stet<mpz=. The hardly knows where to. Co mence. The which, hp stays, will revolutionize all exist- island was:dis.,overed about the 'commence- sponges alone would tax the �lcna q lip ing u?et•Ilods of transit by land andaoa, 1vlr, Ment of the present century, at the time P knowledge of Sheffield however, is especially, i a specialist, far I saw at least a dozen , p y uterested. when. Dr. Baas of teip Reliance, anpgiieh genera with an infinite number of rib the Problem of swift ocean travel, .and it mall -of -war, mapped out the struts, and species. In the museums there are bottlers to the solution of Cilie knotty question , ",,� proved Tasmania—atherw}se called Yen full of specimens luidescribeii. of which ,tat hp has al,plied himself in the construe- •�.:+ q ,,, tion of the model for his new motor. � • D}eman'a land -to be an Islam d. Although many, perhaps, are new to sopnce. Of The model is bulky enough c some attempt at a settlement is said to' have these sponges some were rooted, others cast at , a y • g t be fitted to °WH • been made, it still remains unoccupied hav- off by storms, and aunply }>leaolied shale• , ocean tug, but to test its capabilities it`U- ingto claimed that a special 'boat inust be con Rca probably been abandoned owing to a tons. The varied she es and sues indicat- p U I e striated'. As soon as Bach a craft can be Mae 0 ver scarcity of water. It is but a small island, ed dfffereul structure of caleareoue sponges, rot ready a tae ' , 'thSto h "L is world-renowned Soap stands at the as islands in the south Pacific o, a great greatly surprised b the bcaut tical illustration will izs g g but I was re P y y 6 y p �.e�`!�+ ,r�t't�1�"YiPCi�i` �}l,�i'�0 �3 Asad of all Laundry and Household soap, both portion of the interior being virgin bush, and rich colors of many of the species. Some afforded of the' wonders possible of acyoin• g' Vet y . of for quality and extent of sales. alternating with sandy waste and hilly have a rosy hue, while one grotvthexliibited plishment by the machine. Mr. Sheffield the I,r S� ©Ile Hundred Years. Uned according to directions, It does away scrub. The coast line is in part rocky, with purple secretion, affording a pigment•. applied to tranelA i It is Pleasant With ai'4 the old-fashioned drudgery of wash long reaches of sandy shore and quiet bays, Bub unfortunately, in the dry specimens PP etre steamers, will leasee tt)- the Taste 8S the i5W8ete,3t Neetar. nothing remains but the horn frame all, the time between: New York and Queens. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest D111 t. day. '.;,z^y 3t; -you won'tbe dieappointod, which .latter afford easy landing places, g y , town at least two days. Rock wallaby (small kangaroo) and some 'the gelatinous substance and spicula dis• is ca Y ' He says the engine This wonderful Nervine SIITl2SC}HT F30Ai' has been in use in r ervine' Tonic has only recently been introduced of Llie Smaller marsupials abound, thus appear, leaving only lily network of the air- Pablo of propelling a vessel of X000 tuns y y )Vfuasor castle for the past S years, and its culator s through the water at the rate of thirty-five into this country by the proprietors and maunfacturers.of the ea proving a former connection with the main• y system. Great �ltlfaoturcis have beon Spgciaily appointed miles an hour, and possibly at even a higher South American Nerd*ine Tonic, and et its Teat value aS a land. not geologically tomato. Iii a clear pool the whole of the funnel• g y g curative BOAF11IA8Hit6 To T13E h7yraicis of sea birds hold undisputed shaped species wase mass .of bright color bate of speed. This would knock the record agent has lona, been known, b a few Of the most learn • Q7ULEN possession of the cliffs or struggle for the Akers J;euConic and Parle "clean fl y d l( -e o physician'u, more desirable ledges. The great Pacific detectedvisibly creatingthesustaining °ub of eight,". All this appears to be ex who 11aS'e not brought. its merits and value to the knowledge Of the b tremely improbable, but the inventor is general public. guile noblest a its 'tribetrhere finds its current of waterladen with food particles, sure of it. He has rocured English and This medicine has completely solved the robe -^ home with penguins, petrels, and many The ProlaPlasmic atoms are irregularly P g p y problem of the cure' of indi- Massed together b American patents for his invention, and a estion, dyspepsia, and diseases o£ the general nervous s ����� 11i'E,ED other wanderers,, The old bald eagle a hila g Y the thousands thus g g us stem, It lei PORE AND T11 andax) haunts inaccessible crags, Preying building tip the a.elicious spioula and thousands, company has been incorporated under Lila also of the ;realest value in the Cure of 11 f CONTAIN Ia0 asva of Now Jersey to push the scheme un, a alias of falling health frazxx INJURIDI}S on unwary marsupials and such trifles. eons skeleton, of the sponge, der idle designation of b whatever Cause, It performs this b the great • CHEMICALS This bird haaenormous strength ill its talons It is certainly tiuunal life, but In the most d g u he American Rapid w p Y g e $ervine tonic qualities - and will ai,tack almost anything. But lowly stage ; several of the vegetable fungi ,tor company. It is capitalized• at $l,- hick it possesses, and by Its ,great curative flowers upon the dige#j1m • 000,000. The machine laver simple, organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels, No reined spin a esi King island is desertAd so far as man is reveal an organization apparently as high least the inventorsa s it yif applied rat g , y l T concerned, there being no trace of his occu• in the scale of life, Certain genera develop y pplfed to with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder sand streno'th- pation in this practically unexplored land. ciliated biophasmic cells, Which appear at Sheffield ffieldcean Ener it would occupy little spays, ener of the life forces of the human bpd and as a r o It was the writer's good fortune to be a least equally endowed with the amcebous ed to s Maims that all that would be need Y, e eat renewer of t \ guest of the Melbourne Field Naturalists' sponge aniunalculm. I have since seen savor- ed to supply it with the necessary force broken-down :Constitution. It S also Of more real perznazient value 1171, al King islands ocimons of sponges gath- to drive a steamship like the " Teutonic" Ghe treatment and Cure Of diseases a#' the lungs than any Consumption club when the hourmembers decided to mance g p 1 ©red on this excursion , 6 across the ocean in three days and a half is remedy ever used oil this Continent. It is a marvelous cure for nerv- King island the center of theft annual ex. ,which lutvxu been }' enrsion, organizing a, large party to camp 9n Played in a basin of water, have let fel} a barrel of ordinary powdered sugar, a barrel ousness of females of all ages, Ladies Who Are approaching the critical .....the bush in true Australian style. A small colony of small eggs, fragments of algal, a of chloeate of potash and enough sulphuric period knp'tvn, as chance in life should not fail to us this c i steamer was chartered and a party of perfect land beetle, and other various odds acld to supply the combustion needed to P a , e ,eat NeT<'!na and ends. keep the machinery in motion. There Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will about thirty started on this voyage of dis• would he no more fiend of mammoth boilers carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and tura- covery. A living sponge is an exquisite sight any- y Awarded 1i Qold 1ldedal! or capacious coal bunkers, The ansae now live is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great In the clear early morning this little where, but the fine colors of the Pacific epe- devoted to these objects could be utilized steamer slipped away from the busy Mel• cies have an unusual charm. These are but by the steamship companies for passengers energizing properties will give them a new hold on life; It will add tent bourne quay. On the left a favorite New a few of bile marine wonders that I saw dur- or freight. Shei l says his machine or iitteen years to the lives of many of those Who will use a htLlf dozcllt Zealand mail boat was the scene of great ing my visit. Time passed far too quickly, is so simple that a ohild could manage bottles u the remedy each year. CENTRAL confusion, previous to sailing from Port Within two weeks we were baolt in the tur• it, He obtains }iia power through the Melbourne. A colossal Orient ship was moil of Melbourne with collections of bird explosions resulting from the ignition of "'IT I5 [ Y F THE Drug S -t ® � e iLm town. 'Rho one up on the m°r, quantiityofship- lamaking for Will- tely plants, asall museuand m, curiosities the sugar and potash bg contact with the � G���� REMEDY FOR ! rj� CURE 4 for- aulphurio acid. The ingredients areintro. Nervousness, Broken Constitution, ping oil all sides might worthily have repre- tunately without a single mishap, duced into the proper chambers by air Nervous Prostration FANSON'S BLOCI{. sented Liverpool rather than a city of little r Debility of Old Age, more than fifty years' growth. pressure, and as they mingle a rapid series Nervous Headache, A WONDERFUL CLOCK• at explosions results, which drives the pis. Indigestion and. Dyspepsia.,. The sail down the pleasant. waters of _ ton rod back and forth at a high rate of SICK Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Port Phillip is very pleasant. The great It Tells the Fxact Time at Any 1'olut in speed, The chambers are constantly cooled FOmalo WeaknC53y ocean steamships have to follow a circuitous Weight and Tenderness ilz Stam�iCll, route through the deep and narrow chart- 1Votrtii Aniarlcu by water pumped through tubes from a Nervous Chillsy Loss of Appetite, nels to the right and left of the harbor to Stephen Afesserer, a jeweler of Newark Lank at the lower left side of the machine. Paralysis has almost completed the i Cylindrical chambers oil either side of the Frightful Dreams, .11 avoid the central shoals. A small vassal P p oductton of Ano Nervous Parasysms and Dizziness and Ringing ; in the Ears such as cera can make a direct out, stearin of Ghe must wonderful clocks ovor made, vacuum box at lily top of Lha in aro r g He hopes to have it reservoirs for the sugar and potash. The Ilot l s hhpkiug, , �^ straight for 't The Heads," thus saving a P placed on exhibition in g P ZVeai.-ness 4f D�tremitics and considerable distance. For nearly two the World's Pair in Chicago, and has ap- Kassa, which are evolved by bile mooting of IIOt Flashes, Fainting, hours we speed merrily ahead through asea Plied for the necessary space the three elements in what would be the Palpitation of the heart, A, full stock Of all Up ds of just tipped with " wilily horses," gaining a P steam chamber in an ordinary engine, are DTental Despondency, Impure and Impoverished Blood The exhibit is a differential clock, Ianned DIye-8t11ffs and package fair view of Molbourno and its suburbs. and executed on a large scale. It is 8 feet said to develop a force more powerful Sleeplessness, Scrofula, and Carbuncles, p Behind the fiat plain of tate city with a than steam and much leas dun cions. , SCxofula, Ion•• and i feet wide, eti it laude li a :'Why," cried Sheffield onthuaiastgerous, St. Vitus Dance, m D;)�eS, constantly on forest of masts and shipping in the foto• haizdsamecaseofantiquooali, finelypohsli- " nobody will believe thatI have discove'r' Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers Nervousness of Females: Consumption of the Lungs, ' hand, wl?l an°s .ground stands the blue range of the Dan• ed and with a massive ornamental base.. ed a new force. 141orap was sneered stand so Nervousness Of Old An denou mountains. The face is a ma of the United States per Catarrh of the Lnu {ryr011dl�i1O21 We pass rapidly by the fashionable sen- lower Canada and Mexico, executed b' were Fulton and Stephouson and all the Neuralgia, ^`' . Povcd- side towns of St. Kilda and Brighton to the Colton, the celebrated map maker, in colors other men who wrested nature's secrets > g Bronchitis and Chia s Couch, left, Geelong and Ctiuoeiaaliff au Lha right. `� front her. But seein s believin isn't it? pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint, There era }n all l0 dials of uniform size of And I will nrovo that rush of what ' ea Pains in the Back p ' epb, Nearing °' The Heads " Nye eight several that of a silver dollar, and they cut the y , Chronic' Diarrhma, g low•roofed houses standing isolated in the map allover, There is a clock for ever vary soon, -In a few years New ]'criers Failing Ii11Ith, vvt11 go to Europe aLuost as easily as the S Delicate and Scrofulous Children _�? i' bile best hush, roprespntiaq the lone] lar cell a Y y y '` t 721 bile mark- presently Y quarantine g y ndforallotherpointsofinterest• now travel to Chicago.,, Sheffield added Summer Complaint of Infants. station. But we aro in the troubl• New York State has four, at Albany, that a small haat was being built in which All these and many other collxpl 1; nig cured by bili$ T OLtiexfol et tLn alwa s ed Rip a treacherous bih of tidal rase Rochester, Buffalo and the metropolis• the wonderful engine will %e laced and a Nervine ionic. tyro , immediately between the headlands Pennsylvania rejoices in the distinction of mouse til° rotective three clocks, a latae trip made y. the East River in lbs �•�1 ®B f �y ���wt *� +� refill. Family recap- S points of the im- t Scranton, Pittsburg and tatter end of beat', Sheast says n etas �ta1e r �HJJ 1� /:y��j Q ecS eaTe7u1_ly p p manse island Harbor. Philadelphia. There is one in Mexico and .interested a number of ea italisbs in his Te ar ed at Too soon for our comfort 'r The Heads" one in Lower California and four in Canada P As a euro for every Glass of Nervous Diseases no remedy has beef C✓en, l Drug Stora .Foxe to are passed, and our lilies vessel braves the and British Columbia. The center of each motor and that the workonn it will be push• able to compare with th`e Nervine Tanis; which is Ver open sea. Stich little steamers are pleasant dial is directly over the city or point it rep- ed forward 'list, as ra idl as circumstances y pleasant and will permit. He says $50,000 capital stock harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most r � and capacious enough for hrbor wort: and resents, and it required no end of exact will iaspeb , short excursions but hardlyafford sufficient and painstaking `work to locate them all already been subscribed and this lie delicate individual. Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which the human protection against rongh waters like Bass' y. declares is ample to icepublic denonstra• family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and ;impaired diges- t'Viilt aCynrAC � P give straits. The Australian coast is always Stepping behind the map cite finds the tion of ilio practical utility of hisinvention, ti -1. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a Incorporated 188 with Cash Capital of 50 000 more or less disturbed. Even mail steamers whole mechanism revealed. It is sur its P'' general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the i A p � , get knocked about and roll to every ronceiv- ingly simple when one considers all that it Taking the earth all over into considers- result. Starved nerves, starved muscles become StI'Ona• able angle, but our cockle shell literally is called upon to do. In tl+e lower left• tion, the amount of rain that falls on itis , „ when the danced on elle waves, plunging and kicking stand corner are the works in a small case. surface comes to about G feet annually. right Kind of food is suplZlied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments 1A for the next six hours like thing possessed. Besides thele there are another set of works The highest main road in England is that disappear as the nerves recover. As the 'nervous s `stem ninst su . 1 all Waves swept over the bows and even pene• about the size of those in a small alarm between Huddersfield and Stockport, which the power by Which the vital forces of the body are carried PP y Crated to the limited saloon. Few of na clock, but constructed with much more crosses Holme Moss at an elevation of first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does it is not Cori managed to kaon a dry akin, sieve and care. This email movement re 1,850 it. tain a sufficient; quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair 'i�" ~ In the afternoon the sea abated. The I}Dues the larger and winds itselfecerymin• The German Minister at Washington, �' y 1 r M P 4t �C''�'&. � skinner evidently kaety ilia bearings and ate. It regulates the larger one, and is Dr. Von Hallebon, is known there from his the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves, really the motive and re ulative o 000d humour, as the manor o when the land was sighted the course lyes fs p war for Dr. Von h For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. directed to a rising point, said to belong to the entire machine. laughs." This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to Contain the. ` the coast of King island, Within an hour There is a long, slender metal rod rising perpendicularly from the larger movement Anthony Trollope's first novel was written essential elements pint of which nerve tissue is fbrmecl. This accounts P*Z Irore we were under the leo of the land, Attached, and at right angles to this, are Ill tiventyfour (lays, in order, to obtain the for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- carefully making a sheltered bay with money to give Itis wife a chane of air sandy shore, suitable for affecting a landing twentp•four rods which run across the con- ordered by the doctors, g rangement. in baECTRI ca Bste and giving anchorage for the rtigbb tinsel, so to speak. Several of the dials CnAWFORDSPILLF. IND., Aug. 20, 'Ss, ItFDFtrA v-insl`sOv, of PrownsralieT, Ina.. It was a • relief to be in comparatively still are regulated by each of these horizontal To the Great South• American. ateakine co.: says. I has been Ina distressed coadltioa for AND APPLI<ANoE f10. water and some comfort to be able to rods, That one which runs from New York DsAit GENTe:—I desire to say to you tLat I p have suffered for many years with a very serious three years from Nervousness, weakness of the /IQ i/IQ115i Q P , �o��ai�g9 o��e pare and Bata proper meal before landing. to San Francisco, for instance, has eight ® t��s '� disease oftile stomaeiand nerves. Itriedevery Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until inT '•i•v KING cl V TORONTO, dials to take care of. The rods are attached AYE medicine -1 could hear of^ but nothing done mo ST. , `1'e had lots of impedimenta, in any appreciable good until I was advised t0 health was gone. I has been doctoring con G. G. PATTERSON bI cooking utensils stores guns, and ammu• to the main rods by a bevel gear, followed try c 9tautl with no relief. I bought one bottle at gr. for Canada. ' g � Y {� y your Girt ..oath r C American a Norville Tonic y. S nition, to he landed in the evening, for the by a smaller gear of lily same pattern: Tho p Y and Stomach and Liver Cure, and since using South Americas Nervine, which done me more �. steamer was to leave in the early morning, motive power is communicated from the several bottles of it I must say that I nm sur- good than any g50 worth of doctoring Y ever aClee>t rieaty, as t pt�l3ed >j� the When the steamer had sailed the experienced horizontal rad to the dial post of each clock prised at its wonderful powers to cure the stom- did in my lite: i would advise ercry weakly er- OI'i1t Electric Belt Has no equal for the prompt relief ash and general nervous system. If everyone P the sensations of Cortez after burning his by another bevel gear„ All, that is set•n p p knew lily value of this remedy as I do you would son to use this valuable and lovely remedy, a, Is Dow recognized as the reatest boon offered boats behind him on tba American Contin- when one looks at the back of bile map ur• atldspeedycureofColds, Coughs, not be able to supply the demand. few bottler of it Las cured me completely. _ to ce of Ing humanity r u fast taking the .T. A. HARDFE, Es-rreau, Montgomery Co. consider it the grandest medicine in the world•" l lace a: drugs in all nervous and lie tic put' In this ease, however, there -was the face is a series of long rude with clusters of Croup, 1"iOarSefleSS, LOSS O'F NERVINEMM, TON , roubles, and will affoct cures is seemingly certainty of the vessel returning ficin }13e1• tiny cog wheels at uneven distances. Tho VOICe PS-elcher's ur'Ori:717T'Oaf, hopeless oases ivhereevery othprknoWnmoans bourne in ten days time, weights weigh 150 pounds. There era ' a ©RRl CURE ®R .�•T, 1li i AS' D6 6�+L� Q9€d R etas Failed. It is nature's remedy, and by its ' breaks in the rods here and there as all the Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, p EA. 13, fan that is veadllv,ielt, There is little twilight at the anti odes, ' and other derangements Of the CRAivr,ORDSVILLH, IND, June 2.h 88 1. P dials are not on a straight line.. This is g � POSITIVELY CURES ;'` The sun sinks like a ball of fire, and dark- accomplished by more gearing, throat and lungs. The best- My slaughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted witb St. `'itus' tress rapidly falls on land and sea. There' or Chorea: We gave her three and one-half bottles of South American ' Dance- Soleq miitfsui, t3esuai Weakness, was not time this, the first avenin to fix FVit11 the exception of the map, tate knotyn con h -Cure in the world, an 1\ eT soiati lFerilale Conlpin,fluts $• wooden case sect the hands of the clock g , viae and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every case of St. Qire'i"i-ipbiliby, im ot9noy, the tents; some slept id the open in water- it is recommended by eminent Vitus' Ranee. I have Kept it in my family for two Lnniba}to, Hl nevY Diseases, P everything was manufactured in Mr. Mes- y years, and am sure it as Proof coats, others remained on board the serer's shop fu the rear of his store, die Physicians, and is the favorite the greatest remedy in the world for Ind' estion And Dyspepsia, r 1Vervotas Lfsoases, .Liver t Back, steamer until the morning, }pepsic, and fox all �YSriansitL, Lana 13aols, says it will take him a whole day to set all preparation with singers, actors, forms of Nervous disorders and FaWng I ealth, from whatever cause. Vari°oeoio. Y7rivary Diseases. The Party was divided into two epsilons; the dials. The mechanism will run eight preachers and teachers. ItsOoihes )r I2cZiana, JOHN, T. 1tiLISlG each with a chosen captain. A fair division State o RHEUMATISM of provisions was lriade and we started one the a without winding, curl during tliattime life inflamed membrane, loosens 1)Iontgomer� Gount'y, }ss: the exact difference in time at any hour be. It• is a well 1cnOWA fact that medical science party hang bent more on shooting and tween any two places can be ascertained at the phlegm, stops coughing, and Subscribed and sworn to before me this tulle 22 has utterly faded to afford relief In rheumatic 'hunting, the othuron makingzoological and , 1857• oases. We. venture the assertion tit at scientific investigations. 'There is no need a glance. Tile time of lite New York and indtiCBS repose: CHAS. W. V,TRIGHT, Notary Publfel Electricity �ias only been !n use as a remedial .to chronicle our Bail trials our ludicrous Newark dial will coincide with the actual ugout lora atvyears, it as cured more caeca time, Greenwich computation, s, �9 III( ,�D �� o ctllinar efforts, and am dismal experience �• F R7teunuatism than all other means coin- Y P In order to have ear,H dial accnratety 4 bin, soma t, our leadingli lysiclaus, resole during a night of sudden storm and drench- Tei£ T',Tl'eai South �7Tlt°T1Cs2i Te nlzing this fact, are avallIn themselves of this ing rain, $°ince it to say that bod and regulated so that it may register the time of Cherry rv7ji® �UIIie anostpotatnt of nature's forces, Y the place it represents with perfect exact. I soul, were kept together by the su lies Pectoral �Phich we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever °I® YiEST6JFll; 1eq�,�p®®D P PP ease, if2r. Messerer will make all the coin- discovered for the cure of Indigestion, D t imported from Melbourne, eked out with g , Dyspepsia, and the vast train of ' Thousands, of people suirec from a variety of the ,product -of tits sportmen's. guns; and putatious himself. He will begin with the taken for consumption, in its e S )toles an 11 dial farthest toward the east, and will use P , early , mi d horrors which are the result of disease and debility nervous diseases, such as Seminal weakness, whatever could be captured of as edible stages CheCICS further progress the human StomaC i y o,C .Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, .eto„ nature, At the end of 'a weep no flour re- a small scale which marks of the degrees of stages, l? g Sof h• NO person CaIl afford t0 pass b till ' tbat ube old -modes of treatment fall Lo taffy the disease and even in the later culable value who is affected p y s Jewel of iee x- 01ere .Is it loss of .nerve force or owor that maining for bread, a moderately successful longitude lata small divisions, The differ- , by disease Of the stomach once in time for a degree of longitude is stages, it eases the distressing )erience and testimony , beCftliSe the e:r- any of to restored Would trompllst; and attempt was made to supply the deficiency three minutes g � y of many 'O t0 ]'Ove til hhvTwy kir who rugs d try to aoaomplish this with a coarse brown meal that phis, When all the dials con h g l� itt' this. is the ONE and and promotes refreshing oxLr ONE great cure in the .world for uy kind pi' drugs ie roperly a dangerous been called bran. Caltex might have are set the mallet will waft until the Hour g 27 this Universal destroy :..- oyer. There form!of charlatanism. .I'rap°rly treacod ttot milds of this were sleep. Ii is agreeaUle to the last's is no Case of lin, alimnant disease, { and minute which the Now York -Newark , a ase, Of .he stomach which Can ' " nice; nut then kangaroo -tails are h no needs but small'. wonderful r resist clic i',ESE D15E6SES C�1 BE CII�E� Y clock records to cortespond with the stinal doses, and does curative polveis of the South Amer' ` y means bad eating, either fu: soup or others „ ican Ner`lne Ionic: ^ timeliere. Then the meohanism will beset not interfere with HARRIET 13. HALL. , - Wisp. �Vanga•W kn. gapigeons make savor I digestion or of waynetown, Ind:, says; I•.elt aid' Sura spoiled by life Owon Electric a y isn niotio g. Y, "I owe ,S lkins. l xzA A.,iiRstTT u and the 204 hour and second of tl my lite to lily Great South American '"'le' oN, of New P.osa, IirdiaDa, and' ,Suspensory, tviiC most assnredl do Lew, and quails Toasted on s, its are'not t 1G Yea'UlaC Orn ail Belt a y p u a is iLtnCt10115 Nervine. I had heenln.bod Pur IIve wont says • I cannot express holy mu h hands will begin to do their duty, There '? hs from e, T owe to iLm .' se. , It is ,the Oialy Isnotvu remedial aaerit'tllat, be despised: The $sh tett ht were g Y ills effects $ e iu9i id ;ESS an emergency c s of:ane> haustgd stomach T Nervine Tonic. P Will be a difference of a a nCy lIledfClne ever ndigi,iter n, ]tIy system was completely vvlll_supply ivlta't is lac�iug; namelp;'horve a,s_most ofthe tish baleen. n Hour between the , y Nervous Prostration, .sLat. in the are Lan: and tem, inrdt ehat%ered" tared, a et s force Or an l are; impart torp and vigor to the New Yoik a 110uSehpl eon pp .it gone, �vne cot, ]Inn i Organa and arouse LO Lei b and the eggs of tltp sea fowl a ua eluaago dials, approxlinatel d Sl10Uld be Svltll cillos of my wi101c system: ,Had ven u .: i b end spilling y action lily whole were averstron Y ell hopes of gotten well. I3 P up blood, am Sure I was in tLo first e g of two hours betwec 1 New York and Denver Ayer S Cherry Pectoral Had tried three sloe- of consum ti Caged not voua system. in flavor. For the rest we ,had supplies of y tors, with no relief. The first bottle $ .a l 'sit inheritance handed' -d c « his o to Of the Nerv- through several owe I• .sea and e0a0A, Wibh.r wl119k "_en •ib and of hOlira betWEEI1 New York and ..,Davin .. Tonic improved me sO nit • e generations S.he ll gg�� e rr 66 ��pp used A er s Cher Pec- . P tcii th2 t Iwas able t° bila '1lervi e a tukiirg I16' 0Y' BfYtl A 1E�tQ isf moderaL oh to sat• Fane+raneisca. All the inter cele 8 y "Y walk about, a Tonfc;,aad ecninn 8 IMITATIONS Y e men, v g Places torsi-ln. tri : ^ bottled. cured me entirel ed Its: use lot y a. y about lir, month + - r f mil .for many :eats • I I belle -re it is the 5 t 1', " A di t"f' iL11 will allow'cories ondrn d flp y �' - years,, es metilcinain the s, oiztl sin eu .ely.oured. I I< p g i rences. e world. i, is_th0 e n f 1, i ess, cheap,'se-sailed Plleetric The,iocky.tidal cols o can oonfidentl -,recom •an notreco „ g n deet iomed 3 r Y mend it for all mmenu�t too highly. y o nerves; stodraoh duel_ y fun s I ha 11 13e.1i iLrj . Giapd by some concerns tLnd eddlecl P . n the beach;yield• lir: ltlesserer anticl ate$ no difficult in R ve ev r + P y the cornplamts it is else Noremed' c c seen. mad. t0 Cilie' compares ]Pith SOUTFr' �'� :.' 1 t(irotrgL ,the country.•; They; ale ,electric in ed an endless source of amusement and oc• kee in the clocks ' ,, AwrEiiioxi keeping in etfpct order, y r Nz icnN>v dis a curt, for the - clt &tion' to one : reviou i ,. P ,for he Its. ,Salp Ia Incl a . ioares with. South Amer] an Nerves. Na %,w l niLinQ only, tivrtoeh pss s a curative petvei a,nd p P s• nese uaialted a sing yeah with me c Nervine iia a won wondrous f c y eom Y q has arranged ever detail with scrupulous y.. , enmpare, with Sot a curafort•he Stomach, Tic re i' s, Y lona stili. iii Gusto South American Nervine a t rody will &L all r int any i't:ae, with the wondrous brilliant and abu P Y mens think this re a- + cure or all forms:ot y ndanee care 'sed nicety. The , differential 1? . P cure ludI t,qn sad D s ,e f # Pa.Rog ls,.D,, , It led erf y d erential flock a y 1 ps s. it Hover teals rttis LO 6 011.al tinge the 'F'9'ol'Id to 'show an of marine life in the so i iwn lies uo e u build fi�ee,, to l aro OItr a es b southern seas: nue of 'th'r qt al as'a con h cure.. u d„up th9 tyhola s stem ate ivy vitas PaDce. Its, otter a e afore, will.,be something well ? nuetfulinfihoez revue. $ s t , loe„rlb Belt where tllc current is under con- g worth' S. W. P• • dle a ed. It cures L11e Old- diput,, uepnsbur N. g, ..tiles at:friend to .. ,.thy-yottng,.andtli .m! ”. ural of thepatieutas;ooiripletelyaa this. tliefirst:ob•pets Q 3', �3. eaHail .no fd�t , .-. 9 , J; pointed obit to* me was a close and careful ins estion. It If on d 4� m• Do sot rte leets P will have y o, you raay re lett the one re S Jonae thir+' preeiahs;, can dui` B r rLcla 'Nrnalt is the erfeet specimen of a coral likevalue,$ l ant -t Fh a win pdrtrait oP Dr. P P9 Aarvineis e t re9torfl youtn licalth.. <• .. carte fan. `great practical intime wai teach m P I perfectly def©; and cern les t fa,,lt Ams, sir .Owpn::embossed in gold upon every 13e1t and' s readfn from a.oore pleasant cut: to .Lha. t;iof4r it - ti P K antral root in delicate fan• a} great cure, bee uselb' i 1 ' c Delicate apo your, do not fad appliance mauiifaotured by ua, tout differences in time than eaudriv l p .It Lha lc,Om of ireshr o P va t ge, Mwo be learn- and quickly �t•es -ss gild beauty upon your li e.iLad"in shaped braunhes,'eaah bcanclilet` er#arttited ed 'n yaway ,your drsabihtios and e P .. yonrgheotc w .tiLaessea, ®r , P atalo$U8^-�laiitld{80aied��'r0e, P_ i volumes, Once seen .the lesson•.wili g� •�- , With cells. With the aid of a-pocketleus not readilyllofatgotten.-ltissafe to @/ Peoto al % 8611d for �Lfi%%��tn, ,�ika tiny rose-colored poly. s were rendpre say pr b A ® ea BELT , Ci't7. g pp d that nothing lilts it hila ever hseou construct. y Dr,;;j.,C• Ayer & Co., T a,deli,l4fass. Eit+h7 �ai� "�, 'visible, disporting with i�usy teutaeies ut ed in this cat t' Sbld ky all 7Jruggsts, Pace �, • six battles 4r �'� "��n t3oittg SC GV., Toronto, t u xy, if in Uhe world. hew ,� . H2entiolvffi;zimer• ceaseless aetiv ty and vivacity: Greab hayiti the abiltt Would o ' f'r®ivsls'� to ADC sure $ Y to bHo neaea o dare EVERY E3OTTL WARRANTED, Purple echinoderms exluhrtad their count aary expense of time and money. hilel►en Cry far Pikchar's Castolia! C. �U7? 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Excises 8t `' :. .. s 11. v yl f iY9,.lii i deli' 6, .. +. J..:. ',�:,.>... "..�... `:::, .EI.vSL. t: rC," waruuliimah�MBIAtJ+bY6R.W"N_,wale. mi.