HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-4, Page 1;w" 4A: %AGtfhf�, : , , ..i ^ : .. �, ,. a r ' •- - .. , "HEW TO THE LINE, LET fiHE CHIPS FALL 'P4 HERE THEY MAYS ;; VOL, XX$ No, 35, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1$93. JQ13M Wax1rX Or soz4s J I I��l1�1���1/ Engikaiapxs crier Pnolprtotors t^` b'ullertan. Hensall. I+Ilimville. vO1+1IDEfNFD llISTRI("JT , •- - QA.�D1tON S�I'CTI, 73neriater, 8olioi� w Bninra,--1'he house of Edward Cornish, Nl W9. Why Go Birofoot , tor, Oonresanaer, Affioe Main -St. Baiir,ra--Mr, George can be consulted afterTM affivs hours ;qt the : ge Andrew, with oom- WI ��� I . . . " �,' near Mi. Pleasant, was with the contents Commercial Hotel.131ons'dw mendable enterprise recently purchased the SE of the upper flat, destroyed by fire :There, - , suaox- S2ppeworth of new Spring roods 'ust opened fins Darlaam buil What Care I.' bred b " day morning, The contents of the hale out at A. Wessloh%the old rellab c Boot k Falcoat ton, o y Mrs. Moo, dan hter of Mr., W Bingham B f Brneefiald, He purchased 8 g SOLI «y " rrtent were all saved . as also was a frame Shoe dealer.cf Ron$all. She are always to ' Sullen died at Walston Dakota last. "b: W hen. you Can ' thefront in price, quality andstyle,andoarry a Splendid tharougbbred caweometimepgo week, ' , r waodehed in the tsar of the house, rha a stock equal to any oIip. These eaeda have and ra thpa lazing the foundation of a }}, firs is supposed to have originated. in a been bought for cash, direct from Manufaotur first class herd.='1'wa u ' , Cilnkanbaa been fnfeatad with drpnke'the--•^----- lf ' , I U Gni, good, high, defective chimney, --A, T.' Moore, near err. this enables us to sell foot -wear, as ohnap P blta,meettngs have past weak, and the Longtahlea have been held an the 'Township Rail far the a had a "' t. i 4tunro, has decided to sell his farm. Hay. and ohoaper than 'any other dealer, As our p rich barvest, U Dear! 1 Wish that x m,)to is ani has been '"Small Profits and quick Perposo of having a separator and cheesehouse, r ; 3 :` " 77 i p Mr: Louie Felker, form0rly s xosidont of Cleanin 'Was v - f�1 i 1� l� Q lug received a severe injury to one ' of hia returns:' and by oursiivarc andhoiisst donling factory eaf'"Ing somevHere iu this vlei_ , - g over. Just think 7 hands Some time ago, he is not able to At- in the past. our trade is increasing every, Year. ni Dee its the e , Colborne township, died in Hullett, on ill ' +t, 'i{!r% ,t -Vz cxr tend to his usual calling, Boots and Sboea Dade to order in the latest tY p Io enoe of Exeter s Mond ay. Cee; rOOms to paper, and the sit--• . ' " a" R. „"'"� "' Q YY t� g Style, and a first oluss At or no Sale. Reoair- reprsaautslivo ensu we can only report slow Mrs. Wim. ETawkt.laaw is sp • ting room and spd;'e bed -room hilus r , ('� r� -" - ing neatly done and promptly attended to.. progress, t rnewhat im t fi""'t• �' i„ 0c, ;' McGillivray ' tiyoHava also in Stook a largo assortment of Proved in health since they returned to have new carpets, My', 1' y 1 Is I ft ra Trunks and Valises at Bargains. T'' -?ter and �"�"- "- Saafarth, says the lasppsitar. seems to zli9 we are always buying $liturg--Mr. Jamoa: Patohin fe home Lasa taken in oxchanfc a for +t! por Dont Dashwood, y , ' Y James Dialr$on, Esq, Registrar of God. Something But newer mind it �_ partly p g off for cash on all ready mace goods, Call and ---- oriob, is dangerouslyill, baying been seized ' from Pt, Horan ctrl laid u with cold and examine our stock, and be convinced that the 13nii.rP. --Miss Lydia Hauch left on with a paralytic etroke last week, won't Cost So inucli after all for i . Also a complete Line of a slight fever. -Mr. W, Weir, Blacksmith, sell cheap. , i ,MISSES' AND A. WnSston,Proprictor• Monday for Landon where ehe has secured am told that J. P. Doss of a large WOME has moved into our midst once more - Sign of the Big Boot, a good aituation,-Our barber has a smile The Murphy berm purchased 7th 'y Messrs. � 'CHILDREN'S OXFORD TIES in Mrs. A, Munro is dangerously ill at present Followin ore the market quotations on now for its a "girl." -Died in the vil- of Hallett, has been purchased 1y Masers. Stack Ot the loveliest 'wall papers. -Last Sunda afternoon as kir. Neil g la o 4 Belt and Lanham of Londeeboro for Sd,. with borderw to match that prere .ACES and DUNGOLAS. These y Wheat ... .. ........... 63 to 64 g. on Monday morning, second youngest 200 by so and his sister were horse b to Church danxhter of Mrs Witzel after a short illness. , ever Seen in Exeter anil stash �'�r00ds were batiglat direct from the by some means the Norge beoetne un- Barley , • • .... , , . , 83 to $5' A child of kLr, Tilos, O'Brien of�.Pupkor -. mans Oats . , .. , .. The funeral took pleoo on Wednesday to �anufaofurers and will be sold at manageable and ran away, upsetting the , , .. ;i0 to SU smith forced a button up its nose rho; oth0r beautiful all-wcpl tapestry and the. Branson Lino oematery. The bereaved ri.c that Cannot' Ile beaten, buggy and throwing the occupants: furca PcAs 53 to 55 day, and. it wise with difficulty r0mav0d l+9 Carpets, all at prices Within, the and of dirt water. Ra 6.00 to 7.00 mother has the sympathy of the; entire areach of all, and Letter still* rha p y tt ' neighborhood in her acre bereavement.-- physician, Mrs. y Dokter. ..-.-17 to 18 Old Mrs. fi#anlop of the 10th poaasealan Eggs i2 Cents per doz, "�""'` Eggs 1 to 12 bit. Henry Willett shipped a carload of of MoKillo departed this life on Sunday say I can get a $5,00 Picture Braoe$ald. p Hogs ... 8.0,0;to 8,25 hags on Tuesday to Buffalo,. -Mr. Jaa. morning last. Deceased was respected by thrown in. Ain't it a, caution 1 . I XOGN WeAN, � youngest Clover seed,.......... SA to 8.75 o�Ce! P. M. has put a new safe in his all" who knew her. I'm going there, so I am. Are Bnt>tri-Last week the Dun est child. General Marchant, Kirkton. of ;1Sr. Robert Murdochpassed away; after Bios es -The conoert on Tuesday evg Charles Quereagesser of Gray has puro4- you ? "- .,O. ased a farm in Logan township and may : r a brief illness "tea bettor world. -Dr. Mo- 'given by the O'13anynJubilee Singers Hay, remava to it ttex! fall. Tn that event it fi MRS, �'� TAE-A--NA-AK$. _._._. _ . Tavfah, who is nota Strong" among us, in the Methodist church was well worth Stephen• has began the practice of medicine in our said bis brother will run the sawmill. k going to hear, as they gave some well Sciioor, RzPoRx,--The following is the " midst.-l4lrs.Iiaird iarmorly of Seaforth Mr. L. R. Corby, at one time enc of ,,� Saxtaoz Ttsronx- Tho Following is a nor. ' rendered songs and solos.. -Tile Quar- Monthly Report for April for S. S. No. 2 , ---.e � : . has moved into the bona lately vacated b Seaforth s Prominent business men, diad at -- - q . ' rsat report of the S. S, No- 2. for the + y terly mooting held in the Metbadist Hay. Namee are in order of merit. V. - Mrs, bridge oil Ths contract for building A. MoTa worth a c last weak, ata good round ago, for ,ro be as. years and did not ,knout m+antli of April, Tito names are in order of the bridge on the 2nd aou0esaian of Stanley church last Sunday was well attended gnarl -IV Sen., -C. C, Ross and worth a considerable sum of money where las was. merit and good conduct; -Sr. IV -W'. Salk- was let to Mr. Win. Lamont, The work while Rev. Air. Fair preached :t power- Rate Chapman equal, R. F. Chapman, F. A new now by-law went into elPect in. or, Jr. IV --L. Lawson, J. Flanagan, Sr. Enorett. -IV Jr•,-NeIIfS O'Brien, 1lfand Sxnoxonr Exnarssn. is to be completed by the JOth of June, fol sermon from 2nd Samuel, 10th chap Clinton this year prohibiting cows running Tha Advertising i IIT -A Spencer, G Lawson, L Lam art, T Bussell, Annie Nortboott.-III Sr„ -Nellie g of $cods Sarsaparilla P --The foot -ball boys are preparing for the 11th acid 12th verses.-eeter the host- at large, and now property owners are re- appeals tothe saher Edwards, Jr III -L Lawson, T Essaryy, 0 colebration in Lxeter on the 24th of May ler returned after a week's visit to .Lou Gould,'Nellie Northcott, Tae. Shirray.- moving fences in front of their promises. fn eo l b ,common ; and i think. salter, E Brown, 1i Clark, B, Elms, W and ars confident of returning Noma with dun, and has taken his old job a cin at III. J Jr. -Bookie Northcott, J. W. Todd.-- g p p a, OaagSa s6 la true ;and itis al- g IT ' The assessment of Seaforth. is :- total was full substantiated « Hirt:zel,--�•Sc. I1-11 Lam ort, R Esserv, r ,-Edgar L1 Brien, Carrie Gould Melvin Y h i Y bstantiated by aadorsam en a Awaiting vnine of real property is $6Gj,9d0 ; potion. whin n the financial world 'would be ap- t 73 Laillpaxt, L Sims. J Sims, K Flanagan, the oualy orhave anotharokictC are orvith their ttie Commercial hotel.-111rJahn Pope, Ganid,-II part, -Bettie O'Brien, Robt a1 pro ort X53 S+1 taxable n merchant tailor, made a business tri a to O'Brien, Jessie Bunn, -I part, -Ethel property, ” ,7 , to ab income, T pted without a momcut,ll hesitatitn, C Lamport. -Sr Yt II --P Wilson, 111 Law- Eden friends. 1 421 270. The population 3a icon at $2 ltay tall the clary-E[OQD'S CURES. scan, L «'emery, 0 Lamport, J Sims, 1' London an Tuesday.- Rev, Rowell, Norlhaatt, Jac, Northcott, Jno. Jackson. Ogg; g Flanagan, 9 Mallin$, -Sr 1't 7.-G Sims, (�reexiar&� Chairman of District, was in town Dix The beat spellers is ills month lg epOlISng Mr. Roderick kTaOesh, of ;3en#orth, far a llead'e Pills aura Iver I . O Lawson, L Flanagan, W Lawson,- Monday, attending the Quarterly Board match were ,---IV, Sen. -Kate Chapman ; 1 i lS, jaundice, bil- Intermediate; Pt I. -C. Esaery, L Sims, Meeting{ of Kip -a Circuit. --Miss P. fat many years a mainbvr of tile. Fire liuueucEs sick headach0 �o p IV Jr, -Nellie O'Brien:O"Brien : IIT Sr.-Nelhe , , . nsti ation. 13nrzr>rs-Mics 7rlary Wilson. left hero last gads, was lent week praaauta+l with a dvSrarnid,- Sims, -Jr Pt I. --`J Hirkzel, I Sims, J Monda to visit liar ran d father, Mr. ^Stoneman of L.niselhurst is visiting Gould • Ill Jr., -John Todd: IX -Carrie purse of 825 on t40 Ove of Lia clr artuxe rnzirrr. " y g friondnin Hensall this weok Gould; II part, -Eliza, Tinney ;1 art ' p (,hurohill, in Michigan, -Mrs. Thomas ,--1VIr• S. p >-, for Colorado, 8&'tar0rna , , Jno. Jaokson ,3 saloons, 2 wholesale houses A Easoits, teacher, , y Perkins shoemaker o£ Chiselhurst, was if oar drng.,ist Faya ha doss not know audit Shops have been awarded, license Bullock, who tae bean ver sink beImprov- t p --- - - -+► +►+ ., ing.--We are pleased to see Master Dan in town oil Monday. -Mr G. C. Petty ' ` anything about the cures ;Membray's Kid• by the commicion ore. Lucan. Goading out again He had a close call, has moved his family to Sarnia this tat. Marys. • nay and Liver Care havo affected, wilts to Tho $6 Marys Collegiate Institnts cost At ono time the lir, had yery little hope week. --Tho 1. 0. U. F. have purchised' Paterboro Medicine Company, Limited, tha ratepayers 02,225 last year or an aver• • a>aare-T4s ohesso factory opened on of his recovery. -Mr. J. L. Richmond, two dozen new chairs for the Lodge BRissS-141ri• Jahn Bine, of the baso lino Peterb• so, On&, age of gI1 for every day's teaching; in4ny. Prospoots are fair for a good special agent from Montreal of the 8011 room. --•Mrs f3. Smith of Hills Green is Blanshard, is seriously ill. Miss Hudscu. Mr. W. Higgins, (who buried his wife : Deata visited the household of Dr. J. A. satl'e wavle,-Mr. F. Collins of thin place lelophone Co., of Canada, visited a num- , of the same line. whobas b00u sink is im. tore last week) has decided that if he can Robertson, Stratford on Thursday, and visiting at her brothers Mr John Caul- , , p, I tai. secured a position with 14IaClpry Bros, bar of the officers on this lino last week, It proving. -.Mrs. John Cwniah,ol St Thomas sell his residence nt Crediton, ho will to. took bis daughterrPearl, a bright girl of 14 ter. -Mies Maggie Bro,vnloe, lady clerk move bore and reside in the house owned g l „ of London,•• -Mr. Ted Collins has gone to appears areport has been aontinto the head formerly of ship, a is visiting old friends years and 7 months. Lucknow where he has secured a good: po- office that the agents on'thla line had to. for bit D. WOismilker, is home on a in that township, and is not forgetting by him. -Clinton Now Era. Mr. Albert Moore, of the Russeldale ahlon•--Mise By& tollina of this ,place liar fused to renew their line for their iustru- visit this week to Clinton. -Mr. Samuel those itt Blanabard and St. Mar p, -A Death liar removed Dna of the early pio- road, has sold his farts toneighbor, t goat to Detroit where she line Secured a mento This was not correct, ;,the Co,, are Ilumeraton was busy on Tuasdap deliv g Y y neer$ of Colborne township, in,tha arson Mr. Walters, and will give u is ,. meeting will be held noxi Friday evening p, l? 8i p possession position tri type-writor.--Mra. Pogue left williug�••--kir. John Sherritt, b1if aftoVa df doing #ruit and ornamental trees. -Mr. to decide whather rpt not to oreot d now of Mrs. Durat reliot of. the 1wte: aaia Duran of it in the tall. Dvoau Tuesday for +Grand 11ai•ids Mich., cattle a few days ago that brought him B. Tanner of Saltford was in town on building for the use of the Methodist Sun. who died on Frfdav Iast, at the residence B. F, Yourgs of London and E. A. Caw- , ry .e she liar gone to live with hor son nearly 01,000, -Mr. Geo. Shank, who has Thursday last. -Mr D. McArthur, Vet- day School. This is ono of the largoO of her Son. in Buffalo,at the age of 71 years Sey of St Marya have been awarded the 1i�cogu0, lath of this place. -The Dann- been abaent from home for nearly two erinary Surgeon, and wife of Ailsa Craig schools in the Province the attendance The total assessment of Clinton is ,$50'5,- contraot for the creation of the now town ollyhomesteadis now managed by Mr. R. yearn, returned home a few days ago and were visiting Ik?r John McArthur, bank" being in the neighborhood of400.-Geo. 145• total of 050001ess than last year, the building in Senforth for 03,250. Dgnnolfy on art extensive scale in the sheep intends to remain and assist his father on or, for several days, -Mr Fred Meyers White• who for several years bag been on. difference being due to a change in the sot It in altotiethar probable the Rev lair. farming business. He has 40 fine owes the farm, bought a house and two lots from Mr J. Raged in J. D. Moore a oatmeal mill, and regarding income exemptions. The flop- Ghent, of Granton, will succeed the Rev. from which he liar 70 lambs. Strange to hia son James, have rented the farm on illation is returned as 2,428, an increase Mr. Holmes as pastor of St Mars church say, on April 11 one of the ewes bad a fine Mitchell and moved into it on Monday. over last year, y Y p Cromarty. -Mr L,' Herald moved into his reef- too base line, Blnnahard lately ocnupiad by y Walketville. He is regarded as a very lamb; 14 days afterwards she gave birth to — John H. Howard, -Mr. Powell, late choose Mr, Henry Plifilp, sr.who had beoa living fluent speaker and universally liked, twine, which are living and doing well. Buss's. -Mica Hamilton's and Miss donee on King-st.,and Mr. Chas Meyers maker at the Is tory on the Base line, on the 14th con. of Hay, for some time A woman not a thousand miles from _--.� ,talker's health is very slowly improving, moved into his residence on Queen -at., Blanshard, left Inst weak for Albertn,wbere past died last week. He had not been ill Chealey was, without doubt, the most flur. Kirlrton• --'lire. John Worden was taken suddenly on Saturday, -Mr Jas Chesney bought be will go in parnership with John H. any particular length of time, but WAS tied female in Seventeen countries last Sun, ill on Tuesday last. -On Friday evening Mr Louis Heralds stable and is moving Howard. taken rather suddenly. He eras A widower day, when she found on coming out of Bzrtira- k[r,llatfieid is ereettnga barber last a number of friends and relatives of it up town on his premises. -Mr Jacob ♦�� and leaves no family, oh that that her bran new bat was adorn. Mr, and Mrs. Allen assembled at their re- Schlucliter and wife of Zurich were The family of Mr. Jahn Modeland of le with a to Whereupon to obi was inscribed the shop next door to Mr. Mills' oboe shop.- Zur1C11• Soaiorth hnd n narrow aeon et g• p » While Hugh Smyth was getting out tim- sidence, the occasion being the twenty-fifth visiting at Mr henry Cook's on Friday _ pelast wook. Ia wig Reduced to 02.75+ anniversaryof their weddingda Mr. and Saturday. --31r Dan McColl shipped Bh2srs.--W. H. Hoffman and Louis The Rind storm blew the chimney off and -- bar from the bush he had the mfsfortuno Allen moved to this townshiabout twenty a carload of i s to In falling into the flue, choked it so that the Minatd'i Liniment in used by Physicians. to got ono of his feet crushed between two pigs Ingersoll on Tues- Reeding were in Hensall the latter part seven years ago, Since which time, by dint da of last weeI. -Mr. Ben. McKenzie was in coal gas could not escape, and next morn - .loge', ;iia has had to use a sane to get around y--;4liss. Annie Coad, daughter of I%noel 1' as ha James, Tufts was in t a bund of hard labor so familiar to the early sett- Richard Coad, died Saturday evening town last Thursday. -Mr. Henry Rupp fog the family were almost suffocated from. Look at the date on your label this lots, he has suaoeeded in providing a oom- has returned from Berne the effects of coal gas. getting some shade trees, he placed his foot fortabin home for himself and family, The and was taken to tiVingham for burial , Michigan,- Mr. Alex. Badour of the Maitland con,, week, and see that your name is mark - on the top to out it off when the troe flew y' on Tuesday morning. Rev. McKinley iZeaare. Denomy and Mitchell were in town family consists of twelve children, all of Y � Y one night Godeiich township has bought from i'1ir. ed well in advance. up and attack him in the face. James' Mr John Caldwell and other friends ght last week on their bioyoles,-Tbe Percy Evans the 138 acre farm on the whom are home excepting Wilson, who ie , engine y theca s in moor nia;r bold -A meeting of attendingthe St. Mare Collegiate. Amon accompanier} :r and Mrs Coad and g house at the mill has been enlarge@, east side of the Maitland con. It adjoins m .Vt o n er is discontinued until all ilia 3aeSo ball slab was Held the oilier even- y g g -11Tr. Wm, While of Seaforth was in the vii- , P p the guests present were Prof.Hawkins of ehilclren to rVinZham. The school la a on. Sonde abo Badour s farm, aha naw given him arrears are all aid except at the o exon ing and flirt following otYiaera were elected g y last. ilia. Jos, 'Snail of abont250 sores in a block, f r. P P p p ,ores; Dr. Tbomp Briisaels, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Mitchell, children and teachersail marched in pro- Dashwood, was is the village an 11Lemday. of frac publisher. Son, rax;'R. McGowan Mr and MISS Eili Allen of NVoodham find cession from school to Mr,-'aad s .house -tiVe understand tHat a society of ilio On Sunday a mare awned by Tyndall son; vice, W. R. Carr; Seo, John O'Brien; Bros. of Hiilletk was badly misted, The . The date when the subscription expires Treas, Robert $yrans.-Messra Shier and of S. Shaebottom of Parkhill and Mr. Rice and thence to Cho station. Mr. and Knights of the lncnabeea has been organ- hired man was leading it out to the stable, la on the address label of each paper, of St, Marys, Mrs Coad have the s m atli of the ized in town. -Rev. G, F.Haist and famil p p r, the Marshall have taken possession of the ups, y p Y y carrying a manure fork under one arm ; change of which to a subsequent date be- , pnroiiaasil of Messrs Donpe, community in their sad bereavement,- left last Monday for Mildmay. -Mr. G, J. g 4 and the lakt0r intend moving to Aylmer to a "' K1pp>3n' The I. U. 0. F. celebrated the 74th an- g thehandle of the fork accidentally caught comes a receiptfor remittance. Subscribers Sutherland of Hensall was in the village on something, and the mare raa up against will please eamine their label before and They � • niversary in their lodge room on Friday Thursday of last week. -Chas, Fritz Sas reside. The will go into business there. 'i xzan.-Unr little village was the Scene , the prongs. After making a remittance. �Vhla w0 welcome Messrs Shier and h night, when a well-prepared ro ram is town on bis cylcb.-Mr. Benedict was g of'a interesting event on Tu.sday, one g +a g The death occurred in Seaforth on Bat. Marshall we regret the leaving of so public was rendered all resect spent an en- an Hensall last Thursday. -Air. Peter Lam , of tLasO hpppp occasion of which the , P p urda otiiir. Alfred) H. Horton butcher. spirited men as the Messrs Doups. poet had in view when be wrote the lines, joyable a anin out has purchased a handsome now butcher Y RSbeooa Wilkinson, of Brownavalle In p y g' r-.- „ wagon. -Mr• Harry Fair of Hensall was The death was a peauhariy sad one result- „ y, , Two hearts with but one single thought, Granton. in the village last Saturday. -The concert lug from an struck of inflammation of the says: I have been in a dietresaed eondi- CoxPlamnia. Two hearts that beat as one, i n Wednage l t Saturd given co the bowels after an illness of leas than a weak. tion for three years from N'ervousnese The favorable impression produced on ftirva.—The nddfellows of this place His. -wife is ill at her home in Seaforth and Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and The occassion was the marriage of Mcs$ and their visiting 0 Brlea Jubilee Singers was a grand sue- , ue Indigestion until m thelfirsi appearance of the agreeable liquid Mima Mollie, eldest daughter of Mr. ltobt. g brethren ma ohsd to the wag unable to attend the funeral. g y health was gone. I it remedy Syrup of Figs a few gears ago , 1 y cess, -Mr. and Mrs. 0, Boegenbsrry were bad been doctoring Methodist church on Sunda whets A Mrs. John JlfoC;zeeor of the 11th way o- g constantly with no ri- g Mollis, end Mr. Henry Ivfson, A popular the guests of Mr. D. Gottcha]k last week. a has.;'een more than confirmed by all the latae crowd already awaited them: Rev. cion ofmHuliett pneeed peacefully away on cfef. I bought one bottle of South a good pleasant e:;ierfenae of all who have used i! young farmer of this neighborhood. Miss Mr, Fer neon conn fed the —Mr. Louis Staubixa was in the viliiago on can Nervine; which done me more g p pulpit and Frida last. Mrs. MacGregor has been good Meilis ie particularly well known by reason ' Monday, --Mr, Fred Hean has purchased a Y g mud 'the eacoeaa of the proprietara and of the fact that she bas been assistant delivered his sermon in first-class style. handsome safetybio cle.—Mr E J. e a in delicate health All winter and it was than any $50 worth of doctoring I over did manufaotursra. the California Fig Syrup .• n The ladies adorned the church with beauti- y 1 S g n hoped that with the advent of spring she in my life, I would advise` every weakly R postmaster (prac„ieally sbe bad charge of was in the village last Saturday,—Eli has arsonto use this valuable and lovely Oompany, the office) and her intercourse with Lbs ful flowers which made a deep immesmon would improve but all dash hopes were des- D y rem. _ moved •into the Coutenuiui.—Air. G. Holtz- in it ale sorry„to make mention tined to be disappointed, Mrs: McGregor edy, A trial bottle will convince you. public Has enabled them to better form , man who had been vieiting in Michigan for Soldby 0, Lutz, Druggist. k Mft}asd sl Ltniaatsnt euros Calde, oto. . that we,aro to lose one of Granton's most was the fourth daughter ;of the late Mat, g6 1.their opinion o" her than they other- some time past returned home last Mon- , esteemed residents in the porsonsof Mr and thew Ward Es of Tixa tersinith. wise might have done. We know we are day evening, q'+ within the mark.in sayi0g that she stands 'Mks T. Lawton, They moving. to A Michigan correspondent sends the w the very ark,in Sating, hatle Ler not. Toronto where they will make their home. 1 following ;— On the 28th of March, Mr. I 1. I , � .� I ,�� , ' I r�nD ivity and zeal h of eith work lies develop- Your correspondent joins, in wishing long Edward Palmot, formeily of Turnberry, life and prosperiky.—Mr M Callender will Huron County, Qat„ and Ralph Hoopfer,WJ W_ W'. r"` ed her trueoliaraetar and strengthened the move into the House TuTr. Lawton will soon WUUof Antrim County, Michigan, sawed, split ® ties of friendship formed. The groom is vacate--.Vr W. Jones- has moved into Mr 1) a s and piled Dao and A half cords of Hardwood "I I , : . a young man also well known and de.erv- Albert Bea`son's house. -Another wedding stove wood, in 54 minutes. This is a record adly esteemed,and we but votes the sentim- .' Woodham, M ants of thee ntire community in wiehin in Lown shortly an or about the 24th • 'non- --' which I would like to Hoar from any Can- ` eo "y' ��n' Y g gratulatione in advance. -Mr, T, Goldin® Woks who think they can beat ii:" them the largest measure of happiness, Trot C0 days I will Offer a _- Las moved intaMrg. Carne's Cottage, be "'A wolf is sheep's clothing" -the soh- having.seeured a position at the station, . Cjl7.antiy O GOOCIS pUrCha5 0d atktute offered by the °outtpr' as being just �V.1���a��A S �" T Week Ohiselhurst. acting as switchman, W. Middleton resign as good as A e ' rye are showing a beauti- _- butt. Mr. Al. will likely secure a .batter at low �T1CeS. g y x a Sarsaparilla, If you Y don't want to be bitten, insist upon having fu1 rltragc o£ Toilet, Dinner and Tea Sets Ditin>ra.-The Epworth League l intend :position elsewhere. Success William.-- d , >b ---OF� - in Plum and'I'ancy Ware: - giving a literary entertainment on the even- If dame rumor be true the corner stone of Ayer's 5axdapa"ills, oyes if it as a baric' •' ,Sets Ing of May 22nd.': -The football club of the newAfelhodist diaroh will be laid on 25 cent Dress Goods for 15o per'yd' dearer. Depend on it; it will be cheaper 121 cent Ginghams for 6c par yd for you in the cud, �0118{r ��1,J� this place Are going to organize in a 'low the ueen S Birthda y H. P. •yeoman. A F3 1. ,1. Q ' y •-1'tie are sora to 10 - cent Prints for 5c per d, S M. D. �11,'111E1`. �f6�iS r8J CS tl,t JQ� �aqe,.-11'1r.John B,rintnell;,of this,plao0; ,make note of Rev. CzHeant's resignation P Y .. Erik 11" 1,11 FIFER >i M ` bad a cow killed by lightning ditrin the being tendered, r h 10 cent Muslms for 5o per d• A few weeks age enquiries rusts made of y g g M . G sant Has done a d Y the whareaboutS of Dna Dov}d LsitH, who11 oil;` Seth a t 1.76 late storm. -Donald of the 4th con, great deal of good for- the English. church ,Lace Curtains for 10cper yd• ` of: Tuokersriifth :died on Satarda a wh" at one time, lived in North Huron. 'David 1 e h rc-: + ..y,. , last. ileheieand will be missed by ail who Ladies'Vests,3for 25c. , „. have also a large assortment of Deceased was:'S native of ,Sutherlaudahue had Leith formerly lived, in the townshi .of aW. . . I I I I * .. , , the pleasure of His • acquaintwnee, , All kinds of Glassware at prices away cotland and s one: o Grey with big ' randfAtber, Vin. Lo an S wS t the best posted Granton s loss will undoubtedly be a gain A penial gale Tweeds for 35c per yd. f6 Logan, :don;, me i s ,. but left many ears a o and cveat .to 13uf . n, n the County on,Celtio matters. Ho to the pisco where the Rov. sntleman NJCOn s suits at,lory pxicesy a job line o£ $ , fain e �.. g was: t thorou h going obristian. And a me I - ma be } f 1 where he -died. of small pox, in the; ®w o, eSa„+ t • 'Tial" e, Glass I�11Itei �is}lt?B B B R y g;i led.—Mr. W. Langford bought -mens Felt Hat§ , a large ,stock of Wall tar of SL'Andrew's'Church Ki Sn.—The ` M: To hospital, about l'J years ago;' IeAviug a! is pp r, seph Grants house and lot. - Mr. Pa ers .,t 3o a roll and upwards a fine Papers p gaz Q 'wife ,and.:_ two daughters,' • EOT 1U Cents. Christian Pudeavor Society of 'big ;plana 'Grant is going build an soon As ossible.— jl - His, R g p. display of all tile; latest styles in Millin m I, '�i w. ; , meet on Wednesda evenin of each " week Tho Ooraer loos of t e a er ' and - half brother in Brussels d �a our Gears F,Yrrushuig De artment' Y g S h new Methodist ory, ,.ladies Jaokets and Ca es, Parties ,' ,; p and are dein rand work.. -y h Capes. The legacy was left by an uncle called .Jas. ,: Yc., de le 2n Hut Co B g eg, Mr. 0 arch will be laid on the24th of: May., re uirin a . p ,x117 ., te. s, liars, "lies, q g anything iii this line will clo Leith and amounts to about 1 6 Pditor, we thick khat Mr, iPei$mrller is A'hoat of distin aiehed . entlemsa , 0U. The, '"� s� _ ; ;, , ., __ g... B have .:. a ., ,..`', "riC ,.,,To , %M is we;.havo an elegant well to call before urchasui heirs are Jno. Leit)), of b r g the aomYug number lot South remised to be repent amen at p g t , Button asst, and: .1Js r�kr �►I �(, p p rhi e' g wham are the absent David, or his children now that ' I'. is by far rho ablest oandidnte that liar yet 9L, Massey, President of the Massa 'Harris , 'l y. A large stock of Hardware in all the hs as dead, It. ryas Ho AT -- f ",'' taken the field for south Huron, An old a works Toxonto wHo will la -one of ped by some that it11 n zglt0st,llr>pa pawl for Butter land ,, g , Y 10ading gales• would comp to his mother, who is n i °; Highlander said last Friday, l m now 75 the corner stones , W. H H'uichins..Et . , i need ; I L,. ;t : " , q ' of it but it seems that if LS an his c i r 4 years of ago but if I ive tlh ,,the elections M. P, John Waters • M P. P Revels off d Ii id }� • , *,,c. ' „ , , John 1,` call solicited, ren are dead it omen o � !n 1 p I r / E tic t place I will vote,for Welsmiller.. Scott, President of the Guelph Conference a # hia brother. The; VfII/ I L. [. Cf t .', i D & CI. O J. IIA L Li, mother hes riot ,heard frow, her son Joh: � , : A I'll ,�4L '' ��­., �.:", 4 S. Dr. Antliff, and numerous others. 11ENSAI,. w t ., , {1.. 11 i `Q ±w` - a, „ 7, �rt �q "{' t. V n„ u.� art.". 4' t .f" 1.� r i •r � a i , e �,., i l � k, " t.. LL; _ , a . , . . _ .o I1. : ,f� d, .., Nt... „ r i :, (Q 11 2 ..�.,.���, .. n v:' ..,. i ., ,' . , � .. . „ ., ,:I;: C 'Pac•'`1oie i�`,"8i4i.' i ii`Gi . _ 1 , t',9d�t t.,"'�,PS,A7♦i'..'•''�4k✓iiio4 ' ,S,Fr.4�'i�i'0 ',�ea�IXiv�u w+�i kr7b.r,1.