HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-3-9, Page 1^' ' r z`"; ^^ ,�'�7• ,^z+..',P"iv.e,y -rr. w K'.'.iP �` r"m' ...� � � :�:1_' k'.,��""'�: .w.ra+,�., �:�`� ,, - , < :. ,,.,_ ,., ..0 .. , .. . „ .. .. .., ,. - -� �w' — .� • :�w __. r.r _;� � ^.w. ,�, „•� �rw ...�. V . , ,,.,x,L , ..<,;. , .. � w �,; ..,,;., ,, . ...� • .,U ., .., ° ..;,� ,. �; � � � � , . � .. . ,. .. . �.. , �: ���,�• ��-CJRON • � MIl�►�-i�E�EX GA�aC`l.��C. �� 9 � •ia5 ,:, ,� �` • a v �� � �'.._ - ., _ - �I �� - sr1�FW TO THF LINT, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERF THEY M.` .• ,. � - _..,-,--.•,,_,-,-�.� e - '' ... � �,. �roaazr w73ITLr � aor� FX�PT�R, OI�TA.F�IO,' THUTi,ST)AY MORNING, 1VIATtCH 9; 1893 ..� ulrliaiiaraxiaPraprta«� >; Q'OL. XX, NQ. 2G, --- - < ` • -�`---^�'- Tom^ $enStlll. �TfLrna' ohoerfnl, genial and affable dispoeiticn, ��� • nI15CELLAIr'EOUS. u i .on a ed aoanans o sitiotlp honest and upright in 'his dealings '�" " 'Ilia international mining convention Gee o;renovr ,g g tit our with his fellow mpu; rind was nniveYsally b s !r aw atlllontloal concluded on Friday. Now Spring floods apnsasting of Prints. Shirt- BaIEFs--It ie riot sad dntp this weak to esteemed and rasp�otad, (��p+`•� • lags, Uottonados; k IanneilettWs, Art Diuslins phronialetho death of Mre.Rabext Grinning, `�\ °� ��•��� All. the M. C. R's. trains on the T:ondon Embroideries, oto. Tha 1nrReatand bestassort- who passed peacefully sway on Friday,. Feh, ZLlx1Ch• ' &Port Stanley road har'0aeaasdrunning• RnaB�gtaryvlee 6 ins our motto.i�Ia 1 riding yore, 24tu,•--Mr. llonald [CampbFll, blaakamitb, Uur Great Saerfioing Sale of BOOTS &. �1 JY � ZJ Y T11eVancouver, B. C., chartered banks ohnsere will do wall to get aur prices koforo of %Yelton, has purchased the blacksmith SHOES,1i1113DL1iS. OVN1tdIl0ES. EtW.„for of salut3tiotl � �0��,6' will discount American silver at 20 per busing.. � ol,op end rbsidence of Mr. Wm, Dunkin, the next Au dasa. is now goang on, and p11 chs � rile CommOri fcafcll • D.'i'PESsaLILLF.a. Varna, for $1000, rind has taken posseeaian FaH andrVinterSteok tviU be seed at Dost for cent. after lV.iarch 1St. Just"what you noednow'wheri the wonther '9 oa9h, in ordflr to maks roaru for our iwuaense riOW-a CiS�S. of life shop and started to work. stools of Spring and Summer foot wear which is a An order for X500,000 in gold to lee breaks uv is a first o]assbair of bpots orshoea �� __ Itirow don't aatah cold, friends ' �,�"j shipped fiom New York Tuesday teas and jest the niece to bop them is at:A. to arrive ehortlY. Boots and, Shoes mado to lyeeoioh'a• as wo wilt sell You boots and shoes Whalt311 order, rind repairing DromptlY attended to, rya ha $some ood winter gopds cancelied,�:ind the outlook fox a cessation Whcanor then. env other denier. svo will ai � o — — Satisfaction Cluaranteed. Uomo and saonro the. Y g -„�,,, Of t]t0 draiiL is more hopeful.. You 10 per cont off for Dash for the next su bargains, � quantile of woad wsatad. also left,. and depend upon tt yon can a c It is stated Rn the authotitp of an offi- days,. and all sinter geode nt Dost for cash. Bazsiie-Mr, Caleb Afillton and wife, cf farm produoo taken in Qxchnnea for goads. affordto hay them at pox reduced d ��N� .Call sad sot our prides before puxahasinu Wlse- white Ook, hews boon viaitinq friends in D. GWTT$aAAL&, prices, car of the Reading Coal and Tran Com- „hero. Butler and:eaes taken in exchange for BnigFs - On Tueadap evenipg our coling it seems alit of pIsae to rile#• !, pony that coal is to be reduced from 25 geode.. iiepairing neAl rld�sston.Propriotor. kee er, liaQ n Bier coed of hislatook intends p ,j. t0 50 Dents a ton, on Apri11, Sign'of thoBigBoot, p g p sparks aocouapaniedby tlie4Voconhone band. tion 4nr SptipgandSnmmer goods t der o£the British fleet on a the mari;et uotatious ; leaving in a !ew dayB.--l'Po extend oar gitended the Farmers Institute concert in But we gpt iu alavely lot o£ them 1 i,i • Tho conLlnau , Fplluwing ar q heart felt F,ympathy to Mr, Robert Gttnpinq Daslxwood, They reporthaving had a very' and oak you to sell fat• a warty thta North Amerlaau station with sever- Nlieat • , • • , • • • , • . , • 83 to 84 in his sad bareaysment, being iho death of geed time, in spits of the bad rpadg,---The and sea them, Jack Fcost is al vessels of �r'ax will attend the naval Barley 80 to 35 lois wife a{tar a long illness. assessor was buoy t',t work in aur village shout to take a vacatiaii,the anew ���a vl�� review at New Stork in honor. of the Col- Qaie , ... , . , .. 30 to 3l last weak, --Our enlotprising shoemaker nacompaniea him, and wu may ex iy umbian anniv0rsary. peps , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , b3 to 55 Grantgn. Mr. David Gottaohalk seems to be having papa a change after their depaxt•- The overdue Allan liners Nestorian Hay • • • , , 6,p0 to 7.00 ^— nothipR but Auction enles lately, it lopka as ore, and Mongolian have reached Halifax, Bnttar ... ..17. to 18 Bullies-Aieoers S'V, Whits and. Egaleion though ho meant bnsinsas.-Las6 Monday .,7're7�Cl;7'E � f Or it- Thoyhad tempestuouawsather and some Egga .... , ... 9 to 19 McDonald, Broe, o{ `Vildey Lodge No, 1b8 ovenlna some pf our 9niet oitizena beoama damage teas suffered. Several members goga , , , , , , , , , , , , , 8.00 to 8.2G 7, U: O. F, are down with typhoid. Broa. quite excited over rite debnto an the print- W� ore .giving away lovely pictures, r� of the crews were injured, but the pas- Clover seed, .........B.SU to 8.IS Whits and McDonald are getting along ipg press and the steam angina. -Our Vooa, said to tae worth �5 each, only a limited �JQ S seitgers are all well. , riles! Mr, Gibson, pl Luoan; has seonrad phone band has bot in a !rash supply o! nainber. Saa them, BRIElia-Mr, Geo, Alo>;wen hoe sold bis y� Edward MCGratli, foraanan. in the atann on i�ueen St. 4cctlPiad by Mrs. I{ing; the contrast for the osrpenter work of the Instruments, collars, blanking Via. and is �, �. p®C �. Riordan paper Inil]s at Merxitton, fell to Masa Carlisle at Saaforatt, for $2600. new Methodist Whuroli, and Bdr, Pullyblank non ready far tugageaaaeaa,ls=-$p ell appose. 6i �7 wlaiis adjusting soma machinery, and Miea Carlisle Will open up a dressmaking the ir.saon work, S. Ooxon the painting,- anon our little village is going tp have - r broke his leg in two }daces. business in the promises at an early date. Mr. Joseph Bentson had Elva bridles taken c nauah .butch, es thin nnmme�; who says Market Square Bargain D6>Ob EWS TOPICS OF A WEEK Htigh 7filpatrick, who went fiom. •—blr, McEwen has purahaeed a vacant lot from his stable ono night leaf week, �tvo blutohere supplied avr�santa� bntmthia DaehwoOd- Buckingham, Que., to the Michigan lying between 1lder's shop and the law $larighard. crammer we era � trip to kava no lase than ___-_ PORTANT SVENTS IN FEW WORDS l�mbsr woods a yearago,llasbeenkilled elites,, from Mn lamas Troyer, paying . four or five ai tuaat. $,tigFs..-Mr$, $, Caolt alnd daughter by a falling tree near Menominee. .therefor 1l7C0. It coral+rises 40 feet.- � -- were yiscing friends in Honsall several ROR BUSY READRRS, Thursday afternoon the English mail Onr merohante are daily repairing naw BRIEra—MxF. T. Davis of Dakota died on days lase rvapk,-lilt, and 14Ira. Syke — train bound west struck Geo. L. Edgett, gcoie,-. Meaera Berry and Darder lent Taesdsy of ]set woek at hot fath,or-indaw's Kirllrton- ruests. o£ la's 'as walking on the track at Hull's woek. obi pad tram hove a number of fine residence. Tha remains wars interred in from near 71litphell wars the 6 P Cantntete Itaaora of fife Busy 'Pox who « s as instantivkilled. blocky horses tp Boatan.-Tha market is hsolntyre'a nam©tory,--On Tueadap '-C, 13RIi"Fa-Airs. Faxtiusan is in Toe<�nfa,— Creek, N.B., and h w •. fair! lively these days. -Air, D, Wniamiller Stagg sold by auntian his ataok and farm Mr, and MrF. Thompean apa:it Sunday her, and Alrs. Cook an Saturday and ailaplrauings Carefully Corupiiea a�aa Put mss Wi -ria, a Glenolg former, merchant will occupy Dir, hfarshall'a house implpmenis Prior to hiaramaval to Chaslea. with Dr, Thompson, -Mr, a'ad A1ra. J, Sunday'.-?Vlr, Casper I�,ro£t of Cavalier Tha g� , t. ttraativo Shape forttia .as Sawn in two in Baird's sawmill, vacated by lift. G• T, arnald,-D3r. Jas. -W. Thpmpsou is making preparatiuna `dole ��emvisis gJrlIiaadhouaeCll aa� ©riled evargi 1ltontlia visQting friends ax,d rtgs- Tuto'Snndy ane i tit Itenaers of Qur Pul�or. near Markdale• The auw caught him Taylor, of Hibbert,. has parehaaod two lots for the erection o{ a bank barn on lila farm g at the ankle, went through the leg !roan Sir. T, Berry for n good sera, and on the 8thoancsseion.-Dyer and Howard. a farm from lilt, 'rViles for a term of ten !stir es an this vicinity entertained a roltExa:r I'oLITICS. and body lengthwise to the shoulder and will steel a house on it the Deming enm- of Exeter have taken the epntrsat tar years. Ha took poeaesaion on \irodneaday. large number of young people on DTon • ns s Po enlists have de- his. death was instantaneous. IIeieaves •mor,- Mr. 7. Myers, who hasleseed ahpuse building the new school ]goose on the 10th -Mr. J, Bryan. mored on Mpuday to the day sveninq at flip reaidance o£ his The Iia a 1 igrm ha has ranted near Uarhn;{oxd,-Mr; uncle Mr. Senxy Ii:rafG (Enke Road) �idecltarecagnizotheRepLiblicanHouss. a, widow and>°anrteen children. and butcher shop in• 2uxich, has sold his nonoeasion. grid Mrs, ASeCiawan spent tlaoir hquaymoon Jules Ferny has been chosen as press- house, an Richmond Street, to iiia brother prier to hie departure to his western. TILE LAIDOIt 1vOItLIa. in Torpnto,they ratprved hoaaa r.n Frida3'- home, -Rev. 1►7r, Iixupp is assisting ]entof tlisFrenoliSenato, vicel,eRoyer, Charles. -Ramer has it, the! iho esteemed i5odom. Tho {allowing is the report .•i 1Cirl.t'n Rev, lilt, Brand of Crediton this weal: es eel rTheswitchmenonthel�Peata'rnIndiana trtssnrer;�of Tnokerpmith,;llr. Jaa. Ainrray ign B©lt Lins Company at Chicago have iutenda sin to reside in Egmandville 1 a DnisAxF-Tha diacaasioa on '`Tha Thia{ ephaal for the month of Febraat} send uti in conducting revival meskinga in the lilt. Hogan„ tvnti�I'arnellits, was cleat- .Strunk fpr higher wages. iho no dgsta � future.• -Tho Eeneall cnrlara and Liar” cams af[ pn Nndneaday avaniug repprt is bused an recitations, _ d by aCcIaination to Middle Tipperary 11 the Vandalia srr'itCllmen oil the went over to Seafprth on Thursday last and o{ lent week, rasultin in favor of the thief, . attendance and punaluality, second Disse �� � of h����tngford Jmot ed � to oua n Friday A' The chairmen wero :�J• Ford. 1r. Atargan -Roy Shier, Vfolet Jamesaa' A►ex Leigla, ' n fox the Peoria division of tits road in Deaatux were beaten. • !lite convsntio iii laex wanes. I31zzExa-tl.nother carnival tx+-night in and N. 8audars. A disiogua Yy 7e ta�� k �nan, Eliza F.11ioi. pSrutuird �rBolla Iiszin da ghtsr r haaw3xya� vi;A iof� r lativesuntt lite anti -Peens have struck for g a lisatission of the home rule bill, will las The Reading railroad employes at rho Csntsnnial Rink. A big nights � lid in SbantheeMessra �aIen oFord, � woad, Effie Cornish, $artist B. l3nxr.- Listowel for thee. past tu•o months re- e]d iu. Dublin, 111urali 8. heading, Pa., hue© received their Jan- £un is in store for all. lilt, las. L'onth Staolaka and 9. 8nndare er. Tho hruae Jr, iourth--Jahn Barr. Toho Hazlewood, turned Lama last weak looking hale The California Legislative Assptiibly uexy rvagea, itmonnting to ;�I1d,000. tori, assessor, is busily engaged lit are- ,wa, orpwdad. Tho National Anthem aloaod Ernest liobinann, -91^. foutt'a -Annie and hearty. ---A larva numbpx of people etas passed a biA making prize fighting, ,she ,machinists of Carnegie's Twenty- .sent assessing aur village, Mr: Jlolsb the meotin¢, Dtoating ae nausl oa Nes• Hazlawaod, 7oaie Doupe, Lonu Jameson.- left on Tuesday morning for Dakota. tp with orrvi.tliout gloves a felony, ninth street mill in Pittsburg are an T!;yro a baby has ]seen vary sick tills pa nesday esenina, 15th lust,, on the Relativa I+'iith-Normnu Tu{ta,_ — seek their fortunes, -Mr.` Joseph Snell The Dakota divorce bill, requiring six Stripe against �vorizng 10 hanxs for rime weak, but is recovering .slowly. -Mrs• Moral Evita of Intozioatiag prinks and pastntaster received n new pamo on months' re'�idence in all cases, and one hours' pay: Thomas :Fludsan hos been sick with Tobacco. Tho Poor IIoatea question will. be Centralia• Tuesday. -The Farmer spTnstitute held •ser }vliers porsouul service eaniiot be Tharp is a row in St,,;Panl, l4linu„ be- erysipelas, Uut is getting batter: -Mr• dismissed in iho town !:all, Crediton, on Cvsxou GnorraNa-having nurohnsod an im- Itsxs On'Puesday was largely attatadsd a:,, as a la`v tween file SVeatorn i7uion Telegraph Co. �Vm, Stoneman and rvifs returned home Tuesday, 21eE Inst. pravod'standnrd Whopper witif Franoh Buhr lay* the farmers in this. viamtty. The ,; Alx. Gibney, anti Parnellito, has been suet their union operators, ten of whom after a week's visit at tiYroxatex:-.14Ixs, `�'"'— Ttuos�sysand tVndnodadava vP raoii Cw ok opptng laxiucipnl sp©akers rasrn 11Isssrs 13uch- elected to the British cammanaiii North hays been dischfuged Suddenly slid with- '@Vm, Cohvill and dauglitor rcttu•necl gaY• analis -1t C, 1R • Sai1TIt, wttnu, bammans, l4TcLean and Ilatanah. - hteath, Tho vacancy was cuttsod by out exp]aaiation, home after a week's visit at Itev, 1VTr. --- tltw unseating of Michael Devitt. ,art Ja aaness from Nampa, on their Cook's, Ripley. Miss I�Tichol of Sea- Scaoon Rproxx-Tho Februa'y report E�'TERT:t;I\DLE�T.-On Thursday e^ren- The concert in the evening a grand suc- •lin comes ondent of the Lon- r Y orTc on file Payette canal, in forth returned Noma last Thursday, for S. S. Na. 2, Hay, is as fo]low�. Names ing last, a vary large and enthusiastic cess the hall lasing packed to overflnw- The Boi sa ,sp „Tho C4overnnlsnt rvay to ry are in ardor of moral, -Fifth -A, IetoTagR- gathering of Temparanco Norkera from ing,-Ailsa Fanny Snell rvho .vas visiting don Standard y ul t_ Idaho, wets met by a laartj* of tmlceoth after several week a visit at her brother, art, -San, Fourth -Cecil Rop, Bate Chap- Crediton and Exeter held a concert in ftienda in L sheens Township for some has consulter} an the question of leg• a „ Wren yestsrclay and warned to leav David's.11liss 'i''ictoria Smith returned man, FreA. Eaorett.-Jun, Fourth -Nellie Smith's Hall. lite. James Delgaty of Can- lima returned !loins last weak. -Mx. P. ingcommerrialrelationawithAmeiica. country, rvhicli they did. home on 1llonday from Toronto, whets O'Brien, Annie Northcott, Ataud Russell, trails was ehoseu chairman, who gnvo n Aiclseac purchased the old butcher Shap Ralph Davis, the speaker of the Ten- There is a crisis in the etiiko at the she attsiiclecl rho millinery openings gen. Third -John Northcott. Nnll[a Gould. very neat address. Tha mooting was Pram 11Ir, 1Vm, Pfaff fora livery office. nessee House of Representatives, has bIonongahsia mines ill. Pennsylvania. Bast rvosk.-Mr, D. Urquhart Seas at Mollie Northcott, -Jou, Third--- Bookie opeued by singing Reaouing the Perishingg -It seams our Photographer has risen Veen disbarred from practice far havinb Tho stril.e has been on six. months -all. Seaforth last Tuesday on lousiness.- I'iotthaott, Sarah Nortbaott, John Todd.-- by the auilionce, which was than folloxved Tram the lend as he .turned. up in rho inisupprapxittted money b©longing toe laacauss the miners want these cents a Tlae neck tis social given last Tluirsdny Second -Carrie Gould, 1,ldgar O Brien, by Dtr, Fairhall of Gantra'ia. The ohair• Zurich S''ocophane Baud an Tuesday client. bushel and the campanycleclins to pay night by floe R, T. of T, was a grand Melvin Gould.-9eoond Paxt-Bertin 0'- man announced that he had a very lengthy eveuin Ito must bo lilts an addition It is now ennouneedfromWasliington snore Chau 2?, cents for mining. succoss,ftncl the hall was packed. '1'hero Brian, Willis Busch, Robert O'Brien,- program io an ry out. He fira5 catlaci g. q +that the Hawaiian annotation treaty is Jos. North nn the Crediton Choir, rvho did remark• to that veep musica�+oolntpany, not to be pressed lit present, and that its DUbI'�STIO POLITICS. was a !ergs crowd from Seaforth, Bruce- First Pnrt-Ethel Norlhaolt, rho month! s oiling match wore. -Fifth, WiRRiae gave a vary fine recitation. The FJlimyllle. ratification at this session of Congress is nclaQixsbec Legisiattus waaprorogned sent 9ploadiofel aVirn�o n�n Peop e's Dolt, john J� cpaou.-Tha beat spellers in abacete e(�un tet eaChtbthaonaietinn of the - - . - not probable• Ma Y Christian Endeavor ftttendecl the Chris_ A. bloTattgart; Sau. Fourth, I{, Chapman; D , g Tun. Fourch, 6{, J. Russell; Ssn, Third A. lrtisses Davidson and Gill cud. Messrs. BItIEFs "Tslophane" is the watch The British Liberals have mado an- Special Customs Agent lllcClay, eta- Jaokaon- Juu. Third, F. Northcott; Second Snell and Vincent, wero applauded. ward of the hour. A meeting will be other gain, H. L. W. Lawson, lasing tionecl at SlPinclsor, is sectuing good re- ell 11'IB�onday eveninib exsa�rYload r ofa Dui N Jaakeon; Second Part, B. ;;- U'I3rien; The instrumental music by Ate. George held in the toren hall Saturday evening elected in the Cirencester division of stilts. g y . Firs! Yert, 7. Jaokaon, Zwicker of Ccediton was rendered in good next. to discuss the project and take the Gloucestershire. A Liberal was also East Hastings Reformers haus neral- Blatin societ tittended rho Carnival .-.�+. style ; as was also the recitation Uy Iittle sleeted in Gateshead. Hated N. Verinilyea, Thurlow, for the on Tuesday nicht at Clinton.-iVlessrs. pearl, a ed six ears, rho dao liter of the necessary steps to procure a pilaris �Vm. Thomson and 4Vm. Nevin were at Stephen Council• Rev. Baker of Crediton, who did finely for connection with Eaetsr.-blr, Thames A government bill taking steps to- Legislattue. He wood far man curs torvnshi as - ward the ultimate disestablishmentthe The writ for South bliddlesexhas been. 1'iitchell ovsr Sunday bidding their Crediton, 6th March, 1898. one so young, and, if spared, will make a y �. the Welsh church was adopted in Issued. Nomination tftkes place on friends good-bye, and they leave to -day sensor and who has been on thepsick for Detroit Mich. where tate intend very flue elocutiooiet a no distant date. , British comntous Thursday night by a Natoli 15, polling a week later. , , y All members present except Mr. Hioka. The Crediton Choir quartette and Trio list far same time,is at present rsported vote of 301. to 24G. Winnipeg board of trade has adopted making their- fortune in a short bine. A3inntea of lest meeting read i►rid svgned. Clubs did real! towards making the pro- to be much worss. It is to ba hoped Resolved that reeve enquire lute the firam aucaeasful. District Deputy John E. this attack will be tided over, and rile An unofficial referendum to learn the a resolution calling an the Dominion andfFred� MeyersBrvere at Clinton land Wiroametonnee o[ \fee. `Vile!. will of the people withxefexenceto man- government to immediately introduce Tom of Godarich gamma n very lengthy return of the invigorating spring wea- hood. suffrage took place in Belgium. legislation that will dissolve trusts and Londesboro'on Wednesday on business. Petition of DIr. y�Young and others fora speech on Temparanae ,.rid iia euacesafu] thee will resters him wonted health, - Sunday. An immense majority was cast combines. --Mr. Henry Pfaff of Iiippen moved his union aohool handed in to reeve. workings in and throughout the province, ZVe are an_tiiously waiting for Exeter to family to town last week. -Miss Chidley Resolved that Mr. Sep. Hogarth sot as which was listened to with mush atten- in favor of universal suffrage. Legislation evil! be introduced into arbitrator on bnhali of Stephen. move in the matter of establishing a A bill has been introduced into the the Nova Scotia legislature to render school teacher, spent Sunday at home in tion. Atr. Judd Davidson gave a Wouplo cheese or butter factory. In c,ise none Sherrill-Wuo:th -Haat reeve brant of very fico selections on she violin. bliss Clinton.-'.1Ir. ll. Weismiller uitends orders to oontrnotor of bridges for material Carrie Reid of Exeter gave a very ohoioe is estalalished there, eve see no reason United States congress which, aims ata guessing competitions unlawful, moving his family to town shortly.- rudical change iu the bonded privileges Sir Jelin Abbott has again been heard bliss Po e of Platteville is visiting liar as Boon ae deposited, and that reeve and H recitation. Atr. Alaloolm Vincent gave a why the centre of a largeand prosperous now enjoyed by Canadian railroads. It from. He tivas in Naples when writing Eilber !Deets the bridges, inspect the ma. vary lino speech, entitled The Drunkards township like Usborne should not have will be considered nest session. and is in good health and spirits. brother,p blr. John Pope, merchant feria!, and let the approaches. Wife, which teas highly appreciated by all such an enterpriss,-Sawing byes are The Commission, of Arbitrationon the tailor. -Special services are now being Council to meet again let Monday in present, Meaera, 4Vestaott, Eaeery,Holtz- the order of the clay and .pretty soon Mr. Newcombe, Q C., of Halifax, lies hold in the Methodist church afternoons April, when pethmastara, povndkeepars man ani DIorlack, canvassed the crowd our little ]gamier evil! pxesent tIis ap- Behring Sea controversy between Great been a eluted de auty minister of jus- g � and ferias viewer■ will be app , Britain and the U.S: teas formally open- flee in silccession to Mr. Justice Sedge- aitd evenings. -Mrs. Johu Ben ouch of mated.. present avd oUtained ovzr foray namor of pearttnce of an immense wood yard.--” ed in Paris an Thursday. An adjourn Wick Port Huron is visiting NIrs. J. 13nulen, Orders : R. Casa, inepeoiing G. B. nut, persona who intend becoming members of Messrs L,ltiinton era selling their swamp meat was loads nnti123rd March. and friends. $54 15; !Vire: Newcombe, rolfet, 133; Mr• the Order of Royal Template of Temper- timber by the acre and many are taking wF 9axline, gravel, 81 30; J. Ainsley, plan and erica, whish will be organized al Centralia advantage of this opportunity to put in .t pxeS9 �', Harrison has revoked the A syndicate has obtained control of all -- apeaifiontion of bridge, $12; 111 r. Pelton, 95; to -night (Thursday) by b'Ir. J: E. Tom, a supply of woad. -Mr. J, T. Westcort, tolls leviscL an Canadian vessels in Sault the large lumber mills ou the Lake of J. Allister, $8; J, Ryan, part sal assessing, llistriol Deputy, assisted by the Crediton D. Jacques and Geo. Peithals of Exeter, Ste. Marie canal, in consequence of the the Woocls. The output of the mills Tuckersmith• $30; T. Hayton, gravelling, $1 47; hlessrr. and Exeter RoyalTemplara, The meeting ryas canvassing the village an blonday Dominion Government abolishing the absorbed is sixty-five millions of feet. BtttisFs-Mr. Appleton Eluoat line sold Lovo and Hayton, snow road, 82 50. � closed with God ba with you till we meet discrimination against vessels passing TkIE LAISOIL R'oILLD, s flue thoro'brad Durham bull calf to Dir. C. I:'sooTs, Clerk. last for floe puxpase of organizing a through Canadian canals. Cudmnra of Usboroe.-Mr. Jas- Lands- again' Royal Te:mpiars of Temperance Laclge There are now 700 carriagemalters on r .sun of Mr. JameaLandeborough '�` `�- CASUr1LTILS. Strike in Chicago. boroucth j "TgE Bnoon ie Ting LZFE," here. �'Ps trust they will succe¢d. 73ut Matthew Fox of Lore, lie., lost. hie of Tuokerainith, arrived home from Colum- P'uliarton. 1Zune the ell saving, and everything itow can t$e old cider be abolished from Q The tailors' Strike in Winnipeg ended boa, South Carolina, ma Wednesday e{ -- ' Way nearFarrelton, Que., andwasfound on thoarrival fiom Toronto and Mont- last week, in company with lira brother, Batas -Air. J. Mille; of Woodham, lire that ever makes part of the organ of the this Township ? We hope the Lodge frozen to'death. real of workmen to take the places of David, who had gone down for him.—lair. leased the vacant store of 1V. H -Gill and body must reach its pleas therein thrpugh at��yl`vith lige desired effect of doing At Lebanon,. N.H., Charley Rap, 17 the strikers. Thos. Townsend is mnlfiog preparations will we understand, opau out a stook of the blood. Therefore, if the blood i9 ori- — ac's of a e, hangsd himself Thursday The striking switchmen in Chicago for pnlli�g clown hie burns' slide building generol merohandiee here inn �hoTt tiina. fled and kept in good condition by the use — • ' Ye g rester.—The school in No, u aeotipn —Mr. John Hs nee ha3 bough! the house of Iiood'e SareaYarilla, it nsoeasarilp follows Clinton. night. He was despondent. are blamed for a number of assaults on g p Ia, the residence of the non-union men, undpolice protection which hoe been closed for Foma tame, a ed n d to MrliJ1Gilleshie�{ur $100 e�andlow�l toaevery or¢anrof the bodyIoiCan an}thtnq BnIEFe,—gaits a number of driving and 5 At Ottumwa, , „� Adolf Neiss was burned last week and has been asked. owing to illness of the teacher, been op i g P saddle harass wero sola to American and child were cremated. RIES. ngaio.—A number of the agriculturists tive faire possession in April. —Ou. Friday be simpler then the melhoi by which buyers this week. Among rho nnmher kits Wife .ANNivt✓Ii�SA beginning to entertain feaas about the ' {all. evening se Rev. J. Bali and eon wero re- 4hie exoelleni medinine Fovea good health Four arsons Were killed and. fifteen. the birthda anniversary- wheat, it hes been covered with deep snow tnrnfng home frow Mitchell, they were run to rill who still try it fairly slid patiently 2 seas hit James Fairs jr. peeing' hetes p injured by a collision near South street .Friday was Y "Ball" for tahich he raeeiyed the hand- . iladel his. - of Pope Leo, Who ryas born on: March a i long, itis [eared it will be smothered. into by a rnnnway horse coming bohiod: eom9 enm of X300.—On Saturday dtessad station; Weat Ph P 2nd, 1810. All rho Cardinals now in BIiaEFe.-On Thnrsdny evening. AIsrch but reoeivad no injury: The owner of the Two miners Wexe�fatally burned and op1e resented him with a `congr&tole- 2nd, the friends and neighbors of Mr, and: runaway had lost laic balanea and fallen beef was offered on the market. at $7.50 two inured by an eeplosion m a R' ddress. Mre. Charles Avey assembled in a body sod out the Dotter by the hgnid ballast ge/ting C,C.RICalnna c4� Co• per hhnared. At that price theta shoals ono or J ol. tory a Kin C ed and prpcoeaed to their residence to bid them too High,.. -Mr: ILobert;Mitahell; amush GENTa,-My daughter was apparonfly at be a ¢ood profit for 'the farmer. -At coal mine zit g, :'Pre orations for bhe tive httndr p farewell on their de attars from. the Lon- respected resident �f the �litohell. Road, the Dint of d9a1h with that terrible disease Avaiy'e Salo in Stanley lost Ftiday a Bile awedding -party teas crossing fiftieth anniversary Uf the founding of p me near liar nr. eased awaj' on Friday, after a lingentiFf p m dies lied 1�iled Ent pair of steers-stockers—brought $120. don Rpad to their new ho P P a raver at L+'katerinoslav; h;,usgia, the Montreal are under waY• The festive- uteri -them each with . a illpesa of many months, osueed by internal diphtheria. All ie a All stock brought a top. ,prise slid atilt broke thxoitg'h ;thee ice and' -..ten ii1 be 'n on Jttne 24th and extend lacy and press. — h©ro died in sanest, and Wed buried in tl a 3t, Marys MINARD'S LINIl1iENT oared her; and I .the wail gnae about hard times .and low sledges ties w gi handsome ease ohair. T ars. ons were drowned. over four days. would earnestly recommend it to all. who rices.—Mr, and Mrs.. .Geo. 'Hawkins, p .. Tuckersmith ou Satnrdey last, Anna cemetery on , h'londay, the remains being. ma be in need of a Qood family medicine. p `' � estibuled train, No. 8, was ' ., i t of ..the late- Robert Laude- followed to their' last resting. p ace by a y Joiix D. BoaLr•>.ut$aa.: from Branson, Man, were iu Clinton lust The brie Y .mile east of Vandalia at 12 NITS ItELIGIOIIS IL�FEILENCE. Cosena, rel c 7 sere:. Deooased bad large oonponrse of sympathizing mends ' la• a 1'PedbesdaF• Several years ago the covplo wxeckecl,one ht. Teti arsons boaough, aged 0 y French Val 3 . ' ' ck ;;aturdiLy nig p Rev. T� De Witt Talmage says that in been, confined #o bed only two and neighbors. -This week ik ie our pain- removeddrom Eort Albert to Brandon and ' a c'lo .i ixs1, inatued. • ' " were set o 3 three years and four months ho has re- weeks. d previous severe ttttac>! of ilii duty to oh:oniola the end event of the tnny like that tectiou of neuntry well. •" ceived from lila church �G28 net. The u led in death: The late death of John Ridge which: occurea on Mr. and ,hiza._ lawkina aro enjoying gond - „. Ln Grippe res 1 ''_ - „ — •; entitled heavil in debt. 've cf Dork• Saturday evening after less than a week's -- rid oratohee pf every kind heath slid the r - legaon of friends iu il,NTITEI,D Tu .fear BEST. All air church Ia Y AIra. Landsborovgh,wue a naEa Itch If�tauge a S - will by f oodstoCk ■ out b0 oars illness. Deoeaeed waK in the primo of life animals cureii in 30 minutes Iiurou will be ,much pleased to meet ` -,: - to the bast that their money y Rev.. Dr. McMullen o W � , � ` „ 4hetr. v at :epee a ' IpF Eng, and .emigrated ab y i should hs e , omted,amemUer of the A.d• he married about 18 years .ago, trier befng,pnly sUoat 33 pears of age, gas. pas- bn No !ford a t3anit6ry Lotion. This never ,, sa every tam ly lies been alp, ago. ' S y --„ � - mil remes S rap - . - Reli ions -Congresses- deceased about fine pears.' aesaed ei many steriing�qualities, being of a: . s 3'Parrnnted by C.'Lurz: :.; ko.tlo o£ the beat ' fa y Ys y - viaory Council on g , , husband being .,., fol . Minard'e Liitlwent Dorsa Clarget is Doty i � of F;ga,to cleanse the ayetem�when ooatice o£ the• World's. Congress Auxiliary m For nearly 60 years sfie resided >o Tooker ' ;;' or billioue.., Fpr este by all .the leadiur 'connection with the.World a Fair. emitti. ,,,; draggiehs in 760. bpttlea, • , • • ,' � - • 1 ,. , .: ', ., • ., , ` � ' ;. .. �,:, �•l r :� , , .: '. .. .. 'i n.. n ,.. r a .nr r -r 1 .� �_.. , rM-. i..� .. .. .. :.. .,, I.,. . ' ... .....y�, .. �, .. :. W ... � :, .. �.:. a ,. - .,:�,.�:. �. �»..,.. _,. -... ...,. .�.� .,_„ ., _,.. .. .. ,,. ,.-., .. .. , .; :.:. .ems � :. �. .. ...,, ..:. � ..� , ,. .._ . ':�� .. ��-; S. .- , -: , .:. , ;