The Exeter Times, 1893-4-27, Page 2�
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I . ..... � !;! 11 ... ' of thos. who ,..,I those lines will over stand reach ; for there -.a . look I- the captive's . I I . �
I . � VOSP1211W . iii �
I 11 .... _ 11 �4 A Remarkable Oriental Experience within the Pekfh walls; but in Coal ton any eye which wgraed him that it was well not .1 F"ma 41: %10 - I I
�� . 11 ,-,
� � � 11 , . . I I 0 one may look upon the criminal punishment to come within the reach of An arm. whioli � I '',
, . � . in the open 'court. . . . ��
I . I I La 11 i . � I � I , . bad already killed one of the brotherhood, 6. 11,
� . . � . . -
I . . . I . � � I , .1
� I . I . Why should nut the court be open? It is and Wfatrangled another iti the person, of � =* � I
� � I '' NO KIM 1 4
� . Ei 11�i � ��
I I ; . I , A, T.URlbLlj1TG.St9RY ,OF GuiwEsiq TRx4oHERY better that thv curious inuititude of lowest the silent priest. I �,
I nit . I , .I I . pTnnn i
M �AUNE I I � � I
I I ,;: - . � I I grades should nook to gaze upon a fellow. Paper and ink were not given to him � 11 ,
, � -
Z 4 - � I . � -------, I , I T
. - � J00 � 1, I . I . creature'$ agony, whilst the air is filled again throughiont that day-% day which co'qwvlalon I �
1 ion, coughs, croup, s9re, � I QHA�ITER I XV1.IL-(Cd-,,,=-,Vp). Bo,nsel.was not'a qvick-witted man, so with Ili$ brute -like shrieks, It is better passed 4'. .11 , days now passed, SLOWly I 7 I
� COrm Consullapt] . I I . I I
Thro" Sold by all Dxugsts an a Gwxiantee- , Several days It.& pasq,ed, and Norris, ;ill that ilia mind found no oontlectionwbateven that they shon1d,see and know, so that along its evil course, I I .1 I ,,
� I
, r . -
, e"
loor a Lauto Side. BaCIC or C est Shiloh', Porous though weakened, mentally aridphysicall 1 -between the, retarnedcheok IlearingatioLher they may themselves ,%void a crime. So at are alI intimately conn%ctzd_.
pliluterNA41givo laU. y� nan4e And the naine of WillimNords; and least think the Chinese. vor � I
, great satisfactien-25 cc. . His food was still tainted with. the fla .
I �_ 4y the'silent cause Of the unknown horror . that had sickened him but to -day it caused practic4lty inseparable. Though ,
I I . SHILOHYS VITAL12", which ov�st its shadow deeply upen him, had this is itatunail, we intist admit,seeing that Picture the scene within the court whilat his stomach no revolt: for lie wto and drank .
Xrs, T, S. Haw1dris, Obattanooga. Tenn.. says I still giveil, no yielding, sign ; And the a e . ID
. ZJFR.11 T . to the German his Chinese friend was up, the crimim I lies, face downward, on - the with avidity, perhaps owing to tile exist ,,6 the fact is oftea i-nored,, i'c Is
k' Shiloh's Vitc(ZL10r'SAVXD XZ riesi righ't and true, so much, so indeett that the I
C,O?Zaideritt7Wbostr�medyforadeba',Ittatedmist-li-A A, in paXt instigated by instructions Gorman pressed Valiscombe kind Chin ground ; wbilat men hold his feetana hands; of a greater ppAii, or perhaps that hio Inind neverth4�less true that a good
Z,.titru3,d.'1_ J?OrDyspagi Idney fmin beyond the temple walls'and in part ,w -chin� whiiat the judge sits cold and cruel, and ,Wildly clutched at a vain hope that the fla. ,
gAverorSi . k to visit his friend and ,to obt ' _� I
trouble it excels. Price ous. allowed by Shan-min-yLien to attain, his al" the curions crowd press near. Picture the vat might be �poison and bring him nearer to complexion is a ftq iibility .,
9 �i end by devices of their own, determined his (Lid. Had Norris signed truly, he bare, limbs eriag with the man's agony his end. � . ' U M ,
S - � C would have lost a thousand pounds; in expects, of the $broke, and mark Strangely, Norris never dreame,l of .ant. i�
MNILOH! � A,TA'RR N upon fresh bodily torture for the miserable t1l, .I, niv . . without good digestion, wMvh In
bNaaar , - . ,FtF man who IMuld'ilot'yield, , � but at least those .who came to seek bim whilst fascinated by a horror beyond del ei tUrn depends on good fovd. , .
, " - _MF . do, and this is probably explainable in this .
_ 1)y -would at once have act the clew, since . .
� . I It was now for a cause different from that t, scription"a power, the bastinado lif ted.and way -that his mind was so sluittered by all . A
Have -you Catarrh ? Try thl� Remedy. It will of months ago that , Norris was tortared-a Bonsel would have recalled the name, in all falling again, and yet again, until the whole ,the evil tliat cattle upon him, that it strove There is no m*ore common cause ,
ko�ltively relieve and Cura -you. PricellOcts, oausethatis itithema,in. diffaringmdyet probability, ,when Variscombe first brought soul sickens at the Awfulness of a punish- to contend aTainat every thing of a nature of indigestio .
1his luiector for its successful treatmentla con the affair before him. . . n than W.A. Let the
furnishedfree. ftemember,Shxlolrsi�smi , nected with th 6 oigier in a way that is ment which is surely the equivalentof a horrible, all yet being drawn back to
are mid on a guarantft to eive satisfaction. , diffloult to expl%in. Upon receiving the check, Sharl�min-yuen I the bright housekeeper use �, I
. � a Dlained to the priests that it was not vat crime, I evil things, was confined in its thoughts to 1� 44�', , �
- - When at the first he had been illade a 11 It is upon the back of the thigh tImt the hideous memories and fancies that merely 4 , �
-o by tb -iests, they, fearing lest time for the prisoner to go ; but fie did 6t Q � ,
I LEGAL. captiv a p, blow must fall -that part where the limb circled round mud round upon themselves. ,�ft ,
� their deed might prove ill-advised, had sent press Norris foe more money, waiting rather thickens just above the knee; and to him To have clashod'his brains out upoa the INR ,� v; i
. 9, -W I
. till Borisel should hand him 'over the pro, who much bear its pain it is well to give floor would have ended his career; and per. I IV . 4
H- - DIMON, Barrister, Soli- ceeds of the first extortion. c1h �.
two of their num)er to Shtux-inia-yuenwith 4 ,
L a humble confess -.on. and a prayer for advice some grass, that he may clutch anything in hapa theguiding Hande,bove kep, tfrocn him, in A V
4 attar at Supreme court, Nobary In the meantime the priests t Ilia teeth and hands save the mere emptiness the presence of other evils, such an gea.
Public, (Joavoyancer, Cammisaionor, ft what they should now do with the reated their
XoneT to Email. foreigner,wbose r4sistance to their attempt- the teeth may not areas or tion aa this, for thi ..'�
prisoner but hardly I a,ud then at length of the air, so that 3 only approact to COOTT 0 ENE " ,
_0111cetla 0,129011'Ftnlook, Exeter, ed extortion And, whose subsequent violence came the day at the temple's desecration, bite the tongue and that the nails may not self destruction upon his part, was that " ,_.�
--jr. 0 —oj,L IN, S,� — had landed him a prisoner withiri their and Norris's attempt to escape ; and a tar- (jig into the flesh. of drinking and eating to the fall of Z� . I
"R. Stich ii as the nature of the torture to be tainted fooa and water auring many days 0 I
. walls. rible fate became his.
0 1 It they released him,they feared; if they Such bad been the past. Now the case inflicted upon Norris. to come'. 0- , ,
Barrister, Soliditor, Conveysicer, Et , illed him, they also feared; for the priestly was altered: the order had been returned, ay, that a few strokes . �
mind in its cruelty was deeply saturatea ing Sliali-min-yueu in a position diffi, too great, that is to a hophe of death was what actuated I" . ?I' -
LXE!PFR, - ONT. , . In, its full severity the strain would prove Uven now it is difficult to decide if the 0 !",
P111,111a toexplain awaywitlillis German friend; in t ,,, him The New Veiptabi shortening
OFFI(JE) - Over O'NeiVs Bank. with fear, anti therefore they came to tile even would undo the malt, but a stroke or , orrif tile pain of body merely called I
- mandarin, their adopted father, for advice, and fie was alike infuriated"with the feel. two daily might ivell be borne, and the for susterianco of any kind; for Ilia mind 41 1
ELLIOT & ELLIOT, bringing humbly a tale of lies which might ings of anger and disappointment, and filled knowledge that as each day came, so the was in Buell a condition that no thought was and substitute for lard, 9nd her �, "
excuse their sot; for to them it seemed that with the strong determination that Norris bastinacto would fall upon the bruised and clear anclao impulse definable as arising cheeks, with those of he,r �amily, �, �
BsTristers, Solioito the mandarin's anger would be great, when should yield. swollen limb, would surely saffice to give a froul'this cause or illat, I
rs, Notaxies hilio, he learned what had occurred. He had come to the temple to 100k upon torture of the most exquisite kind. In addition to the cruel blows of the will be far more likely to be . j, -
- . Conveyancers &c, &e. Shau,min-yuen r9celved the deputation Norris, who was then as one mad , &lid his' The bastinado, is a long and supple strip bastinaclo, the priests had Another method At Like a rose in the srAojv.10 , V,
la"Afoney to Loan at Lowest Bates of and, immediately tipdn learning the par- anger upon beholding him thus in a oondi- of bamboo or other wood, flattened to a whereby they Attempted to increase the C T 1,nml�
Interest. tioulars the priests bad to narrate, he per- tion which he knew rendered the execution treadth-of, say. two or three inches, and i .0 To is clean, delicate, .?I
'a agony of tile intervening time, Expectancy
oeived that the whole might easily be turn- of his designs impossible, in taking from length possibly three yards. It is raised of tile succeeding day, wid rentembrAnce, of healthful and popular. Try it, y.,
OPPICId, . MAIN - STBERT, EXETER, ed to his gaia , for the priests know no hill! all chance of gain, rebounded upon the above the shoulder, Uigh in the Air, and thert. the morning past, were not alone to fill the I I
R. V, XLLMT. - FRIPTiritioK 11,T.TAOT. E aglish, whilst lie could spea.1c and write priests ; for to Shan-min-yrtea the temple's rapidly descending, falls with fall impetus prisoner'a mind ; for they bad placed by Wade only by I y I
__ , � ill desecration was as nothing, And his avarice upon the human fiesh. I I
— l that tongue,. -badly, it is trite, but at'. his side, as lie now found, a sheet of metal N. X. FAIRBANX & CO.# 'r
-----. ____-_1_.__
. -DENTAL. sufficiently clearly to convey t3 an R ,nglish- was all in all. . Who can describe the devil!s thoughts with smoothed surface, polished so thit no Wellington and Ann Streets, io "
-------- — man, or to a foreigner who spoke English, Ib is true tile priests had come to him to which blackea the victim's soul,when that mirror could more truly portray the refiec� �
R- 0. H, INGRAH, DENTIST, whatsoever he desired, tell Mai of the murder, 'And Uat he had awful weapon descends upon b is flank? tion seen therein ; slid upon this they be. MONTREAL, 41 . I
D Sucaysor to It, Z. 13 illings, As yet he did not know that Norris was permitted what it was; then in their frenzy A single inflation of many strokes would lieved that the miserable man would gaze, . .�
0 o 0 on Ani.Eagi.ishman, though he conjectured, that a ' Imost an im�oasible thing to stay -the ao- indeed have been a terrible punishment, but seeing Ilia civil face and his half -shaven _ - _____, i,
.u'goolls.) eot I Sorts I orwithout &
le, i th probable ; but he was not long, as Qomplishmeat of fitting torture asrovenge;
r I , Gold r a to Ance,stbotio it would scarcely have formed a torture ; it head, and gmy lickirs, with increasing horror - *
, it,11 art sill less' has been, but now, months later, when lie looked 0 I",
C I 0 it ot,70 of tooth. seen, in framing the plan which is in the repetition, or the expectation of as the hours w I Scientift American . I
I'lue Gold V1111n.-i as Require peoved to him that in this idea of the "'Pon therezult, andknewthat thecon. the repetition, that the greata eat by. I jw�
. I .at agony may t Asenoy fOr
d. prianner's nationality he was clearly in the dition to which Norris bad been reduced befound. So Xorris was doomed to recei They were partly right, but not wholly 1, I *
Office, over the Post ntliieo, rl(fllt. ended the system of extortion he had hoped ve so ; for although it was true that the shook I � I .
M!!!_________ - - ' _' A.M� Iii hastened to reassure the -1 to pursue, his anger fell upon the -priest- a stroke or two daily from the bastinado, experienced by Norris upon first perceivlug 11- ill, � $w 1
- -
MEDICAL -----"- priests, or and doomed to the 'hours which intervened � ji�j "� - ,, 'IF, �
rather to, do so in part only ; for his crafty hood in words of threat terrible to their the reflection of Ilia own changed features, i. I I � 1� ��
____ - - � _ � � __ ___ nind . cowardly souls, between the strokes upon the one day and now drawn and altered almost past recogni. . 1, .. I J;
I perceived that by acting alike upon those upon the following day, so long as his tion by the terrible months thro h which '�, �
J W. B.3OWNING M. D.., Anil 0 heir fear and greed, and upon their ignor. But threats are little when they remain Ug *
* P. S. Oraduato Victoria Univere ty.. ance of the English tongue, lie mi as such, and Sha mind and body bore the straht. he had lived, was great indeed, yet the CAVEAT% V
ght a-min-yucu's anger con- He m its awakened early one morning from terror of the I -
041ce mud raxide,ace, Uom'.nion Liho a fined itself to tb e threats with -which he had first glance gradually wore I . TRADE MARKSt
toly.gxeter. eventually gain much from what was to be a troubled sleep by the entry of a number 0
______� regarded, as far as he was concerned, as a left the temple upon that day. away, and,was replaced by something of a , DESICN PATMNTS,
"nR- ELYXDM_kN, eorouer for tag lucky ellauee. Time went by. Shart-min-yuen And the of priests into the temple building where he strange pleasure -the pleasure of pain, if 11 COPYRICINTS, atc.1 I
wasconfined. lieforesaw, instantly, that For Information. and frep 11andbook wriv
. -A.-:' Oouuty of Huron. oitice, opp�,4jto That the uriests should let Norris escape temple still stood apart from one another ; it may be so described, �vhich led him to re. ' ,to
Carling Bros. stora,Exoter. and the priests something territle was in store for him ; .511INN 4', CO.. 301 BROADWAY. NEW OnX. V,
_____.______ was no pa.rC of his plan ; for he laid out permitted William Norris gard the reflection with a clegme of interest Oldest bureau for securing patents in 1310311".
Xrery patent talcon out by us In brong t before )p
to live, lest they should the more Anger the for cruelty was marked upon every one of which was unintelligible to himself. t,
the public by ¬ice given tree at charge In tita
TIR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. R, S. mentally other designs for the man now the cold priestly faces that surrounded him There is little doubt that the human 4
I -t-A 0. Office, Main St. Exeter, Out. within his power. . great inall. . He 4mmediately concluded that . If.
sooldence, house recently Occupied by They had done awrong and an ill-advised At length the recovery, -an unlooked-for "' lie lay' nitud.will, in certain circumstances, find 4 1
Kophillips'Nscl. P. thing, a-) lie told them; but what was clone thing -slowly came ; but the priests did his tinle had come, and that tile molten tasure in dwelling upon its own agony, ffritutific Inedr-au �
11 load, feared for Iong a time, wa Z
At they had ao 8 now at rawing life from the -knowledge that what Lar�gst circulation of any sclontine paper In the
- McLAUGEMIN, mi ,N1. nows, bat in their own evil hearts conceived fall again, 4134, 'With strange is borne is terrible indeed. war, d. Sp r
R.T. P was done, &ad it was well th not at once go to Shan-min-yuen with the .Iendldl,T, illustrated. No Intelligent
D vome to him. The nation to wbioh the 'sehnivellin'o Jal a pbould be w thout It NV R 8()& *
Der of the college of physicla a And fresh tortures . g,t his strength entirely left him, Por this reason the mirror -torture, was a , ot
Surgeons, Ontario. z belonged was one to be feared, he for the E nglishmau who had parr $1j6.O six months. AUdreasl %141�,� A
PhYsician. Surgeon and rilone 'i. of he priests released Norris's, foot not what the priests bad believed it to be; J ,U .
�a!____ p that theChiliesepowe desecrated their holy place and brought rto� � 11plIty.
A ounelleur. Office.DA-11 U_V1_)1)"_11k-__ __ slid'in ra were Won& misfortune upon them in the an'er of the fro"' the chain which had held him to the for by causing fresh thoughts to the victirn, i � r
wA ly with its powers, and would assuredly in mauiarin. . 9 floor ; And then, as lie did not itiove-for he and in giving him a deep interest in i � 1. � - -_ f
�;. THOMSON, M. D., C. some way punish tile priesthood for the malt. ., I �
o Memborof College of physicians Then, having so fai, satisfied their lust for seemed too prostrated by fear to have poir- marking the lines to his exaggerating i , , � .1. . 07 e
An, surgoals, 011tatio. S AL L. Therefore caution was necessary, 'whilst at er to do so-severa.l. others took him by the ind grow deeper daily upon his face, ilia I -1 1� .
Orner: HODGII.4.,S, BLOOX, Hr the same time, there was no need tar gr1 n y, tbey went to Shan -min- .ugh . IV
,4X arms and logo and liftod him on high and '11 I ,
___ - — - fear. yuca ; and Re came r�ad sa,w tile man who ts were distracted from the enduring ,.f N I
— thus bore hiat from the building out into course of An unremitting conception at
1. I _ 1111__nlw.�� 11 - To ri had still survived the cruelty, and whose I 11 �
AIJUIONZERS. eat$, 01�- some of their number, had mind was once more cleared. the light of the morning sun, which Was fill. pain, -'eng? , 11
.I , I. . sought to extort money from Norris, as has - From the inj the courtyard with its golden glory. 14
been seen. Asmall sum would then have time of that interview, even as had been tile � When the first, ni ht of the bastinado- 9
LU&RDY, LICENSED AU0- sufficed,,or, indeed, An equal'division of his first, the priests And Sham-min-yaen. worked 13. the temple balls themselves no torture torture ca,me'and,wgilstallwas still, the I *
0 tioneor for the County of nuron. tiaos mi -lit have mitigated the priestly in. concert And yet apart. must takep.lace, save that of am indefinable paper and the ink were plawed by Ilia side, 'I i'l I
ges �
- nature which should act only u n the I .
Cbar moderate. Exeter P. o. gr�ed ; but, as it was, he had been taken It was a strange position-tbe position a and when the following morning dawned —TnB— UOXTRELILL
leaner owing to his own rough which had existed in the past and existed al' d ; for the Englishman's shr 0,
- __
V BUSSE NBE BRY, Gene—rill fl action in i6ts'l must Norris saw that it was there, and now in a . .4 PA.PL. R
-KZ4 * caused Auctioneer Sales conducted pr still. -. not 1-ise in their unholiness within the con. clearer mind Wondered what must happen 0 loctric Co I � .
in attempting to. escipe ; and pris- fines of that most sacred space, DULLS *
i110,11parts, SatisfactlonguareLitteed. Charges oner he must noulu remain until The priests obeyed Shan-min-yuen ; they n tile day now born, since lie still cringed Are oncl lacandoloont r1paria I
moderate. Rousallpo,ont. So be was borne into the open air , and from the more thought which would suggest Light I nT1JF11.C:.1.Tl1.l XO ,or., - —
lie should agree to the conditions im. were to torture, but not to kill, until V Co.
I by Shan-min-yuen. Norris wrote upon the paper constantly by there before he bad realized that there were his writing as he had been bid. CONTRACTORS & OUILDERS OF NQwa �
I'MY EMBER Lipensed Atic. Plt:eems strange that members of a, priest- his side: so far they obeyed him, no preparations for tortures of the molten Ere long this was to be made clear to ILECTRIO LIGHT AJIO Printing
tionear for the Oortatles of garon letter. But they went further thanto tile lead, and before he had observed tile pre$. FOWER STATIONS r4ou
. hood endowed richly by Shan-mill.-yuen' this, ence of all evil -visaged man who held him. Yesterday's programme ,was to be Throuslaout the Dominion, W_pV!Z5 41
e '4UO(lIe%8x - S'Lles ooDducted at react. father should have been filled With . 3 deceiving the man whom they called father, up, enacted a secoriatime in every particular, 51 to 70 Wellington St. S0]1jf_0rSnM�)I;l1.
reL a rat'sa- Offlea, at Posb-oflloe, orod. Avarice f or they cared little what tile torture a long and narrow piece Of Wood even to the most minute detail
toll 0"t, � _� for the amall sums which the Englishman might rXIlt h -1 �
__ _.__!!Tn!!!��_ __� could disburse, but it must be remembered effect, so that it satisfied their tbirst for , all I resting on tile ground, reached wit When the priestarelcasedhis'ankle Nor.
- the other end Above big head, he 'we's ?laced ris struggled fearfully, but was
I VB TZ BINARY. that those priests who had acted as Norris's cruelty and revenge, and Shan- mil"y'nen face downwards upon a number of , cards secured And overcome. At i'al,gth PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD
� guide, were probably of the lowest grade, did not know of all the ghastliness which which had been fixed to
. ennent Tennent and that the temple's wealth, although the priestly minds conceived, substitute for gether so as to farm Then he wous taken to the courtyard and NOT A ,%VJfQ1p, POISON
shared b them in a measure as regard To them it was nothing if Norris went a' , bear the a wood6n floor. again laid upon the boards, with the grass
y e�y . It blow of the bastinado Upon beneath his face and within his pairds,
AXETER ONT. sustenance, clothing, and all the necessftr' mad, save that it ended his mis S I., .�. the cold stone of the courtyard might tru FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGSj
of life, did not come into their possessice: fault, now, was that of theirs 'I , .7 in And then again, perhaps in greater pain,
n, al write us itnot kept bv:rour DroavIst. Wa will give virry
yuen bad said, Torture, and do so con- have pFoved too severe a strain ; for t e if that be possible, thaa on the previous DOLLARS Where it hU proved a:WlUra Ifproperly appliedw
. as actual cola ;and tha,t even had it ione stantly. They obeyed. teeth, in monitents such as these, bite ii. . ,day, yet less in another sense, since he EWING, HERRON & CO., 1511011 NEURINTS0
so, it is not to be looked for in a Chinaman ly, and will bury themselves anywhe , in .
that Wealth would satiat � So there "Was, as there always had been knew now what was to co -re, lie felt the
:� _,:_,�,:_ — c his greed, for the from the first days of his i1prisonnient, a the awful madness that descends ; and some blow upon his limbs still adbina with that sole Xftzn B79 & ss' St' Paul street, MON'XREAL,
. miserly Instinct, wheri inherent in the nat- aid must be given to the victim, that be may of t .enty-four hours before ; and again
I Gr*duatesof the Ontario Vetarlitary out ure, is a thing that grows and is never strange mixture of evil influences aronnd W
Is I; e. Norris, some teadiug one way, some the not utterly destroy himself. 801OProprietoroftbo Liox br.,r.d
satisfied, feed it how we may. Norris with teeth and hands clasped the f goodo. Ali goods blaring VILA
trade inark are pare.
4UFX'rcB - Cue 9_10orqonth ofTown Hall, Shau-min-yuen's answer was more than other, but All leading in the main to the A quantity of grass was placed beneath grass in frenzied agony, and again his cry 0 Ponr Lion Brsnd Alloanto
. - I Er P. BROWNE
___ ___ could have been desired by the priests; it is one goal -the accomplishment of his de. his face; forliewasnow hold firmly in such went forth, And again the evil took posses- POILT, ttan Brr�od, 4', riouoil IYEOLBSALM
MONEY TO LOAN. true there was a touch of uncertainty and struction, body and soul. a position that he could not move. sion of his soul. ll.a. sununy, lonlcmnd 11 U
I .=_-=�___==r-_-_:===== fear still left upon their minds, but that — Chinese hands held big feet; Chinese But still he did not sign ; forthe effect alllla� MARET,Lionl1rand 11A�l
.w:,-- 4=======Z==L=_ I do. sl1uuRY.Ll6.n..dJ&.".: W I N E ,�p
hands his outstretched wrists. WnVmny,lon 7JrAna,T,Q'U;r�, SPIRIT
, MONE1 TO LOAN AT 8 AND was bat a small thimg and would $con pass CHAPTER. XUL . upon his mind of the struggle with the all- 1ln#.NvY, foultr,and,Llou La
Percent, $25.000 Private Funds. Bag& His hands no one touched, save to put entpriest, and of the succeeding agonies, do it. MERCHANT.
Shan-min-yrion well knew that his earn- grass under either palm, and then all was had been a deeper one than we can eati. Ferguson &'Sow Glasgow, Pouliot& Delamain Jrarna�
I Loaning COmPantesTeProgented. Aront for achn Robertson & Boas Booteh WIllakey; James
� fh' had wanted money: they mand I I Torture " would be obeyed, and to ready for the bastinado-stroke. mate. It had been of a nature wbich para. CQ9=C,F=Ce. .11AMPAUXE, Yin dePrinme, Via d*=4
Z -H 31)ICKSO-4 " a ' priests ' r lie would torture lie thouglib that at ar�early date As the preparations were rapidly corn. lyzed certain functions of his mind, and it 416 St. Paul Street, Montreal.
; Ititrriater. P toter, all. Id I,.,. it, so he said ; fo L
- _ ___ _. writ%a note, which they could bear to the Englishman must yield.. But, he had I ted, Morris grasped the truth that it was had taken away from him the power to will
SURVEYING. I ,Norris, demanding a certain sum, -but one forgo tten that Norris was uqw in such a con� polev.some, other torture, some unknown that he should yield. I I C X P_r y (0 Pr M ]Ed
: -----' '__ twentieth of the actual amount named in dition that the strain applied must not be thing, and. not the molten lead, which -Was The intricacies of the human br%in are
AED W. FARNO' his epistle. 1.
. . ORB, too great, an I that though he could bear a to comd. I
. wonderful indeed, and beyond our ken -, j W. Lewis, - J�ropx,jetoj,
71- , - The remainder of the sum askedwould be certain amount of pain, all overplus would He,strove to turn his face, butcouldnot; yet at least we emu see clearly at times, &lid *
frOvicial Und Surveyor ana ON En- his; for how could the priests know that but reduce him to powerlessness alike of for someone held his head just then, so know, as though we read them in a book, U THE CENTRE OF THE BUSUBS3 URT OF T111311TY I
GI-XMTZ1:MM,3M=0.. they had not received tile whole ? mind and body. that big mouth should rest upon the grass the motives of the mind. . T .1 '
Office, Upstairs.Samwell's Block, Exotor.Ont The deputation had at, flrst been unable The priests remembered tbis ; � for 16 was which lay upontbe board, and thatitshould COXTENIENT TO R. R. DEPOTS 110 STEANDOIT L�"� 3--. -
W0aF9,__"__,_ . . to understand the proposal.; how they fresh in their recollectiorn that, af tar a ter- not approach his shoulder -his own flesh. (TO BE CONTINUED.)
INSURANCE. argued, could the Englishman obtain the rible torture, their victim had been Teduc. For a second or two all the blackness of Electric Cars rass the Door.
;:� — money, since lie had none on his persoa? ad to a condition in whi-3h fresh pain could an expectancy, than whiclisurely )tell itself BVERV MODURM IMPROVEMENT
� . WILTERLOO MUTUAL lt� was impossible for him to make gold effect but little; and although it was noth. eaDscaroely contain a more awful thing,. Criminals When Dise:Ttised- . RATES.* -81.50 to 82.00.
T"FEME INSURANOECO. withoutbeing releasedfrom the temple. ing to them that he should reach that point circled around him ; for his brain reeled When flying from justice a criminal rare- I . :�, I
EstabllobLedlutsr,a. Shan-min-yuen briefly explained that it a &in, it was yet more in accordance with with fear of the unknown thing. ly escapcs through a disguise. In very ATONTUAL - -; \N"
HEAD OFFIOE - WATERLOO, ONT, was possible to write to another to pay; so tg r4 r IRAD
eir crafty crueltv and hideous, .revenge The main with the strip of wood stood many cases the buying of the things select. '9%4 -,�, E 04,
his was decreed to be done. In addition that it should be'gained slowly and not back, And Norris felt his clothing drawn ed by him as being most helpf ill to con .V, § I
IV -el rapt ceal ig 9.1 `� COLIN - - b 11
This Company has been over Twen ,9ban-m led the priests to believe Idly; that the end finallyin Tiew should from off his haunch. his identityaffards a clew -which insures -his '�' r__
years in successful operition in )v ru � 0
Ontario, and contiauos to insure w at or that be =bind the prisoner to silence be kept in vii WRU ,4 tj -0 0 a "
min as$ aw, yet not �pproached too Then the bastinado, was raised aloft, and captire. In most cases shaving off the A'.
I rch Ise but -J MCARTHUR
waxe by Fire. Buildings, ,fe before he should leave the temple ; nearly, until they had satiated themselves imm 94 L_J
All 'es and all other deseripti ,, ediately descended upon his flesh ; and beard or mustache is relied upon to hide a 2 F-4 C� 1 -4 q
Inanufactori a 0 this last point was nothing ,to him, for lie and avenged their brother's dem6ti � <Zl
. ca -
sarable property. Intendine insurers have by slow the broken agony of a man!s heart went it likeness, but the poli,;e always recognize ,�C. 4 1
the option of insuring an the Premium Note or had determined to keep Norri prisoner and lasting agonies. p PAFER & Col. Jze 0
. g sun in a loud slich. a proceeding as probable, and An ex- 12 (P
Cash System. 151ifee, and by The mandarin had given his command ; cry, whilat Ilia bands gripped upon them- port thief -taker is well able -to identify his 1
. for along time, perhaps for to the vaults of the mornin
Daringthellast ten years this company has promises of freedom to extort various sums, he knew that it would be obeyed, and be selves, and his teeth jolenalied. apart the man minus such adornments. FACTORY P +ON TP -11 ��' I
I !lssuod,57,09; Policies, covering I,Toj) the as he might find it good. ' believed that Norris must yield ; and, for grass, and then all was still. In some cases, indeed, the wanted per-
amountof$40,872038-, and paid inlosses alone The Temple of Confucius had taken from the rest, he left to the priests in the - main . * * * 1
$709,752.00, � * * son's likeness is pat into the detectives' . .CANAUA TRUSS FACT RV , -
. A,Nsets, 8176,100-00t consisting of Ca3h him.hi the old time all the money which the means to be emploved to attain his ob. I I
ill Bank Government Depositmad the unasses- should have b hands with the mustache and wb I, kers , re- Est. 1'�Z- F. GROSS, Prop. .
lt, though, indeed,, ii Was lie who invent. When he so far recovered as to know that t the man will be like ,,,
een his : he saw the possibility jeL , moved, showing wha Appliances for. -All kinds of Phy. , *
�d Premium Notes and in force of regaining this now; he should be able C . I
YNY-WALDFUr, 3I.D.. Pores". t, 0 Al. TA.Yt.oa ,to ed the dia,bolical'thing which was to be th he still lived, he found that be bad been re- I st al Deformities Gross�
Secretary, J.13.11uGH1 $Pao MAS extract in time from. the temple all, a without them. An absconding bank, cash. . .
SNETA.,Age)3�forE . tor . C y2and acme of all that Norris suffered, and whiclo, conveyed to the temple and that the chain ier a short time ago attempted to leave .. I , Improved Pat. Artificial Liml)s. . I
- . ..... .- vicinity more than all, erhD,ps, of the, sum which is still to be described as the most terrible was once more affixed to his ankle. the counbr : —Sendfor— . ,
� . y dressed As a, woman. Ris Bordro " PRICE MST slid OrROULARS
. 11 - twni Z2 Craig street, Xontteal
— his father hadrMupoa his death. � of all, , -A gr�iat pain filled him so that lie could disguise Was seen through by a keeii-eyed , _ � A.2 -11r., �
The Molsons BaInk So lie gave the priests' what he intended But in the meantime, before Shan -min. scarcely move, and slowly he � rememberod 'detective, who,was watehingoatward-baurf&
. .1
I .
I � � I to be -the fiist.of a series Of notes, and they� yuen's ghastly c *a 'a be pa . 'BOOT & SHOE MANUVA TURERS
(CHARTERED BY PA 11 came t I
RUAMEN T, .�o.nfcepli a t what had been,:anclaame to wonder thathe 1*6ssols and Although' lie did' not'rec.
.1 I -Isss) . bore it to Norris, as has been seen, and in, -into execution, . or. . t . torture inv en ted had survived -what to him bad been as many. , . ie,'the matt he detained him on ,stlspi- j. & T, Slnplil)K NSi lyhole . �t� .
i '
PoddupGaplbal _. , .1 I I 11 ogni , I I .. §itle, BoAudry
... $12,000,000 the end, -he signed the false aeck. 'But by him was put in force ,the priests had in str I cion, and communicating with the head I-
. . . ekes.
Besb Fund .... ... ... 3,160,00 Shan min-ynen, thinking over. matters, their power the right' to do so as they * His poor' swollen limbs ached ceaselessly, authorities the prisoner was soon i(lenti. I DEHURNING GUPPUS__�� �
I Zoadomoo, Montreal, I wondered at the readiness of the payment. might choose. I . and he lay still throughout the ,day, , filled fied. : � I I . S. S. )7,IA1BALL � I , 1 5 . 77.cKai I
I . . 7� WOUP,RSTAN T11()'.�1 . 11 'Was -this -mam, he questioned, trite: and , Tiring of the'alibble mental agony so casi- with �eN il, thoughts, from tho terrible pain ' In that case ilid. dis�ttiss itselt 'actually . . � I � - . t. , , ,�, ". _ - -. I ai ,
. . � I 11 1. I _-,-� --- . ", .
AS,R,�(v.. was the check -worth the'�muunt; there ly inilicted through' Cie medium of the which seemed to spread through every par, led to the detpobion of the crimin I .. ' -
11 qWMRAL MANkGr,p. noted? I .
I . . . al. � In two . MUCILAGE & LIQUID GLUE, MANFR. , . , �
I . flavor imparted to 6-4ory article of food and tion of his body from his wounded flank-, And other recent cases, men wearing false beard$ E. AULD, Fricos Right. 759 Oral
Moneyadvanced to good6rmersoa theirown He could not toll, but in the mean time to.uvery &op of water which reached the in a state of mind wherein his souldav'e up - I and mustaches were . secarea by the police- .
ejtevyiti� one or more widorser At 7 per oont_ determined to extort only 'the note now prisoner's lips, they cast �bo ' ' ,neading cry of dofiance,to Aux
Or annam. ., I . '
rancli, , low device which would give more visible - It is riot wonderful, that at skich time .
. Exeter B ' . . brought him, and to wait Bonsel's advice I .at' for some an li his - ad. . men iolis to discover their reasons for USTRIGH FEATHER MA ,,,
I I that all was well. He sent the order'to be agony than that now to be observed. it Norris should have� reached this pass.. He assuming, them., These afterward proved
I to be go .unsatisfactory that one of them r... W -SNOW, Feedthers Repaired, 1913 Notre Dame 1: �*
Pen every 1p,wfnl day, from 10 a. 8 p.m. peatt with in the proper way and as '6 became A necessity for the prolongation of —8 alone, and it was well. The ink and ceived eight, And� the'6ther eleven years' I .. . I
.. . SATtt,RDAYS , 10 alm. to I 1). M, transaction in business, to big German a booily pain that, in Xorris's- weakened paper were beside him : lie took them as a SCAL9 MANU I I
urrent rala of interest allowed on deDosi . I I � I servitude. The thing which'inost � . I
I . friend. state, it should not be, too severe, and yet, mad.mari'might have done in the lieigl* of Pon"' a criminal in good stead in making W.GORDON & C O., 4GOI St. P�n�
I N. DYER HURDON, And here strangely it,carne that Norris; by its repetition, of greater strpngtl . I than scale frenzy,, and tore the paper wildly; and -tan . I
I . - his 2�aape is his having a 11 common f,Fe, �, . . I �
1 . Sub Manager. in ,.�igolr�g arrier'be. inight be found in tho utalort severij)y.� * cast it and the Chinese ink and brash far d ISTENCILS, S.TEEL STAMPS, DIES, ETC,
�� I I lt� falsely, placcd the b otiewitlinomlaticedpectiliatity,.an aniron. I
I ___ �__ tween self and those who came to seek They chose a simple ex�edicnt-bbe from hiLm, so that lie might not, be tempted. nerve to eno�b . le hilin to carry himself like an G- W. DA Pr� .9
I I � lim) I for Bonsel, many months after, bad bastinado.; foe this yi�lde I , WSON, Sendftr cc , 149 craim
d itself to their E6 second time . to yield.';, I I innocent person. ' , I __ --*--.l-
. I
I � I I —_ �
I . READ -MAKER'S 0 forgo'tten the incident al' the worthTess uses in greater or less acuteness,of pa,in, as' - tile day wore on, the inhal. set as watch . I I , __ �_
7XM.4L95W check sent by Shan-min-Vuen, or if he did they might desire. I I As I , .
I � � � remoinber, itwas chiefly to wonder whether The bastinado ! yen may see � upon him who had lefE him oil this day for I � I , , ,
. #Ailt 7AILS TO DIVE SATISFADTIM5 1: it used in some time returned and gave him food. On the Royal Sovereign there are 800 &
. the mandarin had ever obtained his money CantoD, if you visit the court. in He placed this food at the furffioib point electric li.ghtv, -connected b 30 � mil ANVII,
I ,
. _y es of .;
JW10 941,34 BY ALL DEALZRM , I Pekin itis R oreldilficr,4 to seat And but few to which Norris, lying on his face, could w ire. I . , , OF - T.. 4R�., X�"y;'il';`,:F`,'� ,�,
I � . ,, I
I I I I - I I I � U � 11 I � � .1 I . ;I a -A , . .. A 1
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