HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-4-20, Page 87
�x '7
sparornk Joye, WO
l3l�l✓SLILIOi', AGSThe gr eateal. atiap
� in ,town. tAll. wool cash All orders for the above works, Can be
eiv fur 21c M tbelij 8 ankrapt Store.
>4i- t. at B 11 Fish's bather shop. Satisfac
P "147, of Toronto; Tile Y. P, S. 0. R, of Cavell Church, I
to M80forthe evil Cion •u
0' 11 1 — , I
00 PA1371 0 4 don; 91,Y44 a, social oil Wednesday 26w inst, u PT S A. L It' 0
L�" _CRA 0 Going quick, those special lines 0,
1," l!'yan.4,,�,ALLIA. CE INS
X nala a. I new Personals
carpets quick,
the Big Bankrupt Arch. Bishop, Eso-M. P., spent Sunday (AfuTAVISa & CO'S, OLD STAND.)
e, and on Tues,
H F, KIN AN, L,D'S, Store. with his family in sboj�jj
• Graduat day returned to Tomato—Ur, R. IT.
q of Royal College of Dental
revolia, and of the Dental Department of Oil the 15th of April, 1872, tivetity,ono Verity of Brantford was hi. town the fore. C
R years "go, snow to ;he depth - of six in stock
Oro ApUniversitv,(with honors.) . chos Part of the week on business.
st )Ilalfstilabrldge-work,xnd srolditud Por felt in this vicinity. —Several Bought at 652 ents on the o I 1 r.
crowns. delegates from the Inoal P. P. A. attended,
kureNltrOus Oxide Gas and local anteathet. A oar load of Acton lime ju Pt received, a general meeting at London, on Tuesday.
i08 to I This lime is adapted for &tons masoning. —Nessrs Bawden and Russell: of Creamery T
P ffio.�s`t4,1,esaextr"t1Ojjs. Always at home. ' he old Sbereot ped prices knocked out. Look at it tew of o
_0 on's Blook. Exeter. Call early and get a supply. W. LxvzT7, faille. V y
isited Clinton on Tuesd"v ur prices
Exeter. . and
assisted Air. MoNlarins in orgailizinq a
—To— The ClAntleboye fair on Tuesday wound company Thera.—mfr. R. H. Collids has A nice pair Lace Curtains, 30c.; a large range Dress Goods at 3, 5, 71, 10 and 24c.;
up the spring fairs for the season in this pu�%nimprovcdt pe-writivgmacbineint�l best 12je, Prints. 21 in. wide, warranted fast dye, 9c,,; a nice ]in
locality. There. waaaamallerowd, ander his � office and engaged a practical typo Good Suits, $3.50 and $6.00; see ou e Flarinelettes, '60'.
Poor exhibit.- writer.—Mr, J , A. Williams of Zurich r 70c Black Pantings formerly sold for $1.25; all-"
in town oil Tuesday it, conne
Clinton people are guing tor -110 --ure., otion with ds, 30c. Boots and Shoes going fast; Wonaen's Shoes, 95 and 49c Sl
coor: wool Twee
cry in that town, and at a meeting Ttles- the erection of the new mill—Rev'da Me. 15 cents. ippers
y evening the greater part of the necens- the ere and Russell are :in London this
AND ary stock was subscribed, week; while Ror'da Henderson of Heneall
and Pletcher of Thames Road are in Tor -
The sale of bicycles here already this onto attending; the general assembly of the
season has Leon the largest of any pri-ced - 'Presbyterian chareb.—Judge Doyle of
Ing y ar. Messrs. Perkins & Martin are Goderich was in town on Tuesday; he Come aiong and buy a $2-5 parcel and
doing rushing business in this line, we will save you $10.
held"Division Court in Crediton, and on B -UTr
The Bishop of Huron will return before Wednesday at Zuriob.—Afr r,EGGS AND ALL FARAI PRODUCE
the meeting of the synod in June. Hellas last weAk for Ridgotowit, where he will TAKEN AS CASH, T
writt-li home from Gibrafler, Rome and work at his avocation as a tailor.—Mr. G. G. - G. JOHNST0.6.
We handle School Supplies, EgYpt,aud is now presumably in the Holy Brooks left for Mitobell on Wednesday,
Stationery, kVrappings, Twines, Land, where he has secured a good situation,— The estate of Digory Braund paid a
Bags, Small Wares, Fancy Goods, I:he very heavy rain, accompanied by Mr. Arch. Hick been in the dividend of 10 cents on the dollar. Assessment- Sv9tem.
Brushes, Soapq, employ a. who has
Combs, and vivid lightnings on Wednesday. night, has for V of Ur J, G, Jones of winchelses, Miss Bennett of Orangeville has boon
settled the ground so that spring seeding past few Yeats, left this week for engaged by R. IT, Collins, barris4y,
SMALL LINES in is now gonotral, and the ground in goo Killarney, Mail,, where he has accepted a type -writer. She is sister of Mr. 13CIIS
shape, situation in a Et)re. Arch. is IL nett. a- VE 50 PER CENT.
.r., sotre time steady ■young man, and being a hustler, Mr, Michael O'Brien of the South 1
MUSICAL GOODS. M,, •Thus. Bissett, r go : SA
"VV0E3:0T-M3S_4_== disposed of hie stallion a. will make his mark in the busy west,—Tho Boundary of Stephen is the possessor of a 1
... John Eseery, who shipped film to By placinR your Life Insurance in t1le
"Bonner" to funeral of the late Mrs. Bayley, who died ewe that gave bir011s to four Iambs lost
States; llence his non L the in London,last week, took:pIsco from the Sunday evening? I
J. GRIGG, spring shows, appe.tranc, at the depot to the Exeter cemetery on Friday The material for the new creamery lime Covenant Mutual Benefit A. sso-
last,—Rev. Allin preached an Educational been shipped :from Chicago, and will be
The inaebinery which is being put into sormon in James -at. church on Sunday here in a few days, when a gang of local
Kingston penitentiary for the manufacture morning last, to a large otingregation, His ciation
of binder twine will be of sufficient cspa, Carpenters will be euqagqd 1-4 )of Galesburg, Ill.
duce wait a brilliant one, full of pro- of the building, t]IQ erootion
city to put out 500 tons a year. it will bo found thought, lofty conception and strik-
put in _operation about July lat. ing ideas. Rev, Russell preached at Con, Ur John Southoott line exchanged his RON, A. 'W, BERGGREN
in tild tried vaso of Dancey vs tralia.—Mr. Wjjj� Collingwood of Centralia reaidence and six acres of ]and on the W- H. SMOLLINGER
T. ll, the company have been successful Presid;nt.'
in has moved to the property be recently border of the corporation with Ur Thomas ,Secretary.
getting a reduction in the *mount of inter- -purebAsed from Mr, Ed. Bissett, in this Prior for a house and lot on Huron, -at., Mr
eat allowed in the judgment against thorn village.—Rev, Russell of the James street P. Riving a difference of $1,000. Under the supervision of the Insurahce Department of the State of
The Big by the lower court,—Goderich Star. church delivered illi address in London on Air L. H. Dickson has purchased the Illinoi.s. Seventeeu years'
Wednesday evoningof this %fleic.—Rev. continuous Prosperity attest its
Conformably to a resolution adopted by McDon handsome residence of Mr R. R, Verity p,,plilarity, and its record is absolutely unassailable,
the Liberal members of tha Rouse of Corn. 5911 Preached the first of his series on William street for $3,000, giving hill
• mono ]&at session, a convention of the Lib- Of sera -one on Sunday evening Iasi on residence on Simcoo alrost &apart of the
eral party is called to take place in the city "SAYOn road$ to bell from Exeter." There consideration. Mr. D19keon has taken
of Ottawa, oil the 20th day of June next. was & large Congregation present, %,he New Tnsurap.ca 1892 (written) $28,859,250,
seemed to POF111021on and will move at once,
BANKRUPT be !%Pxeciata tile able discourse
v;�zT;e'uth1R'_17ooWdth.t t Gain over 1891 $13,170,875,
proposed new regulations with regard to —Air JRm reech, constable, is on the . At the adjourned R aster Vestry meet.
fishing in Lake Huron and Lake Sr- Clair Nick list with an attack of Is. grippe, _miom ing of the Triyitt Memorial Church on Or "early 100 per cent,
ir Afmry Welsb,wbo has been in Michigan for Monday, the church Warden's report was
Store will not be put into force this Beason, so some time, returned home on Tuesday.— read and passed It wax not quite as satin -
that fishermen will be able to ply their vo. '.Nlr Andrew Oke, who recently completed factory in a financial point am was expect.
cation ander the old re ulations.1 RECORD OF FINANCIAL STANDING:
9 his vocation an barnemsmaker with ),fr. P. ed, but great efforts will he made in the
For WALL PAPER, CAIR- order is issued ordering Frayne, left on Monday for Now York, eligning year to place matters on a better
.v corps of active militia in No, where he has accepted a situation. Andy ECONOMY
trillitsry district to assemble for training is a. steady young man, and his success ?d which will not with the church warden ECON Memborsldl) exceeds
footing. Anadvisory corn mil tee was form- $ 42,
PETS, I' C'' CURTAINS, 114SUT411co at risk exceeds ... 100,000,000
camp of instruction in Loudon oil the is certain.—Miss Martin is the guest of in advancing tile interests of the Church. Paid to Policy holders exceeds 7,000,000
ARTMUSLINS,and DADO 20th W Jun. . lat Husaxrv, Lnitdon Field the Afioses Oke, here, At present —Afr. A. is Assets exceed .. 1,000,000
Battery and the 25th, 26th, 28th, 30th and Stewart of Farquhar is learning the pro, Surplus over Lia`�-Ii 850,000
33rd battalions. duco business with the Bobier Produce Bi Monthly Income exec
WINDOWBIJNDS. , i ties exceed,
At a meeting of 1,110 Milebell Public CO.—"Arohie Nelson of Exeter 1IR4 accept WEALTH. Oda ... 250,000
if school board bald on Friday evening last, Government deposit exceeds ... 53,000
You make a nlistal�e oda in the Clinton organ factory."
it was decided by a vote of the board that Clinton News -Record. --"Oliver John. ThelVorld's best --Unique, Moder
YOU !niss the bargains in hereafter the election of public school stou's son Harold is very ill. lie is An a, Scientific.
trustees in town oliwil take place on the only child. If"Oh sympathy is expressed,
House Furnishings. game day as the municipal elections. The at Mr. Jobnatou has been unfortunate in For rates and other information apply to
In Wall Paper, we shoteExeter school boned should do likewise. losing several children. L. D. VINCENT, District General Agent, Exeter.
The annual conferences of theMetbodist
without any exception, thechurch will meet as follows: London con- A COW belonging to 'Ur. Wm. Dunsford
fineston ference at Sarnia, Niagara conference at of Stoplicia gave birth to resin calves list
Sbock in Western - St. Catharines, Montreal conference at -%reek. I
taTiO. 'VVe Want your opiU- Corijwall and Bay of Quilt
conference at Gents,for new and nobby hats at correct Plenty
Oshawa oil June I -,Toronto conference at prices, try the Bic Bankrupt Store, it will
Ion of Gur Papers. Bloor street Methodist church. Toronto. pay you.
The contractors have commenced digg- This is the season of the, year when the Pope 0:4
ing the well at the town hall. It is the hen-pecked, husband has to eat his meals Dress Goods 1
X. A. STEWART• purpose of the Council to put up a rind off :he head of a flour bat rel. imp Am
mill and pump water for street watering Some now and choice lines of ladies' and The rush for Press Goods SUPIMIENG4 1" A T h e imn
purposet-. This is a commendable mono, ohildrall's sboea just opened at the Big
mud if a little care had been exercised In Bankrupt Store. See their red shoes. still Tlie Latest and Best.
letting the contract for slaking the wr.11, I continues, and no won -
It would have beau more praiseworthy, CRAYON l?0jjTR&JTS_Afi88 Al. V. 'White der people appreciate get -
a now prepared to do portraits in crayon, tin c, th
Mr. Jonou of London, of the firm of life size. Orders to be left ar residence. eirGoods atWholesale
Jones 4, Farticomb, was !it town on -Mon- .0
day, surveying a lot on Alain Street on Black dress goods, black and colored prices. Havd-you seen our Assortment -fall lip in all Grades and Styles. Its a grand
which the Uessrs Elliot Barristers intend silks, choice effects in wool de lanes, all at
to build closest prices at the Big Bajjkra%n all -wool, double -Width Goods Stock for finding just what you want.
1111 office at an' early date. We PtStore.
are pleased to learn that Mr. F. NY. Earn- The coloring of the Crock crossing Main at 25c, a yd 9 It not, you
comb, who has Leon sedousI7 ill, is fm- street at Htiwshaw's hotel caved in, and 'Should do
Notice to Times' Readers. proving. a 9%ng of men are at work repairing the .90 at once. They
Tho publishers would estoom it a favor if Prof. Robarlson expects to ship the big same. are going fast. _V"ew can imeet
readier* wouldwhen making their purchases. Canadian cheese to the World's Fair next Folt SALE orL RFz;T.—A comfortable and
mention that they sate the literch-ines adver- Monday. He had intended to have the commodious house. Moderate rental or None van mea
tisement in T=11111cs. cheese landed in the city proper slid carted will be sold cheap. Apply to SVbt. Gitr'OG, Trimmings!
to the fair grounds by eight or ten teams, Exeter. Our prices, Quality grades high in all we offer this sea -
0 Chicago authorities say the streets _Thefou);diry is being pushed into coin- ?
would, not bear the concentrated weight, pletion, and we may soon expect the an The run on our rTrimming righteous prices I
ft 'T5.uttv za Co. butthe son, right and righte :)n all things never
therefore the cheese will have to` be landed nouncement that the -proprietors are open were sounder, surer bargains offered in
THURSDAY. APRIL 20th, 1893, at the fair grounds, for general work, counter has been so. great
Messrs Dow &Tonnalit's "Pascha" and The Sons of England Society will cele• that we have been compelled DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES,
CouraeY & Stewart's "Joe Anderson" have brate St. George's Day by'giving a dinner
LOCAL HAPPENINGS. been selected by the Government Inspector in the town ball, on Monday evening next, to place two large supple-
T�e watering cart is needed on the for exhibition at tbo World's Fair. The Admission by invitation. mentary oiders for these CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES)
streets, as yesterday the dust was flying in latter animal. wan imported by Mr. P- The Kirkton spring fair -was hold on Frz- Goods. We expect them iu
clouds. Curtain of Centralia, who has brought out day last, but was a failure. The crowd
A local editor in writing up a miffln-
some of the finest and moat valuable horses was am.%Il and but one horse in each class this week, and will show HZI-TS, CAPS &, GENTS'FURNISHINGS
er,y opening, says the store of one mer. ever landed on this a-" de of the ocean. I QxoeptirAg the Aged Clydesdale.
chant was elaborately decorated and the For some days past what is apparently The Clinton News-Itecord can put novelties which come to us Examination will show that our stock is especially
visitors as they entered stood in awe and a mild form of help h-ts been causing many on strong i1a vtt
of our businass men some a dozen pairs of epees if it chooses and directfrom manufaAurers.in riety and thoroughly reliable 112 style.
amazement. It is not recorded, but it is trouble in tlae it can but find that Exeter does the -g; Philadelphia, If you wish
supposed that the awed visitor shape of & hoarseness and sore throats. and buttertrade of the County.
Was the We are also informed that with many of
paterfamilias, who behold in the hat of our young People especially children it has Don't forget the Big Bankrupt Store are to get the latest ideas, be To this we add the strong indu�ement of low prices.",\_
high fashion the vision of the bill that the taken the form of inflammation of theleyes away ahead in the millinery business. The sure and see tliese Goods.
milliner would present at the end of the With warm weather these troubles will choicest lot of hats and trimmings in town.
mouth. speedily pass away. Some special value in children's lilts. Highest prices paid for Produce.
From the report of the Inepector of in- T4th of 2'ylay will be celebrated in. 2
surance Companies, for 1892, we gather Our spring fairs promise soon to be an Carpets, Curtains, Wall Yours truly,
articulars concerninthe regratablo
the following institution of the past. Is is Exeter this year. by a demonstration
g pthat worthy of the town and those engaged in
Mutual Insurance companies in Huron - at such should be the case as it affordst
getting it up. Large prizes are being Pap e 7-s , Me •
Howick, total assets, including premium an opportunity for intending,, breeders to offered in each class and should draw a
notes in circulation, IR87,071 ; liabilities, decide on the best animals to select for large number of contestants, while the
C A R L 1141 0 S
$2,633, risks in force, 2,722. Rexillop, their purposes. It an expert judge could variety of Recyardinn, these Goods,we
assets, 063,537; liabilities, %,500, r be hired by the society so that the program will :induce a big e� 23
risks in premiums crowd to town. It will be the celebration
force, 1,733, W. Wawanosh, assets, $87,- would be awarded to the best animals, Only need say that we import
514; liabilities, $500, risks in force, 1,938 independent of who the owners were, it -e of
would have a beneficial effect of Western Ontario. See program. fA itis thought that a general strik: OUR STe'CK
Usborne & Hibbert, assets, $62,624; )Jabll' The light snow In April, much as that them direct from n2anu C_ docklabore,!8 will be ordered in Eng-
ities, $500; risks, which fell on Friday night and Saturday turers in Great Britain and land.
1,786. Ray, assets, It is the intention of,the Farmers' is Often called the Poor farmer's manure. The situation in H Lill, England, is said --OF
,5,4-1,522; liabilities, $1,310; riske.1,432. Creamery Co., recently organized here, to It is the carbolio acid g the Unite States and are to be gloomy foi the striking dock.'
as taken in by J L
It has become quite a businear, for some Solicit stock at Elimville, Crediton Far. allow in its passage through the air that strange n laborerfl.
of the large retail stores in Toronto and t showing the largest i
9[uhar and Dashwood and put In Cream 1 0
gives it partly its manurial. value, Such t
othercities to send out catalogues, and t3eparatore at these places; and to this end "now has probably more fertilizing'- proper. own Call and got oUr The machine shoemaker's strike in
advertise in other ways to induce people meetings have been called'
as follows;—At ties thLn have the heaviest falls of snow in Toronto was quickly settled. The meUL
in smaller places to send them orders by Craditon, Friday April 21! prices, they will reco,22men aAd FnE
at Eliniville mid winter,because warm weather liberates' were out only one day. 83=3
mail. No parson who has the welfare of Saturday April 22; at Dashwood, Tuesday more ammonia, which is absorbed' by t the Goodsto,you, The trouble between the clothing
his or her town at heart should ever send April 25; at Farquhar Thursday April 27, large porougfiaken- A warm annimerrabin manufacturers of New York and their
out' of it to purchase anything that they This is an important matter to, the farm- takes amore of this ammonia, because in cutters has not' et been settled.
Cali get at home. Exeter now has mer- ing community, and all should take a deep summer there is more affirrionia in the -A. Call �S_ ofic.itecl.
chants in Almost every line of business, interest in it, Let there be a big turn out atmosphere. Gloves&'Xl'os'ry The. American Railroad union. the
who carry an assortment of goods equal to to hear the matter discussed.. new.combination of vailway ewpl�yees, Palace Grocery. M, J, DISSETT,
many of the city stores, a We hear numerous, and serdofis corn• was permanently: organized in Chicago and if they have The death occurred Wednesday at the plairita of boys and youjig man 1;nfing on passed inlo last week,
not got what you want they can get it for We have Just
residence of her son. A, Mayley, London Main street, nightly, especially
you as quickly and as cheap as you can - about the there are good reasons for believing
of Mrs. Elizabeth Bayley. aged 59, Do. store doors between Carling Bros. and J.P. rttock a 'beautiful. line, of that the
send away fqF it—often cheaper. Stick ceased was & native of Devonshire, and Clarke?s. •. Wbile the ehop-kee melt of ene Homestead, Pa.,
to your own town and it will stay by you.. pers corn Ladies'Laced Kid Gloves we steel works are preparing for Homestead,
We might say in the matter of printing Came with her husband, to,'Uanada in 1869 lain
lady pedestrians are lend in their strike next,Ju
also, that large amounts of m6ney earl
settled in Bxetor,� Ont., where she livid K1. 0 .1 ' n.ciation of the officials for allowing would, like you to see, 01tir Jul i•
The strike inaugurated by the labor
y continually for twenty years, excepting such state of affairs, to exist. Wewonld Ladies', 25c. Cashmere Hose leaders in Belgiulh as a protest aminst
go out of town for this work, while in fact two year's residence in St. Thomas. she suggest that the night watch go "on dot'
with few exceptions, the local 'offices, went to London to live with her sons, y is the wonder all who hav fli.4 r on of the universal suirrage
�t eight o'clock instead of "eleven, as it is eJecti
could, clothe work equally well and as four of whom surviye her� and are All re-: in hie absence the bd�a take advantage of bill spreading.
cheap. These are matters for considerat- -d ' t freedom.
al en a Of that city.—A. Bayley, 0. H. their, [Th seen it. We,, invite Y611 to, Ottawa Trades and Labor
ion, and by working one for the, other is Bayle Y, L gL ege complaints are . council
_�O. G. Bayle and Frederick Bay- becomili serious and if this hint is not InSpe
j, I ot Our Stock' have decided that the liroposed. phar- Applioation vaintoms mad 6as,
the only way in which we Can:promper, I I L I ,
You Pull against y Jr. Mrs. 'Bayley -�;as an adherent of the acted upon those , concerned will take macyact4mendmentsarenoti th I I ate, vreO%tiou Alls a areialt and lone4elll
our neighbor, and as a rest. I - n the wantamonirthose who auffeliftom Piles, It is
Methodist Church, a devoted Christian othiar steps—if it be to have a special. Con- te of, the gerieril ptfblic.- a,rentaidy of the highmat njoWt—eff"tive antl
nature, has decreed it, he will pull aganitt and a w`omen of many amiable qualities
stable sworn in. reliable—and has more then met the auttelpal
you.- She -was & leading member of James St, The roads are again in good R Pickard & Son, The composition roofers of St., Louis lions of those pbyol4lihi w'hd hays, %g6d It ilk
condition, have decided to strike, the em to 110r vractioeo* ritakone is a Russ 45mrs
Minard!lt Liniment GaTee Cwdo, 6 Church, Exeter, andwaa univeroallyb0oved. and the weather fine 11aving 1.0 when other remedies fail to vailere, V In'
DIRECT IMPORTERSfused a demand for more pay, get .
- I I dIrtelip
Two thousand men are affected. 0"iffils furnished. Prisati. Irervide1w
aisle orbs mail on reseeipt of prioe.r