HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-4-27, Page 1:. t 11 A ,11t I n. AND I3U QN MID►DLESEX GAZET . .��,- - '< 1-HE'W TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY! I JOHN WHITR & 9ONS! VOL. X . NO: 31. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1893. Publishers and Proprietors - - ---- ', 1V11E Cro mar ty. k;,, 'Balxra.-Mr. Walker has r eturned fromE��ba trip to Ireland. Beinga live po iticia n o A^ be mill,. no doubt, have some new ideas on 0 t the ileac ILnte question, -We regret to And 1V118r8 t0 het thein hear of the illness .of Mies Walker, who 0 x n come time : also of Miss S has always been the query, has been ailing for ,, Hamilton, who illness is causing universal t regret. -11iss Minnie Wilson, of Mitchell, b while spending her Easter holidays with If you call at R. McGOWAN S, hor brother, has bae'n indisposed with the a r Post Office Store, Kirkton, and inspect measles,---Willle Hamilton and Alex, Me- r his. stook, you will be'convinced lie hits Lareo.of Mitchell are also home siok with i them. the measles. a A.fullline of Men's Top Shirts Varna. i t0 n from 250. up ; Mons Suits made ._—, A order from $11 up. Aittsrs.—John Hall is laid up with the A u11 and complete line of Ladies' mumps.-Johu McEwen, of Wingbam, A f p has head living here for the past five weeks i Summer Vests in Stock, such Vests we and never seen the oars, bat he said he are selling 3 for 25 cents, smelled the smoke 1^st Thuraday. He s A. full lino of Ladies' and Children's days lie hopes the wind will blow from the Ladies sell east. -Mr. R.Keyes was the guest Of Mc - ' Stainless Hose in Stock', Galbraith, an Suuday.---Sohn Torran.a at 12 cents. gold big farm to Ed. Modsh for $6,000.- 1 Ed takes possession neat Ootober,-Robt. tiny sell your Eggs for 10 cents per McCool and Jahn Mckenzie are the guests dozen when you can get 12 cents per of Jae, Armstron,l. . 4 dozen at ----.-•.•-• •t d�{/��+►� N �hlpka• , } R. MCGO ` ` A^', Barsrs.-A township meeting of the Pat { General Merchant, Kirkton. roe's of Industry was held in Patrons hal l _,, _ _-.,_.,. in Shipka Wednesday night. All the as- eooiatiOns were well represented. The nr girltton. township seoretary closed a contract with a firm in Exeter for their agricultural sup. GOLDEN WEDDINO.--One. of the moat de. plies for this season, at - greatly reduosd lightful gatherings of the many that have rates. They intend holding a union picnic a been hold during the past few months, eon- at Grand Bend on July 1st. Several vaned at tho residence of .Alexander Kirk, epeakera from a distance are gexpscted to 11 Esq., Saturday last, the 15th, inrt., wan Aho give addressos in the interest of the society v ■nniverbary of :bid Golden Wedding. Dur- -Me M Keogh received a telegram from v ing that period of married life they have Detroitlilonday morning elating that bio had tan children -,5 sans and 5 daughters, daughter Annie, was seriously ill. --Several If Originally RPresbyterian, Mr, Kirk in time of the young oxen of this vicinity, who K joined the Methodist church, of which to- spent the winter in Michigan lumbar woeda AT slay be is a most useful member; a clang have returned with heavy pookats and leader, a trustee, and for many years the light hearts. y superintendent as well as teacher in thaSun - -«- - ----^ day, School. Both Mr. and Mrs, Kirk aro Zurloll. IT in the enjoyment of oxcelient health. At P, the anniversary gathering wore Rev. B. L, Brusra.--Mr, R. R Johnston has sold Hntto sud wife, Wm, Switzer and wife, bid trotting hotee to ,sir Thomas Barry o �A. u ro.-Air D J Stinson and handsome flea fora, panda m rt i o J. F. S ensall f r n wf 13 A o need ►� wife, and mpany other friends and relatives, Hardy was in Hensall as .tifanday. --lies. between fo•ty and fifty. A very kindly G F Halat returned last Monday from St.. s worded address was read by .Wss Annie Jacobs wbore he had been attending the 'l Holiingshead, accompanied by a prosout to Evangelical Couference. We learn that he r each of a pair Of gold spectacles .and other is to go to Mildmay, and that Rav, Brandt gifts, after which aanmptuoua dinnor vans of Crediton is to be bls sueeagsor.-Pablie t served. School Inspector Mr Tom visited our pub; ,, 0.,x.-4 lie school last ,week. _Mr, Fred Rummel > .� 40'oodkiam, was seen on the streets last Monday with a very b osd grin on his fade -it is ahoy --- 4 IixrEr9-Mr. Abray is still very ill and The Debating Society adjoutned 1054 Moat 1`1a unable to leave the house. -Mr. Ford is day r. meet m i the brat Monday in October, -Mr. Hartman Happel of Berlin is in the about to ren% his blacksmith shop. -The village on busin0as,-Owing to increasing wind of Thursday last unroofed many business our dressmakers have been oom barns in this secticn, and levelled miles of palled to engagn help in the person of Miss fencing. --Business has been good around Forest of Hillogreen.-All of ;our young the corner. -We understand than Air, sports who are able may bol seen riding 1,1ills is negotiating a deal for t,ha 'Fullar. around the streets on their bicycles. ton hotel. -The farmers who had not fin- ishad seeding before winter No. 2 not in, have again resumed operations. --Air John Clinton. Swallow has already sold a number of his —, new spray pumps, iThey are ahead. of BILYBro, Alias B. Murrsty was visiting in anything we have yet ,,seen. -Messrs Me Hennall last week, -Mr It Young and fam- Nevin Bros are still kept very busy at the ily, of Barfield, have removed to Clinton.- wm Sambrooke has finished Miss Taylor and Mrs Moore and son, of working at the saw mill, and will work Kirkton,and Airs McCornish, of St Thomas with Me Glen, Bane line, -until June, when were in Clinton last Friday and attanded he intends taking a trip to the old country the funeral of the tato Mrs Spooner. -firs. to see his relatives. -The Fife and Drum Knott died last Thursday of paralysis, from 'Band of the Oranve Society is getting on 'nbich she had suffered for some time. fine ; they favored the villagers with a airs. Chas. Spooner also died of congestion short open air concert a few evenings ago. of the lungs on Wedneaday.-She had been Give us dome more boys. -Mr Thomas hosteas of the Grand Union hotel. -Mr. Fotheringham's children have a severe Thompson Cluff moved his faintly an attack, of congestion of the lungs. They household effects to Goderioh. last week are recovering very slowly. and bas permanently taken up his redid once in the county town. -A, telegram wa last night received stating that Mrs. Mew Asa tree flourishes to proportion to the of Drayton , Dakota, was dead, and th richness of the sell, so the human body remains were brought to Clinton for in thrives in accordance with the quality of torment--- A number of tomb stones i the blood. Hence the necessity of keeping the cemetery;,ars in poor Shape and requir the vital fluid rich and pure with Ayer's looking after.- Very little labor and ex Sarsaparilla, the beat blood medicine you pense at the right tine-now-woul can find. save four or five times the expense late Oar a lingering illnegs Mre. Mary Bow: on, Do not neglect the City of the ;Dee a,% passed away at noon on Sunday April 19, at Helena, Mont. Her home was at Ilderton. Clinton Ont:, and she i'wout to Helena in -- the hope of securing better health, but the FAra,-The annual spring show of th cbange of climate did not prove beneficial. London Township Agricultural Social Mrs. Bowers lenyes a large family, souse of was held there on April 21st. It was whom have grown to maturity decided success, both in, attendance an Minard's Liniment cures Garnet in cows entries of stock. The weather was favo able, The following is the prize list ; Heavy draught -let, Mr. N McLaughlin 2nd, A. B. Scott & Son. Agricultural eat; •Mr+ 1V. M Ooivin. General purpose , S r01M D ,�� 1Rt Air, F Stewart ; 2nd, Me Wm. Marti Aged carriago-lat, Me Chan, Goldin a a a 0 Throo-year-old carriage -lot, Mr. F. . . Scott. Aged roadsters -1st, Mr. h IHa "'�� Cl dh cC , nl , ham ; 2nd, Mr. Wm McLerR ; 3rd, Mr Vandeliner, Tbree-year-old roadsters- 1 We have ,.large and Well- assorted Stock of. Ready- 1.mixed Paints, Wall Papers With borders to match, Car. pets, Floor. oil Cloth..e, Lace p Cutins , Art giiglins ; ` and many other things which helpto make the home , beau- tiful after house cleans is g 11 00131 le'ted. J. ceived a welaVe ,[list, le 'ergs all - line of double fold Serge, _, ` our rice 4tJ001 Dress C'zOOdS 17 25c yd'! Bo s' Suits, $1.50, 9 Y . -1 R. S. FORD & CO �. f Hensall. Nr GAMBRON SMITH, Barrister. SOW - ter, Conveyanoex: Offioo Main-sL so an ba consulted after offree hours at the ommeroial Hotel, 11onsall. p $2100 worth of new Spring goods justopened " re ut at A. wassloh's.tho old reliable Boot & a hoe dealer. of Ilensall. We are always to a he front in erica, quality and style, and carry rt stook equal to any city. Thesewoods have eon bought for aash, direotfrom b�anufaotur i rs, this enables us to sell foot -wear. as cheap ad chomeer than any. other dealer, As our ao Moto is anlbasbeen 'Small Profits and quick n aturns. and by our square and ironeat deaiinR T n the past. our tradaia inQreaalil{1 ovary Year, B and Shoos made to order in thr, Iatest eels, and n first class At or no Sala. Ro air* p to. V neatly done and pxamptta attended 1 . have also in Stook a Iar;re assortment of Franks and Valises at Bargains. Butter and Ewes taken in exclian ator Roods, 10 peroent o oIf for cash on all ready made goods' (Dalt and k exa olxQaour okook, and be convinced that weall A A. Wsarr.ari.Proprietor. a Sign the Big Boot. i Following are the market quotations Wheat . . , ........ • - - 63 to 64 Barley ...... . ......... 03 to 35 0 Oats .. ..... 30 to 30 POOR.....,......., 53 to 55 Hay .............. 6,00 to 7.00 Battex... ,...171018 Eggs ............. i to 12 Hogs ........ 801to 8.211 clever seed, .........8.60 to 8;75 Bxtowx BILLY --Aa the hcrae season has commenced, ;and the farmers and others dookiu,v to Murdook'a livery barue, the old standof'Brown Billy,' Ono can now realize how such a stook horde was apureolated, Regrets are heard on all hands of his having left the country ; but ,Mr. Murdock getting abig figure departed reluctantly with him; the people of ATanitoba, where Afessrs. Hunter Gi Johng have taken frim maywell eompiimeait themselves an having this horse among them, 110 is a strong horse full of vigor and game and his got aroalllarga rangy, etylipb, and good movers, both suit- sblo fey the farm and road, while many of theta have proved themselves troltero.. Brown Billy was also a great race horse and beat the noted pacer John Duncan at Brantford in i8fr9. Itnturs---Business has been good in town. --The more enterprising rasidents are busy fixing uli their homes and aurroundinge.-- tilt l idowt a 'ca mint s '1 ni i building .fr H. Cook in g and erecting a pipe fence in front of his- premises. ie premises. Ding street will soon prPsont A nice appearatice.--Miss Clarke of Califor nig is visiting friends in town.--Anessauh naso, withopt the battery, was triad here on Monday, the principal? being Berry vs. Greenslade, GreeneleAs threatened tllut if he were a younger man he would put Berry into the ditch mighty quick. at the same time shaking his fiat in:Berry s face. Berry had him before Squire Buchanan on a charge of assault, and Greenslade, was fiued $1 and costs. R, H. Collins of Ex- eter for Greenslade and Smith of Hensail for Berry. -'Mr -R, Molatyre and family have returned to town. It is said that Ralph will re -build his hotel destroyed by fire last fall -Mr Chas, Meyers sold his house on Icing street to Air Louis Herald, station aggnt. Mr. Herald takes posses sion next weok,-Alr, Win Reid moved out of town to the 2nd con, Hay, on Mr. Robdrt McArthur s farm. -Mr. Chris. Eilber and wife of Zurich were visiting at Air Chas Bossenberry's on Sunday. -Mr John E. McDouald was at London on Sat. urday on business.-Rav- Mr. Marta of Exeter occupied the pulpit in Carmel church last Sunday. --Quarterly meeting wilt be held in the Methodist church next Sunday. -Mr. Louis Roedding of Zurich was in town on Tuesday night ; also Mr. Hoffman. -Air. R. Cirdmore is putting a n new verandah in front of his dwelling on dQueen street. -Mr Robert Patterson is putting shutters on bis house on Queen street, which is occupied by Mr John Car- : michael.-Mr John Pope, our merchant n tailor, is now sporting a horse -Rev. Mr. , McGee of Georgetown, formerly of Hen - 0 sail, made a flying visit to his many friends last Friday and Saturday. -Mr. H. I Cook, our enterprising miller. sot an order 0 for 4000 bags of flour from a Toronto firm. -Air Fred Schroeder of Dashwood was in d town on Tuesday. -Mr. Robert Bell's r foundry is now finished, and in first-class Dead running order for doing all kinds of re- pairs. -John McArthur, banker, was at London on Wednesday. M1DDLltaEx. e A, Bryant, V. S. has opened an office in Y Luoau, a The superintendent of the agriculture d department, Air. R S Hodgins, of Luca r- will doubtless be a busy 'man during th - , World's Fair, as be willhave 15,000 fee ; . of space to look after, In which there wit -` be an exhibit.of almost every product the - a rich agricultural country can produce. n. - ►-sae-* -- g. The License Commissioners for th J. South Riding met in Mitchell o Hai Tuesday afternoon and dealt with th L applications for hotel and shop licenses fo at this coming year as follows: -St. Marys. h t Stanley, April 21 t The council met at area A r a Th c u V cording to notice. Members all resent, Minutes of previous meeting H Ad andisigned.. Tenders for building bridge, known as Dinadale's bridge, o ere opened and read, Win. Lemon a as given the contract, his tender be- g the lowest. The council then ad. a urned to meet again on if ay 25th o ext At 10 O'Clook a, =l Gr. J. STEWART T, Cleric of Stanley, s 0hiselhurst. i BRisas 'There has been a good deal r I sickness in town lately.—Mrs. Per- t ins, Mrs, Nicholls, and Miss Essle r icTaggart, also Mr, Shaw, or., were I it on the dick list, but are all recover, ng, --Mina Rebecca Robb, of this plane has graduated As a trained nurse, from I London hospital. --Ted Latta has re- ured a good situat-tots with Mr. Cud more at brick laying and plastering.-- Quite a number of our young men who went to Dakota last year have secured Rood situations in this neighborhood. $20 a. month Is the general wagon paid to ,good hands.—Kr, H, Ayer has re- turned from Detroit lately, whore he lion been visiting friends, He is not muob zmpredaed with the Sabbath ob- servance of that city and ln,speaking before the Epworth. League congrat- Mated the young people of this place for their strict observance of the $ah - bath day, tela want more men zn aur League like Mr. Ayer and Messrs Mc- Key and Bell, who exhort the young to be true to their Queen, to God and their country, Ted Latta intends to go to camp with the .Exeter oanipany to learn'the art of war, A. L. Bell, who served in one of the Highland volunteer regiments in Scotland, in company with P. MoPay will likely also go to Camp. Drysdale Bltlicys—One of themostsevere mind storms ever felt in this vicinity passed Thursday t lost week, i a o a e nein d Oyer liar. o re 0 ve y ,I Considerable damage was done to fences and outbuildings, R. Turner had the roof taken of£bid stable; Aroh. Stirling, implement shed blown down; John LAport, a tog barn in Lair Condit. ion taken down; P. Badore, part of the roofon horsa stable; G, Briseoin one chimney taken off; besides other bap- ,%,^ Dings of minor imporinnee.—Mr. Jesse Horner and !amity have remov- ed to Port Huron, whore we under- stand he has obtained a situation with Meusrs, Craig rb Laing in their exten- sive fishing establishment.—We regret to learnithatIRrs. Dryadalehasbeen laid up with inflammatory rheumatiamfor sometime, but is now showing signs of rocovery,—Mr, J. W, Howard bas been laid up wrtb;a sore neck for over two weeks, but is now recovering.— Mr. Jos. Rou had the misfortune to out four of his toes nearly off with the axe, It appears that he and his brother Henry were putting up a fence where it crosses the creek. Henry was on one side of the creek and Joseph on the other. Joe needed the axe on his aide and called to Henry to pitch it over. Henry at once complied and the result was it fell on Joe's fool nearly severing four of his toes.—I r R. Drysdale is the proud posaessor o. a duck egg, the production of a oom parative small duok .The egg measure) 81 inches lengthwise and weighs 4; ounces.—Our enterprising teachers Mr. A, Denomyand Mr. W. J- Mitobef are enjoying a luxury of a $I00 bicycl, the Brantford make. They are ver; handsome and well got up, with al the latest improvements, The Ob Sberrit place, sold a short time ago t Mr. P. Lamont for $825, has been re sold to Mr. Defrenter, of Stratford fol $1000. Mr. Lamont realized $175 b the transaction: -The contract for th erection of the new fence around th 1 school ground was awarded to Mr. , n Holland, of Bayfield, for $49. e t The whole body of coat miners in Ob i will likely got out on strike on .Way l i t the result of the failure of the miners an operators to agree on s wage scale for 0 year ending thou. e e � r I D X11 `On " Mr. F. Paisley; 2nd, Mr. R. ,Smith, wo- h �Vhelrhan J. W. Cat car , year. old roadsters -let, Mr. Wm, Walker. Agad French horse -1st, Mr. D McNair, Aged German coach-lat, Messrs. Dow & Tennent. Aged blood. :let, Mr. J. D. O'Neil,. 2nd', Air. J. B. Martin. Three- year.old blood-lst,Mr. R. Paisley. Aged Durham bull --1st, Mr. One Ferguson. Two -Fear -old Durham bull'--lst, Wm.` Pawriok & Son. one -year-old Durham bull let, Mr. R. S. Dongiags ; 2nd, Mr. J. Hord ;,3rd, Wm. Patrick & Son.' Jersey : bull -1st, Mr. Wm. Charlton, The best medical authorities have pro nounced Ayer's Sarsaparilla to be the most skilfully,; ,adjusted, combination of alterative ani tonics known to pharmacy., It is this fact which has earned for it the well -merit- ed title of the Superior Medicine, mer; An effort is being made by the to -per: anae people of London to have the bare and saloons closed at it o'dlook: every evening during the week. After An illness extending oven a year Me, Albert Snowden of Parkhill' died last Wednesday morning at the premature age of 25 jeara. Having lived in Parkhill near . ly allhis lifetime'he waw known to, many. Minawd's Liniment @arse Colds, @to, Hole.-Josep , G. McLean, J. G. Constable, JAS, Moir, W. Graham, and James Moore, granted ; W. Cosgrove, deferred, Shop -A. Beattie & Co. and John Walsh, granted. -Logan. -Hotel-John Longeway and Henry Vie. for, granked.-Blanchard-Hotel- Mrs. M. Henry, granted W. J. McIntyre, de- ferred .-Downie- J. eferred.-Downie-J. D. Martine, Riohard Chowen, Theo, Rohfritaoh' James Murphy, and Joseph Mayae,.granted,-South East- , V. Foerator0 R. J, Bubo, Val. Weis, granted; Mrs. M. Moore, deferred', .Henry Quaid, refused. Shop -Ed, Bauer; granted; John Hartbid, refused.-Mitehsll-.Ho-Coltel qolionu & Browu, Geo. D. Finley, Louis Gordner, Mrs. 0ollisoii, C F.. Witte and M, me - Goliath, granted. Sbop-D. O'Leary, grant- ed. -Hibbert -Hotel -Con, Prendergast, oI; o nna J.M , F. Carlin, granted. Shop -J. rnish granted -Fullerton -Hotel -'Phos. Cornish Mrs. Mary Brown, Geo. Hook, granted. on, Sunday last as Miffs Johns of Tooker smith 'a lad who'lias 'been in delicate health for some time,isat by the stoveshe fainted and fell, forward, `her head resting on the top of the stove. Her left ear was so badly burned. that It ififeared she will lyse it 'entirely; a.. For 60 days I Mill offer quantity of Goods purchase at low prices 25 cent Dress Goods for 150 per y 12.E cent Gingbatms for Be,per y 10 cent Prints . for 5c per y 10 cent Muslins for 5c per .y ",Lace Curtains for loc per y Ladies'Vesbs,3 for25e. A special line Tweeds for 95c per y Men's suits, at low prices; a job line men's Felt Hints ; a -large stock of Wi Papers at 3c a roll and upwards; a- fi. display of all the latest styles in Milli ery, Ladies.Jackets and Capes. Parti requiring anything in this line will well, to call before, purchasing. A large stock of Hardware in all t g leadin lilies.: A call soliczbod. MJ )EYALI CONDENSED DISTRICT XF4W8• A WISE uunox. It will cost $38,000 to fix the Goderleb or bar. Mr, James Glenn., of Lumley was ,erne for by a heavy roller recently, and had astral ribs broken. A part of the tool of the Court House td the G. T. R. round house, were taken C I by the wind last Thursday at Godenob, t During the year 1892, 21 persons were ant from Huron to the asylum for insane. t 'he total admissions from Huron. Fines the 1' syluma have been in :existence, are- 472. s It it said that the members the e s Vingham Presbyterian church will raise he annual ministerial fund to $2,000, and v rill endeavor to secure the beat man ob. a minable for that amount of money, IC On Saturday morning about 4 o'clock Rev S Alex, grant of Lucknog paused to his long sat at the ripe age of 82 years. Although E filing for some time his death weal nulook 1 id for Deceased was one of the first ( aresebere in this part of the oountry and i the first Presbyterian minister in A.•hfield, The Goderioh Star says ;-' The young woman Kirkpatrick, whose unfoxtunate t condition was charged against Thomas 1 Craig, has died from the effects of premat. ate exposure after the birth of her child, Ae stated previously, she was mentally un- lit to care for Iaerself, and during the tem, perarp abaaRaa of an attendant wandered out of the house in bar night clothes, eon. treating a cold which resulted in [puerperal lover. Craig was subsequently, brought before Reeve. I'roudfoot. lint the evidence against'him being confined to the state- ments of the girl nothing further could be done in the charge and he was therefore released. The prosecution with it stated that had the girl not been delirious ap "' the moment of death, bar evidence would havo been taken in a form to allow its use in court. Daring ilia year .1891, 53 mains and. 91 females were eoinnoll A to the Goderieh jail ; in 1892, 46 males and 5 females were committed, a decrease of 21 balween the tivo years. Vivo were sent up for dirnnken uses in 1891 and two in 1892, 22 were committed for the first time ; 5 for the second ; 3 for the %bird, and ,21 ,for.more than the third time ; 15 were married ; 9 r t • ecoid, neither read ear write ike, 12wes em. perate. and 39 intemperate. The daily coat of the rations for the prisoners was 9J ate. at which figure they would not "fare sumptuously every day." The total jail ozpendttare for the year was $2,287.74; the average cost per prisoner for food, fuel, oto being 17,01; avataga cost for salaries, eta. $27.84, or a fatal averago cost per prisoner of $44.85. The average daily coat of each prisoner was $21.69, pEnTQ. The mmma of Fish Creaky. 0, bas boon olianged to Prospect 1141. The St. 'Marys merchants nowcloset their stores at 6 o'clock, Mr, T. D. Stanley baa been appointed inland revenue ofi'rcar of St, Marys. The fire alarm triangle for St, Marys woe tested this week and thoroughly filled the bili. 114 prisoners were committed to the Stratford jail during the year ending Sept. 30th I892. The Mitchell undertakers havo conduct- ed 33 funerals since January 1st This shows a heavy mortality. Messrs, Graham Bros of St. Marys on Monday shipped a ear load of horses from Indiana to Scotland. A livery stable in Mitchell was demolish- ed by the twind storm on Thursday last, and a great deal of damage done. In all probability the erection of a now Methodist Sabbath school building St. Marys, will be proceeded with this sum - . mar. I The 'public sobbol board of Stratford ; have decided to hold a monster school con- cert in June ; 1.400 pupils will partiaoip• t site t Mr. E. Dusty, shoemaker, of St, Marft r has made an assignment and Mr. J, W I Broderiok of Exeter has parebased th, I stock. According to the Dominion census thea are 900 Methodists in Mitchell, 469 allure of England, 452 Presbyterians, and 12• r Roman Catholics, I' Federal Bank bills are worthless afte 0 May 4th, Examine your pile and if yoI 9 have any, hand them in for exchange oto t• local bank at Ono,-. The Blanobard bheese factory manage ment are building anew lenring room' an o making other preparations for an increw ,a mg, output'tbis summer. d The Ontario ,Government'a proportio e of duties for liquor licenses and fines lel year from South Perth was $2,479.49, an 1 from North Perth,85 440.11. Mitchell contributed lest year to tl Provincial Government for liquor licensi and fines 61590, only8811.56 came back' the municipality. At a meeting at the directors of the Nort Perth Agricultural Society a motion strike out the general purpose horse cla a from the prize list was. unanimously adop l ea' There are 2310276 acres of land in Norl Perth its laid out ;for Dominion purpose and 232,061 acres in South Perth. TI square miles of the former is 361, and tl I, `latter $62, 1 A, splendid milk cow belonging to Mr. ' I Campbell of Mitchell gave birth a few eve l inks ago to two fine Jersey ealves,m'ale ar 3 female. Mr- Campbell sold the female f $10: The assessment of Kitchell .was revis n r ce a leasee a Dors., u n th ,� this year, and as q of of personal and rest property is about $8( ` leasee se of 50 in t 411 �0• There ze as population, ie Mr, E. F Davis of Mitchell; lost his fi. n- dneada v night. She had "fv mare on Wef3 ad look es birth to a foal the day previous n to all right in. the evening. In :the mornir she' was fauna dead, The f;naneial report for the year of t ie Qhnrch of England, Mitchell, shores oa on hand S3486,and net indebteduoss the church on $184,14. The raetor'g of aey'ives.incresoed to $900. �. I. s, SOLILOQUY V U' Dear 1 l swish that house - leaning was over. Just. think, .free roorris to paper, and. the sit- :ng room and spa;:e be&rooln must aye new carpets, My, my 1 11 eems to ins we are always buying e t r om t11114g, But neve mind,, 1t ron't cost so much after all, for I m told that J. P, Ross got a lame ;tock of the loveliest wall papers with borders to match that were ver seen in Exeter; and such. ieautiful all -wool 'Tapestry and ;arpets, all at prices within the each of all, and better still, #hey ay I can get a $5.00 Picture hrown in. Ain't it a caution i ;'m going there, so I am. Are sou ? MRS. W IDE -A -WAKE, The eontraot'for the erection of the noir ?rssbyterian oburch•Mitoball wan awarded ;o Mr. Jahn Davis, of Mitchell, carpenter, sud Mr, E. N. Causeway, of St. Marys, rho sum covering this work is nearly �11,EOO The seating will cosi $1,260. A meeting, of the Sirktoa'bare 1kall club was hold on Saturday ayenizrg, ,lien the fcliOwing officers were elected . Han. Free, l3, McGowan ; Pies, Dr. *Thompson ;'Vice. Pres. W. R. Carr ; Seo'y John 0 Brien ; J'r"ao. Robert Bryaos, Lao. Sunday afternoon, Willie, iho12 "N year old ann of Wm Robinson,. of the South Ward, St. %larys was running through the old comotary with an open pen -knife in itis hand,' he fell and the "knife naeaed between the second and third riba, on bin ripht side, severing an artery and pen- etratmg the lung, He is getting bettor. Edmund Arthur bfarpby, eon of Mrs, J. J. Halt, of St. Marys who in February Iast bad bis feet frozen in the mountainous region of Colorado, and was taken to the hospital in Lake City in that state, where he underwent amputation of both feet, died on the 12th inat., after undergoing asecond operation from which he never rallied. To ONT AT Tlr6 FACTIL— Regarding Hood'a Sarsaparilla, ask the people who take this medicine, or read the testimon- isla often published in this paper. They will, certainly convince you that Hood's Saraaparills possesses; unequalled merit, and that AOOD'S CURES. Hood's Pills cure constipation by restor- ing the peristalio action of the alimentary canal. They are the beat family cathartic. w ...-� ImrijoEs TION CuliED.—Gentlemen.-Iwas thoroughly onred of indigestion by using only three bottles of B. B, B. and truth- fully recommend It to all suffering from the''namemalady. Aute. P.AvrDgox, Winnipeg. Man. Look at the date on your label this week, and see that your name is mark- ed well in advance. %3 No paper is discontinued until alt arrears are fully paid, except at the option of the publisher. - The date when the subseripsion expires is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a snbeequent date be- comes a receiptfor remittance. Subseribers I will please examine their label before and after making a remittance. Rebeooa Wilkinson, of Brownavalley, In, I says :-"I have been in a distressed condi- t tion for three years from Nervousness L Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and. Indigestion until my health was gone. I i bad been doctoring constantly with no re - i lief. I bought one bottle of South Ameri- s can Nervine; whioh done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I over did - in my life. I would advise every weakly 3 personto use this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A trial bottle will convince yon. Sold by C. Gutz, Druggist. n it d e a 0 Q) h rs 1- ROLLS b. I I 9, ---OF— , is is el WILI PIPERI it cd , seen a �/ �J I. elle i ie io From V 11 I a 011 , � 1 ,� _ _. . g AT— ­ , 1, I' I . 3h T - h of1LLER l�lEr fSJ - r J. D G HENSAT111".;L ; �. I -111 1., F .� t�. , I I