HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-4-27, Page 6.,,; -
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N ..,,: ,O .K °...w. _ .. .,
iaeaga� aapoara.
r BIRTHS. d .
G AVIN-In Me(1illiyray eon S. on th• 225'
�.-- _ _. Exeter. April l6 1893. %"� n. N (. _ I
insi,,the, wife of Thos., Glavin of a, daugh^ - r.,.. G. VTi,'�A —I. .0 -ON
IMPORTANT EVENTS IN FI;W' WORDS ter. all ling iih oerbush 63 3 64 1
., PRAETOR ... Ill Croditon on the 24th Inst.. the Spring Rhear per bush 4 94',63' 35.
,if. ox.Johu Praetor of a daughter. Barley
sts Dei b bush .... 30 3c TT'�'"
FOR BUSY READERS. w}IIT _la Usborne, on the 24th Inst•, o Pass per bush 55: 58 TO RTTTLD
wife c f •14m. White of a daughter. Flour per bbl ... • 4 00 4 2Q ,
. MoTAGiGAR'P,.,In Clinton, on the 19th fust:, Apples per bag::. , .. 75 85 •
' x,....; d A Complete Ytecord of the Busy World's the wife of Mayor G. D. MoTasreart, of a Potatoes. ton bas...... g 0000 7 00
, , -
son, Hay per3 50
le Happeiii4gs Carefully Compiled and Put . '
. . l;; BAWDEN,.,InLondou,onthe 24th inst.. the WIli o dpercardspft , M a0�0 OG If so, It will pay �O11. t01°'Call
:: Into Randy and Attractive Shape for the wife, of George Bowdon of a son. Butter per lb..,., . .
+z':r,:•.., Eireaperdo■eq•,..... .... 11 12 and see us about your hardware, •
.. - -
-' ROORE OKE -In on the 20th lust..
' °:, Ueaders of Our Paper, . of Mr. Geo. Rooke of a son. Pork eerhundrea....„ .. , 6 B 10
11 roofing and troughing,.
row. s CRIMINAL.
Burglars blew open the safe of Hume MARFIEU. _ ff'�
Bros., Port Hope, and stole 130. I;GSELY-SL\ELL-At the ro■idwnoe of the iv1r. ssudison, t11e bonanza farmer is .L3 ■•■ YV�
f P bride's fatber,Hullett,on tile'19th last, by Brandon, Man. 1168 stsrted to put in a crop
G ��.
� �`�;, yy= John Hill a colored murderer, was . the Rev, Mr Leech, Aft• Jacob Elsely, a
hanged on Friday at Camden, N.J. Colborne, to Miss Annie.. youngest daughter of 7,000 sores of wheat, . 11Thy GOING
An illicit Still has been Ca tared in of Mr.G.sneil• The Grip publishing COmpan:p advertise
P CURTIN-McQUADE-In St, James' church that they will offer Grip newspaper for Sale
r 1 Montreal, Two men are under arrest Seaforth, on the 1Sth inst.,by the Rev-Fatber b public auction on May 17.
° n Kennedy Mrs. Martin Curtin -to Mise Marl Y p �O q-��•�'�/'�
charged with owning it, There mill be serious trouble i! you don't r ,jv V
� a t ° McQuade,eldest daurthter of Mr; Michael
2 I
Mrs, ikfary 1 . Q �' L .on John Anderson, aged 52, has been ar McQuade, of Tuckersmith. overcome those dyspeptic symptoms.
• of riqua, O., says the rhy- rested at Toibnto charged with fraud by HICKEY ... HANTER.-At the residence of the good's Sarsaparilla is the beat. Try it.
g sicians are Astonished, cleaning postage stamps and selling brides parents on the Atli inW; by Rev.Dr, .
+- and look at her like one Beaumont of Parkhill. Mr. James Hiekey. to George page ie, a well known butcher
them again as new. AZisa Marion, daughter Augustuo:Hsyter, and horseman of Woodstock, died Sunday, TheII call and see us about it, we have all li la I
Raised from }p Dpf�(� William Williams, a drunken Chicago atl a Stephan. He was about 60years of age, and a etsunoli
the end painter, murdered his wife by cutting
------ @_ conservative. wird, and are special agents Icor the best makes.
her throat, and then committed suicide DIED.of S. made an L
and Terrible Illness in the same manner. SIms. In$lython the 22nd inst. Mr- Win- TheBankeaturday, Liab3Dlties$100,000 '•
Loney Sims, aged 93 years. assignment Diggs,
from Blood Poisoning James tip. Flood, ex -cashier of the }yILFORD..--in Blyth on the 22nd inst,, Mrs, Sargent &Diggs, the owners of the bank, $ea,d,quarterS for all ki�n,ds of hardware..
_ g Donohue & Selly bank at San Francisco, John Wilford Sr, aged 73 years, hope to pay in full.
o»u 2eteLy Gitrec7 Lit Hood"s has been arrested, charged with embez-' MCDOUGALD-In Tullarton. on the 17th inat Algernon Staulef, son of the Governor �t
C 2y ' zling $194,000 of the bank's funds. John MoI)ougald,.aged 76years and 7mos. General who has been spending afew CQ13SLEDIOM a �''OLLA0D,
, Sarsaparilla. Whitecaps are terrorizing the neigh- I NTOTT•-In Clinton, on tho 20th inst,; Eliza t.
Mrs, Mary E. O'i'allon, a vary intelligent boyhood of Brookhaven, Miss., where wife of Mr, li. Knott, aged 63 years. months 3n Canada, left Halifax on the Van
lad • of a 1)a, Ohio, was poisoned intelligent
as- be oo are being whipped •and driven BT,ATCHFORD...In Hensall, on the 23rd iust., couver Snnday for Liverpool,;
} fl Si . John Ble.tobforder., aged 75 roars, 3 months, GET Tito: BEST. -,The public are too in•-
sisting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ago; from their homes indiscriminately, SpCO:i.ER-in Clinton on the 19th inst•, Marr, telligent to purchase a, worthless articles NOW,
and soon terrible a,lcers broke out on her M.atBitner, a Bohemian, living at Olin- wife of Mr, (7. SSooner, aged 53 years 3 second time, onthe contrary they want the
head, arms, tongue and throat. Her hair all ton, Wis., shot his wife and Mrs, Arthur months, best, Ph sicisne are virtually unsnim-
came out. She weighed but 78 lbs,, and sate Hurtle, the wife of a prominent farmer, CLIFTON.-Inlifton, ad b1 ouYears, og months nnJd b 0 aaiu saying Soott'a Emulsion is the best � Y IS file time
no prospect of help. At last she began to threw their bodies in the cellar and days, forms of Cod Liver oil, t ''r -
tal,a Rood's Sarsaparilla and at once int- burned the house. COLEXAN-In Taakeramith, on the 14i BAvp you E1zADAcnr?_Heada0he, whiah < '.. To Thoroughly
proved; could soon get out of bed and Nvalk. George Gilbert, formerly bookkeeper Inst Robort Coleman, aged 71 ) oars and 8 is usually a symptom of stomach trouble, r` .
She says: "I became perfectly cured by months.
for the Walkhe San Brewery Company, 1110GINS-In Crediton, on the 18th Inst., cunstip6tian or liver complaint can be en-Disinfect
Premises. Hood's Sarsa'$parilla wastiiedattheSandwichAssizesonthe Elizabeth, wife of` 9. Higgins, aged 65 years tirelyoured by B.B.B. (Burdock Blood 11
and am note a well woman. I tcelgii 12Slbs., charge of forgery for raising a receipt. and 2 days. Bitters) because this medicine sots upon
Verdict, not guilty. 11f00i1E....Tn Clinton on the 18th inat.,, Myrtle and requlatea the stomach, liver, bowels
eat well and do the work for a large family, May, daughter of Mr. Win. Moore, aged E and blood. COMPLETE ,tj'T(�(l (��I
41y vaso set ins a scnndcrful reenvery and A boy of 10 summers has been identi- years 6 months and 4 days. y
Physicians look at me ill astonishment, as fled as the firebug who has been applying BROWNLEE--In'Usborno on the 25th of April RHEUAIATISM CURED IN A DAY.- 1
almost lila+etre xa,scd from at,e dead,» ?the torch at Cheyenne; Wyo. IIS says Afarag et relict of tae lata James Brawn- South America Rheumstia Cute for Rheu- T-•� ^� l�^`� O "1I�T
_ Hoan'& F'ti t s siionia vb in ovary family ; he did it to hear the bells ring and sea toe. aged6S yrs s mos. and 2i days, matism and Neuralgia radically aures int 0 a—S :M V :b
medicine chest, once used, always preferred. the fire brigade turn Out. KERWJohn B Fullerton, at the . Mrs,
e 3 dava. Its &arias upon the, system is
\ire. Bohn But(wr an Aprill4th, Mrs.. Sano
__ 1-1 Wan. O'Neil, file man who has been KorwiH,a&bd S6 roars and 11 months. remarkable and mysterious. It removes �ase immadiat- 1- Bro�,n ng's Drug Store.
LTsborne, obtaining money in various parts of the KIRKPATRIOIi.-In Goderieh Township on sly disappears- at once the se and The, fix dose greatly l A•
-- province by alleging that he represented JoApril � kpatr ok, BKira flei3 road, aged 28 benefit,. 7o cents. Warranted by - - -
DF:tTH of TiTr:s A-,wtzw.Tliis (xray & Sons of Chatham, has been ar• ycara.
week it i our painful duty to record the rested at Packenham, and is now in gaol _ - O. Lutz, Druggist, Aug. 14. A. HASTIN G' S, BAR,$ E B,
sudden demise of one of the most re-, atBrockville a�vaiting trial. As a result of the special revival moot.
spectecl farmers in this neighborhood Anderson VanOy, colored, was tried at Free Trip to Chicago, ings being, held in :the Mothodisk church I'i ANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER.
In. the person of Mr. Titus Andrew, who the Sandwich Assizes for the murder of St, 1liarss during the, past three weeks
e(10f i3ii]ax113nation of the lungs, 011 his wife lost September. A verdict of Separate W-O•R-L.D S F -A -I -R and use nearly 100 persons were received on San• As pau Hasa by on tbo ,fain street
di the letters to "Poll as man words as you day morning last. Just for a your
hair atop. , - _ ,,. ,.
Wednesday March `K9tll, auris residence auilty was returfi2d, with a recommen- p Y g And have your hairandtvhiakora trimmed
aged came from dation for mercy of the, court. Judge can by usingtlle letters as many times as At this season the effects; of catarrh and At Hastina's Barber shop• M Has the Finest Steak 0£ Furniture
near Hami'ita. The deco you wish, either backwards or far+vardS' cold in the' hand Are most serionslp felt, We are Che lightning barbers, ever oxliibitcd in Exeter, and at
Usborne township, in March 1891, and ` Street sentenced him to be hanged on Y and endanger life and health if not prompt prices so low that tllry draw a crowd
but not use the aama letter in making Any 1Yo do our work with caro.
settledon the farm on which ho lived May 1S• one word more tithes than it appears in We always s in our razors
1p frosted. Fnr this purport there is no And shoats in good repair• of customers every (fay.
till his death. He was married in; Foltt13XON PODIxXCS. "World' Falr," remedy equals Nasal Balm. Prompt in Wo have the very finest stylus of chairs.
March 18$4, to Miss Maggie Matheson it is said 8eventyfive Small English words ¢ioiog relief and never falls to cure, sold Wo troop our towols clean. Parlor,
The French ambassador, M, Pateno- by sit declare. TiOo a bottle by mail,' post Wo ahamPoo in the best of oyle
of Exeter, Ont, who survives him. He fro has been received by President can be spelled correctly from the ten lettere
was a kited husband and a oodnei hbOr contained in "World's. Fail." Example•- And nab the wary hair slowly,
machine -
'Was Pooin
Cleveland. paid. Address G; T. Fnl[ord & Co., Brook- :.Some harbors work ea elawly, a +
and stood vary high in the estiniation Wad, wait, soar, idol, eto. If you are good, Ville, Out. But this is our text; ,
of all tvho knew him. He was a concis-'. It is officially stated in Lisbon that the at word -making you can secure a F1tGF1 Miss Mattie Phiilf a second daughter of We do not troop You waiting. Hall and
1)t nienlbex of the Methodist church' reports of an attOmpt to assassinate trip to the World's Fair and return, as The Nr Griffith Phillips, of MISS Craig, and Mr Your turn is always "Host,"
i Kinn Carlos are untrue. Scott Seed company will pay all expenses, M F. Ward, sonior member of the firm of As for the ladies and children, l
to it held the 0flice of Steward for tlie ;are We do their work tip-top; , Kitchen ,l urnil42re
H l held congregation. lie Was a The Belgian
of deputies,
the , b to tlioIncluding . Ria Exposition, la»d $50,00 in M. F, & W. Ward, flax manufacturers, We shingle tbeir hair and trim their bangs I
Hambrr of the Loyal Orange Assooiat- a vote ofLucan both well known and popular to At Hasting's Timber 81101). --Olt T1IF--
orson able to make seventy words from society circles, were married in St,Patriok'e
me seroince 1$i 6, and Orawas a Assrerin t tion in favor of universal Suffrage. cash for incidental expenses, to the is ,
Pioneer Lodge 161$ over 10 years. He , Peru has indicated that she will make fife lettora contained in "World's Fair." .church,.Biddulph, last Wednesday. - �a .ILr r WS LATEST DESIGNS
was also a member Of Hamiota Council , full reparation for the outrage onAmeri- as above. They will also give a FREE Keep Mivard'e Liniment in the House.
cf Royal Templars anil financial Secy, 4 can residents reported from Lima the TRIP to the World's Fair and return with The Undertaking Department is stock's
He was also Secy. and Treas. of the other (lay. $25.00 for incidental expenses, to the first ed with best and latest to be found in
Agricultural Society, and his place will Japan has seized the Pelew islands in person sending sixty words as above. They HOW TO GET -A ,,SUNLIGHT 1 URNITURE DEALER the country. l
n..�br easily filled.-Hamiota Hustler. the North Pacific. Spain claims the will also give a FREE TRIP to the World!a
islands, and trouble between the two Fair and return (without cash for fnc3derit- PICTIIRE. AND Repairing and Forming a special lino'
Old St. George• powers is feared. al expenses) to the first person Sending Send 25 ,'Sunlight" wrappers (wrap All orders receive prompt attolltior
King Alexander of Servia, who is not fifty-five words. per bearing the words "Why does a woman and work done neat and cheap.
Clergymen, doctors and lawyers, civ- I vet eighteen years of age, has deposed To the filet person sending fifty words look older sooner -Than a mans') t5 Lever �� n� ��� � � ��---•-----
ic officials mechanics, ladies and hien of the regents and taken upon himself the will be given'$50 00 in Dash towards Paying Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you (�����•
every nationality mingled around full powers of a king. expenses t° the World's Fair ; to the first will receive by post a pretty picture, free
tier board n the town hall on Monday Stepnialc, the Russian patriot, has person sending forty words will be given from advertising and well worth framing. ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK.
written all, to President Cleveland $25 in oseh towards paying expenses to .the This i8 an esav way to decorate your homy. Urders promptly attended to.
evening in the honor of the 26thanniver- World's Fair. To eaeh of the first fiveper The soap is the best in the market, and
Sary of Old, St. George. Distinctions malting a strong protest against the Rons sending thirty-five words will be given it will only cost l0 postage to send in the All Accounts must be settled at once
and differences Stink out of sight in the Russian extradition treaty, $10,00 in cash, and to each of the first ten wrappers, if yon leave the ends open,
one endeavor to da honor t° the memory Gov. Flower of New York state has sending thirty words will be given $Iii in `grits your address carefully. Throe Points!
of England's patron saint, And it was 'signed the agricultural law revision cash. -"() $T HELP FOR MEN
truly said thst St. George could not have which established a commission of agri- Only one prize will be awarded to the ■,.se ■ ^-
possibly downed the dragon in better culture, at an annual salary of $4,000. same person. Write your name on the list
style, or with more vim, than those as- President 14Sontt of Chili has signed (numbered) and enclose the same post paidWJ�11VATNO MORE MONEY TO O_UACKS,
sembleddownedthegood cheerprovid- the decree formally declaring theChilian with ten three•cent etsmps fora lsrge A.suffererfromErrorsofTouth.NervousDo- NOTE t` ELL,
ed on this occasion. With a first-class provinces of Santiago, Valparaiso, Aeon- package of our Choice English Cottsge Clar- i I
�� bility and Lok Vigor, was restored to health in
bill. of fare, with stirring toasts, respell- cagna and Ohiggins to be in a state of den Flower Seeds. 11111
■1� - such a remarkable manner, after all also bad
yes and songs, it can readily be under- siege. Tb:8 combination includes the latest and failed, than he will sand the, moans of euro We have had the
most popular English flowers of endless FREE to 3311 fellow eufferara. Address, with Experience, p
stood that the lines of those present Dr. Peters, the East African explorer, p g11I111 CO v °ta'r p• re, enienco that at-
wercast in very pleasant laves. varieties (same as will be contained in the g AtR. EDWARD hIARTI:T (Tia icaieg)
TY p P 'was interviewed recently in Cairo, elaborate exhibit of English flowers at the - Box 143. Detroit, Mich. j tenti0n to business, close priors and
About 120 guest were present and Egypt, and said English occupation of W orld's Fair.) Have opened an office opposite Town _•_ proper fits, are the main factors in our
the spacious hall was adorned with Egypt must continue, otherwise there This ":7orld's Fair" contest will be care- gall, Exeter, pending the building of business.
large LTnian Jacks. .would be a Mandist invasion. ;ally and 0oneoientioa6ly conducted solely th air new Mill, where they will keep �y -�--�' ��lT1�T
The chair was occupied by 31'lr. N. According to the latest count the for the purpose bf introducing our business constantly on hand a full stock o£ the V -f- �- Pronm o tl tud e. With 'this ever
,Dyer Hurdon, while lined along the Democrats have 220, the Republicans You will ,receive the BIGGEST vaiue in best bran's of flour. Also all kinds of tour mint; ,oat -
guests' table were; Revs, McDonagh, 1127 and the third party 8 representatives flower seeds ever offered, and it you -are OB urs imprinted deeply on our motto, • we
Martin, Fatt; and Russell; Dr. Rollins, ,in the U.S. Congress, g, Ing the Demo- able to make a good list of words and an- sll stuffs a�1C1, Feed have won the patronage of the mane
R. R. Collins, AL Eacrett, T. H. Mc.- crats a majority over all of 85. ower promptly you will have i first -close NOT GUILTY whom despise those too -often -resorted
.Sir Julian Pauncefote, the first am- opportunity to secure a tree trip from your Farmers and townspeople will find it to tactics of tailors Panecially, namelp '
Callum, J. P. Ross, T. B. Carling. M, Pp to their advantage to call and see us. putting off until nexe weer, wlli.o a',tould
J. White and others, accompanied by Bassa 10, from any country to the United home to Chicago and return.
their ladies. We are ependinR a large amosnt of money ROLLINS & WILLIAMS- The people say we are guilty of sell have been done this. "
States has presented his papers to the to start our trade this season, end want inn Boots and Shoes cheaper that
Chairman Hurdon, after a short President and the event was marked by your trial order. You will be more than any other house in town. Come This is a nice
speech of welcome, proposed the toast considerable ceremony. Six Julian is ratified with the result. Send to -day and / and be a witness, you will be well 8atis f ae tl ol�. looking word, but
of "Our Sovereign Lady the Queen." now dean of the diplomatic corps at address, THE SCOTT SEGD COMPANY, I repaid 'for your time. We down the to carry out its meaning is difficult to
Ahis was honored by "God Save the Washington. Toronto, Canada• country for prices in Felt and Aid. sortie, fire alrry in w 3rd and the way
Queen," three cheers and a tiger. Ta31 tilts >;z�coxn..1. ?&IY1111�11 I Sox and Rubbers, Felt 'Boots and „ v„e uplitied in our shop. We guar -
The toast, "The Governor-General of D R. Co,by, an old and respected reefd Styli:
Grain Boots, andforMen's axis anteo satisfaction [every time in all• re -
Canada and Lieutenant -Governors," Fire has caused about $45,000 damage ant of Hsmilto3f was found lying dead on Long Boots we take the bun. pests.
was responded to by Dr. Rollins in an at Granby, Que. Main Street, Saturday morning. Death " H
eloquent speech, depicting the beauties Eightbildingsin Seaforth were burned was caused by the rupture of a blood vessel W GE O. MAN SON'S, If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair
and many good qualities of Canada. one night last week. in the brain. 0 M The People's Shoe Store, of pants, give us a call and be convinced
"The Army, Navy and Volunteers" Almost every business house in St. The Rome correspondent of the Chron U , Mext Door to Post Office_ hat what we have said is true:
was responded to by Mr. R. H. Collins, 1 Mary's, Ohio, has been burned. icle snd'Morning Poet agree in the state- .
He was not a militaryiilan, but glorfied i Over 2,000 houses in Sawagoyecho, ment that the Pope snd Emperor William L� , ` 1 •
in themany successes of our Canadian near Tokio, Japan, has been destroyed avoided the political matters in their con- C� ' �% TT ? 1 JOHNS.
and British soldiers. Mr. Collin's by fire. verestfon at the Vaticsn.j I O O i O `'�
Speech was a marked success. ) Fire in Veszprim, Hungar , has de The now Cunard steamship Campaining
Other toasts were responded to by stroyed 141 houses and rendered 1,000 arrived at Queen ston Monday on her maid:a,11t d+].CyCle ? 0
Mr. Hartnell, Mr. M. I:6crett Mr. J. an. voyage. Although bar engines were not �� /�.
persons explosion o. , ta0rked to their fall power, she made the jJ•{ l� �� e
P. Ross, Revs. Fart, Russell, Martin An explosion occurred in Holmes oil tri fromLiverpool in seven hundred min- 0
, �and McDonagh, Mr. T. B. Carling and refinery at East Buffalo. The refinery p i e G.
& J s U � S
others, while Messrs. Brown. Senior and a large number of cars were de arae.% `
The Vienna Tsgeblat stirs thst t11e s'ul• n i
furnished music for the occasion. streyed by fire. tan of Turkey sent bis congratulations to PNEUMATIC
The supper was brought to a close B A forest fire in warren county, N. C., Yriuce Ferdinand of BulIgaris and his bride 4--�
a toast to the ladies replied to by T. has swept over four miles ofthe,country 01) fife day of the wedding, and will receive' Y 7H �A8 wlp ttt� ®�W=NG
Carling. destroying over 200 -farm btlilaings and them when they touch at 00 Stantinopio � es s5sr T i -R E N0I M
On the whale rite affair was a saccess, . much other property. 01) their wedding trip. up
and the Sons of EnglandSociety, under Forest fires have destroyed over $140,- A l ixeeTON Ux:ANGSHAx-Kingston, AT
whoseaus ices itis gattenup, deserve 000 wort]? of timber and other property April', 17th. Mr. Jasnea Blair, of'Napsnee, i1.
raise for their undertaking. in the mountains of -Pennsylvania. Heavy whose ease has been erecting interest -ill kh
p __ w-- 1 rains have now quenched the fires. that locality; is well knows in the,Lime � .
Do not be discouraged if other medicines - J
;K stone city. He was aresident of Kingston
to Ivo ou relief. Memb. ay y ,
hare failed q y 141rs.`VJzlliain Ainsworth and two of
hex caiilaren. aged 8:i Yea1s and 2 - years' for 14 vears, and it was while he was en- A(. •`
;; gidney anQ 7�ivwr Onre acts on the kidneys ath.in a tenement fire Ra ed -as cutter for 11r, Livingstone of this Q
a mild ¢,tion ou the were burned .to de g /] Of 8�:C�_
cireot,combined,ith I klvn esterda T�vo other: place tfidt he contracted: $right'e.dieesae of Tg REST y1♦iT iI 1, ""elll
bowels thereby rouloving thece,use ,. in brow . y y
L3geriand b Y 1 ren were bads burned. rho Sidnµypr His orange friends in King-: t
ofBaek-Ache; sour stomach, dizzineas, 1u. .child } rich aro deL hted to know thathe'is eared TRE, UHEAPE ST YE11 .,T,
cation ¢1)d cone tipattw-,"1'ry it, In: Chicago Mrs. Jensen went to the ;of this erri�e disease, by neing- Dodd's -
hr Manitoba frit Hds'sead: 'meat mailret after lighting a gasoline ;due '-: Pills- Many ;of .them`, who have T1�11.BIGGiFiST YET i
ni` f larXe oven to Chioaso for the stove. :While she'tivas absent the house u.: imilsrl troubled .with ,back -ache, '�7iTee�S' o� ; .
ing,a tea o to 1 children were been.. e_ Y
' air Tho oxen wih,be bitelled. took fire and her two
`World e T
- rbeumatiam, end kindred complenta, have
Jell e has. be- -
a dtheoutfi ail decor .l, urned;to.death:. Mrs..Je s1) did Kidney ,Pills, find1 1 ys t� �r1
is farm wapeon, An . t ,Y b started using : T)o ,e Y �i e� i GU�.Liw7 �'
CiQ� IUdIlCfl� IIl EZBtEl' 1s the only Tire that gave satisfaction last year —
ll travel thw'atraota of thw city eveiY,. comO temporarily Insane.` ve aCmsrvellous nasee are already repbrt 318810i'd21`8d p1.
¢ted csi se 1 MANUFACTURED av " >,
-' ; a of advertising ';the Manitoba
da by w Y eie aoiar a.ai�.i160. erl. Mk, Slafr rimed the Orange uredr,aa Gentlemen (leAve yoarotrderS early, for MHN
, c 7 -Observations ^
ahibit. I ' ,USO :A Til, I 1954; and is the. oldest orangeman in Nap with the best':stalf Of:'Tailma the bdej s +a+ r� �✓ n• ,
e __vA,r�it Th Goold arc cIe Co. �,p.
b of -, Garletnn Place , re taken es " a e to •Iho Oran a'
nal 1i0beftson r, solar edli se we y , , anee. ' H,, hss beau a deleg t g Stock of PSne .. Triulxui; gs, and the best $ ;
tq ._ d ., , , of the;total Ti .
,1. ('� for e . a -t
'. 5rn3n H.ca„,... - : college. import- _ -...3rs,,nrAsof'eatiafae+. tIBV°NQE STREET,` YCt f.00� 'O1i+ .].t+,
,, ed,a iaide:nn 1'rid&9 m R .}} Aris '13arvard >eol g. randaod ,:and 11x6 held several amp ilattm in'Porva.yca a,, B Il f ,,.,,.....,,-1
commit , ,;,? laeid•?y at:; Nlilxa g g,, a
. r: .' ..., __ ,: 118-hre tn.,c ,' . - :.. TbR5NT0,
Heart. tame started t er was clear du3ing f c s in he, order. His lrrende con,. rich
of -.up at k,.a, , s;atlon. '_:The weather ant o fi e
g able , PE JNt3 ,$s MA1,TI�1,
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