HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-23, Page 67-1-:1'. 1 1 . 1, 11 I 'A, �_,r_,"Iiwo� I � 11� . I � _71 I- . 11 I - _M=_FW_ , , , , �;; , .. f!7--1111PP1FF,r�w --,TwM.qW - , _ - _ _ - , , ,,,,, ____ � _ _ I I I . I I . �
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I., � .. , I –, W AIM , 014 AN IOEBBRG� . � � I
��, I 0 . Be - I . . I — , � still within a mile otenall other until field AMATEUR RYPNOT1813G. , SCOURING THE OOASTB FOB MEN. a
I 1, Ea E I I � . icehadwedged between and frozen solid. — 1 , , , i I
� I 11 , I 1, 'lance of VIVO Sailors- The borgs were two mou I ntains, and tile. fiel& A '111fail Throws KIN Felenit Into —
, ,
I ,� �_ . , , � � if in 19 S , A 11:01 ftvck a4O The Congo Railroad Ras round I � t Very � , I 1
2 , . ... , .� . . . . SMUlu . Tile noon observation bad placed u4 eighty, ice we,$ the plain betoween, only the plain of vikeo-ascionsueNs, but Pails ... t,.,4 Be- , A 09 "41
I . . I � i . I miles south of Cape Farewell, and from tile Was great caLes of ice heaped up in tile store 111111. Mar4l to Got at F orce orlyorlinscu. . .
�.. I I � CURL Qrow's Bub therp were five large icebergs In grandest confusion. The Congo Railroad Company, in its last i 1 � . ,-1 it-,- ,6
., I I CDOGR CR � , , . A des�atch from New York says.— r?port, throws light upon the great diffical- � � I If �
. I �� I � - sight� The wind had been dying &waY for The gale -,vas still piping away &114 & tre. joules Estacada, wholives: at 222 Christie � . I
1. � Pfirraill , . the last couple of hours, and at, lengthas we mendous searunuing when weawoke, and of TJ ties it has movin securing workmen. The 11 - , % 4�
I - street, No, York, was hypnotised by his 0 inpany has secured most of the coast re- . � I I . -
I.. I res I t in Ong roup, ere, rounded the west side of a great berg it fell course we had no thought of leaving the friend, Robert Kreenter, 224 East 85th c 'F1 , ,. , I—
I ... Sol b A I .stl on a uarantel. a dead calm, and two miles away we behold shelter we had so luckily discovered. rhe gions of Africa for native labor. The Congo �
12 *d-- a or estShil.W.Po,ous anotherwhaler. Itwasearlys riugatthe first move after breakfast Ayes to get to tile Kreetner has for a long time believed he natives engage in the porterage service, "!!niz ,
Fore L%uro, Side, a, street, the other night in the latter's room. or 04=52�o T -r 0 40 la ,
. A . Ff butthey are not valuable as yet for rail- ; 1he best Shoif
I aster will give at, tlsfaction�-as Conte. cape, but a finer day in that atitude no topof the nearest mountain and have a. look ,
I . was a born hypnotist, and lie became a road making, and very few of them con.9elib 5 I p
I 'L 1 1 % 9 sailoreversaw. Thesun. 8honebrightand forthe ships. Mr. Davis took this task pn 11 of Prof. B.G. Johnson. Esmondewas fo r a I I Cook"K
I . Mrs. T. 8, Hawkins, Cha ooga Tenn. Be warm, the air was balmy, and except for the upon himself, -but lie tnade no discovery to a to do that sort of work, So the company ,9 Pwposq#, �
n -h, -V,if, I'll To, ___;_�
lksbilphla Vital I IS . . i ioebergsthere was no reminder of the sea. rely com friend of Kreamov's, and Was early in its operations sent labor agents to
� . I W ematrented a . ardhis aticirts, He, however, t a the latter's favourite subject. Esmonde ,
. I x6verwed.11 or3)yrsp sla ror Ir do called on Kraemer last night, bringing , ,
1 04M ittl i (!d8?1de14 son mud its dangers. good idea of the size and lay of our I. .r" Sierra Leone, the 1%�.ra coast, .Accra Lagos,
. eltex Prl�o 5 c . OF Our bark wasthe John Stafford of New andsolecLedaplaceforlanding. Whenhe friend with him. Kraemer was anxious to Whydeh, and a half dozen other well-known 14 V FW
I J, Bedford, and the other craft proved to be returned we left the bay and Pulled along exhibit his wonderful power . over Es- ports along the weab coast. Efforts were � � -A
HILOH !; , CAIM the Mermaid of Liverpool. When. the -hat- to the east and landed Upon a sort of,%helf, nionde, also made to souare workmen on the east -V-,O�% C,AP
� . _ VJRH � ships call make it convenient to do so, We had the material at hand to build a but, I; and after soma hesitation the coast, but only an incousidern . q W1% y
I ttter consented. The amatour hypnotist Zanzibaris were obtalne1 In , ble number of
�oa EM E: Dy. he' always board each other and compare aud before noon we had an ice cabin big placed his subje ct in a chair and then fau spite of every
you tarrh? rt is a notes, axe d ers, end if - effort the enrollment of men was still insuf. PrO L E J(F, is the
ran, w enough to comfortably hold the five of us inghim passed his hand over Esmonde'js
081twely eyean . r you, I , 60 eta. one alit is lacking in medicines or supplies, and the stores from our boat. . ficieat� Small reinforcements were obtained CO,
his Je tor for i cc treat eat is tile other always sells bar what is it While the face, Gradually Esmonde became passive.
� ad a. a e ,8 no . ,ftolnedWs ceded, stores were being unloaded Mr. Davis end I He was pinched, from the West Indies and Barbadoes, and OnIV.healthrut Shortelrti*V
. pricked with a needle, finally, acouple of Inonthe igo,
Age a d on. a � . 0 d9n. It had been seven months since any of its made our way over the hummocks to the his hair pulled, and lie was otherwise a force .01 —.-,A 'Ph
. had seen a strange face, slid oll w. ere highly north to a heap of driftwood he had caught several hundred Chinese were landed oil the mat . vj,clahs F-rieforre it.
. delighted at the idea of a 11 gain," or visit. maltreated without giving Z611Y indica,tion lower Congo, where they are now at work �
LEGAL. sight of Wh ' lithe mountain. We found that he experienced pain. Kraemer was &_10%
- No matter if only five or six out of our crew three or fouradowarf pines, a log, two planks delighted, on the railroad.
of fifty could go, they would exchange our from a ship's bottom, portions of a cook-ls successful. He had never before been so Many causes have interfered I
-bottomed chairs, and a .said. He made more passes, but Eirrionde success of the labor recruiting agents : The
I N,BArrlst ,1301i- books'and bring back all the news. Ton galley, two wood "Now I'llbring him to,"he
*1 . H.DICKSO. wl�il the A#? ULD oiqy
-"* Ottorot Supreme Court, No RVY minutes after we. caught sight of the brig broken cabin table. Those things told of a most patent has been that the 0"Oloulal all. that "Irtcom rl-ab a feeva3
Public Qe,11,v,e,rau*er, Consialssioner.t continuedto stare vacantly before him therities through Africa have tried to pre- . a
Monowto , ,. I'll bar Captain was on his way to pay our wreck, bat we did not extend our search Kraemer became frightenedan& redoubled OF C"too mutch Arteu I
0faceiU ausoulaBlOolt. Exeter, Captain a call. Our chief officer, Mr. Davis, until three days later. The temperature his efforts, but wi% no result. After half vent men from engaging with the rAilroad I
R, A,_d � because they desired to retain all labor at fr I . .
11 thus obtained permission to pull off to the began to fall, the wind to veer to the north- an hour of vain effort Kraemer, frightened home. Then all through the first year of � I
d"UMM-'s—, , 0 rn fooct cookp,c(h%larcL�
stranger,. Indeed, it was etiquette that we west, and by the time we had made two almost out of his wits, sent for Dr. Loewea- 1_^_____14-_ ',a."' X
� UouTayInger, lte. should make the exchange, While the four trips for fuel we were the work the black personnel' -was terribly
� Burister, SoIjoitor, good. The physician hastened to Kreem or's decituated by disease. It was many months 'Ir
of us who were to go with. the mate were DRIVRX TO Till,, IJUT rooni where he found E smon4e completely before the comrany could supply the Com- -old *1
hXETrR, - ONT, cleaning up and rigging out in our best he for shelter. We started a fire and blocked prostrated. He was breathing heavily and mon comforts There was almost complete A W
OFFICE : Over O'Neills Bauk. Was getting the boat ready. When we came tile entrance, bat so intense was the bold in an alarming condition, his body being *
on deck We found the men slyly poking fun when night came that not a, man could lack of fresh food, Medical aid was inade. t,
. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, at Old Careful, as.11r. Davis had been �Ack- have live I out rigid and Ilia hands and feet as cold as ice. quate. The work on the railroad we an too 017y 1 T,
. I I nalue doors for 'Iva minutes, While the doctor worked over the young mously difficult. The workmen ws -e . �
. . ere ea.
. to make a voyage of a thousand miles. the gale Increased char 11. n the MI 0C)d cooked im 4,
01 , to ft, hurricane, an d't was son. �Johnston quickly arrived, but Ilia of- gal
B 'Sters, Solicitors, Nota,ries PuIllic, , *r* fo". ,4 C
d. He had stoor,ed the boat ah ifinteud- Next day it grow aorne-,i hat wariner, but man Kraemer summoned Ilia tea Joll god for mouths I poso Valleyand
� W.9 had once been cast away end undergone impossible to move out. on the next the forts to restore Esmondo were no more suo� the Leopold ravine, both particularly Ull- ('107-ToLems is -
0011'170y,flilleers &c, &C great suffering, and after that lie would not gale blew -itself out, and, We had raia, which cessful than had been those of Kraemer and healthyplacos. ThemOrtalitywas, there. . - I - .
�� * even lower for a whale withoixt having his froze -as it fell. W hen we finally got out to �be physician. At otte o'clock this morn- fore, excessive. From the beginning of 1890 delfcate., dglici[oas . �
� I I 1R*-VOU6Y to Loan at Lowsst� Rates of bo3.t provisioned. While he ,was a splendid make a further search of the Island for . until March, 1892, the company P I
�I a ployed fo V,ffn, *
I Interest, . sailor and a fine officer, and while every one wreckage, we solved tile fate of the ship Ing HN,mond(, was still partly unconscious 4,500 black workmen, of whorn 90mo died. healfhFul com L
. OF -VICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETM gave him credit, for bravery, this notion of Golden"Horn of New London, which had though his condition had improved . slight- Many others were sent home in poor health ) �,
13- V- WIZIOT, I T,7,70`71 �is was considered 11 womanish" sail held been missing for five years mild was the ly. Esm-mdo was restored t000llsolousuess to recuperate, and many more deserted. So �,
71-1- "Twil-wr -I. 1�' .. in contempt. . ught early next morning by Prof. Johnson. -V 0 Y0 U U 6 P_ (ZOTTO L a n a t
_ - _ to be frozen up in the point, sea. We found I the company lost fully half of all the black Nade only by 10
DENTAL. We reached the stranger after a pull of one of her staved boats, the mate's chest, I workmen it engaged, and the news did not ;,�
- "__� - . . I . I...- - — tell or twel ve minutes over a sea almost its her rutlatopmapt, two cabin chairs, and The Rso-Fiakers of Paris. encourage other workmen to enlist. ,7 N
- I . - K, FAIRBANK & CO. *'
Not a few workmen in their eagerness to W e,ihngton and Ann StreAtg; 0 � of
])U- 0- 11- INGRAIM, DENTIST, Quiet as a mill pond, and for two hours strangest of all finds, a mirror three feet The wealth of Paris is so boundless that return home asked tile company to retain all MONTRE AL.
. Succolosor to IT. L. Billings. were royally entertained. We did not put long by twenty inches wide which had hung the rubbish and refuse of tile city are Worth P
Zfa lubar of the no P. the wages they had earned, and give them I "
yal coliega of Doutsl of Until the Captain's be t returned. 'He in her cabin. The name of the ship was millions, There are more than fifty than- only passitgetioketshome. InDecemerIS91. -111, I "I .. �� --
Sul aeons.) Tooth inserwa with or without senttoCapt. Clark a jar ofpickles, six calls painted oil the frame of the mirror. How sand persons who earn a living by picking up there was a riot among the natives of Sierra a ,
� Ploale, in Gold or llubt,er. Asata,jIupsthotla off preserved peaches, a pound of tobacco, a thing of that sort could have knocked . '01 .��
ItAleu for tile PaIZ1108 extraction of tooth, and a smoked ham. What articles . what others throw away. Leone, 300 in number, who sudd � of
Fine 001d Fillingi as Roqulre4, %vere about the icefields wilhout the glass being Twenty thousand woulen and obildren down theirimplements, and with a . f 111
(Iffiet, over the Post offire. given him in exchange I did not learn, but even cracked is a matter to excite wonder, exist by sifting and sorting the gatherings ticks aud ... It, I
__ _", n_ it was a 11 dicker" between the two Cap. but that same glass is hanging to -day in an of the pickere, who colleat every day in the stonea its weapons started for Matadi, with s
------`""`---`sr� tains. When we left the brig the sky was office in Eastport, �Nle. the evowed Intention of embarking forcibly gs 1�_
XEDICIAL year about 1,200 tonsof merchandise, which upon a steamer which was to leave on the PR P0
. as clear and the sun aa bright as you ever When the wbeatber finally cleared away they sell to the wholesale rag dealers for I
.=- .7 � 11 - I �- � ===�' saw them. We had not pulled half the our chances of rescue by either one of the 70 ra . followiag morning.
J W.B.SOWNIN0 M. D.,_ii_,O distance when , some ,000 I Be$ . Tile company considers that it has now kp
� . . ships had become almost hopeless. If not at night you see men with baskets strap- fairly einergedfroizxtliistr�,iiigporiod. For � _TlIZ_ ______ _
* P. S. OrAduate Victoria UnIver ty. A 4qrAT,T, eAXF DOWN badly damaged themselves they would cer- ped on their backs, a lantern Ili one hand, ---------w *,
. I on us from the north with the speed of a the past half year the healthfulluess of tl 1%X0XTRLr.&-4
011oe and residence vota.4jorl L%ba a tainly look for us, but we were uo%v so far, and Ili the other a stick with all iroa hook , a A -
L01r_y.E1_XO tor ... _. �__ _--1_1 bullet There was not the slightest warn- ,South that the whole sei was covered on the cad. . whites andblackshas loft little to be desire in � k 'f� '_ T
� T)R- ELYND31AN, coron or for t ae Ing Of what was coming. Ili all instant with Po%ting ice, and icebergs ,Were to be They walk along rapidly, their eyes fixed Some of the workmen recently imported from Are and Incialftoent lapetrio A XT It-
A-; County of Enron. OHioa, opp�sjt..o tbestygrow dark and tile souaii struck, seen in every direction. It would be at- the Barbadoes have died, but there has been .LIghdng,rX1uP0e=trt1a Motors * - 04).
1 it the ground, over which the lantern p, 4 orlo, - ;,
. Sarli:�L,�,�ca. store, Exeter, and betoie Ave had pulled thrae times our most suicidal to follow us into the icefields, 0 scarcely any mortality among the laborers CONTRAZOTORS & BUILDERS OF, News I 0 .
I - - I _ flings a about of light, and whatever they recruited on the west coast, The work has ELECTRIC LIQHT ,AND Printing � I
. T-1 R- J - A. ROLLINS, ML, 65—,8. length it, was Bnowing as no man ever saw and.Alr� Davis plainly told us that cup fate find intho Way of paper, rugs, bones, grease, n,)w been carried up to the plateau above MVER STATIONS wrapplu 1. �
the fia,kes come down except off Cape Horn. in our own hands. What we could do metai, &c., they stow away in their bask- �
�p o L
-L." O' office- Us"n St' Exeter- Cut' Tile squa.11 caught both ships totally till. lay Ties- eta., #?I
1101,1111,1190, house recently occupied by P. to help ourselves, however, was the I the deadly atmosphere of the valleys, and Throughout the Dominion.
IpR.Esq. repared, and both sufferea co I ,,a", To leave the borg would be to freeze Under the changed conditions the c pany 64 to 70 Wellington St. � a ) ev. I .
4--Lb-111 . -K—' � usiderable 1, the morning, in front of each house, retain I OM l—o V
I , Ur , atuage. to death in the boat, To stick by It would you see Ulan, women, and children finds it not difiloult to ts black " -
D R- `- I. .I&L.A.171GHLI , 'U. It wasn'ttwo minutes before the spray be to driltwitli the gales and soon consume the dust -bins before they ar in t sifting laborers. H , F�'
I hyqieja,U% and, a a P led into . PETERMAN'S RGAC FOOD
E: __' "er Ontario. Ilhvielan, ' was flying over Its and to save the boat from Our last morsel of food. The niato now the scavengers' carts.
rl'g"'a'�' ,,,C,,,.,A,,,,,,,-,�.urqeOn fill foundering she halt to be brought head to . At vari�iis hours of the day Oil may re� A Great Military Balloon. NO .
eloaftur. ____ , , ().N,r. - madeaninventory ofall our possessions,
I W A. THWNISON, ?NJ. D.. C the north. The gerce gusts seemed to dig I and It was flgured that the five of us could mark isolated rag -pickers, wKo seem to A large dirigible balloon is being con- T A >ftfill, POISON j,
I * .M..Ueraboroteoiiogootphysiclaixt r at holes in the water, and we dropped I live for four weeks on what provisions we work with less method than the others and FATAL TO COCKROACIIES AND WATER BUGS)�,`
AU4 Surgeons. outitrio. ,rein one into another in a way to startle had, This would out every man terribly with a more Independent air. I structed at tile milit L �T
I der the direction of Write us Ifriob kept bryour Dra
- -S&LL. Were not. too furious the current sweeping volitra It Jim provell 411,Mkro� kf rr-raly Applied. �,
N The night piokers ere generally novices ; Commandant Renard. It will be similar in uOLLAR6
OFvu,n: HODGIMT BLOOK, HP everybody. The bark was (lite west of us short, but would sustain life. If the winds Chalals-Metillon, till WovIngivarfrTr
� _77�' _ - ' , ' ' � L" - and a mite away when the skull struck. � - -k, are form to the La France of -1884-5, but longer; EWINOt HERRON & CO., _"I" RPM, LIffW-4-tv
"!"7-, -!!!M"- Even if she could lit6ve held her position we I down through Davis Strait would carry us men who have been thrown out of wor -
Auoxlw�isia. coultl not have reached her. Had tile light into the north Atlantic, and once down as ol-fliged to hunt for their living like the measuring about, 230 feet Ili length and 43 Solo Xft', s7o &; sai St. Paul street, Xo,N . I
____'. _'__ - , ,-- craft been brought broadside to the gusts ferns the coast of Labrador we stood wild beasts. feet in its greatest diameter. By a new -.-- __ .
I ED A U 0- she would have been Upset, in a trice. A good show of being rescued. a The morning pichers are experienced antl arrangement of motor it is expected to be solo rroprietorofthe LION uratill F 71
Lo FIARL)Y, LIOEM regular workers, who pay for the privilege able to make headway againstair currents of frootti, Ali goods hearing Uld
i tiOnecr fur tile Counts, Of Ifuron, sailor is always proud of his officers when The storm I have described proved to be trado war
Chames moderate. R'xetor P. 0, sillin the dust -bins of a cc Gs P, BROWE",
I ------------------ —, they prove themselvessallorly men. Ilia.ve the fall end of winter. On the sixth day rtain number not exceeding 40 feet, per second, or 28 miles POILT Alleoiiit�.
bed, wai. sgrany, 1.1ork nmud 11n1t.
the weather became so mild that the ice be. 01 lions g and of trading with the remits. an hour. The motor is net fully descri �,"r`,"ro,, WIC01,MBAta
� —_ alwkyaremembered with pride how quickly If as, , Lion Brand, "I'l Rounfl- %I
'BERRY, General U- The t, the majority, tire tile coureurs. but it willact either with gasoline o 40. SuKURY.Do WINE It,
� E * coused Auctioneer Mr. Davis grosped tile situation. We were gan to melt, and Mr. Davis told its that our l, r the nsraud,RG� 'y �, ,
Ilia, V1,ATUrr,Lloalharid 114�*
1 Sales conducted the runners. who expro!" their profession gas of the balloon, giving an effective force lavullis
� in allparo. S.,LtioreLetion,,,ZutivaLutoe,l. charges pulling four oars. Vnder his order they islaud had been caught Ili a current of the .%Yz,ri�i,loanZnxa'un4,t'o�'1,,#I S P I R I T �,
Moderate. Rousallpt).Out. - werolashed toketherand flung overboard strait and was drifting south ,it the rate of freely and without control, working whon of 4' ) hors" on the shaft� The total 1416"41NO 4, Lien au MERCHANT.. 4.11
1 for a drag inside of two Minutes. Aliunat two miles an bear, We were in peril now they please and loafing when they please. vnight of I=Irery, with supply ot gaso- Agent lor obn 31obartson 4� Sons Bootth Ni'lobLITI 'Tomok
1 1 R License Ane. They skre the philosophers and adventur- line, eta., will be about 06 pounds per horse
NRY BIL73E any other mate would have made a push for from the breaking up of the mass. On that . rerguron d, Fens Olaspl,w T noullat k Delamain Xtimac_
blona � Coznoic,Trauca, bRAMPA(Mr,vindol' et Viad%lta�
or for the counties of Eruron the bark, and thereby met with disaster, gains sixth day it turned c, "'
1,3im. d their chief object power. Previously it has not been possible 416 St. Paul Strex#,,Mrionntreoal.
I , 7 - 8009 conducted at InOtI. joy life and meditato upon its to make petroleum motors with a less weight
� nd 11 9c Canpletely qrs of the profession, an
... rate r'"Oa- 01,1106- at Post�offlce, Cred. With her head to the wind the boat rode around, and a great rift appeared right 'a to an _ , ,
. i o'n Or t like it duck, but while the sea was atrua- through the contre. We launched the boat problems. then 150 to 200 kilogram me.9 per borse pow. -
I ---- t1ingicteyteot tip 1 t did seem as if Q a we ill d to and pulled to what I called the east woun- — I er. The screw Will be in front, and a large C 11 rX Y 14 0 W IM Za""
VETERINARY. Boo pieces in the turmoil. If you tain. This was blue -white ice froma gla- rudder behind, the former will make about 14
I cier. In si7c at the base itwould have cov- 200 turns per minate. The first experiments J. W. Lewls,
I ___ ___ were to be seated in a box and drawn over THE MIDDLE CAR IS SAFEI�T- -
� the surface of . mountain you would find Brad twenty acres of laud, while its highest - with this balloon are, it is said, to be made PrOPPletOP 4.
Tennent & Tennent it a, pretty fair comparison, If you Ivere point from tile Witter was fully 1-100 feet. 1103v a Commercial Traveler Secures a in the early spring. is THE CENTRE Or TRB BUSINESS PART OF THE CITY 'r ,
� EXLTER, oxT. standing an the walk and a mail were When the ice feld connecting it with the X111111111111 of Itisk. . ON NOTRE 3DAME STAE ET
I . I CleMUiUg B, 1101180 roof Of Snow YOU WoUld ot'ler berg should break tip this big lump A certain commercial traveler says that - - I , CONVENIENT TO 11, It. DEPOTS IND STEAMBOIT L.11"DIRS "
� b.. got no more of it than fell upon us. We would be in nowise affected, By noon of the hois ,%,cry particular as to the car he selects. Few things are brought to a successful Electric Cars1lass the I>oor. (I
had to throw the water out with the bailers seventh day Nye h ad transferred ourse Ives to 11 I travel thousands of miles a year," he issue by Impetuous desire, but most by calm 10VIERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT '-r
� A- niz- the berg and erected another shelter, and says, I I and have inade it a rule to ohs rye RATES* 81.50 to $2,00.
JL2-b __' - 1!!t�_ and the allow with our hands or find tile a ,and Pruden t torethought, -[Thuoyd ides. —_ - ---
boat sinking Under us. we were not an hour too soon. The rift in the accounts of railroad accidents which .- __ ____ 11
I �Graarulteeoftha Ontario Veterinary eel 41 1 Vs not so bad as it looks," said Mr. through the contre continued to widcn and cars of the trains are niost often demolished. Bengaline, satin, p0au. de sole and Drag- MO,NTIWAL 0 ,:; OTRADE 0
lege. deepen, and by and by there ,Was The result of my experience- ,�, 0 *'
Davis to its, as the sea, began to got up and h P P -,� 0
OPFIcr-: Cue, Floorefouth offown HiLli. den brocades for bri(feinsid's toilette. 0 I %,
4- —_ ___ - - __ ___� the boat rode easier. 11 The chances trash and the two bergs -were separated. been in a dozen smash -ups-and ob ervation = .
that the squall wfin�t last long. and we f � i; e ,-t COLI 5 - N
are The waves then made short -work of the is that the middle cars are the 88ELle�t I .1. --111. � ...... . --- . - '�' N '% :1 ok,
MONEY TO LOA' N. rings banging to their bases. Before sun- never under any circumstances rid WALh ..4.,9 ,,,
� a in the CA cl> 0 *,
, , , "
-= . - _ �,-- ___ sun comes out again down our majestic berg had no encumbrance, rear car. I avoid tile car next to the baggage- C. ::� a r � I
, =� = $hall find the old barkie in sight when the A" g �,'_J MCARTHUR -
." and was drifting along so steadily that it car, though this is selected by many as the A
MONE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND We felt that we might almost count on RM 2 1! 1-�, & Co. 4? F , ,- ,
Los6ni percent, 826 -GOD Private Funds. Beat that, and yet we were doomed to disap- was hard t6 believe it was afloat. For three safest. The greatest doliger at present in uures 101, W 1P ,'MI�01:;v 0 'r
119 COZIPallisSrepreseated. o nt cut. here wasn't over an hour of days and Bights nothing happened worth railroad trav�'Iing is telescoping. When a 9 � �_ &
" T
L.H DICESON relating, except that we harpooned and as- man has been ma wreck and afterward seen IvVill cure You, is a true statement of FACTORY 0;a "'*O 91 .4
Barrister. F to ldft its when the squall came down, .
. - �_ - =oter. a lig cured two seals as they crawled Upon a ledge the engine of the colliding train halfway � --- � , . . -- - ,#.
. . —, an lien Big t fell the gusts had settled on the snany side of the berg. As tile winas inside of the rear car, or rather what's left the action of AYEWS Sarsapamla, CANADA TRUSS FACTORY I I
SUR TO ILNG. downintoa steady gale. Thesnow-storm when taken for diseases originating in "I ,
I IMR . . � passed away with the puffs and gusts, and were light our craft had no motion of it, it Impresses him most forcibly. Tile ut. 1350. F. afto;s, Prep. . " �
X I -ED W. FARN0011B, then, of course, we looked for the lights of with the current. Or the morning of the baggage car is usually heavily loaded, and impure blood; but, while this assertion Appliances for all kinds of Phy- , .t
the ships. No one was more than temper- fourth day, before daylight had yet come, in the collision its weight, together with is true of AYER'S Sarsaparilla, as sical Deformities. Gral;sl 1A,
PlOvinciad kild Surveyor aud Uivfl Ell- we 0 onr craft, crashed into a berg which had the ponderous engine, generally smashes Improved PaL Artificial r;bs.
arily disappointed that ould not make thousands can attest, it cannot be truth- N, EISITIogdpr -_ I i '01"
G-XW3RX0:R,MI1XC., them out.. We would drive much faster probablygrourided, and bur escape from the next car to splinters, while the ventral fullyapplied to other preparations, which 3l.foro PRICE! CiRM.AnS
Office. V Pstairs.salaweirs Block. Exotenont then the bark or brig if they lay to, and if INSTANT DFSTRUCTIO'Y carsere comparatively uninjured. When . 1U.I.g 712 Craig Street, Montreal t -2-Z .0�
� � - they had to run before it they were miles was miraculous. The south side. or 44 large the train is derailed the baggage car and unprincipled dealers will recommend, --e " &,
. INSURANCE. ahead of us to the south. At about six portion of it, was split off, leaving our hut next coach, as a rule, go over. The road- and try to impose upon you, as "just as RERS
. ' -'----- 7��*� o'clock each man snuggled down to make good as Ayer's." Take Ayer's Sarsa- J. & T. STEPHENS, Wholesale, Beaudry St. 4-
. standing on the very edge of a cliff sixty ads of our great transcontinental lines are
. WATERLOO MUTUAL himself ,as comfortable as possible, and it feet high. We bad to out our way through � solid, each section is so carefully . ex. parilla and Ayer's only, if you need a I If
T"FEIRM INSURANCECO. I was an hour later when The roar of breakers the back wall to escape. Our boat It ined, the rolling stock is so much im- BEHORNING CLIPPERS�
Established In 1863. came to our cars. Every one Instantly went with the ice, and within two hours proved, tb at a broken rail, broken wl -eel or blood -purifier and would be benefited i
UEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. divined that we wero driftiug I the berg heated over on its 'side., This axle and like mishaps are reduced to a permanently. This medicine, for nearly S. S. K13fBALL, �77 Craig ,If,
This Company has been over Tweniv-eigh DOWN 'UPON AN XURBER(l, . movement took place very slowly, and minimum. . I fifty years, bas enjoyed a reputation, MUCILAGE & LIQUID CLUE MAUR. *,:
I years in succe;o8fal operttion in Western brought Ili on the crest of the lump, instead and made a record for cures, that has E. AULD, Prices Bigh�,I_r - 759 Crei,
Ontario,and continues to insure avinst loss a and that we were also perfectly helpless in of being on a shelf near the water. We soon .
v r ,.,
darnate by Fire. Buildings, Kerchandise, the Inatter. To have pulled in that drag had another hut up and our goods inside of Mr. Gladstone at Home - * never been equalled by.other prepara-
I 31anu aotlArie,i and all other descriptioas of would have been fatal. Before the oars it, and the next day we made another tions. Alt�ER'S Sarsaparilla eradicates USTRICH FEATHER MANFR. . �e
insurable property. Intending insurers have . When relieved from the affairs of state- -s.Rf.pa r , 9 3 otre Dame *1
� the cation ofinsurincon. the E reatium NZ or acuiahave been detached and flung out the strange find. .. Mr. Gladstone finds no pleasure so great ej the taint of hereditary scrofula and W,SNOW,Teatho i ed I I N I
I Cash Systern. boat would halle been in the troughofthe Inclosed in that portion of the berg his home life at Hawarden. There his other blood diseases froin the systern,
Durinif the paqt ten years this cornixtily has sea. Perhaps every man was praying to which must lime been !or feet under family are gathered together, and the great SCALE MANUFACTURERS. ; *
issued 5 )7,091 Policies, ofiverins ropertytothe . ty
Aniount of $40,872 039; and Paid% losses alone. his God as the roaring grew nearer and the water before . the collision was a native man romps and plays with his grandchil- and it has, deservedly, _the confidence W. GORDON & CO., 601 Sf. Paul I
r,09,152,00. ghostly glare of the berg came to us through Greenlander, in ffill dress, with a sealing dren as though be never knewwbA it w4s to of the People.
Assets, StT6,100.00, consisting f Cash the darkness. We missed the northwest spear in his hand. We figured that in a STENCILS, �TEEL STAMPS, DIES, ETC. .
in Bank Uoverantant. Depositand the u0cesses- be blamed for everything that went. wrong 1, .1 I
sed Premium Notes on ha,nd and in force corner of the berg by not more that twenty crossing some glacier ,he had pitched for- in all Great Britain and her colonies. Mr. . 4) - ' G. W. DAWSON, ,Sencljor j1rices, 7A9 ral
J.W-1VALnxN1f.D, 'President- 0 It TAVLOP feet, and the sprWy of a breaking wave half ward into'a rift, though when we chopped Gladstone is'n, wonderful scholar, a busy - -_ --- �- I
Secretary , J. B. Ifearips, fri'itiect'Or. CHA3 filled our craft. him out we could not find that he had been writer and speaker, bat the little Gla' stone ---. --- -
SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity d . . I
iured by the fall. His eyes were � open, children know him best as a good, kind � . I .
— We drifted along in sight; of the. great in AYERS Scientific Amerialin. I
, TI- idtlnd Of ice for tell minutes before reaching his lips.slightly parted, and butforhis stif- grandfather who is fond of fun. He, too, &.,% i .
ile Molsons E-J'ank its southern face, and then 9, current drew ness oae would have been inellued to speak would prefer to enjoy their company rather io I N, Agency for I . . . .
; (CHARTERED B Y PA RLIAMEN T, I 856) us into the lee of it, and we knew that Nye to him. We could not gob the spear with- than to be surrounded by England's great arsamparlEla � 11 In I
, .
. I were temporarily saved. Now we got in out knocking off his head, ani so we did men at an all�uight session of Parliame " I cannot forbear to express my joy �
I Paid up Capital nt. D 1111 I
... ... sluoo,000 our drag and pub out the oars, end after not take it, We got his knife and a sort His other recreations are walking, and- I ,
� .. at the relief I have obtained from the . I
I � Ecst Fund ... ... ... 3,ioO,wo rowing to the east for about a mile we found of game bag, however, and also some hau& this is really very funny -chopping down I I 1,
I gas d Office, Montreal, made horn buttons from his clothing, . use. of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. , I was 1, . . . :
, an inlet or bay and ran in and inade fast. . He trees. Mr. Gladstone., is an expert wood. * 'gibl t - � - � . ! .
� - F. WOLFERSTAN TIrO Al AS Moo., This 'bay extended back into the berg a might have been dead one year or 100 years man, and though he doesn't doebroy valu- afflicted with kidney t as for about . 11 � I I I
. . cc would have six months, suffering greratly,with pains - CAVEATS, , ,�
� -
t:, I GP';Y,RAL MAI XAGER. quarber & 9, mile and was about 106 feet in for all We Pallid tell, as the 1 able cherry-tr6es, he goes out with his axe inthesmalloinay back. Inadditionto � TRADE MARKS,
, I width. It was likg a river flov I ving down to reserved the body indefinitely. 'We and takes the keenest pleasure in fellip . -
� Aroner aol.vitnaed I 6 good farmerson thel ' l,g I �
11 . 1. I � . . � note 'with one or more endorser at 7 per irown the sea through great cliffs. We were per. Fleaved it into the sea after a while, and it trees in Hawardon Park. A visitor to the this, my body was covered with pimply DIESION PATENTS,
: � , : ,:. I Per annual. coat. featly sheltered here, atid bythe light of the d1i1saPpextrid from. sight like 9, stone. For . eraptions. The remedies prescribed I COPYRICHTS, etc.s
, . t a castle one, day noticed an axe behind the For Information and:rreo Elandbook write to
.1 ,� I . boat's lantern we made a hearty meal off . eight - clays we moved steadily fail�d to help me. I then belian to take MUIiN & Co-, 8GI BUOADWAT. XZw.)rOBr,.
. I I.. �.. . . Exeter Branch, . . door in the great hall, Where it had been AYER'S Sarsaparilla., and� in A short Oldest bureau for securing patents in Anierlem. .. .
, �.. . . L �pon everylawfulda,y,froinIO a our provisions and than turned in for an all southward with the current, and the weath- Nvery3.atent talcen Out by us is ,�rqxiglot before
.. . -
t, . � , -M-tos D-311 . left by the statesman after one of his choP I the pu 110 by a notice given free 0 charge
� , I � I I I . SAXURDAYS, to a.m. to I 1). in, .' night's sleep, The, weather bad become er continued to grow. milder. At 9 o'clock fune, the pains cea6ed and the pimples � In the I I �i .
. . . . I I l" , freezing cold b I tit all were warmly clad, and on the morning of the ninth day. we sighted ping expedit ons. A curious ornament for ifisappeared. I advise every, young - Q/ ,. r A011ve � 11
: I I . .. .�Urre;nt.xatcs of interest allowed on douosi such a lace, it seems, It may be ,out of vian or woman., in case of sickness �
. .11 I we,hadthe sail oftheboatto cover us In. a sail, made a smoke as a signal, and at coin liment to the boy George Iva Ili resulthig from impure blood, no matter 'T dalfiofl Win I .
I I � N, DYER HURDOX, We could hear the wind howling above us noon were taken off safe And sound by the and his batchof that Cbe " Grand 021'd UX.P Lar . .
how loll standing the case maybe to ,q,est c1roulation,of any sciontilip pqportu the J
wor d. - Splendidly illustrated. .
I Sub-Manazer, and feel the berg tremble as the great wav,e, bri�Fropt King,' bound frorn St. John's; prefers to use an American axe. -[Harpero o 110 r_ , '. jDtP'a1g(!I1t i
� I I , . 6,e W_
�, � flung themselves against the opposite face, N. 1.1 to the Shetland Islands. It was People, take A V i R'S Sarsaparilla- "- H. L. Y., Inan. shotild be witho t it W' ,.
---., - � a Young . I
� . Ynan- , 33 William st., New York City. I- KiN &, Co.,, . I
, I . . light without a year before we heard from . � . I .%; $1.60 81- nlouths!i Aad,o,g " *3 0 0 1�
but every man slept till Uy - the two what. . t � Llsuria% 863L Broadway, Now Ork I
-IWAKER'S � . .1 � . city,.
11 .1 . ,�. READ 6 break. Ihavec , alled , tbemmsoficeaniceborg, Ing ships. Both were sadly knocked about I — � _ I I
I . W30.1�L93%p h Perhaps"ic island "-would be& better te'rn-A .1 the furious gale, but both weathered it, The college endowments ofMassachusetts . . I �13_111-p" : �
1 0 ,
� I ,
I BWER Fas To ca $ATISFA07ION5 ,or it, ,,when we came to inspect it by da,�_ and so It came abotib that the loss of a the arnountio,510,650,000; and the value if W '111 Cure Y6 )U h I ,OF AJ '7yj E X. L'I T E R . ; ". I
. � � light we found it to:be over a mile long on yawl was the oil ly one sustained,, tbro gh- college grounds and buildings in that State 1� . - . " _� I
I � I '�Utt"h edveiture. i� 65iol& , I , . �1, R -ME 8
I I � 7 IFOU A-411I.F. BY ALL OF-AZARDA each face, It was as if two berga had stood Ole ,000. - � , I . _J , 1.
I I I , , . I I I I Prepared by Dr J. C. Ayer 8" Co., Lowcll,'�Anft ,I
. I I . .
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