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The Exeter Times, 1893-2-23, Page 5
1. ITM: n wr #a when a, grain of wheat is cast into thl ground it must die before it can live, an( out of that death springs life ; here is i mystery in a wheat grain, before whiel science, "Investigator" and ,materialien are dumb. A little further on he asserts that the Di and the bible did not agree reRarding thl time of creation. The Dr, did couteuc that six days were epochs of time an( . showed how that contention harmonizes with the bible and science, 'and "In vestigator" cannot prove to 'the contrary Assertions; when eminating from Investi. gator, are worth nothing, without proof - neither does his "either one or the other ft wrong,or both, which?" business amount t( anything unless as it assists any intelligenl man to sum him up, without much inves• tigation. He save Dr. Sexton stated that mau. had inhabited the earth for probably 18000 years. Dr. ,Seinen stated nothing of'the kind. The chronology which the bible supplies is of itself fragmentary, it was completed,. so to speak, by Arch. Bishop Usher, and has been considered by Biblical scholars as approximately correct, hence it is not an inspired chronology #or this reason, If Investigator thinks he or , A schoolboy can figure it up, just let film A, , try i0 lee would find that it involves more that. A matter of figures. Ile states that ?' most.ecientists place man on the earth at i least 150,000 years. Most scientis's do ? nothing of the kind, But supposing it were true that man has inhabited the T earth for 150,000, then what has the evol- se ution business been doing with those south sea islanders who are on a leyei with ' the monkey, and how many thousands or I millions of years will evolution require to develop them into normal manhood. Per. haps, however, theirs is a case of ro.evol- -t ration, t, He winds up his.letter by stating that c' . >< organic evolution ling been forced f, * on unwilling millions of men, NV here are these millions of men ? Perhaps in the ,, south sea islands, or perhaps in Africa. If i hopping among the trees.. I suppose they 4 haye bceu driven into organic evolution by ' such literature as Investigator's battery )411 4 evolves. What lie means to intimate is ! that the Bible and Christianity must go s before evolution. Here he is wrong, the 'r a bible will not go ; the grand old book Z will remain, will be read, studied, priced, admired and defended successfully in the > It future as in the past. I will take- the i' 1 liberty of painting out two or three things 4 which science nor materialism cannot A " explain .r 3 Deeb in every man's breast is planted that which warns him to refrain from chat r which lie believes or knows to be wrong, e= 4 and upbraids him for wrong -doing and commends him for doiur right -called conscience. What is it, wiy there, who 1t ' ,I place+d it there ? Can science or ma. 1 0 terialism answer this ? The question of destiny and futurity presses itself on every 'i ' responsible man (Investigator included) to i return again and again, no spatter how un- welcome. Ashy is this? Mari is a religious r being. Can science explain this ? It t � was never known that a Christian regret- ir t ted his Christianity when death knocked at his chamber door. Can science ox - 1 'i plain this ? Can science or mater- ialiani explain ideal. Christian manhood ` and the operation of those reflex, subtle and inexplicihla inftueuces of Una Chris, tianity upon man which plants deep down in life bosom that inner consciousness and r1` firm belief in immortality, and imparts to 11 1 him a tangible realization of the existence S Of (nod, and opens to his view a possible grand, glorious and eternal destiny ? The truth ,of this has been attested to, one It may truthfully assert, by millions of man, among wham ]save ranked many of the < greatest set tista, philosophers, scholars 1 x and poe,` h© world has ever known, such t names as'Galileo, Kepler, Hershel, New- A ton, Looho, Reid, Hamilton, Bacon, Me. s, Cosh, Miller, Alexander, Agassiz, wen, ¢ O x A Chancer, 1llilton, Southey, Addison, Wandsworth, Cowper, Hingsley, Rawlia-', 4' a son, Allen, Proctor, Caird, Matheson, I Geikie, etc., etc„ ;and in our own country Nilson, Dawson, etc.; yet all these grand y" 1P and great men were wrong, the bible wrong, Christianity wrong, Sexton wrong, the universe wrong, trod wrong, and ± r everything wrong, excepting Investigator, 41, * who is right, because he says he is right. NOW, Ur. Editor, is it right thLt one man should commit a nuisance on his 0 I t neighbor through the inedinrii of a public • newspaper; we live in a Chriatian country t` and in a Christian community. I wish my 4 k family brought up under Christian influ- ,If s ences. I pay for my paper, as well as 1 Investigator, nor do I use the paper to A thrust my religious convictions or views on + } any man. Now, why should Investigator t It use the newspaper to thrust bis offensive S materialism. or destructive infidelity, in my face and compel me to introduce such V reading into my family ? It appears to me that Investigator has neither used Dr. •' Sexton, nor yet a share of; the general V 1 public, with much consideration in this `" ; A matter. INVESTIGATOR No. `L. "iR The above was intended for last week. ` 2 Answer to Enquirer. r I • To the Editor of the Rxeter Times. DEArI.Slip.—i noticed in your issue of 2 the 9th iast„ a communication from a s member seeking iuformationin regard to matters pe,taining to the Agricultural Society. ,I would just say for the inform 11 k ation of "A inernber" that all the question& ,y he asks were naked and answered Batia- faetorily at, the anneal meeting of the Society and if a inember was not there his absence does not speak well Or his interest in the society. If the member had signed his name to his communication, I would notify him to attend the next meeting of the director+ and they will answer all his questions, and perhaps"A member" may be alilo to give us some instructions how to run an Agricultural Society. J. DrrARiDeE,, President. ►Hy 3 EDITOR ExETn Tua,s—� 1ri•iar- Sir. -1n your intro of the 3rd inst there waa an articI6 advocating the abolition of the Ward;System in„the 'township of Usborne: The writer -if said article gave some very important reasons why it,woul-1 be bene- ficial to make theyohange, to which might be added the 'fact that our Councillors. judging from the', way the expenditure of tha tiapayers money is conducted, seem: to have adapted the idea that their inter este are aeslliered;in their several Wards, d the general an e g r 1 good of rho Township list eight of. Fpr example; if a Councilicr has �roade in. haw ward which cannot be kept to a panemble condition by the statute labor, he of naeeeaity "ale compelled to stave some money granted to get hid roadin a press able c-nrdition, but before L.,lie can , at. tali hili obja,ct he rAtfii 'asnotion - the • ex pettdigo if an equal amount in each ward• pf the° 4"cr v,III Ins'hip which viiia be wll right:• Dilnard'd Lint ,Z,ds cured` C 4,rKot in ou r - . . , 6ilstltttikti Mdlt�ts'A r' , ,uWPM.1 11 . ' -€ : ;+t,. M K., . 11 - ... 11 ,y _ .. ., �1�ufke Exeter, Feb.1K.18.93, I I ; .1 I. . �.TH EiIN6 I ail wheat porl)ush. ;. $ GG $ GG r. I i 1. S rIa Wbe t p lr R Por hush 58 62 + Berley Por bush,.,.. 30 M Oats Per bush 30 31 ' p y' Yeas Per hash. ,. 63 55, r .' 11 ..Peo le of khe present da are irn Flourperbbl.,,...:. ..,....... 4 00 ®4 20 ; is search of bargains, especially APO- Per ................... 75 +35 = T �i 11 x - Potatoes Per bag ........... -1 00 100. heads of families, where demands flay or ton .t. ........,,......:.. B 00 7, 00 are incessant and money to be Vopdpercorabard............... 300 iso - nercord soft;___.__200 200 spent so as to escarp as much as Buttorporlb 17 ll) OURS Cr 11-11 11.11.- . ... n` possible for ill' COIrltOrt and sus- Eggs Perdoren ..... 19 20 J lJ .Ll+ 1,7 p Pork perbundred... .... ,..... 800 8 215 G 4 \ tenance of those depending. .-._.� �__�,_ — l�� � ✓ �` For some time past we have JOB's ENDURA.ti .—A man may bear ' V :� �.-�--- kept a bargain counter, and as up Patiently for hours nudes trials of OT v e � every retail store will ..have some physical endurance, but wben prolonged (i } to years, we cry out. But why should we fabrics left on hand, either to short Buffer thus ? There is a sure and prompt ' lengths or in patterns that have not cure. Bethany, Mo., U. S. A , Aug. 401, Mrs. Marr,/ E. O�Fallon t•alien well, these goods are f re- 1866. "I suffered for years with neuralgia of Piqua, C., says the Pity- quently the vest wearing. but was finally oared by the use of bit. sicians are Astonisited, Jacobs Oil." T. B. SnEnEn. �TTR TC L STOOK, VL ' and, look at tier lice one We offer this week :— ' 51 y(3a per all -wool Dress Goode, coat 21c, NOTICE. But a large and wall -selected Stock of Bright Raked from the Dead for yards per yard. t.h p� a I1�+ �Te43i �aQOf 39 yards of Costume Cloth, tvf(lth 20 in Thereby forbid all wit ou a wri erodit to r Which We are selling below So-called Bankrupt anyone in my name, without a written order, casting 12je., for 9c. as I will not be responsible for acy debts so Long and Terrible Illness 14 yds all -wool blue and red plaid, 23 eontraotod• prices. An illspectiall of the from Blood Poisoning inches wide, coating 20je, for lac. Elimville,Jan. 26,18'9, WX.8LFAXO;c, Stock and a com- _ g 28 ydafamall check, excellent goods,--"-- orison of prices will tell the tale.. �e carry eVer��rll'iTl� costing 19.ic for 15c., 25 inch wide. 7-1j OR SALE OR RENT, p l CoaapleteL� Cured LJ HoocZta In Alen's wear, consisting of Under- ,l in the 'Hardware line ---light and heavy, Sarsapartl1a. shuts and Drawers and Top Shirts, wools A (food Biackamith & CarriaxaShon with or 71`1`8. Mary r, O'Fallolu, a very Intelligent and unions, without a Dwollinc }louse, This is a rare chance as it is an old establisbed business and lady of I`inua, Ohio, was polsoned tvhlle as- Also I pair only Mena long Felt boots, been doing a gor+d b,tsiness for the past thirty OB LFADICr FOLL.&MTD , slating phys)ci ins at an autopsy 5 years ago, half foxed No. 9. 1 pair only Boy's long Years. Apply at once to Mid ^eon eerrible, ulcers broke out on her SAMUEL FORD, A_.__ _..,_.:. .�w ..:._ _ ., -. m _�. � ,_-. ,..... _ __ Felt boots half -foxed, No 4. 2 pass only Woodham.Ont head, ut, tongue and 01C throat. Her haft all Men's buokled Felt foxed, No, 7 and 8. Rsbeooa Wilkinson, of Br ownsval.l(T, Ind conte out, Sha weighed la t lbs., e a saw 2 pairs only Men's Gaiter Felt foxed No S. r _ says :—"I have been Ina distressed ;coudi. i y . 3 it(r prospect of help. At last she began toOiEv�i HELP �(tiie tion for three vears from. Nervousness t::La Tion(l',s Snrsnparflla and at ouao Ila- These few air's will be sold at ' p Weakness of the stomach, Dyspepsia and proved could -soon get out of bea ana wank, such pricRs that you will do well to PAX NO mortra'MONRY TO QVACKS, Indigestion until my health was gone, I it r i, `' 1 because perfectly cured by r ,L' URI I y URE M ,�.,i«t�; R come early and see khemr A sufferer from Errors of Youth, NorvousDe. bad been doctoring constantly with no re-' � I,n, 9Sarsaparillabili! and Lost"Vigor, was roatored to health in lief. I bought one bottle of Sonth Amer!- - s od c X. F. ���R�� such n, remarkable manner, after at also bad eau Nervine; ivbiah dono tuo more goua l ��+8 n l ain uoty a wall w•nlnan. I weigh 128 lbs., FREE failed, that ho wilt sofa the moons of auto FREE to all follow sutfercri, Address, with than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did 1 �::t w(.li olid do tile tvorlk for a largo family. etnirp, in my life. I would adcisn every tvealkly� 1115' cem tseems ;I wonderful rocovnry and - AIR. PD WARD bfARTI:T (TEACH¢n) personto use this valuable and lovely rom. ,� �y physi Litz look at 'no in astont+hment• as English. Spavin. Liniment removes all • Box )43, Detroit. Miob. edy, Atrial bottle tvfll convince 3 ou. S u hM : tl ase ©ne raised from trete dend,9� hard soft are calloused lamps and blemishes i I -e * P Sold by O. Lutz, Druggist, I HOOD'S DILLS should be fn every fame from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, 1AR11'I FOR SALE. --+ -- y , The contract for the srection of another l Taoutcine chest. once used, always pretested, fling Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, ,: set, Sore The undersigned offers forsale lot 11, cin. 11, bridge across Red River will be let in a clay i -s:'( lydorat promptly attended to. and Swollen Throat, QoughR,; sot, Sava Stephen. It is all under cultivation and in or two, and it will ever $60,000. 1 •----•------"--•--- — -- 050 by use of one bottlQ. Narrauted th a fr ret-olass condition, being clay loam ; &rat• -- ._„- , All .�:miunts ittust• 1'ro settled at once. most wonderfnl Blemish Cure everko a wn. class brick dwelling, barns and stable ; well fdiirerd s Linirirwi is 4he Ii'afr liaetoror. provided the conditions ware alike, but we Warranted by C. Lasa fonoed and drained, and good'young orchard. __ .. _ , ! find that the wards on ilia west aide w harp Perm,z easel•. Vor particulars apply to CALL '�""� - '-^ ; The � � le ,■ the greatest amount of travel is have not Ili my Eirnsn, or o r ItARD WILLIAMS, '� + L .�_1 _l l got the gravel so conveniently located RHEUb1ATIS\I (CURED IN A,.DAT.- Crcditou. f 3m Proprietor, i FLOUR through them as they nre on the east, and South America Rheumatic Onto for Rheu- ""�""'-' " '-'p`•`""'" `" m ` - ,1,P `1'lll. 1 conacquently cannot Ltt:p up the roads matism and Neuralgia radically aures inl to I' t1R i FOR b&L & FEED with the same amount of labour, never- 3 days. Its action upon the system is ll' thcloss we find that of late years there has remarkable and mPALACE STORE.vstorlous. It removes The underaignod.havine signified ppq been liners money laid out on the at once the cause and the disease immediat- ion to retire from farm life,willofforhia splend GROCERY, 1 rya keep on hatred the largest atpolc of East than on the Westwards- By referring ely disappears- The first dose greatly con,I in aha farm for of Laborno,oaondon Road ]Flour an:l Food in town. back !o the Auditors' and 'Treasurer's re- benefits. 75 oeute. Warranted by county of Huron. The land is all cleared, twn ..kelt Ports we find that in the lizards where the 0. Lutz, Druggist, ang, 14, splendid fruit-boaring orchards; windmill and �% /� + ,/ p gravel pits are nearly as numerous as the Plenty of good water, ,be fonoes are in first- GtI(,itmll +Rl'11.ti " ur 81 • - 5 Flour�• P'i�i dS All, I class condition, on the promises are a brick FRUITS, r pathmasters, there has boon nearly one o cottago and kitchent ;two largo banner barns ; 00NFE(�1Tlt yr,,1,,'R Any quantity of Bran and Shorts a' hundred dollars per annum more expended HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT' 1 )corse stable,54x2r; driving stied. '1hfs is a ' :bill rfaos. Farmers will 'Glia it til 3hef than in any of the others. Now tvo would PICTURE. ocationais a Road in Hein Imile from Exotae Oi,�Tl�ItS, 11,1Di)lEs,; ^ adrantaga to call and inspect our stool suggest that some one draw a petition and "Sunlight" whore there is one of the bast marlrots in Ont, F1'XL,' TOBACCO and {ill AR8. l boforo going elsewhere, Sand 25 Sunlight' Soap wrappers (the � g have it sent around for the signatures of It will bosold ata remonablo figure. For large wrapper) to Lovas Bros., Ltd.,',43 further partiouIam apply to Highest prises paid fist nate, the ratepayers, a majority of whom will est a ., picture, free from l reeet y • r -,- 5' F O.Ont. G. A. 11yNim,& t, A:I. VI -i( E"XT, g P ) make a fine,] decision, Scott pr Toronto and you will vectis b Annr. 1irALPEa IInY P. 15' R. S. RICHARUSON g -. —M l.iitita ere. 1 ruprietor, : Feb, 15, 1893. RAxErAit:n, P pretty P 5 Opposite Town Hall. ALA.yAwat. and well worth framing. This is an easy , .�_- ,��_,-�••„-•-- - �t� wayto decorate your home. The asap is I�tiIINISTI�e'�TORS' xfUTICE i , -, -, I thbest in the market, and it will only ATO CREDIrOIts. A. HASTIN S, BARB�EB, 1 In �g� SAVED byBuy- EDITOR or xiiE Thins -Dear Sir: --1 cost to postage to send in the wrappers, f f In the matter of the estate of Dana 11nnd- J oneI ing at cur noticed in last week's issue of the Tzau•:s you leave Ilio suds open, Write year a 1- ford,latoof the village of Exoter Blacksmith, FANSOYS BLOCK, METER. PLANING MILL �' Pursuant to R. i O• Chap. lib 8eors 36 And LUMBER YARD what purports to be an abstract statement dress carefully. notice is hereby gluon that all Creditors and As you. piss by on «to .l[ain sheat of the receipts and expenditures of the persons havingclaims against the estate of dust for a moment stop. jai School Board of the village of Exeter for '— ,- the late isaac 11andford who died on or about And have your hafrandwhiskorsitrimmed We keep the required to At lfasting's Barber shop, oil kinds consDr[srstocksednr of the year I892. I eery at a glance that some People troubled with sink and. nervone sii kinds of building materials. Dreeeednrun- y p head•aohes will find n moat of7xoaeious deliver of son,] by post prepafd'to tbo under- We are the lightning barboraA dressed pine and hemlock lumber,also a choice ver important items in this statement signed Solioitor or James and Than Ilan dford, stookof So.1 rine lath, are vague and obscure; and in another remedy in Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They the administrators of the estate of the said do- 11,01111 Ve do our work with korai erten ceased on or before the 1•,th day;nf �lfaroh A, We always keen our raaera Our stook of doors, sash, blinds, mould(ngs, particular it is sadly deficient, and con• strengthen the atomacb, ' stimulate the I And shears in good repair. &e. is complete and thoroualy kiln dried. sequently not oil worthless but also mis- liver, restore healthy notion to the digoa- D. 1893 astatemnnt in writing containing their g i We ofror forsalo1,30o.000XXand XXX PINE q y y names,addresses, and disoriptions with full We hive the very finest styles ot'.iohairs. and CEDAR SHINGLES manufactured by the leading.I consider that the financial liveorgana, and thus afford speedy an par tfeu]are of their claims and aconunIs with. 11'o keep our towels clean• best makersin Ontario, standig of the Board should be presented permanent relief. vanohora(if any)verefied Statutory declaration, Wo shampoo in the best of syle Tanks and cisterna, all aliapes and sises.mada the natnro,ofthe seeurities(ifany)holdbythem And use the easy hair machine. ti order tit lowostprices. Wo havesomathlu: to the public in a systematic, simple and afterwbiob date the said administrators will nowin thin line for watwing cattle in ibe stable intelligible manner, and not so mystified, ----,--. ____ distribute too assets of thalsaid decoasod a- Some barbara work an slowly, , or baroyflxd. as this has been, that I defy, even an exrert PRoaxxaa. thong rho parties entitled theroaf, hav(nc re- But thin le aur text: Call and zoo our celebrated Bakinlr Cabin. card only to those claims of which tbov shall We do not Reap you waiting, accountant, with no ulterior imformation It is very* important in the age of vast have notice• and the said administrators will Your turn is always "next." kvery woman using them rceommends tlam on the matter, to decipher its meaning, or material ro oss that a remed be pleasing not be liable forltbesaidassoteor:anrpartthoro hiabiy. to arrive at even a reasonable a rozim• P B> y p g of to env person of whose claims notion shell As for the ladies and children, I Turning, band,sorollsawinr, and all kinds of PP to the taste and to the eye, 0%sily token net bare been received os them at too lima of We do their work tip-top; 1 machine work promptly attended to. ation of the financial status of the Exeter acceptable to the stomach end health �Vo shingle tbnir hair and trim their bauga 1t will be ' o your interest a "amine nor School Board rat the close of the year 1892, p yin such statobmust All nnrtme indented to ��^ j stock beforerpurahxeing elsewhere. y Its nature and. effects. Possessing these saidEetRto mint pay the amount rat choir At IInstiag s Barbar shoo, l Being aware that the trustee Board are indeptednoss to the underaigned without fur- -- perfeot qualities, Syrup of liiga is the one ther notice. L. If. UICIiSO.T. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street. reqnired, by law, to publish at the end of laxative and moat gentle diuretic xnowa. Solicitor for administrators. A11GAINS each year the Auditors' Report a the fin- — e Dated, 8th Fav y,1893 --- yeaancr, as one if t of the Tontors of la for that rY-three Points! year, I ae ono of the Auditors of last 1VIIEx Ix DEaPSIa, 1 accounts, have for some time been expect. 1Vfien in dir n[ bi ing to see this report xublished; and if I espaeng oared of hs tg D IN am right in presuming that this statement troubles, there its still a hope ands strong N -- aoutaining importaut'omiseions, and to the hope of perfect cure in Dr. Wood's Norway HARNESR, TRUNKS, VALISES, l uninitiated meaningless obsenrttiee, is in.- Pine Syrup. This medicine cures even t tended to represent the Auditors' report after all others have failed, and no one s 0 0 NVIIIPS, RUGS, j1300TS, 1 NOTE WELL. then I beg to repudiate ft as not being in suffering from coughs, colds, asthma, brcn- (! SHOES F4i?IiI3ERS I accordance with the Audit which my as, chitin, hoarseness, need despair of while �I a o ■ i , soeinto Auditor and myself rendered. I do Norway Pine Syrup is obtainable. ETC,Experi"ence tti e have lead the not know who is responsible for the pub- t AT i espenienee that at - Application painless and easy, relief immedI / tentibusiness, close prises and lication of the statement with whtoh we _ _ ate. This preparation fills a great and long Felt J T �/] were edified last week; but 1 treat that the Notice: wantamong those who suffer from Piles. It is ��� f rebl a s, Main ll S on to proper fits, are the main factors in our school trustees will without further delay Snell Bros., having bought out the firm nremedy of the highest merit—effective and business. reliablo—and has more than met the antioipa• favor the ratepa. ers of Exeter with a re- of Snell Bros. & Co., all persons indebted tions of those physicians who have used it in NOTE A, FEW PRICES : p port containing an epitome of all the prin to the late firm are respectfully requested their practice. Pitekoao is a Sure Caro { roim,ot�tlade. with this ever eipal items of receipts and expenditures, to ettle at once as the business of the when otber remedies fail to relieve, Testim- Half Fox, Felt Boot, Grain, 42.00 redeeming feat - beginning with the balance on band on ' onisle furnished. Price $1. For sale by drue- etre imprinted deeply g g late firm must be wound up immediately• og is or by mail on reacipt of price.: Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.25 P p y on our motto, the Jaunary•lat 1892, and oloaing with th e Sy z S 5'I £sotur'n Cheiii t i4s Alen's Rubbers 0 50 have won the patronage of the many balance on hand Deeesnber,31st 1892 -The r. Lon s gnu i g as , Dundas Bt,. London, Ont. former balance is gfyen by our sage official enveloped in such a dense fog that I have DIED. e failed to find one person who has bean able to determsne whet it rQpreseats; RIFFE—In Blanshard on the 10th inet r1sh,10W11si7lol and the fourth item in the receipts isa Samuel Radcliffe, aged 65 years, 3 nice.ADCL ,clearly equally mysterious; and the balance which d IS days should appear at the end ofthe year WooD-In Blanshard, on the ..12th inst., imm amounting to $2134.14 along ,with the William Wood aged 57 years, 4 months insxgnificautsum of $2,500 which is the and 4 days. H totalhmount :of taxes received from the DAvis-In Blanshard on the I4ib inst., I1 Municipal Council for the year, has beiln Mary Wright wife of John L. Davis aged entirely ignores. My culy excuse Mr 32 years and 10 months. r� V y Editor for troubling you, is to carry, out Mormay.-In Usborne, near Whalen on . one of the fixed aims of my life; and that 14th inet. Margaret -Ellen, wife of � IO is to assist in brushing away the fog and Francis Morley, aged 33 years, 9 mail, T t r s I cobwebs of error, in order that facts and 27 Clays, " j `T C� truth may be revealed ' THoR. GREOURY. "C' l� ,�11111111 ry\ 1 �l BUcitWnra(T STatw Foa FODDER. \ , a� C \) Not many of our broe,lers have much in Buckwheat Special ^n � t _* 9".. I'�•tI; r- V �-Ei ri'!'�A . w confidence straw as a food �1 ✓ i„ y, F ,5 z i %1 riff for prise animals- Yet many boasts would thrive well on buckwheat straw and what , / f ifl��dlSl r,? .� 1fit tro 1n, they can pink up on Etie barn yard, if gfvan i•, ,3 ,H f l .,.l (?�,xr�4FJ'P Dxcx'e Blood purifier, because it gives good health Cheap Sale , 4 f aj.,' i'I`,ol .tTy - � � M1 , �, L appetite, good digoetion, Try C' r �r,f ft�F'"i[,tMo I i f5H'f t a box on your horse which to not thriving. l -:l tZi Itch Mange and Scratchei of every kind �? '1' y �+ P t C"1 cf10 1 IwJ on hninau or.anlmal,tcured in 30 ininates I ��. +)r 1 1'! by Woolford's Sanitary Lntion. • This never by O� ~ w4 1'"i Urs tflila. Warranted C. LUT7: I �_._ ,I f I: J 1 TlY?d' > � i1<Yb 0 r B,%.iMoRALt BtiLLuTt,i —Sirs—l: had a - trocbl.esome oold which nothing would re - - Have until ]tried l3ag,yaeaa l'ectornl,:13u1• UY'111 U Y'E; a T49' BBST YET i Bain, and I am glad to" say that it complete- t t l5' cured me. TSE G:HEAPEST YET NOT A PARTiewt. —A feature worth no tieing in regard to Burdock Blood Bitters I TEE BIG G Fj ST YET t is that it does not contain one particle of It. , a� , .--- poisonous ntattsk: cissa and cures . quickly without the nye of any IDjarious lie B. B. ars a nref vegetable ingredients, I3 P yI i ]lest Wered Clothing produced in Exeter g l' specific for Ayspepata, constipation, , bail G,antlemen 1 IRave, your orders early, for blood,, headache, bitiansness and all disoaaea of the stomach; bowels ` and blood. ? Y G idle q '.', 'witb the best staffof Tailors ; the best Trimmin and the beat ,liver, ThStrWord 136%M of 119oike ". has da• . stook of Fine s Cut iu ill Town. tiregsurA ,)f mtisfea• fi g Itded- o its ' sib :r, -a a .:,. t v •r' flue n at m o ,.0 cans e e Y ' ODDFELL' UVo'� tiLUCK, ,e ; " tt a Dims he sa laves >• .,. Js SN�sLrTJe k N /� �; ..11, .., ...., .. ,:. 1. ,. :�,:..., ..ir , �l- t •4 Y iky 7" !i Women's Rubbers, 080 whom despise those too -often -resorted Misses' Rubbers, 0.25to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what should Skilled Workmen are employed to ,r Have been don�er this. manufacture the goods, and the best of 1 sa tl$ fa c C o This is a ni( material is used. . lookingword,bt: Prompt attention given to all kinds'of to carry out its meaning is difficult to repairing. My Stock is well assorted 1 some. We glory in word and the way and every,customer is guaranteed satfs- it is oxemplified in our shop. We guar. faction. The Prices mean a sale every I anteo satisfaction every time in all res - time. Call, be convinced. � pests. JOHN T1tUDL'E, - Exeter. I If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair IDO � V i h pants, give us a call and be convinced :hat what we have said is true. DD you want a W. JO �' PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEISING i MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- f CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? I 1m a oup 680,00 . , 0 .1) "I HAVE YOU BEEN TO Uc l! DO P 11 P . I '. � .414 S STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. ALL MADE OF"^a,/THF EESI & 0'rs, - STE_L AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR MANUFAOTUR@O OY I lear1n s Sale 'lie Geed Bicycle Gem fly," r ( - If not get there as soon us possible. R4,-A11f7T0R,0, MIT. Several lines sold out already. A Int of rly a rin coda to han(1 r: elrtd Iraaas Catalogue!" g g Tf you do, the place to get the innst reliable ,muds at a modern priceis at PERKINS Sc This Week, INIARTIN'S, dealor? in 1#loaioal Inptruments, l Sewing hfachine supplies. etc. We have sold our store and business r.. and ' will' continue our clearing sale all i g All kinds of farm implements Bold on * marthrough the month of Maroh. W gin over cost, ' Agents for the celebrated Chat l to reduce our stock one half. we need ham wagon. not tell y on what that means. PERB-INS & MARTIN, Come and ties. F'anson's Bieck. DOUPH & CO. d I., 1 aa I .., ' i I