HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-3-30, Page 3. - , I — _17�_ _7� - I I I F�,rl,1,11.1_ ---
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� I - ��TSrlgc:[AL ''I TO I A TRAGEDY OF THE SEA. much 1110re versatlle tban'hi8 c lot). WHAT IS MU? I � I Intr I 1. . I .
_ M TOAX �
swayshisbody an(I .swings "" lf�s' Sekontilie"Ifelk t;kkal))e t" A,-Ve0_SoW.4,k v.wts %% ar-R-RAT SO'BuTH AXICR .
J�rroix`ftMNT 0 -read , has ait, I
. _4 qz HER MAJMSIXY He is also � and A JL
I SOAP X!Axila,si K4,'d THE QUEEX -_ t,i,;h,`,-n,y..'g I
. I starving lilt alt"01IL11 19Q:Jt-111[rdCr slid, hair, course a . nd dark, is combed over his 1knowa ror Certain. I � �. I I �11
., I I 0 0 1 . -CaMt1baWill bY 111kc Fal'"81"' St"lor" lowforchead,liise),03arabl�-�katia pieva, It seem8a soniepw'hat, startli I ug fact, tbo.t � I I I AM, " ",
I � . ,,, w-Tke Story or 0,11 tile TIRCIE I I I � I
I I . 0 wreoh: of' ing and very restless. His face, beard less, at thig late day philosophers should be dis- . - 1
1 . I L , . la, I � . at Andersen's, is bloated and some, . � .. . � A I
�. � � , � ., I . like 01, cussing tho (11,105tion, 14 What is Sleep I" , , I
- I
I , , ... . Why �cldoin has there been told, a, inore grcw� Nvliat'swollonaroutidt'tiecliin. Tfignianner audshould announce entirely pewvIews , I I ,
1. ) some tale than that of the three sailors who is trove determined than, bis comrades, and. and ld,n8 on the subject. The human race .
I I i � . 'if you . ,u ' have, been couflned, in the prison at Rimer his statements are, also more de-�ided, He I )
�41:� �: � � . ep__X_�� I B"Muse SUNI"IG 11 I sleeping nearly one third of its . . � 1
1, 1 � � . $OA11 is perfectly pltm ., buettel, under char& of murder and. call. accottipaniegItis words with lively gosticil, ltlil�11111.lie,elllt;ho past 100,000 or 2`00,000 years, .. .. I I
I 1.i . . and contains no Injurl- They are the survivors of the httion% but his beRrers do not gain the int� .
. . ,.. I � . 0 ous,ollemicals to injure ailialism. . I and has certainly li�,d enough experience
,l , I either votir clothes or , pression thaxthe remembrance of his crit-rie ----T_7�_-_A_AN.D .
1 11 wish crew of the ship Thekla, and after drift,ina Nvith it, but it ,%vould seent the't, we do not
I I your binds, Cwxe&tbsb about for thirteen days oil its wrack, af makes him stiffer, as we noticed now, and tin-lerstand the mAtter, do not quite "W M .0"
I I 6aro is exercised in its I A
. � killed and then, in, his coinpanion. Olaf. Tile general : "Illy
. . I I .1 � mal:lUfaetare, and its most dead fromitirvation, they ,111prOS'S,on that thigfC . � 1.1ow, what sleep is, how it comes about, or 19,1% N 1',R 4W Vft Alk
I I I qual"t isso a a 0 ato tile flesh of the fourth member of their 'llow 111&1�es I$ InuCh , I - 119 "a 11
� I . . I . I more Unfavorable, especially when, while I even its effect, One thing, however, is now ro -tJ
by 'a it Ito t at it all =apf,trtoyi - All three aroyoung. Olaf Stomach "
y _01! E I ar eat a, a of all Tomberg, in Norway, is speaking, his thick lips part and s4ow big accepted as proved -that the conditioil of Liver R, U 1,
I . so 0 jilt e-%Nlorl , ,, powerful got of teeth. But the 'Dhird nlan, I the blood vessels of the brain, and, indeed I NW
I twenty-two ; Christian 1-1jalmar Jacobson � an anemi' Trhe Most Ast -_
of I Of Such tizeue as the optic disc, is a � Omshing Medical Discovery of
I 110,1iin,linil, I, 1, ,,,,, age , 11,,ali� is thenlost ancanny looking, namely, the one Ili sloop. As drowsiness comes oil the . -
Linen to I ' . dep Johaussen, born in Fiokerbtitilde. in Swede, AlexanderJohanssen. Heistlslak- slirf[L�Qe of 00 br011 grows paler ill colour I the Last One Hundred Years.
A How Sweden, is in his tiventy-fiftb. year. Tile set, with o, figure resembling somewhat I and the lank of red blood is n-oticeable when It Is. Pleasant to the Taste US the Sweeteit Ne(3tar�,
A murdered tgan, of whoill, g1l. three speak as that of Jacobsen, but- much more agile.. ,,all conditions are observed. 'file theory It is S-afe, and Harmless as the Purest NiM, I
eat. ibis 7 It 11 the Diltabinan," was the eldest ; lie was The bristling r:�ddisli light. bair surrouncls of Dr, James Capple of Edinburgh, and of I I
" be White can, r-,,1,01 never tried t . This wonderful i9ervine Tonle has
RG&L ,w
IGHT SOAP, ask , ktY.Movell, A correspondent of the a square forehead. His face, covered with Some other eminent scientists, has been to . only recently been introduced
11 7 1 T'nose V110 Use it What amburger Nachrichten" has interview- spots, is set in a thin beard of liglit red col- the e8cot that tile veins of the pia mater, Into. this countrNe by the proprietors and i�anufhcturers of the Great
as SJJOW� they t'hink of it, then try ad the prisoners, awl gives tne following or; his eyes, overshadoNved by short, Yet- the inner membrane of the skull, are capable South American* Wervine Tonic, and yet its grea
itforyourself. The re- I � t value as a curative
sult will d account . . low, bristling eyelashes, are -wasbed out of coi)gesting a,ud dispersing comparatively agent has long been k
I r ef(Iteh'aesTowalilenbe The first to stop into tho,small court is andcolorless,remindingone of acommon large quantities of blood ; tbab congestion I nown by a few of the most learned physiciausi
y a% who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of tIL4
was ad in far less time, Olaf Anderson, He is of middling height, jelly -fish. Me eyes flicker like a, lialv; blown produces vertigo and "senselessness," or .
I with Less Labour, and of broad build, stoops slightly, and has Ly ilia wind. This wicked eye seeing with general public. � I . I .
.� Greater Ooinfaxt, slid stupor; and that the dispersion of blood
�, -1r, 1,ou I head, covered
will be wbitex than they g. fswillgin.g arms. His one look to try to learn the intentions of .from the brain lls produces a slight com. This Medicine has completel solved the oblem of the cure of indl.
air curly hair, is a massive one I y Pr
b%vo over been before, � the those present. Alexander Johaussen had I pression oil thoesurface of the brain, and gestion, dyspepsla and diseases of the general nervous isystem. It Is
unlight when you used ordinary forehead high, and his face, which is not oil landing beeir sent to the Seaulati's Hos. ) , ,
8 near, thus brinos about sleep. The brain being
without solng intelligence, is beardless pital oil account of his frostbitten feet, less active', the circulation of blood to the . . also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms Of failing health from
bloated and colorless, and his flesby unde;1 and,bas only just returned to his coulpan. brain is supposed by this theory to be whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities
A lip 11 . :
Is , augs down. His steel gray eyes, with ions, Christian Jacobson and Alexanier diminished, andas the blood in the brain which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive, �i
11, . thetired And'sad look, only raise them. Johanssen are both convinced thsn Nyllat, -, t . I
I calls has passed into tile vehis the effect organ, he stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compareel
I solves now and then, and very uliwill, they did is natural and excusable under , will be to cause a aligrilt yielding in the with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic aEi a builder mud strenatli-
-,A Soap ingly from the ground. The improssioll the, circumstances, One of them was obligea 1 brain and a pressure upon it. tp
, that Olaf Andersen makes is not an un. to dio if the others wore to live. ener of the life f'orces of the human body a Ir o a
14 That gs,4, . And now comes forward a, great G ,erman, �, and asa.re renewe
faxorable, one. One might imagine him to Lt, -511011 a price! Are your lives more � scientist, Horr Rosenbaum, with an entirely broken-down constitution, It is also of more real perm. cut value in ,
q to do. 1 p a a * ,
(" Ide the mattar First be an uncouth ollow, but by lie means a Valuable than that of the murdered mall ? ; new ,-.lid original ropositic �Dh t tbe lungs than any consumption
A 'gt w � I the treatment and cure of diseases of the,
will do 'b"' ""' I's � �
y enquiring what the wicked one. I And what call your lives fit faturebe, when i
q . . allentio condition -of tile brain is due to an remedy ever used on this continent. it is a marvelous cure for nerv.
— vlouce Is of those 11 Olaf Andersen, sit down and toll me you think of what has happened? Even if 1 ox
'14. 1V11011 inlres'dy use it' your story. I . the rembrance makes no impress' I . cess of water in the cells of that body, s, ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical,
ot Soap dlyt Ili a fair trial 1011 !'Poll ' sort, of water on the brain, Sleep, accord.
. A . yourself. ou are ,lot "Younteanaboattho Dutnbtxlan� 40" you, do you think that you will ever find period known .as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine �
I . atunraitted in any way I I Yes, allwit the Dutchman, " work again in your calling, orpow comrades I Ing to this theory, is especially a matter of Tonic, almr3st constantly, for the space Of two or three years. It will ,
use tile so � nervolls action.-Zlib fatigue of the nerve I I
"Don't"B; all we Olaf Anderson lookA down. aild begins to who will work side by side witli you ?" i cells which communicate with the heart ver the danger, This great stren-athener and cura. ;
a3l; Is; olmy, try
it tbQ next wtisl�iuo day. speak. His voice sounds hoarse, and lie They soenie(I surprised f$r a YnOlnellt- and bring about a change in the oirculatioll. carry 0 ,
I eaks without hesitating, as if he know They had tip to new not considerea their tive is of inestiiiable v,ane to the aged and infirm, because its great , �
� Tile nervous cells are full of water when , .. i
IT ght. ut they scion sn� � sleep comes on, wbicli during sleep passes . ''I
t ,ere was only one thing now and for ever position in this JI eliergizing properties will give them .4 new hold on life, It will add ten _�
,no A
� I I
that lie could relate, and, that was about swered in the sa ,,,, Imperturbable ' into the voDoug ))load as waste, while tile or fi�teen ye"U'S to the lives of many of those who will use a half dozen .,'
I the Dutchman Olaf Andersen began: n1allUer: 10 011, Yes, sir; we sball find ,. nerve cells receive nourishment from fresh bottles of the remedy each year. J !
11 We left Philadelphia oil the lst of De- work again, and comrades, too, for, YOU ' arterial blood. When the process is ontir- �
camber. Up to the 20th we had a good voy- see, the gveat, hunger and thirst and w,tur, ' ely over the sleeper awakes, unless he is A I
asou of it. If ilia Dansk disturbed iooner. Accoiding to Itasca- ri I
OENTRA,L I age. Then in ilia North Sea the bad of sleep were the re, 'IT IS A GRE"T REMEDY FO,R THE CURE OF
V% weatbarbegati. Gremtseao brolm over the had 01,13, come three daYs sooner we should . baum's theory, sleep is not only healthy be, Nervousness, Broken Constitution, I
JJ r U r" S t o r e vessel, %lid the, ship was lost. She begin have liked it better, but she did not." i calls -0, of th6 rest it gives the eative body, Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old .A�gel
@� to break 11 Two masts had gone by the ])lit actually invigorating in itself. Those . Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
board, hutpzllat did no good. We were to who have iinaginedtlmt slumber -was simply Nervous Headache,
�r PA'X'SON'S BLOOK, talim to tho boats, but while they Nvore, be. DYNA' 1AITE ON A SHIP. I quitit, and rest for an overworked and fail. .Siek Headache, Heartburn and $our Stomach,
T_ lowered they capsized, all but one. - gued raind or body will b.e surprised to I�emale Weakness, Weight tmd Tenderness in Stomatlic
-k hose who could manage It jumped in, tile Horabs Found LU Snell a 7osittolt That learn that the soicatists are divided in Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite,
4 captain and some others-altogother eiVIlt- They Wolitd 111.4veNestroyed alievesset. � opinion as to whether it is pressare on the I
ad Those who remained behind climbed into Paralysis, Frightful Dreams,
A 7_2�21 A New York despatch says: lit- Ili, similar to vertigo and other atta*,s
the rigging. We did not see much of each -It has just ' or a mild XCrYOUS Paroxysms and Di?,zlness and Ringing in the Ears,
�come to light that before C I which produce uticonscitusness, 1
4 other, and at first did not even know 'who tho ship Yrll$ ! f , of byroceplialus. Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and
U , bad stopped on the wreck. For what,with Wakefield sailed front San Francisco on ; olm �, Hot Flaslies, Fainting,
.1 the continual rolling of the vessel and the F riday morning two dynamite bombs were I Impu
i 9 billows dashing over her we had as inuall found Ili lier held. In consequence of this I -IMACTMATION AND HEALTH. Palpitation of the Heart, re and Impoverished Blood,
ae wecould do to prevent ourselves being, the officers of the ship reflized to sail on 1, 'I 33oils and Carbunvles,
- ,. fental Despondency, I
i, 11k 0 . '�Iroqperlfy A
A full stook of all kinds of -wished away. When we were able to look her, And remained in 'Xow York, positiv Ili ' now Surcess and free( tile -I.-', I P epI ess ness, Scrofula,
the belief that there is some scheme about I 311011y�
I 's . Dye -stuffs and pa0kage about a bit we saw that there were four of to sink the craft before .site reaches San A . 8t. Vitus' Dance, Scrofulous Swellings an(I Ulem, , '
II , us, Jacobson, Johaussen, the Dutchman and Francisco. The story of the dynamite among ,According to 187aidy, the French arilly I Nervousness of r, emales, Consumption of the Lungs,
. Dyes) constantly on 1. This was on the 22d of December, We the cargo of the ship is catitoned in Bavaria, after the 1)06ttle of ' . Catarrh of the Lungs, . I .
11! I NTervousness a Old Age,
ull four had nothing to eat, not even a to- told by one of the Austerlitz, had only 100 sick ill a, division I
hand Wiiian's baccoleaf; of S,009 men, bein
., not a slice of broad. It had all oflicers on tile ship who refused to sail with &a little more than one i Neuralgia, 33rouchitis and Chronic Cough,
1 v bor after the finding of the dynamite, and * I Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint,
� v &dition Ila, one( so SU( all Y. eat as oln so - fit the hundred. hen, oil We other ]land,
hun Wecoul notsice , orivesablatha, is as follows � 11 The first case of explosives an army is subject to privations or is die. Pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhma, I
I F'owd- ,,Utlrly,,, I,,,,,,,,, a all. Whensleep or bombs was found two weeks ago, when i coltragod by defmt or waut of confidence -p a ilin" Health, Delicate and ,Scrofulous Children, 1,
er�jp got e etter ofono awavo came and struck the ship was loading-. 11,was(useoveredby i in its elliers, tile proportion of the slok is - 0
� 4 oncouthe bea. an face, tich caused tile stevedores on. the port side of the ship, , often fearfully increased, So efficacious is Summer Complaint of Infants.
� 4, the best great pain, so sleep was not to be thought with plankitig laid over it. Tile dynamite ; a cheerful state of mind, from the more All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful
. ( I was in an iron cylinder, and was so fixed,
' This made its feel very bad. We suf. healthful nervous influence, which it dif. I N
It � In the mark- of. that whon once it, sea the plunging. and I Nervine Tonio,
� . fared greatly. Shi ps passed us, but (lid not rolling of the ship would cause it to ex. fuses through the frame, that surprising N-M-,1P-V0-WTS -E,'
� W ]DI[&E A S ,NS
I .1 . , et and always see us, for Nye had a deal of foggy weather, plods." This discovery caused no little re.overies occasionally happen which can Au U 13L A.0 . a
1;� resh. Family recip- or it was night. Wo certainly saw them, apprehension among the olliecws anii . be ascribed to no other cause than this. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been,
� , , these strange ships, even in the darkest crew of the ship, but as there was no A singular but instructive instance fell .
ees carefully prepared at night, for our suffering made our eyes sharp, under the observation of Sir Humphrey able to compare with'the Nervine Tonle, which is very pleasant and
but the others had not such eyes, so they addresses: on the case or any clue ,,is to 8
Ceivral Drug Store Exete I how it came to be in the ship, appre. Davy' when, early in life, he was 0685i ting harmless inall its effects upon the youngest ehild or the oldest and most
passed oil and saw us not." Dr. ileddoes in big experiments oil the "' delicate individual. Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which the. human
� ;: Olaf Andersen of course related all this hansion was allayod. and the work of load. halation of nitrous oxide. Dr. Boddoes
Ing was continued and the instance was family is heir are dependent on -nervous exhaustion and impaired diaes-
1 'R 1'�14 - inbroken sentences. The questions had to having Inferred that the oxide must be a ,
i CO. xarv"""v soon forgotten. Work went oil, and the
4AF Z ,MAII be put to him. singly, wheroupon lie specific of palsy, a patient was selected for tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, .&
-ship continued to take on. a gen 9 trial and place,l under the care of Daxy. general state of debility, of the brain, spinal marmw, I and nerves is tlid
It answered without any hesitation. Ili Ilia � eral car o of
0 � - statements be made the Impression of a everything, from railroad iron to bird cages. Ilroviously to administeri
There was also a large consignment of oil in all thermometer under the result. Starved uer"� 9, like starved muscles, become strong when the
� 14 , a,o N k k g W it.l"'.1 fill man who, although not quite sure how to casks. 13y it, coincidence or otherwise this inserted a sin ricrht kind of food Is a -applied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments
express himself, was yet quite sure about tongue of the patient to ascertain the tem. 1P
whathowantedtosay. Hacoutinued: oil was st � owed away almost over the dyna� peraLure. Tile paralytic nian, wholly ign�i- disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous systeira must supply all
. mite.
I " . � � 140nthe thirteenth day -ft wasa, Friday- jus aut of the process to which he -was to SUD- the power by ,which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the
, - i , I - .
� � " . f P the sea bad calmed down , the weather was t one week after tbe case of explosives init, but deeply Impressed by Dr. Beddoes first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Orilinary food does not con-
A , 2 - - , I clear. Dow had fallen In the morning, and was found, consternation was created with the certainty of ios success no sooner tain. a sufficlent quantity of the ],-Ind of nu-t6ment'neceSsary to repair
I we licked it off the topmast and the manila ose on board the Wakefield by the felt the thermometer behind Iiis'teatli thin
� I ropes as far as we , could reach. This =tolfl &second case. This was on Thurs. he concluded the talisman was I partition the wear our present mc�le of living and labor imposes upon the nerves.
gave d last, tile day before the ship was to sail. and in 9, burst of enthusiasm delalloarea th ' For this reason it becomes necessary that ii, nerve food be supplied,
11� I " some of us courage. But not all. The case of explosives was arran eda, wag at,
� " " I . Dutchman, for instance, was quite des. IT, I �Il I lie already experienced the effect of its be. This South American Nervine has. been found by analysis to contain the
& . porato." the first, and it also was foung bet-wdon influence throughout his whole body.
UnloaL-9 all fh& e,r �g.d avenues of the "Could you make yourself understood. decks and like the first was on the port side, VE11 op essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts
4 0 lie finding of the second bomb, Capt. _portunity was too tempting to be for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de�
Dowels, Kidneys and Liver, marrying with the Dutchman? Did you speak his ' t" lost. Davy did nothing more, but desired
,,i ,%,,,,a without weal ming the sys- Morton refused to go to sea on the �A,ake. rangement.
t,m!r,ll t ly language, or be yours? " his patient to return ontho following day. 1_�
. field and another o4ficer also declined to The same ceremony -was repeated, the same T16 tR areat souaAmericanlredicine Co.: sa-.s: -I badbeeziltia distressed conditiort$or - ,
he impurities a 1 foul humors I I There was not much talking goirg on. CRIWFORDSTILLM, I'M � Aug. 20. 'SO. RrXZMA WILMNSON, of Browmavalley, Ind..
Di the secretions; at the same ' Hme Cor. Nobody c ad to talk, and It d scarcely the ship. Another captain willing to take the result followed, and at the end of a fort- I three, vems from .Nervousness, weal -mess oi , the
reeting Acidity of the Stom,ach, strength atro do so. In ord ship out was fnund, a -ad on Friday she put . DEAR GENTS 1 destre to sar to ,you that I
or to prevent nighthe was dismissed cured, no remedy of have suffered for mally,,vearswIth a very serious 4
s �
ourselves being frozen to death, a wooden kind except the thermometer having disease of the rtowath. and nerves. Itriedevery I
curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,. Ave climbed to sea. The Cyrus Wakefield I , any , Stomath, D.yspepsin. and indigestion, until ray,
Readaelies, Dizziness, Heartburn, , ship of'2,700 tons register. She carries a inedicine I Could hear of, but nothing done Inc, health was gone. I had been doctoring com,, ,
J from th, ,,little to the forecastle which at been used. nay appreciable good until T -was Myleed to 4
Gonstipation, Dryness of the Skin, this tiole stood above water, and from the general cargo and is fully insured, as is the Another remarkable instance occurred try your Great South American Vt,rviuc Tonic I etantly, with no relief. I bought one bottle ot 4
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun-� f ...... tle backagain to the scuttle. While c"rgo. Why or )low the dyna-4fte wtvs put during the siege of Breda in 16-25. When aud stomach and Viver Cure, and since using t Soulb7Aiaeriean Nervine, -whIall, done ine .or*
. glee, Salt Rheum, Eraiwelas, SCr0- standing there somebody spoke the first on board lie one knows. several bottlea of it I must say thrit I am our- I good than any ,R50 worth of doatoring X ever
. - of t Ta em,t, er. the garrison was on ilia point of surrender- pr1sed,,,p its wouderrid powcra to cure the Win- I did in my life. I i�ould advissevery we"ily per. �
a, 11 ering time of it.. Who it was 1. don't know. It _____4*-_ Ing from the ravages of scurvy, a few vials .,� . general nervous eysteni, It everyono *, r
ousne 1% General Debility pll is sufficient to know that it was spoken. of shatil medicine, introduced'by the Unew the value of this remedy ag I dovoilwould! ,on to Use this valuable and lovely remedy � a
6.3 an many other similar Complain TO BURN SEWER GAS. Prince ,,at be able to supply the defitand ifely bottles of it has cured Yes completely. 311
, is Ono of us was to die so that the others - __ o�,,or,,,,,,�e.,s jo.r,aers as the most valuable and J. A, HArDLE, Ex-Treau. M;ntgomery Co. I cour.-der it the grandest inedlelmo in the worl('L'!�
d to a hap could live. The Dutchman said he did not � I .11 . P. r
.'.q �R 1,
_ � to
, pyinfluenceofMUOr , and given in drops as
ad I S. I careanything about Ilia life. He would ,t ,.vem, aicaus or Avertht,- Magnin. , such, produced astonishing effects. Such
� Fog, Salo by cCll Dealeiv. die. But we otherssaidthatifit had to be Aningeniousand practical device for as had not moved their limbs for months � A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE 5.9 CHUREA.
I I P31TT-PURT & C-9., Weddon. Ta-,r;,!;�. .I, must be do.. fairly. as is the custom Ili efliciently ventilating sewers &lid at the, be' ,are were seen walking in the streets OxA.wroRDsvimm, IND., June 22, 1887. I
I such cases." same time destroying, by burning, the sound, straight anti whole" and many who My daughter, eleven years old, was severely affileted with St. Vitus' Danc6,
I ___ has bee I or Ibliorea.. We gave her three and one-half Uttles of Soutli American Ner- I
� ,�Gustom ! Why, have you ever heard noxions gases evolved by them n in declared they had been rendered worse by vine and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every case of 8-t.
' of such a , frightful custom?" use for- some time ilia, number of English all, former remedies recovered in a, few days,
� . . I I Yes. and we decided to do it tb at way. aides. This sewer gas destructor does it t t Vitus' Dance. I have Icept it in my family for two years, and am sure it is
I CARTER S ' . : S 0 heir inexpressible joy. and Dyspepsia, and for all
. 0 le . First we waited from morning tillitoon. workby.means ofm Bunsen ges-burner, I the greatest reniedy in the world for Indigestion � �
RTITLE -, I I I Perhaps ,after all a silip mrould come. But which boats to a high temperature a series . Ourlosities A . � forins of Nervous b1sorders and Failing Health, from whatever cause.
. '. I I �, 1,� � none came. Then the Dutchman began of cast iron cones, over the surfaces of which bout Swaaring. JoHx T. MsH,_
E. R . � ;� �, ages have to pass on their way During Cromwell's reign law . s against Montgomery Counry, J
I �, IV, .., , again. He said that we were to make all the sewer g, . State, of Indiana, In*
�POLLS. ... Q-11, . 11 end of the matter, one way cr the otber; out to thoatinosphere, and by e,)ntact with swearing were strintly e0orced by the offi- -ie fhls June 22, 1887. �
. hecouldmotbearitanylonger. So we do. which they are utterly destroyed. The 9',18 cars of the Commonwealth. Every oath Subscribed anf.1 sworn to before n
. L I scandpd. againto the forecastle, one after file companies, however, which supply tile gas was counted. For a single oath a man was CnAs. W. 'WRIGHT, Notary Public-, I
�, I I . other. When there one of its tore off 6 conceived that there was a possibility of all fined 69 8d, but the charge wag reduced to
1. - I INI"), I 0" "Z AS T I 00'N A N 47 )" D'. Y S1 I P1 DIP S I A,
piebe oflinell. and divided itintofour pa,rts ' explosion occurring intheovent ofauex- Ss 4d each on "taking them by the quaii. .
one of which was shorter thain the others. traordinary leakage of towagas into the tity.12 Thus we flud, in tile ourious old rec.
This short one meant death. The man who sewers bringing tbatkas into contactivibli ordsofthattlate, that Humfrey Trevett, TheGreat South American hTervineTonic
I CURE drewthatwastodie, and theDatchmam tboexposed flanteof thedestructor, and "for swearing !by God' ten.tinies," was I Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever
Sl�kHeadaclio and relieve all thatroublesincl. � drew it." . . esped their intention to stop the sup- fined 83s and committed to I I gacll,y in de- discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the -vast train of
I . .� � dent to a bilious state of the system, such as I Olaf Anderseapagsed the back of his hand epx�ypr,lf gas to the destructors. In order to fault ofrayinoul therefore. John, Huishe, of
. I Diulness, Xausea. Drowshiess, Distress after �
eating, Pain in the �qide, &-a. While their most over his brow, This was indeed the only meet this objection the inventor designed Chariton, Nvas convicts s37mPtOms and horrors which are, the result of disease and debility of
I � I d nf,,,5,we,s`i`,'n9 the, -ftumau stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal-
. remarkable.success hag been shown in curing sign of excitement shown by him. He sc,ill an apparatus which has been sa6tisfactorily "twenty-two cattle and twC, our t no .
. . I
. I .. I � spoke in the some hollow !tone as in the operated in connection with an extemporiz- time and "fotiv oatlis and one curse - at culable value who is aBected by disease of the stomach, because the ex -
11 I � ' beginnitiv. He continued: . I ad sewer carrying all e,.vplosive mixture of anotilier.time, William Harding, of Chit. perience .and testimony of many goo to prove that tNis is the owm, and
11� I I . S& I C K I I 11 The buichman became very still, and gas and air. I . tlehaiiipton, for saying several times "Upon ONLY ObTE great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. There
I I ReadacL All at' once lie turned my life," was adjudged to be within . the is no case of unmalignant disease of 'ehe stomach which. can resist the
- I , 'e YP.t CARTAR'S LITT119 LIVEli PILLS 'we reina,iiied so too. The new safety furnace' is placad in tile
� , laltv �aluablo iW Constipation, ourinr hi, I
. � I . I are ew,,,,,,,,,, this all,hoying couttlaint, while , face to Mid sea, and big back to its, and base of all'ornainental ventilating shaft any;. set of swearing, for which he Was forced to I
I � . . . and pfe ,ders of t, a stomach, -wasthesign. None of fislik-edto look inountedbyashaft andhaving .the ap, pay a fine of. 6i 8d. Ab another time, one wouderfal. curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. .
� they also correct all disoi that -
L.. � . . I � ;stirnulate the liver and reguhae %e bowels� � Ili big face. I from. behind passed my arms pearance, o,f a lamp -post, It amislats1of-a Tliomas�Butland was fined for say' 4' HAMILIT U. IEUMT., of Wayne -town, The., sayo �� MR0. ELLA. A. RRATTwt, of New Ross, Indian a.
I I 1.� Vyei)if they only aured, .. . I I . round his chest. Jacobsen didthe same with � series of cylindrical rings or segments, eaclt otfi_,', ill.1191 t upoll I ive in �
. . . L I I � 1� life to the Great South American. says, "I Cannot express how much I oreto the,
I ll,is le!zs, and Johassen. stabbed at him with meebanically fitted. All intermediate ring 'r Gilbert Not thootte , a Pay �ervolue. had Imen in bed for -aye riontbe frout Hervine Tonle. Ify system Avas Completely shat-
. ,� � I .. I I ' divides the combustion chamber from ,e T74d for Saying ""poll Illy life,' and ilia effeets of an exhausted stomach, Indigestion,
�. . 1 ' - " . his klife'?, I tb Thomas Courtis-was fined heavily for.say. Nervous Prostration, and a general sbattered tared, appetite gone, was Coughing and spitting �
I . � I . "And you really ate him ?" vertical air passages formed between the condition of my, whole system. Had given up Up blood: am sure I was in tile first st-1gee
. ��, I � Ee;Nv1!Id9&11At�p1 Rb!n 6 t � to of it on tha d inn r mud' titer 11.19ill "God is my witness." Thoinag ;Gill a
. I Ache, 1.1 , hose ,,Yes,, we a � L day �an a 0 rings of the furnace. The ' 11 holies of getting well. 11ad tried three doe- a Consumption, an Inheritance blinded down
, . on t I a outer : "I speak in the presence of God " I lt,,o:�, ii1th no relief. Thc'tr9t bottle oftlie I.Terv- I tprough several generations. I began taking
I - ivb.0 stiffer from this d1stressin complaint: .he others till the Dallas arrived and heat of the furnace is.ednveyed to, th and was fined for his paiils� whereupon 1,1 ,Onto Improved ine so much tho,t I was ablate i the Norville Tonle; and continued lit; use for
� �
� ., � .but) fortuilately their'goodness goes not end I . took, us off. I . I � ring by means of . thick cas.biron wells, which bad , minister arrested for using the a walk about, and a few battled-aured me eutirely.'J about six tualiths, and am entirely earod. It
I here, and those who once try them will'find I ' Sallie I .
� these little pills valuabI6 In go many,xit s that " And yod did � not think of Anything form tiers of air channels through which I believe it, Is the best medic,#e in the iN,orld. 1 4 is the atiftst remedy for nerves, stomach an4
. I
they will not be willing k, oauh . brass in a sernion on the follOwing Sull. call not recom mead it too highly." I I lungs IfIlave ever seen," I
� de with � ein, while doing so -not of God, not. of your �bo uprising sevver air passes. The burner � I . I � I . I i
� )lut aftep all sick head ' . the outside ay, . I I � I No renied,� Coln Me WIth SOUTIT ARICRICAN N'BliTINV as a ears for 'the Nerves. No rem0y cona,
vIlIg your- is supplied with air taken from I th Ra 'No reutedy'"111 at 11
�alr nfl�;no� that you were depri ' Merl
I I I I ic. lie right to live among men, aye, of the destra . otor column. � -"W;%W-2W_-ft_ I . I pares With gou can Norville as a wondrous cure for the Stainath, a
I I � � I I comparo, ivith South Ainerlean Nervine as a cure for all forms of failing health. Xt never WN's to
I I I . I , even of calling.yourself human beings?" The importanc6 of the question of sewer Soldlem Iniproving in Morals. cure Indigestion and, Dyspepsia. It never fails to Cure Morea, or St. Titus'Dance. Its powers to .
I , � ,,N,,,,i,. ,,Irb tbotigbt of nothing." ventilatio�i, and the numerous cases of I build up the whole systentare wonderful In the extreme. It curce.the old, the young, and thernid-
. I ',
I a ,9 ro so t � There has been ' a great yearly diminution I
I I Js thebans A.-,6! Pi", 111t I r6 i� lbe " And not even before this?" , disease that are dirpotly traceable to the . 1 3 g ed, I agnal Itiland to the aged and infIrm. Domotnegleettousetbi redous.boon;
"), I. I I I d e , & " 'If' ay itea , the only remedy which will restore yon to bealth- lle.uth Arneritas
we make out-, great " oast. I Our . pills cure 'V , I ngs during tile Jast ten. Years in the number of. ,g out to the tests. Delicate ladlea, do net fall to Ure thig
I tavY or civil -prisons in F as
'LtVnit YXUS�are verk small Id think of." , . mg. '�e,ry "e.
whildothers do not. I � : ' 4s.q-tbes'e introdu tiou of noxious gases into dwelli " er I. a 9, �-u -
I I Thirst hunger and sleepleesit 0 soldiers in mili to ' 'Lly s.19 .ad
1 ' �' _ it
' gr. ' t �n PC f. �s.jt_ Put
- RIE: LiTry,E con thro xhaus- " .. q C .., be,., t lWo. of frerlinovi and beauty upon your lip,-, and 17i your ike-91m,
MOM were all we ligh imperfect traps hag.led. to e d tne � Zr dr.
I I land and Wales. . In IS84 .there we 1. ". .Way Your : 03abilities and roakne ea. I
�, I �� I ,� I , andveryectsy,'totake, One or tNm pills walce He pressed both hands to his bead � as if tive tests being nWle of ilia device by Prof, soldiers in English prisons I ; in re. 117 1 1 � . . �e . I
I se � I , Ila strictl a etable and do 1891
. � , , U , t.b kheir entle action lie would like to banish the demons �bich Wanklyn, with a view of its introduction §L ,there ''I
I I not , .a hem. Ila via s at 25 cents, � . I I were 433, and,, oil the 31sb of Is. t Docembd� ,
I I lease 11"w werecall6dup by. tile inemo�y ofthose into many of the larger English cities. � . Large IS, oa-mce, Bbttrle, $No 013
I I there were but forty-four. Last year not .
I . S I e er w are, or sent by rnaiV awful a " � � I I I . , I
. � ,
. rell &I 'i I . s I I I 0 ., . ays. I . ----"--�0CM--=-: — oft one soldier. was sentenced ,to penal 8ervi � , I I
, . . a 4 Z 11 .14 aw Torl:. Christian Hjalmar,Tacobsen, the second 1here are only about thirty members I . expulsions f EVERY 130TTLE WARRANTED.
I I , M . sail., who partook of that dreadful ineal, of the I otice mighty tribe of 011 I tude. The or misconduct have . i
I � I . . -)o to l5f)0. . �
- ,, ba,11N. Small Polo. hall Moog is 410111cwhat smaller, but thibl,-.9et anci Now Orleans. I I I decreased since 1888 from 20L I C. ,LUT7, 'Sole Wbolemle and'Retail A,yent for Exeter. I
I I -1 I I I 1.� I � . I � I I . .1 . ' I I I I � I 6 . �
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