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The Exeter Times, 1893-3-30, Page 1
I A"IF-1 Ite, rt • 3,,. :' 1 1, 14j �' . •�•wln...wl.,r..n•mwo�aoym^nm' THE BESTCir . ..... ,—� �"'�' ^'_ ,advertising MediLim —1N—. I -At he Label, Ja ' . THTS SECTION, See if You are . PATD IN ADVAt�IC . ' ', -^^^^ 1_ .. -,- I ` I AND, HURON' .�� w: . & MID.I�LESE�. GAZETTE. _�� �, "HEW TO THE . LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL yVIIi,13E THEE MAY. 11 VOL.XX. NO; 30, Jo ' EXETER, ONTARIO, THU SLAY MORN NO, MAR01130, 1893 lex WHIMS & eUrs 1". -- - P'ubllehers and Proprietors '. Cromarty. --- ' -� HPIAsall. .KcQllliVray, vONDENSED DISTRICT .; '•. J Bnzers,--MisaMar Gillespie left on the 1�7F;WS• ' \ / g y �� • CA1iERON Sh#ITII, Barrietor. Soiloi• ilRiaFs--HIr King Bsrry has disposed .of T L y 20th fact for a ion visittq zelaizras m Ma- tor, Conveyancer. Office main-at. iy+g �OQ•aarA farm In JiI°G]11i4;ay to l�r Tia PHHTFi, A W E nttoba and the North West.-Mr. Huh can bo consulted after office flours at the , Hugh. Oommorcial Hotel, hensatl, Navin for the gam of l'GOGO, 1t is aonaid- . -AND- Qilleepie,, who has spent tbo past few months eyed a very cheap farm; -Mr Jamas ons: n Mr. George Mark, operator in the G, T. �y(�T �T at hie home here, want back to Duluth on ABOON xo VIR FAux4n-.'rheundersign li, des archer's officeStratford,"�-+++�•� `j��' "' Monde ad have a splendid Machine, weioluuS only s has sold his 100-cors farm.Ixroo# lice ra9ti p .lice bascz V y,-J1r, Morrison of Cromarty, left pounds, that ca.unot ba beaten noryot equal to 14 r: James Oka #or the sum of 36,000. removed to St, Mary's ofhoe, W the place of or the West Ibis week also. fad for rowing axr,s,s3 seed. Clover Seed,F'iar- _ _. the lata Bir, Samuel Blair. ------ s. Seed or any kind of grain. It saws is foot Stephen. in width orNfeet atasingle round,antlwitk Blyth, Mr. EdmondMorphy,soa of Mrs. (Dr U QEai'1 I iSrdS :trier 11QUSe- itGrn" S094 can be sown on a;windy day. H„11 of St. Alarya had both of his fsetlroz, —ARE THE— given betas half a bushel r seed. n o or rime is RR1ESS,-Constable Davis°aecommodated en while in the mountains in Colorado, la Gleaning, was, over,. Just think,,: SaliooL Rarortx-Tile foliotsng no, a qoz- given ngainat any other riiaohiue for eimpll• a con leo ` at htnli,: (� (1 /l �l �t (1 root report of S. S, No. 2 for the month of ° tY of make or for �erfeotuole is its work p f youthful loolcnug tramps to a week, and had thein amputated, gree, rooms #a. paper, and the ' U U l t U 11 V PRIN U For sale and inageatiou at the Hansell flour night lodging in the Cantle an Thursday, U, J. stud J. ” hi ting room, p p Sit Marsh, The nahea of the #nf Mills. miff a 00OX BROS, •--Some time'durf tg Frlda n, ht liar lana bought Ziff to a# St. Marys have g omx, and spare bed-room RIUat ` ' -• claos are in order of meritpap�r.IY each were diaaavarad las y d g b -ght'the whey train 13lanahsrd choose have flaw Ca,r eta, 14j ' Salter, Jr. IV -E, Sime, Q. Sailor L $2000 worth of acwSpring goods nstopened , ,have bean at work dur- faotary and pro nae ieodin alar 'y, my I 11 `" } A�:R. , oat at. A, tiVoeeloh s.thoold raliab o. hoot d lug the night at the safe in the, P r go number Seems to n1' W@ re Lawson, J. Flanagan, S. Flanagan. Sr,III Shoe dealer, of Honeall, We aro aiwals to of T R. nt piganeai Dearth are next summer, always bttyillg ^---^- - AI,. Spencer, 0, Lawson, T. Edwards, L, thefront in price, quality and style, and Darr hca tit our.station, snit they did not got something. But never m " y in ch of a reward for their suer men thought to be P. xaban, formerly ;von' Ind, it Lampert. Jr, Ill-L, Lawsgn, W, Iiirt$oj, . a stook equal to coy efts, These Goads bevy' qy, obtain• af: st, Aiary s ba t cost so touch after I My Stock; . is now complete and been bought for cash, direct from Alanufactur- inv only n fow oq ers-Mr, Win, Simla t lately foreman zn the 0 ilia ".fo3' d P B. Sime, U. Eepery, H, Clash, Q. ?alter. are. this enables us to sell foot-wear, as oboe an PP The flax mtL w s i la azo koId that . P beautiful to behold, which cannot help Sr. 11- K, Flanagan, B. Bosery, A SiM3 C and cheaper than n tI]e 1! y friends are pleased to nee biro out on. , a k l d by a train, , Ross got a larg ' any, o r doal0r, as ouz the atreeta onvv'nore After se er 'i 1 five miles wast of Parkhill, Thuradav StOcic of the lovelie t but pieces every taste aE the, Lady Lamport, H, Lamport, M, Lamport, L,,otoIs,aadbasbeen'Smallprofits".d quick y e 1noes S wall papers pP 11 Shoppers, � Sntno Sr. pt, II-;Ii, Lawson.. Joe Sims. 1'otutne;' and by our square and honest dealing —We regret to bass that 14fise §opbia mazuing: ivktli boz',derS t4 xz'tS.tc11 that in the vast: our trade in xnaroosing ovary year, -Symonds 18: seriously ludic osed at present, Tho death 000urred at the a were NVO, hate always load the trade in C. Lamport, P, &Wilson, P, Flanagan, L, Boots cull Shoes made to ardor in the latae Y p Pres n , ,f ,� b mestead, ever seen in Exeter• c this department, and our effort this Ecasry. Pt, I- G. Sims- G. Lawson style, and a first class fit or no Sale, Bop t izut3hape to of liar speedy recover , - Bnnnysiale. titTzntarbaurzze,' Waterloo , an 'l Much, ,year has sur assed aver ion Sims, I+, Flanagan, ' Ing neatly done and promptly attended oto. the mertiberm of C. O, F. 89 mat nn their county, last week, of John Gordon father tzeaukifUl al1•wOOI apestry and P Y previous year. We have pito In: Stop a large aaHoxtineat of hall on Tneada evanin . h of 0x=Ma ar i W. Gordon, ".aIpets, all at i es ` Y $ T a flaYt mill Y rd Q, of Stratford. pr C w1t111rt tl1G Call early Arid get your, choice of A Bsgsgif, TeAchort Trucks and Valises at Bargains, Butter and bar gat throuGh the season's wgrk an Deceased wasin bzs87tb ear, reach O# all an fife bast Patterns before the Stock is Egggs taken in exaliangri for goods, se or oent 3' x d beaker stilt, they, r -' of for cash on all ready made oods, closed, Two rinks from Brantford plc ed with :say I can get a. x+5.00-pickt;vxe ' bxoketi, uliarton. a that d , y examine our stock, and be oonvinood that we UrQtYltt711, two, St, Ikiarys rinks at. St, Maryi Friday ick thrown in, Ain't it. a caution 1 ' B1111 a;•- Miss Criatian McDougall, who A. NVassLo$.Pronrfotor. - ` - the Ben Wivis trophy resulting in a draw I' going t I R. sfd,CliiO YY rid ,� �I f has been for the past thea years with her Sign of the Big Boat, Basi Fa-T1ie Ticar was vary high last Owing to the soft ice, after playing tbirteen g g there, SO I am, Are brother Manitoba, returned home on Sat• THE. HHNSALL CLOTHING HCIiSB, week, but so, far no, damago leas boon done. ends. Tine two other rinkafrom. Brantford you t' general 142orchant, Irkton. urday. One tbnng that wilt mar liar rstnrn Tc the eo i -Joseph Lawson line bae0 drawing lits played at the same time a Finan MR 7 .. ' r People of Heusall and, surrounding lumber for the slaw brill es,-J°°se h Hsiet with two, q o dly game �� Il�-�j [,,. .-_1.1___1__ " '-- homeiathesevere illness. of bar father, who country.-ilavixag just finished opauing out 3 Ph home rinks with the result. $Grp ep . is suffering under the Growth of #wt, cancers our aprin stook. wet are now prepared to and #amity have arrived lierefrom Michigan Mr- Willie, showOnoot¢the largest and best selected stocks and era xnavingon the Ia3a#thew Morloak nQ * of Wzngliain,_has declined Iia near the tbroat,--The members of ilia. Met: waet,of Toronto of Tweeds. Worsteds, cull hemcatcall.ving on he M a ` cept the offer of the position of °rgauiat Bxi>cara-SYaad bava are again an the hadist church baro are going to have tient o Furnishintta. Ivo axil to sad suits 3t }' . was in Gadarigh atid chair mastor of Rin .Street track. Mr. Jotoph 8harrow had Ono on Fri• extensive repairs done to their church, in the. oa Tueedar ginnR eridc son the Arb tra- g et Church, UIDDLsa■S, hallo to,ordar with good trimming$, at stT,50 , Iagaran11 eats iaducaments having bean clay last, also Air, John Holt had bier trial way of plastering, oeillns with lumber g 40 $9 00 61040 up to $20 worsted suits from tion ease, Tpe, ;4fOrrin " Huron.--par 31 ,00 up to 3Ta0,In English and Scotch aergea barber bad a clone c 1 last bald out to retain his services at Trinity Mr. John Shoults of Parkhill, hag moo of one and alsims be had fortyroorda out - painting, eto,, an work will be eommenood we have the beet value ever offered in Hansall ij as ivOak- After, Church, Mitchell ed his lamily to Madison, Wis. Miss ©, Turnbu 1, of Brewster. is spending at as early a date as possible.-Mexere, T. Pants made to order from 82.00iup to S9-ou, �p°adzua hie barge on the road, he drove :to kemetnbor these goads are all now and .are the the stable, Here the cnttor came in Aon#rEnt The other day while cutting wood in the The Parkhill gun club have bean grant- tbig weak with hire, (a: Sberritt a# thio flurrelley Sou have had unusually good 4aeh aft. Thus, Evans, Jr. Ea ad permission: by the town Cott vi t newest and the latest patterns. and win be with the gate post, throwing +Bard against � East Mitchell Courroil o pia° vicinity,-One Of Mr. J. B, Hodgin'a Of look this opting with their Saak Of fanoy mado up in the very newest stFlo with goad the post, ' n ' Road, Blanchard sustained tzce On the -Agricultural oun , Parkhill, dwelling houses, occupied by Mr, broil sliesp and limbs. They have stow trimmings tfoad work, and square dealing- Ave P , ,eta ning him for a short time , nn�d a eaFara outrgrounds. ? POeltnn, caught fire on Monday last by twenty seven ,lambs livingand b va cobalt continuance of sour trade As we have nevertheless he is all O. I£. now.-Re ,Mr with an nae, it aoeme the axe glanced Tlio full returns from the i ' a last in the past, Remember also that in Hata Wits by y ' and struokhim on tho loft to just Below Pallia diviolons of h wrnn art a spark from Ilia stove pipe, but as 8ohe Of only tour or five. Throe. years ago a hand• Skirts peek. wear slaves sacks b g bold quarterly heating bare Sunday , B 1 g the South aiding of the neigbbors camp to Mie rescue the fire soma brick house last year a thousand• stock, ata. we in the German Evangelical church, the knee, the blade entering the bone. Middlesex show a total ma}orit at 653 have a Largo and well selected atoak, and will ---.-......_..,,..0+.,,,,m_ - qn the eco of Choi; de attars Exam their for Mr. Robert Boston, the Grit candid- while Gaon extinguished•-The Other day dollar barn ; this year anotbsr $l,Ot10 term. sell as cheap as any one in the trade, A call p while Mr. Stopheu Webb no°ompani°.d by This is their record of progress through wail convince yon that we means net what we Tuokerlamith- old home to St. Marys a number of too ata• Jonathan Stunt, was driving along the road these hard times. p g g Advortloo. Iiamomtbor the stand. friends of Mr. And Mrs Al-x Robartson, of Goo. W. Shipley, merchant of Ailta 3101CW2N'S . Block. Ifensall, Bsiz rd-There was no service at Turner's alta fourth lane of Blansbard, met at rheas C-• i, has osgigaad alas 1 there bpproad to bo echo water se took - J oxbl Po"'Prop- church on Sunday, as the Rev. Mr Smythe residence on Wednesda a \ of hi k i Holtzman fit Gainer over t1 a road at which the horses took y vanlnp, , Parch H Q •, Stephan Township, • Both hnston's Mills, k'allrxwing aro the basket gttotsinana : could not Kot ther9 on account Of Ill° roads 15th, and presented Mr, It with a boauti- firma were considered is oodanra . £right and making a quick r w-th, throw --- Wbeaf . , ., ... , .. , being so bad.-Mr Herbert Crfab And C. fal banging lamp, and Mrs. B. with a oar. cea- g umetan poor Jonathan into the water w;thaub giv. Bzuars'-lir J. Iiamsayar of Iilkton, Barley , . • .. 4;i is G4 Rautlail a Ing him any warning, giving bim unexpeo- 'Hiah , bas taken unto himself a wife in the O y ' ' ' ' ' • ^ 30 to 3G g Bald trrn eiitira colts to A€r Mo- vlaabld dinner sat, Counsel for the Fres ata ............ „ ... s0 to 3I 1•ntyre for a good figure.--bust; 11101:10 , At a meeting of vatar' r the ab man family,Ra kin Y They will g inn y surgeons held arae .murdering hst 111bta Rankin tndlP (a cold hath. -bis. T. Tetrasu and pparson of Mist, Mar Exobor, Nott, London. Road, has gone to Detroit, a Stratford family Ietf last weak for iudiau Road. dspartfor their now home ina, few days,- Poaa .., .., 53 to 55 t t ttord on Frfdtty' an organtaatnoa to of Ghrtham, will ask :that t r- gny .. 6,0010 7.00 where ebe intends to reside in the future. be known as the. Perth County Yetaxfna place in Loadon,'faa in 1110trial tel taEe ► +de . - e. Itis sWbCharles Tr as his has lately claimed Butter ...... . ... . .... . 17 to 18 -Ur Noble of Hullett is engaged to work x ,F a ptea udigad- jurr,r 1 (1IaHt18ta0yH, Miss Whitmara as hfs awn, lie has par. Medical Aaeaanation #ran formed.-Tha fol- at home. -- abased a house frons Mr O'Brien, whish he Eggs ' • • • • 3 to 1,1 for Mr. Waldron, Landon Road, this tum, lnwzng wore elected of loorg:- Wet, Gibb On blonde o OBITUaztr.-,7.'ha 1st° fobs Dennis Sutton int ends to move on his own placo. We Hogg .. •' ` .. • 8.00 to 8.20 mer.-James, son of James Landegborough, St. lifer 's president, r y of last week Mr. 'J4a, Nial, Clover good, ....... , :8.50 to 8;75 died on Saturday of the £ell disease con- ford v Y P dant, Win. Steele, Strut- relic licca last at the £nob of liavhan's lsili whose death naemirr0d at the homestead, wigi:.him a4onest.--:'Lr Beahtol, oar snngieg cum tions-He was a ramie' , ice president; Wm, R. Garr,Xlrktnn, w the :2nd connect Clandboyo, Inst weak, 'wee a daughter Of leader,, woo wt,¢ sick for some time, is I} P p anq young man aeorstar =treasurer. ion of MaGlllivray while the late J , last. oo aria of the tenser alright agate and Singing has ILTzra...4*4 M Gilchrist s sola+ of vil- last budding into :manhood• He, waa atbaut y driving over the bridge. the borne chocked p lage lots oil Saturtisy wav asuecess. There 24 years old. HIS friends have the heart. Stratford Hernia;-Thu Romeo ward and falling against the railingwent into P , " g a re•0 eoed t settlors ofLondon Tnwnobip. In l$84,the with new life. .this is a long step in the were some 1.5 or 20 lots sold at Prices vary- felt Sympathy of the entire ism r t creek could not carry the water %wa fast the river, Slight damage. ear of their marriage shetnovedto Clan• right direction.--We *Ore Gorr to ralata y' v mu it p. y B g 33�� Y Ing from $G5 to $00 a lot.-Mr D:L.Sktppor Tho, funeral took place on Tuesday to the enough Saturday and the water bsoksa up 31r. George Parker, Of Luesu a cooper debove, than oatled Ireland, where her hus- that Mr Joseph Spencer, teacher rt Black fruit ties agent of the Mount Hope Nurser- Harpurbey oamvterr. drains emptying into the creek, and in can- by trade seed G o per band kept Stora at that time. With the Bush, is act able to teach at present owin so, , Q 0 years, dropped dead is g ostlers Rochester, X, N, X„ is busily taking : - -! a quence aellais on Ontario s,rast and even his oonvoyano° while pasping'Along Main rte '' +m of an interval of four ears' res. to a seyere cold which he contracted some p as far' as Mr- Robt. Hamilton s • yMr.Sut. around the village.--Bir C1irxton. , , near street Friday afternoon. Ilia medical QX,µ z1 the Canting Moll, where sh boa time age, We Bea , will soon be around Rlghara Warring happened witb A severe Queens Park, were flooded. At Brunswick adviser stated that heart ��k,m rjturtvdlumborinq 3$ycarsago, she had alfmin.-hfr E, Hagan, the popular teacher accident on Tuesday. While upon ilia roof 13ztzEFs-Goo. Illedd is sufferfn from a And Frank etrseta the Anter flowed over the cause of disease �ras3iia livedin Claudebnra, and was one of the' of S• S, No 12, Hay, bis revealed the re- R road and two or three houses were sur- desab, and had informed the da- few romaining early settlers of this place. sults of "the promotion oxamination Bold fa ling woodshed, a i;ave hurt. illi :cal sariontumo tion rs one side, rlouaunoad a ceased that be wag liable to fire Ott an falling through, was badly Bart. .Medical blood tumor.—Mrs. Knott ze eertauslp til.-- rqu11 ad with water eq that the inmates ti [Cwithiu thv last six months. p y Mrs. Sutton. wren reared in the she unit. ]eat h Friday.hA goad many have pasted, aid was at once summoned and lir W, is Mr. T. Booth and family f a could neither get out arm. Grand Trunk faith, lana Hama twenty years ago alis unit- which shotes thatthenobool is nxi lbs Banda , a ri eaei8, Bayo Notice is :von of Application to'the Ont . doing no, well eta can be expected.--lits Sim, removed.to Clinton,-Mr 7obm B"Room, one engineers report floods in the vicinity of 8- PP r ed with ilia nfethodist Church. Ot whish Of a suavoasful teacher.--The roads are get. Hunter left on'uesday for the Northwest, of the highly respected Mitchell and Sea#orth, same oo le at t aria L"gnrlatnre! for the incorporation of a ,t she was a consistent member till bar-doath ting dry very fast. R Y p d and old time pion p P he company to construct en electric or Other' taking with him Brown Billy and several ears of Huron, we regtet to learn is still latter place being obliged to move on ac- P y a which she long and painful ain uaaem ss f pytidais other horses. Suceesr tcgyou Simon,-Wm confined to the hone,-Mr. E, E Barrow count of the water, railway- from 8trathroy to St. Thomas and exemplary patience, To the Bditor of alae Exeter Times, Morrison, formerly of He' Sal], naw of Lon the popular tellor nn the molsons Bank, firmer. from illStrotbraynd F tasom8 other rand between %, $or family consists of bar husband, three DEAR Slit,-•A discussion was :started at don, was in Iowa on Monday,--Mr David leaves on Satnrda for Brockville where hearkhill and Forest on rho Grand Trunk. dauplitera and five sons. Or these are bars the annual meeting of the Hibbert and Gottschalk of Zurich.was in town on Man- takes a similar position D.H.DHPorter, of liasfield no, moving:to A mod to of further the pro act, ane has bean. Walls, of Detroit; ll rs, O, J Reidy of Win. Ueborne Fire Insurance Company hold at, day on business.--Mr David Miller of Exe• Allen W. Harttpof St, Thomas,Son - London to reside. formed tO farther the project, and it has. door- Dr. M. Sutton, of Cookeville,: George r o of C. Mrs. Tuits of B.elgrave, has gone to been decided to raise a guarantee fund of g Ii'ArquhaY on Februa•y 6th to try and se ter sold lira property on lung-st, to llesars A. Hartt, f town, will be transferred to the $4 000 to meet relief foreman of the Sutton mill; Tames and duce the aKenta cotnmissiant for drawin William and Richard Wclsh for n _band Chicago where aha has opened a boarding ' preliminary ezpeno-.s. Augusta, on the farm at CIandaboye ; Wil policies from one dollar to fifty vents, as t figure:- 3i: Rudolph Heiderman, ocape , of respecter ofn persons. sof Death is no house in the vicinity of the World's, Fair N liam.a store-keeper in Vancouver B.C. and P n e taythe reaps and . fy was thought t0 be too much for all, the Znzioh, was in town on Tuesday,-Quits a reaps, warning all that"Old and young must bunldonga, Arthur a barrister in OisTgarg, work required to ' draw a; policy; and, number of the Hartsell citizens attended sooner or later be committed to the earth Lr MaCrlmman of Underwood formerlyWhen the Leistet _ + of Lucknow, has been appointed � regiment mustered an taking .into consideration the facts as sub- thn re-opening of the St. Andrew's church, Last Wednesday fn Aullett Jas. McGauhey, pp znted ane of the Saturday before the departingfrom Halifax Mr. Harry Johnston has rented his farm witted in the report of the directors to the $ippon, on Sunday and Monday eveni'ig,- breathed his last, He was aged but 28 judges in the games daring Scottish week for the Wept Indies it was found ne, on the 18th eon. of McGillivray, and he members of the Company, that the eats It in thought that " " , to be Hina and Mrs. Johnston left this week for Mo, receive about 800 a R g kranpa will win the years, 3 months sad 14 days, and leaves a at the Worlds. hair. man short, that number having desert line, Ill. $ year. The party medal for cnrlin -Rev: H. Irwin was at young widow, formerly hiss McConnell.- Mr. J. Nicoll, G. T,. R. station agent has ed. who spoke in favor of the reduction was Ripley over Sunday -Oar village has now 'A matabed race will be trotted at Brmeels been appointed American Consul at Win •••-- Parkhill. will orgauiza a cricket club, told by the President that he would not got a barber shop, Mr Mat. Elwood of on Jana 291h, between T. Swarta' "Walter barn in succession to Mr. A. C. tra a . do it for less himself, therefore he present- Detroit has opened a first-olaea barber shop G." and R. Beattie's "13adie A." bettor late G. T. R. agent there. $ thane, RXON, RED BLOOD. ad an application to the directors (who in R, Warren's blook.-=We ata pleased to known as the Paisley mare, Stakes $300, Dr. Gibson. of Clinton has left for As naturally results from taking Hood's are expected to itrsnsset the business as rs aort •hu we,* thc„ Damon 14 sEr en, jr., Mrr. Bowers we azoeedingio regret to Che luau Iia i e Sarsaparilla as araoaal n n ' economically as possible) o{iering to do the who has been suffering from pnaumonia learn,, is not improvingin health,-Yegter- p y ng aaspted the appoint Eich free s p lea lint;as esquire Rork for the townehip of Ueborne for the for iha, past week, is recovering, also his day at Wnghton, L+'n land HenryYe er-ord meat offered num by ilia C. P. as medi. use of soap and water. This amount he advocated was enough, The sister, who was attacked with the same paes"'to iiia rewardg a ed 88 oars. Th cal superintendent at that point. great purifier thoroughly expels scrofula, C: C.Liicaazwa. ck Oo application waa read before the agents of diessde, is consalesoeut.-Mr J, O. Clauson, damaged will be remembers b e Arra. Pallister, of Clinton, whose sea deed gait rehash •and sit other impurities _:and GsNTs,-illy daugh„ar was" apparently" at the company at a meeting bald on 3farch our enterprii•ing harness-maker, was made settlor s a reside t d Y carp aarlp betide up every organ of the body, I3oiv In Philadelphia last week was unable to , a e n of Ibis Bection,-J- L. is the ttma to tale it, .- iha point of death with thebtenlble disease 6th and they were asked what they' happy on Sunday morning by his wife Doherty recently sold to a Detroit gentle stand the shackles she sustained aparalytic diphtheria. All remedies had failed but thought of the pr°position. They were all presenting him with a son.-Bir D. hie- man' hie two year old fitly b On r stroke, which resulted in bar death on San MIi�IARD'8 LINIMENx cured her;' end I against having the Esau reduced, cull some; Kenzie of Landon was in Iowa on Saturday for ov Y ;' Y ward ging day, The luttest praise Lias been wan by Hoods would oarneetly recommend it to all who of them sold if they did not retain the lookingAfter hid coin' Y over .-- J The animal was whipped Pills for their easy. yet rtfigie,nt Action. p g horse "Hsneall last seek,--Joseph Townsend, of Tucker- A A14tb correspondent writes ;- "A' Sold by all din ists. a, may be in need of a good family medicine. Agencies at the former rates, they would SPY-" He and the Dr. are quite chummy rmith bas rented his farm .to bis no, hew newly married lady raft on iha 4 druggists. Trio® 25 °ante, Jonia D. BouLTrLYan. try and get agencies.eleowhere, and work now since their trip to Exeter.-Afr Peter 'William At.0225 a year Contractor Thos. on Tuesday forLondonlanvin l! 4'30 rm1II A Government blue. book shows ilia Franoh.V lmgO agazmt the com au L g an total lobster °slob of last Year in Canada to b P y ; and also spoke - amen, sbutobea of Zurich was in town on "R2°Kenzie has been awv rdod the contract in a position to say that mardsd life oa a be valuedy aganet the applicant andooennuated things MOnday.-1Zsvnval' Zures are still.. eon- for the erection of the mew Orange hall in failure. It is said that she will not re- at$1,966, 725, as compared with $2.252 421 in the preceding that were not true. Probably the Dire° tonne_ this week iI the Methodist church Goderioh township,' The building will l bo turn. P g year, tore awes frightened by them, as they with coed aucooag, of veneer brick and will be located on the The Sasforth Collegiate Football Club has Mr. Curren's daughter, who had her leg rejected the application, and the agent 7th coneession. broke, on a defective sidewalk at Barris, r�RD- was retained at the former rata. ore,anited with the following officers :- has been given $520 by the town Conn- - Givite eTiiENOTII dfiD �FFET1TIt. Honorary President, U. Clarkson, B. A. _; ail. Hoping, Mr, yEditor, I have not taken Exeter Municipal Council Dear Sirs.-I was .very thin and re- President, Mr. W. Pendergast,B A-;,'Vioo- itp too much of Your yaluableepaea, duping very fast, owing to the bad state of President, Mr, J. Minns, M. A, ; Secretary- St. Marys firemen by np old rubbers 1, a Sb ®LL . OxLatistizt. my blood and appetite. A friend induceil q ceaeurer Mr.J. A• JAokaan Ce fain H, and use them in firing ap the steam fire �_ ,a,,� Tho Cgoacil met by Older of the Reese , , p at the Town Hall March 22nd 1393. me to got a bottle of B. B. B.,'whigh. I J. Crawford, B. Al , Committee,. bar. J. J, «ngtne. It ie the quickest mesas by wlii,oh Qtr trrTa nassxo Bnalcasas. did. I obtained immediate perceptible re- Mennen, Mr. J, McKinley, Mr- T. ti,. steam eau be raised. ., '' 7 ^' Mi present except the et Reeve g g Zo• ,Brownlee• V l/ �} O i a I 1 `�, '1, In a..few weeks horse a And cattle will be lief from it, have gained strength and a . on the Minutes of previous meeting read and petite, and now weigh 193 pound. " " i grass, and the greatest ogre is approved. Hugh MoLsod, of the 14th' oat,, of Ash• �' necessary. to prevent the sudden change of 3i. T, MunFas,, diet having very serione effects..' Di k'. Carling-Christie---Order for the follow field, whose barn was destroyed' by Era A a e Ing sums:-Walter Weetcott Sic. labor at Uoroh°sae;Bridge, 'short time age, has been arrested on a CAR LOAD �e have lately received a ,Blood Purifier tangs io the wools s;sem rBrldv, Qna, scow, Gso: Cudmgre,8lc..do. Jan. Parsons _^� -_ charge of setting fire to the building. He fiae'."N any the animal goes ,on iliriving inetaitd $},85 do. Win, Parsons f6G.30 da; James Rebecca Wilkinson,•of $rownsvalle Io, was immediatel taken to I ... I Ow Stock of bEiug cot back bye oha4 ge, y, Y Gro co h and hie o� Creaah ,�20.G2 wood for Town Hall, do. says :-"I have been In diatresaod condi. trial was before the ssaiza court. ' We _ Jar. Hesis will nsver•.a gaga Rl $G.00 Charity Jas. Gould; do, $5.00 Mrs, tion for threa years from ,Nervousness, understand there is also a charge of pet- pp' again on a Piper, do $1.50 Mrs `i ilcox;do. 82 00 Mrs: Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and bury pending against him.-Luoknow Ben. ® O.." Ci�S �' ��®I . I+�+ he has PlA fast ' Since hie recent Illness Mclatoeh, M. Eacrett $18.00 painting fire Indigestion until my health was gong. I tocol, ougar , yoke of Paralysis and is now Engine No: 2, 111re. Cleo. Eaore'tt ' _ helpless as well as destitute. sero . $1.x.00 ,bad been doctoring constantly with no re -�T r Before buying-elsewhere call, anal _ toes of the late Treasurer, T Gregory. lief. I,bonght one bottle of South Amerf- i V S 2 , 'his:year•'we are having our January $10,00 serviced as Auditor, R. H, Collins can Xergine• which done m Detective Cuddy of Toronto, says a" a. see Ours ectal lines of Mens - r e, more goad' Detective has b;eon worked upon P thaw in March. Clean streets and loan of dc. than any $60 worth of dogtorinQ I ever dtq::a P �C.L�V i' sanitation are advised as the .means of Jae. Snell, Geo. , Bawdan cull Mrs, : in my life. I would advice a number of merchants. xa Canada. He and Women's ghees very weakly thinks, there are three men in the scheme preventing an epidemic. 0ardnez ,were. ,granted permission to re:: . per onle;;nee thin valuable'and lotal ram. N r At .$1 per Pair. Fire Fl sli ckne move trees in front of h ed t"' y -one located: in Chico, o, one is Sarnia r � p Y, a y'stallion belonging , , ,, their, promisee an y, Arial bottle wtilaonvtocoyoa, and one f g rs condition of re lac n Windsor or Detroit. Letters ,� toQraham 13ros., Claremont, has died at P ing then:with:hardmante Sold by t7,"Gaff; Druggist: ri s I I IWe have also"a choice new stock hie owner a•fa�m of inAgmmation: The' on motion of T. 13; (ailing seconded ki T. we sent to the Canadian merchants pur. Y portin;{'to come fran4 the' Worl'd's' FairWelsmiller Ot Ifo S', and 112en's 'Ready-made horse waa ready to be :shopped to the H• Modallum. The closing exterensea of the Ontario Y • - stallion show at Torouta but shovrin The Glerk to ' r �'eterin r- Pictorial Souvenir Co., announcing that a g. y q R a y. College Toronto, took' ;place` consignment of vslualxle soiivenira h Clothing. See our bo s Swts at q Amon the lis o had ITENSJ.�zLL. 5 eta ptoius,of illness, `was sent. back to the milt, in wire concerning Wind ,Friday. g t f graduates we .been tent to the marahanta. 2' t>, b e where ho fined. Carling-Christie-Ad corn until find Robt, Bmrnea Popular fil1P Alber A couple of t days later the' latter received notices, Our stock Of Men's'Suitings and The long and •contnnuoua,' wintor has tie 31at'inst• at 7.30 . in. Carried. Y Byrant.' Lucan'; Robt; Cassels Win ham. P , 1i ei0 LUI from Windsor or Sarnia, ouch as. Pan#xt7g5.IS Complete. It is SUT_ froze n a great deal' of refuse which .'will M+ EacxrTx Clerk. Ghat,. i3: McAndleas, Ilderton . Thos; I 11 nolo`€or the Bret: time be°eub" Packwood Gods 'c ars uteil by the customs department that As there is likely to be, an 'vtln prising the largC'nurilber of S sin }ant to decom- , ri h ,Elvin: Short; Souvontra were detntnad fol g Centralia. ; - bottom' Luck o•:' t duties and ce n the rice . iiow a 5i1ttS .VC have cissa position; The wet streets will have. a ten- , n ti1'al er N. Armstrong fes® Souvenirs w to 5. p- s the t1r11e'to Y• • ld donor t° give the unwary :vet feet and crpturad the s*her medal, q $ OO: Datacttge Cuddj bn Ctratoii'Caorritta-Ilavioggurchased an im -r.-- says that ,about 600 letters were sent 3 L Order early and gat your choice, ©veryone knows what that means. Of soafortL Dye Worhs. throe h Ontario and a' proved standard chopper with French Buhr f R Quebec and many Specie1"inducements O�%rrid to ; scares spring muni come,' sooner or Inter, atonce,I am roparodpo do .Custom oLo in All orders f n�erchantr fell tato tSte 'OR chopping at or the above works can be ,trap• parties vrho bu in barrel lots. R. S. FORD & OD• cull it L always accompanied with danger Turrdnr an! epare adage of eaohwoek- _ y left at E H Fish s barber phu Saiiafas rtioh8-4t 0. W . SOUTH• tion guaranteed, P Minard'e Lininiont is the IIair it0etorer,I 11 94xrf r irinlr65 D. WEISMILLERli 11 I.", .'.. . 1. r I I I I I I I I . L I I . I I I . . . I . ''I'll1, . I . I I. i :1 :L, - ' . �L I . I I 1. I '" 1. 1 I . L . 11 .I .—I" I I . , I I I I L. 1. I ,,r ,�, �, '� 11 . I 11 . 1. Ir I., . 1L., L2, L .I . L I 1. I , I I i .11 I I 11. ,L;:.L. I 1.L111. 1.1111 . ,. ,, I .. , I I 1.I I I I I ,. L 11. — ''I I ". I r 1L. I 1. L I I I 11 . .1111, I 1. : L I I . 1. ,,, , % I - I ,. r I L''. - .1 L, .L , " � I I , r * L. I . I ,r. I L. 11 :L1 �",p , , 1. L, : I I ,: - . I . L I . , . L , I I r L L , I L L, i i i:'' 'L'' 1, "', ,� , Ll I : ' - I ,,�; , L :1 .1 . ,,. I I I I �, , , L ,:, L L l, I f ,I I _ I I � I ,L ,. 1' ,. I , . I I I . L . I . , , I L 11 I IL 11 z. . :: 1,I 1. I I 1. r. .11 - 1, I 1, . " "., '� :" "' ",". I I- 1I I ,:: I . i I 1. . ' I I I I L :,; . I I ,'' ,� ,l . . "I I % . ''. "I I "I L L'- . . 1, I ,r' I 1;1, . I . - ': L. , , � �, I L 1. I ,:. , ;, : � :: I , . :. .i. I __. ,1_, I I" I ! I � , 1. ,:, , ,. 11 - 1 I I L. 11�,'�L.� I I , I , - L j 'L IL , ,, .. . , 1. I ,11 I :I ,:, I ' � ,: 11. ,. . I . I I 'I'Ll .11 .. , : :, L . . I L . L,L, L! . I I I : L L - I I L " 1 I , 'r, .:,i ; I I "i , L, I , :. ' L. r, , . , I . I i 1, ''. I . I.: L " ;: I ", L : L I - I . I I I I s 1: . 11 �, . 1 ' - 'L , I I I., " ,L' :";1i,,,, , I , , . . I . , I 1, I : � " ", ,I I , I I I'' . 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