HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-4-27, Page 4I.." ... - , Established ICs �� , _---�.I _ igOTES AND COMMETS, _ - ,• ONTARIO LEGI$LATURS. ��t�r�r A T �y �rT p7 ONTARIO C 0111U1��ON HANGED HIMSELF. � I - - --- --- . The Patrons of Industry have began wi ria Dowse by Previnelal Legislators:flur. Ing the'Peek. An Ased. Resident of Villiers SVho Has _ Acted Strangely .For Some Time Past. I (/ yl T ( I J\ tl � C91 :passing 33' S' � �.r' IL, resolutions condemning the TORONTOAril19.—At $he Le- isla• TIHE ADVOCATES OF A „PROVINCIAL HA$TINOS,Ont., April 25.—Yesterday , `J1 : 1 Ontario Govexnmez`$'a manner of ad tura yesterday the Budget debate was concluded. At the close; the House MEASURs MEET, I morning an old man named Christopher Walker was found hanging a rope in s ANDER, �i' ()N minfsterin the ravincial fineaces and g p coizaplaining, of the burdens of taxation, thereby them. The k'atruna went into Supply for a few moments; the Opposition did not force a vote. A -_ his shanty in Villiers, a hamlet nine The Resolutions They Passed—They sup- miles west o re a as extinct f here, Life w xt For next next weed s ,. - imposed an have been using their knife rather free- number of petitions praying for stem- penance. plebiscite were presented. A port Dir. rirarter's 13111 in the Legislature' when the body was found and the deed was apparently committed some time I Wrraneaotsageneralbankingbusinese, ly in the vitals of the Conservative number of bills were introduced and —An Audience With Sir Oliver mo vat-- during the night, A handkerchief.was wants, Receives tho tAccounts of Merchants and Irth era on favorable terms. party. It is interesting to see that it outs; Just as keenly when applied to. the read a first time. After the presenta- tion of the report of the Minister of His Candid Rexuarlgs. noticed floating from the fence, and as the old man told a neighbor that he would : ` -060Feveryaocommodation oonaisteut with Liberal part 's interior economy. y y Crown Lands; Mr, Wood (Brant) re- ToRoNTo, Apr1121.—B0t�teiti two and hoist a iia when he was: cin to die, at banking principles. sumed the debate on the budget, and he three hundred prohibitionists from dif- the handkerchief was taken astthe death ' '� - Interestatlowedon deposits. Drafts issued payable at any office o the The adoption of the second reading of was replied to by Mr, Campbell (Al- goma). Mr. Tait then took up the cud- ferent parts of the province met in con- signal and such it proved to be. Wallier ventionyesterdayafternooninRichmond had acted queerly for 'some time past Mercha'ntsBank. NOTES DrSCOUNTED, and MO-,3EYTo LOAN the Home Rule bill by a majority of gels for the Government., and Mr. Mc- Cleary answered the Toronto member.. hall for the purpose of discussing tela- and the advisability of sending him to penance legislation, and more especially the asylum was talked of. He came to 12 different Shades 111 Shot t ON Nows and MORTGAGES. 43may be taken as an assurance that the Mr. Waters resumed the debate after the Marter bill. The delegates repre- Canada about 30 years ago from Eng- silks. ...n,.,.,..�... measure will pees the Imperial Commons recess, and the debate was continued rented the Royal Teinplars of Tolnper- land, where he left a wife and two chil- c z gut e�h°l to gimeo. without substantial change being made in it. But will the bill pass the Lords 7 by Messrs, Garrow, White, McMahon and MoLena ran, The motion was the House ante, the Independent Order of Good dren, Tile old man was known to have Templars, the W.C.T.U., the Advanced considerable money, ands short time Also 4 Shades in Silk Wool . That is hard) possible. The Upper Y P pP carried, and went into Com- mittee of Supply, On rising, it asked Order of Prohibitionists and the Domi- ago he drew $11,000, out of which he nionAlliance. made gifts of a library to Villiers and i • • 11 Dress Goods, Ygy�'fi e T13U13SD9Y, AFRIL 27th, 1893, House is bitterly opposed to it, and the majority in the Commons J Y � leave to sit again g ' and the House ad- jouxned at 10,30 After stirring speeches by delegates, Keene Sabbath schools, and ' quality, 46 in. wide. The way the Mone Goes. y coupled with the recent demonstrations ' p.m. TORONTO, April 20. --The tid-bit in the the following resolutions were carried; ed Rev. Mr. Andrews, of that village "That this convention is gratified to with $120, and Mr. McNeil with $80. � x;; i;, in th'i country, will probably be consid- proceedings yesterday was the debate on learn that Bro, G. W. Marter, M,P.P, The balance cannot be found, and it is - The Ontario Government says the ered a sufficient warrant by the peers for its rejection. Such action would, of mr. Clarke's motion declaring against the minority system of representation for Muskoka: has introduced a bill in the thought that he burnt it: He was about Ontario Legislature providing for the 75 years of age. No inquest was thought Also Bl aok and Fawn Dress ,"' ' Hamilton Spectator, ask the legislature course, force another appeal to the which was obtained in Toronto, The withdrawal of the sanction of law from necessary.. The body was buried in Laces from 6 to 12 �A' to rant it for this ear's expenditures ' g Y P people, and the result of a' eneral elect- g debate was spirited, and was partici at- ed in by Messrs. Clarke, Davis, Tait, the liquor traffic and the prohibition of Westwood to -day, Y �' I11 • wide. l a sum of $3,559,185. Of this $2,945,522 ion, now rno details a the plan for Irfahself- self-government are before the Mowat Meredith Hard and Woad. ' Y the sae of intoxicating driks in taverns, saloons and shops, and we hereby i3YNG INLET WIPED OUT, a ry t and .13,50ures, for oth61 o fax capital r on Capital aaoount and $23,5Q1 for other gov 1d 'English electors, might be very different to that time Mr. Ryerson moved the adjournment of the debate, Sir OliverMowat's remarks heartily endorse Mr" Marter's action,'Week's y Swept by Fire I)iuiug Last Gale— slid call upon the of ranee e i Also, Tapestry Carpets fo purposes. ur oses. The total estimate exceeds that last by recorded a short ago, were short; but the created a mild sen- Y ration. He that the afany x:iuiilies izamoless. in the House to support the bill." support t ill." "That BARRIE, April 20,—WOrd\V'ftBreceived , 25 and a cents of year about $80,000. . , . admitted system we holdtlie Government of this y , What the expenditure will be is another Sir Oliver Thursday told a deputation was an experiment and that it had been �r "I province responsible for the continuance here this morning that Byng Inlet North lip_ i.,1,, matter. For Civil Government last year of prohibitionists that lie will not sup- a failure in Toronto. He also said: see no reason why we should continuo � of the liquor traffic within its jurisdie_ had been swept by fire during the storm q tion; that we are not satisfied with any that ,aged an Friday last. } the estimate was $231,625, and the ex- port the Marter bill, prohibiting there- or extend it. Measures will be taken pleasure that does not withdraw the Messrs. Burton & Bros. of this town, ^'"*^ • _ penditure was $235,760, This year the tail sale of liquor because he professed for the abolition of the system and for the increased representation of sanction of the law and the protection whose mills were situated there, will be the Government the heaviest sufferers, The mill, togeth- /� 11 �} p V of.I- V I, 11 I i A L a estiiiru4@ is 4 48,975. in 187Q John Sandfield Macdonald expeiid4cl S1QQ,- to hap@ doubts as to the power of ill@ Toronto," A number of private bills of from a traffic which Is at war with ever right, i er tiv#th about 6,000,000 feet of limber, y g ,lit@zest, and . 909, Sir Oliver 1liowae has made the Legislature to enact such a measure, were introduced and read a first time, In answer to Mr. Waters Six virtue of the community; and we here- docks and boarding houses, etc,, are a total loss. r,_ _ _1; sum not quite two and a half times as But it is difficult to speak otherwise than with contempt of the shuffling and � Oliver Mowat said the question of whe- say protest against any measure the ten - dency of which will be to postpone direct The report says a large number of THE VERY LATEST �T F,W S, Y great, For legislation last yearsestimate call- lack of candor shown in putting off the ther the Legislature had jurisdiction to pass a retail prohibitory law was before and immediate action, or that will in families are without food or shelter. The any wise evade the direct issue of pro- steamer Favorite left Collingwood this • -- t Latest reports about the condition° oftµ ed for $125,000, and the expenditure deputation because of alleged fears as to the Supreme Court for settlement. Sev- vineial prohibition," afternoon with supply of provisions for Edwin Booth state that he is very low, was 813*2,597. This year the estimate calls for $1_l, r00. In 1870 the. expend- the power of the Legislature to crystall- iia their request into legislation, On eral motions for returns were carried, and. then came on the debate on Toron. 's The nextresolution, "We will watch the sufferers. with the greatest interest the division Owing to ByngInletbeing so fax from Severe earthquake shooks are reported on, the North coast of Sioily. 4. iture was $37,•187. Far administration of justice last what plea could an Act declaring that torepresentation. Mr. Waters'bill to amend the Munici al Act was read a p list 011 Mr. MarteT'S bill with a view t0 any telegraph office it is impossible t0 „ obtain a full report. The loss is estimated our future political action. This car- P� DR. WOOD'S NonwAY Priss SYRUP.—•Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup year's estimate was $39,8,7"ti, and the liquor titer shall not be sold b retail be u set.? 1t would not interfere With trade secoud,time, Tho House adjourned at ti,ia p,m, , ried without disGtisSion as did also the at 4,2100,000; insurance about $120,000. { }Burglary cures coughs.•� colds, Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness expenditure was $391,68;1, The estim- at@ zs ;;400.70', In 18; 0 it was $180:- and comm@xc@ be and the seas or even n 21.—There TORONTO, April was little last resolution, which read. "This con- In Duudas, vention declares its unalterab]e loyalty DUNDAG, croup and all diseases of the throat audv lungs. Price 250, and 50o. at all druggists, 004" between the Provinces, Under such measure liqunr could still be brought oratory and much business in the house yesterday. When a number of the Iess April 2G.—J, A. Grafton, Mel- to file total and national prohibition of Ville street, Dundas, was awakened last Johns. Smith, his wife and three smaV For education the estimate last year was S(1.55,8.3.1, and the expenditure into, taken out of and sold in Ontario important of the government measures the liquor traffic, and appreciates pro- h viucial prohibition as a most important nin�gcl ` by u�eo�inIi someone in the room, p a lis ed to tall, children were instantly killed in a railway' crossing smash up near Warsaw Ind, N0653,161- 3,161- This year the estimate calls 3 for $ii6;i, 46. In 1870 the expenditure It is not prohibitory measure atsll but P Y is merely intended to make the present had been • iventheirsecond readin s th@ b g house went into supply, and made rapid the at see a slender step in that direction." yours man m committee to lay th@ lnatler before g going through his clothes.Mo Mr. Grafton uttered an exclamation : z Sunday, RELIEF AND CURE.—Slas,-•-•I have used P was $315,087. license lase. whish no one doubts the power of the Government to pass, more ro ass with estimates for civil p gT government, until the vote was reached the Government, consisting of Rev. Dr, which alarmed the intruder, but he cool- McKay, Rev, W. Kutiewell, and Mr. t ly ir,tecl lir, Grafton's 1lagyard a Pectoral Balsam for coughs audi B co (10 and it in For maintenance of public Institut- was 883 068 ions last year's estimate was $831,968 restrictive than itis at present. The Provincial authorities have far for the salary of the new additional prison inspector, ivha has been appoint' : up trousers and W. i�r, Buchanan, was then appointed, At 7 O'CioGli Ilio de vest lisiore lie bolted. Before an alarm potation met ill gives reliefa few henna ana� lwaya results in a cur., I will not be and the expenditure was p yettir:th@estimate is far azily $ $3,614. years exercised the right of limiting the num- g g prolonged, and interest- in Therewasafallowing ing discussion before the item passed. could be given he had made good his es- inombers of the Hardy, Sir Oliver Mowat, ilii. Hard caps. Mr, Ilex- r,ar without it. x MRs. ALFnED VICE, Berlin Ont h . • In 11+70 the expenditure was g16c,935. bon of licenses ; Sxipg the days and hours wlthia which li liquor ins be said q y + A number of bills were giv@n th@ir first reading. Sir Oliver Mowat's bill re- y, 1:11n clothes were subsequently found court, 14ix. Bronson, and Mr. Gibson. 1 In ria franc of the C'hnrch, y b E. D. Gough, clothier, Belleville, whom Dun etc Co, r. Oiled Aa insolv.nt denial thg For caloaization roads last year's es- Y timate �ias,,95,600 and the expenditure and determining the (privileges conferred by the various kinds of license issued. specting securities in tine Surrogate Courts was read a second time, as 1w as Several members of the Leglsiaturo ao- hilt they were minus a gold watch enol companied the delegation, illi, Tait, MT, chain and about $15 in cash, which the p report and says h. will enter an notion. #ai< damages. $103,755. This year the estimate is Y 49.3,350, but what the expenditure Dees it not seem absurd, titan, to hear his bill dividing tli@ ofklce o£ County Marter, Dr. Willoughby, Mr, Davis, and Mr. Balfour. The chairman of the con- tiering burglar had removed from the TAI*. BEST ItE3IEDY—DEAR din$, --I Nab will be no living mail can tell. It will d@ the leader of the Government profess doubts as to the legality of an Act em- Attorney in the County of York and city of Toronto, Sir Oliver's bill to ex- ventian, lir. Watkins, read the resole- zpockets, tions and referred to tho enthusiasm of A Montreal sensation, , greatly troubled with weakn d:a, lose af� appetite, restlessness andelee aasnesa, audY pead upon the time when Sir Oliyer intends to brie on the elections. If g bodying this proposal when he has al- ready placed one upon the statue book tend the time for the vesting of estates in heirs and devisees was read a second the convention, MONTRFA,t, April 25,-- Charles Hol- Sir Oliver Itiio�vat, in reply referred to land, swell-]cno�vn Teal estate dealer, found B. B. B, the most strerloieming and keneficial medicine I have takam. " they are to be helot during the winter or early spring, it is manifest the very —The Local Option Act—for thetotal suppression of the traffic in any and time. Mr. Dryden's bill to • provide &(;ainst the extermination of the plant the great pleasure it gave hum to meet and a membor of the St. James' Club, the delegates. He fully realized the im- has become involved in Mist HEASLiP t 34 guutlet. at, Toronto 0 nyp heavy and expensive work on colonizat- ion roads will be necessary. If they are every municipality that desires to take as was Sir�Oli er Mo vut'aeto establiond sh a land a sensational PortanCo of the question before diem, suit. + A iranoouvar dispatch says S, A. t2nsseya, w 'Toronto, to go over the next summer the heavy advantage of the measured g , „ title office at Rainy Rivet, The .House which it was almost impossible to esti- Eugenie Desplats, a rather pretty we- mate, The opinions he held twenty-five man of about 33, entered an action to- of has promised to give $10,000 towards the .B.C.Methodist College shortly'r, outlaywill not be made till next year. From year to year the expenditure r I ;A large business is being done in the then went into supply and passed anum ber of items. The House adjourned at J y ears ago on the evils a£ intemperance clay for alimony and allowance for sup- he had had no reason to change, and as port of her two children, of whom Hol- to be erected there. �: Arthur Asko aged thirt badly grows but out of alllproportion to the in- United States with Canadian wood 9:30. TORONTO, April 22.Privatemembers the leader of the Government, receiving land, ,she alleges, is the father. rr e i was , injured in Harrison's sawmill Norwood crease in population, and out of all pro- portion to the revenue. These enormous ashes, and the agricultural press of the day yesterday, was relieved by a single lively debate. This the constantly the reports of prison inspec- She states that she lived with Holland tors, asylum inspectors, the judiciary, from 1882 to 1892, and that two ohildren on Saturday by being caught in a revolving+' halt. �,, outlays are met largely by tales of pro- art which will not be replaced b the p Y other side, especially in the Eastern and T the I\eiv England Sates, are teeming was on second reading of the bill introduced by Mr, the courts of justice, and juries, it only had been born and baptized as le ti confirmed him more and more in the mate in St, Patrick's Church, Sh al SIRS have ed Hagyaz 's P y imposition of direct taxes, and borrow- with advertisements setting forth the Sprague to relieve farmers of the opera, p tions of the Workmen's Compensation opinion that three -fourth of all the crime leges Holland abandoned her last De- and misery of mankind was due to in- cember, Holland has since married. your Yellow Ye11oh Cil form sprains used your calls, burns brniaee, scalds, burns rheumatism and ing money in the shape annuities. manural virtue of "ranadian" wood Act. The second reading, however, fin- temperance, He said he was goin g croup, and find it an unequalled remedy., Soho ols in Ontario. ashes. In every city, town or village allpassed, and the bill was referred to Y p a special commute.. After routine, in frankl to sa Crazed by it Fire. y y that he could not allow Mon - Mr. Marter s bill to ass as it would be PETERBORO, April 25.—In South Mon• My neighbors also speak highly of it. line, HlimT, Montreal Quo. in Ontario there are ash -dealers, and reply to Mr. McColl, Sir Oliver Mowat worse than useless to pass a law that agban yesterday, Mrs. Bradshaw, The entire p ystar oro on the Conneati- The annual report of the bliniater of they have continually on the road nah said only those who had been committed could not be enforced. He referred wife of Mr. 2lhomas Bradshaw, tried cut Coast was almost rained by Thursday Education, just distributed, contains gatherers who give in trade penny bare of soap. In this way large to Houses of Industr under the 482nd section of the Municipal al Act are to be p to take her life. A short time a to the passing n the Scott Act Bradshaw's dwellin was destroyed in Woodstock, and said that sifter g Y Y night's severe storm" Renorta of damage b Thursday's storm g y y much that is interesting and valuable regarding our educational institutions P y li quantities are gathered, and the dealers on both considered prisoners. Mr. Meredithhad Scott, the claims of Mr. Adam Scott a su gr- P, it was passed there was no denying the lire and it is supposed the excitement of p g the fire caused temporary insanity. fact that the temperance causewasworse p Y Y continue to be received from man arts of the. continent, 7 p but the statistics, as usual, suffer by be- in over a year old closingwith the this side and in the United States make enormous profits. The housekeeper -annuated teacher, putrightby from the Minister that he would et his ff off than ever. (Cries of "No, no.") That Mrs, Bradshaw made the attempt to is end her life with a knife. She to Isoh Mange and Scratches of every kin calendar year 1891. From , the various tables following gets about five or eight cents a bushel for a commodity that is cheap at sixty full allowance refused by a clerk in the department. The bill to amend the my deliberate opinion, arrived went at by a consideration of all the facts her room for some things and her daugh- ter on human or animals, oared in 30 mina by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This n - the bits of information are culled as likely to interest the cents a bushel to farmers as a fertilizer Voters' Lists Acts, Mr. Balfour, was that came before me. If there is any -in-law, thinking she was a long time doubt about the validity of any law it is gone, went and found that she had suc• fails. Warranted by C. LVTZ, general reader. The average attendance of rural pupils" for nearly any crop, Surely inteiliumt farmers must know b this time the im- Y given its second reading and passed on to a select committees. Mr. Waters' hopeless to try to enforce it. Continu- ceededin making avery severe wound in in her throat. There are hoe g, he spoke of the passing of a local hopes that she The aminal dinner of SI.George's sooie at Toronto was attended . by about 250 was 48 per cent. of that registered, p g r while in towns it was 61 and in cities 67 portant part that potash, which is the main constituent of ashes, plays in the Ditches and Watercoursesbillwaspassed its second reading, Mr. Meredith coming option law recently, and how its consti- will recover. tutionalit y was being fought out in the guests. It is reported that Gen, Herbert cam- per cent. Waterloo county had the economy of plant growth, or they would out strongly in its favor. Mr, McKen- zie's (East Lambton) bill to close stores Superior Courts. Everyone would like The hotel waiters of New York city mander of the Canadian Militia will b + knighted, highest average for rural schools -57 er cent. Brampton 73 percent. amore not allow this valuable commodity to be carted away every year to fertilize the on Saturday night at 10 o'clock, had to be withdrawn so violent was the opposi- to see Air. Marter's bill pass if hejudges threaten to l strike, They complain sure of its validity, but one of thejudgea that they work long hours, pay heavy The proposed improvements to the Con P P P tenary t the towns and Hamilton heads the fields of American farms and gardens. An analysis tion to it on both sides of the House. Aestimated of the Court of Appeal had expressed fines and shave off their beards. the opinion that according to a decision Inspector Methodist Church, Hamilton, are to cos! $30,000. cities with the same average. Huron's g average was 53 per cent. of wood ashes will show their value, and those of good hard number of private bills were read a sA cored time, and the House adjourned at DeBarry hustled William of the Privy Council on a former occa- uiek out of Buffalo. Q Quick went from English Spavin Liniment removes' all Female teachers still continue to gain on male teachers, being GS wood, such as are generally sent from- here to the United States, contain 12 5 o'clock. TORONTO, April 25.—The Speaker took lion the province had no power to pass Brighton, Ont., to work in Mr. De- snob a law. "When we get a prohibi- Barry's preserve. Julius Scheike, a Rus- tion law hard, soft or calloused lamps and blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, per cent. of the entire number employed, per cent, of potash, and G per cent. of the chair at 3 o'clock yesterday. Anum- I want it to be legal.' I want it sian Pole, recently arrived via Halifax, to be constitutional, and such that we was also back to Canada. Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, cot, save Of rural schools Waterloo pays the highest average salar 2 to 444.. phosphoric acid. The potash is worth commercial) 5J cents per y. p pound and ber of private bills were read a first time; and there were a number of second sent go forward with the strongest hands to enforce. M hands be $50 by nee of one botch. Warranted the most Blemish Care - gy, male teachers: Essex leads for female teachers , the phosphoric acid is worth 7 cents, readings also. A number of returns Y would oxnAT sxolznls, weakened in attempting to enforce wonderful ever known. Warranted by C. Lvsz h with 43..4; Frontenac the to Fest $288 for male, and I3alibuiton $203 for fe- which gives one hundred ounds of g P ashes worth $1.09 or a bushel would be were ordered by the house, and ministers answered a number of important ues- such a law as is at Seven persons were killed and six per - present proposed, sons wounded in the cyclone at Coudray, but it would be disastrous the pause 160 gaards at the. Columbia L>Sjiptiaition have for male teachers, Of city schools, Toronto 51,098 to finale: $430 to female teachers worth 65 cents, and this is sold here for 5 to 8 and 10 cents to peddlers.. Then tions. On the second reading of the g Pharmacy Bill, the motion was greeted "No, Mo of temperance to pass a law we might w have no constitutional power to pass, or The strawboard mills at Kokomo, Ind., struck an advance in wages, Of town schools, Brockville OwenSound there are some ashes, after the are y leached, are worth 52 with cries of no," The bill, how- ever, which had been shorn of many of + were blown down and Robert Douglas, one that wound be a matter oia empe io c 0 , He then instanced previous temperance an employe, was killed. Loss $30,000. ` Prescott, $1,000 to male teachers; Wal- kerville, $387 for female teachers. cents per 100 pounds, from the fact that all the phos- its objectionable features, was read a second time and sent to a committee. litigation, and said he knew what he A heavythunderstorm passed over gonesalaries a cities and towns have u considerably, the rural districts g P P boric acid is left and a small modicum of potash. And if those leached ashes The House adjourned at 4:30. TORONTO, April 2G.—Yesterday Mr: Stewart's residence was telling the delegation might not be Palmerston, lightning, pleasant. "I am not speaking softly to was struck by lightning, damaging it butt@fling C. C. RlcireRne ct Co.. GENTS -My daughter was apparently at y, there is no improvement. In Huron the for are of enough value to be bought in o%r Iota in Ontario and carried by to Gibson's bill for the protection was con- sidered in defence of the measure, and you, you what is absolutely considerably. necessary.,- I am not going to suffer Mr. had the worst of the the. o point of death with that terrible did - a diphtheria, All re bad failed ' avers a salary male teachers was g Y 4402 and that for female teachers $276. 5. rail Buffalo to make commercial manuras, ' then they are Mr. Meredith replied. Both speeches: were gaol ones. The motion was passed Marter's.bill to ass but I may supportWinnipeg one containing even more than hswinter the other day, Telegraphic tom- g anunicaiion was cut off and business gen- bu ENT cured her; but I would a wily recommend and I would earnestly recommend it to all Z here are now, 5,876 school houses the province, 619 log and 2,218 brick. valuable enough to be R used as manure here, where they cost and the House then went into commit- at a future time. Why does Mr. Mar- y erally suspended. ter stop at the sale of liquor by retail2 who may be in need of a good family medi-. As a general rule the schools through- g g little or nothing. Softwood ashes con- I g• taro 12 per cent of and 4 tees of supply. A number of other bills were advanced a stage, and the House y gleet damage near Lex - The province has the same A cyclone did power over the sale b wholesale as b retail. If ingto11 Mo., the other day, destroying Y cine. . JoaN D. BODTILiER, out the Province are open the full ear P Y 3,151 or57 per cent. of -the publicachoois potash per cent. of phosphoric acid, and are worth adjourned at11<30, J Y everything o we have the power to pass a prohibition g in a path 200 yards wide and five or six miles long. French village. THE FIGHT IN BELFAST• use the authorized Sarip'ure Readings, 84 cents per 100 pounds or 60 cents per P + P busheh. law I am prepared to support it. I have not spoken things you would like to A cyclone passed over Robinsonville, 37 per cent, the Bible: 93 per cent, of the schools are opened and closed 3,000 Orangemen With Their Sear Paint On hear, but I have spoken the truth." Miss„ the other afternoon, and only two _ with BELVAST, April 25 --The Orangemen The deputation then withdrew, and at houses are left standing in the place, A - ITe EXCELLENT QUAL1TIa6 11 prayer• The average cost per a p pupil on the Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly employed in the Queen's Island ship- yards refused to .day to allow 1000 0£ - an evening meeting of the prohibition- number of lives were lost. fists a resolution passed regretting G Ypsilanti and other points in Michi- commend to public approval the Califor- nialignid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It number enrolled in 1891, for countries, was $7.25; for cities. 513,57• and for POR SAY The idyllic and hietorie, Bronx Valley their fellow workmen, who are Roman . Catholics, to resume work at the yards .was that the Premier is so doubtful on this gan were devastated by ac clone. Man. important subject. The convention has of the principal buildings y , 1 p 8 were badly is pleasing to the eyei and to the taste and :, by gentl acting on the kidne s liverand Y Y, towns $8.92; or an average of $8.34 for sympathetically desoribed by one of its re- and chased them away from the place. heard no reason why it should in the damaged," The loss of property is estim- 1 bowels, it eleenaes the system effectual) the Province. In 1877 the average cost eidents, Dr, Peter MacQueen, and illostrat- In: the attack which attended the .ex- least recede from the resolutions." ated at , 200 000, y I , hereby promoting the health and comfort was, for countries 6.01 for cities _ , $ ea $7. 52; for towns, $6.51; or an -average of ed with a score of charming views, ownpies with vernal seasonability the front lace in Frank Leslie's p; ilsion of the Roman Catholics. a num • ber of ersons were injured. p . - .If The Unionist's Programme. - A colored school house near Robins. - Ville, Miss.; was blown downduriu file all who use it. ` The Franco•$!amasa diffiouity is reggrd. 6.26 for the Province, $ 6 per cent. of Popular p lar Monthly. May. Another timol y paper, hearing as it doew The between Orangemen and Nationalists in Belfast proceeds inter- , LONDov, April 26.—The Marquis of . ,. c! .cyclone and 25 children were liilhed,. Salisbury, A. J. Balfour, the DuT�e of; ed at Singapore' soriaus. .Siamese traders, ;. the receiptars furnished by the govern- ment, the balance by.tbe people. The anon the question of aNational Quarantine Q , for the United States, is.the graphic sketch mittentiy. More than 3000 Orangemen g have been mayching about inprocess`ion, Th 9' ere were also a .nnmbeT Of negloes Devonshire, Joseph Cnamberlai.n, Sir killed in the town. ae the •fear. ,thee will be fi . r ghtinq, have ceased importing rice and dealeis are; board - average. coat per pupil in Huron was 46.66, and it) ixaderrch. 6.1.0.: of "Caribbean Quarantine" experience, by Henry Arthur Herbert of ll2ucki oss. An threatening to attack the Nationalists. Th e military have been, kept between HenryJamesandother Liberal -Union- Ying ists are discussing -- sat Devonshire, Rouse yi,ddelk I)eats .•,t - i A.11.y, ,t. . — . The slumber of ae arate aoho p els ,hoe advanced from 175 to 289 in fifteen exciting narrative of the recent ten .ruptiou. Aman the B e other illustrated articles are the "The. the two mobs and probably their mevtmg to night. 'Several fights the plan of procedure b which the 0 • , _ � . g' : r . position is to be raided in antagonizing' L,1�»Say, April 2u.—Aichle A.., Muir b g g the inial? Rome Rule bill throughout the of the Bell Telephone Companv dro ped P ;15- (1Rsneit-IIEz L on 8cz;nxclrms. _ , ;_ Physic ; your Horse. well with Daood. years, the expenditure increased', •163.- 881, and the number of teachers i' 05 World's Fair kx�beries Uithibit," by Charles; Bradford Hudsoa? an enteitainin g between less considerable bodies'. of Nationalists have been stopped b the a: r dead in a doctor's office from - committee stages of ilio macron.• heart dis • ease. Blood .Purifier ;feed feed on soft seeing food. gee him Olefin and dr P y and he will ro- during the same period. In the separate schools of Huron the average , . account of Chinese cuisine and restsnrai,t life in Mott Street, New York cit. b that y v t rep Y pahc@: At o sloe • t r k h s morning the city of , The decision of the.coiiference at D@� _, onshire House was that 14Ir, Balf "t o rr and The. Naval Review, •, . . . h' Chamberlain cover in lime, Washin with oa t' .: g e iJe soap and 'warm water will be useful if the: laps ' - ace was 9G, cit 50 Per cerit..of'those enrolled and vivacious 'ournaliet DoSeitz;, . : ' 7 n ,P<.raian „-,xie,it Pottery,. by James Baeaet>, the eminent _ Belfast is quite. . Most of the crowds have disc eared. The,police "are •. Psipatrol, r M . should move amend- T ; - , � - QIIe1z<i_aTiNE, S.I„ Apr 126.--1? t,. - -�o the Home, Rule B>11 in, commit- p Y on ti.rne over prearranged* detail Y p , are carefully but.' entT Tubbed -aft. . g, % reach hi .D o ". washing. o n t use bandages,. What.i . the cost per pupil p P p $9.25, while 'in Godoriclr separate school, the average g Orientalist., and Carnivorous , v rove ]?lapis, by Colonel Nicolas like The departtr,ent of ling the where trouble is most likely to occur. i , .with tee,' -although they shotihd participate n- ,: e ss + cai_ied out tivith mai vollous exauf:ress,. ,he doli;etps and dlvislons. the aombxuod naval squadrons the , , meet desirable is to keep hie skin dryand his blood thoroughly lrl cooled. It may t g Y y aka was G6, or 73 per cent.. and the coat 5:27 per ail, $ p pupil. fiction includes an e: ui > q site story by Paul Bour et ` the a t n „ g author r of Cosmopolce, en- ;_, -.— I Three British of Free choice of action; will be left nom:- r O,11 and New Worlds took possession of anally to the individual Unionists, 1- s , a the lower of New York I . _ , some time to get rid of . the fevee and i ` •- na Purities in the blood that h :have causedibis, Ask fcr Mnerd'o and !alit no oiber-, titled ,,'Dom Griffi " warshi ps will d I o duty this sunim,er off Newfoundland in con- , airy() e-- thotigh tiler 'will be bound practically . a } Y tel da afterziociu, by the of their leaders, trouble, but Dick's Blood purifier vnll;ao�. , compheb it if used aedirected nectionwiih fisheries protection, . , ;::",' „; .., .... w ,,, i _. ,. ...0 d �. �-