HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-3-9, Page 3, .. ISY I)OROT1119,i XIOriapS, Premelk"Ient ol'a.lAa„ wilo'1yag n �� (� C (�Gi� London pays yearly in police pension •Tu thobi co,llfort blc 1 Starer 'It, 1 to o !; a tttchen,,Tohn Gtey,, 1 ><IGIf11CS4 1611/{ IAC SItOt;it, Q���� jStO h°r Ma TL dltit� ,$o$, and the teat of lot pays his wife, and hex sister, Huth tierce, tporo In descending thestae trail ea,ne a �Q aka IG'Sjyl� �/Ij '213,487, sitting around the table. Tho children, camp equipage packed on the f the I op V,6116,�r' ;; 2'2 na e bites caused the death of neatly witty the exception of. the eldest son, who worked loose and al mule had " �,ll � 'a , Hindoos last year• had gone to the village, were in bad. The outnbotit sztnrisezf lire off, and T start°d 4 `� > farmer was reading the Paper, 1114 wife fives I llacl a • ext Morning torecavarib, s 1 Tile Princess of \Ir'ales'is a naceful skater putting a p k , , ascended the trail for about a mile 3,, tip`{ am yr ,� •` and rarely iniase,f a chane' of enjoying a bit pule to hatch oil the knee of Eddies and had reached a Point where it of good ice. l boakers, and Rnth,was Itnitttne a tirelyclear0;Shelter hensomething��as ed ( ,, .� �' ..���� It is proposed to hold a ]incl national stocking silencelufor one of the little ones. There my face so close and .had s , passod g to alin the room'Rave o• the uea a hIasn)g . .3 M exhibition in. Geneva in 189(i on the model ping of the fire, the ticking of for snap• sound thtit I thought of snakes erect sto e1 of the laricli Exgositian in 1$33. and rho rustle of the news iiliet clock, anc3' r,teas�.os,tzll. It was half a minute before the 1)tI- t Fo "Scotch whiskey" made in Germany is when A'lm Cray sighed'deeplpy,Pboth her the canyon, as solved. w}nclz lied Ontheoast side of F'r. rear' °r being largely imported' into India. The husbtltd and sister looked up in surprise. Foot;, µera two Sioux Tudfidth Of about 200 who] What's wholesale Price, delivered, 1I p , i eyed, is sixpoilge ,a hats rho matter, Mar 'andThey were quart bottle. husband, "Has anytflingygoneelw wrong'! lanot the other level bow. The oneone bad with th'I rifle e riga aaLLi A census of the Hungarian You look troubled." µlis a middle-aged warrior -rho other a bay LABOR ti ISG g gypsies taken. ,rI am,,, answered his wife "There S on the last day of January this year shows perhaps 16 years old. No doubt they were the total number of that curious people in great trouble in store for us. Will is going father and son. The bo had fired an or- . Hungary to be 135,000, to leave home," row at mo and misaed.y The other .could :PURIFYING Goal of an excellent; quality and in large motnenti Mpr.i Gray looked afell to the lt his aw a oroa hal. Ills ve had a sure shot, but he stood leaning deposita Sias been discovered at Djabeli- much surprised to utter a word, » arrow to hiss fle tow. the boy fitted another EdOlt F yaz, i the district of Zot; in Asia "Going to leave home ! " he repeated at ATT first idea w vas �o . Minor: last. " ylarv, you must be dreaming." that was almost 'na L take to flight, but CLEAN�+� /� po Mrs. Langtry and 51,e Duchess of Mont• Mrs. Gra shook her head sadly. instantly abandoned. It SING id S' NG toss have jainodJohn Strange Winter's lye- T µetc, "sl q said. y "liviali was at least 100 feet either way to shWithout elter Crinoline League, The league. now num. Willhas made' up his "I'diito lleavet is rits, ch cl ed suet, move b. my part would be hers over 11,000 members, I ve noticed for months past that he seemed just what to .do,bI did what was probably E���L�IVar An old orange peddler in Amsterdam has dissatisfied and restless, and since you sold for the best --that is, I steed still and faced dfed. and left ills hefra"SU,OOU, He was a fess he has grumbled a grant deal about the pair, The boy had a fairmark. miser and orange -skins were good ataough the work, and Lite dullness of Itis lite ; and brought the arrow to lIls eye, bold it there for him to eat. to -day I heard him tell George W`ooci that far rive secmuts, and ft lied passed it ere Pamphlets in wiliali tile necessity for the Ile diet huld ,lot led had herd a month Front note; fore I heard the twang of the bow -string P �„ � R ITY Passage of rile army bill is pointed out levo t enough of faro, life, and if It missed m left should ` we not consent to Ilia leaving that' Tho fatherottered a runt by Creches. been distributed atnonq the scholars in he %Vould run away and tali a hi alianaos " added a word a two, u public s.hools in German cities. r, , g o dls ttsb and. S ll see about that,,, said Alp. Gray, ed an arrow out of five orlsia boy now select- $UII1LICi1iT GUARACfrEfD There was a phenomenally low tido at angrily, "Consent to it! T r tl ightedlan POREAlio7oCq Venice the wino day the severe earthquakes not ! 1 won't consider o for ,l a .ler think its Iongtit to see if it was perfect, and was $Q,t�}� TAIN ll01NtuR1 occurred in and Cephalonia, some two a tomcat, Ho'd Fi oxa d°Iillarata in discharging it. Aid I CJs CHEMIC , fail in with all sorts of rascals in the city, epare to dredge ? No! One mi ht as wall weeks ago.: Several of the canals wire left and got ua all into trouble, 13osides, T need ziuk of e g LAROCsi' RESULT entirely without water. Many gondolas trim here, It'll be wile years At least be fora that 1 d13rRf, a 1)uliet. Itseemad tome sr~f t MERIT 1 RESULT, entirely were stopped or straatea. Rddia can take his plaice, and lie's of to ; tile arrow passed Within au inch of my 1NTl1EWOR� SALE , $ . right cheek, I thought I felt Gild touch of HTHEwoata stay, that's all there is about it. " the feathers as it flow. The father now According to Pierre Loti, Carman Sylva <: r,>uhy don't You make. him wish to stay, spoke i - is a rapid writer, and consequently her work Jo" ? asked the gentle voice of Ilia sister• ed k h n a acolding tone, and the boy seem- , //--/-�j�//f� r�,f� A, p t' is wanting in polish and her thoughts are in-law" 0mtichputoubkyhisfailures,,A,Sfoux VU OG IJ p� r „/r�L'RI not always expressed with clearness and in <c If he's got rho city fever on him boy 10 years old who cannot put az, arrow order. , all into an orange at 200 feet would be heated It is said that ex -Empress J+i ugenis's villa gtaada krej inedithp farmpe world woulr. g@'rico any ar,, At Cap Martin will be a very picturesque listen to a word, '' ti .uldn't There was, just as much deliberatioil, aver structure, as the interior is to be Superbly re ' the f°urJi Arrow Tho poliahedsteel head, CENTRAL decorated, Eugenia propositig to hang the thatyou Arelk, D of line hint ever suspect s.tarp as a razor, glittered like silver in the Principal sitting rooms with Gobelins tapes- " „ e , c sun as it was hold on a line with my breast, Drug s t � try, P you, fry my plan, John, I wanted to shut illy eyes, but they refused "'Tile bee: plan T hooknot of is to tell hfm to cicso, T raw the arrow pulled back, and r Ql The London County Connell will give its my mind. freely, without any in about I raught the flash of it as it was dimullar eq, support to. proposals Made to el1len the rho flush ; and the soonoz it, s done the bat. It passed my left shoulder. The father rANSON'S DLUCi�. South Kensington and Bethnal Green ter," museums "Now, John, don't be above taking a language and endeturned on the d up by snatc'hingand used very ti condition tile conditionthhat no official of the Sundays. It will impose a institutions woman's advice, Let fine tell you how to bow and an arrow from leis laude, Had 1 shall be required to work more titan six deal with Will. T have been hero six been familiar with the dialect 1 should have days a week. months, and have taken a deep interest in beard something like this : The fear of the hoopskirb invasion is dy. y I have seen his dissatisfaction, What's the mattor with you this morn- ingaway. Tlao Princess of ilrales has do and recognized tho cause 1 have overheard ing ? You have had four fair shots at the aided that she will not wear a ca o skirt him tal)ting to George Wood b'hanonao, �v}tfte man and ]pissed him, over lima, and, of course, nobody else Will da so. ' and only yesterday I heard him say that if uld yyDOC$ the sight of an unarmed enemy affect lie went, to The little Crown Prince of Germany be his own, bntcity ],ore lie worked W tat lie earned yfrom I'll ahs hat way . Give me that bow and promises to become as daring and expert a dawn to dark, and was no better off , v YOUarrow how to roil h h over. tell ,A.. full stock of all kinds of horseman as his father is. Re�races on the end of the year than ab the beginning. a at the soul. this arrow right through. hint. '1Vatah Dye -stuffs and pa0kage pony the Sultan of Turkey sent said that Jim Howard, who clerks in a.s HHee tale no . Do is the bo�v shako ? Do you him with the adjutant who gives himrlding store in N., gats tan dollars a week and is This three Idid clogs'amy eyes, aril Illadn' Dyes, Constantly on lessons, and inmost invariably wins, only seventeen. Y t hand. Winau's IV. H. Preece, President of lira Institu• " If yon want I1'ill to stay on the farm, she faintest hope of escape. As the arrow condition Lion of Plleatricnl Pngineers of London, said give ]lira an interest in ib, lie is eighteen looking aod G meo neehnam a Qanfi s e the pair in a recent speeoh that as the result of late years old, and has wonted faithfully for yeti Iiad missed as well as the boy. That' stood k'owd- discovery the cost of electric lighting will ever since lie•,vaslargo enough. IIs has had staring at me for thirty seconds and the Z 1 soon bo so materially retlnaed that it will his food, lodging, and clothes, to be sora, turned to the right and. walked away, and I thera, b0 only Half that of gas, [ia offered no par- but all he actually owns is his little dog, were finally hidden from might b some hu e best oculars. which is always at his 110013. You even sold bowldors. The boy glanced back over his in the 111fLr1;- The "Minor Posts" of Great Britain are aha onlsaomed horso you Iiad thi.t was fit for the shoulder several times, and just before the making efforts to, forte a trade union, or toddle and Will was very fond of Bess." disappeared I thought the fattier quickened- tat and always " brotherhood,"as they prefer to term it, " It a pity to keep a horse just lits pace as if Apprehensive of den er. 1 did resh.. Familyreci � `fpr purposes of clefeuco and protection." for will to ride," said 11r, Grey, " and she not run away As a matter of fa t, T was p They seek to bring about a better apprecia- was too light for work. I could nob afford in such a dazed and weak condition that I ees carefully prepared at tion of mirror poets and to secure for them a to ]seep her." status in the community, "You can better afford to keep an extra twasf naltaggered reached as I lmy� knees and did nohen t get 0ez; tial Drug More Exete The lata Duke of 1farlbcrou Ilea will eon- horse than to have your son Cave you over shaking for a full ]tour. Whyd' /� tains the follhwing peculiar and charaoteels- Joh1t, Whom could you get that would take the Indian g try a shot r'itb hirifle'! �t h Ver ]L UIT,Zr tie clause : "I particularly dislike the ex the interest in aha µcrit that Will has? You It is just possible that it was not loaded, tl elusiveness of family prig, and desire not have thought it only right that he should He may have feared to disturb the camp by f to be buried i the family vault at Blon- do his shute towards running- the farm, and the repent. no may have looked upon me t p��j home but in such convoiaient 'laae as others havo consideree Fyour duty done in grviug as a hoodoo and hocamo pallia strialton. I � � �� �� �i ivat�J& hf my generation and Surroundings Iiia him a home. You ,ire disposed to think gathered up thO Svoar,A99andfound every equally Ilse.,, y hurt ungrateful, because he wants to leave one of them as perfect as arrows could Ile r " q ,,, you now that every year makes his services made. A few days later, with a bow not i The novel called An Lx taiaito Fool more valuable; but the boy is ambitious half as long or Stiff, one of the men sent an d which has attracted considerable attention, and wants to get someting for himself, and arrow through the body of a coyote an t 0 P 1 1 turns out to be. by bliss Poynter, the au- it is only natural," y y d far thor of "14y Little Lady." The publish- Mr. Gray leaned his head on hi hand, a beyond. f, i ors thought so highly of it that they rosoly- look of deep thought an his grave face, „ ;W t ' ed on th0 experiment of issuing it anony- Ritth's plain speaking had given rise to Rasmus, why fo you quittin' sawin' t measly. thoughts which had never before entered dot ,wood so of£en?" " �t'hy, pap T git tired, F The papers of Buda -Pastil says that 11?. Ilia mind. male �?" "ell, yo' keep right on at wnk , unlocks all the ri, tgod avenues of the Belimarkovits, one of the regents of Servia, I believe you're about right, Ruth," he q quire ib, yo'heah me - r BOWeis, KIdneys and Liver, carrying went mad suddenly a few weeks ago. It said, at last. "I'll lhiult ft all over to- � es off gradually without weal ming the Sys- was with greatest difficulty that lie could night, and make u iii mind what it be 1 ere Charmatant, founder of tIio order of tem, all the impurities a I foul humors be restrained. It is said he is now in an to do." P y sb the White Fathers, who was born in France fo of the secretions; at the same time Cop. asylum for the insane and that little hope is Just at daybreak, Ruth was awakened in 1844, has been appointed to succeed the r meeting Aeidity Of the Stomaeh, entertained of his recovery. from a sound sleep byy the noise of horse's Int° Cardinal Lavfgene as Primate of Africa. g curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, r hoofs in the yard. Looking out, site was Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, The fear of cappture by Sicilian brigands surprised to see John trottinglin onstipation, Dryness of the Skin, alone prevents blme. Patti front visiting the Fan. "Where can away on hid dis ropsy, Dimness of Vision Jau - grave of her father. She accrue h a„ he be going at this '� . LZA" me ' A that if she.wero to sin t forget hour, she thought, iVheu she went down �-#_ r t "' an tiles, Salt Rhe1ml, ErKsipelas, Sero- g for iter captors, and stairs at sig 0 aleck, Will was standing b Fula, Flutterin of the heart, Ner- charge dress circle rate for tiekts, the va a- rho ki g y an g talon tat le Navin ' V ust co OiIS � bond v me in v" neSS s 'would g J with and g d bo so h !IIIA''' ge General Debility •.all. overawed � s� ty x that they'd two ails of m•1 hurry to et rid of her b helping g p milk. A Eery minutes later, AVI 'heso and. many other similar Camplauat� y g y hof in her aloe his fattier entered, arl ;_.33to the happyinSuenceof BURDOGIi to her destination, " You were out early, Jahn," said Ruth, That AYER'S Sarsaparilla CunEs kn Y-.Ildtoi BITTERS. The value of agricultural laud in fast "I heard you ride away this marnin ." That E 'S Sarsaparilla Diseases no Forksirire, estimated at X37,500,000 in "Yea, I wont to bit, Seott'S on a matter Eruptions, boils, Eczema, Live., Tor Sale by all Dealers. -X 11,1111 ? ,,g pra�rletolS. Toranti, 1878, has depreciated X35,000,000 since that of business." and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, date, the capital of the tenant farmers; "'that's the man YOU sold Bess to isn't , , „ which was X4,1100,000 in 1878, is now stat- it, Papa?" asked little Eddie. Ptheunlati,.1.',, a..tt Catarrh shoulc 9 ed to be £2,500,0oo, and it is estimated " Yes; my son." Then turning to 14 ill, be convincing that the same coursc- t)T �! RTE � that the farmers of the East biding of he said. Will ; you ll find Bess out there of treatment 'ti, , CfJRE YOU All r Yorkshire have losb X300,000 during the hitched at the gate • she belongs to you now. that Iles been said of the Wander- vire gTTLE past season. "Base, mine 1 Oh, Father, thank. you! Vit y ful cures effected by the use of the A peasant ploughing near the village of thank yew l I'd rather have little Bess than fort Porcuna in Spain two weeks ago turned up anything else in the world." Out be went �+ an amphora filled ,with gold and silver and patted and carresaed her, ,anti] called ;"O Ste coins, all in a good state of preservation, in to breakfast by his mother. ftw The gold coins are aamowhat larger than a " You've been a1 good son, Will, and naw c ya 25 -cont piece, and the silver ones about the You are getting old enough to begin and lay size of a dime. On one side of both is the aside something for yourself I wish I could during the past fifty years, truth - CIO "Sabina Augusta Hadriana, give you a good start, but you know I an, 121 G. R. A..," and on the obverse is engraved not; a rich man, and I have your mother and fully applies to -day. It is, in every' ­ URW=_ the figure of a Roman foot soldier. the four little ones to provide for. This is sense, The Superior Medicine. S citlTeadaeheand relieve all the zroublesiuci• London policemen, or at least a riotincon• L110 plan 1 have thought of :you may have Its curative properties, strength, dent to A lii:itous state of the system, such as the use of that forty acre field ; it is ever ' RPh Dizziness; Nausea. Drowsiness, I)Istress after siderable number of them, are trying to art good land as Y effect,- and flavor are always 1118 eating fain in the Side, c,�C. While their most form. a labor union, About twenty police P g , you know, anti the team y • dise i in curing mcn, "said to already be members of atm- °f young bays that I bought of Smith to same, and for 'whatever blood ion were farm ,t with. ,4.11 you raise wilt be your diseases- AYER'S Sarsaparilla is Sym remar -a le success has leen show„ i ," present at a meeting of trade own. If you stake good use of thisIintead taken, theyyieldto this treatment. the unfollists in bltab city recently, and told of ivin Cuba : 8 K the grievances of the police and their desire g g you the team and a deed to the land Wheri. Ott ask for headache, yet CAnT>rits LiTrLm Lrvxrt PILLS to band themselves in a union for the pro. ,,heti you are twenty-one. y r peri i:re equally valoable in. Constipation, curing teci?ion of their interests. It was said 1? This, -•tit is seems too m.nob,11 stanmtered @ 0 aitdprOventingthisamioyingeom laint:while ONLY they also correct all disorders of ttie stomach, gent orders had been given that an yp olive- �Vill. " I don't know ho,v to thanic you." q 1 am' lad , on „ AVE:� itdt, is n timu,ate the liver and regulate the bo)vels.- man found attending this meeting v�wonldlie f „g Y are pleased, said his ]t,ven iP they only oared "severely dealt with," It was resolved fztltai'. I can betterafford to do this than � µCD• to call a mass meeting of the olive and to let you work for someone else; , as many Sar a aril 9 a ?IA • afterward a' Police, Youngman have to do. , "I 'o public mooting and to invite the won't require Your own work don't be induced to purchase an Nervh 11 labor ld.P. s to be Present., in order -to con- genre near all your time and I need Y the ere .9ohe they would bo almost ric 1� •our help very a of the worthlesw stik+stitiites SVhich p e cas to those sitter the union project: 3 P ryinuLh, and could get; no one, Nervo :who suffer from this distressing complaipt: who would fill our lace, ' are mOStl .mixtures of the cheap- condi but fortunately their, goodness does.not and There died some, two we Y P Ill board and 3 p els ago at 3'ia1- clothe ou of sours o all Ito ],ere, and fhogo.rvho:once try them will find lincle,r out y , e, lust as I have alwt, s satin red,ents, contaill no sarsa tar y, 110 shores of'Locli Deity, a done." • y a s• rheso little pills valuable in so many ways that conte tree To alley will not :be willing to do without the narian Irish rebel named Connar P a parilla, have iib uniform n staiiciard m, y n, ilei ended 4Vf11's desire to leave ho,ue walk But after All sick head µfilo witnessed many of the stirring events He µaa never a of . appearance, .`flavor of effect I belle o£ aIle rebellion of 17cJ8, He was born in suli`eat a gain heard to .mention the - are to - ' ' ' can no 17$0, and be fought in tilt e' nd.he grtunbled no more about b od puriiZer, in naive only, No g e engagements hard work and the . monotony -of 'of his and ar8 offered to with detachments o Y late, but yoct because pares f the. 1Jnglislt army; 1n ever wa tried to : com . those of Ca y Y shoN Ilia appreciation these is lucre profit 111 selling fs the bane of so many lives thathere is wh r ppawhit, Cullohill, and Monas• o ' pP l rurepI ,, e e of father s ltindntas. it make our great ]toast. televan, e Our ills cul i H was' a ha ) tl burl p e t le old man and them. .Take d .role others , w o es o d no -. -. t. s a Years a GarTsa's LirrnE,Lry a P 3 go, when 10U years- oId„she built E PI Greven small Itwould cure many anervons Tau if1L AP dmm Lfj”°u and very easy to talre. one or two i p Unaided the house in which lie afterwar J she A R SNer pIts makO tl ] ad tliving,vin a dose; They are 1 ed t c work for her y e strict] v i, except thatand many y egetableand do s P neighbors roofed it for y dye -Y great filet gripe of+ -purge, but by their �endo action pini. Less than a, stir a o he t 7iepbi° man would ho �wel if he li'red upon and q Y g hatehocl a P Please aU wLp use them. In vials at 2G cents; part of the roof himself, and every Sunda sixpeneo a day and earneii it. Please Siad everywhere, or sant try mail ■ l7etllTBii MP1Dl0INF7 110„ Nsw..11 lei tip to within three months lie regularly The darkest ]tour in the history of any lcp tr` , walked a mile and a half to ruaaS His : Young mere is when he site dori•n to st �` t p i .0e pp�in tp wife; µIla lacl:erl t,vo ntontha of beth a how to get mono without study x'repared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lovell, ri4asc . I� +ti�a1 �li�l �IIr�11 Przl?�o g Y y ealninI SoUlbyalillrugg,sts; Price $x; SLC bottles, hundred, diad but oils day before hien. it. vy5 ' Children _Cry for Pitcher's Castorial Cures others, will vales yeti . �; ,.. , , I . h. , w, i . 6 , 1 rx •' ata xc'a,ti _ �' H a . w THE GR , Off' A= 11 TONIMI'll � M -M ME NERVIIE 11 . "I'll, - - ........"1111. L I bl ;'StuftU W% �ryy�yy Astonishing Xea cal IDI§ m a c, - h - Ov L I v er C a W �e 1 ¢� the T1c%S One •hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Ziste as the Sweetest Neetfl�' It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest bilk. . This wanderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers .of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long been known by a few of the. most learned physicians, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowled a c the general public, g This wedieine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi. gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system, It i tt , also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failinn health izo whatever cause. It performs this b3• the great nervine tonic qualities al which it possesses, and by its great curative pawel's upon the digestive organs, the stomach the liver and the bowels. INTO, related CCIn g with this wonderfully valuableNT Tonic as a builder and stremgth_ `, ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a, great renewer of ai ' broken-down constitution, It is a,1so of more real )erinant n the treatment and care of diseases of the ;lungs than, m ent value int remedy ever used on this continent. It is a ]marvelous any for mn•erY ousnoss of females of all ages. Ladies µ110 area roachln° the crit! period known as change in life, should not fail to use this leer 1TeIzl n� Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years; It will' carry thele safely over the danger: This great strengthener and cura- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the ]fives of many of those who will uacl a half dozen mottles of the remedy eaoh ;rear; t IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE Nervousness, CURE 4!� Nervous Prostration,Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Nervous Ileadaehe Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, lReartbuim and Sour Stomach, Female Chills, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Nervous Chills, Loss of E* l petite, Paralysis, `rightful Dreams, Nervous Paroxysm::, and Dizziness and Ringing ' Nervous C"hokin- Weakness of Estaremfi s tile Ears, [Tot Flashes,' Fainting, Valpitation of the ireart, Impure and Impoverisbed Blood, 11[ental Desllondenc�r, Dolls and Carbuncles, S1 oplessness, Seroiula, it. \rites' Dance, Serofulons ,Swellings and Ulcers, Acre"oasness of Females, Consumption of the Limp, IVervonsness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic Cou-11 Paius in the Heart, Liver Coniplaint, '0 11 "alns in the Back, Chronic Diarhllcea ailing health, Delicate and Scrofulous C'hilf3ren, All these Summor Complaint of Infants. ese and many other complaints cured by this woadeiful Nervine Tonie. NE19VOUS DISI .E�-►S.IES1 As a cure far every class of Neivotts Diseases, no remedyhas been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic which is ver n armless in all its effects neon tile. c11%Id or the � 1 pleasant and e oldest and most elicate individual, Nine -tenths d all the ailments to which the human amily is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion, and impaired dices - ion. When there is au insu hoient suppljr of nerve food in the blood :t eneral state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the t Stilt. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, beeome strong when the .,, t bind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments isappear as the .nerves recover. As the nervous system const supply all he power by which the vital forces of the body are Carried on, it is the rst to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food aloes snot con - in a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutrkneint necessary to repair he wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. ar this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. his South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the 4sential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts r its universal. adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- angement. CRA,WFODDSVILM, rxiL. Aug. 20. "&G, Ili:n;uccA i�rL1tIN60N. of Brownavalle othe GreatSouth.4weriean.veditineca.: y, Incl,. DEAR GriNT5: -I desire to gay to yon that I bays : "I bad been In a distressed Condition for vesuffered for manyyearswlthavery serious thi'eeYears from Nervonsnes8,'weaknesaorthe ease of the stomach and nerves. I tried overt' Stomach. Dyspepsia, and indigestion, until my divine I could hear of, but nothing done me health was golie. I had been doctoring y approeiable good until I was advised to oriag con- y your Great South American Nervine Tonic at utl}, n•itb no relief I bought otA bottle of d Stomach and Liver cur and since using South American: Nervine, which done me more, veralbottles of it I must say that T ate aur- good than any µGo worth or doctoring T ever sed ret its wonderful muera to cure the stow- did: is my llfe. I would advlae every'weakl t and gener.•tl nervous system. If everyoo' yper- ew the value of this remedy tie I dayou would son To use this ^valuable and lovely remedy, , m the able to supply the demand. few bottles of it has Cured me completely. I J. A. IlAuni,E, Ex-Treaa, Diontgomery Co. consider It tine grandest medicine in the world."j A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHUREA. r _ CRAWFORDSV ILLI;, IND., June 22, 1887, Ida daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with St, Vitus' Dance Chorea,. We gave her three and one-half severely of South American War- e and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every case of St. us' Dance.. I have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it is greatest remedv in the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for Ali, ns of Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from whatever cause. to of Indiana, ass JORN T. 31rs3r. Hb7l egorncry County, I Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 22, 1587. �'d CHAS- W- WRIGHT, Notary Public; I�TI�I STIO AND DYSP1EPSI .- i�The Great South American Nervine Tonic ich we nolo offer. you, is the onlyabsolutely u overed f y nfailing remedy ever . or the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of ptoms and horrorsWhichare the result of disease and debility of human stomach. NO person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- ble value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- ence and testimony of many ga to prove that this is the. x oNE great cure in the world: for this Univ e CNL and universal destroyer. There o case of unmalignant disease of ;she stomach which ca derful curative pourers •>jf the South Amer' T n resist the Ivan Nervine lee Tonic, II. bl: HALL, of waynetown, Ind.,. says: iritis E'LLA A. IinATTON, Of Now Rosa, Indiana, we my lite to the Great' south American to. i had been in bed for five months from says. `I cannot: express bow much I owoto the sets of an exhausted stomae.b, Indigestion, Nervine Tonic. lily system was Completely shat. its Prostration, and a general t r g a sliaticred a ed, appetite gone, was, sou *hire •and tion of my µholo system, Had given u b t; spitting poll of h P of blood; cin stirs I wag n the liter stages getting well. Had tried three doe-' of eonaumptiou, an inixrrtance han:i,.ti down with no rellef. The first bottle of the Nerv- through s • r Die Improved' meso much that Pima P several g, and I Uegger: taking able the Terrine i.onie, and Contmaed its vs i about and a few bottles Cured a entirely, about six month C fir ve it is the best medicine ., the rVorld. I Is the •rand st`' a' and ani entirely irred. .It t recommend it too highly." R e remedy�tor nerves, stomach aura ' lungs I have ever seen. witremh Si compares with Nervine It sDicAN NE lungs as a cute for the Nerves. No reOu fly cont. with youth American Nervine file a wondrous cure for the Stomach, No reined ,viii a ret With South American a all Norville y t ntlileatiou and Dyspepsia. It Dever fails tocourelChoteaorStip{iv Dalice�tltn3w>weirstcO up the µbole syatcut are wonderfuous con; l in the extr0 It cures the old, they ung, and file .mid• ed. It is _ay . friend to the a,,ed and infirm. Do not tie elect to use do, yolr may neglect itis onI,q remedy which will restore you to healt:liiii69o'uth A eriican cis perfeetlg eafC, and very pleasant to rho teats. Delicate ladies.. do not fail 9;e ad thio euro, beesuaeit will put the bloom of freshness cud beaut t ; uirfkly drive an•ay.:your disabilities and weaknesses, y pen 3 o,tr lips and in ,;our Cheeky, EVERY BOTi TL,EARRAN' F,_ -D.11 11 C. LUTZ.'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent fbr R,kketcr,