HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-3-9, Page 7-,-
, vlitl . uuuu Ltn lilluTe .VV Illla wain 1%lry atruotures, dark and lace like `-idly "1rxr rite Joys a►u1SorcorllH urilee "" """y ;cl„rr one great pipes and the choir ;
Lite. sang. Che alto began. Direotin her
y. High lues stand THE �tooz`rzg3ir: She sat in the door of he i g
• - _ cy�"�, L�U101a StP__ t�10 sli h p and abruptly, black, severe, t old, .arm hoose. Stoodet=tea lof praised roof, she sounded
praise. .i
agamatthesoftracllarkceofthesky. North- Tltelevel nays of tile,, westering sun fell "As the hart pants -ilio hart a- -- E e.
Ip IiCwo Soui9 lUpon a Slufilo Sled.—Two 1loaris ern lights swirl all eddy and stroalr in dark upon her titin, beet figure, showing with ants--" p
,,rl 0
yy , ,— . That Igeiit As;uue WLctx Aurora �YavCra patches over the ale sk and the oris °reel distinctness the deep lines that years p, Y i It was a joyful noise, and the cougraga.
�iit ton Sky an+1 tLu Alpox► fixullca. JCn14. clear air firings oapt in the strong relief of an ane care had graven on ,brow and cheek. tion listened spellbound. :
;'° vin MadgeTlobertsonwritesfromToront.tothe 'etching the outlmea of hills and valleys. It The .gray balr was drawn back from the 9; For the wa There is the full for Y Y i a arena of the till oo-o— Th is a gentle.
New York Itecol'ctei as folio, is y of a midwinter night, and fade with Almost nlln-like severity, though cot." p Dyspepsia. man at Malden -on-
. s ell o a little ripple over either tem n
town in Canada is gay :in Winter. Zha 1' E it is upon each of us. But the plc hinted at The alto was regarding the soprano earn the -Hudson,
Canadian girl goes in for almost every apart men are getting the toboggans ready, and a youthful curl long repressed., est•ly: N, Y••,
her brother does. Sho is, .in rho mafn, the girls, with little feminine flurries, are The worn hands, roughened with toll enol t' Poo—o0-1." °' , named Captain A. G. Pareis, who
. vi; ° � I healthy and vi orous enou h for ani kind getting, into their respective laces. browned by exposure, lay on liar la in un, dress g I wish you'd nee if illy has written. us a letter i
P ha13 straight, n wlilCh 1t
' -�a of exercise the climate sug eats, She can The aforesaid two. are no longer orguin accustomed idleness, and the gaze of her The or nu as • is evident that h has gg g dee set eyes had traveled far beyond her strain aloe w carrying .the inspiring min (' a a made s, lila
�M I �t skate and snowshoe and toboggan as well He poems to be merely agreeing. They ae deep,set Y g d concerning some thins and
as she can snowball the first to start off,. and as they clash past homely surroundbigs. and seemed fixed upon ', pbo..- o�•-o• � —" things,
. „ ,, , build anew men, and infinit this is what he says: Ilan o r us T eta nim so of a snow clad maiden Tho tenor, tivitli eyes w t t Y '
1' . ` ears of g - with flash' The da est ended , y devoutly fastened I have use.
syl'UpOf Figsoth the isaken it isod and pleasant years d.- There s nothing about the � Ing eyes' and crimson cheeks with , y J had been a busy one, ours ace made d your preparatiot
audible acclaim. called August ;' and refreshing to the taste and acts Physical enjoyment she t des, and to see dainty feet propped up against the front of jS hen were her days otherwise? Anduow, "90 thfrsteth 1q soul Thee." g St Flower 111 my Tamil
as she sat zn that coin 1 for seven or eight ears y
x her make a wild dash across a aiteet of ice the toboggan, both hands olutchfng the p ate rest which had The organist was employingboth hands g years, It is con-
+' gently yet prom tlyon the Kidneys, probably screaming at Ilio to of Icor voice sides and leaning back against t}ie steerer, almost comp to represent complete hap- and foot to fill the Stan
. ly" P piness, liar mind leaped lightly over all ba h hconspic o with music, tly in t remedyse,
and nd gestion,
Liver and Bowe fl, cleanses the Sys• in mad pursuit of a comrade with whom she whose quick eyes and cool nerve are needed P g Y l r and his efforts were conspicuously success- 1t tfie
tem effectually, dispels Golds lead is Playing "tag," her skates makinga nivel along every inch of the way, but who riors of time ands ace wild wandered far fuL p y u best xelnc Gly for Indigestion,
' clatter and her eyes sparkling, y finds a chanee to whisper something to the afield, searching, for the lost treasures of tt Bill: "•—" m sou „ and Constipation we
aches and fevers and cures habitual Y is a revels- P g oath and love. y 1 for Thee- Indigestion-
tion to her Southern slaters. ' pretty face so near his own. There is a long y The instrument took apother turn. g have ever used 01
constipation• Syrup Of Figs is the Thin, of coarse, when she is in the neigh- course ahead of then,, and we draw our The words flow easily when the theme is Tit Got any chewing ?'s•—tr known.
4 the vague dreams the roseate ho . g with you , for wife is
Only remedy of its Bind ever pro- borhood of 12. At 20, she is proportionate- breaths until wo see them safely around it ding womanhood. pas o! bud- tl'i�ce, O Lorcl. troubled with Dyspepsia,
1 wen and half u the opposite o manhood. at
,euced, pleasing to the taste Aandac. y l behaved, but r am thankful to say, 1n pP, to hill. Cliis is 130 But, w The basso shook his head Slightly, The timessuffers ve
not less capable artificial slide. with its 1c t, hen the bud hasffowered and stands eon re atlen attributed o ,Y ryinuch after eating„
�eptable to the stomachs prOT31pt in P to of taking pure enjoyment y chute and pro- with only brown, unsightly •htl g g tinted the motion to a The August
out of a,reinp in the winter air, Almost tooting SUO, its lightning descent along the y , i(, yleaves wrapping deep earnestness. gii Flower, however, re
its action and truly beneficial 111 its every kind of downhill motion is known to sm°oth track ; 1t is a wild dash down a its shriveled heart ; when the dreamer has ,t As the ha•a•art-- Heves the difficulty. M Wife s
Y e
effects, prepared only from the most her from the slab of wood icor small brother snowy hillside, around a dangerous curve, long since wakened to sternest reality ,• The liquid harmony uentl Says to me when
healthyan�iagreeableSUbStaixCe Sa•its uses to pro .el himself °veru a when the rosy t f iiy fairly floated from q Y 3 en I ani doing
w P l - „1, frozen allow, And the almost certain oppol•tetnfty, of &nil• ened into the glowrof the morning baa dark- the throat of the soprano.,. The. organ to town, 'We are. out
many excellentqualitiescolzl111t edit to the fa,hionablo ohuto with its club- g y u self in a soft and yteldin drift at twilight of old age, the mind came to her relief for a mo e J , x'+02]
t the bottom, It is our turn, T8 ft.lteis m vol #t and all lau uase- lacks vals•'; m a t at Inter StIp1t1011 of August Flower,
t4 alt. and 1J&Ye madQ it the most lienee attached, The society girl takes to :there are y pity, g and I thizlS� you had
p yfour of is on a ion tobo ` meaning deep enough. tt Your dress is straight, Jon—" it y
popular remedy, Known, thV. lector on the same principle as she teak g ggan, and one c£ ns, Da—
to better et another bottle.'
high -heeled shoes and trailing street.. anyway, badly soared at the eight of that T steadfast gray. eyes fixed so intently a --ants for the still" it Is mine "-- g I am also
;7 rue of Figs is for sale in 75C dresses, but with healthier results. curve) All ready 1 shouts the ttplld upon the distant yellowing fields saw far poo—o—o—ol so thf a :>_ troubled withIndigestiori
yy other scones. „ tst th my soul Indigestion, andwhen• .
'bottles by all leading druggists. One sees, the toboggan slide in its perfec man, who steers with his foot, and, with hsplague take suspenders,"—tt for Thee C Iver I am, I take one or two to
Ally.Tellabledruggist who may not tion on the outskirts .of cities and large assumed cheerfulness, we. are away..Before liar rapt vision was passing the Lord." � 0O a
• iWhow 1 We skim over the ground panorama of liar life and if sometimes the " „ p nfuls before eating,', for a day or
3]t1Y8 it on hand will procure it towns. The club slide is the moat popular ; g and like sllifthl lights and shadows la ed her fele A—a—amen. two, and all trouble is removed. p partly because the private 't chmas are birds in flight, the 4roea dash madly, by, g g P Y $ The congregation eyed with a b} sigh. ved' �"
promptly for any One tlrilO wishes rarely as good, and partly, because the re- tilts of snow fly from out our feet, and with 't was only an old trick of that treacherous The spell was broken. The aer le gtry 7t. �l]lZantlfa"CtAUred Only b tb9. gari°us instinct of g aunzirX �tir.•n7,Aztnrzvca sr> i,n al�e'saiw�tho �ittlo cottage of liar birth, cackled. pro -
I'll (CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO YOUTHS AND #txAlD% rS, we go downward vnll downward, whiz., Silo saw the shadow called Doatli onvelop. 1tOBBED BY FOOrPAns• t°
I clatter, bang—I gave a wild glance to the in its dark folds the brother silo loved, the� L '
SAN FRANCISCO, CA1'a. !earl$ them to flock in numbers.. Montreal sky, the moon is gently beaming, what father she adored,— C4114L
excellence the city of toboggan clubs, y! -the wind whistles in our ears the fell+lciced i►o'v l curl Rubbed near Tharues.
, +'?UZwvIS,iF., IBX. NRW YORE N. Si iron She saw the heart of liar mother drawn vino of Over coo,
+ where pretty girls, charming blanket suits, clear, Lure air glows our checks, cilli down away by a new Love. gyri,
For Sale at C. Lutz's [)rub Store Is
fancy clubhouses and the besb of slides a- and ever downward, swiftly, noiselessly, Slio saiv lteraolf, driven from ilia shelter A Thaniesvflle, Unt., telegram says :— �ed R L'`F�
t., !.
• bound, Ladies' nights at the big ti chutes " with increasing Speed, now safety around of liar mother's home, taking refuge ameng Lnst night between the iioiJra of a and 10, as `pp py' r f� i
aro as Ifvely as flashing lights, sparklin the curve, still going down, down, until strangers whose coldness could n IYIr. Jesse Lawrence, livim about throe B °'� ,
g g n d _pt tvpnnd g POWDERED � a �,,y
stare clear cold air bedtamond snow and with a shoot we dash across the flat space in nor their kindness comforb liar, miles from this village, who had drawn 1650 ,
A v'"OT a Vut brfglit eytis can make them, The wealth the valley and are landed poll moll in the Sho naw the dawJiing of loco upon the from Mahaw ii Harmer's bank here, was on N �
gativo Merl and iteaut of
clue. They exp y the city turn out and the friendliest softest, hugest drift on the side horizon of liar life, itisway hams, when oppositeAldis Mayhew's
I TOMO ldAucc,i tread of fact, the rustle of blanket stilts, of the track. How the clouds scattered. How the ice farm, about onerilleout, wahcaught bysome �,,
STAUC. oz asthe girls voices, and men's laughter, echo up This ending was not oil the programme melted. The brooks that ran through the party who had evidently followed line, andL Y
Swirly Jill a condense. the long sups and through the clubhouse, and Nye start to clamber up, to make a meadnwbabbled tile sweet stor. everywhere. as Mr. -Lawrence is quite deaf lie beard no
forlu the substance Often afterwards the girls exchange mocca• regulation descent. The ascent oacupies "rhe flowers that blosaomod under he one approaphiuguntillie was seized; robbed
setuahe Blood, toot able for slippers, shake out the pretty half an hour or more, and we snake it in whispered it among themselves and fact 'DUREST, �S � R0.Vi0_-sT, BEST.
mm ieh the lanced, cur#iJ and thrown down into the snow. Ile then
gowns, tinder the blankets leave the toques P g pd rile came back,found out a o 1teAdviorIlse lxkany uantitr, For matin„ soap,
111 diseases Conlin gowns, , more or lean degenerating degrees Of alo}F- birds sang Of It tninill the wide world wan police COnatahle, and tnftening water, Vis etaing,andabundred other
from I'o0n and lyA. I and stilts in the dressing room and are ready neaa, Our" two" take frequent rests, andfilled with the echoes. a searchfor tracks Was made, but no clue ases. 'e' can equals2opouladssal Soria.
Fitz Ancon, or trot, for an impromptu datipe and aupper. The Occasionally she lets him drag liar it part has been discoveroll as yet. Sold by 1111 Grocers and 3Druvlso.
1, and ti supper is Always it, evidence, and usually way on the toboggan, O, the downy heado£heriirst-born, How >~. ov. 4a a,�- o,a ,
IN rho Ilr to and els, y , it nestled on liar bosom as she swan back
invigorate and 13uim. dancing or outer marry making, three or four descents --or, to speak and forth in the firelight, crooning the old HOW to Qat a `tSuulight" Picture•
ur ilio olen broker raft Ill Ottawa, whero the Northern Lights more correctly --three or four ascents are snnge which had lulled liar to sled in the 25 « „ .
C down ar, when streak the sky half through the Wiuter aud all we have time for in one evening, and too days loner P Sand �a "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (ilio __ __ _e- -�-
down wo overwork.iseassoon the s 3 it gene. large wra
' 1 mental worry, diseas the gayeties of a provincial capital make so• part is over. Thera 1s lust a .peer) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 4,3
exeesscs and lndiscro ciallifohurried, tobo,gganingisa regularpart enough element of daneor on these long hills 0
Had slip aver known sorrow ? Not so ; Scott St, pronto, and you will receive by 'MM,
tickle' zAxa They elft °on of the week's happenings. The Saturday to "lance the exercise a delicious mixture of f°r her son lap in her arias, v post a pretty picture, free from advertising � ,.
11 b O SP%TIAL SYhT.rM el afternoon skatingand tolictt fear and pleasure. Tobogganing,then is D1d life hold more of liappinoss , l et and well worth framing. This is an easy a
ganimg parties P , so ; for hor son lay in liar arms. wa • to decorate our home. The soap ' 1'a°''g' middte•aged or al !man suffering from the
ath mail and�vamen at Rideau Hall (Government House) aro largely frowned upon by parents and guard. 3 y p za effects o€ toUies and excesses, restored
rastering LQaT vxo0b brilliant features of the season. The Gov- tans; but the Canadian girl is nothing if Tlno little heads multiplied—one, two, the beat in the market, and it will only coat health, manhood and vigor, to perfect
and correcting a, ornor•General and Lad Stanley take part not Tardy aud venturesome, and silo will I throe, four. Nay, where was the fourth ? le postage to send in the wrappers, if you n �y ryp�t a , , ri
xm11Fr1rLAniTxii$ and p y g _ p. U,' tine tiny, tiny grave on the bleak hill- leave the ends open. y OLD Dlt 09DOir � R�541•�l, �
oflu sbis a in rho festivities, and Cha societ world aitvai s find plenty of congenial spirits On i side where the headstone can not sink so P Write your address t W.d a
EVERY MAN ultie tlndshtsmental far. makes ib it point to attend. The invitattion the Rosedale slopes, i carefully. CRE .TES
ulttea dull or take tl of farbntthattltamo�lner'se o will
hiical pones inner;htia,should take Chest cards aro eagerly responded to, and an--...-.t..�... i > y n is the" """" Nei�/ Nerve l �.PCE3 a11C� Powerful
The will rpatorohts 1patonor Ios both Saturday afternoon you may see a typical the mother's heart be tivrnug by tine pang of Prevention is the best bridle.
pbyslcalark mental. $ NAVz(}b `I'ZON OF THE SOOTENAY liar first bereavement,. i`:alllltlotJ.
picture of Canadian Winter gayeties, Her first, yes, but not her last. Cures Lost Potvsr, Nervous Debility, Night Losses,
EVERY � fi181;A Xoy_ tanto them. TII11 I.VITENSE PA1tIC The :Anxericau Ilovornmctl t !o Lul+rovc :lealeusly aho Counts her treasurys, as rho Diseases caused by Abuse, Over Wark. indiscretion
N9CAi9 fih 31 Duro all a021.. Tobacco, Opium or Sttmutants, Lack a€ Enyrgy, Los[
ilresa#ens and irregularities, whIeli Inevitably about Ridonu Flail is lotted With young Thi" (,real Naxi°uat Iii„ liway. miser hnsigolrl. v 5 Memory, Headache, bulants, Lack Gleet and os[
F entail sickness'wban 110gleoted,
should take people making filer way to the slide or the It his report to General Casey, elle TJnited other.
. another enc gone , Ye-, and an- en Baby- rsaveherClastorta. rlcoceio.
YOUNG M E�� 't7ben she was a Cldld, she cried .for Castorin. � ° Oi��= _ -� ____-�
They will cure the roc. rink. Hero is a croup Of lads and lasses in States chief of ong}nears, Capt. Synioua rec- The brook babbles no more of life and
sults ofyouthfuibad liabits,andalxengtlioutho every�arietyofbtanketsnits. Thereisa ontmends that theKootena river fit Brit- Men she became Miss, she clung toCostoria. A Cujg,e lu ��fi�3'a�ee
system fall Columbia, y lav°, for death is abroad imbue land. The
should take them• girl in a pure white costume, with just a , be put in a navigable condi- WIlenshe had Children, silo save thentCastor#a
�t 3� thin line of rod around ilio bottom of the tion. The latter has nut recently surveyed ft°�vprs so sweet and fresh, will ling the
These TMLS 17111 y Y • casket for her dead, and the shrill, far- To every one using this Remedy according to direr-
inalre them regular, coat and in the sash and toque, and a fanci. the river from Fry, or Bonner's Ferry, to reaching song of the birds seems to mock tions, or monoy cboertciiy and conscientiously
ibr sale lay all druggist$, orwill be sent ur.on fill red design on leer moccasins, the international border, alliin iu his report, relunded. PRICE,,., 0, rf lty and
nscie .
rpaptptofy lcp(Oo.porhoa),byad<<rpss#nr after detailing the source the stream and hargriaf, Sent by mail to any point in u.S. or EanBda
FIs. 0c. Por x-,fi ,,,b, Here is another in the regulation navyLike rosary beads the ears slip b o , securer se +
`' .r blue blanket with a crimson silk sash and the direction in which it flows, curare fully y y P y n the Dioen8s, a Tragedy in Two fiats• y aced, free duty or inspection.
into its possibilities as a natural feeder to thread of her muafnga. The little rave on APT r. Write to -day for our
_ crimson 'Tam o' bluer. Over thane is a 1 the hillside is tint a sad memory, Thy grass ,
--- third in ordinary blue and white, another the rich and important districts tributary of the wide. prairie a knits its fibrous growth Ariatarchus (seeing Dio •ones nosing � � � w'
THE FAR714•.SRS AND THE RAISER• ill yellow and white, and Still another in an to it. Kootomay lake, into which the river g h around with s if ee Ah y, ST'�R1`•- A1,9%p A0Tl9
�••+� audacious sa%rlat suit. Zvhere rheic aro so empties, is a magnificent body Of water 70 over the narrow bed where lie to of er the light)—Ah, , there, old bog •
IiC Talks to Thavi1 .About Ilia Esveutinla Ol many pretty costtimea ilio Canadian fin`s 'Hiles long by four in breadth, and a great dark-haired twins wbose faltering feet made what are you doing with that lantern ?
<lopth, From the middle amt of the lake but a stepor two from her knee to God's Diogenes (stoically)—Looking for an hon- p B ..
AR*icultnral Prosperity. wit Ia put to ilio host to invent new cotn• P i @ r
binatioua.. an arm flows efi'to the westward, a distance kingdom. Her heart contracts Again with est man. , a
A13erliu despatch says. Emperor re• But the real. fun, fun indifferent to social of 30 miles g the anguish of the day when across half a nCr IT. joinin the Columbia river. continent was flashed the news that in the Time—Four hours later. TELL S YOU f IJL7W ToEl
cowed thAgric item m deputation from the accompaniments, is the tobogganing on the From its headwaters to its most southerly Ariatarettns (meeting D1o,,eiJes witiJout
Central Agricultural Association of the point in zllotntana it is known as the U pride of manhood and fullness of strength ( g 6
Eastern Provinces. Count Bothe zu Eu1en- long hills of the towns along lakes or in the Kootenay, peer another non was taken from her. g the light)—Halloo l have you found your : GET WELL& 9%' li`d�C�(
suburbs of cities. It goes by di1%rent names yi a considerable thenc portion y, o being The lines about her month row rigid, Noncar roan? Address or call °n GUEEN MEDiCiME CO
Burg, Prussian 14ifmstor President, and is different localities. Along the northern navigable. Frani thence to Fry, or Bou- the toil worn hands are pressed grow
i Diogenes (wrathfully)—No, I'm looking NEW 1'O;iii LIFE 3J16D7SlG
Herr von Hoyden, lliuister of ll;rim'iture, side of Lake Ontario for instance, if you ner's Ferry,. the rivers course is impeded b , tdonwat, Can.
ivero present. After Herr von Bttelow had b roc ids and falls and flotvfn through a agony as Memory recalls with pitiless ac- for the son of a gun that stole my lantern.
visit at any of the big towns you will be y P f3 S
notuncedatheire edeputation
fehes ti tlnyan briefly an. asked to go ,t Imssinq." "Bobbing" or deep Canyon. Northward, however, to curacy the marks of the cruel fall that had --- ---
, mperor 9atd
that he was Olpacially gratified by the assn-
dation s action in bringing
bob -sleighing usually implies ahorsoattach. Kootenay lake the river is well suited for
ern to one end of the long tt bob" or tobo navigation, the water being deep and the
reft liar boy from life.
But the brow grows smooth, the mouth
their coin Taints
directly to the £tither of their Countr Y
(Landesvater), He
g currant easy. .On each side of tlpe river is
San on runners, but it sometimes means a rreabout four miles wide
the usual dyivn-hill career without anyvalley and of ex-
relaxes into tender curves, the hands are
clasped lousely, as thoughts of the Cherished
Lever would rest con•
tent until Ire had got the
other propulsion than rho impetus at the reeding fertility.
]iv*'n scatter the shadows which had nth-
provincial courts,
in raper working order, so that justice
watllci be impartially and expeditious) ad-
start. At the Town of Fry, which is practical]
Toboggalling is the rtt e b pita en the head of navigationy
g Y d starts on the lower K°Ote-
ered heart and brain. �T:he husband of
her youth, the father of her Troubles the
dear friend of her Troubles had
miniaterod. He earnestly desired to relieve
the agricultural land owners of the
about Turonto, and correspondingly so in nay, the Great Northern railway is reach.
the towns in its immediate environments, ed. From there also connection is made b
old age, eS
come—theyhad borne them together. Death
and difficulties which surrounded their oe•
but he felt that '
F ive or six years ago every one who could steamboat with the fertile County along
afford to do so, belonged to some one or the river, on each aide of the international
destroyed many hopesr co was on To
other her owe had leaned for comfort. To
pian methods
popularly approved far the attainment of
this end only obscured the and
t, „
other to the clubs laving chutes fu boundary, and also With the Kootenay and
Rosedale, , $loran minin
ween s tsark, Parkdale etc. But g districts. It is now practic•
others, silent, reserved, sometimes stern ;
to Iter the man of men, tender, considerate,
goal retard-
. ed progress toward it.
In the first
few fatal accidents gave a deathblow to ally Certain that the Slocan and Kootenay
mining districts embrace some of the rich-
And oh the goodly sons and daughters
place, preservation of the
peace was a necessary condition of ani a ri-
cultural g
Tltu SPORT 11 Toito tmo, est and most extensive deposits of mineral
and until latterly it has shown no symptoms in the world, and their development
that still up to call her blessed."
How their filial love surrounded her as with
progress. agrarian party
assist materially in maintainingthe
peace by voting, for the
of coming back .to life again. The danger add to the importance of the water high-
redhead to e Y r;
minimum in .Montreal and ways of the Kootenay river and lakes. Tho
a halo. How they watched over her, though
from afar, eager help and serve her
military bili now
before the Reichstag. Agriculture was a
Pillar of the empire, and 1t
el a
elsewhere, where. the exercise is always in principal L•owua on the lake and river be •
favor and the arrangements for its.indul _ .sides Fly, are Nelson, the shipping
PP g
Are there, indeed, graces in rho world?
Ay l but love Could not be buried therein.
would ever be
21fs duty. and pleasure to upheld and
. strengthenJ,his In
euro perfect. But the feeling still Preva s for the Toad lViountain district, and, from
in largo parts, of Ontario and Quebec that which a railroad is built to the westward,
sorrow and change, death and decay
wafb upon our footsteps? Ay ! but love is
pillar. return lie hoped
the agrarian :party would give in the future
as in thepast, constant
tobogganing is dangerous, and hence it will connecting with 'tine navigable waters of
the Columbia ; Kaslo
be as popular' as skating or snow• , through which the
triumphant over all.
The steadfast gray eyes are fixed no long -
vfdenee of their
loyalty to the throne. His unshaken belief
wa that the agricultural
shooing. The hills of Rosedale, Toronto, Slocan district is reached ;Ainsworth the
U1, a moonlight night, are the scenes; often outlet of the Hot Springs district and
er upon the distant fields. They weeder
no more through the mazes of a vanished
classes WOnId
show themselves ever faithful to s
of a dozen toboggan parties.. A few nights Pilot Bay, where a large Hmelter is being
I was inveigled
past, bntshinin through ha tears, the
glance from one homely, familiar object to
and empire.
out of a cozyafter•din- erected for the reduction of ores tributary
ner read into the breathless rush ofaneven. to the lake. The Kootenay river freezes
another, and 10 ! all is transfigured—for it
fug on the slopes and ' u each winter about Januar
hills. There were P, y 1st and re-
1s home, and love is there.
eight of us and three toboggans, mems. Closed until the middle of biareh.
�Th:a sun has set, but the horizon is ablaze
IsnubiisaedeverirThursdavmocnut;, at
Siam-street,neariyopposito Fittoas Jowalery
Sick c,Emotor, 0nt„by.Iohu Nyllitedr Sond,Prr
MATES OF,DVnaTxar:li
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To insure iniartion, advertisementa sboala
oe scut#n notlater than Wednesday morning
OurJO`i Piti'STING DEP i•i;T.'1SENTis oas
of the largest and boatogtiippeti in the 0ouuty
0 Hkicon,Ail,vorkaatrnaae.f to as wAIr3SJivd
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I The courts have decided that refusing to
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Rim or removing and leaving them uncalled
xis prima fac#o evidence of Intentional fraud
From the outset, 1t was obvious to the The lake itself never freezes, There are, wzt'h a golden glory,
most inexperienced that one of the tobog• on the river and lake, a number of steam- -- - --�—
__-__ __.�a_ -
gans would hold •only two persons at any boatb plying, the Nelson, of about 312 tons Why Cholera Qiotims Should Be Oremat-ed. -�-
and every period of the evening. She car_ burden; the Spokane, about 250 tons bur' It is vainttihopefortheabolitfonoicholera 1 m
ried her, head high and wore her white Tam den ; the Galena, Ainsworth, Idalio, Sur- 5 � '.
if its bacilli are still to bo preserved by g 0
il ' 1A o S1lauter with a sane rape that lent an Prise and Alton,. of smaller ca noir than • -
gra-, P Y burying in the earth the bodies of the vie-
amount of ic�uancy to Izer dark a es and those first named. ,,F -
Bibabyface. he was clad in white frons top Tho chief impe.diment-at present existing aro not mho •c q deade dead iEoroanic mattolera er.tieAll ��
to,navi Pt1
• I • , a blanket suit as soft and fleecy as g . 'on is the large 'number of snags, dead bodies,. whatever may ]lave been the
the snow`itself loose white sash about het which are resultant upon the current wash- cause o£ death, contain myriad's of living
O•RE � ,. 1. ,, ® T waiat, slim white mittens on her hands, and Ing away tine earth from the trees on the organisms. As soon as life ceases these or
!!-1�° � the snowiest of moccasins, treading u J the, banks, causing t'aem- to tall into the river.
�• slopes as easily as on rho fiats between "He The removal of these would lace the river ganisnis assist in the process o£'decomposi00 -,
lead to bend over speak to her P tion, form poisonous products,' and may about the curative effects of Scotts
F P and as in'first-class condition for navigation either �"??L2CZy2072 of
b J g excite disease if brought by air or water ,
iputeh as you could 'see of his face was aced Y light or day.-' :L'o determine the extent '
tc loon: upon. 'Both were of these iuto.contact with living `beings. But what jure NOrwegiah God Liver Oil and .H o p los
p good types of obstructions witl cost in the neigh-, is much more important the fact that; in b Yp ] l phites
1 borhood of „ ,
of Canadian youth, fresh-slcfuned healthy. X100. ]'roiai Fry to the bean• P of Lime ellen Soda !ri the first stages Of CO
a � a ntroportion ie little lean than 'twenty 'per g nSUril�t1011,
; � . I It , i � _- looking, They carried theuiselyes well, and dary is. 60 .miles,: and to Kootenay In,ke i cant, the bodice buried in the usual. ive
walked rapidly: There was a skirmish at :about,,95; James Dolan, deputy collector' a;, t e earth oont<i Y Mari re1.1'ledies are still on trial but Scott' n
,� h tin, is Addition to the or• , S �'??ZZGE'SZpT•-
4the outset as to whether the man should of customs at Fry,. states that bile business tuts of .decotnnoaition aitd etre-
•0G pull the;girl on ilia toboggan to the scene of transacted on the river duringthe ding y ag,. , • p has been tried s0 effectually and s0' frequently
past faction, the geru,s of'zymotic diseases; as to lJl�
- the coining festivity. She maintained that year averaged 400 tons of freight and 150 the A , .slow fever, small- v '
K• he should not, We watched for, the out. P gars months but there is ever in, h seeds . 4. �XpeilP?„'lt,
, I ,0Wasset/ y, y pox,, typhoid, cholera-t}ie ger-4, of pests -
come with interest; and it is worthy of cote dicatiol of this being.largely increased in lance almost im erieha "gad r
DLR1.hat when they at length followed us both the near future, imperishable � Scotts Emulsion cures coughs, ,~�
Cana walking. flint's another phase of the „��, _ , e, softer many years of latency to revivify allot *olds, Coltsnmp�ion� Scrofhla ' r
r commence their infective activity, Any a rataRIO -
FU® s Canadian girl. ~ .ilii* 411d:Wa>sting:Diseases ' '
�' tiVe lead rr,ade a lull My, library was dnlredom large enough. mode of burying the bead in the allAnn�_ - ''
1"i 9 t' Sd®9tlCi�sis tl pp a before wa reached Pseventa ceras± n€1 in cnxldsott. A1• �,
DES. ,, „ When' yon hear people talcs of the wick• or without coffin,' exposes rite living to un-
lroat: ins no Alum, Ammonia • ' g s the famous long hill, and once ou its edness of necessar dander. An t t angst as �nlatal►Po a; :vnillk met On➢
Lime, summit” the cold and wind are 'for erten. mankind, partake -'not of their y y l ing: short of coni- y I
Phosphates, or any Initiriant, There is a.. glorious of g pleasure;.. When you ,tear people le s e k of Plate destruction by fire,or bysome ower. the. oolue ne.- Prepared: �bf r,coi;i ;Sc
dale in mel- P p p a N
�,� CIL9.ET "6', �QI An winter I . '1he r ew-hose . the virtues of mankind, a rove anti'r fill chemical agent must be owetleas or Bowie, Belleville. Said b atlDru fats
tA. Q3ei8i g 1e snow cow PP ejolce p 1 g(r
eat ravines a
therein, incomplete as a safeguard,,—[Forum. Go Cants said '
I : 01 .
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
> i',
..1. . .. _