HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-3-30, Page 2. �: -� �, _. .. . , t� lOR,c '.. I . 11 . I . .� I I � I . ; ,,��, � ! � , �?, ., , , a.rrP�er.e..P�i - '�/• A��j ry9 L ' .'.. .- . _ per lien ntight'be realized under judicious _ the titan who brad her, fast about nothing. _ , I N4 AV � ' "! •'•"'TOU�^� ' --� management. with fif t hats died 11@iast,li"s Svquld theft The modern cre%mer,y tis'" somethinK more It 4,•iennt... tile. tun anal valu.t' ie, artistically tltc most biAti,iinl medical book rvsrpna- liar.ed; JG puce, every ptga bearings lntif tone:itrst-ativn in tints. SubjCets trcated:,.,- Nervous Debility, Stupoteacy, Sterility, Development, 'uricotele, The Uusband, Those Xnteuding Marriage, etc. ls, Every nett etre +t null! khan the t *and 'rnuhv. the Plain F acts,ibe Uta Secrets and, New Nisei Qelc : o \lccheal "'vtie t d as a plied to Married Lite, who ivo:ildatone for pai'. toile -, and xvei,l tntme lttl•tl's, . a u,d wvte for this \t td\ l)l1.R ' 1'l, l.lT l L%' E.001w. It ,till bs seat frre, under seal, ,Haile the editiun Iasts. Address t'w pcblishero, , or one y more,is a school with a lnoro. #aotor,y. 0 be a i cto i Foilltars- b y' d a stun that would be acceptable to 1e2 almost any farmer or some member' of his dally and monthly examinations, whero the patrons are brotigbt ,into fair �+ ,, - r Tho lazy flog is pestered most y the famil Tie bon int a small farm and made: and honorable corn etitiou ;with each other. _ I I flies. 14, Iwo equal for the prompt relief A calx" is not valatetlb . the lou•lness o£ its Y ; poultry keeping a leading feature, keeping from 110 to140hens the first year, which lhia inevitably leads to xulprovemenb, to hotter .tett s,;better care, better . feed, bet. , r 8 .r_• and, it Qu�h$! bawl. g `ital�ta ave him est averse of 159 @ gs per hen g " $ g P sold a.ti average, throug`�x the for uiethocis, and letter returns Where is, a influence in being :� ®. �"toarseneSS . Loss Of , "Preacher's to leads tuna b , the forelock can He Wl 1 a 3 which at year O£:?fi;4 contedler dozed. TlleVestpricesare wonderful well born. �Vlio among us would wens a eili'Oai, OII.e, j? sleep t5t11t71a� Bi"OY1Ci11tis, i-cl�rt 1)',(]L',' well at night, The prettiostViossoatsdougt always hold oVtirfned iii svlatCr and ff well carstl for rile greatest profit is thou realized, lis has Judas Iscarlot for .a father or Lucretia Borgia for a mother. Draw your supply ' ild other derangements Of the the and lungs. The best- sweetest 1101103, Growling at the times will not lift the three rales for egg production In winter. Hatch early, keep up a vigorous growth and from strong, decided darty blood, pa ICU - larly in the sire, 'A bout vine hundred aua -cough-cure i 1 e world $.ilo\F xl n the mortgage on your farm, give good food and care. Medium sized niuoty-nine out of every thousand of farm-, 'dor Infants and Childreen. , 'it is recommended by eminent Success is on tits till! top, yon cannot got S there olimbine, breeds are referred and these should be p hatched in April and lay by October. Then era, who raise cows, do so without definite idea and purpose for dairy capacity, physicians, and is the: fa'4*OritE prepanxtion with singers, actors, without kind. of man that ou would. like Be thek n Y boys become. if well f@d and cared for they will' lay if well, fixe winter c and fo read to sit in Y ,� To Determine tho Live Wei +, "Castorla,isso well adaptedto childmuthaat: Castorla cares Colic, Con, Irecommendittrssu riortoanyprescripuoa Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea; Eructation, Kills wgtnrs, gives sleep, and promotes di. , e ailcl feathers. ZtSOOt11eS preacn rS to have your r our ocket to fail to It is do money f i y p , early spring. Some fail by over -crowding. A'flock of 15 should have a room 12x12 with -At. To determine the live weight of an animal , 1mownto me? II. A. Aummz, X. D., gestlon, 111 So. Oxford St:; Brooklyn, N. Y. Wittrout injurious medication. < Elie inflamed membrane, loosens. idle phlegm stops COu°`hin.g, and p make your stables comfortable. Tlie, sunshine of a glad heart, makes the a much larger yard attached for Summer 1•ange, multiply the girth in inches, immediately back of the shoulders, by the length in ; s .t The use of ICastarialis so universal and "tor several }ears I have recommendtib ti phlegm, .`r 5 ' e induces repose. darkest, dreariest day radiant and pleas• Itis yards are large onongh, to afford an inches from the agnate of the bltttuok to the point of the shoulder blade, and divide p its xmerits so well known thatit s eels a work your Castoriai anclshsil always curt i y produced beaeficial °' of supererogation toendorsoit. 'ew are the so invariably ! ant, There is more gelid comfort in a simile, abuudaut supply of green pasture grass through the season. He always sets two g the product by 144 which will give the number of Eap4rfloial feet. If the animal to intelligent families -who donot keep Castoria results" 11 within easy roach." Bnwix P. I'Aspar, R. D., NLs-rr D.D, ""OI AftPeotoral herr moss of frowns. It is good than in a whole,, g economy tq smile• dens at a time, and after hatching general- ly ;lues all the chicks to one mother. Ile never feeds till the chicks are 24 houra.old, has a girth of from three to five feet, multi- ply the number of superficial feet by itis CAur,os x. ,'The Winthrop," loth Street and 7ch Ave., New YorkG'ity. NewYorktity. Let@PastorBloomingdalo Reformed Chiucli If you get mad, go to the looking glass haw ,lien a hard hefted @;g Chopped silk which will give the weight of the animal.' g g' 1-0 •L"oxr.; " � taken for consumption, ill its early and Everett yourself growl, and sea quiet, you will quit it, gives with the shell. on, Broad crntnits and mills, in if the girth is #tom five to seven fest, multi- 1?ty by 2;3, and if from seven to nine feet, TPrx Crctrrauu ponirAlrx; i'7}Tu>zixArC ST.aE6T, Nx:ty taa�c checks further progress of S > The man calla depends on rile spur' of the discovers filet are used for small chickens and fed once two hours the first week or more. He multiply by 31. If less than three feet girth, in hogs, slice th disease, and even in the later distressing moment often particular moment hasn't any spur. never forgets to feed upon sand so f k will have tar the #Doti. If l.ept on as case of small calves etc., multiply V 11, The weight gNvill be a approxi.- P Y 3` g PP •...`. Stages, it eases the I' pt�u 'h and rt7tlxotes refreshing Da no a not the rascal with your farm, VY taking from it more than you give back to grit grinning mass or a clean floor they can find no gravel and will suti'or indigestion in consequence, mately correct', ,; __ _,�. -• :• a-^—""' sleep. Itis 3r;r� ;t;livlc to theta t4, does it in the way of fertilizers, Se amts the males and fatten for market. Feitilizing Orchards. CURED 1� ZO MINUTES ]needs but Siilall t1.3ses, tifid not interfere with digestion or any ©f the regular or;anic functions. Laziness and labor are brothers t but the one is ularried to incentive, and the other always remains a bachelor, ' before they come to maturity-. Toed the pullets lightly on corn as it is too fattening for health and production. Let them have fresh times and The partioular aavautage of forest soils or clearings for orchard purposes is the great amount of burring they contain. The n Alpha 'arsills HAA emer enc medicine, every y If ou eau see nothing but the bad, shut y clean water at all pounded freely, boil- roots in the soil serve as drainage tubes, �, ail €�' Household should be provided with your eyes. Better be 131tud than unable to o ster shells. Give vegetables ed and mired with morning ureal. Oatmeal and as they rot away tike soil becomes hard and compaot, In many orchards the Cheap- ' A� erlS Cllt>rry Fet,Ural, see tits beautiful and the good. fa ex enslve but it pays x11 chicken health p p y est way to get plant -food is Uy the iutell- , Olt MONEY REFUNDED. Purely Vegetable, Perfectly Harmless 1,Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec- in family for many T Plant and oar trios thrive ]lest on a P sandy clay loam, nada rich with manure and groevth. He uses a bone cutter and gives cut bone, often, also aliintal moat, i eat ase of drain -tile. In those that aro g naturally nnderdrained this would not pay. and Pleasant to Take. For'Sale by All Druggists. PRICE 25 Cti1S Loral my years, r;an ;oniidently rc:collim nd it for all and given clean cultivation, afhcins a fruit- g + rhe stock is mostly chanc�ed at 17 months In SI Ilore all additional fertiliser is wanted, the complaints it is claimed to cure, grower• ' t t s• the first of age or before the men ting season. t • ut clover is boiler] and fed with the stable manure is the most available and " •'� " "�_____ Its s;tla is inertrasing yearly with me, Idarly In tho prosen cot, u i win et C cheapest form, but it contains too mueh and my customers think. this prepa- Australian wool, weighing 107 pounds, was grain occasionally, This takes the place nitros@n in proportion to its mineral ele- taticn has no equal as a cough cure. •— sent to I•:ngland, The import now is over of green grass so freely eaten in summer by monts, and is a t to force the growth of . W. Parent, Olt .ensbury, lti.ii, 32,400,{)00 pounds, all hens that can get it. Whole grain is wood too much. It should, therefore, be *vegetable matter is nature's fertiliser, fed mingled with Cut straw, hay or leaves well rooted before being applied. Where and all that can't be used to good purpose to force scratching and healthful. exercise. nitrogen is wanted it can be obtained cheap, in feeding should be turned under. `The 111 cold weather ho stints the morning feed er by the use of votches and other legum• Cherry � ri C l°� time spent in turning under weeds and ref. of warm mash ,aud give a little grain to make 'nous plants, The vetch is the most suit. ireparc,. t+y lits 1. l`.:1.r C C , I.awa `tees. use will bring back more thau its cost. them exercise early in the day instead of able plant for covering the land late in the Sold t•: all Drt ,,,a ;, 'p4:, s: ; t'N botOut'i. Ss• sitting round idle. A variety of grain is season. The seed can be sewed in June or :Cite manura from a ton of corn meal at given to keep the appetite sharp but no cora duly, and plants will cover the ground Prompt to act, sure to cure $'34 a ton is worth k.1.50 ; from gluten meal is fed in the summer. A lien can, easily lay contplete?y by winter. at $2S a ton, $18, and from wheat trail it I-,5 eggs by the time she is 17 months old. is worth $10 a ton; so that these feeds are __' .,....,..,_k, •�••� not only, better astnilk producers, but have Dividin Tloclss of Shee . _.� 1 a Higher manurial value. A SHE GIVES BLAOg MILK, IDI aVULY Pion n x one-third to one-half of almost It is best to divide a flock under any v - circumstances, There are always the Strong .last tate Thio,^, to Aulb.e Dti r1cy Sables 011. every herd of Daws ars an actual loss, ons obo I `'oil 1 Ad tlterate it 'with '"r• .. -� � "''•1 third j+est about pay their way, anti the and the weak, and the latterII, suffer by the � t y R t t l� {� other third aro obliged. to maintain a, prof, crowding and hustling of the stronger, Chalk itable averigo for tho whole. They do not sq well Calculated to gget tit full share of the feed, A Chillicothe, 0., despatch says —Rob. -11 otltin<* has been and when a snoop is on the balance a very err Hansborough of this city is the owner awaken ttxe farmersbeen to a Consideration of small thing will cliange it either way, Then of the 11 eighth wonder of the world, a if it goes down, it is difficult to bring it tip cote that gives coal -black milk. The cow It t 4 k It f :l •,- }y, .; r `F� the subject of an advanced education and again. If there are but ten sheep it Will is a, mixture of Jersey and Durbaut, and ,t i ° � ,r; to prepare them for the reception of the be better to keep them in two yards, and was raised on the Ilansborough farm, as f'' s v F µ�ik K�`� a;; •';;4J1 teachings of the stations and colleges as the give each lot separato attention, • A rust in was also her mother and many sisters, none � ' ' � '"" " ' -__-------—a'—_--_- 114 ' 4a.''" . farmers' institutes. a stubble bold in fine weather is healthful of whom exhibited any pnrt:liarity in the LUMBERYARD •'r " �, :r ,y j It is no longer a question with the in• and agrseaUlo, amcl dq@ssltesp much good ; moist of their ntiile,Mollie, as this phnnom•�j'a"'telligeut amd thriftyfarmer about the ad- iu fast any change scents to instil new octal creature is called, has reared iters orL X%" visaVility of using , fertilizers in liberal spirit intothem and freshen therm till, Pwos six calves, all of which leave lived and quantities in some forst, but simply the that will bring early lambs should be kept grown fat on the black mill:. The undersigned visiles to inform the Public In genual that It cost ofobtaining them in themost desirable by themselves in some place where they The milit produces a fair amount of 5 kee constantly in stock all hinds of T � a form. will not be crowded or hustled about, no erearn. This dream is• a trifle lighter in p y M ome men retend to love God, who allow one blit the watelifnl shepherd knows how color than the milk itself, anti, when churn- -. m -1 l:ielt In , , ;1 x ^ heafln virtuoso the Pine that they do not love the wives of their iuunh hntm may be done to the owes by the sd, nutikes a kind a£ Vatter that rCSC131lrIn9 j T�j�� �,� .L E RIA.i,..1 ecnrb9ned tv:th ::tie soGnlusr and exp?cteran• bosoms, by snaking them use the must punching they get by the ram or some dry a thick mixture of coal tar, Paradoxical properties orr,,Itcr peotcralherbs aadbarts. printitivo household utensils, while they Owes, when they are caught ill a corner. as it nl,ty seem this butter is as palatable as t.S,resilaii or 167= tr0Z 0&. - A PSrrr-SOT CUPM FOR themselves are supplied with all the best Some preparations for the early lambs, a though of a golden yellow, and it is said to �r�! iCaf'�'• :E; E' i'� cci�.08 improved fermi machinery used by civilized few posts where the evens may be kept by VO highly rebelled by the whole Ilanabor- PINE E .GNU $F,11ILC�CIi LUMBER. Rocrseness, Astl=m Drcncbitis, Sore -Throat, men. themselves a fOw da} s bnforO rho lambs ongh farnfly. ti t Crwip-andall THROAT, Pe.RONCHIALand In I.ngland the value of a farm, either come, may very easily save both owe and At first, when the peculiar color of Mol- SHINGLE S A SPS CI �T� LUNGDISE,+SES. Obstin tecoughswhich i for sale or rental,is based upon what it will lamb. These pens should be in a warm, lie's milk was discovered by the person to , , oche r meda> yield promptly to this produce or the number of cattle it wfll c uiet til ice. whom was allotted the task of "break?ng 00,000 X X and XXX Pine and Cedar tSllln,les Il 111 gleasat?tr ysq no, P 1 I �, „ .t2.',ICE ::C. AMD 300, PER L30TTLlr'� carry, and there is not ntuclt guess work the con, in, rile family was afraid to ase it stock. A call solicited and satisfaction gllc` n, nted. so, o n� .4t e ra Jon,nrs. aboutit. In time our oven haphazard prat• Choosing A Breet� fit any vcay. S\'Ilett they Sax that the Waif "•°"'" ... _._,, _� .., tine must give way to such better methods, was waxing fat on the liquid tar tile young- Many failures in praoticnl poultry (resp• er members of the family overcame their JA"'�"�'°"S +WILLa�' boorporated1887,withCashCapitalol� Look: to Crevices, as it is bars fixe in aro clue to the choice of the wrong Y _ � ^� �� �� �- �Q,Q(7Q danger is often hid. All our milk arts g for the fancier who breeds wprejudicesnand within a few days the milk g Y P breed of fowls. T : was being used ns, the satin -as if i; had r Should be well cleaned ; also, your churns, for pleasure the advice to select the bread been of tin regulation color. } ' using a small, stiff brush. Water is easy to he likes best may be sufficient but for ilio ) n�T ��p a, et and if on• have a vat you can by ]lav- practical oulti man such advice is not Chemists of Vow analyzed both the ton, and r L Y 1 To LaR�ED�TO ROOT Al In get, s ai to heating •arilttis under p P Y ItfcUmomd haus analyzed both the milk and ., ltf11 \N t, g p g , PP sufficient. He should choose u bread, first, tine butter, but declare that the can de- iit,havehotwateratalltimos. 4Pllilemaking for �i�espe�ia?oUjnutiuview, whethsreggs, toot nothing that in an way accounts for yp p + ob '� Vatter, have nothing bit Fvhat is perfectly or otxltr , or a combination of the turn • . Y Y Safe and absolute] ire. Most owerful FcDlale Re uia,to2' ++° --. "' ` p '. clean. P Y ' its color. € rAyAtlG•ls•tl7, secondly, for bite requirements of his mar- +� known, The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladies I ,r l Bach year the poultry industry grows ket whether the eggs must be white, or ask, druggists for LsiRoe's Star and Crescent Brand, re da 116 �._— more prosperous, illore eggs and poultry colored, or tate skin of the poultry yellow Curious Causes of Fires• ,.w otherldud. Beware of Cheap imitations, as they are danger- , .__ .� ... are produced each year, and each year the or white; thirdly, for his situation, whether ous. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. prices are higher titan the year before, it be a cold and exposed one, ora warm and Moistened tin 'turnings and chips have AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, Alich. Phis indicates that we are be: owing a na- sunny one, assonse breeds will doadmirably been known to tape fire. f tion of poultry eaters, and that poultry is in one situation and indifferently or wretch- A rat gnawing at a box of grease -dipped A.� Btu%" going to be good property for years to edly in another. The Dorking, for example, friction matnhes ignited the lot. _..., come. is a sa•.lure in a damp situation but in its A running belt which sagged into a mass 2 vtit poi a' �1i ��,,b t ANDAPPLIANCEtrot' Thein is much dairy butter thatadn?tern- native home it is a great success. Havlug of greasy waste est ttre to the heap by file- �. ry ,bG +N y'd,, �t� , tion with oleamar>£arine would positively selected for these reasons, he can visually tion. 11; 'I. {' t�' �� ` ;g improve. It was the snaking of wagon- give play to his fancy in colors, Many A lens exp3sed to the sun's rays in an -e cam v" ��+ Cjto `� • {\ o`�Iti4r� 4 KINO ST. $ ' i TORONTO, it t grease butter that a ened the market for breeds have several varieties—the Le�horu E i t • �ti NN - g g y P ngialass beforebeingnoticed cis as a burn- 50 o io4 CtSb %11;IV 'N � ao��., N ! G. C, flATrII25tl:v,3lgr.TorC'siittda oleomargarine. fivecentbutterfinds for exam 1a has no lass titan nine the G a ready sale ; it is fixe 8 -cent article that Cochin four, arc] so on. If the breed au- A match carelessly dropped beneath a ° E" to �4c' e. tiE • �- 'Q,� Electricity, as applied by ULC clogs the market, and brings poverty to the swershis purposes usually' one variety of ®�~r ail A�Iee#r iC ]Belt, lace curtain was stepped upon, ignited and `' cZ5 , p�' 1 �ti~` yam° dye A— ,• maker. that tree will be marl as well gaited Co PP P g 2j� d Y instant] the drapery was ablaze. �� i» titi o 2 tea+ T-snotvircoonized as tt.,a Prri•atcvi bran offered - Since the science of horticulture holds so that purpose as another, and he eau Y P Y ,� Zti� y ��- rJx `," ^tylti s� �. ,, ga to sni£einug huul:ulily. It i5 fait risking the important a osition i.n olitical econom • select,rhe varlet he likes best. But if one A flood burned one factory by Causing a b i ¢ � c e' ta$ • dace cY druas in all nervous and rliennlatr 1 thequestion for hortioulptural societies to variety be better suited to hie put -pose than pile of iron filings to oxidize so rapidly as t; -"),V, r ��,~ ��e7 6Ag5 e,5 1a Q0�.gc+ troticic. i,nd will elSert rut 3 In seemingly consider is: Is the trust imposed upon the others of the breed, even if holike some to become intensely heated. .tip?" o .cz ti It oho 43 . �t a pelest c asci w ore cv0ry- tether hnoivn mneme Sias F;t13at7 It is naturrr ti r�niady. and by iia them—:o adrances thi noble science—fully other variety better, lie should seleet• the A cockchafer crawled from an oil stove •L fat ,y %O w � �ti�� g' steady, sm:111113 ;current that is readily ioi;., executed by holding exhibitions and dis• one best suited to bring the results lie is receptacle to:,Lt, gas jet, where the creature's .Io " .�,g• 4�2,� o 6, �50� g , 9 V �6-g{a4 POSITIVELY CURES tributine prizes? Should we not initiate seeking. To do otherwise is to adopt nu' oily body took fire, anti, f9slliug, spread the 4 otiti 41 o^. �� �4 �� w >r�0``� o`\ 1�' gthettntatism, Sexual Weakness some method of botanical investigation, or, businesslike methods, and invite failure. games, e5 fP LC titin atiiv c;- t o G° like the Royal Iiortienttural societ taut e G s! ZlP k° . C`-, V' n, Sciatica. 'dieniale ConiplainCs Y Y, p A stream from the fireman s hose started .'n �e A. a4 e Off` e ��� 4� General Debility, illlprete3xe.9, an experimental garden? Sheep in Orchards• a second lira while putting out the first, ,� ,g5 �f! �o °tet •o Goya , ,_ Mui xbag'o. Riducy Diseases, It important to have the soil as fine as the water Navin penetrated an adjoining o oNV �4 of ws w, worvous uiseases, Liver Complaint, P j A comes ondent asks if shee ke t in an 3Dysnse'•sln, Laine hack, possible, and the best way to do this is to p P P building containinquicklime. 1 g v,�y De, L 'Q ,.(�-'owctxm`�' 9+ o4ti� pt° G°. orb ..r �rarlcoceiv, trimry Diseases. Yarrow tharounhl immedtatcl after the apple orchard to pink up and eat the fallen T Io �tii 'i � o c;4' ter 'S 1 9+ m'b' "^s ploughing is dons thoroughly is, harrow just be- f rant maggotso that the fruit gathered frotbe m the A nail glanced fr�rfi a carpenter's hent �� alt �g 4`, Otis fie �� t�'��yfi9'ac�� RHEUMATISM EBS M AT 6 S M fore noon what has been lowed before meg g mer into the conveyor of raw material fu {ti . a P a jute factory, rubbed against the drum e'e' 3 0 • tiv9 .e *4 ' It is a well icrown pact that medical science noon, and that which has been plowed trues would be free from the insect . I a tree utterly failed to tt8ord relief in rheumatic and reduced a spark which set fire to the 4' 7� Sw y4 �1 tier `�� in the afternoon should be harrowed in the must answer that while keeping sheep in P P eases. We venture 00 -is altbough an orchard dnrin summer and fall would plane. — cases. We has only been in tree as it remedial evening. This keeps the work up evenly g ?,ranu;:teturcd only by Thomas Holloway, 7a, New Oxford Street, agent for a few o my b e has Cured more eases and prepares the ground for the best results. greatly tenet to make the apples sound, it It is a well settled fact that in Winter late sss, otford Street, London. OT 1llteumstism than all other means com- would not be it slice preventive under usual anything that chills the system increases the Atfnsd. Some of our leading physicians, recog- As to potash for the peach, one must ex- Y sw Parchasers should look to the Label ell the Bozea and POW, iaizin r this fact'--, .ue s cailint themselves of this eriment at holim 1 lived twenty-five conditions, Not all the infested fruit falls cost of maintenance, and the taking in of a r most patent of nature's grecs, P Y to the ground before harvest time, much of considerable quantity of ice Cold water cer- If the ddresa is aoti 633, 4sford Street, London, they ars spuriona1, yearn where ashes gemmed almost magical in q Y qM�► T -, its effect on the foliage and growth of pe it sola into the cellar where the maggot taint will chill the blood and more or less dQj F.i+ STOR tAI�ItUUD , sen may mature and• be ready for next year's rain will Ve neecleii to make iU np. Tltis, trees. On moving flurry mi,es away, to operations. If all the neighbors would keep g . Tbotxsauds of people suffer from a variety of alluvial valla soil from the former mountain P says a writer, is the principal advantage in :nervous diseases, such as, C;eimnal weakness, Y sheep to destroy all fallen fruit and if the Warming the water for the stock. If they ltivcry ownrr eta Impoumey, Lost PdmrJiood, weak Back, etc., slope, I got a ez•rload of strong oak -wood picked apples were all consumed and the are without shelterit ntsvl.esbut little differ• �;, til! thatslte. old modes of treatment T01tocure ashes, but could never discern any difference avy to hovyuts 1. !(hire is a loss of helve force or power that • maggots destroyed there would pons left enco, But after' goiug to the expense of pro D� to Icno y how to ave Is loss of by nerve f rat treatment, anti in growth where xt was applied. Taut every- for seed, but such thoroughness is rare WTv It Qn, lits animal r. ca � l where I have seen that each tress along viding good shelter to make the steel. coin• 1 do torwho would try to aetomphsh talc P n fruit towers. A le arm s and , seed health while in i1,c stable. 611 dryyfodder. an o • amon>; g Apple parings y fnrtable:lu order to save;' feed it will nearly yP DICK'S BLOOD PU1i1P'I s i •t gs is �:caeti5in a dangerous stone fences or in Closet pastured sod live � is the latest in.pli�rtnnc o._the cure vP. ds.uovi =eco nixed ' :' "' form any kind i dx is } fi d Y P cores thrown u on the ground in back yards Q' to o a little iarbher and provide 1l symptoms indicatin ICuluax ANI) ! Yorm of charlatanism. Properly treated longer and bear ]tetter than where the snots pp always y g P of all t e,e q rte' the hest Conduton 1 owdcrs,• it gives a good long or ardens tend to petpetuate such insect pp p�t are liable to be wounded b lou tx or cult£ g a tank heater and warm the Water before htvait Complamb. dlt you aro troubled vvgttx alipettte;aodstrengtlicns the digestion so thntall thg 1 THESE 70 , �+ j R�+'p Y.p g. pests, ' allow""' them to drink. If the water is Cos. "I'll Ssy l)i cttnesss Cour Stmutaot,, Yi ESE �li 1 l3 vation: 0 fond to assimilated nrid;l'ornts {rash; etas savingmore 7.ha least season I gathered and buried um' ed from a dee well direct into tUe titan it costs. - It regulates tlteDowels mid kidneys , electricity, as applied by the Owen Klcotria • " g ' t e tl t . ,. e a _ . , There is nothing a trent ut is needs' most of the fallen fruit under my own trees P p l e several de rees warmer than }felt airc� baa ..u:tnri, will ino_t assuredly do tanks it wit ix g antl'turns a ivuah tunciuta a smo�h.ancl glossy enc, p h ttention Eve the 'r'o 3er Icee fn' of hat such ractfeo will bel / 5nund-horses acc'nl-: so. It Ll tlieonly lixtovvn tcnteclntl agent that so mac a p 1 p S and dot Ut�not t P p, water that Itas stood in file tanks for any ili` wvi.Lia;t 1 it ]t:tit is l:icltiin ; nzvweli•, merge air How man dairies we often sea umber of live insects that will be sways in demand and 41 1?p Y t s i a d y y y redtice the n length, of time: But this is not always orae force power, and vigor to the g s to not fit have y �' „p, tlirou„h rile country..kept, in a to ready for business this ear, bit I tti:t stagei when tl,e i " or ane wn,1 arous0 to ho altny ac�ion thr*v,liole y tleable., for several reasons, and if pumped headache, rnalgcst,gn. Yooit tirrl<ylm . for such work. Now, says an nei liters' trees till fon �usb:beyond t,will soon et:toahe . ruateric:PAr s Steeples areins DlCK'9psaiS- j nervous ystem. g and allowed to stand i g Trani Eeetrxn, Pu _ i , strains DICK S BL1S- ' chief and most essential, -point in this dairy the garden fence. We are not :very Inde• a unless consider care Ni lits, MelaneholywFbeling, BAas Man, . I g freeuing point, a c? s n and`Liver Cure - TLC will i,e found a 1*r BEWARE {gg tt�� p4 wolk,is cleanliness—not simply to;clean in endentrcreaturesin the world; after' all. ti lolls will be frill of Diembrag a, Kidney ,e '• it will �s c $S tilt R6t.>13 f" 1? is taken the tanks or, troughs a 4 r: t . s .•ntallcdleetrie an ordinary manner so often ;performed in r tank Boater, if ro ext managed ed will : steric mess ssityi Ana the worthlo:"s, the:,]., c ice, A ta, p p y g remove a'Curb, spavin, ,.. . ' er ^ s rn: and addled man laces but to kee thinis thoroughly 1. , s hint or thoi•oti 11 in o. stveiliiin. Dicks I:mi. i3slts aov.._t acct bg-•nm9eancc s p • y p , P g g y Deity Cx1a11Il1e. lar el :avoid this. Of coarse the eason rias f i E ,p £bran •1i the C�untr� They sae electric In — r thing that would endan er tie R Y tiicnt cures a strain or tans , .:&and remavea inflam- € r �, ,. clean eve. y g xcelled opportunities' of the much to, do with this, as in a ]mild, open xiame o0n wo. s.tlt.Ss aS a curd icr. Dower,, .ted Every utensl With the uric pp m,ition from cuts and brulscs, l''or Sale ty all Drug- , rice. party o£ butter amd mill.. y l have the farmers winter a tank heater would be bat little de,i atanyp Clair :t0 be'extended , IstS, Diok'sBlood,Piirifier5Cc. Dick'o%lister50c• h• llon e, the world to snow an before and after being used should be well Y , ; taken inreasonably mild give i mediate relief and a testi a Cur c. : ect f) e e d all' set their standard on a deli ,. needed. If carers Y• Sol G1 l D ,. , ick's Liniment"2e,c. Dick's U itmatt,25c. w'lectric I3eli; tvltere rile Current is under eon- cleaned: The best method is to wash vee• one an , ., y old at all i7ru§ Stores, D ,. .„ s •, .. e of wliieir:wiil iroduce'300'or weather'to keep'the tanks clear of ice, :cud S send a 9ro1 ur the patient r cnis vile a� this. boiling hat water first with snsite herd everyone 1 , - .., eels with trot r „ , � • ' tai ed into the tanks just before Peterboro' Medicine Co., Litnitod. ` ` ,1r.xr $vette- Mark is else portrait of Vii. a00 ounds of milk 'catty , water is pu p J c k - : ,y `�. o tel card ' g 1 x' n ter Bolt and 'washing , Soda, then hot water ,again, and, p y t he va,ter the effef P "i EFtBORO' ONT. for Cull ar. .'1S4e11: erriftos_ed in:.&lt upot v. 3- :1Qot cine cow ut a: thousand,.: taLen fiom .the-stoc_-. are'tufited.to t v , E .. r �. �,t . ,1 „•. a:,, .�.�y,� E r.v I'lFltance xnsnttfantnrrd by us. Iasfty with cold water. l e very li lit but if allowed to become ricniars, Sc r . _�� the average fanner, represents 'any real vvrl b v y liglit, d fop ,C�1 til w.4tailed (Sealed) Fres, her d chilled a356 ver often the Case, the results „ dj .' : I� abookof valuablehotl=_ehoidar.d Carm reei¢es wi1L l r • ) ivel.l-defined purpose to make .e a goo Y • a scrub • ib bt ll tier are more or less harmful'and considering the be cont free; 7rfr". OMEN ELECTRI% ��'Lr 00" 1'atxltry, Raising Caw. Her father case u i ' DILA, £.c co, P.O. Box 4ss, :lro27'REAiy "f r �F Httiiter a snecessful oultr raiser, anther any co:v that might happen, and expensa, it will pay to take scene means, o£ 4.9 lCtrsq St.. W.I, .._ n ... Mr, 1 poultry r' me her %n t cf dairy thoaght andpurpose in warming. v _�':ian ii :shelter, says that an income of from $1,50 to $2,50 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoti�l1. _. •„,..%, 1. ,. i �,' y t ' i, .t,.. n. � ,: �- 'w . , ?f .,.. .... , W ,�.. ,.:;':�:.0 �'�•,.w.s�enaw$.:•'. �i`irt#iMP�`.lr't. h,"ul.':'wi�t...W.�k,...v, ear:�^�.�r':i��1�lu.�.!Y•Sffiem''3�.uN�`.wvNS6.id:!��n'!'�n.,�d. 111e,!'a;r- m _ ,1' ..�,'a.�i rL.c�.n..'�!fN.�,,.i,c-;a.�`Lu,4'a �iX.','^.,m.s�^w.d-�. _ -- -•----- -_ _.- _..w — "Cus-mve-le-4 -a M" -g,,, h AND HOW TO ATTAIN I .Pt A Xeclical'work beat Cells the Causes, Peggrlbes the Uaects, Points the Rerttedy. 4,•iennt... tile. tun anal valu.t' ie, artistically tltc most biAti,iinl medical book rvsrpna- liar.ed; JG puce, every ptga bearings lntif tone:itrst-ativn in tints. SubjCets trcated:,.,- Nervous Debility, Stupoteacy, Sterility, Development, 'uricotele, The Uusband, Those Xnteuding Marriage, etc. Every nett etre +t null! khan the t *and 'rnuhv. the Plain F acts,ibe Uta Secrets and, New Nisei Qelc : o \lccheal "'vtie t d as a plied to Married Lite, who ivo:ildatone for pai'. toile -, and xvei,l tntme lttl•tl's, . a u,d wvte for this \t td\ l)l1.R ' 1'l, l.lT l L%' E.001w. It ,till bs seat frre, under seal, ,Haile the editiun Iasts. Address t'w pcblishero, ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buff lo, N.Y. - It t 4 k It f :l •,- }y, .; r `F� the subject of an advanced education and again. If there are but ten sheep it Will is a, mixture of Jersey and Durbaut, and ,t i ° � ,r; to prepare them for the reception of the be better to keep them in two yards, and was raised on the Ilansborough farm, as f'' s v F µ�ik K�`� a;; •';;4J1 teachings of the stations and colleges as the give each lot separato attention, • A rust in was also her mother and many sisters, none � ' ' � '"" " ' -__-------—a'—_--_- 114 ' 4a.''" . farmers' institutes. a stubble bold in fine weather is healthful of whom exhibited any pnrt:liarity in the LUMBERYARD •'r " �, :r ,y j It is no longer a question with the in• and agrseaUlo, amcl dq@ssltesp much good ; moist of their ntiile,Mollie, as this phnnom•�j'a"'telligeut amd thriftyfarmer about the ad- iu fast any change scents to instil new octal creature is called, has reared iters orL X%" visaVility of using , fertilizers in liberal spirit intothem and freshen therm till, Pwos six calves, all of which leave lived and quantities in some forst, but simply the that will bring early lambs should be kept grown fat on the black mill:. The undersigned visiles to inform the Public In genual that It cost ofobtaining them in themost desirable by themselves in some place where they The milit produces a fair amount of 5 kee constantly in stock all hinds of T � a form. will not be crowded or hustled about, no erearn. This dream is• a trifle lighter in p y M ome men retend to love God, who allow one blit the watelifnl shepherd knows how color than the milk itself, anti, when churn- -. m -1 l:ielt In , , ;1 x ^ heafln virtuoso the Pine that they do not love the wives of their iuunh hntm may be done to the owes by the sd, nutikes a kind a£ Vatter that rCSC131lrIn9 j T�j�� �,� .L E RIA.i,..1 ecnrb9ned tv:th ::tie soGnlusr and exp?cteran• bosoms, by snaking them use the must punching they get by the ram or some dry a thick mixture of coal tar, Paradoxical properties orr,,Itcr peotcralherbs aadbarts. printitivo household utensils, while they Owes, when they are caught ill a corner. as it nl,ty seem this butter is as palatable as t.S,resilaii or 167= tr0Z 0&. - A PSrrr-SOT CUPM FOR themselves are supplied with all the best Some preparations for the early lambs, a though of a golden yellow, and it is said to �r�! iCaf'�'• :E; E' i'� cci�.08 improved fermi machinery used by civilized few posts where the evens may be kept by VO highly rebelled by the whole Ilanabor- PINE E .GNU $F,11ILC�CIi LUMBER. Rocrseness, Astl=m Drcncbitis, Sore -Throat, men. themselves a fOw da} s bnforO rho lambs ongh farnfly. ti t Crwip-andall THROAT, Pe.RONCHIALand In I.ngland the value of a farm, either come, may very easily save both owe and At first, when the peculiar color of Mol- SHINGLE S A SPS CI �T� LUNGDISE,+SES. Obstin tecoughswhich i for sale or rental,is based upon what it will lamb. These pens should be in a warm, lie's milk was discovered by the person to , , oche r meda> yield promptly to this produce or the number of cattle it wfll c uiet til ice. whom was allotted the task of "break?ng 00,000 X X and XXX Pine and Cedar tSllln,les Il 111 gleasat?tr ysq no, P 1 I �, „ .t2.',ICE ::C. AMD 300, PER L30TTLlr'� carry, and there is not ntuclt guess work the con, in, rile family was afraid to ase it stock. A call solicited and satisfaction gllc` n, nted. so, o n� .4t e ra Jon,nrs. aboutit. In time our oven haphazard prat• Choosing A Breet� fit any vcay. S\'Ilett they Sax that the Waif "•°"'" ... _._,, _� .., tine must give way to such better methods, was waxing fat on the liquid tar tile young- Many failures in praoticnl poultry (resp• er members of the family overcame their JA"'�"�'°"S +WILLa�' boorporated1887,withCashCapitalol� Look: to Crevices, as it is bars fixe in aro clue to the choice of the wrong Y _ � ^� �� �� �- �Q,Q(7Q danger is often hid. All our milk arts g for the fancier who breeds wprejudicesnand within a few days the milk g Y P breed of fowls. T : was being used ns, the satin -as if i; had r Should be well cleaned ; also, your churns, for pleasure the advice to select the bread been of tin regulation color. } ' using a small, stiff brush. Water is easy to he likes best may be sufficient but for ilio ) n�T ��p a, et and if on• have a vat you can by ]lav- practical oulti man such advice is not Chemists of Vow analyzed both the ton, and r L Y 1 To LaR�ED�TO ROOT Al In get, s ai to heating •arilttis under p P Y ItfcUmomd haus analyzed both the milk and ., ltf11 \N t, g p g , PP sufficient. He should choose u bread, first, tine butter, but declare that the can de- iit,havehotwateratalltimos. 4Pllilemaking for �i�espe�ia?oUjnutiuview, whethsreggs, toot nothing that in an way accounts for yp p + ob '� Vatter, have nothing bit Fvhat is perfectly or otxltr , or a combination of the turn • . Y Y Safe and absolute] ire. Most owerful FcDlale Re uia,to2' ++° --. "' ` p '. clean. P Y ' its color. € rAyAtlG•ls•tl7, secondly, for bite requirements of his mar- +� known, The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladies I ,r l Bach year the poultry industry grows ket whether the eggs must be white, or ask, druggists for LsiRoe's Star and Crescent Brand, re da 116 �._— more prosperous, illore eggs and poultry colored, or tate skin of the poultry yellow Curious Causes of Fires• ,.w otherldud. Beware of Cheap imitations, as they are danger- , .__ .� ... are produced each year, and each year the or white; thirdly, for his situation, whether ous. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. prices are higher titan the year before, it be a cold and exposed one, ora warm and Moistened tin 'turnings and chips have AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, Alich. Phis indicates that we are be: owing a na- sunny one, assonse breeds will doadmirably been known to tape fire. f tion of poultry eaters, and that poultry is in one situation and indifferently or wretch- A rat gnawing at a box of grease -dipped A.� Btu%" going to be good property for years to edly in another. The Dorking, for example, friction matnhes ignited the lot. _..., come. is a sa•.lure in a damp situation but in its A running belt which sagged into a mass 2 vtit poi a' �1i ��,,b t ANDAPPLIANCEtrot' Thein is much dairy butter thatadn?tern- native home it is a great success. Havlug of greasy waste est ttre to the heap by file- �. ry ,bG +N y'd,, �t� , tion with oleamar>£arine would positively selected for these reasons, he can visually tion. 11; 'I. {' t�' �� ` ;g improve. It was the snaking of wagon- give play to his fancy in colors, Many A lens exp3sed to the sun's rays in an -e cam v" ��+ Cjto `� • {\ o`�Iti4r� 4 KINO ST. $ ' i TORONTO, it t grease butter that a ened the market for breeds have several varieties—the Le�horu E i t • �ti NN - g g y P ngialass beforebeingnoticed cis as a burn- 50 o io4 CtSb %11;IV 'N � ao��., N ! G. C, flATrII25tl:v,3lgr.TorC'siittda oleomargarine. fivecentbutterfinds for exam 1a has no lass titan nine the G a ready sale ; it is fixe 8 -cent article that Cochin four, arc] so on. If the breed au- A match carelessly dropped beneath a ° E" to �4c' e. tiE • �- 'Q,� Electricity, as applied by ULC clogs the market, and brings poverty to the swershis purposes usually' one variety of ®�~r ail A�Iee#r iC ]Belt, lace curtain was stepped upon, ignited and `' cZ5 , p�' 1 �ti~` yam° dye A— ,• maker. that tree will be marl as well gaited Co PP P g 2j� d Y instant] the drapery was ablaze. �� i» titi o 2 tea+ T-snotvircoonized as tt.,a Prri•atcvi bran offered - Since the science of horticulture holds so that purpose as another, and he eau Y P Y ,� Zti� y ��- rJx `," ^tylti s� �. ,, ga to sni£einug huul:ulily. It i5 fait risking the important a osition i.n olitical econom • select,rhe varlet he likes best. But if one A flood burned one factory by Causing a b i ¢ � c e' ta$ • dace cY druas in all nervous and rliennlatr 1 thequestion for hortioulptural societies to variety be better suited to hie put -pose than pile of iron filings to oxidize so rapidly as t; -"),V, r ��,~ ��e7 6Ag5 e,5 1a Q0�.gc+ troticic. i,nd will elSert rut 3 In seemingly consider is: Is the trust imposed upon the others of the breed, even if holike some to become intensely heated. .tip?" o .cz ti It oho 43 . �t a pelest c asci w ore cv0ry- tether hnoivn mneme Sias F;t13at7 It is naturrr ti r�niady. and by iia them—:o adrances thi noble science—fully other variety better, lie should seleet• the A cockchafer crawled from an oil stove •L fat ,y %O w � �ti�� g' steady, sm:111113 ;current that is readily ioi;., executed by holding exhibitions and dis• one best suited to bring the results lie is receptacle to:,Lt, gas jet, where the creature's .Io " .�,g• 4�2,� o 6, �50� g , 9 V �6-g{a4 POSITIVELY CURES tributine prizes? Should we not initiate seeking. To do otherwise is to adopt nu' oily body took fire, anti, f9slliug, spread the 4 otiti 41 o^. �� �4 �� w >r�0``� o`\ 1�' gthettntatism, Sexual Weakness some method of botanical investigation, or, businesslike methods, and invite failure. games, e5 fP LC titin atiiv c;- t o G° like the Royal Iiortienttural societ taut e G s! ZlP k° . C`-, V' n, Sciatica. 'dieniale ConiplainCs Y Y, p A stream from the fireman s hose started .'n �e A. a4 e Off` e ��� 4� General Debility, illlprete3xe.9, an experimental garden? Sheep in Orchards• a second lira while putting out the first, ,� ,g5 �f! �o °tet •o Goya , ,_ Mui xbag'o. Riducy Diseases, It important to have the soil as fine as the water Navin penetrated an adjoining o oNV �4 of ws w, worvous uiseases, Liver Complaint, P j A comes ondent asks if shee ke t in an 3Dysnse'•sln, Laine hack, possible, and the best way to do this is to p P P building containinquicklime. 1 g v,�y De, L 'Q ,.(�-'owctxm`�' 9+ o4ti� pt° G°. orb ..r �rarlcoceiv, trimry Diseases. Yarrow tharounhl immedtatcl after the apple orchard to pink up and eat the fallen T Io �tii 'i � o c;4' ter 'S 1 9+ m'b' "^s ploughing is dons thoroughly is, harrow just be- f rant maggotso that the fruit gathered frotbe m the A nail glanced fr�rfi a carpenter's hent �� alt �g 4`, Otis fie �� t�'��yfi9'ac�� RHEUMATISM EBS M AT 6 S M fore noon what has been lowed before meg g mer into the conveyor of raw material fu {ti . a P a jute factory, rubbed against the drum e'e' 3 0 • tiv9 .e *4 ' It is a well icrown pact that medical science noon, and that which has been plowed trues would be free from the insect . I a tree utterly failed to tt8ord relief in rheumatic and reduced a spark which set fire to the 4' 7� Sw y4 �1 tier `�� in the afternoon should be harrowed in the must answer that while keeping sheep in P P eases. We venture 00 -is altbough an orchard dnrin summer and fall would plane. — cases. We has only been in tree as it remedial evening. This keeps the work up evenly g ?,ranu;:teturcd only by Thomas Holloway, 7a, New Oxford Street, agent for a few o my b e has Cured more eases and prepares the ground for the best results. greatly tenet to make the apples sound, it It is a well settled fact that in Winter late sss, otford Street, London. OT 1llteumstism than all other means com- would not be it slice preventive under usual anything that chills the system increases the Atfnsd. Some of our leading physicians, recog- As to potash for the peach, one must ex- Y sw Parchasers should look to the Label ell the Bozea and POW, iaizin r this fact'--, .ue s cailint themselves of this eriment at holim 1 lived twenty-five conditions, Not all the infested fruit falls cost of maintenance, and the taking in of a r most patent of nature's grecs, P Y to the ground before harvest time, much of considerable quantity of ice Cold water cer- If the ddresa is aoti 633, 4sford Street, London, they ars spuriona1, yearn where ashes gemmed almost magical in q Y qM�► T -, its effect on the foliage and growth of pe it sola into the cellar where the maggot taint will chill the blood and more or less dQj F.i+ STOR tAI�ItUUD , sen may mature and• be ready for next year's rain will Ve neecleii to make iU np. Tltis, trees. On moving flurry mi,es away, to operations. If all the neighbors would keep g . Tbotxsauds of people suffer from a variety of alluvial valla soil from the former mountain P says a writer, is the principal advantage in :nervous diseases, such as, C;eimnal weakness, Y sheep to destroy all fallen fruit and if the Warming the water for the stock. If they ltivcry ownrr eta Impoumey, Lost PdmrJiood, weak Back, etc., slope, I got a ez•rload of strong oak -wood picked apples were all consumed and the are without shelterit ntsvl.esbut little differ• �;, til! thatslte. old modes of treatment T01tocure ashes, but could never discern any difference avy to hovyuts 1. !(hire is a loss of helve force or power that • maggots destroyed there would pons left enco, But after' goiug to the expense of pro D� to Icno y how to ave Is loss of by nerve f rat treatment, anti in growth where xt was applied. Taut every- for seed, but such thoroughness is rare WTv It Qn, lits animal r. ca � l where I have seen that each tress along viding good shelter to make the steel. coin• 1 do torwho would try to aetomphsh talc P n fruit towers. A le arm s and , seed health while in i1,c stable. 611 dryyfodder. an o • amon>; g Apple parings y fnrtable:lu order to save;' feed it will nearly yP DICK'S BLOOD PU1i1P'I s i •t gs is �:caeti5in a dangerous stone fences or in Closet pastured sod live � is the latest in.pli�rtnnc o._the cure vP. ds.uovi =eco nixed ' :' "' form any kind i dx is } fi d Y P cores thrown u on the ground in back yards Q' to o a little iarbher and provide 1l symptoms indicatin ICuluax ANI) ! Yorm of charlatanism. Properly treated longer and bear ]tetter than where the snots pp always y g P of all t e,e q rte' the hest Conduton 1 owdcrs,• it gives a good long or ardens tend to petpetuate such insect pp p�t are liable to be wounded b lou tx or cult£ g a tank heater and warm the Water before htvait Complamb. dlt you aro troubled vvgttx alipettte;aodstrengtlicns the digestion so thntall thg 1 THESE 70 , �+ j R�+'p Y.p g. pests, ' allow""' them to drink. If the water is Cos. "I'll Ssy l)i cttnesss Cour Stmutaot,, Yi ESE �li 1 l3 vation: 0 fond to assimilated nrid;l'ornts {rash; etas savingmore 7.ha least season I gathered and buried um' ed from a dee well direct into tUe titan it costs. - It regulates tlteDowels mid kidneys , electricity, as applied by the Owen Klcotria • " g ' t e tl t . ,. e a _ . , There is nothing a trent ut is needs' most of the fallen fruit under my own trees P p l e several de rees warmer than }felt airc� baa ..u:tnri, will ino_t assuredly do tanks it wit ix g antl'turns a ivuah tunciuta a smo�h.ancl glossy enc, p h ttention Eve the 'r'o 3er Icee fn' of hat such ractfeo will bel / 5nund-horses acc'nl-: so. It Ll tlieonly lixtovvn tcnteclntl agent that so mac a p 1 p S and dot Ut�not t P p, water that Itas stood in file tanks for any ili` wvi.Lia;t 1 it ]t:tit is l:icltiin ; nzvweli•, merge air How man dairies we often sea umber of live insects that will be sways in demand and 41 1?p Y t s i a d y y y redtice the n length, of time: But this is not always orae force power, and vigor to the g s to not fit have y �' „p, tlirou„h rile country..kept, in a to ready for business this ear, bit I tti:t stagei when tl,e i " or ane wn,1 arous0 to ho altny ac�ion thr*v,liole y tleable., for several reasons, and if pumped headache, rnalgcst,gn. Yooit tirrl<ylm . for such work. Now, says an nei liters' trees till fon �usb:beyond t,will soon et:toahe . ruateric:PAr s Steeples areins DlCK'9psaiS- j nervous ystem. g and allowed to stand i g Trani Eeetrxn, Pu _ i , strains DICK S BL1S- ' chief and most essential, -point in this dairy the garden fence. We are not :very Inde• a unless consider care Ni lits, MelaneholywFbeling, BAas Man, . I g freeuing point, a c? s n and`Liver Cure - TLC will i,e found a 1*r BEWARE {gg tt�� p4 wolk,is cleanliness—not simply to;clean in endentrcreaturesin the world; after' all. ti lolls will be frill of Diembrag a, Kidney ,e '• it will �s c $S tilt R6t.>13 f" 1? is taken the tanks or, troughs a 4 r: t . s .•ntallcdleetrie an ordinary manner so often ;performed in r tank Boater, if ro ext managed ed will : steric mess ssityi Ana the worthlo:"s, the:,]., c ice, A ta, p p y g remove a'Curb, spavin, ,.. . ' er ^ s rn: and addled man laces but to kee thinis thoroughly 1. , s hint or thoi•oti 11 in o. stveiliiin. Dicks I:mi. i3slts aov.._t acct bg-•nm9eancc s p • y p , P g g y Deity Cx1a11Il1e. lar el :avoid this. Of coarse the eason rias f i E ,p £bran •1i the C�untr� They sae electric In — r thing that would endan er tie R Y tiicnt cures a strain or tans , .:&and remavea inflam- € r �, ,. clean eve. y g xcelled opportunities' of the much to, do with this, as in a ]mild, open xiame o0n wo. s.tlt.Ss aS a curd icr. Dower,, .ted Every utensl With the uric pp m,ition from cuts and brulscs, l''or Sale ty all Drug- , rice. party o£ butter amd mill.. y l have the farmers winter a tank heater would be bat little de,i atanyp Clair :t0 be'extended , IstS, Diok'sBlood,Piirifier5Cc. Dick'o%lister50c• h• llon e, the world to snow an before and after being used should be well Y , ; taken inreasonably mild give i mediate relief and a testi a Cur c. : ect f) e e d all' set their standard on a deli ,. needed. If carers Y• Sol G1 l D ,. , ick's Liniment"2e,c. Dick's U itmatt,25c. w'lectric I3eli; tvltere rile Current is under eon- cleaned: The best method is to wash vee• one an , ., y old at all i7ru§ Stores, D ,. .„ s •, .. e of wliieir:wiil iroduce'300'or weather'to keep'the tanks clear of ice, :cud S send a 9ro1 ur the patient r cnis vile a� this. boiling hat water first with snsite herd everyone 1 , - .., eels with trot r „ , � • ' tai ed into the tanks just before Peterboro' Medicine Co., Litnitod. ` ` ,1r.xr $vette- Mark is else portrait of Vii. a00 ounds of milk 'catty , water is pu p J c k - : ,y `�. o tel card ' g 1 x' n ter Bolt and 'washing , Soda, then hot water ,again, and, p y t he va,ter the effef P "i EFtBORO' ONT. for Cull ar. .'1S4e11: erriftos_ed in:.&lt upot v. 3- :1Qot cine cow ut a: thousand,.: taLen fiom .the-stoc_-. are'tufited.to t v , E .. r �. �,t . ,1 „•. a:,, .�.�y,� E r.v I'lFltance xnsnttfantnrrd by us. Iasfty with cold water. l e very li lit but if allowed to become ricniars, Sc r . _�� the average fanner, represents 'any real vvrl b v y liglit, d fop ,C�1 til w.4tailed (Sealed) Fres, her d chilled a356 ver often the Case, the results „ dj .' : I� abookof valuablehotl=_ehoidar.d Carm reei¢es wi1L l r • ) ivel.l-defined purpose to make .e a goo Y • a scrub • ib bt ll tier are more or less harmful'and considering the be cont free; 7rfr". OMEN ELECTRI% ��'Lr 00" 1'atxltry, Raising Caw. Her father case u i ' DILA, £.c co, P.O. Box 4ss, :lro27'REAiy "f r �F Httiiter a snecessful oultr raiser, anther any co:v that might happen, and expensa, it will pay to take scene means, o£ 4.9 lCtrsq St.. W.I, .._ n ... Mr, 1 poultry r' me her %n t cf dairy thoaght andpurpose in warming. v _�':ian ii :shelter, says that an income of from $1,50 to $2,50 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoti�l1. _. •„,..%, 1. ,. i �,' y t ' i, .t,.. n. � ,: �- 'w . , ?f .,.. .... , W ,�.. ,.:;':�:.0 �'�•,.w.s�enaw$.:•'. �i`irt#iMP�`.lr't. h,"ul.':'wi�t...W.�k,...v, ear:�^�.�r':i��1�lu.�.!Y•Sffiem''3�.uN�`.wvNS6.id:!��n'!'�n.,�d. 111e,!'a;r- m _ ,1' ..�,'a.�i rL.c�.n..'�!fN.�,,.i,c-;a.�`Lu,4'a �iX.','^.,m.s�^w.d-�.