HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-4-20, Page 5l I , s •p•��•, r�r ty C' ■ 'fir A+y'�gg'{�,7 �y py{',^�tQ1�'y e, BI,RT11W S, WI ACM WlA;4J•iL'F.L� AY SVi4•i.W.mi moved, the adjournment of the debate. �! ARE Y"OU 1110" TORONTO. April 13• -It was . private 1aL�R,-In Hrbbt rt on> he 7th tris., rias Sv Ifo Exeter, April 19 1893. ' ~~ member's da 6tercla at the Le islat- 1dr..Ckae, Boer of a daughter. y y Y g' AIXXIIlL1GON.-TizAlzta etT, en rho;.. lust, So iriahea wheat tush .. ,,.. 03 $ 11 Assexlibly: l tlestlalls 'flail sa thick the Wife of Air, w, alnlheron o£ a son: •Lisa*' find fast cyan the Clovelnxnent asset the pFOXt• Tn Har, pn tlza 1Tth Inst. rho Svife of spring wheat por bush u4 60 Barley husk. . , 83 35 James Dtek eta 0? -0 Oats por bush. ..,_....... 30 3J BUILDTO adjourned debate was further adjourned ROBI1`1SOXX-At wxpalaelawa ou thei7th Inst. Yoaa por bush ............... ......: s5 56 ' 'until to -day at 8 a clock, In answer to the wife of SVtu. RobxAsoa OCA son. Flour perbbi•.•, �A 00 4 20 Mr. Clancy Mr: Frasersaid.that$93,00Q Apple$Per bag •• ......... l.00 0 i o r r y had been spent on the few Parliament i4Tti RIi) qty. Xyotataos Per bug OTAN-AR1iAND•- A the residence of the Flay per ton......,.............. a 00 7 00 Buildiun since December 31; 1542. L tt bride's father, the aEh gnat. by the lieu. 1NoodDer cord hard .... .., 800 3 50 7 z Tlti'n cazneaquartet of timber tluestioAs Xfnatt,JohnX,o.aa, p£ West Wlll;iauzs, to �] cod per cord soft.,... 200 d 0c If so, 1t will pay yt111 to call ;,: from the U Opposition. Theseweres run PP p g Eli of Mr. 0batlea rand, IIutter per lb.... 1.7 a$ ;` by Mr, Mank, Mr. CSlApbell' (Algoma), ofMoGlillvray, Egeapwrdaaon., 11 12 it11Ci S88 us alat?1�t yallx hardware, :4a y, STACEY ,LAND'GRS-On the 12th inst. at i'oiknerbuadred .......... 8 c0 8 30 Mr. Meredith and Mr: Marter. The A. n the Manse, Mitchell, by Itew,A.Xi: Tully, z00iina Oil]d �r0t1ah1I1 R \ returns here in all"eases ordered to be Mr. Sohn stawey, of BYanshard, and Aiiss "= """ " t brought dawn. A cumber of bills were itfari Jana LandaTa, of Xaosan, /! I� a"SUNLIGHT. ..{$yC.Yy,��pJ ��� •"NZ,",`i` g ,� $� TO lJf1r 8 ARE CiP 'It"OU 10"k read a first time and the Rause. ad- jouined lit 5 p,m. DIED. PICTURE, . xz s '!rl t Tonono, Aril: 11 -Yesterday the BRLU..InFallartaa,onthal0thlast, l' m.,G. n Bell, aged 23 roar% and 11 months, Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappera (wrap budget debate dragged its monotoxzaus M}IADD..-At his resile"" to w"Glillivray per bearing the wards "Why does a woman ---�„ ' length along far three hours. Mr. 'township, on Monday, Aprxy 10th, i'hemas. -look older sooner than a Haan' Afoadd. aced R years. 9mos. ) to Lever // hitlley, in his speech, went into the y Ltd 43 Scott St., Toronto, k�/" SNOW D1+ibT-Tn 1'arkbili, an �oduesda ,12th Bros,, „andyou �, �, subject generally and discursively. He Inst, Albert 3notvdan. egad 25 rears and 2 will receive b ICE P y poet a pretty picture, free mi,s. Ir. D. West scared a d' tinot success as a master- of months from advertising and well north framing;. good-natured banter and sarcasm at the This is an eaev war to decorate Of Cprusi'ai]is, nova, bcOtia. ., your home, Government's expense. Mr. B.alfour's The soap is the beat in the market, and speech in reply was a long one, and his SPRING FAIRS.it will only cost le ge to send. In, the `rilezl Gdll • �Xl(� 588 sial' �ilQilt lt, �@ hiLva all lliadS i � 0 W(Drth defence haustive. f the He met the poi s madwas e by GAANTON. Waits your adif d ase carefully. u leave the ends span, � nlly, wire, and gra special 'lgextti� for the l�t3St makes.. Of Other 'ter edicine0 ellod Opposition sneakers and closed by pre- 'file Annual Spring Pair of the Bid dieting that 11lany years would elapse . beforetlle Province would reach that dulph Agricultural Society Was hold,;- But & Botcfes o 'Xiood}kSa rscs €c-a�:? : on Thursday last. It was a failure 1n valley of desolation -direct taxation. p j d) SALE. Headquarters forall kinds of Ht�.I°�."G'�'"are*, Cured. Mr. 1 . F. Clar3w, made a most forceful, cant of attendance and e4tries of T'1 "It is with pleasure tilat 1 tell of the Ern:tt lucid and telling speech. He differed in a tock, and the directors e- nressed the ftout7 five acres o£ good : %atura lend im- beneAt I derived from 11nod'a G^raaimi-111:1. almost every paint from Mr, Balfour, idea of dispensing with the Spring g u •or 1; cars 1 havo been bads filleted vV411 t `g , mcdiatalrndaaining laBLLL I' years • l' : � and wexit Into details tc prove his con, Psit• altogether. Following is the ;gl.L[Ox ,t; k1I11',It) L`, Rrl'ysipeias tentions. The debAto wasadjourned un- prize list,,,. nzahs,im sotlattors.�xator> - -» � brenidug out Svltlt rttnnui ,sort :a during llat til 8 o'clock to -day. A number of bills llorasus.i ^~ .,. . _ ` wm. T^� stinntlOr months. I Batty s;)auetlulei not beat received thein first reading and the y) ``7"0 i � rid MEN. ei s^ii i�iii +yt t a t x izit s)S' �t cilli I tent House adjourned at G o'clock, x�pot tett Clyde- Aged -(cine entry) - Being eibgind1:ed5otr ,nuznnlarrt:elltl,tuewit irSt TUItO�rQ, April 15.--I�raGeedings in McLellan Bros;1;Kontrave Carbineer." at) mneh iwtter, got two lruttles nwio;z I -A the House yesterday were short and lin- Three year Olda,(one�entryj 4Vm, 14108- PAX NU DZQ1t1 tIUNLrk' TU f)UAL'ICS, S � slTle tYiertz during; thu annpnter, STs, able to to my interesting'. A large number of p'ri'vate sip's (+LeoPArd Lacs. +'rano l - U. 1420- A auffererfrom Is of Youth, Nervous Do- 1 hos (s•: url;, ,11d bills were introduced, however, and Mr, Naiea. `hair Elie"- Alf lronaide'8 blllty and Lost Vigor: was roatorod to health in Thoroughly ii' c'liliS "efa¢� ii' 9i a Meredith called Ila question elle Ilia• ttlireuchDavis", Carriage -1 tri. Aloe, such a remarkablemannar,aftor all else had U riet of winisteis of the Crown intro- ( a tale. Deitrich" i Win, Amos' failed, that lie wiiiaeud the moans of aura srhi,•lt I hat! nut (suite for aft 1+ tr:. Thzuta X p ' , y sip's jG p riE1t to `ai! ftsllavr ><u4%rera. Addresaa iv>.th a sa ain (ur, t of t!"ysittt•l;.i, aittt r a«lurt<'?t.t ,,:r,r t11tGi1a )Iivattj bills, Mr. i4xcrrvat, in t'�OQ Alnbat`:' Stoadst@r-D. llantiam's stern, n per .tit o nilly ted it) use Y , ,c ItX%EDi1� ARD UARTI'T (Tintcarnc)� , U � i s t e d „�r� reply, s ud lie dirt not sec Any difference •'Stone Itiver"; Danutvz Lankin s Dun- , i3ux 14a, Dotrolt, ficli. A I -Z o s arsOP r�u CI between ministers introducing public more-'- J. Alitchell'a I,Cloud Lexing. Dour bottler itis (yon,+ More for me timet x_100 bills and private twills that lead the Salle- r ' xeter, tion of the Government, A. number of tan: Judges --Jahn .Snell, D ' , \4tiith (if, other anCCtis•takC 1 tlttltt{ it flit 1tP.9t a a 0. Slack, ,�'t. AXaryaz `�lia9. Latiitona _� G{�'�FLETE STCiC��i Q�` . latoad puiltlea lmown 51i,s, it 1p. lti -:T, questions of merely local import were Granton. GUILTY Cburt h 4tze(t, Cornwallis, Ir S. fl -• . _ - asked anti auswered. � � � t,,, rr I S I-ltaan's Ptil.s euro 11vr'r 11 ronitlpt� ToitoN-ro, April 18. -The Shortest CL4tNarxOyZ. `• ..t�» tipn.limousnesa. Jaundice,aitelt he-1-tlatl,C '*I meeting of the legislature so fair held . thils session was lield yesterday, the 1'he Sprfilg;l'a1r of the AloGillivray OR LT ONTARIO'S Tx(r��i 7 � �shole arort!edin socGullyingonl only agricultural Sooi@ty washeldat flan- 1-I owni s Dirug Ste XJI`f��lt''s'►= 1101iiillt(^?, Viiia rulctazrtit)n ,of Petitions tl@t'oya stn 'lassday, lire shovr t,f NOT •UI ryas the ehit�f 1?n.,dneF;s, awl nearly all of horses was small, and the atteudanc@ � �_,, _. ,. £. ,__ _., � , ..__._� _. �.� .._ ....._:.� COU a t tient rayed f(r ta•lit )t tante lk+ iwla€ttun, Of farinersi Me,ag~re, 'Else following 18 Tile pottrpio ray n•e aro guilty of sell. A. H��.Si� I ' S, B i�.RB B B r 1 � TREASURER 1IARCt?IJRT S BUDGET l l 9" D t �A 1luuil)er of bi'ls _Iypr(a introtttit•e ti anti ilio prize list: --Aged Clyde- {SJn@ Ing l3tn)f iaiid ylides cheaper that �, , , , � SPEECH FOR 1593, read t1 iii t tiilia: 't i r lrtxiiaiiy'leputA entry) Couraey d Stevvtirt o Jia Anti- any other lir)use in town. Come It:1:h C1 'LOCK; II I.TIIIT. - yy ,t;• a p illara stCiear the Way;" end iold .-.---.- 9 titpns alto Sv.i1«t,l uli: ii the pit rinnQrt arson, AI y and boa. wituecs, ou will be Swell Ay au ass h an the Main street t1�0 TireT;(> cizn@FrauxO itzxllcr Tleenia Sazlea t 14iowt of isle s trikoi:, on the �4'tpritt's asci Dow's "Turk!' were in the ring repaid for your time. �4ed rSelxilia Jerist torn niontarlt stew. , brit on exhibition only. eouiitr for ,rice p in Folt Anct I id, And have your hair and whiskers trimmed _x ,„ ,, T1ttr Succession Tis, -rsTe x ctl,lie znstitn: Pair buildin hive rc tur,)e ti to Srtrrlc. 1;arria$o. - 3.1't1111pfr�y's "Lord. ?at• y 1 At 11asting's Barber shop. tl lies Ilia I'iiie St()cic ()£ Tari ittrrp *+t . lane l i oronsi orattuisas }. land „ Jars. EIandford'a ey'a s' n Chief: " Sox And Rubbers, Falb Boots and Avearethe lightning barbers, evor exhibited in Bxeter, Anti at ttous „ r Clancy g Y 31UNTCA1*1,II, T I tt Grain Boot%andforl4'leilsand.Boys Sia do our wort: with care. Itoadster-1'tobt, oLean s Iiri• ,an l3ac)ts Svrs iAkfl the buu. We always ices» our rnznra lmice:y so lair islet they draw eti eraYval t1Tt1 FYlzeaalz and rite fdaserutzzrnt. Mr. Geargo `,>~. !larks 11ar1 again been „ g And ahwars in good repair, tt of custoineri overd1.•a elected luA or of Port Arthur, mart's' ., . „ . i z We have the very finest styles of:ohairs, i y 3 To13U: ro, April, 12; IIon. stir, Har- y Coaob.-•-.D'ow &7.anxannt a Pasaba. (a'+EO. j�,TANS�j-N ,� tiro keep our towels olein. court, the Provincial Treasurer, de- 14lontreal City Council liAs reduced F arch. --David Mohair's like :ler. ° s�ta,3'lt3Y x , ;? The People's Shoo Stare. Wo shampoo !n the hast of arta r livered his budget Speech yesterday, aiS is salaries from �k to i;i per cant. elle." , o And use the wary stair maaytane. and when lie rose at tl o'clock hei Senator McInnes offfers to sell ])an- . Y , • ttT Meat Door to Post tJffice .� inig con. Tb oral tyres},--1•�. Tennant's l:ulo. Some Lnriaara tvorIc an slowly, � rr , Was received With Applause. Coil- darn park to the city of Hamilton for ahrout." Diploma for bast horse of ���� But this le our twit: � � + tarfo, strict the Provincial Treas- $5,000, p 1V'o u not keep ran s "no tea urer, is in a singtxltirl stranry and any class, Gaursey c� atewart's .'Joe four turn is always "•next." �'��►/ .[lfdt"� Singularly , T, W. Platers has been elected mayor Anderson." is for the ladies id children,. bonlihy state contrasted with the con- of St. John, RB., for a third colrseall � i - � We do their wo} tip-top. • ) ditian of many other xovlilcesanrl states Judges.-•'ADavi t Kennedy, bleGilli- 'lye shingle tbnlr hair and trate their bangs r5 2tG%183E �2E3'Xt�1Z1'8 rive tcrol. vrny; John Kennedy, Itderton. Sam'l lam:At ilasting's Barber shop. across the line. In c citing the fact that Tremas IT-anbury has been re-elected Gibson, McGillivray, � � $$$ - � ---ar T11 r. ----• the total receipts from the Crown Lands �� Department were *?,253,0 i 3.27, the reeve of Dundalk village by a majority _ ....JgXMEW - large6t suxn ever received from this of Mw. He lead been unseated on a Te- t g:, EitUCtaCIG I D- illzn g o , in. M. L1.A-T i�SIT DESIGNS . source, the speaker gave some interest- count. The Annual Spring Fair of the in fi ures and made a 30 -minute do- VAIZADA•AND THEAVOULDISFAIR. South Huron Agricultural Society, nave ogzeuad an office opposite Town ;�+�+� �� The Undertaking Department isstock fence of the Coverniuent's policy in this One hundred tons of cheese have been which has always been a thorough hall, Exeter, pending the building of FURNITUn' - acs with best and latest to be founts i>? respect. Thewoods and forests item of sant from Perth county for the World's success was this year n partial failure theirnew Alill, where they will keep the country. *$*3,17 ,501,38 Svas e�)lalned by the phen• Fair, both in point and' attendance slid constantly on band a full stock of the A -ND 'Repairing and Framing aspecial line b n.enal sale of October last. Sinc© Coif- The time for receiving exhibits at the exhibitor stook, the gate receipts best bran6s of flour. Also all kinds of p � " federation, lits said, there bas been 11 -World's Fair has been extended to April amounted to only $23 while on former . All orders receive pronilt ntteritivL timber sales -four of these took place .30. Only aboutono-thirdof the exhibits occasions $40 was considered a am atl mill tuffs and. X'arg� ;incl work dorso neat and elieap..M� ____-; during Ilia term of Sandfield Xacdon' arty Hazy on the grauuds, amount. of the classes shown the _ t %nil c aid's Government, the average priceand--. -_ S. �� � g ' Z. realized per mile being $380, ilia total Auditor Ackerma lies InAtlo a report quality was gaud and g prizes, b found Fneir ad t advantage to call will find it mileage sold G35, And the highest prise showing that the buildings of the Chica- it dlff2eul t In awarding; Ariz@s, :but w@ to their advantage to ca11 and see us: Orders roni tl Attended to. go WorTtl's Fair stave al -aAdy Dost iG,- think general satisfaction was given. p p y OTi17F1✓LLUi 'S 137 OCI% WILLIAMS- realized wG40 per mile. 17 ROLLINS & WILLI • During the 200 years' premiership of a05,5�0, tSV1Cfl ilio 9H1t3 expeuctfld far the The one man lodge aysteln was this All Accounts must b@ sflttlecl at ansa Sir Oliver 111awat, since 1.172 there had Paris exlposition, acid more must yet be year adopted by this society, and i t been shx sales, the total IN, sold spent ,800, is atpresent asaussbalance was found to work very oaths d in r�aVLrD byBuy- Phree Points r, ofG�G,80G, and�,3G1,` Gia dna on con, and the judging was completed in beim d' es the average prion �;141N and j 6 l; p in at our a the highest $i,7,5U0, .A11 the sales have tracts' much leas time than ceder the old of ��ti� g -^ ARGAINS been satisfactory and the last one phen- THE DEAD. three judges. Following is the prize PLANING MILL omenally so, no less than. 032 miles being ExPresident Manuel Gonzales of list.- .and LIOX R a�ARD sold at a total of ;2,;215,000, lin average Mexico is dead. imported Heavy Draught. -Aged. - of $305D, the highest price being $17,500.: Mrs. Blatcher, wife of the mayor of Jst and diploma for the best horse of lye keep eonstauilyoa band a large stock of NQ`.p.1_St' WELL. The best previous averagewas"l352and Hamilton, died on Saturday, an age class, Ionia &Norton's ellkindsof andhemlocwlum Dressodoruu rrau'TESq, TRUX.KS, VALISES, the highest price previously realized, y & dressed WHIPS, RUGS, 03OOTS ` John Gore of Foothill, probably the -Stud Book Ch1et"'• 2nd, :Sorry and stowkofNo.1 pine lark. , We have had the $6300, the average of last year tuns ex- ' oldest plan in Welland county, is dead, Geiger's "Craig Ronald"; 8rd, C. E. &a ie complete and thoioua blinds, o dnod dince, I f f X Pi �'tPr ri �i seeding the bast previous average by ad 93, " We offer forsalel c00,000SXandX=PIN �: r t es close p e that a c aged 141ason's "("x.lennery Prince. three SHOI:� RLI3BERS / p $708. Johu KeAland, aged 70, who was sell- year olds -1st James a�leFarIane's and CEDAitSHI'3t1LEs manufaoturedby the ETC I tendon to business, cissa prices an After briefly referring to the fact that y , ' bestdOED R S Ontario. µ )proper fits, are the nlAln factors in ou therevennafrom3aSvstamps,401,G17.5G fenced to three years for arson, diediu z,Balbog;t;ie Stamp"g 2nd, James Lei -Tanks and cisterns, all shapes andeites,made Ar business. was the largest in the Nistyof the Pro- ` Kingston penitentiary. per's oHawarden"; 3rd. Simon Ma. newid tele lowest, wole�in� e h serotic c bi f� Treble's, !nee, Mr. Harcourt stated that ilio ra. 1 Charles Longfellow, son of the poet, Keazie'o "Kennilwarth. 1'ivo year old or barnyard, f�0�7i1 ain PQ pi(e �ritli this eve ventre from licenses, $2tJ1,757,Ta5 lied died the other day after alingering 111• sat iXonatd MaKinnon's "Young Callandso, our celebrated Baklrg Cabin'. +redeeming feat I 0000lpelow the estimates. t Thfs. Bess. He lived withhis sister, Miss Alice gakerfield:' Agricultural or Caned- Every woman using them recolamends ILam NOTE A FE, W PRICES : rife imprinted deeply on our motto, tv might be explained by the feat that last Longfellow, in the old family mansion Ian DrauKht -A ed, -1st Sohn Lei- hit(hlr, r was the first since 1552 that isle • g ) a ur'ning,band, scrollsawint ,and all kinds of haus .von the patronage of the man year at Boston. per's °sRarlook Lad;" 2nd, J. Steven- machinowork prompilyattonded to. HAlf FasFelt $cot, Grain, s.00 whom despise those too-often-rflsertea countries were under the License Act, SOCIAL A1vD i'ERSOi�TAL. son's ttgeuben Wilson: ' Three year !t will be to Your interest to examine on' Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.25 to tactics of tailors-necially, names Mr. Harcourt made an able defence stook boforw'.purohsatns elsewhere- Mr. iswwherm Men's Rubbers 0.50 of the resect SxiccessionDutie9Act. Tisa Su Chaises Tupper is still confined to olds, -1st and diploma for best horse , putting off until Haase ,wCtin wl,av cul bed in Paris with an attack of grippe. of any age in the class --George 'Cay- ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street. Women's Rubbers, 0-30 have been clone this. receipts from this source had only bean, Mr. Andrew Pattuilo has been elected 2or's °•Gulf 5lream'.; 2nd, R. ;13- Ross's Misses' Rubbers, 0.25 $155.53, but thiswas no criterion of what president of t110 Woodstock board of '•Themes Bryce." t/tSfc �'{ (l This is s it would be. I trade. General purpose, -Aged, -1st John y ,Skilled Workmen are an to � looking wor In the maintenance of publicinstittt-' manufacture the goads, and the best of to carry out its meaning is diff3.cu t ;tions $Si8,h35 had been expended. This) Rev. Canon Smith, rector of the Ketchen, 1 `Scottie," a S, ease it was true but this cathedral at Kingston, has been appoint- Carrpage,•-Aged,- lot, and diploma � � � material is used. some. lira �l� Ty in Ss ,Yd and the 1 was n increase, , � lll��� Prompt attention given to all kinds of .. Cy,ent liti ed in oui )hop. �y e was to a certain extent uncontrollable I ed dean of the diocese of Ontario. for beat borne any age in the class p g p and automatic. In the last seven years 4 Hon. Arthur Stanley, who has been Menzies & Fisher's, "Brown Rooker!" repairing. My Stack is well assorted scree satisfaction every time in the patients in these institutions had in- sintering' for three months from Thou- 2nd, James Berry, °iGold Leat; 3rd, and every customer is guaranteed satis peCty, creased 31 per cant,, but with the uratic fever, isnot yet able to leave his. Wm. Thirsk, atXouag Fulton," Three ;-{ faction, The Prices mean a sale every If. ou want asuit, n coat, vest or psi building of the new asylums At Brock- room. Lady Stanley is in constant at- year old, -lot, Robert Brock, ''Saint ,� time. Caliandbe convinced, of pants, give us a call and be convince Ville and Mimico the Province would tendance upon her son. Liri." Two yearsold,--1st, Wm Rattan. U - have overtaken its present needs. bury, tilleguiator," JOHN T1iivEI3tIE. Exeter. .that what Iva have said fa true. 'Mr. Harcourt concluded with a pane_ ` svlcxEiEas: Roadster -Aged sat, and diploma for 1 ,-s••.� 'y[tits T� NS gyxie on the new buildings, on the in , Mrs, Theodore DeLong committed sui- beet horse of any age in the class.- ` Q :DO _Y 0 {.,J !iy SDI „t� i to tyof the Commissioner of Public cidebydrowningAt. Tilsonbaug. peter McGregor, 116t. Blaze," 2iid, ores for putting none of the appraprf• Mrs: John Boyd, wife of a farmer liv John Beacom "Scabbard," 3rd, Geo. e ation an his own pocket, and on the sterl• in seven miles from Ottawa, committed " Want c�' ,Bicycle . n g• Whitely. Maitland:' 'Three year old � � ing qualities of the Premier, who has so , suicide by shooting herself in the breast. -1st. Abraham Crich •`0,arlmont•" r long administered Ontario's affairs. John DeTouin,anomployeeofm.Hogan 2nd Robert Adams, %"Dandelion," 11Er. olancyrs Criticism. Co., fruit dealers, committed stucide Twtiyear olds, -W. Doherty, •`Car- m£ THE s s,i J. SM is Mr. Clancy's line of attack eves the in (luebec 'by hanging himself in the ingn.) } comparing of the expenditure of the I'D, _- stables of the company, Blood --lar lames Barry,dinburg" )CI" PNEUMATIC j��� A� �9 praseut '1th 10 or 20 years ago to the i g D C evident disparagement of the 'former. ( TXV, AGUIOMTURAL WORLD, Coach; --let W. Shitlingfaw, 'tL'Am , Taking 73 and $$ As his mile posts' Mr: ( Fariners in.the neighborhood of Lan- -ie;" 2nd, Jacob Bruner, "Morninat e rysyMbsr lao� so tN Clancy* stated that in that decade the Star.` 1 crF TIRE Mu � °� � O MI total expenditure of the Province had deli have commenced sowing: Bl1r,r,s.-Aged Durhain�W. ,J: Big & increased'some 2 per cent -ii, reason-, A number of farm .pupils from ling- gine, <<Generai Lith -11 2nd Robert , `J able and Harrel Increase -but from 'g3 land Have Arrived in Landon, tint, Charters Sons, '.Knight of Ruron." `t to'(J2theinereaseliadbeen34percont At.theGuelph spring horse showthere Two (,lirolda,-labanu diploma for jtp This increase he painted out, was oil- was a larger list of entries than last y best of an age u! the class D. D. , s >' PDO �[ '� "� _ tirely disproportionate to the natural year. Wilson,."Prime Iv'mister," 2nd:, iPm, t` I J�J 4�+ � _J enlargement of the bnsii ess of the MXGRA,TEUIV•. i, 1 Province. He then. went industriously1 Chapman, Dco Vaznper, Clrie year . <: The Lake Ontario, with G00 old -sat, Elcoat Brothers, -Lord through all the Government depart Sol( immigrants, has arrived at ia8sie 5th," and, David Milne, °'.Gard imLl BEST YET I Off�• mauls,' dissecting comparatively the de Liverpool. Stanley;'' ;3rd, R. Garters cit Sona, tailed expenditure. of each in his three ears and in -all .cases During the first quaxter of 18(93 some ;'.Pride or9lencoe.)' laotit3d Angus, -- criterion `SHE CiHEAPEST YET years. aCciisitis his honorable friends of 5,850 eniigrauts embarked at B:ptish Alexander' Rosa, 4,Fairlax. Iersey,- r, � ,�E , making, worst appear the bet. ports far Canada: ascompared Svrthl,6(G ]�;,b9.cinlosh, V. S. `'Bruceheyd, i1 IG( weeks ter reason. He was especially severe oil for the fame period Inst year, r+ _ __�_ the maintenance cost of the Ag'ricultur- , D'S BPIDF00US, At her li,ta reaidenue, River Road, aIT]E TVCt1�i, the only Tire that aYe satisfaction last ear al College,, Guelph, which, with all in- Blanulzard, on TeKddaa, April lltb, , 1803, , Ordered Cloft ledrloed in Exeter y g R y 1 �C�,iYad"o �� � � creased outlay for aratus: and salai�- Dr. Hafilcine, of Berlin, eiaimeto have wife of 3ubn -Leslie, aged 5S years Best p rnaNURnorp co gY ea Y pP eonquerad cholera by inoculation. Mary, i Gentlemen 1, leave your orders early,for . � n n t ies, lead nevertheless decreased inat-and 6 utotiths. ���' GO��� �fC �„°`� Co. and results" The policy, of The our are dying by hundreds in the , trattord with the beat staff of Tatture . 4lze bass y s trs. tend ince a esu s 1? y - p f The raiwagere of the hanks i S in increasing European lift Of -tli0 goV6rnnleait O , a of 20 per stack Df P infl TrtmwitTga, aTad the be no YONGS STAFZI. Brant,�'ord, Ont. Q �'� £Or et lt.. the Education Departmentg P p, have deeid�d to;esxawt tt d count P y the expenditure.far higher education for Perin, Tiussia, owing t0_ the famine. Cutting in Towi¢,yaa era enrn of eattaia4 tottoarc the facame in for i eredeezat on all Ainerianu kzlver that passes tiro PERSXri6 & MARTiiv, scathing.- AULETAIt" i 11TATTE RS. cvmr their counters on and after May gut: DQZJI'2+1 tSz L s., J,: Davis of Xorth York to- The Band of the 30th Sattalicn is vu 1 . • ", ` •ritLr Fanaon's Blopk. plied to 'Ur. CJ p,ncy, aiid Mr..Whitney be located in Guelph. Hitia,d's Liniment, Lumberman's Friend. lrS1it