HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-3-30, Page 5+4'. 'S, {,,w ,1 J!` in ''4 �y ' . • , ' K 1 '�., n . o • ® MdRSBT REPDA", ORANGEMEN FOREGATHER., ♦'I 11 ! s!P ZE 'Ri_ V a* -, Esdtdr.MQra68 18a 6 Meeting • of fere Graxtd Lodge o of Uritario, 8prnswhoa�? orb h,.,..••• 3 t10 1 �~ I 0 p,p 6S (''f (� �"�' $ 84 4� 1. bYaat at Urnnrdyillo. Y Barieyptr bush... " S6: ' OiIANo>tiviLLE, Murch 15.,—The he annual A 6 Oata per. tach., Sp 39 2 -.. moetin , of the Grand BIack Cha ter of *,-. , Peas per b.eh .., 00 5280 ° BUILD ?>.. b p = `� 4 j i Flour parbbl. ,.,, .•. 4 00 4 i Ontario Wost, Black Knights of 'Ireland, + }f ill, ♦♦ Apples per bag'.., t 75 85" i p0' I 4. took place here yesterday, The, report of rf`t`� f O 1'otetoesvexbaa: 0 7 00 11 . ' , �. * Say perton.,...... .,1600' j''' the Grazed Nosier, William Leo; of lox g�,/!r,' r p ,.. Waodper cord bard ..., S 00 S SO r >, onto, was presented, and referred to a com- . tI p Vtoodnerooid soft s 00 a 0g if sO, i SYlII pay tlLl Q call imttee, The election of officers resulted . . O Batter perib..;,. • a -'F TLggeperdown,-.». 13 ?S and see us about otur' hardware, ,.� .,,, r as follows :--Grand Master, William L. "'` ,, ° ® Fork perbundred.... •... ... 000 8 la Y , ampton; Master, _ (�1 k.ilal ." J 0 _ TOQITI &IlrOtl0illfl, rf Bell, Toronto ; Deputy __ Henn Burnett Bram tont; Assistant De- ♦ I a , r 1 w a puty Grand 31Aster, James Dunlop, St. 4 Catharines; Grand Cllaplaill, Rev. iVm Waist, Brampton; Deputy Grand Chap• loins, Bevs, R. S,. Cooper, Invermay ; E. W. Hughes, Wingham, Alex, Sansou ; Grand Registrar, S. R, Hammond, Hamil- JA a Mr. Goo. IP. Ticrner ton; Deputy Grand Registrar, W. M. Lock- 4 hart, Everett; Grand Treasurer, Edward 4 4 Simply Awful Medcalf, Toronto; Deputy Grand Tress44 - r liver, William, UcLellaud, Owen Sound; f Grand Lecturer, J. S Scott, Kincaxdilre; ' * 1�{/C3Yt 1Z'.c'I$:e of Scrofula gtQ. Deputy Grand Lecturer, James Felton, , 4 T "I ionto; Grand Censors, John Farley, Doctors Ever w Toronto, W. E. Morrison, Sarnia; Grand 1 Hi Saw Bearers, John McCaffrey, Tor- -A abatty+Let01V Unica by J OOD'S onto, T. 17. Robinson, Streetsvilie; Grand j r SARSAPARILLA.. Purseivant, -James, Brodie, Vandelnre ; 4 ,: When I was 4 or 5 years old bad a scrof- Grand Coamm�itteei -John Law, Martin Gill, r ulous sore on the middle finger of my left band, Toxone°; H, is4. Tattles, Landon; Robert At 1111011 of s° batt that tilt doctors cnt the 80,11, , �I�axri6a21, IZgliert ligated, Owen I finger o�r, and latter took off mora terser halt idly aotnncl; Jame Elliott, Maxkdale ; and Jas k hand. Then the Sora broke out on my, arm, MoNeo, Orave)lhlirst, Sir Knight W. G. , came out oil my neck and face oil both sides, Parkbill, Grand'Master Of British America, " 4 nearly destroying the sight of and aye, also on my right arm. Doctors said It was the dish, cl the newly elected officers. " Worst Case of Scrofula Ald, Nicholson, of Hamilton, Grand Master, in his annual address, referred to .t tiley oversaw, It was sfullp y ria fate l J f ,'o the unpt ralleled prosperity of the Order 1 o d' Sarsaparilla, arilla, t take I o sS n I Ua a 1 to t•n I p Cal:4 ago C re- g i an A 5 B sines tli.a lest annual meeting, 1 p s Gradually I found that the sores were 'begin- dicted continued propress, Ile was con- ndn to lle il, I Icept oil till I llnd t l�lcen ten fldont the order would, be pleased at the A battles, ton dollarkt! Just thillic of what tt retilin I trot for, that itivestniQlItl A tltau4 4�kpalnt?1tCntafN.Cltii] Clarke Wallace Cid i�+glnl3' It Maud per l raft? yes, many thole,allot, liar troller of Customs, vold predicted that he tllo least l years I lava llatl lea sor(,s. I -weld discharge the duties of his OMOe I Work -all the Time. ,ith credit to himself and his country.: A Before, I could do do zvoric. I know not The observation 'oras applauded. The G. -vbat to arty strong enough to express MY grat, INI, expressed the hope that the Home Rule nude to II0011's Sarsa drilla for my perfect inaasura now i1 t`axo elle British House of 4 cure." Or*.amwE -NV. ',t�unNnit, Farmer, Gal Commons would be defeated, a sentiment way. S rato„a aozmty, N. X._ that was vociferously cheered, .A.dvertm { " " two not -weaken, n 1-ielgs2'S Plt.l.s to the annexation movement, he assure V algcationand tone the atoin-eh. Try thctu, 25c, the brethren to loyal cheers when he said w �_. _ _ ,+?.�.,�,,.„,.. he was glad to see that the traitorous sug- K THE VERY LA` RST NEWS, ihe, p n had been indignantly spurned by __ the coolies of Canada. anti that thosewho inaracior, Ilulxt, of the Nartity est liount have been so lost to every sense of honor i ad foliar, diad at Duck Lake. and patriotism have been the subjects of contumely and reproach of every loyal man , A Mr, Hugh Ardor, W111501), Q 0- of Brant- in Canaria. ford, baa been appointed deputy judge of liispeatoa• 1311glies is regarded as the 1 Brant tounty, corning brand .taster; but present caloula- ' 4 At :lea Barrie ,A,saizes, Dr. Calllglinn, tion may go astray, 417 Thornton village, vias assessed 03,000 far Grand Secretary Birmingham, in his It enticing the wife of a neighbor named report', stated that the not itlereaseinMOM- Hicks,leers last year was 2,V4, Fifteen. new .A That cure of Goo. 1V. Turner of Galway lodges were organized. Ido advises the N.Y,, of Satofula, by Mood's Sarsaparilla, nppanitlnent of a cod , ittee to tako united T WAS one of the moat remarliabla ou rea. aetiou toward directing the tide of emi- y lOrd. gration to the Canadian lt'orth-Vest in - q, B. Wilkin.fan, Owen Sound has fallen stead of to tho United Statex, Owing to a hair to $L.OQ0,000 thran h the danth of nn Ilia Appointment in connection with the , nigra is E000,00> 4 farther soul goes to Orange Mutual Benefit Society, Mr. Bir- ' his brother in Toronto. niin>;llam is resigning, and the fight for lids successor is between James Thompson, of . A PuNrt.kim VRrTFUL BABY. Parkdslo, Past, County Master of Perth; " This is not quite necessary. Like Fdwnrd bloody and William Lee. Thomp- A many others, Iola may' your baby fat, son is the favorite. A lnugbing and happy, It you RIyO it S00tV$ The Grand Treasurer, C. F. Clarke, TO - i t Einulsion. Babies tako it like cream. parted a credit balance of $1,111. The 3 w The opening of the beautiful new Pros- gross receipts for the year were $2,160; bytariau Churoh.at Prescott, to replace the balance from last year, ,SS19. x onedestroyed by lire alittle Over a year ago A resolution eougr=atulating Mr. N. C. a- a , took place on Sunday. `.Cha Rev. Urinal- Wallace upon his accession to the dignity a pal Caven, of 'Toronto, preached morning of Comptroller of Customs was passed. ' and evening. ler. Oranhytolcha moved tho resolution. :x ,,For a long time I suffored with stomach AV, L. Bell stood up on behalf of the Equal ander Ltirer troubles, and could find no re• Rights wing. 'There was a hard fight, but a ilof until I began to use Ayer's Pills. I the Wallace element had votes enough, and 14t Used them regularly far aiow months, and the Grand Lodge congratulated the Comp - 4 my health was completely restored.".-D.W. „ The chief speaker upon behalf of Balue, New Berno, N. C. Mr. Wallace was Rev. lkfr„ 'Walsh, of I- a Brampton, grand chaplain, who said that Wallace 9teovoa, a wall to do farmer, in the interests of Protestantism it was ne- ? tt resident at ClovardaIa, N. B. 1ns found dead under a tract in the woods Saturday cessary for Mr. Wallace to have a portfolio t in order to watch the Roman Catholic who rosining. Itis dupppsed l,a had aiimbed ,, It the tree and fallen off one of the limbs, his was Premier, and the Roman Catholio who Ibead being crushed in. was leader of the Opposition. To aura Kidney Complaint, you must lanta Damages for Serious ripjuries. ` 4 P creat the Liver Membrays Kidney and 1D,1trlLTON`, Marsh 15. Wm, Berryman 41o Lifer Cure acts direct on theKidnaya, Coin- threatens to bring action against the city bitted with a treatment for the Liver.. '.try and the street railway company to recover it, one bottle will convince you. damages for injuries received by his little s. The Oxford Court House Committee has daughter Eugenia in October last, owing 1, attled with Mr Brown for bis extras. The' to the alleged negligence of the city and countastenderedfor 316,400 was re du ea the street railway company. The claim of by $5,000, or about $1,500 Toduol ion on the Mr. Berryman is that the injury has do- $„ amount allowed by the arobiteco. Mr. stroyed his child's mental faculties abso- Brawn agreed to accept this. lutely, The street railway company had a w„•Preparations are being made to distrib- quantity of ties lying along James street; uta about 200 pairs of quail in Wost oxford these ties were on Sunday, October 2, car. 11 ( tbis spring. They will be placed on farms ried a fe-v yards away onto Strachan (" where farmers are agreeable and willing to street, where some boys built a crib which 4 have notices to treapaoser9 conspicuously -vas allowed to remain there until Monday i; posted for two years in order to give the evening, On Monday evening the child t birds a chance to increase. was beside the crib, and some boys were TBE rowan of NATURX. playing about on it. It fell over and in. 4, For every ill nature has a onto. In the jured the child, { healing virtues of the Norway Fina the Exhibits for the fair. cure for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, r btunohitis, hoarseness, eta. Dr. Wood's HAMILTON, March 15.— Mr. Nicholas t Norway Pine Syrup rspresenta the virtuea A-vrey, m.P.p., World's Fair Commis of•Norway Pine and other pectoral rowed• sioner for Ontario; has completed the pre as `Pylae 250, paration of exhibits for the great Chicago Thr old people of Petioles are rejoYaIng Exposition and will leave for the west to Ea.t�ik that the old daps of big oil gushers morrow night, where he will arrange fa aro naming again. A took oz so ago 11fr, the placing of exhibits and the accommo 1 1.11 are Stomas again. . well that pampa a good dation of the various officials sent out b; twonty barrels, and last Thursday Mr. 4V, the Ontario Government to take charge o I C. McKenzie struck a well at the wast end the exhibit. Yesterday two carloads o of the town that threw oil clear over the grain were shipped from here and t° -da; derrick, and- is now pumping 25 barrels a five carloads of minerals will be shipper , . , / day, from Toronto. .A. carload of fruit in jar Thera, is no roaean why children should will be shipped on Monday next, also th / be allowed to suffer from loathsome sarof, exhibits for the Natural History Depart nous sores and glandular swellings when meet. lj ouch a pleasant, effective and economical BrRy Ikeol,en the Fisheries question. medicine as Ayer'a Sarsaparilla may be LONI)O11, Alarch 15,—The Chronicle c ka proourod of the,neareet druggist. Be surer this morning says that the overthrow c you gat Ayers. Sir William V. Whiteway, the ' Premier c d surprising, than e oil of 5I r o the w as e '' The olia¢nipion oarsman £ • Newfoundland, w P g, g �:. William Otinsbury, of Australia, has re-• it ie de0ply-to be regretted. The paps ', solved ad ecceptanae of his ohallenge from supposes that the whole question will has r` Jako Grnndaur' o row for .the ahampionahig, to be gone, over again before the Angl, ,r and any of monoythat migbt be nam, Fronoh'artitration can prooaod: •, ' ad, and Stansbury is. pleased at the pros, > Ea'a Settle~ uei?t of'a Serious Ciiaxt;e. y peat, as kle has rang wanted to meet C1rgn• y daur. The datehns'not yet;been mottled BEJLrat*iLLXD, March 15.—Ge6rge'Lowel on bi\t:Stfptonstier -vile probably' be seloct brig yvas arre9ted on a eliarge of. •haw ,ad. sold a typewriting maC]iine entrusted, "� "" - him foi'.. Top'&' by _ George Riehardso risoner ryas brought t TIimnTS-rtlari'X Pol)NDs. Kingston. Clio p I � . Brantford Marah l8tb. The Couriaz of in trio I.�oiioe Coltrt yesterday. i'ho ca this week clovotea a column to the Baso :of eras amicably settled, the prisoner pay11 Arehle **nal ofIthis' city, who 'was <lia- Costs. charged some weeks allu from the hospital �. , i +. tl a. farniei , of the t `d incurable and:vrent to his mother's 11zr, Ht,�l, I 11 . h010 a house to did. "As Was so far gone that he concession Of *r tlr�lipall dead' could not urovo hand,' #oOt or head nor his sleigh ofd his way toi Chesley. Tt nwithoutnesistance suppnsecl he died of heart failure. could change . His wife hearing of so many eo :balled: in• b Kidney S4)V r.y Signs of the Naronie. ourable.needs'b61sig career by Aodds f id y `..pills after ever other known remady,had LcirnaN, M .rob, 15.—The' captain ' ,, F failed, purobseed a boa, Aftev taking 19 the steamer Teutonie reported at Queen boxes;' R nate' iA as wkly as ever, and has town. yeAerdity that he had taken a 16i gained in weight from 107 to 145. Found$, south's igv cotiree, but .had seen nothing this ea. se le startling, lint tray. , ; Cha 1V ireo11 11 ILnic. ' l3inarl's ',fniment for 1Lheumatieni. „11 .. , . +. , ,t: OR SALE, .A� Y F enty five aero,: of good'pasture land! im- mediately adjoining Exeter. t4'tt El LIOT lo EIrs, Rxe :.. -- �"OI.i. O '\JI moh8•lm Solicitors, laxoter, • . I I 12 I ..) # EST HELP I rog mirg. -L X -MI - - - I I 1. e `!, Q0 PAY 101310REIDIONYwIT4 4QUACKS, - � •~ A sngererfrom Errors ofYoutb,NervousDe- 11 I 4 bifity and Lost'Vigor. was restored to heaith in �' aucbnremarkablemnnner,Aftor all also bad Tht?11 Call a11C '38fa,11f3, abOu� i ., We hc1,Ve all �C1I1ds 0� ' Ali' ' y failed, that he will tend the means of euro if 0 FREE tolall follow $ufferera Address, with wire, Geld are Speoiai agents for the best makes. n � .. t Stmrrp. AIR. EDWARD MAIM.1(TEAciiax) `, fi ` _. -. 'Box 193. Detroit, A4foh. ^-�- ..,.. ,� - -._� .ac��yyuaxteo� all kinds of Hardware. ` S l �, r "1 `• /fc, ' ', ►�QOO.OQ int PRIZES GIVEN 1iYAY,aL3'�it,111 Mrs AfcGinty has lost berlrusbapd, and lie f - ,` - - .> 41. � Is to bo. found combined in the above picture. 4 The Proprietors of the LAIps' SuAll, n r�r A rZt �s r rte+,BARBER) °' 'r: Af0 crrlLmrtvrll give a first -alas Uyarilit �]� jl 6 r� 1 "� # 11i A. u Tho Pians of the very best make, valmol at 4V MAIL A i j q3 ! R A $a3 >0 to the arson. who ca„ first find0 � '>;"pER. : tr f l FANSOIQ S BLOCK, B� • Y n tl d nUovo datura. A xa„•a1d O LD aILIABL 3ftClntyl i p •---^-'-^ a Safety- T3iayele, valued at $ x 3 ii, G�•rr 1r,ALE11 TENDRRS, addressed to tbo Poet- As you peas by on the ilfaia atzaet r for the second correct answer. A coi plate 1.7 mss ar Genaral, will he received a► Ottawa t t dust far a montane s op< F , a we , tion at t, '. fA far ' uc 93. f ' n e �cl A til Stock 1C a 11 tit11'e i. s the A 5 f t t, e � inest oC, �. :i3 u iday. b s the f as to u 0n Fr t h' t mad a h I' tlittoon, l7 e hair ctw rakers rite H. ratans rat. + And have your at n 1n tlilyd cora t on a rncralal C,tl]Is� a to the the conc'ayaned of )Ior ltiajasty a •.'Nails, At Ilastins's Barbar shun, ct Gold atcli to tela fourth correct 6 contract for four Years, six times per ever eslribitetl in Bsetar, sled at i 0 proposed ® answer. A Coin. S7tl'Jz6],` 11Simtal iO between lxetaY and mut. 1tfaTYa �1'e are tfie liahtninx barberA,l PiCeS 6Q low that they dl'i1ty a CPQ\vd g Galc1 work each way, }} w , p Helier. A e ; • correct a td b t O Y the fifth`� from the eat July next.. �haconvayanae • 1Vd do our Work wish . of otistanrr;Ps ever' Cad.', g1�1e ce to the sixth. A fano NfGIfile made in a vehicle. Printed notices containing We always kora our'rntors t y 5' "Wratoli to the next three. We nilI gine further information as to conditions of propos- And ehoara la good repair• to the last correct answer a Golcl O ed oatttxaot may be ;seen and blank forms Parlor W, a.toh. To the second correct answer lendcrma boobtirinednttha Post Ctifrses of We have the verY finest BVIOs Of cltaize.L 11 Qto the last a Coin Silver kSle,tcli, * Exeter, BlimvilleMlincholsea,Kirkton, Wood - and keep our towels aloin. w and to the third, fourth and fifth from tele t Marys, We shamnnoo in the boss of syle Dining' rl #last,eacha:C.ife Size, Mezzo Irint, a� ham, Anderzon,Sadenae kliliand& , ttS Y And use the easy hair machine. I�Z Txit Q f1Lr J, , Q iiew process made by Uall 1.3ros,, a:15 to ti HI Cr. I1OPKIRif, • 30Spadin:rklve„ Toronto, in a finecombina• € + Pnet Office Inspoo tot, Some barbers work so slowly, Hall and '0' tion frame, 21xW. And to the sixth, Bevanti, � Post Office Inspeo.oz s Off too, l But this is our text: i mute eighth correct answer from the Wit' Stratford, 16th March, 1$03. - Sine We do not keep you walking. .^ O eseh a Solicl. Gold Cxla�ze I3ut- � Your turn is alws.ys "next." ' 1.111. tone with chain and charm attached. \ � .�Sitclien.�'tYi"912�ita� .e vEALEDTENDERSmarko4 "ForAlounted As for the ladles and children, C:C?Nr:DX,C10WS .•-Earn Cantestant f, 4� Polio*01 thing Supplies," and addressed We do their work tip-top. °� is to jut out Ilia above Rebus and makca 4 to the Bonorabia tbo President of th,. Privy We shingle their hair and tram their bangs i "" ^p*' THF.--- 11 11 - 0 cross with a lead ieneil or ink on MvGinty s Council, will be reeadved up to noon on Tues- At 1lastiax's Barber shop faro, and sante soma to us ~vitt tl•n day, 4k1(April, 1b9S. _.,_._ _._ _ _ --' j T n three -cent stamps, (or 90 cents in ailver) for G Printed forms of tender containing full info? -------__ tlrxao month"s subsrrlption to elle Laurr.s' nation as to rho artioicsand q zantitiea regnir-ROWIC- 4 HOMEar i curd aL' Tf t),o e, 8ho(u i- �0 aslsr d ad, may be had on i,pplication ,to the under tl Is `.1'he � ndertakilig Department tment iS stock �* 0 pip number this com efface -we shalt eiaaed. r will received unless made on ed with best and eat@st to be it)und ifl n Inn P C ]No tendo wl be, rec add other valva ale prefrli sins to those abavr < such printed forma. Patternsof articles may +� the country, ' maJiha et anequaliCbn fearinathis coined"i!- ( be seen at de must a accompanied by Fi URNITU�, DEt ,�, I,,, ER tton with our 1(ome patrons, as the dateof,, Each Candor moat be obeque for by an amount Repairing ltTrtl I<'Pttliling a Special j1Yr4' 6 ,oytmarla on letters will be given preec. C egptedo ton per bank the to for lc amount °3 nonce, so answer to -day. Perfect imiiarti- C equal to ten per dank of the total value of the ANA All ordersdo receive: d the t attentl4n alityia •uaruritecd in givens rc,vards. 11 a artiolea tettdexad far, which will ba forfeited and work clone neat afire cheap. Have gf,ven away thousands of ddliars in if tho party decline to enter into a contract 0, prizes i1, our ast competitions, and have Q when caned upon to do trao. or if bo fall t. a I ,i EM � p 1 � supply the daxtiolea contracted far. It the ,ytilousands of testimonials for oro• ptvna;,t- tender be not accepted the ciaegao will be ( ' 0,1pe> s and fair dealing. Don't rises as,vui' qr giiDFRLLOi'aaS BLOCK. other firms you may have been taken iu.3 roturnai• idth. 17r1w any of the successful nannea in No payntant will be made to nowpapars in- dour last competition given below. The t semina t e e advertisement without jauthority 0, bon riremntda 1 of the o ablciFstl lis tl r II)N,IiQi htvtn¢ been first obtained. WIIITI , I J�'Orders promptly attandod to.Money SA'V'ED byBuy. arty •' "'bat ley do and da lvipnt iha�. 0 Comptroller N. W, Ai, Polito. iug at gtXr 0, d , Ottawa, 14faroh skh,l8s3 All Accounts must be settled at once PLANING MILL -�-•--.-. -•.--.-.-.--,.,�-- .- a 'i'fi .iliorrfrnM is a lint of iprfsc- �& .. ........ .... _ ...'. A.nd LUMBER -1Z'-ARD �'tvi in.,,:s In our fast competition: i ll.. tAIr S 11. hturray, ,-,OJ Siii(aOo St. L'oitu,ta, e) t:heels; for C15DAo; D, 11. Biss0l, Oxford fit„ 0 GUILTYrise keep constantly on hand ltratstock of Diamondl:ar Rings; D. M. Sanson. Bank �j all kindaafbreildingmataraale. Dressadaruao adiiiaAve. anti Colts' e ', t., Intl! 11m, eases led and hemlock lumber also ttahoiea of Gommorca Sp d A 0 l 9 Toronto, ilusluess Eduaatloll ; Iion C. A,1'. o Q� dressed plod l iii lath. lumber, # i'alletior, Senator, Ottawa, Gold Watell; J. 0 �t r�t {fur stook c?tToora, dash, blinds, mouldings, J. Thompson, btereliantTuilor, Sartiia, Gold,o Milling ling Co , ice. is complete and thorouwI kilo dried. \} ateh; Sudsy Plorenee Nellcs, W3 Duudos 4y �� �y We o8erfor sale 1100,a00N and XXX PIKE St., Lindon, Ant,, Gold Breech-, 1), \\'. A 1 Aad uIDAR SHIIZGLES manufactured by tbo Johnson, 5s. Carey St., Winnipe;, Alan.,* +-v `� Save °paned an once opposite Town boat makerain Ontario. p Gold Broneh; Airs, Thos. McCammn, tweed, ® Hall, Exeter, pending the building of Tanks and cisterns, all aliapos and sires,mada t► Ont., Gold ilromll ; Nese Leeld e, '-T 9 `iris people say we are guilty of sell- t. Order at lowest Drloaa. iva Have sornsthing Dulresno St, Montieal, Quebec, Gold their nett/ lAill, whore they will keep Brocell.:lira. Avlswortb, arca2 Sherldo:p 0 Ing Boots and Shoos cheaper that constnntl on hand a ftill stook of the newin this line forwaterinfteattlointbo etablo barAve" chiengo" Ill., Gold Brooeb; Mrs. \\•.O any other house in town. Come y or allaadsv (I Iripberbon, ,S John St. S., lfnmiit0n, tent,. p least brave's of flour. Also all kilyds o£ Call sad ase our aatdbratad Dakin¢ Cabin. Sliver \Vetch; Airs, J. A. Grttis, + t. 1'ald and be a witness, you will bo yell Erera woman udn¢ 'Cham raaornmdnda tasm 5t., st Gatbarines, cent., salvor \Patch; @ repaid for your time. Wedown the �at� hisbly, Airs. li, J, Foyer, lux a", Frani:liu, Alas:s., $ for rices in Felt and Iiid. �1 �'���� �" Feed machine work p, ompt y asorollsarttenng,ded and all kinds of Cxa,d Brwol, ; i mn '10Itanpptoii, Alt I mist, S country f p maohlns work promptly attended to. (•Ad IlrooeI ; Alrs. Jahn 1?awe box 585, tp Sox and ,Rubbers, Felt Boots and Farmers and townspeople will find it j ft will be to your interest to oxamt'no Ola Drantf0rd, Ont„ Gold Bronell ; Atrs. \V ill, + stookbefoWpurobasingelsewhere. p Fids, 87DGenese, St., Il11 'ata, N. V., Goltl 5r Grain Boots,andforMen a and Bops to their advantage to tali and sec us. O lirooell, ar Long Boots we take the bun. ROSS &a TAYLOR, Main Street. 9 All nnsworanlu«t be sent by ln"fl bone p ROLLINS &'WILLIA.MS, O will be recedvedit'deiivered at our oilltt GEO. t�t> a r , lie sure and answor to -day tend rut 0.r l e 4 GE O. U&N i�O S s �f�y (.rets, and •von n,lty receive a rowartl that fc The People's Shoe Store. Three Port t 0 n'A ppiv you mane tineas for your trcnbIa. q AR A AINS , o Andress', �• Moat Door to Peat Office. A i331 LADIES" IrOITE iFG:i'r13f.Y, 0 � � ® 1p3 ls.xug St. W., Toronto, Call. 0 OQf'DvG4bvV" r64$d ia4A�0F+9FteY30 RILEUMAT.ISM IN __ _ _ RaEUMATLC PAIN HOW TO .~ GET d --"SIINLIGI3T' $ andkiip d edd senses HARNES--, TRUNRS, VALISES, NOTA WELL, 3 fL, PICTURE. are due to congestion of the bloody vessels LWELTPS, RUGS, BOOTS, I We have had the Sind 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers {wrap thatproducosformen Experl enol talion, resulting in SHOES, RUBBERS, + expeniense that at - per beating the -words "Why does a women acids. If the blood tention to business, close prices and look older sooner ?ban a man") to Lover doom mot aircula,63n• ETC. fits are the main factors in our Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you fdammation in time proper x must be the inevit- AT business - will receive by post a pretty picture, Esse "� . able result, The"Cur / t from advertising and well worth framing. ative Absorbent" is John � f'�ib/ � tS', Main U� With',this ever This is an eaav way to decorate your home. one of the most pow- Promptitude. The soap is the best in the market, and arful blood atstiredeamias; feat - The known. blood to NOTE A FEW PRIORS: ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we it will only cost 10 postage to send in the urates the blood ro have won the patronage of the man wrappors, if you leave the eada open, aotlon, restoring the P g y Write your address carefully, circulation• T h a t Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00 whom despise those too -often -resorted once established dis- Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.25 E � 3 ® ease must oesae. + to tactics of tailors especially, namely Itch Mange and Scratches of every kind Mens Rubbers, 0.50 putting of until next week what should C'"DIAN OFF103" Women's Rubbers 0.30 P g on human or animal, cured in 30 minutes LONDON, JNT• Misses' Rubbers, 0.25 have been done this. by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This Darer fails. Warranted by C. LnTZ, 1 ' This is a ni _ __ Skilled Workmen are'employed to 8 a tis f a c t% 0n . looking word, be I manufacture the goods, and the best of Engllsb Spavin Liniment removes all g , to tarty cede its meaning is difficult to blemishes material is used. I some. �Sro glory in nerd and the way •" �" r calloused lumps and of rd soft o P Ina '' 'of . , guar- . - , ' 111h'1111�11 stila Prompt attention duce to all binds, From riOrada,131uod Spavin, Curbs, Splints, p g it is asemplrhed in our shop. We boar • Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, gore repairing. My Stock is well assorted antes satisfaction every time in. and Spolteri Throat, Coughs, dot. Save �( and every customer is guaranteed saris- pacts, tb0by use of one bottle. Warranted the } H faction. The Prices mean a sale every If you want a suit a coat vest or air r most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. J time. Call and be oonvineed, Y P E Warranted Ili C. Lues of pAnta, give u■ a call and be convinced e - _ _ !7! JOHN TlEURBLE. — Exeter• hat what via have said is true. r E ctrOR —TO II21LT [J "-i f'� I Dear Sirs, --Fat ]eats I was troubled [�-i 0 .ED0 -Y0TY P, W. JOHN'S - a with digeation, but being advised to try B. y •L/ �r•r e B. f3, which I did and I find myself quite ,- � J:U*(0AV1* ,,�,restarad to hdalth , Y @i �e �� �i�,r��r� $c WARD Sp tLlva b Dunbar Ont tl''t( �'i i If ". , I",„, � I T H E G a & J. d Are you going to the If, ��>'j . C S 8 et9' i� f ” .'t+,�>,.,.,Nl. Rill, - _C�1 :ii�---111 _ PNEUMATIC ,.� n 4 - ­­ V1.r � '-- .t�'i1z Wa✓H ':i , • " A tN... i L Sx. , / ��eH 5 1d I I, L I - - T i.s�" �,, 1 l ' t,r MOs? T 1 L16 a° mva , M. ,,,.c , . , . i e J ' If not, then -� W� �-3 1- Ri G o '..t INDIAN cIUpPLIb S : t ) ! } ,o od to rho undor- `�✓ , i ' , w -r it LL'D TENDERS address �,r =' . t t II si ion a , 1, i i�. nd endorsed Tendot far ind � t�l�,p;, �,111 i signed a �_ ED p •�aptates� wili'be received at thivoffica no to -.------- „ t � . . ,,. ,yr-, norm Of lhuraday 20th ?Uri1, 1593, for trio do- x, {{ Ibis the next best tliitig yota calx ae ti „lies, during, rho Ssoal d,I. ���iT 6 litrory ii£ Indian . ur 1 i ut - i(id, et yar- r m take tri this spring, The differanca is I sass ,oi,1 s ia, a1 June and y P THE CHEAPEST YE i ions velutsin Manitoba and the North west t 'rerritoriet. t ra At Cihiesg0 on Well Spend :2 a der:containixgfull partieu a OGEST YET Z It. ]arms of t n i ra uirodt dittos of'delry THE ci xr relative to the Supp; 9 a s under money..,- ''. j at Doupe'S. Sell a bo had by aPPlataR to the _ �= ery,.etd , may . at e_ -„ ' 19 t: mmtaslOrk r R IIIdtar! O O ' n oho _ . Ili si Wed er t C � sale O W x - lIl O t� l ll v ni a YJ Office, e a in Indian r year tothe I �Oslt „� e to a ave sate a tion lastgr `rt ordered Clothe ipdIICl d 111 Exeter Is the only Tir , t g sf c pl`h3s adverttaomontia ndt id be inserted by �6 I3A5'e i110I18s%. Tiny nowspaper wlthont the authority of the U'Ca err ' a m °for payment by C}0ntlemen 1 leave your orders early, far pHaNurncT Quoon a Printer, and no of i t a It . boat a 7 ' of buvin had suchau h r y staff of. Tailors the bo Conte one come all. Salo will con ray no. De t n p . with the beat , Goold Bicycle Gas 6Tp. , >. i 'T o :lowest or any tender The s. wilt be pdtnrtted. b stock of Fine `!'riinmiztge; and fixe haat ° STREET, tinue for 30 days yet. Ggnds at your �RawlllY naaevted. :'. .. IIS YON R TR , Brantford, ant.:,. , net neo n ou,are sur' 'A sattafua g L. VANKOUGHNET, 0*12ig iU Tow , y TORONTO orvn 'prtGer. , „ 11 A Deputy of the Superintendent -General tibPERKINS � ;MA.RTIiV, Hi t1�sE' rice pard for Eggs &Butter. , i of Indian Affairs, ,,� 1, �I s�q ��pp PERg P Department of Indian ALEairs";, A,. J , mal ai,ti.i„ - FanatQ B4atir, r p0itawap )fudh. im. DI T , , GQ;. 'n f ^ ', ?, 9� , _:., M. Ba, .> ,.�C: .. ,.,c,: s a.i.� ...• ” ,w. w� 1 , .. '. • _.:...,.-.c.,szl�a,S��r247�a'�...W:=&.�'w.i;��7w.`�:.iit��;'�k:,�._. .._...r:...,..s.:e�.s '�'..�;' :