HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-4, Page 2I'.. I � I I I I - , , 1 . I �_- - �� -:.1 1, r7� , -
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11 I . 11 be careful of THE. LOST LINK IN ArRIQA, 1 ,__ .
.1� I , � �
MV THE WIPES STRANAGEM "Oh, my husband, You w' I I
AM, 0 a I yourself, wou% you 1 Remember, you might I -_ , � , . . --ml I � 0 I I i , 111' 1111 Js I 11
A I'Ek " 1) . — I have Another stroke of apoplexyoapd, then A very Peculiar Ptople. I I . I . . I
,,A, It iwia a bri0lb, COZY rooln,;�mt!l the I � . '': I
I 11 .
14 � _0 I 11, I Illy love 1 t of it Dr. 8tablain, I till, Fallin Pash%'s.coinpartion r " � I I __ -
4 V I , 11
I E: cheery young wife who'Qcqupied it made A frightens me!'! And a little ,�,lsh of tears,
- ,
Fr "I RS Imost char,aling picture as ,she eat in tile not wholly make b , elieve, Swept over her, oil his expeditions. in the tielghboriw6d of . I I
IS &' ' I blended glow tt,nd, softness of the firelight for in spite of hersetf the memory of that .L-%ke Victoria, has (says, a Berlin oorreapcn, I
, 4 saparl la rs briefly � dent) succeeded for the first time in bring I
I i . mud gaslight, with her deft ftnge I night was like a sharp probe in hot,, litiarbo I is
il oth � te enthroldery . ing. members of the Dwarf tribes (Pignties). �� r
I . . fashioning a. sheen of exqniai na it to � the. very cope, when she . . I . "
� er prepara- I . und of a 'ail. of Slippers, pthoruogi 11 � I of whout, the ancient Greeks related. that A A �, I'l-
tionsc1q,inlin- to bQblood-purifter I oil, the velvet gro p. . t her husband mighb be inclin to � 11
, 111, . 1> s. for her aWeat ]tit � sband. I � � ag4in trea,d the perilous path of intemper- they dwelt near the sources of the Xilti, . � . I
1. I First of all, because the principal The little dimpling smile Curving her ance. . . alive to Europe. They are of the rogro M 11 I
. . .
ingredieftt wsed in it is the extract lips plainly revealed'that the sunshine of . type, and their size is that of children of , � � � . I . .
I , But her fears were groundlesq. . . . I "I I , I -
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla Under happy thoughts boverea About her That was the fitstAndonly tim nine or ten years old. They traverse the - ��N � I - . I I I . .
. .
. � e she ever 1. , I . I .
-----.-,-- labor of love, irk spite of the fault shadow I dense primeval forests in troops, varying in � , i , I I � I I : I . � I � . I
root, the variety richest in, ined' ,which displaced it, whenever she paused to saw him intoxicatei, And whatever he sus- numbers from a mere ha � ndf ill up to se I I .. I I I , I I I � 11 I I ..
I- vetal. . . ,� ..
� , , fo 0 r , , 4f I - �
1 61, pected be wisdly followed her example, and r Infants an Ch,11d en. �� r ., ._ I
cinal Ptoperties. .Also, because glance at the clock on the mantel, disorqatly held his peace. for her Stratagem hundreds, stopping, for a while at places, - . . I . I � I I I., � �_
� �. I �
. listeit for the dear, familiar step, tarrying where they find Animals eliough to kill. Ow. . . I I . . I . . I .
l . had eff eoyally cured him, I
-ontedly long1froin her side. .1 � Ing to, the rapidity of their movements, the "Castorials Sowell adaptedtochildren that Castorla Cures 0olic, Constipation, I
Cures Catarrh td101'1k-,,y1e!li`x>iwg ull"I I . , � Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, I I , I" A
She was not accustomed to spend her sharpness Of their sight and hearing, and I recommend itas superior toarlypreser'13'tiolk Kills Worms, gives sleep, and proDiotelil-tw- ' , I . .
". I raised C%Pressly for the Company, it strange The StrawbeiTy and. Row to UAQ It- the 'extraordinary puci,sion of their wea. knowntome.11 X A. Aacmn, X. D., I esti � I I . , . I
. is always fresh and: of the very evenings alone, and it seemed a b, It is possible in these days to get stra,ly 11 I . , it, `35. T. wi &b,.t' Ininri. ne ... w .ti 0 U. I I
and lonely not to see tile owner of that , polls, they are excellent hunters. The best Ill So, Oxford St,, Brooldy . I � .
best kin;l, With equal discrimin step ill his, usual place, readin% aloud, berries that have all the sweetness and shot and tile boldest fighter in the chase — I — . - , . . ,
, - I .
. I . tion and care,� each of the othar laughing -and chatting, or gayly " uildilug aroma of the wild berry.' with the increased and in war is always recognized as the '14 11 For several years I have renramoudellb .
. e The use of I Castoria I Is so universal and. - , CAstorla, I and shall always conUE416 t* I .
- I castles in the air" for their future. size which cultivation gives, Such fruit I$ leader ; lye determines the, routes they take, its merits so well known that it seems a work our .
1. I ingreditrits are selected and com- What could detain him ? not vended commonly in market, but it can and chooses tile places .where they build , ot supererogation to endorse it. Few or the 10 so as it has invariably produced bomacial "
. pounded. It is . He had promised not to be gone long, be found even in the large city markete,aud their huts. These huts ave spherical in � form I intelligent families who do Act keep C=ri. result.." I � I .
. - ' within easy reach." EDWIN F. PAUDER, X- D-1 .
but -well, he so seldoul spent all evening any one possessed of a little skill Ila garden- and about four feet three inches high, so , I CAIMOS HAW ts Tim Winthrop,,' I%th Street and 7th Ave., . .
THE out, she should nou complain, and more mg can raise such berries At a trifling ex- that sit ordinary man can get in only oil all N4 " New York City.
0% I swiftly plying her needle, the smile would e. The ,majority of the Strawberries foars. The men are inveterate smokers. Late Pastor Moomiugdal6 Reforsued M. -h. I . �
. ,
10111() flit back to her face. pi,pes'are I � I " .
zjuperlor Med it Eleollu"ght to market, are raised by gardeners Their of primitive, but,original I � . ., I .1 \ , ., �
But, As th a hour grew late And lie did not who care more for quantity And carrying constr., ti. and consist of the hollowed- . . TEM Cmwxt CONPANY, 77 XuR-y S`r" .N,w ue, "
I because it i's always the same in come, tile shadow returned again and power than for qQalfty, And they are often out stalk.of �" banana leaf, with a bole bored .
I . .. I I ��� 8 �
� , again,growing darker and darker, till fin- a disappointment in flavor, being acid and in its side at one end, ill which the bowl, I I
. appearance, flavor, and effect, ally it settled ominously down on her heart lacking blie. aroma of the wild berry .which vorisisting of a rolled -up banana leaf, is .. . . .� .
and, being highly concentrated, and throwing aside her work, a wea, vig has earned for iti the botanical name of stuok� They suck the smoke right into their - . � I I
only small doses- are needed. It was hers, till the sound of heav , unfaillil- 4; fragatirt," the fragrant. lungs, and blow it out again in great clouds, . I 11 . I . � ==========-,-_-,-,-,--�L-
V. .
is, therefore, the most economical lar steps, And a quick, Sharp rill of the Tile Aroma of the Strawberry IS largely an operation. which is, ofs con . rse, alway so. �
blood -purifier ill e\isteuce. I t door,bell, sent her to her feet, with ile-thi lost in Cooking, and it Should be used fresh ownpanied by A violent I
. eyes and colorless lips. wherever i 4 is possible to do so. In pro. . FIT or COUGUIX0. , CURED IN 20 MINUTC33 BY
� piakes food nour- However, being a resolute little wom&us serving it is essential to ounces to Can tile
,- 0 u res ishing, work she hastened to tile door, And. fearlessly fruit when lucious and fresh from the bed, After each such inhalation And, exhalation,
pleasant, sleep Opening it, there, between two Of his And to use a variety of berry that is of rich the moutli-piece of the pipe stalk is Cut off. U Al"ha W a fl�ew r,
friends, she behold her husband -dead fl ... r. The Wiesbaden preservers, who Are Their love of smoking is instanced by the A0%AC P I 8
refreshing, and drunk I more, successful ,,vith Strawberries than any fact that, when one of them dies, they try .
life enj3yable, It searches out all One glance of shocks(] surprise, and rea,l- one else, do not allow their berries to cook to procure him the delight of smoking once OR4KONEY REFUNDED. Purely Vegetable, 'Perfectly Harmless'
impuritibs in the system and expels izin more than &moment. They fill the came with inore. They stick the moutb-piboe of a pipe I �
. �
.,Ul the truth in all its bitterness, she
- I c Allen, but out of tile whirl of tile fresh fruit, and sot them in a large ket. into the month of the corpse, and then blow and Pleasant to Ta e. F I or a r - -
'11 in harmlessly by the natural d have I, ., k S le by all D u
I her thoughts flashed. a stratagem, which tle containing water just hot enough to bear through the bowl till the smoke comes � . � I I ggiSt,o. PRICE 295 to:
channels. AYE R'S &irsaparilla none but, a woition's ready )vlo could have tile hand, � There should be a wooden rack out at the "OBtrila,
I . gives elasticity to the step, and suggested, With the silently breathed in the bottom of.the boiler, Ana cloth should Tile institution. of marriage is well known . L I I . - I '-Xzo�-11."�_. . 11 I I � I 11 � .
� imparts to the aged and, infirm,
I renewed health, strength,' and
!leaven forgive me the deception !"
I !la5t,t
be packed around the jars to prevent their
touc 'till each other. When they begin to
to thom, but. its obligations seeni, to us by
no means Strictly observed, .and there are
I Vitality.L
a to cry.of well -dissembled terror,
boil tbegG.,mau preservers watch thein,
people who attribute their dwarfish statute
I Points ill* Remedy.
she reeled against the door -jamb, gasp-
and as soon as the berries rise to tile mouth
and other bodily peculiarities to degeneracy
. ARL 9 -
it husband Is Struck with apoplexy."
, it is nothing so Seri-
'"ga' SI
of the jar they take them out and cover
thernwitharicb,coldayrup. By thismeaus
I . .
Consequent. on incest. Theyaresusploious,
1114110ious, and cunning, and war with them
is much dreaded. The height of the men
-�1114 o, madame,
thoplump Appearance of the berry as well
Sarsaparl I I -T-
oil that. Believe lue, lie will soon be
better," was the earnest assurance, in tones
s its flavor is preserved.
There are ipany ways in which a, basket
varies from 4ft 2in to 4.ft 911n, but those
who are %bove 5'Gin are p,rob;bly not of pure
descent. The the body is the
I . I
that quietly veiled the speaker"a
of Strawberries may be used for dessert,
tipper part of
to staile, .a
There are tbe daintiest of Strawberry tarts
portion most fully developed.; the legs are
I tPre,aredbyP,r.J.C,A-,-er&-Co.,LoivoU,',NI,5�-,;.
. iL11V%VaU1)ruge%%,.,, llricel;x - f;"'b0tt1es"§;5'
She unsteadily lifted her husband's limp,
made of fresh strawberries, These Are Bimp.
thin -those of the women, however, rather
I '
. Cures others, Will Cure
heavy hand, and nervously eba,flng it, Clink-
ly ahollsof pastryfilled with perfectly
less so, than those of the men, The feet are
thin slender; in walking the toes are
Ingly answered
fresh, ripe berries well sweetened. After
� —
AlGentlemar, vou cannot decolve me. I ,
know it is apopl;xy," and directing them
filling "shells" with the sweetened berries
set them in tile oven A. few moments to lot
not turned outwards, but Inwards, or at
best held straight, The gait is -wo.vy and
TuRF"T' 11 "u"',
to carry him up stairs, she anxiously led the
the sugar melt; then let the tarts cool And
cautious, but rl�;b feeble. Thearmsarewell
formed; hands
Ttrublisned every Tbursillay mocuu�,, ,�,;
way to a pleasant, gas -Rt chamber, where,
after bidding them lay him down on the
serve them hexped %vith whipped cream,
Shells of puff paste can easily be procured
the remarkably Small, with
elegant, rounded, whitish nails. In the
white,draped bed, she earnestly besought,
from any Prench baker.
whole forination of their bones is seen a
Plaut-4treet,utsarlyopposito Fittou'a Jowetiory
them to go for a physician. Deeming her
Another method of serving berries at
similarity with those of our Children, The
btQIoXxotor,11n4.,bv.Tolxa Wuizol- Sauj,Pra�
as unsuspecting, as she seemed they haeten.
lunch,,, or for a light desert is in a mould
head is roundish, altbou 11 strong --------
ed to gratify her, enjoying a, quiet laugh at
of cliampagno jelly. Prepare tile jelly with
projections of the forehea& And of the par-
- __ __ -1 .. I ___ __ I- -, ____ --- -
__ --..—.
. .
"Com*Aete M,canhoo'd
,& Nedical Work that Tells the Causes, Describes tU.c rkireats,
I Points ill* Remedy.
Scientificallythe most valuable, artistically the inostboautirtil ruedicalbool;cverpub.
lisbcd, Uiipagcs, *very page beAriagahalf-tone illustration tit tints. Subjcctstroitcd.—
. I . I
Nervous Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Development, Varicocele,
The 33Cusband, Those Intending Marriage, etc.
Every man Ayhowouldknow the GrandTrutbs, the PlainFacts,the OldSecret*aud
Xe,v Discoverieso0ledical science as applied to Married Life Nrbowouldatonc for past
follies andavoid inture sbould -irrue for this WO-N-DLk FUL LITTLE
pitf,As, B001C.,
It will be sent free, under seal, vVile the edition lasts. AddIress the publishers,
u �
__ NW""N0N0Z=WW"&�=
Ill Vs OF ADVI&R19TSIN-a her husband's expense. half a pint of champagne, half a box of gela- bone cause it to look Square. Tile ,-
Firatlusertiou'perUtle- ............ ........ It) coutl forehead is high and vertical, the eyebrows - __
'Vvclx suWeque4tiusortlou,per line, ..... � cacti. When the physician arrived he found his tine, half a cup of cold water, the juioe,of a _____-------__1___ =�=___ �
To insure iusortion, advortisonleu sshoull patient well tacked up in bed, and the,wif o lemon, a cup of exter, And a cup and a half often strongly developed. The nose is of ==�_
wsentill notiater than Weduosd&Y �iilorulul pacing the floor, wringing tier h%ndo, And of boiling water, �Soak tile gelatine for two the broad, i6t, negro type. The beard
__ acting like one distraught. hours in cold water; add , ibe sugar and grows chiefly on the tipper lip -, on the obin
. 1
Our=R PRINTMT DI!',P%RTA1FVqT1,% 0,2,j 11 Uh, doctor," she cried, " my husband boiling water, and then the Nville, and lemon it is quite feeble. The colour of tile skin EXETER LUMBERYARD
ottbe Iorgoitand beat eq uippea in the U'a"Y' is struck with Apoplexy, and you must bleeil Juice Strain the jelly through a flannel varies from dark chocolate brown to a yel- . I
l o, HuronAll work autrustu.t, w ui willro34ori I
I - ol't� Have one charlotte russo mould lowiah brown.
nor Imoulptattatiti= him, or he'll die." . I The undersigned wishes to inform tha Public in geiiaral thit h ,
I 11 I hope not, madam, and trust therois no holding two carts and one holaing one )LkXY WRINKLES ARE SEEN-, keeps constantly in stock all kinds of 1, .
Deesions Itegarding News. serious cause for alarm, Donbtleashowillbe �uart. Puth,51fan inchlayerof the jelly I .
I papers, M better by morning," replied the physician, in the bottom of tile larger mould; And Set which, seem, however, to be a consequence
Ill JA.yper,;f)n,%vIxo tAlm, a paper regrilarlyfro,ti gravely lee -ling thellneonscions In I -,in's pulse. it evenly an the ice. When the jelly is firm of insufficient nourishment or of old age. . - MAT"RIA#
0 W 0 ackod The women seem to be, as a rule, a few can. .
the post-oilice, whotherdirected in nis naino or ', Bat doctor, it, is apoplexy, and I insist set the small mould on it fill d Ith r. i $
another's.or whether lie has subs�xibal orna', 'must be bled," she passionately ice, Pour Ill cold meltediellybetwoolitho thiletres smaller than the met). The cloth -
ie reeponsible for payment. tbat he .Vreszed or 17=Ldres ;-Iel.
2 Mt. persion orders hLA paper discoutinuel. persisted. two inoulds, and whou thi A is firm take the ing of tile Inell consists only of a narrow
he lawst p%yall arrears or the publi-iber - 11 Well, madame, at 9.11 events it won!b ice out of the small mould and put ill a lit. strip of bast or inner bark from a a ecies of
ontinue to send it until the pttyment Is mit 0, harm him, and as you insist so strongly I tle lukewarm water, just hot enough to fig free. I never saw among t9em, the PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER.
md then collect the whole umoum whether SHINGLES A SPECULYR
c Payner is talcon from the office or not. have no alternative," and the patient 'was allow it to be lifted. out. It is P. thing thai smallest trace of ornamental dress or th- .
3 sults for sub,iorlpttons, the suit may be bled as Scientifically As the wife could must be done with care, for it the water is tooing. Their only ornaments are small I . I
ristitulted in tile place where tile paper is pub desire. too hot the jelly will melt, but it it is just holes in the upper lip, into which thin grass OO)OOO X It and X X X Pine and Cedar Shingle noW ill
ished, Although the Subscriber may rasld3 A little sigh of relief, and again she right the mould can be easily lifted out stalks ,%to stuA. Occasionally the soptu I m "
bundreds r f infles away. I stock. A call solicited and satisfaction guariald'Wed.
Vrbc courts have decided Mat refuftq Va Cried - without disturbingtbe jelly. Aquartcay. or the nose is also bored through, as well -
I akenew-zpapersorporiodicals from 'lie 11 Now, doctor, a blistor on his head it' ity will be left in the jelly, which is to be as one of the ear -laps, tbrough which they
Illee, or removing And leaving them nue post� JAMES WELIAX93,
fe 1110-1 "Xat, my dear madame," began the filled with fresh strawberries. Tile fruit then thrust small woodon pegs. The teeth �
ri,�iirtut�i,�aciaevidexkcoofintt,,iitiaiiL-1 ,111,1 physician, hardly willin to carry the farce for this purpose must be kept very cold are very seldom filed. The dress of the — ---
-- so far, but she vehement5y interrupted him, and must -bo well sweetened just before it is women is, if possible, even simpler them .
exclaiming balf-indignantly - put in to make it, palatable. It Also looks that of the men. It consists of a cord round
$ HAVE YOU I ! "Wit 'Cotor, would you let my husband pretty if a little. whipped cream is mixed the loins on which fresh leaves are hung ; . I ,
- I d is I W'.2't rn� father a physician an(I withit. Tile mould should then be wreath. these are fetched every morning front the . I
Z ,oa;tl,�.."'wh.t Dr. ME'S
V a I A V�j ; ought to be done inn, ed with whipped cream and decorated -with woods. The men generally sliave away � . .
I'll Iml * I case of apoplexy? Please apply the fresh strawberries when it is turned out. their heir, except a narrow strip above the . - Safe and Pbsolutely pure. Most powerful Female Regulator
blister." . There i 3 no more delightful ice-cream tb an right ear. They are very t1irty, and have - k,nown. The only safk�, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladles
M 11 I i The physician obeyed, mentally ejaculat* one made of the juice of rich, ripe Straw. an aversion to water; whilstitbe negroogare � ask druggists for LaRod's Star anaCrescent Brand. Titke no
9 * , I Ing - berries and fresh cream, Stir a heaping %,cry cleauly-more so, indeed, than the otherldud. Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger-
� 1.17hon A wom an will, Phe will, you may do cup of granulated sugar with tile yolks of averageZuropean. When they Sleep they i A
I . I endoll't, ous. Soldby all reliable drugkists. Postpaid on receipt of price.
(a � Antwiten she won!tsbowon1, and therets an oftlikeeeggo. Mix well andadd. too, cup draw up their fires continually ; they seem AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, Mell. �
. -a t I
a I end on7t." of boiling milk. Stir the mixture thor. unable to obtain fire by rabbi g tick ,o.
0 - , Thou he quietly departed, and whatever oughly in a double boiler, or a saucepan gether, and, therefore, en tbey c ange I �
a . . et III another holding boiling water,. for t eir uarters e ta -e with t em a rob . �
0 1 4 � his suspicions were he prudently kept them s r . ) -- __-q k
to himself. about four or five minules. Then add to Whic oy aft w r s lowig heir Al P ,
9 I wea onisas 11 it, . Str ti� of rat- 1b. 4 0 . V �� . li6l A; - -1 ._�
9 � -a to conscious. the )lot mixture a pint of very rich cream a, '2�, P, .,C, 4;; . V
,fB J� h husbandawok Z C .A 1b; V
1k) 'Cckaq le 11,o scavengers he t 0 oinewhat arnaZed mud bewild- mud the juice of a quart of thoroughly ripe, tan.. heir arro re carr e n A so of ib, e b. � ,�-,O-
,� nZs henwag 9 , L � 4 ,� 0
"ItIla the
t kid- .of the system, r! I strawberries. ' Freeze the cream care. raw leather, which they hang over one 7 ,�, _�) V
, 1, " - �� ,§
I XN I NO; 0 "I R.
L �
M � C I A .
,e f,
,zz are in O'Delay Is �i i erektti,g his hand to his head he called to fully and serve it with white cake daintily shoulder. They are usnally made of wood , , & &� , .
, ouble. Dodd's dangetous, Neg- only, but some have ]leads of iron, Nhich 0 V 0, V
his wife who hastened to bend tenderly iced and flavored,with bitter almonds. . 4 ' � . ..
2 Kidney Pills give leated hidney ' ,t�, d 0 1�1�;p -1.1
� , wer him. -6 they obtahibybarter from the neighbouring V 0 V ,d� ,� .... I
prompt refief. " troubles result ! . peop les. Their poisoned arrows Are deep- " � V -,-� . ,,,,
, "Why, little wife, what's the matter ? Gold Min' in Corea. �,() - qo vo "
t " 76 per cent. in Bad Blood, � Vat", ly.notched below the head; ind often have I ee- 10 W. b, I .
� W, hat Ails my hea,d, and what makes me so - - '0 - ON, .,o, q;P1 -0. .
of disease is Dyspepsia, Muer. k O'l A correspondent.of the Shanghai Mercury. barbs,'w that an attempt to draw out. An , I I ,� " N� 'M
' we& . . � 0i 1<�w . 6*1 0 15,9- -
� Rush, hush, my darling I You must . wound. I . !�, .0; " .6. & 1 4e�' t.
� JIrst caused by Oomplaint, and ves some facts of the working by Japanese Arrow causes it to brea;k off in the , "$, .
disordered kid- the most dan. i " of the Coreau crold �, . ,V "t 1�9 4
vicinity of Instead of feathers, they use a �� e0o 6
r� mines in tile portion of a .;p V , _11
neys. gerous of a//, not talk, for you are too ill," she softly usan. The mide is reported to be -only leaf at the hinder end of the fixtow. I . . , - .e* 61 Q" - P I
acing her hand caressingly on V V . r�la IC, k N ICP Q -V 14
. whispered, pl 0 0" ", 'e, .,4 � - C4
1 1 " IV & $, ii
'Ifflightasivelf Orfghts Disease, eight miles from the fine seaport of Mes. . � 1*1 NZ 1 lbd S, 4,
. r,y to have a Diabetes and his forehead. I � . I TILE, POISOX I -�p b"', ,�, . _1> 0 N . .1 -2j"
sampo. In the mining district of Chaawan � . , ,;�o ,& �. �� X
I nalthy city Dropsy." i ' he echoed, "I_-&na the ,p 0 -�,4; �0. 'V �
11TOO ill" a d is -Nv ,,-,(,-o 0� , e� . "3i .
. hand fluttered to his lips, compelling there exist gold bearing quartz reefso and employe(I is of a veget ble nature, in - �p " ,w � d�i 'gt , , -;��
without 4etuer- ,,, rh e above I auriferous Alluvial soil ; the latter is being greatly feared bytbe natives. Ifitrem%ing V �&,`; 41 - ,t�
silence perforce. a _. coa �%, �01
alge, as good d7seases cannot washed in the usual way, in primitiv'e soine time fit the -wound it causes death,and 4:1; le 0 , I � Vle ,,, a ov, .
he'aft when the exis-t where 0 11 Be silent, love," was the low, gentle - . ..;�; . 0 , S 0 19' "I I
ative fashion, by those et�tltled to it, and even if it is quickly removed it is usually t� -,t!,N �p �0 , NI., ,& X�l Y1
kidneys are Dodd's Kidney to caution;llies apoplexy, and the doctor So is the quartz belabonred in the lifost, uh. followed by a strong perulent, discharge, p 4 0
,j�� ,;��p b. .. , & VP "N - 1$
. �, a s, e, 0,pb ,,, L
washAre, and bled you, and blistered your , , "
I ,0 !,�S. ,� 0 "S
clogged, they are Pills are used.'r scientific, barbarous manner. After heavy which causes tetanus, With proper treat- 4�0 -0 ".O 'I 01 IN - , ...,
, , I
S - i. on are better now, ut unless . 1,0N101 Nt, . �o. .b. V -4, V,, ! -
Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receip b 2 � poor heat: rains many people may be observed wagh- latent, however, this poison is by no means C, e ,Ixip� ,J11 �> _*�_
, � *
- ",_�
, "' C �
N, N �'
� � 11
. f price 4o cent&. per box or sh< for $2.50. on keep perfectly quiet I dare not answer � - . .0 61;� 1� ' "' " � Itp, �1�1 e �
. I � -., �; t' I - �� _�_ _,�_ -
� "; � - I _P I
ol Ing for gold, which has been carried down dangerous. ,. I 0
Dr. L.A. Srnith & Co. Toronto. Write for I I yfor the coiisequences. So come! be a. good �� .� � 1 $1 S.
book called Kidney TzJL. I in the floods from the mountains, and this From their exclusive use of wood in mak- IN,�, 'NZC,-
I C, .- darling, and see what& splendid little process has been constantly repeated an- ing their weapons, we may I suppose the I 14�
nurse I'll make," and the beguiling voice 11 ,� -4;,o .,,,I -� �4 .,-- I
, ., �
nually from generation to gener-Ation. The pigniies to be atill in their most mitive I . I
7 I .1 was fall of tenderest love. . . �,;� � N" ; I
. 1, ;! mmos were worked for About ten years, "age ofwood." They have' no Par.imestio I I
1� I il 11, But before it paused memorybeA roturn. � ,
. I I tinder i apanese auspices. The easily con - I .1 Js, except dogs. These are small, of manufaetur,ed only by TW%nns Udllowa�.7.ldolltyw Oxford Stract, I
0 i I ed to the listener, and looking into the . an e col, I I
- tented Corea,ns are pleased with their own, tbluis ather, sharp -nosed, .1 �
I - 31 sweet eyes above him, shame and remorse Durofyellow Is . I late 538, Oxford Stract, . In. � I
� rude manner of carrying on business, where, with upright trianolar ears. They aid in - ,* j;�T Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes 'and Potsk
. sealed his lips. He knew he would have to If 1�""L' I urly managed, an enterprising and flndin� the gains. Whether the pigmies
I I e ad intelligent mining concern might eas ly are cannibals or not is At present an open , IN
I I remain a prisoner in th house till his lie I I I �
il I I . . I should heal, and. the thought was anything -ying good dividends to share- question. Their language differs- entirely � . . 1� I
___� ( - ______ but exhilarating. . I prosper, pa. I I I I . � I �
� 134 . . I holders And an excellent royalty to the from that ,of the neighbouring peoples;, it — --- -_
� 9Z - However, he found his wife such an � en. Government. The Japanese had actually has not yet been possible to form a voc&b-. - I . : , , I . I . � .
- I V-- es. . I � I I
, � lh� o., gaging nurse that; the period sped almost some houses built, and sank seven shafts; ulary for them, since, in replying to qu Vffl2WV�W%7_aQrV9_V I Every owner ora
.. ,I t 11 I F I as a, dream in which she moved About, him they employed about a hundred natives, 1,iona, they usually employ the languages 0 a Iwr�o .rc.- ,,tt-ts
� - I like a bright, ministering spitib, with � besides their Japan see, Staff and abou t tit irty their neighbours. Our tvvo female � piginj " . to I'llow bow, to
I . . I �:as Wanted.
I I � I ! smile on her lips, a, light in her eyes, and a Japanese miners, but without the neces- baite learned the'Sualiell tongue, and it is I I I a - It- !0 - - I I I I I kcap 11 is 111�ftlfl in
. . ... .. I— � � 1� I . � � , tenderness in her . manner that jealously sary mining appliances, Such as Stamps and . think themselves quite un. is th . good licalth whilit in the stable on dry-ifodder.
I gua�4eaagairist re�realincr, by a word, look, quartz crushing mills, the operg,tives had . only when they � e latest triumph in pharmacy for the cure DIC,K"S BLOOD PURIFIER is now rccagnized '
- � MIMIC _ hRST MONT SECOM'MONTH , . observed, that they talk and sing together of all tile 8 7ptonts indicating'KIDNIRY AND V -5, it gives
I � or si med her hus. to throw up the working.' ' Tile Jetpatiese in 6 .ton 1 4 troubled with � , 1.
I gnl that she even grpa - Livra.Cornpaint.,01i you are 4 as the ,best Condhlon'PowdQl - a good
� ,. . I their moth r gue.. The tiegroes appetite and strengtlienq,the digestiori so th,at all the . I
6 band had been brought , home to her drunk. .were working some rich' galleries at %� maintained tbattbey twittered lil�e birds, 10o , st . Iveneats, PUZ1.416439 Soor S.tomaclis , tod and fornis flesh, t1w9 saving1r.or I e
: � 1 � . *No. It was apoplexy�that. terrible apo 0 feet, bill-, the necessary buttlie tribes beat acquainted w , ith them . --------- it costs. it regulates the Boi,�als
. ; . . � food is assimila
I I . . *. . - dtipth of 60 to 10 I . I . than I anLtxidneys
I .1 I i 0ires Lost Power, Nervous t , ve made hot a wid- mining and pumping gear made itself. badly know that they, speak blie langui I
b , plexy�which might ha I I
ebility, night tones, bi- ' , - I I � I ges of their 0 b I , and turns a rough coat into a sincothand glo�.,qy ore.'
. I I I I . � seas&.5 Caused by . ow , and with her face hidden on his shoul., f4sib., I - � I . I � I A : I Sonad Horses are .qi- � � , � I
,. Abuse, Over I I neighboura. I I a I . � ,, ,�,
:". � Work Indiscretion, Tobacco, I 3 11 him, more —_ I . . I ," 11 .
I 1� f Work, Itidi .der the little dis embler tol I I . � . . I . ' I a ,tittys In dentand a d
� Opium or Stimulants, Lack ot , � . I I I I I �, this seasor - at .�11
�_, , 1. than once, ]low she hadwrling her hand's . ' k ivbe.n the, Ch
I !;'y 11 Ji
1, . I Energy,,Lo9tAN1ernory,KeM44- .. . . I , 6sb wretched London contains 90j000 paupers --- mknown Fully 800,000 doindstic animals, valued dachs, lndlg�stion, 'POOR ArPETITB, a 45 %*a d, I
.... .
I ,�. I I , ache and �Valteftxlnesg. THIRD M 1, NT ; and wept over him that in P48 such, and receiving relief—costin the at $6,000,000, are Annually devourcd. by SLING, RHNUMATio RuNs,, Sleepless re so liablc� to slips and I . I I I
� I ., I night when he did not eiren k�jq , her . . � , , strains DICK'S BLIS- I .
.�� , I � I I � I Melai%p,olyis Feel] ' ng, BACK ,,A611B,, �
� , Young, middle-afed or U I I W ? +,axpayers on an average $50',& heal wolves in Russia, ' due )? fo
� I - . I , M r nr ,� . . i per I � . . � : . &Y,s y and Liver Cure TER Ivill I �nd.
1. ,men sturcrulf-I .^= -,I =7 ts -_ lin'. and messes, ,�i� 9wlt little wife. I
to = ea t 1 11 o and Vi . � I � a -r a c:
� I I tre�ltored , ��` I' I " year. stable necessity; it �Vli. H,0rZM,._-,.
I 1� 'th �fiy tender blauffisbillents, Afarly authors and composers oil retiria I
� . . . , BTAT_.�IrTo ANDS , Xr 11 VVLO1SJ:rA1.�1pDV. 11�1,!9� ,*i m Where the telephone wires are Overland, t It d place writing.miterials ready' at re iqve a curl;,.-PaVhj1 . I 11
I 1, . - I === I . — she beguiled the term of his enforced im. the speed of transmission is at the rate of o e S hat'when any brilliant thought : I'll ., I spilot or thoroogiVin or niiy sweiiiii.g. Dick's Lini.
. , I
i , I I priso �l ment, which, notwithstanding its at. about 1610 . 00 miles a second., where the. hand, o t � I Meat care$ A StraM or larrtene�s and rcniovo�; inflaw- ., ,
i . A Cure la Guaranteed I tractions, he, was not loth to leave when at wires are through cables tinder the sea the strikes them in the night thby can at' once matiorifioniCULS'and brili.9".
I I F or SMe by all Drug� ' I
, � . Again, of course,happy as down. The poet Campbell, on one , � d gists. Dicic'S�13100dl'urifiar5oc, :b�ckls]31i ta�50�. .
: I I I . i - .. � . I �. . I . liberty to go out . speed is not more than 6,09-0 mile's a Pail It Will give intriledlate relief And Eireur A 'Cure-, � I S
: - — 7u,�ft;W_ , a ird on tile ,%ving ; for where dwells' the � I I occasion, retiring to rest with his fboughts Sold atnll Drug Stores. I . I Dick's Linlmcnt2bc. Dick's Olatment25c,
: . . � I � . I
I To ;;Fyot�e , t�f� Remedy ticen�ding to dimc%ons second. .1 . I I � I I 1 1
2 . or ziAey cbecrrully and conscientiously refunded. r man qpliteat to abide'ab home, day After 5 1 full of a new.poem, after a little uneasy � p 1! " I I J C I
, ete-rborol Co., Limited I Septl a
, � I . PRICE $1,00, 6 PACMES $sxo. 1 day, as women do, witboutsometinlesProv- One of the moot curions pAkpers in Eur pe Slumber suddenly woke about two O'clock, .,� I � I � . I N . , I " I
0 1 , self repeating, t �PE ,. � I I -t attlep,-,-.�v,v�l,,�.,! .
Sent by niail to Say point in U.S. or Catiada,'securelY ing—�Vhisper i6 low—a bit of a, bear? . —probably !it the. World—is 'published in slid found him L ' ,he 'words, I T %A& 46'
1 , I r q
� � � seafed free fran-,tlaty 01,!nspectlon. ' wif allowed him to Vienna� Its propriet * tit E,, peror (I Eventstocome cast their shadows before." . � liallars, &
o she i, I a bool� of valuable hc.-�=7�old and farm T,�,,'q-��i� will ,
11 'Nriteforbui-A_tiok"$YARTI.IPIG FACTS" or on 9 Cra"svIl. b . I
� f , But before his e
f�, . I onTy, Telt,00llov to get well and stay visli., . throw her arms Airound his, neck, praying, Franc is Josoph of Austri bob it lip- called at. once for lights And, a cup of , be serit-firce. . 4" 1
: I � I Aadress 0 mll�� ot,' QUM WILDICINE CO., T� apparently ill a, p@rfect,�fever of ti-pprehon- is own sole bench or'that of teat and. before daybreak had completed & I
1 , for b I L I � � - ITVI�All� � , I
I , I I � portion of f,'�Lochiel's Warning.", , I DICK & co" P. 0. B�Jn 482, MV��
� I I 0 jvg�-) " I I I the public, . I I . I r I
I � �01%'LIFE OVUM% Moittreal,,0ar4 -I 46U." . . . . I . . 1. I � I -1. I I I I 11 - . I � I I 11 r I I
;1 p . . I � ,I I I I � � I I I
1, , � I ,Children Cry, for Plicher's . .
� , � , , , I � . 1. - I I I � I � 1.� I I I I I 11 I I I 'icast4div, 1. I I . 11 . � . 1.
M1 I e,�
- __
�"" 0,0,
1�� I
1 : ,, I t I I I I . 1. � I I I I . I ".-L, 1. I I ,� I .1 I , I � I I . 1 . .. I I I
� I 1 I . I I � I 11 .. . I : �', � 11 I I - . I . I I . I . I . �� ��
� � . I I I I I
�'_ :.r : , �� I., I �: I I . � I I I , I I I I � L � I �
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I . . I r . . I � . I �. I., I I I . . _.
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I I I I I I I . . . I L ..�,, -�. . , ,;.�,'! " '"ll-," � 1, !�,�:: ,,'- ,P,� �,� , �, -, �,., L, , I ;
11 -1 - I I L , I ,,,, � I jL ",.� . � '�O'��.",', , , 'I, 11- , , , 1� - � � "'�;,�,,;:,Y, �!4� ZL � ��", "' ,�' I I �
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�, , I 1?111'L� , r ,&, �;- I . 1� I I
_ � J� 11; , " " _ � 1: ,. I
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_1d_ - ,,,,:;,il-"q.�'',.�-�.��,,�,�,:��� z�_.,�,�J. "I 1��������i' ik& z,,� 1'��&� �. _ � , I ��. , �,
,��,,� !�, ��, __ "',r�_
� . � I �,!�J�-,;�, , " ,�: .� I ...... ;�, _". � , .