HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-3-9, Page 4I . . I -ied in jS�7 THE WEEK IN PARL.IAMENT- expressed himself 05p6sed to reme lit I 1. Lstablisl di 1 4bei� Dersonal affairs deplorably laps the � I I . A Digest of tile I)OIngs o , legislation. Xr, LariOVM Said Separate PRESIDENT CLEVELAND ltrcl�lgth and sturdiness of our national � I f our Legislators Schools were . I - . I . - __ at Tile CaPAU&I. guaranteed by the B,N,A. . 1. . 11 I OTTAAVA, .'iilawh 1 -The Bud -et de act but the government was taking the —_ � ., . hanwter, It is a plain dictate of honesty is P. (� I �& - right course, Mr� McCarthy moved the D' � � `Utl goud goverunient that public expeadi- I I I 33, St VXE14 bate after dragging along for tw;,�veel,s I elive rs a Message Bristling . I was closed early this acijournment of the debate. I tures should be lim ' I I ------ 4— . morning with ited bypublic noes$ - I � BANKER, speeches by Mr. Laurier and Mr. Foster, . With Aggressiveness. sity, and that this should be measured by People of I . Theleader.of the Opposition reviewed MZLITAXty MOVE11=15TS. . the rules of strict economy, and it is the present day are i� I equally clear that frugality aiiiorig th, search of bargains, especially EXETER, - ONT. the trade situation and said the require- Col- F 0. De'll-R, lit - 11. r!-, is spoken of TARIFF REFORM HIS MAIN SUBJECT. 'a the beat guarantee of a, contented , I ,� - ments of Canada were practical free as 001111nander vf the Bisley team for 11 � . .1 people i heads of families, where demands I . . � I trade -%Yitb a tariff sufficient for revenue 1898. ; I I . . and strong support of free institutions. I are incessant .and money to be I Abuse$ of the Pension SYSto% to b4% Cor. One mode Of the misappropriation of ( Transacts a gencralburikingliusinese. purposes only. Mr. Foster made au, - Ron, J. 31. Gibson has been elected � public funds is avulded when appoint- spent so as to secur(, as much as Receives the Accounts of Xerchants ari(I ilorment spee&h in defence of the Con- president of the Dominion Rifle Associa- rOcted-Coillblues to be Swept Avy ,�-khen on favorable terms. ., ser;ative policy of protection, and laid tion, . ay --4 ments to offiLe, instead of being iho re- possible for th-* comtort and sus- OfferE evorr accommodation consistent, with great stress on tile statement made in . I Tarlff for Revenue 0111-s, Pronilsed-Th(L wards of partlian aetivity, are awarded to tenance of those depending. ate and conservative banking principles,,, Word comes from J'am' a that war those whose ethulonc,y promises a felt Te - Interest allowed on deposits. Xr.,Blakels memorable letter that re ' ale Silver Problem to be Boldly Blet. i For some time past we have Draftsissued payable at azir office. o the PKocit;y with the States meant ass c"- is imminent between Hayti and San Do- turn Of work for the dompensation paid to imil- mingo. kept a bargain Moroliantonank. . ation. of tariffs and,nitimate political I WA$ux$QTOx, - March O. -Grover Cleve- them. To secure the. fitness and com-', I ,. counter, and as NoTns DiSCOUNTED, And ISIONEY TO LOAN union. The exodus, which had formed The revolutionists of Rio Grande do lan-S, of New Tork,.was on Saturday suc- potency of appointees to office, and to re-, ever), retail store will' have some I ON NOTES and MORTGAGB9, a text for a portion of Mr. Laurier's ad- Sul, Brazil, 4,500 strong, are marching cessfully inducted into th high office of move from political action the I demoralls-I fabrics, left on hand, either in short . dress, he explained by saying that peo- on Porto Allegro. President of t1is United Steates for his see- .. madness for place, civil service reform' lengths or in patterns that have not � . I mg . � - Pie Went West for land, and South for Edward Hewitt, a coloured huckster, end term, with all appropriate ceremonies, has found a place in our public policy and Sha] amid the gathering of a mighty multitude, laws.' The benefits already gained through' taken well, these goods are. fre. . V 03�t.VT ZjMjoll labor, if Canada bad more industries aims to have seen every President of In his inaugural address he epoke as Col- this instrumentality, and the further use�' quently the best wearing. - there would be no exodus southward. the United States inaugurated since Van fulness it promises, entitle, it to the heart , - He claimed that the Canadian farmer Buren's time, 10ws:-IIY fellow -citizens: In 6bedionce Y. We offer this week :_ THURSDAY, MARCH Oth, 1898, was not suffering from a burden of tax. to the mandate of my couritaymen, I -am sypport and encouraeament of all who de- l. ation, and drew a graphic picture of the From various sections in Rio Grande abol,tt to dedicate myself to their so i sire to see our public sery OMMENT6,' do Sul comes news , , ice well per- . 51 yds all -wool Dress Goods, co3t 21o, th. 01 formed, or who hope for the elevation of lar 12J a per v a, - agricultural distress in :free ta-ade Eng- of fighting. The nudek the sanction of a solemn Ott 171 e ax % ' land. The debatelast Federals have assumed the offensive, and deem it Atting, on this occasion while indi- political sentiment and the purification, of fo39 yards of Costume Cloth, wldvo in ed until 2A5 when and are said to be making decided gains. cating the opinions I hold concerning pub. � , What is the matter with the HeKin- the division bells rang, and the vote on political methods. sting 12jo., for 9c. - ley Bill? Eggs are quoted in las� week's Sir Richard Cartwright's amendment P on Ill be circulated asking lie questions of present importance to The existence of immense aggregations 14 yds all -wool blue and red plaid, 23 1 papers as follows; New York !20 to 201 for freei trade stood li�L' for, 126 against, the . er ent to change the date of briefly refer to the existence of certaiucon- of kindred entermises and combinations of inches wide, costing 20jo, for 15c. I . Toronto 22 to 28., Montreal 84 to 35 cts� Government maiority 5L Mr. Calvin, oPe e ilitary camp at Kingston ditions and tendencies among our people business interest -6, formed for the purpose. excellent goods, . The Globe had :not very much to say of Froutenac (Ind Con.) voted with the to a a e w !ell will cause the last day which seem to menace the integrity and ?f limiting production and fixing prices, coating 19ic for 15o., 25 inch wide. I about the McKinley Bill last week . Opposition, Messrs. McCarthy and of d i e ominion day. usefulness of their Governmen is inconsistent with the fair aold whiolk In AleWs wear, consisting of Under� I t. While X x X - O'Brien withthemilidateriplists. Amo- . every American citizen must contemplate ought to be open to every independent Shilte and Drawers and Top Shitts, wooto : tion, was passed reducing the duty on IWA_=Nril DXATT4�RS. with tile utmost pride and euthusias � in activity, Legitimate strife in. business and unions. . i The Mitchell Recorder referring to the raw material used in the man�a,,6�. It is reported that tile steamer Em- growth and expansiou o the should not be superseded by aa enforced I Also I pair only Menlo long F sit boots I the recent election in Toronto says: ture of binder twine. I press 6f India is to beplaced on,thQTOut8 f our country, the concession to the demands of combinations half foxed No. 9. I 4bat Mr. Alowat should see his wa MAACH ' 2. - Hon. Mr. Patterson re. between Fort Stanley and Cleveland. . _. . I pair only Boy's long y that have the power to destroy, nor should Felt boots, balf-foxed, No 4. 2 pair only clear to undo his gerrymander there, a plying to P, query said the Government's Tile London Board of Trade has joined . I . the people to be served lose the benefit of Men's buckled Felt foxed, We. 7 and 8, I political act that no conscientiousLiberal intention was to preserve the O1,1 stone in the agitation ill favor of the GX;vern- cheapness which usually results from 2, pairs only Men's Gaiter Felt foxed No 8. has been able to defend and an ugly magazine at Fort George. Mr.,McCar- meat assisting in the establishment of a 11 wholesome competition. These aggrega- - I stain, upon Hr. Movat's political record. thy enquired concerning tile value of fast Atlantic steamship line. I tions and combinations frequently consti- These few pairs will be soff at . . .0 0 0 raw materials used in various industries, The British steamer Cincora, plying I" tuto conspiracies against the interests of- such prices that you will d9 well to ), the people, aud as in all their phases they come early and see themr I "' Pi I . I axo unnativaland o , '� Mr. Langelier moved to admit free of between London and the Mediterranean I ... I I There was one pollinz booth hi Tor- duty all foreign sugars claiming that we was sunk by collision With a Germanl t I . �0 r/11 pposedto our Ameri- , I :�, onto where one vote, that of the return- are -paying thiee Millions annually in bark oil Dungeness. r 471*12114"v, can sense of fairness, to the extent ,that ing officer, w.ia cast, at the recent elect. sugar taxes. Mr. Kenny opposed the were drowned. Two of the creT� � they can be reached and restrained by ,T. P. CLAnZZ. , I 11 federal power, the general Government __ __ another booth no votes at all were cast, finery was paying more than 1; per cent. should relieve our citizens from their in - That vote cost the country 8,38, At motion and remarked that no sugar re. In attempting to save a stranded vessel i �, , slands separ� xactions. Loyalty to the the returning officer having been too interest. The arrival Of 0 0'alock pre. Ott Uuttyliunk, one of the I, . I _1 I forence and e COMMUNICATIONS. . . vented dt9cussion, Mr. Weldon's bill t ating 1�uzzard's bay from VIneyawd . � Principles upon which our Governmont . simpleor too honest to take advant 0 Sound, the life -boat belonging to the I 1k Tile Editor does not necessarily- endorse the of the situation. .Mr. 'THowat 'K, di --franchise electors who a n . rests positively demands that the equality sentiment$ advanco(I in articles under this `45 bribe, was considered committee. Massaclinsettes Humane society was uD- f __ - before the law -which it guarantees to heading, bound to have overyavailable, veto poll- - set, and five of the volunteer crew weie every Citizen should be justly and in good Mr. .1111lock in ed. 4 requined the deb,ito on his drowneil. I -11-11 � - I I I it motion. to place binder twine on the free faith conceded in all parts of tile land. To the Rtlitor of the _rxeter ** '--- . Times. list. Mr. Lister mid twine ,sold in 11uLICx1ors. I The enjoyment of this right follows the In last week's issue of your cotem, there The first cheese factory in Ontario was Port Huron for 8 cents, 10 C.0 .� badge of citizenship wherever found, lits in Sm.- Rev. Dr. Smith, of Cincinnati, denies I � �� and, appeared another er3dieso, tangled, hotero. " -once of :41per cent. Mr. r,,Iir. that he and Dr. Briggs intend to c de .. unimijaireil by race or color, it appeals for , started bi. Oxford county in 1804, and ni' - a difrez se e geueous And irrelevant effi,lon ot moors. bairn, Dr. Calat'r0a alia Mr. Sproule from the Presbyterian. church. r0cogliltion to Amiericau manliness and tiou this time) from Adjuotloilt,r�npurport- by 18�,77 the system wa s fairly establish- sP0k6 ag-tinst tile motion anfl, ,On ,,, di. Praversagainst the homerule bill hav I e '. I fairness. Our relitionswith the Indians Ing to be n reply to my comments on his I ed Of making cheese in ca-operativ e fac - visiOn it was lost by a -vote Of 90 to 51. been `66�44 in all th protest lit 4" � located , within our borders impose upon us first effusion. 'Mr. 0 a .. I the responsibilities we cannot escape. by drag. , tories iastead of farm dairies, To -day, � I"011e then moved that com be placed churches of tile diocese of Donn, in Uls, � NOW, if so, what did lie mean I I on tile ft%�% list but. it was vOte(I down by 111nuallitY RIO cOnSistency require us to ging in Brigham, Young, Mahommedism, `� , I ter. . "I 0 treat thein with forbearance, anti in our twerity-eightyears afterwards, there are 04) to 5 1. Xr� McCarthy voted for free ft4dism, C-11viv, Nvealey, St. Paul, � inOnmrloalone$38 factories in oper- twine, for free corn four conservatives Alexander Russell W, ebb, an Ameri- . dealings with them to honeqtly and IVR011033 Polytheism, Columbus, Slavery, ation, producing anually 8-2,0_0 0 lbs vote(I for and two Liberals ag,linst it. C311 cOuVeit to Mohammedanism, has ar- consid':rately egard their Arghts and etc , etc.; these subjects were not meu� of cheese, worth about $8.000,0 0 The rived t New York PRFSM7ST OLPVULANI). I fr. a , from Bombay. His intere ts. L, very effort should be made tioned by me, and bad nothing to do -with -1IvMullc11 lll()N'Otlth',tttlio.slii)c�raiiii- sufficiency of our Institutions to stand to Icad tbeni cheese exports of Canada are over 27 flitioll (it vivil servants mission is to propagate Islamism in the through the paths of the matter. Perhaps, however, this is per cent of the entire agricultural ex. doned and tile act thereshould ba ab' 'in- -United States. against the rudest shocks of violence, the civilization and education to self- anotlier exhibition of his erudite profund. on repealed. ,1V1r. wonderful thrift and enterprise of our ' supporting an(! independent citizen- ity, or is lie slylystriking the bible over � ports, and nearly 12 per cent, of the rO-Aer e-Plailied. that a bill to amend Rev. T. V. Joliffe, of Bawman"ille, people, and the ea total exports. The growth of cheese tile Superannuation Act woul has been carrying . demonstrated superiority ship. in tb(,� in ritime, as the nation's my sboulders as be did over Dr. Sexton's" I il 1,,o in- on the revival services of our free government, it behoves us to -%vards, they should be promptly defended- or perhaps his safety lie3 in & multiplicity I . exports zinco the i,itroduction of the tr0cluced, ',Ind the motion was with. in his church for some time pastand has ,mristautly -watch for every symptom of in- against tile cupidity of desiguing in n nd and holes to pop into. �po , 0 I following; In 1880, $123,594; in 18,11, r0stcr S' Idd tile Government had ex- roll of his church, - shielded from every influence or tempta- to,1140113i.1lonlaY, lie launches on the public I factory,system may be seen from the drawn. In reply to Mr. Campbell, Mr. added over I 00 names to tile membership sidious infirmity that threatens our no ., C. a 51 PL1111 tional vigor, tiun that retar�ls their advancement. another dose of his delectable literature $1 � 109,900; in 1876, $,050,008; in 18, led $27,889 for two rowed barley, It cannot be doubted that our stupend- The people of the United States have (all byand now, ori I ard frash from "'C anil, had received 910,201 from sales. . THE I)MID. ,. i, 510,443; in 1886, ,1�46,73-1,020; in 1691 John Pettie, R. A., the English painter, oils achievements as a people and our decreed that On this day the control of the mint of course) lina with consummate � $9,50i'800, X.*-RClX ,' L - Mr. Uostigan's bill respect- is dead in London. country's robust strength have given rise their Government and its legislative and an', *** 11 _­. Ing the granting of certificates to mas- cooinvso, be proceeds to digpify such Judge Baxter, of Welland, died last our national health which we can no more cal party pledged in the most positive the word debate. N11by air, such paddling - - ters and mates Was read a first time. '�-O A heedlessness Of those laws governing executive branch shall be given to a politi. fantastic, materialistic evolutibna with , Considerable discussion is just now Sir John Thompson introduced a bill to week at Thorold, evade than human life can escape the laws terms to the accomplishment of tariff re. methodeana fox -like doublings would dig , � being indulged in because ministers of amend the Northwest representation by Rufus Hatch the well-known Now form. They have thus determined in grace the giving the b. . of God and nature. allot to the territories. Sir I � Manifestly nothing is more 'vital to our favor of a Moro just and equitable system By a little adroit scene abifting and various churches have seen fit to accept d . . word squabble. John Thompson asked that Monday be Col. Berna�d, brother of Baroness Mae- supremacy as a 'nation and to the beneft- of federal taxation, The agents they have th the aid of colored side ,lights, Juvex- calls to other fields of labor, where made a Government day to enable Mr. onald, died in Montreal on Friday. cent purposes of our Government than a chosen to carry Out th , rposes are tigator deems it judicious to reflect a laint Tarte to bring up the Manitoba school a wi better salaries are paid; yet the ones oind and stable currency. Its exposure bound by their promises,ellarotpluess than by sbade of light on Dr. Sexton, & flood of question. 2dr, McCarthy enquired if A despatch from Sidney, 2T. S. W., an. t'so degradation should at once, arouse to thatfind fault would, under similar eir- any measures had been taken to brin nounces the death of King George Tubou the command of their asters, to devote light on himself, and a qombre shadow on cumstances, act in precisely the same 9 activity the Most enlightened statesman- themselves unremittinglmy to this service, myself, respectively, This is,4ntended to about fuller representation of Canadian of the Tonga islands. ship, and, the danger of depreciation in the While there should be no -surrender: of illumine the good, intelligent, onest Vay. ,& minister is just as much en- interests at foreign capitals, Mr.Foster Pierce Stevens Hamilton, well-knowr purchasing power of the wages paid to toll principle, our task must be u'aderta'ken' well-mehuing (but simple-minded) people. h titled to a fair salary for his labor as a replied that Lord Rosebexy had stated for his literary -work, died from an over should furnish the strongest incentive to -wisely and without vindictiveness. By the way, if Christianity hAs made the man in any other profession, and lack his willingness to give unofficial Can- dose of laudauum at Halifax. prompt and conservative precautions. In Our mission, is not punishment, but the People good, honest, intelligent and well - of money to properly educate and sup- adian representatives all advantages dealing with our present embarrassing reatificatioa of -wrongs. If in lifting meaning, wby do you persist in wavina, port his family has T.rovented many a given by ministera representing Great' EPIDEDIXOS. situation as related to this subject, we burdens fromthe daily life of our people over them your little, blaok flag, lettered good man from being as us6ful as he Britain. Mr. Weldon asked that the There are 22 patients in the Leprosy will be vise if We temper our confidence -we reduce inordinate and unruly advan- with the nakea. fallacious and impotent might have been if more happily cir- recent coal legislation in Nova Scotia be Lazaretto at Tracadie. The same num- and faith in our national strength and re- tages too long enjoyed, this is but a neces- little code of ethics, which was pinned to � cumstanced. Relieve a minister of the disallowed by the Governor General, ber as last year. sources with the frank concession that sary incident of our return to right and tile tail of your letter.No. 2, and filch ad cares that, always atter.d. empty pockets The Premier reviewed the bill and said Six new cases of typhus fever ware dis. FV011 these will not Permit us to defy with justice. If wo exact fromunwillluL, minds from effete religions and "which ive knoto and be will preach better sermons, his such legislation was within the province covered on Friday in the jail at Long impunity the inexorable laws of finance acquiescence in the the. , and trade, At the same time in our of- tribution ,I of an b iest a1s. if Ve know anything" would tend to do. views of Christian life and its duties will of the &va Scotia Legislature and could Island.City. One death from the disease of the fund of gove mental moralize and destroy these good qualities? . Ml� Ale not have that dull spiritless I ook that so not be disallowed. . Carthyplaced occurred in the jail. forts to adjust aiff noes Of 'Opinion we beneficence treasured up for all, we but Before proceeding to offers favoomments, on the order paper a notice of motion should be free from tolerance of Pass insist upon a principle which underlies our which space will only permit, I wouldask often accompanies empty pockets. In the annual report of the depart- and our judgment d be unm6vedlbony .4 for tariff reform. It embodies a move- ment of !xgriculture, Mr, Angers says free institutions. When we tear aside the Investigator why be did not answer my , * * * merit against combines and trusts, a alluring phrases A�d, unvexed by selfish delusions and misconceptions which have questions, and prove his own assertions, that a serious outbreak Of cholera next interests. 151inded our countrymen to their condition instead of cunningly dodging over all Deposits in the Post Office bank con- substantial reduction in favor of English season is extremely probable; and in I am efinfident that such an approach to under vicious tariff laws, we but show creation. To be eternally muttering the tinue to creep up, and there is a stealy goods, and a willingness to reciprocate ,,few of this �act, every possible precau. the subject will result in prudent a in trade matters with the United States tion is being taken to save Canada from ud ef- them how far they have been -led away words science and Philosophy. as stock increase noticeable from month to month : "on fair and equitable terms." In the an invasion of the dread disease. fective remedial legislation. Inthemean- from the paths of contentment and pros- phraiaqs, Senate Mr. Boulton concluded a speech mav sound imposing to:embryotic to which January was no exception. � — time, so far as the executive branch of the perity. When we proclaim that the neces. evolutionists, but amounts to nothing. : The deposits for the month are show On the tariff, which he commenced on S00YETIES. Government can intervene, none of the sity for revenue to support the Government Science, especially speculative a 11 at Thursday. He -%vished a select com- :ieuce, is . 1$680,730, which, with the sum of $4,5 The second annual convention of the Powers with which it is invested will be furnishes the only justification for taxing shifting and unstable, the ap culative inter�`st allowed to depositors on 28 mittee appointed to enquire into the Y. P. S. C. E. of Ontario county ,Was withheld when their exercise is deemecl thO People we antounce a truth so plain science of our age, pushing aside that of ac- is Olicies of Great Britain and held at Whitby on Friday. Thirty-twc necessary to Maintain our national credit that its denial would seem to indicate the the next. The same may be said In a cer, f c counts closed during the month, brought C=a'd,�t Mr. Bowell replied and Mr� societies -were represented, or avert financial disaster. , up the total for the month to F685,262. Boulton withdrew his motion. . extent to which judgment 'may be influ- tain sense of philosophy, The withdrawals were $526,938, making MARCEE 4--lu committee Sir Sohn The Manitoba Prohibition league eon- &Closely related to the exaggerated conli- enced by familiarity with perversions Of iii at, ?or as I can tecolleet, or learp,Dr. nee in our country's greatness which the taxing powers, and when we seek to rfj.,. I an excess of el58,324 in deposits over Thompson's Bill relating to Witnesses vention has passed a stron tends to a disregard of the Bekton attributed the statement of mari'm requestin e 'eutenant- rules of na- instate the self-confident ana business having inhabited the earth for 18000 years withdrawals. The balance to the credit and Evidence,was discussed. It gives an governor and tional safety, another danger confronts us , accused person the right to testify in his . 0 of our citizens by discrediting an to Huxley. - However, let it pass as, an of depositors on 31st January last was the le *sla * e - se ly to enact such not less serious * asvi , un er _1 refer to the prevalence ter $23,049,398, compared with $2% 801, 0 own behalf, an(l also makes him a com- laws u cient penalties, Of a popular dispos abiper'i! dependence upon governmental offset to your gallantry in attacking him �4 e ec ly pro ition to e ' it t 6 liquor traffic in operation of the Government especial and American character which support the naturally and per se immortal, on 31st December last, On the 81st pellable witness; husband or wife is a at rovmce. _ . ._"_ xPG0t from the favor -we stimulate those elements of af ter he was gone; (h3w abou I essentially, January, 1892, the total deposit* in the competent -witness in criminal proceed- direct ind*ividual advantages. Post 0 ings affecting either, MT, Mulock moved T=, FAIR Sr,X. hope of American achievement. The verdieb of our voters which con- Anxiety for the , redemption of the You next make this aritounditig simie- flice Savings Bank amounted to an amendment that a wife shall not dis. The W. 0. T. U. of Detroit has decided demned the, injustice of maintaining pro. pledges ment: "I simply gave the bible view, tecti which my PaTtyhas made and Dr. Sexton's view and $21,700,843, There is therefore -,in in- closein evidence what she has heard to discourage the proposal to revive the on for protection's sake, enjoins upon solicitude for the complete justification of of each po iti the scientific view crease of $1,339.550, in the past twelve from her husband, and vice versa. The hoppskirt, the people's servants the duty of exposin on jifficized, and left the months. _ 13 � amendment carried. Considerable dis- and destroying the brood of kindred the trust the people have reposed in us jadiment to the public.', Ndw air � *** zeproviding British which are the unwholes evils constrains me to remind those with whom your cussion tookplace on the clam Mrs. Gladstone, wife of the ome p;ogeny of � As an illustration of what careful se that a witness shall not be excused from Premier, has been confined to her bed . I am to co-onerate that We can succeed in knowledge of the' bible is - all the week paternalism, This -is the bane superficial smattering oTerlltitli to a' answering a question because it suffering from a cold. R Repub- doing the w;rk which has been especially. . . from an might and the constant peril view, and when you I arrogat to yourself the ability to inter. iminate him, o ­ It is said Mrs. Rafferty, wife of the 0. of our Governmest by the people. It de- harmonious and disintirested effort. Even pret or etranslate either the bible or science lection in cows and generous feeding tend to inci li0an institution infidelia point 'of . r render set before us only by the most sincere, I . witl;-W;ell bala;�;d_ratioi� -will -d-�'-i, liable to civil proceedings, butt ?.R. yardmaster at Fort William, has grades to the Purposes of witchcraft the if Insuperable obstacles and opposition , he clause Mr. Ballantyne's herd, one cow in 12 'was adopted, and the Bill reported. on fallen heir to RA5, 000 through the death Plan Of rule Our fathers established and or even Dr. Semon, you display an over. . prevent the consummation of our takk we weening and superlative presumption, motion to nto supply Dr. Landerkin of an English uncle. bequeathed to us as an object of our 10 shall hardly be excused,`and if failure can months gave 12,415 pounds of milk; addressed ttoeiHouse on the enlargement — , and veneration. It Perverts the p ve which is disgusting and shookinr to any � another cow gave in 10 months, 11,0 of the Cabinet and compared the number AMONG THr, SPORTS, I sentiment of ou' atriotie be traced, to our fault or neglect we may r countrymen, and tempts be sure the people will hold us to a swift be cropping up as a grailt lawyer noxt,aj�d lbs., and another in 9J months, 9, 03 of ministers with that of other countries. Several Hamilton dogs took pnzes at them �0 a pitiful caloulat. . intelligent and thoughtful man. You will I lbs. From the comm $87 Mr. Poster, in answer to bir Richard the New York dog show. be derived from ion of the gain to and exacting accountability. narrating second handed the mistakes of' � encement of winter their Government's main- — � up to the present time: for cows in full Cartwright, consent/ad to bring down Corbett's $10,000 cheque for his fight tenanoe. It undermines the self-reliance ' '-1 N11911sh Editorial Oomments. Mores. What kind of food do you eat, ' Rush, he fed 20 lbo. the industrial statistics as given in the 'With Mitchell has been posted. Of Our People, and substitutes in its place LoxDox, March 6 -The Daily News that 64,1888 your brain battery to secrete. - matured corn put recent census. The balance of the evEfn- Mr.. Barry, of the Galt hockey team dependence upon governmental favoritis says editorially of President Cleveland's such tronscendent wisdom which corn - through the straw cutter, 6 lbs. clover in was spent in supply Passing a num- was badly injured while Playing at Lo,. It stifles the spirit of true Americam M,* maugu ,1 I . hay, 55 lbs. marigolds, 4J : g . * ral address; -"It was worthy of poises time, space, the bible, Sexton, lbs bran, 4 ber of items in the supplementary esti- don. - and stupefies every ennobling. traits of the occasion which is recognised universal. :Cfen6e, philosophy, tile "Diverse, any thinR- lbs. peas and oats in proportion of 21bo. mates, for Northwest iffairs. One of Simon Jones, the well-kii American citizen OM of ly as by far the greatest one that Ameri. veryth ng, all things ? 0 Peas to one of oats. Cows own Hamil- ship. The less I � that calved $1,500forthe governor general's travel- ton horseman, is experimenting with an paternalism ought to ,be unlearned, and cans have known since the civil,war. He You next state that reason I I Since November are averaging about ing expenses was warmly criticised by electric bit for taming vicious horses. . the better lesson taught that while the read his countrymen a lesson on some ment are . the pa , and judg- 50 lbs. of milk per day at present, so the -Opposition, $500 for this purpose People Qiould patriotically and cheerfully faults of the national character, while I me thing, because you. I - . cannot meutall is-assOciate them, which . doing full justice to their splendid quall- Means I take it, that reopen, judgment, that generous feeding, warm stables, and being included in the main estimate. CORPOUATIONS. support 'their Government y d proper care will always pe The item passed. 11 I I � An electric railway do not include the , its functions ties, the faults of w .1 . .y. Another . between Bells- support of the people, hich are but defects. lore, joy, hatred, jealdusy,feaf�oonscienoe,_ ,� illustration is the case of one of the MARCH i. -Mr. Tarte brought up the ville and Trenton is ta!iked of. The acceptance of this Principle leads to a The inerit of the address lies in the cour- faith, bope,limate re e thing- � patrons of the Black Manitoba School question and spoke for The Farm , efusal of bounties and on . baidies, whicl What other 'ruler in, Mr.' (or material) becaus Yoll,forsootb, cannot. Creek cheese five he,,, ers'bindertwine factory at 'r . 'age of it. ligion,are all on factory, Mr. John Arbogast, ) on this motion: That this Brantford is now in. hall blast and there burden the labor and thrift of a,por.tion Of Cleveland's Place would have dared to mentally dis-associaete them. � I I of lot 26 Wouse desires to express its disapproval is talk o triplicating the ma�binery. our citizens, to aid ill-advisec avoidthe safe path of obscurity anct plati- � . .. eon., 2,. Downie. The returns which he f I or lang ish- . I . ; of the action of the Government in deal- . Ing enterprises in which they have nou tude and give ;ixty 'millions of - You next state, science says that the . received were for seven months only ' with the Manitoba school question, EDUCATION. cern. It leads also to a 6hallen 'Clon- piece of his mind?" . People a brain secretes thought and evolves it, and from seven cows and one heifer, name' Ing , 96 of wild I . . � . I . 17, 58,366 pounds of milk, equal to and in assuming to be possessed of judi- . A High school is to be erected at Nia. ,,(! 'reckl6ss pen Ion expenditure which The Dailv Telegraph says : - ­Xr�,' i ou wish me io tat science right. Now cial functions conflicting with their duty Zara Falls, O,t. . . . ' . r $465.84, being an averag . ovexleaps the bounds of grateful recogni- cleveland's'brave wordswould have reience 8�ya nothinp of the kind, and does tion of patriotic service and prostitutes to Moro convinci neen not requi, a setting right. It is your ma-'.. . I 119 to' our minds of great re. . , e of $58.28, or as constitutional advisers of the crown The � Conservatives of South Middlesex vi � teriadsm speaking (somewhat toned down i Mr. Arbogast fed about $25 w e a . cious uses the people's prompt and g6n. � forms if fie had not already been in power it is true). You next state that At' 8 rerage per co vr of cheese 684 lbs Which assumption is wilolly unkno � will me t t Delaware on March the 6 to erons impulse to aid those di and failed to .do much to root out the, bewildered and �, you ate worth Of' to the law, and if now acquiesced in will select a candidate to. contest the seat for I .sabled in their Pla your mental grasp is at bran and chopped oats in addition to be entirely subversive of the principle of the Commons, . . � . ministerial responsibility. Sir J'ohn . I I I country's defence. gues of American life. Tammany and faull I I the ordinary ,feed. The case given re- Evei.7 thoughtful American must realize kindred associations laugh at an efforts over my definition of thought ; judg- . . fers only to seven months in which Thompson replied in b6half of submit- It is thought in Manitoba that the of - the importance of checking frow iks begin. to uiify politics." � ly Ing from the diipremely self-infla.ted tone I ti�iig the matter to the courts; He re- fice.of Lieut -Governor of the province ning any tendency in public, or privatte I C Daily Graphic says: -,"Mr. Cleve. diaplayed in your first two letters, ic'be- � no account beinv taken o wilders me to think of you� bei the milk wag sent to the cheese factory viewed the case from its inception should be abolished and the Chief Jus. station to regard fnigality and econo y , ng bewild- f the. milk be' and M land"s, confession of faith is full ered. Howeve . ,�f good , I fore and after the factory. I , ,quoted the N. Brunswick and P,E,I tice do the necessary work. ,as virtues which we may safely outgrow. sense and is arranged in very ha ,.I.., on b your redress. season. M.r., cases as precedents for the government's, . A 'petition signed The toleratioll of this idea r style, It is an admirable ser appeal'to the h`i'ghye.t tribunal__� yourself. I Arbogast, has been very careful, it is by stxtyaflve resi- esults in the Mon on poli- It 'Was Only I course. 1-16 cited the fact that in 1890 dents in Moose Jaw, W. W. T., was �re- waste Of .People's money by their chosen tical self-reliancq.,l - I , Pr's deinition of, I � said, in Belecf ing and breeding exclusive- On motion of Mr. Maclienzie the House servalifs, and encourages , , I I � I thought I gave you. You. can easily role .. ly with reward sented to the Dominlon house praying I I prodigality and The Daily Chronicio says ­"It is 'ate hirn to oblivion as a fool he wav a .. . a, g &o milking properties resolved that such appeals should go to that the Northwest assembly be given extravagance f n the home lif f ' 11 t, . ' resident,has - 11 . e o 'our coui I 'on line 8111ce an American P Christian �; 'he defines too the the courts. He contended that the gov- control of education in the territories seliewe of governine I ) soal as the and the splendid return he is receiyQ : trymon. Under our U the courage to spenk. inch words to Ithmortat part of' man; God &a the Creator tnay be accomplished in Itation and that the clause in the Northwes; the.waste of public monev. is A crime his countrymen who are I Creator for his pains, is an illustration of what ernment was acting as the consti I nt I that regard., bade them. Mr. Hugh,Tohn Macdondld against I . accustomed to be - ' jrei� I , a I i i , I . I , . territories act relating to dual language . tho�. citizen, and th; contempt 6f I addreose&.1ro 'W, I of -the world; the Gospel as, the Christian 11 I ­ I I ,,, � I I I � I be repealed. I Our VeOP16 for ec I i ra ' "hiuO�R with sprawl- I Irevelation; rtl,l!tY as life tba I , I � I I . I . I I I I -onoiny and frugality in Ing flattery. � ' ` . �, 1, _7 nds, You t never I 11 I I . I I . I . I . , � . . I . I I `� .141J.:40101 � I I . , . = few mfqgtos of I i I �, I � 11 I I I . � ., I I I . 11 - I I � I - I I I I I I r 144 . I I I � I . .� I eisu st 1, I i_ I � I �., I . � . �_ � I � I I I I . I . I I I I I . 11 , -1 _� I I " . � .1 I I . I ,. I 1� I I- I I I I I % �1, I " . � , , ,� � I I I I . I � - � I � � I . . I I � I ��, -11_:_- , I � I . I - . I I I . �� I 11 I �­ ­ 1.1"". I I � � I I I , . � . � . i 11 I ,� I " �. . I ­ I I � I 11 I 11, � I " � -1 I ­,, I I I I I I I I I � I 1. . 1, .1 I 111�, ­.; ... �- I ­ 1, . I ���. �l, '. I �.! �, . .� - I - . 1, I � I I 1, I I 11 ­ ,: "I I . I . - I � I . ,�, ", , �.�:,: �. . , I. � 1� �. I I I . , I I I I ", I I .A���,'�,��il,�e.,:,�',�����:,.,,�,.��.,,-�� __:,;:�` 1�� �, I , ­ . I I I I . I I ­ ­ I I I I I I . ,­ 1� ... .... �, ,_,� , I . . . �. I 11 11 1. I I . I , I � I I I . - � �, _­ - ­ " " - � , � , , - . . I I I . I � ,� �:� I �. 1, �. � , ,; � I I . I I . ,, �,� ,�.� 'L � .. ., c � ''I . . I I I I I I 11 , ,�, ",.V, -­," -1, I I - �­ , I -1. 1 I � '­­ "�� ... �..­� ,� .... I , , I , , I I � � I , ..� ­ ,,,,,,,,����,�,,��,-���,,�_,,,��t',��,,�,', _��., ,�,; ", .� ­ ''. 11 �, I . I � ,� ,"",-1 " -1 ._��", - . :, �,; I I . I � I J