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The Exeter Times, 1893-3-9, Page 5
4 17 1 4 •s - _ r- ,, 4 ,. i. It , I -- __ — . have done under such and such circum HOW TO GOT A "SUNLIGHT' MARSB' $EPOB�'8 stances lead I lived in such and much a PICTURE. �' ~ time, and yet, have the effrontery to think I refer; Marsh ]. 1893. you are debating. fiend 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap all hwheat ter bush....- ... :, , $ 83, $, 64 pe11 r bearin t �' You say 8t, Yaul did not believe In P g he words Why does a woman Spring wheat Der bush,,-,.,,... 63 marriage. You here manifest Ignorance look older sooner rhea a man) to Lever Barley nor bath so 95 I 7 � ,p of the tenor of St. Paul's tr;apllings. St, Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you Y©as Dor hush, 30 31 W$l receive b o s Der bash 53 55 ,: ti, Paul did believe in marriage, and, it is y post a pretty picture, free Flourper bbl, true he did denounce vain babblors, busy from advertising and well worth framing. Apples per ba¢ 975 4 db *^� ' ? bodies and seditious fellows, and he was 'This 1s an easy wap to decorate your home. Potatoeo par bag „ t o0 1 00 ` The moa Ilay nor ton...s 00 7 00 '" w e right in Loth cases, li is the best in the market, and Wood �X;`; *.� g Dor cord hard'. -.-.'.-,",'__',_3 OD 3 6J ,*' That falsehood about Wohmel Servetus it will only poet 10 Postage to send in the 1f ood Per cord soft Z 00 1 OC ��� and John Calvin were made to do dutp wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Butlgrperlb,. � , 17 18 T� �1 ' t:,:, bef°re you were born, The times of Cal- Write your address carefully, Egg"Perdoxen la 20 �r.J►J !(C ;;; vin were severe and harsh, as were the Pork Der hundred, ............_.. Boo 8 1S —•---____..-- . ., ti,;;" , laws, ,Michael Servotus's offence was Ezra Hoyt while walking along the street "'�'" ^^��• Y prosecutor, face, and injured his spine It Serve Y 1 ,p on the ioy our- rOR SALE. I punishable b death at the stake. Calvin in SE, Marys last week fell "j L THE [E101 r acted b law as ecclesiastic so badly that -i. � NOT o Servetus wars found guilty and condemned his recovery for a time waa doubtful,' Twenty five acres of good --pasture !land im4 - to be burned, Calvin used his ever effort mediately adjoining Y Fuotu Tae PAR NODTa—In northern ELLIOT E ELLIOT, 11 to have his sentence mitigated. Had you climates people are very subject to colds, 2°oh8-lm ;Solicitors, Exeter, lived in those times, you might have found but the natural rowed is also produced in v ,� . / it convenient to have kept our "honest y p rOR SALE OR RENT. thouehts" to P your » s;�;, the same mate, Dr. Woods Norway Pine �ir8, X. D. a, West yourself. Qa„r`{, asthma, euros coughs, acids, huareoness, A Good Blacksmith &: Carriage Shop with or B AISTK �U PT STOCK of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. Toho d devoted was a grand and good asthma, bronchitic and all throat and lung without a Dwelling House, This ]a a rare f _ man, and devoted an eatnest and useful troubles. Price 25o. and 50c, phanoe 'Lit it is an old established business and life in endeavoring to make men better. boon doing n good business for the past thirty $200 Worth His name will live in history after the The', tender of Wm, Coohzoni for building years, Apply at once to But a lArn abutments to Fish Creek bridge, Bianco- SAMUEL FORD. : * and well -selected Mock of Bright New ,GO t+ name of Investigator the bot shall have been blot• bar AD 13 aspected by the Council last week, Woodham, Ont- which we are selling below SO -called Bankrapt ted from out the book of human remem- Of Other Medicines Failed $►D DLooD etntl D—Gentlemen—1 have - Lrance, and perhaps after the vete orumbl- used your Bardoak Blood Bitters for bad UAtE�T H�€.PFOR e prices. An inspection Of the Btci 4 Bottles of hood}sSarsaarftLa °d dust of leis tomb micas shall have been blood and find it, without exception, the spattered by the winds of heaven to the beat purifying tonic in use, A short time Stock and a colli 01tred. four corners of the world. PAY NO 1"ItE AXONLY" to QU,t•CKS, arlsOn Of prices'will dell ilia tale. We carry "It is with pieasmc that I tell of; the groat You are tight in assuming that I feel on two acro large and painful, boils opine A eulferer from Errors of Youth, Norvoua Do. Pr �' every'thI benefit I derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, strongly in this matter, when I try to °u the back of my neck, B. B, 13, complete- bilityand LoatVigor,was restore] to health in In the Elardware line—light and heavy. icor 0 pears I have been badly afflicted with estimate the incalculable blessings we ly drove them away, suoh a remarkable manner, after all else had enjoy ,3ADIIIEL BLAIN, Toronto Junction, foiled, that he will mond the magna of euro Erysipelas j y under the benignant fit do es of FREE' to n(1 follotamuQoren, Address, with d�� r ��� 1 breaking outwith ramttng spree s no hot very underlying as it doss the Mr, L Long, town Treasurer, St. Marys, mtairp, MR. EDWARDMART12Y(TgAonrn) dd FOLL.& , , I a months, I have sometimes t a time. very foundation of our state fabric mould• was taken suddenly ill, about noon on Sat- Box 149, Detroit, Mich. able t0 use my ]lents for two months at a t1me, ing our laws And our whole code of social urday, and has not been able to be In bib ---•_-- mm,_ ,,,,,,—a, _- Ilohlginduced retry Hood's Sarsaparilla, I got -----,.—,----------- felt — .__--..,, --- -.�., �,„- ono battle last spring, Gpmmencgd using it; felt ethics, atamptng its golden impress on our ofiioe since. �IA,RbI FOIL SALE, so much 1>Gtter, gat two bottles more; took Lest literature, painting, poetry And music, English Spavin Liniment removed all a-' ffoosierS Qhein (luring tltosummer, was able t° do Illy shining in our homes, on the mountain hsrd, soft or calloused lamps and blemishos The undoraignod.hmvine signified himIntont- [ j O l I � I�j Grain 11 work, mild summit. iii the valley, in sorrow and from horses, Blood SpaPla, Curbs S lints ion to retire from forte life.willoffer his Aplond Dri p , lid 200•aoro farin for sale, being lots 94 and 9a r �di�al6c Tttti© Miles affliction, in the palace, in the hut, at the Icing Bone, SweeDay, Stiflos, Sprains, Sore can.I in the townshi of Uabora% London Road . Thereare, niore Hoosier Drills of our manufacture in use i w111011 I had not clone for six ears, Think I baptismal font at our marriages and and Swollen Throat Coughs, eat. Save i� it g , splendid of r urea. 'rho ]mad it all cleared, fwd Callada than of 4111 others combillej. pe Grated of eiysipelms, and econvnend any funerals, restraining as it does evil and 050by use of one bottle, Warranted the eDlOndidfrnit-boarin>tOrchards ;windmill and person 90 afflletetl t° use romotin Plenty of good water, she fences aro in brei- �'i0E1d'$ Sarsaparilla p g: good, toaohiug virtue, temper- most wonderful Blemish Care avarknown. class condition, on the promises are a brick mace, charity, love to fellow man, honesty, Warranted by C. LuTe oottage and kitohont ;two largo bank barns ; Four bottles has done more for me than $2q0 Patience, etc , ;giving us the best and I horse stable,Nx2ti; driving shod, This is a H � _ worth of other inedieino, I think it the best truant standard in the world to make um A VILDAIILr3 HINT—Whoa yon are at, first-p1AAe farm in every pariiaulnrand rho ! °� - - Llopd purifier ltnown." 1tilus, Jl, D, 1VusT, better men and Lott t' taoked by cough or cold do not delay but location is a good one being !mile from Exeter ,�, 1. Chureli street, Cpiiiwm s, N. S, better citizens, thereby commonoe at cnoe, to use H'agyard's Pew Whore tbore Ls on° of the best markets in Ont. , ,;." i ;,ail h1t rr� - indirectly scouring to us peace, security tpXAl Balsam. This old standard remedy It w]11 be sold ata reasonable figure. For �,l Q` y ; t �G,, u, y tt1''e , — , \ i HOOD'S PILLS cora fiver fits, constipa and projection. It appears to ane that if resales All irritation, loos n edp further nartiaulars apply to ri> „ tion, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, 25a thrpu li the A enc of soma , e s phlegm, and — Anat, WALrua, Hair P. 0. Out, a F r•*`� .' -11 IIll= g Y Fast, mighty, heAlg the mucous surfaces, ourinp' coughs - - - volgauia uphoavel or force Christianity and colds of all kinds. UCTION SALE] — - __ - Gould Ee suddenly aproo*ed and torn should Ile devoted to maiming and a y ur• aWay, the whole fabric of state must fall g — — AS = - _ gating ti °Ester's dictionary, draw your in chaos and ruin. Am we pans thzough GU.L.L _ _ - �_ \ black paint brush over all those M. �>� a v raze, grand, successive phases of national movement, glorious and beautiful words, which rhino we may advance in excellence am we n - by p is giving up teaming, has decided to offer i like going in our best literature,our poetry P by public auction on And music, P Y Praaimate the Christian type ; a diverg- QR You next pro°eed fli anti to .nee from that type, to whatever extent, rn FRIDAY, ATARCH 10, at l O'CLOCK pP Y jumble wouli not Is progrem,but debasement and N� .i r-('�'(' , fj'1�] _ `"' n`" v t . rl _!_ 3. Vis" Irishmght, 1 -Ain, mind, otG., ate,, and Garzuptfon. ;This represents feebly and P.M,twospinofhorses,andwiththemalarga AM �" wish rue to explain caanection, oto ,far, imperfecty why I feel keenly in this quantity of earls, wagons mail bugg]os, Tho - the Lose(ft of humanity (ait). Vlore aro matter. Now -what can our bald nako The people say we are gni t _ following is a list."fr, - 14 -yr -old mare•hoavy; > meta . —_ __" .' ,- _ v :L11 P y 1 y Of Roll 8 -yr -old horse, heavy, 1.4 -yr -old horae,heavy; "y'"" ' ''-•"""" numerous momentous and miner, < and my Y ' d' inn B I d-yrhorse, light; 2 set double harness, 9 GUARANTEED THE BEST DRILL MADE. and mysteries, immeasurably beyond my trines do towards replacing destructive lsEriatiau tye? guy other house lnstown p01Conlo ability to exp'nin, and just as immeasur• Could you wards a acgit ? and of a wit rod carts, 3 second hand road parts, t now top Perfect and instantnngous regulation of depth of:ll'oes in all kinds of soil. ATIIE ONL buggies, G second !land bugglos, 5 cutters, 4 apt PERFECT FORO•E FEED in nap. ;rho thorough equi Lnent Of our factory with the latest i ably beyond your ability to cow rebend. I destroying uses, you will be well honey bob sleighs,! 4 -rented Dtansuro sleigh, I proved labor caving machinery and alargoly inarensa9 output enables n o go P must thank you, lfr. Editar, and 1'opaicl for your tiillo. We clp"vn the-scatod carriaga with top, , wood raolce, I hay a t alfor the Ilpp Lp I eek you to explain "airy a grain of apologize to the public for this second and. country for prices in Felt mild Kid, 1 siraiv ouiior,2in hs Nnigons fano nearly naw) Utill and all °char implomont9 0£ our inanufapturp at Driage lower than ever before. wheat must die I afore it call live, and Last intrusion, g Bons, ] book board. I For catalogues, prices and terms, see our Iocal agents throughent the country, or Bond to "Illy out of that deate'"t 1 springs life, 1\,w, Sox and Rubbers, Boots end 12 hors e -Dower coileront and or Cas N�Y�N BROS. S �r,�„� CO., LrD' ANGER SOLE O�vTT, "we May speculate'” "none of us know;' I\yxS11C7.lTQR Np, 2, Alen's 1kAit9:-7pprc.nt.offfaraneh or7 months ___ _ Grain on app rove joint notes. 3I Find untior cash. got, "nark you, we do know, that in some After the grip. when you are weak and Tong Boots we take the bun, JOIIN RILL, HENRY JONES, Agent, Exeter. mysterious manner such is the case. D. BRAUND, "played cut," Hood's Sarsaparilla will ra. ., , Auctioneer. Proprio;.", — — Wo ° know that a Ecol aan Atk mato goes• store your boalth and strength. GEO. M•ANSON S —� ._� "—"� -- tions in five minutes than a "viae Innn can 6 r Since the nrraagodihfrBraund , „ A#terpaying all expenses of the past The People's Shoo Store. has madelanaseignmont, This will not aro- A. 11A.STING S, BARBER) Money SAVED byBuy- answerin a lila time ; why novo ofus Npst Door to Post Olhce. vent the balding of the snip, and i; "ail] take 4P ing at crit know" osseon together with A balance of $146,40 _ pine° as above- Set it is true, I behove man is leftover from 1891, the Stratford lacrosse �Vai.BAWD EN, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXE'T'ER, PLANING MILL C mater aed of it on, bei g immaterial which defies club has lit to the good. CALL And LUMBERYARD material definition, being immaterial and designee. As yqu came by on the linin street "vhich.isinexplicably associated duringlife FOR P11AINs AVD BRuISESS—No other NOTICETOCREDITORS. Jus hairnudipLEiakorr)trimmed iyokoopoonatantlyonhandalargeatOakpf and exiatingafter death of the body. You remedy aures sprains, bruises cuts, wounds --AT THE •1-� At haveHookn¢'s Barber shop. are faced with like mysteries in material. chilblains, :more throat, rheumatiam, oto,, In the inatter of thoEstate of DMORY oil kinds sp �f and emlock oils. also dorune so promptly gy ' We are the lightning barber" , ism, Ilton f you please, thaw case :Now• p P Yam IIP Ards Yellow Oil. It BRAUND, of the Village of Exeter, NV do our work with caro. stockof No, l pine lath. ton, i1771ton and youraelf,who all ate prae• is an old standard remedy that has given PALACE in the County of Huron, Blacksmith 'Rro :,do o keno our rAc°ra Our stock of doors, sash, blinds• mouldin¢a tically the same kind of f)od,yet Newton'a perfect satisfaction for 30 years, s And ahears in good repair. ke. is complete and thorougly kiln dried. GRIUCERY, Insolvent, and of Chap. 124, R. S. O, We offer for salol,'0o,o00X.Fand XXX PINa "� brain battery mtloTeted. sCLODCe and Chris. CVRIt ]•.R IIEADAGHD—HORdAahe arises and amending Acts, We have the very finest styles Ofutebairr, and CED AR SHINGLES manufactured by the tianito; Ililtolt's, poetry and Christianit from constipation bad blood d m e min or —FPR—We keep our towels clean. XW best maltersin Ontario. and yours materialism and vanity. Yo i liver complaint, As B. E.� B, euros all DNory a is hereby d bgive that h nthe above named dud We shampoo in the bast of axle Tanks and cisterns, all ahnpes and sixem,made wish to know if thought exists after these complaints it is naturally the most CHOICE r,RUITS, g And use the .nay hair machine. nowtorderas 11iia t prices. 1Vo have the st stable bis Estate to Mr, nen tam is (Br., lof Exeter, di- or bar tills dills farwatoring cattle in the static death, and holy, when, oto. Shakespeare auoaeeeful headache auto exi3ting, Once for the general benofi t of his (Brnund'a) Croda- Np�q bn:bore work as elow]y, or bernrard. thought "ilio something after death makes the pAueo is "°moved the headache aniahea, CONI LCTIONERY, tore, A meeting of the Creditors 'of the saidthis ten our loaf : Call and see our celebrated BAking Cabin. y r Insoivont is hereby nonvonad "for nFridaY, rho o not keep you waiting, Every WOmnn using them r000mmenda tLem cowards of na all," Did that thought die :Afr, R. B. Barber, of Stratford was the OYSTERS, 73ADDIES,� 10th inst„ at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.,ac Illy Ycur turn is always "noxi-" highly. g Nath hin7 ? victim of a painful accident on Thursday FINE TOBACCO and CIGARS. office, Exeter. ut., or directing ire tointing i ne tb o -refs Crol As for the do ladies and ichilldren, Turn in7.band,sorolisawinit, and all kinds of It AWRM to me if you investigated less afternoon. He wail Seeding a machine diters are requested to fyle with me their We shingle tbeir hair and trim their baa gn I mai willine work Yourrom interest to x andel and more deeply, you would prob- known as a jointer in the Porteous &a Mc. , claims duly verified according to the said sIs: At Haskins's Barber shoD. It be b° to your interest t° examine out PY, G. A. HI�T])1Il'1 ]T. VINCENT, onto on orbefore the27ch day of Barth Inst . skook baforo;purahse]ng olsaivhoro. ably prnpound fewer questions and swallow Logan factory, when his left hand got ATanager. Proprietor, after which date the said assignee will propped with more caution the "queer." What eaugiat in the machine slid the four fingers to distribute the said estate having rog,trd to W ROSS &TAYLOR, Main Street. you require is Christianity,ngive it would free of the hand were mut off by the knives, �. �r � � the claims A.D.proven and none other. Dated you of absurdities, wuliand ate you truth, March "nth .D 1893. LEWIS DICK50N• BARGAINS If you would inveetigata Chriatfnait in bfir. Hugh Caldwell, Olydeednle, 'Ont, Soir. for Assignee. m������Y wriEee:—hay daughter was troubled ' r,ith v .. a proper manner and in a different spirit female weakness, And for more troubled a'year ,�( and endeavor to practice ideal Uhristianity was under the care of doctors and taking i URNiTURE ��ALER rN as portrayed in the bible and poke your -� "secular thought skulls," Tom Paine, eLo. mediaine,withoutgetting relief. 1 then got 1 HARNESS T r ' in the stove, you would become a wiser Dr, Williams Pink Pills for bar mud they 41ND � , TRT- NITS, VALISES, and better and lora froward man have completely cured her. All dealers or WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, r NOTE ELL, by mail at 500 a box or G boxes for 2.50 m would gradually mount up and be blessed Dr. Williams' Nfed. Co, Brookville, out., with spiritual light and life and immortal J �� ® SHOES, RUBBERS, hope, RH1;U1iATIt3M CURED IN A DAY,— ,a ®° ET'C FxperlenGey�Ve have had the You Hart enumerate the "unwilling" South America Rheumatic dura for liheu- millions, all over, everywhere, (except in matism and Neuralgia radically cures inl to AT ' expeniense that at. Application painless and vary, relief I odi- J ! (l tention to business, Close prices and. jail) which have accepted to some extent, 3 days. Its action upon the system is y'Orders promptly attended to. ate• This preparation lltlaagreat and Ion¢ -fell O//n TreA/1 a st Main Ut proper fits, are the main factors in our the doctrine (fad) Of organic ovolution,and remarkable and mysterious. It removes wantamong those who suffer from Piles. Ti in . business. that man was evnlved,ia the coming belief, at once the cause and the diseaseimmodiat• All Accounts must be settled at once. aremody of the highest merit—effe.tive and �t whether trite or false. What do you elydisappears• The first dose greatly reliable—and has more th"mat theantie]pa- NOTE A FEW PRICES: PrOm,Ot/telde. �� benefits. 75 cents. Warranted btions of those physicians who love uses ii in With 'this ever mean by moms extent, a+id who told you y �h� their praotioo• Puekono Ia w sur• our• 13A1f Fox Felt Boot Grain redeeming feat all this? Ypu appear to neither kno"v or n' Lutz, Druggist, aug, 14.People'swhen other r°modi°a fail to relieve, Testim- , , .92.00 ure imprinted deeply on our motto we care whether it is true or false, yet yo71 onia]s furnished. Price $1, For mal• ky drat- Felt Boot, Loose Socks Grain 2,25 p V , Itabe.ohayve been in of Brownsvalley, In gists or by mail on receipt of prioo.1 Men's Rubbers ' , have won the patronage of the many claim to seek truth, and shoot aEsurditiee• gays;—"I have been in a distressed condi. EI''LOUR W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing Chemist, 148 O.uO whom despise those too -often -resorted HOW can the inorganic evolve life, and at tion for three vearo from Nervonsuese ,& FEED Dundas St.. London, Ont. Women s Rubbers, 0.30 to tactics of tailors especially,namte vrilat particular time does the monkey Weakness of the -Stomach, Dyspepsia and STORE. Misses' Rubbers, 0. y merge fain the man ? Indigestion until my health was gone. I ,,, �, putting off until next week what should man ss have been done this. I�ou Cay secularists, infidels, etc, face bad been doctoring constantly with no re. • We keep on hand the largest ate of IshI ��� 'ill sillis Skilled lVorlrmen Are'omplpy°d to death wish the same content and stoicism lief, I bought one bottle of South Ameri- Flour and Food in town, ! manufacture the goods, and the best ofThis i a nit ,- ,1altghey dread no future, and aro often Weary eau Nervine; which done me mote good (py '7 / material is used. lsatls f[?C tIOt7, and want rest. Stoicism is the wrongthan any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did Qu%' fD / • / 5 Fwur Leafs A>fit t carry looking word,bt: H Prompt attention given to all kinds'of to car out its moaning is difficult to word. Ingersoll is not A stoic. Voltaire in my lite. I would advise every weakly repairing. My Stock is well assorted some. we glory in word and the wag was a despicable, moral coward. What personto use this valuable and lovely rem- Any quantity of Bran and Shoots at f..� Arid every customer is guaranteed sails- it is exemplified in our she We guar - do you mean by rest, the word rest is edy. A trial bottle Will convince you, Mill prices, Farmers will I'find it tt that. ��l faction. The Prices mean a side over anise satisfaction ever time in• all res. associated with lite ? Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist. advantage to call and inspect our stool V m time. Call and Prices convinced. y antes y The Christian meets death with a confi- Miss Nora Clench bas received the gift before going elsewhere. deet hope of a of death prangs life and of a valuable brooch from Her Majesty HiRbsat prices paid for oats. (,,,; JOHN TBRIBLE, Ezeter. If you want a suit, A coat, vest or pair Why not, if out of death epringm life Cyon Queen Vlotoria, before whom the talented ` ' O — - of pants, give us a call and be convinced in the grain of wheat ? young violinist played lately nl Othorns, R. S. RICHARliSON, � "�"1 �� hat what w° have said is true. You next deprecate my terming your Elderly people remember their spring Opposite Town Hall. MAxAasis. ,(--��--// an a nuisance. 1 state emphatic- bitters with_a shudder. The present ¢en - """"......••••"'•".•......I ................ ..................-•••-•••••..— �`,tl nhy you do commit a nuisance and an orations bade much to be tbapkfnl [or, rT, _ t o JOHNS ��` outraKe on mein awing the pnblie news- not the least of their blessings being such a W 0 Do yo. eani a i' paper to thrust your offensive literature on pleasant and thoroughly effective spring Special PIANO, 0 me N ORGAN BI medicine sa A en's > OYCLE SEWING v Sarsaparilla. , W NG Ill p a, Ie is a � i �I, .` �� . MACHINE, BOYS' h GIRLS' TRIC'J - I do pay money to convert othsr'relIgione hcalth.rgatorer and health-lrisintainer. to.,Cbristianiby, because I believe Chris- K. Stewart, of vebraska, has returned to , CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? KIRKTON' tiamly true, and know it to be the'moat Millbank to visit his ell friends after being / y constructivenot willing li religion y the world, ter I mwaY for twelve , rept Cheap Sale h t �® ®� em not willing to nay for: your utterly John J. Ryan, representing n Montreal }-� t � ash!/' fallacious and destructive trash. Do you firm, says that he received the greatest, ' ' y — s think no person has read this stuff but benefit item using'Jlembrn. a Kidney and f HAVE YTU[J BEEN TO Y o it wholesale f �:. 9-yotg ourself, and when ygu c py Liver Cure, atter using several preparations I 11,no palm is aware o£ _the' do you imagine for Kidney and Livor troubled pnaeed by �')ajIr wt and elm it off as original, ¢ �1 1 P �flbe ? mach Railroad Travelling. C•f h Year reference to Wilberforce and Rev 0. H. llridgeman, pastor of Chan° t`y ;� i�t��, Columbus is unfortunate. Wilberforce,by Church, Millbank, ling tendered him resig. 0 ; 1{p1 tyA" k . I P I Opposing slavery, reformed or removed a tirtion. I F�- ." v S STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. ALL MADE OF -rHe eEST I ail; be was a Christian; Columbus --�a� M. STESL AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR ' was a great man and a Christian and had THE MCLEAN CA9s, Furniture e ,." taarrusaaruReo ev ;x " THE .BEST �° �"B You do not rank with these great man and MoLean of Horning Mills as- EA l tk hee NOW B. ;cycle 't ���I . I ' Sa reforrrers'as you �would iintimate I one of last week isstill talk lite °see of IV7r. ' GgEABE ST YPT ��e �.�dr published e a k of the vicinity, If not get 'there as 'coop am ower several reasons bein that oft are nrel and man hay ,� p g Y P y y e taken Lhe trouble ta. aleft T -BE BIGGEST t "ri��e�, ells. Severalltnoa sold out already. A lt, desrraative in your tendencies. _ Horning shills to see him. Mr. Beltry,1. T a'`-'se.nd fox, C' L . early spring goods to hand -' '�}•;; - ted® I notice you bedeck letter with the tiro a"�, 'Yourdruggist here,who Cold ;him the Palle ---_ numerous chimerical and In lin words vouches for the truth of the statement as If yon do, the place to ret the most reliable end sonorous phrases, such las �finalit also does r , � t goods tit a modern Dries is at P y M . W Jolly, Ex M .P 1 for PR$INS, 8 , This Week �86C �rQ8P8r� CIOt�IUIg prOdAGE� 1T1 ExBtor MARTllrf's, dealon In Musical rustoutineats, of thought,' Iconoclasts, generous hetero- Lufierfn Qouaty Dodd's Sidney Pills are Sowinr Masbine supplies, e 11 .r Gentlemen l leave Your early, for is t°' Wad have sold our store and bush derv, etc., etc., which is intended, I ;take indeed a wonderful remedy, me they Dore u t; it, to serve am loud music before a ee the most dead! es we Gidle 5 with the best staff -of Tailors, ;the best and Owiit oontmlt6 our clearing �j .ill kinds of farm implements sold'on s mar through g sale P P y 11 t , the' ' most pre_ �/ Cloak of Fine Triwmulgs, and the best - r ugh the month of March, . '' Chow, to allure. the ,`gaping and open. vAlegt disemcee lhtt affect hummaity,nmme rIa over Coat. Agents for the celebrated Won"'' Cutting to Town, ya3 ars sure of satiafso- bear �Y on. ° Ohrit to reduce our stock one half mouthed, YOu,,wnsteAfmo, too, in sesta ly, Bright's Disease, as well &a all forms -of, priDFH na W?iet latrpg ae to what I Jr6uld .or would not kidney,;troublms, Dropsy, Diabetes Stone in Lf,OW'f3 BLOCK' �� ' not tell you what that means, r PERB-INS & MARTIN', come'an d see..%i Min Linimonl'is,tths gait Atislorer•,` 131adder, and more espeaiahy Rtleummtiam, ,�..�� i3i.Le ' .1 II ana11 �on'm Sleek. 111 I r. I71OT1 C , . , ,.,,` m, .11 1 ., n .:,,:1� , ": ,.. ,. „11,11" �.. xJ .)) .. , ..-n ,. vv ,t. ..� Vii: -.. .v -. .......u..:CG wMuC,tvltlti6e.t. _ .G .-...J:..Nfa}1r1