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The Exeter Times, 1893-3-30, Page 7
s• ' '.. _ au" '�' t k"' F,AI "F7007 yW PR 1, T NZ 3T3T1A1vCP; 33revi6iea. Woddtng Pella. -- - Winter dies bard. On 'Tuesday, the 14th inst., any person e fl RNEST I�LfJOT AGENT F0I4 The moat-cflice will be closed at inter passing INAX Farm, rile residence of Dir, -1 THE vials on C"' ad Friday., Tito 4Andrew, .about 4 o'ctoelzp.; M. would 1 aNY, of Toronto, also for the FIF.MN1 ; notice quite a flutter of escitemen4, the I*'-Mim Moue taNOE ComrA'PY, 01 London; Reducedfares for the :Gaeter'holidayaare :F,oglattd, ALLIANCE I SV11A.NcR Cag_ announced on the. G. T. It. 000asion being, the marriage of Mr. Henry x �. PA,NY ofklagland., Audrew, formerly of. Eliniville, Ont,, but -- .- _ See the now and elegant dtesa. goods at now of Chumah, to Niss Matgaret il'ard, JLJLTi`, I INF11viAN, L.D.S; D,D.S �itei3ig13aakrilptstore, late of Deernesa, Orlsr,ey, The bridegrcow . ;Graduate ofRoyal College of Dental Bruce county has ,fourteen nomspa era was saliportea through the ordeal by his V trdaono. and of the Dental Departmout of and Huron county fifteen, p brother. Samuel, Redrew, and the bride torouto Uuivenity, (with honors.) BDooialtrstin brid¢e-work,and gold and pgr- The hotel keepers are rnakiugitpplication was aesisted by Miss Gertle' Clarr dse, aeloin crowns, . forliceuce for the current year, The Rev, W. 13, CIYCKWiq, Methodist mYn- BuraNftrousOxide Gas and leant aneaethet• ister of ociatiug. Alter the ceremony was bas for painlessextraotious. Alwavoat hemp. It was a grew display of Millinery- performed the comraq to the. number of • Qs7oe : Faneon'e Block, Exeter. the opening.at the l,ig l3aukru t `$ore. P y' this space ,a.a e2L a week, � .�.. ...�. _. P-� oyer Chitty sat; low* to supper,. to which Special services: will be held in the all did ample jusike.. After supper the —To James St,'cburoh, on Good Friday morning evening was spent in social .chat interoper at 10.30. sed by singing: and instrumental mnsie. ' Mr. lir, Blesolt of ltlxoter s., -tit the Towards midnight the bridal party Jell for _ Fulton stallion •'li,riven' to Alaultobts, their home, on Sea, 4, Tp, 14, lig. 24, with Tuesday. rho best wiebes of their numerous friends: s. ��- Thesale of the balance of Digory--13401fots Hustler. AND Braund's chattels on Pridaylast amounted to some 3500, Slaughter Sade. 1 Bought, stock of 51cTav isle c& Co. at 65 4 ' Do the druggists wish to ntake a corner els, on the dollar,cousisting of over $9,000 - in graveyards that the try to loons olizo + $ Y Y P worth of Dry (ioods,,Clotlriug,. Millinery, -- all the killing ? [late & Oaps,13oots & Shoes, Crockery and If it takes her Majesty% mail five days xrocer}es, the whole of which will be Y- to travel five milks, how many eggs will n thrown r:tt the Nlarkot -at less than cost a r, hen lay before Easter, price. Big Bargains in every department. We hai.dle School t3ullplies, Mr. Lewis Davin, purchased the cottage neon si,.day 3rd day of April., Cama Stationery, Wrappings, Twltles, north of the bridge frnm the 13ranad an 1lionctay fF you cRn and ge &rstahaice. THIS SPACE � �� a r Estate, paying therefor a ga+,d sunt. G, G. Jou\ata r, ,'�' nt . * c Bag_, Steell ares, Fane Goods, tticTav`ish Co's old stand, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, and The British hotel, St. Marys, was deo- _ Belongs t0 111H , troyed byfire on Monday. It was owned Daubers of liRatitlr 7lraarliinS , s , � SMALL. ,L.INL til by Was rove and insured far 32,500. Many children get Into the habit of i i4lU8104L GOODS. The boya are spiuxoiug tops once mare, breathing through the mouth instead of .�+`1♦ � r' w . the girls are skipping rope, and gentle through ;he no". From the condition, of Palm � roceiSPHING ■ w tox,>ai _a x yry a xy spring ilea come again, and came 6o a �rnouth•breather; it is but a short atop + J 9 stay, to one or two results -mora often bntli-11 c 1,$S�i,xl BGS:,, ^ - r The various Millinery opening are in deafness and tbat Peculiarly stupid, sleepy progress today. The ladies of the villago insane, foolish expreasion of countenance should call and inspect the grand dis•• so characteristic of the 'tnouth-breather'in , T, BISSET`I, Proprietress, kiiiilliiiifiliiNfltlfMllf:BliNtlMl9tlitti$tg11)liMNily'lt;i plays.general. To parents who;have the welfare Mr. Ed. IIIesett has sold his house on a# their cbildron at heart such a warning ....,, ...,. A-F134rtlEtdLlt full llf} 1T1 all GxAClBlt and Sty los. Its u O. .Albert 8t, to Mr. Wm. Cullingwood, of ae this should be of sacred importance. Stephen for a good ifatn. JTr. C, will As soon as the child fives evidence of Spring Fairs. Stoop for finding ,just What you vwalab. i.. a tendency to breath constantly through move, to town. West Williams, at Parkbill Apri26, the mouth, est as soon should intelligent l MilliThe Belgr..va hotel. has changed hands medical investigation be made of the nae- Thorndale. , , . April i2 y•y� .t� Mr. R Li-fingstoae has purchased the trla, preferably by a competent and. 13idduloli, at Gran ton•.,,.. ,,.,,April l3 e can. �.3 setNel y business from Mr. Robt Gallagher,,, and 8kllful specialist, Such proper attention South Huron, Brucefield...... ... April 14, � i will {Aire chargo in Dia,'. at the right time would save much tufl'er- Stephen & Usboruo, Exeter, Spill, 11, :�Q£�i, J;. 89� i>'ES Good s . The time is drawing near when the nag in future life. Granton, Thursday,.....,,,.., April ri123. i citizens will have to commence their - Kirkton, Friday .......... ..... Aptit 14, spring cleaning and have everything in SlaughterSali, St. hiarya, Tuesday,,,.. _April 18° Our rices. Quality .pales high in all we o5ar this Sala- _ New Capes. ship shape for the coming summer. licuGht Steak of ltlaTavaisli &Co. at 65� CMraditon., W ednesdtxn .........$prix 12.�, - ' l tliil]�S " 11BTd ( ll -' A ewe belonging to John Hunter,, Jr. eta.on the doilar,coaaistingofover $0,000 Mitchell, Thuxadali.,.,,,..,,.Aprtl fi, S011t Ilollt �11d r1�,llteolls prices AA S � a,� , ----- of Genome this week dropped a iamb which worth .of Dry (Goods, Clothing. Millinery, �" "" were sounder, surer bargains offered 131 r i had eight legs. It lived, but a short time, Hata, & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Crockery & Sale :Register. and can be seen at l)r, Tennanta' office, Groceries, the zvliale of which will be E-aQ 011QiriE' rrho Big Bankrupt Store thrown on the market at less, than. cast Tuesday April, 4 -Cattle and llogd, the t GROCERIES, An order has been issued by the fast property of Mr. John NViilis, lot 35, eon. 2 it the Correct 4-poti for all that Office T'evartinent that registered letters 'price Big Bargains in every department, ata not to be dolivored to o hors thou the, 0 ion Monday, 3rd day of .April, Comeau Usborne. Sale atone o'clock. H.:Bilbor, r�'Or� is new, party addrassed,without written author M�andayifyon can and ,getfirstchoice. Auctioneer. �'����'i BOOTS �„ `" SHOES) G. G. JoiiNsxo:,-. ATS, Oi f l: t % �' ' i t z z s T its lilaTavish & Co'a old stand Sia and a•half Milos has been made by r" Did you see thedisplay 011 The OlintanNews Record accuses the , Wedaesaay. We are told Editor of the Bra of talting second handed poraoui►ta . �' a Beirria sae boat this season. the iita£iSli that lJll e * d:.sa of Iiillr whish the 1;dttoxoFthe a Solomon Quick, a well to do farmer of Examination Aill silt1"k'F' foliar our :stock is espe Ball " ; S firer Bell (soa:rich Star had taken the week be- Th Ras, stir, Russell has been a,p' Dleraea, was kicked an rho ]read l?riday, by strong ill-7%riet and thoroughly hl 1811able, in st le. pointed a member of the Advisory a horse and lntally injured. a 58611 ill Z,3wt'Irl". fora auaailon Religious r - According to the last published reports g' g essees in eon- The stria:. quarantiue,regulalions by the You make a ITlistake ifou the following was the relative stroneth of neation with the Worlds Columbian., Unfted. Slates oausos an 1poressod immig- i o this we add the strong inftoeillent of low Prices. ''„� y three of the temperance organizations of Exposition, at Chiortgo.•--Mr. James rant travel,via Canada fr` ay any Milline) Y Ulatil you Ontario;- Royal Tem lars 15,379 ;Sons Cousins of London was in town on Mon• _. � t�t'1 uF Temperance, l0,tll4p ' da no otiatin with ilio council for the .: .. Y - , ” Highest prices paid for Produce. Il,v9 Set311 NVllat t116 dig p y g g xlswrrta or Cilaralax, f' tale of a wind mill to the corporation,-- r unkru is Store can, do for The wise man' will hang to hid overcoat The healthy body throws off tliogerms of lours truly, �►' p until he sees the warm stdo of the Queen's Richard, shit of Mr. John Welsh of the cholera therefore wisdom: consols the use <# V oU• Birthday. Ono warm day does :not make 2nd concession, Usborno, returned home of Burdoek Blood Bittern this opting to summer, sithough one cold one asn maks #rein Dakota on lllondag.--Tho St, purify the blood, rc,gulakt the system, and :x See the new litre of Ladies a goat! many cases of pneumonia; Marys mail carrier loaf the !nail. ba y y g CARLING BIOS„ Ja fortify the bad against cholera at other a Capes. �r from his Muggy on Wednesday morning., epidomte,r. Something entirely Judie Kingi+milt has tondered his resig- but recovered it before.going for. `.Cite "_., _,....,_ .• • • - _. _ ®�. _ _ _, � .� natiou as the aensorJudge of Bruce county it16S1r. 001118 and 866. occurrence delayed him serosal hours,. . Jud a Barret being promoted to that pos- � ition and his, A. B. rileim, Q. o, of Walk to; (leafo epsrt n h Parkhill, was . lu m Puzzlem" rorton, has been appointed junior JuOgo of town the#orepartof the w0ek.: Mr. R. J. A. STE tWART• the county. E1 Collins is attending the Elgin Assizes in St. Thomas this weelr -_ 1Ir, 0. Shun, Six hundred women Are expected in dere, traveller for Greene & Co., Lon. London on Aptil 1701 and 18th - hon the don was in town on Monde annual convention of the Women's Foreign : y, for the 1 Missiansry Sooieticv of the Presbyterian tint :time since his accident, recorded in' tin Im Church in Outai£o twill be hold in St. these 00111111013 In A arevioud irssue.--hTr. �- .Andrew's Church. Chas. Snell, of Snell Bros.,porl packers, LAMIN started out on Monday on his rounds �-w�^� Notice to Times Readers, The lou3 caw of the crow is heard once for the sa+tdon.- -Dr. Y. Cowan of St. ►e7 V _LV ,. intro• Those heralds of the spring have She pubtfehert would esteem it a favor if Thomas was in town on Thursday last aume�tn large numbers much earlier this Y leaden would,when making their purchases; inconsultation with an Exeterphysician. year than .usual. Sleanwhile we may Mention that they taw the merchant's t;dver• --Mr, T. 13. Carlin intends s 1 f scat assured that potatoes will be planted g pending - _ 7C)kllb Tirt liQnS01lIZS; ii.1LY has Two t ompareiorts. Can you firm tinvient in Tun :Tiaras. before the Queen's birthday. Easter in Brantford. -Mr. p tbem? If Ro, mark faces and sand to ma as directed below. The ZAD ES' � Jots' CO a C09ii':t.1�i011} is a high-class, n page, illustrated Magazine, devoted to Litera- ; laird and Mr. Simon Hunter left this ?; After the first of July nein any person tura, home Life, Fashion, ata most arll5iie in appearance and patronized by the e station on Tuesday last with a carload Lest class of readders. A perfectly fair and legitimate premium s stem is adapted by found with firearms or weapons on Iiia ? ata ishars Eeic nt ai tray, inyorder to quickly 1$co t and its stators adq tid b s erean and not Navin a certificate forma of stock and farm. implements for Bran-i1�.I�1GY`37g p g o sad ofd a eriodicalsinpoorlCiiURSTIAF, Mi1tCS 80th, 1398, Justice o£ the Peace permitting him to son, Man.-Sertieed are being held inpgi.i,tgear leantaarrythetn,willbaliabletoimprisonnient theTrivittMoinoralchurahoyory eve, t faithniii't9ktheveryauseriber,.bothasregsrdsthwithout the option of a fine. this week, except Saturday,-- 0 a re rhotTing an ele- See Hama oribcr to receive the grand riuna now exhibited at our owes, in lfatdieW Companion for bfarch, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Mr. J. R. Torn District organiser of Mr. Ed, Bissett has accepted x posit- gant range of Millinery, illi•- XV Wepublish Zaftes' Ported d direct Companion'Lst-oa eryear; Zoidies at Nome, -- Royal Templars. of Temperance, assisted, ion as trdveiler fora hardware firm in from Euro .tiocents per year; Our stays and Gfris, Y5 cents per. our address' 100 'sing St., Sweat, and do not confound our ppuLcar .licstions Note Europe. dinpndeut Green. Goods Qrooks, by lir:E J. T. Wescott succeeded in organ- Loxidoit, and has started on. the road.-- p with any others of somewhat similar names. Theaudacious green gnods crooks of izing a1i. I. of T. Lodge at, Plimvillo Mr. ;Yin- Bowden is in Goderich an Be sine and inspect OUT ...-�.. New York have recently sent some of our fast ovening.-The hotel there was re- business. --Mr. Thos. Trivia is still very Shook. PREMIUM LIST, best citizens invitations to accept an opened on the same day: ill. -Mr. Win. Drew is on the streets ! „ for their goods. Some have The Ontario Government has issued in- again Ta the asst person solving pnzzlewe w111 award as eteant 1Ra3ewoad :Piano, . agency gain after his serious illness. --Miss valued at wall; he nest will receive a ClolO p4 .te"_- the third, a i3 a' -r rc4a Nan sod the documents to us, as samples. struetiond to muniafpalclerks throughout 13onthrown of RogerwilJe is Elia user of g'R#tern •the %urtli, a 8 i9s Muria ilex; the E th, a t3flc©]r C'9atck, the g Oyeuiug day,TO day sloth, a13ti tEYtiiax LAxr- thosoventh, aGoab Bnoocn the e9 htb a SirvxR 2 of the mode of procedure followed by the the province to prosecute all persons who Mrs. Collins o'Crycx Tian s> rx; to t5ienect ten Yvil1 lie kfven each a lieu itifnt tlo>;n 8aoocx ; swindlers. As an illustration of how fail or neglect to comply with the law of To tba middle sender wul bo awarded a Cubiaaot ®> gxn ;and to the ton foHewing those who tai[d the -bait .are served we registration of Births, Marriages, said Slaughter sale o each a CaAsart i'osxttAix of sender ar any friend. The sender of latter bearrna a latest postmark previous to Sunsi5thnest,7vi11receiveaQ cid *atoll, Thesanderr. quote,the following from the Brampton Deaths. The penalty for each offence id Bouight Stock of MaTavish & Co, at 65J Clothing , noxi to last tFii�receive a tSIIlrer 4Patclt;tan preceding, each a beautiflll'Gold fathe rand s, - eau le of eta on,the doilar,consinting of over $9,000 >s3ao ON : p gentlemen- $s0. rather and son -well known is `the south- . CONDITIONS -Each contestant mast markfsices in puzzle in Joie or veno} In cities, towns and £aeerporated villages worth of Dry Goods. Millinery, Sats & cut advertisement out and forward to us 'vdib ri'liarty Cents ,for 3 months orn art of the aonnt have been swind• 011r BtOCIi 4f 1�sad lila CQ �nbscription to the Ladies' Campanian. Address, p Ya when the sohooIs close on Thursday next, Gape,, Boats and Shoes, Crockery & � � a, led out of.$ii00 on a green goods' trans- they will not be reopened until April 10th Groceries,.. the whole of which will be Olothing,was never so tom a t' 1}" LADIES' COMPANION PUB. CO., 166 gjD Vit, FSti TOTOiltO 0211 action. :The proposition was that $7,500 the statutes of the law providing for hole- thrown on the market at less than cost g ' ' ' would be given for 6500 and an. additional days during the Reek following Easter price. Big Bargains in every deparimout, plebe as at present. We arel A� 'fir :��"3�'��•3��ri ��:"s/de�` �� $1,000 for traveling expenees. .Anxious to sunday. in rutalzeativns there arehut Open Monday, Ord da of Aril. Come ----" make mane the twain started for a small P Y Y P £ill0'W111� a 1111I11b6r Of f�lff@2-- Y two holidays. Good Friday and Easter on Monday if you can and get first choice ' BIRTHS. terve in York state to moat their bene£ant• silt St les for boys and 171611 ' Monday. G. !3,Joslreirox: y y Pair Mejefing TOS wifeo At Rodgers}lie, on let lust;, Ore. After examining the goods they ex 11%Tsivish & Co's eld stand. the wifeoiJamea1ohnsten, ofacan= The Rev. D. M Buchanan recently of 111 1118 xl6wellt ti}OgllEi. reseed theinaelyay as perfectly satisfied. ' DEKNISON In Usborne, on 19th inst., the Georgetown, and son -fn law of blr. Chas. J`he amount was then, ad the purehas era wife of Robert Dennison, of a eon. believed, placed in a small. satchel, and Perkins of this town, twee made tits recfp- Cr.trox Yon2aaiira-Mise bi. Q. White Men's Suits $+5; Boys' I,to up s Ge]1t1"a,l1a. STEWAR'I In Usborne, on the2lat inst. the 1Z ient of a valuable old watch and Mrs. is now prepared to do portraits in crayon, zYards ,' and in Ordered Olothing wife of Tobn Stewart, of a eon: that if it Buchanan of a beautiful srly8r fruit bask- life site. Orders to be left at rasidenae. --- _--,.-.--- was oafter f eredlbefore8arr'ivin information in'Canada all et before leay. in their congregation in we make up a Fine Black Worst- MARWRV p g hands Zvouid be arrested. $500 in cad g The stock of A. J. McTavish & Co, was Canadian m g Georgetown, for Cornwall -on -Hudson, ae gold at Landon, on lrIonday, the purchaser 'ed suit, with bound edge for S15. A public meeting. will be held in A30REW-WARD-0nMarohl0b.. by Rev a n oney was paid over, the ahsrp- companied b a touching address. era escaped and the deluded air started y. being G..G. rXobnston of Palmerston, at Smith's Hall, Centralia, oil W, B. Chegwin, attberesidonce ef>4ir.Tilns P Another new lot of Elite Andrew, who formerly resided at ElimvilIa #or home.. E&fcer leaving the C. P. R. The High School entrance examinations 65; cents on the dollar. It will be sold in _ Mr, The%. Androw to !tris a Margaret Yard station the side. of a silent hilt was selected ,in Ontario will this year commence on June Exeter• Tweeds axed' Worsteds just Thursday 1 "11 p-• AN * [,1 �� doth of H• inlets: a� us a safe place to divide the :boot .• 'when 28th. Examinations for primary and Undoubtedlythe finest and choicest Tier y `� RAWKLNS ..RoS1�Tso;f-At Kespelar: Ont, Y' enter Jessie sabers'certificatesand#or arrived, ni n.the interests onXonday.Afaroh18tbAir. Wm.;Hawkins . X Y shoror of T1Sillinary that: we, have ever seen Af 4 C1oCit, p of St• Mar, a to Mies Colitis liobineon of to their consternation the found that in- g to y stead of $6,500 the, satchel contained a University Pass Matriculation, will begin. ,Rea theb sole Jia la at the iii Bank= of lite Fanners- Of this Section. ' t ,piece of brick and s. quantity, of brown on July 4th, while the senior leaving and P K display g liespater• 4 Y .. rapt Store: Mira Robertson is an artist QIi3@ON-WATSON-nn the .16th i , honor matiilanlatien examinations will com Speeches will .be delivered b J. est., by paper. Wild vvit}i rage and diesappolnt- in every roenaa of the word, and dotarvea d P Y Rev T, ITough. at the residence of the pant they at once returned to the tele• mance on July the 13th, r aterJt raise for' Nan first display '%n Dress Goods • w.. wATSON, B. A. of. I.Ondon, bride's mother,l7th: son., McGillivray, Mr. Y the g e p p Y otd graph office where the discovered, for The following, services. will be held in Exeter. .- Seo f the Dairymen's Assn of Sas. qon. os, of Lobo, and Miffs TaneLe bome ` y $ ,•: � p P Watson,af Gibson, TheirFuturohauie , the first time that they affair was a the Trivitt MemotisI Church during week: n ertainmentwill be i en Tilil316 Il departMent Of will be inUooseiww,'1q W. T. swindle," ' > On Good 1•rida Divine service at 11 a.m. A soeldl and e t given Western Ontario and others. _ , 7, on (food Friday evening in Jsmeaat.; w}1xG11 We are just proud. 7• p. m. �n (hutch hall. -=Faster urch under the control Of Y6un stirg>indprofitable matters I)IEiI, _ and. 30, , ah , -_ , td �. y p Inters _ ,. Tile village assessor is on his rounds ,_ Sunday; Diyina service at 11 a. M. and T > worth . Lea ue of On our shelves will be found will be Cllseli5sed and everybody. in• OAvE-1u Usborne, on the 26th inat. 3`ohn People's Society, the R . lies our do in the cellar. p m•: -Choral Litemry, 3 p: m. ;- Hole Christian Endeavor. Doors open at 6,30. itdd, abve, aced 82 years, p y g Communion S a. m. 11 . tn. and 7 a, 91 Christ • • r p all the COlre3t makes, eon- z' MITCHELL. -In Fullerton on Thursday, Mr. John Snell, ut • : m. Admiaston lv cents for all, s el , sr., hada gory dun- The annual Easley Dear maotin will be p � °hi - G. W. Smith, J, Farsons, ' March 15th 18iJ3SohnMitoheli, aced ss scare. eaeful wood boa on Moeda last. V. Y h W. H. PAxsoris, Eler GILL, 6115fr1111,r..Of Belly&11i16s p Monday hold on Monday: next in church hall ►t y Marta er. 1. Preside't1't, $RAD)h Tn. Parkhill, h r Edt, Tuesday rnarriinrs President Secretary; Beiges, g March 21st;?883, Jonah Br dt, seed 6t geese g cords, Shat effects, -Dont forget to attend ..the .Easter: 7..30 p. m. Every member rho: one re� of the firm `of t •--, and 8 menthe, Cone in Draw's Opera House ozr gationshould be eeaent: Mr, Tait of London, + McGOLRICR:-In St. .1far s, an Thur+da The '"o star a was higher than 4s Tait, who are sheet to open Reniiettas, Bstal:lleneg; Etc Look at the date on your label this y s Monday evening next. Y_ g Murrayy , mark• AParchl6tbOarr}eFiugeneoldestdaughtorof Th riv r on 5 d known for man. years, and the mill dam a foundry, in Exeter, arrived in town on: Etc You should ask to see week, and see that your name 15 hlr, `fhos. McGolrich, agod 17 yoaro. There will be a public meeting of the - : e a ' o belie moved Ali ht o lace the machinery which _ � ed bell in adpanca, ROSKIN-In-Mitebeli, or the 17th in at, Al- , had e. narrow escape, , g g Tuesday t p y 011r all -wool Uelalnes. W6 . farmers in the town' hall on Thursday ly, The road leadingto Dashwood in the had also arrived in oairdon, in the old � P _ _ ]aorta aColissa infant child ot:l{;'r. lFm, ilea - for the pus ose of . oonsiderin the ee k mill was flooded Have thein from 25c upwards- r is ciiscon2inuad until all 4 1 yeaY,'6 months and it days• p g vioimty, of t3tunla e a Verity flow Works Building, recently tt9t. No gape n tablishment of a creams in Exeter, on .olth two fast of Watdr cud. traffic for the, kin,�'ed ry urchaaed by therm. ;These gentlemen arrears are frctip paid, except at the option Don't forgot to attend the rand concert elle principle, in vogue in the : United. day. was susppended. ''' Several bridges in p worlrin energetic follows o ,the publisher. , g grand Mated.: Mr.. ne' borintownships were carried are both hard g, . K 9lQ��+ f in Drew d Upera FIouse,+rhich will be given McManus, of ,Chtosgo, the igh_„ g P and wrth the large local patronage •t R Pickard & Son • -' by the Exeter Royal Templars of ,Tem - will address the :meeting and 'gire de- away while otnera were disabled. The • = d will doubtless make a r The date when the nubseripiion ezplrea arenoe on Moeda avenin` ri1 3rd <: warm weather of Friday and So their command, p Y A, , P tails of the s home) wblah 1d considered , - 1r Y their undertaking. They is on the address label of each paper, the next. Adminion 15 canto, 2 tickets 25 . success of e g y DIRECT IMPORTDRS ii'goad bne,'and whish Will net the far caused the snow on the bush Janda to melt a in o ition change of which to a subsequent date be- Dents. Doots open 7.30, Everybody rapidly thus producing a rapid rise of water P �1` P comes a receipt remittance. Subs leer some $60 per. caw each season. � , oz act to have the machin s P Y in the rivard• and running at i:n early date- P come and spend a pleasant •teuiug. -- - will please a=amise their label before sad Minartl's Liialmn/ antes Garet in sows after snaking ai •aaiittance. fx�