HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-23, Page 3­ I ,, - PiMRNP7,rW'5�1' nf�` 1��11;�`�� 9��4�t�_ ,,, " � ­,� I I .- � I 7 �, I I -:� .: 311�,F z r . . ; 4_yl�* 1 1 , , I .1 , . 9 W11 Vo I I ,III "I * " t4i I'- , I I , � 1, � , I I 1, , I �, , I I "­, I I � I - , �, . I . I I I :1 I I .1 I �1. I , : I ''I I , " , . I 1 _- ", � . I .1 I I I I .., I I I I I I � . I I I I - . 1.1- I -M I I I '', ,� , � 1� " I . , �', , : I I I I � I I , I .11 . I . 11 . I I 11 I � . I : -1 . � � , " , I 1 �� � 1, I , , I I � I I I I I I o �� A", I WV . I , I � I I � : I I I . � - -_ � I '.. �,'t�_,:. .1 . - , I I . I � � I . I . '. I , I � � ­�_." I ____W_,!�� :, , _ I � , I � I I I . �. I -_ '! - - !!___ , , . I 1. I I � I I I ­ t_� � � I I . I i .1111. I I . I I ___ I � -!!!— - __�_77�___­__ __ : , � I., , � ", I : �, I.. , I . : I � , I � . I 1, MMUNWAWWWA� !!!!�;�4­ 11 11 1___-___ — I -I �_! __1 , 71 , I � . . . I I . . �. I 1-1 I I I I I � . � I . I I I 11 I - _,___._�� 1. . I I I 1� been ha tile I � I I .y I s I , I . I —11 I 1-11, 1. .1. I ­ I.- . �__ ,. ... - - - pgolQu&,cd, 1%, quietness m,4 hall ­' .1 " . I r I - � ewhat, excited nie, and Z Amma UTH - RICAN � 1p� I � I . . - I I lerice -Uys P9116t, had Boni IM w GREAT SO I I I ,�� . I L I I tlae immediate arrival of this Strange man � I 1. .. . I I.! A Remarkable ,;*iental Exper a added to tile disturbed feelings Nirldoh filled I 'I . , I � I . = 0 1 1 � I --- , , me� . 11 I . , I I . I . I rose iintsutly to welcome him, end ap- M M I I 11 � . I I - V� .',t�� A,J 4,111, 1 A Tituu�i,!,&Q &ropty ov Camusn Tar,-�,CHEMY, ptoa�hed hilki with outstretchedhand,with I I r i �, � � � .11, 1i � ­­­­ .. I ­_ , — I I I I . ...... I thesingle word, as I did so . 11 ", I , , , , , , ,� ., , 11 V=1L IW IN& M 0 Aft, " " M ON �= �u 1. A f, � Carter, (a type of the lowest Caste of the 11 Chili-ohiwws?" . I NE " 0111 . I 0 I4-" f, , '. . � CHAPTN R 71L Chinese race) would be il I ally way URef a[ lie bowed ill Answer, and took my )land V I I 11 I i 1 9,.-. �2 � i ext,reinety 0, Clasp, the firill, ,%varrittli of which caule 11 E fi 11 , Tkuh4n, Ofqt ,TJt7y,_WlIiCh of tile two its a prisoioer. 8o it seems to 100- I I likely - - � 11 �'. , "p- either t1lat tile man bag been liber as - 44 ill arrive first -the Chinese guide, for vise to me, for I di,1 nc,t at once � 5 I Nll� � A IV who still keep his ra=r that lie had been all exile for aev- —AN I � whose return I wait in Tientsin, Or this ated by big Captors, I .1 I . , , a ? ,riverytbing seems to nulAter in coufne, -lion he . � - I Man, Chin,chin-w ment, or that lie has been enteell years, aull that before t , bad ' V 0 �� . 1. I— I'�� ­ ollspire to hinder my progress, I &in, in, killod ; and as the Carter would not be the beelt a, 04tuainail, so that be harl forgotten BY SKELIA1. R APP. I TKU 0 at my goal than I ww; a sort of creature, to Convey information to the flimsy way in which we Englishmen *f -1 -_ o I . .—= reality, no near, Lintance, pahn to palm. I I - . month ago, so far as I.Com see. I have Mr- any one as to what had haPP011ed 26MG time give, on a fivs� acqu-, Stomachil'I.Liver Cure . � . rived -,it a stage of mind bordering uRoa de' before, I Conjecture that:there is the prob- But it strucli� me then that the gri,sp . r � There's AN othing Spam Absurd, as it may Seems I hail Mile ability that he may be still living 0011'e- meant truth und tivalness, and I call see The Most Astonisbing Nedical Mkovery of � . . tO -place my hopes in the acceptance of the where in the interior of China-tbilt is to now it must tile more have done so, in that I I � the Last One Hundred Years. I I � . Ask Like It, terms which Dicey is* by my wish, to Pilr, say, it he returned to Ilia being- � . no �lamotjoti of the hearb,'Was concealed in the . grI * , before the exile, � . lint .,y conjectures are but wild, upDU hand -clasp of tile inan -who had not 9,v,e; It Is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. - , I � . . 1 34#1 Aft i� I In a word, I have arrived at such a Stags this &lid other matters relative to my search. hand to a fellow-mano for many, it 10 Safe and Harinless as the Purest NilIt. � , a# U X of low gpjrited�`,'�js, owing to the delays Only I think I Am in the right lit eudea­or- years. .1 I* thrust upon me,���*t I seem to look to the I ing � if I find - This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been inti-ofluced I . I , ,Cjrace ,Ila oarler,,who level, , I � iv L I li arrival of'Chin-cliVal-wa, in Tieut.94i as the him), may still,alaa 1, prove to lia,ve forget- CHAPTER VIIL into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great i ght which breaks upon tile darkness tell all that has occurred, South American Wervine Tonic, and yet its great valge as a cr,7ative I I I I Only " thoughts, I Can do nothing more ;, I call not %ocoulitfor tile malt's digappear- I AM myself moderately tall; but Chin- I . regret that I did not write ay I I)avo al- Chin. wil, litill in. the printo of bis life, " agent has long been known by a few of the most learned p1tysit-itansr'. of MY more aucto in toto except in the w ippear� tZ, I I Yet I -lit its merits and -value to the knowledge of t1la strongly to Shan ghaj, that I did act take. ready done-inaprisonment f0vll, season, all to tower above me, and his bread th indi. who have not broug SOAP the matter more serionsiv-that I did not And than liberted or IdUed , Whioll was it, cated a great strength which, I bave never general public. I urge upon my friends th;t imuiladiate, action f wonder? Tile former I trust. seen so Clearly stamped upon the figlaro. This medic iue has completely solved the problem of the cure of 1.,111111;_ only could satisfy me. I forges a very lengthy search And a pro- His face Seemed to speak the sa,tne, but . IT DOES AWky %VITH ' ago I look- 1, to ,��peak %ISO of a Strength that ,was as gestiou, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. t is , � . I . it is Curious tivat but five (lays uged stay ill the city of Pekin. also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health frolu I It I . a upon Is news I had recently from My guide is to have tltl in, readiness for it great %telleatul; lly As it was bodily. I bangbai as unimportant, MuLd now ,I feel as tter. One could ha,ve told instinctively that whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine touio qualities � 1,VOIL.Ift I . start at daybro4k. I travel in a mule-li list ])lid beell a 4traugo One, and that whiclx it possesses, al . �id by its great euvative powers upon the digekilIVO I � I I t ot It I ba erhaps cast aside what might Ticutsiti,*16-17th JTaIv It"idnight)--4t is his 1 1 ave been a a auce. Xnamy hours siwala I cemsed TAY Writing, lie 4, one could have lived through it, by organs the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy -.0111par0$ HARD - RUSSUING i�i 'e, Certainly I wrote to Diclay , but Imight somewhat abruptly, it is true. rea,non of h14 mentill, and bodily power, , ,th- i I have donamore-I might also have Written I penned tile last line$ Above ill the af terva Ivithout having to Succumb. I could under- With ihis wonderfully valuable Nel:Tilie Tonic as a builder and atrong , , In stand bow Macy hatti been carried Away by ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewcr of a (I : '. to Chiri-chin-wat And 06% it stands now, I noon, and I ain continuing at midnight * 1, feel it would be &I -surd to do. so, for the order to record the event which broke * i tile ellithilsiasm. of the Chinese crowd, I am no broken-down constitution, It is ,also of 6re real permanent value in I % 11 hero,worobipper, and neveriwas, but I Could J / question as to whether lie will or not join upon my dairT,f ,i%,nd to those which Succeed. feel Q110, if Otte did wish to look upon a the treatment ,and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumptiou J . A I me or assist we will have been decilled be, ad thereafter I it seems to me tilar, I nifty iedv ever used on this continent, It is a marvelous cure for nery- I f hero, beliad butto look upoll, Chill-ohin-wo. -, rell I, , ". , SUUI,ght for,tilyll1rialluld now reach Shaug"I'L henceforth have considerable difficulty in ousness of females of all ages, Ladles who are approaching the eritier! I � I AIENTOTHP9 Frederick Dicay is not the sort of Ms. to keeping Illy diary, SO tbMtl I 4111 alIXIOUS to %lid it is none the less strange that I should 1mve felt thus when it is remembered that, period icnown, as change in life, should not f4il to use this great Wervin't WASH- have written me thus strongly on tile 4111)' write up �s far as possible, before I leava to all appeavllnee, tile in i I ttin is a Chinaman., Tonic, aliabst constantly, for the space of two or three years. It wi I I � I Don DAY jeat had lie not been prompted to do So by Tiontsia, in order thlit I may truthfully . GO By Ile wears the Chinese dress-somewh%t WITHOUT . some very deep. feeling, record my first iniproislons Upon Meeting richer Ili iLs silks thaiianylboxe heretofore carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and eur,I - 11X1 1V TRYINQ Wily should I not move on to Pekin ? with, tile mail whont. the Chinese call Chlll� . I .1 . I ­ tuhle re&qou that . seen --and ]Ila head is bare like a China. tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its grf"zt I * I I — I struggle against Miq dc , chlu.-wa. Con when inali'l., e"opt for tile pigtail which, inter- energizing properties will give them a new hold On life. It will P(I I ' (411 mow keeps me here, for my impatience I waa busy writing this aftern woven with , colored silk, almost trails Upon 0 % RZIFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONIS would hurry me oil, notwithstanding that I ply guide entered the room with, to nly doll tit Some- or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who 'Will Use a half ,,--erL I know it in right for ine to stay. light, a parcel of letters from Bluolglial : tile ground. But there is still a di bottles of the remedy each year. � __ I dirte Out, or dine, roill tliirs�v�ieli,touiiEn,f,tlishinix wouldgive 'at Another f & $11801(noll 4 n' Nothing has 0 one from my banker thial if his, nationality upon his face, ; I quietl� with my host. I spent 30MO de,Y13 James Dicey, And it third from. Frederick and it must not be forgotten that I looked L gritiri& through the native city, and then I Dicey. npon him -its lipon an 14"nglislimen. from the IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF , I .1 CIENTR&L return, vainly , hoping and believing that, It is only necessary to give An extract fitat moment we met. . Nervousuess, Broken. ConstitUtIOU, . this guide will �Avo 004116 during MY labort Concluding the last, of tile thte0$ to this 1. N S t 0 r e Absence fr,lia illy temporary home. effect ; Time has in a sense, Almost perfected the Nervous FrOStrat,1011, Debility of Old Age, . Dr U rr -thin-wa aliange of race to the outward eye his brown Nervous Headache, Indigestion arid Dyspepsia, 41 F!OP Tientsin, 16th July. -MY Patie= has " TO come to .the linint, Chill - !oaturoa might well deceivo th;z3 eye -, and, been ro-vmrded, and yet not rewarded. agrees to join you Whether it was or not Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, .1 F.kN 8 ON' S BLOCIL his intention to proceed to Pekin I did not ill a word, lie strikes tne, as being as like a Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness, in Stoniaeh, I Am tborouglily sick of Tientsin. Tile i northern Chinese As Any of the vace, Loss of Appetite, It inquire. It was. enough ,fail tile when he Ilut there is one noticeable thing, which Nervous Chills, very quietness of the place Clings Around conformal witli my views, I spoke of Ile- 1 14 we in monotony, and at last I Am to break proves that his Chinese origin has been P.aralysis, Frightfill. Dreams, , %.,%v&y from it, I Am writing these lines ward, and wish indeed that I h0A not me"- southern one, namely, his walk ; for Nervous Paroxysms, and Dizziness and Ringing i% the Bars, � tioned this, The man appears to lie ex- some It the volume I call U lie walks on the hall of his fqot, more or 1054 Nervous Chokiiig, Weakness of Extremities and preparatory to packing py aiT%ir it tremely proud. If he is of service to YO notleaning backwards so much as the north, . It I illy diary, A singularly scrapi I felley tile 0 1 Illy thing in this way which Hot Flashes, Fainting, has always been. lie will Adillit of, over, if lie goes so far, will orneria do, and not treading so heavily upon 2� 9 'file less there is to do and see in a place, the beel. � Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood. I the more time I shouldhave to record -my, be to to allow yet% to pay big QXP0116es -, I draw a seat forward for illy guest, and J%Jeutal Despondency, Boils and Carbuiieles, kbut at. the first mention of such a thing k, few doings ; but it is one thing to POINdOr expressed to him, as briefly yet as fully D -q 81replessuess, Scrofula, I upon writing up R few days that have, got. lie gave me a look which spoke volutues. was possible, my tha.liks for his haste in $ & M stock of all kinds of behind, and another to do so, Me after- He did. not speak, but I felt some. i in I 01 I f8t. Vitus! Dance, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, . 4 Dye -stuffs and pmokage noon I have resolutely deterininod.to record how indescribably small. It is well to ion 9 n Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lungs, !, ome thing Ila$ act- mention this to you,, that you may know He waited until I had conoluded, whioh I 4 whathas occurred, fors jifficuit of didspeedily, being curious to hear Ilia voice, Nervousness of Old.Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, I the point isa delicate one, and 4 1 Dyes, constantly on tially occurred At, last. Than lie Answered me in a tone such as I Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chron!4 Cough, I .( . roa6h. Allitual ha'ad. Winau's 'tile gaide -%vbo Accompanied Norris to allp, could have imagined, to have grown I, Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint, , I am glad, indeed, to have secured this to a man co � fined ill solitudo . � , Pokin has returned. -Aria �hiia return serves ill ,arcely for a prohnIg' Pains in tile Back, Chronic Diarrhim,% Oondftdon alu's services (perluips Services is s,a ett period. 1% 1) I clitiefly one object, that I Am now freeto pro- tile word), for I feel sure you will be the His IiInglish,insvvelous as it mayseem, was Failing Health, "' Delicate and Scrofulous Children, - I Powd- Ceed, knowing that nothing furtlier is to be better of his assistance, I (lid not daily perfect -as perfect its I believe his Cbillose . Summer Complaint Of Infant& 1� gained by staying here, Thore is, indeed, with the matter in hand at . 9,11. I told Chin- to be -Ilia voice low, nud yet cleamoun ding I �� Z� 1� er�), tile hope of a reply from the Moyle, but I obin-wa. clearly tile filets of tile Case. He and firm, & contriat in one way to Dhe man All these and many other complaints cured by this. wonderful I # the best I have quite mado tip my mind that I must aaceed1with me that it migho be possible Nervine Tonic. i, face What seems to me now to be inevitable %-bo spoke, and yet "comin to be the only f in the mark- -tile refusAl of tile ex -exile to Mix himself diat Norris is confined in Imperial grounds I voice which could h.,a ballnged to such a 'V_ff31RV0"ffTS VW up it, tile aff the possible reasons for this lie would not one as; be. " DO not thank. tile, MV, VAnIa- .L� W Jau Ilu '""I'll I S ]WE A S JE A S i, , . t et &ud always Air, Chiefly for this reason llfward. to guess, And, indeed, expressed- him - 111 have I come to this oonclusion-tbAt the combe, for as yet nothing has been done. " resh, Family reoiP- ,Dan ,.,+C, has been All exiler once will in nOL self unwilling to give any opinion whatever Yon may finA my power bittsmall "-, there As a cure for every class of J\Iervous Diseases, no remedy has been untililegawyou. Heismuchinterestedin was A. tou-iii of bitterness in the words. ' 11 able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and � eps oarefully prepared at ii ay risk becoming so a second time I this innItter, and, to my thinking, graspa., as 21vot what by ri.ght I should have been.- harmless in all its efrects lipon the youngest child or the oldest a -ad most 1 1 tesidea, I do not yet know how"farlio it were, at an opportunity of acting against I did not answer, and. lie continued in a delicate individual. Nine-jenths of all the ailments to which the human �4 Dewral Drug Store ExetO hat, Loto pardort of the Uovernment, even the Chinese in the Cause of justice. I fewn me ta. I family is heir are dependent on nervous e-Ichaustioll aud impaired di .;- � I supposing he were willing to assist me. Nol don'tfaucy you will find him -whatever ll,� cc "a " 11110 ,. ti �N,118 Dicey bits given me certain par. tion. When there is an insuffielient supply of nerve food in the blood. a I e's ]LU*r*w lie cannot be free to such an extent that be may have been-inuch of a Chinaman at cu)ar of your search. I Shall accompany I IF .�Uv wi,uld be able to act for me quite indepead. besrt�_mf tar Ilia seventeen years of captiv- you. I" general state of debility of the brain, spluttl marrow., find. nerves is i 'io. I I " --------= ently of other considerations, so I am per- ity. Pardon me," I said, some -what per. result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when '%o - haps better without him after Mi. (I 4 � This letter will very likely be in your " 4l'. a inoved by curiosity, "have you Caton- rhylit, kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and allmcuto , -t1r11M KU IV n"'WINII Any yet I would give much -very much hands after you have welcomed Chin-abin- ba, it would be wrong N -1 - Imn what you risk? d'-- appear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system Must S11pplY I 11 Z -to have this man as a free man really wa, for be is setting out immediately to indeed for me to ask Volt to , * is . working with me, And assisting tile with big join you. I d if 30" the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the ian ion have gone oil to Pekin, me in the search of a man -whose life may IL I - advice, as Fredorick Dicoy puts, it-" as lie will follow you, in which case you will be already taken, if title search in any way first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not,con- I 10 11 @ ., my ally." receive this letter bye, special messenger ( ! endangers you r f it tulle, 104inetcChiumtO tain n. sufficient quantity of the kind of nuit6m.eeit necessary to repair 4? 1 1 11 I 1 fail Clod I sbould have heard from Shan g- "I arn lViliting Bengal to this effect, that do this thing alone. Whether I shall ever the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. .1 hai are.now, but as yet there, is no reply, so he may dispatch a courier at-, once to Pekin, -succeed or not I cannot tell. But I do not For this reason it becomes necessary that a. 3xerv'e food be supplied. it I I I Ain determined to go on to Pekin At dawn; so that you irlay be acivisea of Chin-allin kniw what, position you stand in to the - 9-091 and, as there is no help for it, I Shall go to wa?s arrival, for I believe it possible that Ila Government, ,and I must point out to You at This S outh American Nervine has been found by analVsis to contain the '00 I 0 1/1 In Bonsai's friend, Shaninin-yumt, when I reach may set, out in the same steamer as that the Outset that my actions may, for all I essential elements out of which -nerve tissue is formea. This aceounts It ( that City. which bears this letter. know, go directly counter to the interests for its universal adaptability to the -cure of all. forms of nervous de- unioalm all thrd -if �e,,a avenues When I recognize my ,powerlessness and l a " (I t utter ignorance of the ways and anstoins of 0 f, Bowels, Xidneys and Liver, a in the Chinese. I come t6 S�e that the search - "Yon ask us about Ronsel's Chin,— Or laws of tile Chinese powers; for it is ranaement. Off gradually without VeMl -ning t , fr'endI I delayed,writing to you till now best that you should know exactly that I CnmvroRusvtr,Lr, lx%, Aug. 20. 'SO. RrsEcCA Wmiailsox. of Brownsralley, Intl., W tain, all the impurities a I foul humon which I undertook is a very ni,nob more re. Chiefly for want of a steMlAer, And Partly have come to look upon this search as a To the Great SaW&AmericanXeds*c4ae Co.: says- 'IT had been In. a distressed cou'ditiou for � -� of the secretions; at the game time COP, sponsible matter than I ha& any idea of because I hoped to Ila Able to write YOU In sacred thing, and as P. illission. which I DEAR Gr.'NTS:—I desire to say to You that I ec years from xl4rvousuess, Wealcneoe of the i ply to your$, which I expectedp regard- have to fulfill -, and I am prepared to foc- have suffered for inany yearswith a very serlous thr spepala,l and ludigelition,ulitil ray i # reeting Acidity of the Stomach when the Swallow came to me inoritIls ago re I have heard of this feit my life in the attempt I " diseaoeartbestomaelit-Lniamerves. Ttriedevery SWm6ch, DY - ink Chin-chin-wa. medicine I could bear or. but nothing done me health was gone. I had been doctoring con. euring Biliousness, Dyspepsia, in Brussels. . � good until I was advUed to stantly, w1th no relief. I bought one bottle of � Reads.ehes, Dizziness, Heartburn, The guide, in the first place, has proved man, but never even knew his name, he cc- Any appreciable I ceed," said Chin-chin-wa. �N our Great South A-merican Xervine Tonto South Arnertcan Woryine. ,which done ino roare ). Constipation, Dryness Of the Skill. Almost Useless tome. This is his story as QUilles a good post in the Government, and ' " Pro I t.1U`d.SLomaeb and Liver Cure-und since using � Dropsy, Dimness, of Vision, JAM, I think very likely might be of great, use to 11 Have I not put the matter plainly? nearly as I can relate it. Bonsel was pres. understand you have been an exile for many severld bottles Oi it I njust any that I ain sur- good thila any 4550 worth of doctoring I ever � � to but indeed, I know so little what to prised at its woudertul powers to cure the AtOm­ didjuraylile. I'would advise every wealdy per- . dice, Salt Rheura, MAP61119, SCM ant ,At our conference to translate to me Y`Ov� that I can gtoface death- doyou ach and general nervous SYStent. it everyone I only suggest that you years. I am willin son to use this valuable and lovely remedx;a 4 ftda, Flattering of t ie Heart, Kei� such pigeon-Engliah as I could not quite sav not hesitate to fa�a a thing worse than know the j,alue of this remedy as I do you would vousn.ess, and General Debility ; III I make out. b.; guided by Bengal and Chin -chin- not be able to Rupply -the dema,nd. I Sew bottles of it bag cured me completeltv. I It wa as to whether you visit li� death-tbe renfawal of that exile?" cry Co. I tonolder it the grandest medicine In the world.", thr..a and many othersimilar Complaint' Norris ca -me, according to the guide's re. Im ,, Hesitate? 11 was the answer, with a J. A. IIA-ADEZ, EX-Tre"". 11011tgOm � I .N y'.7-1 to the happy influence of BURDOCI part, to Tientsin about a year ago, so far a,� or not. Personally my feelings are touch of scorn. 11 You forget," he Added I ,id 110 stay? rather Against than forthe doing go, and I V 1, ",Pul) BITTV R& the man remembars. Where (� va if ptoudly, I I I arn Chin-chiu-wa ! " A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAT DANCE OR CHUREA. . For Sa7o by a7l Dea?ers. was my first inquiry ; for I have already will tell you why. I asked Chin-ohin-i . 4 Within an bout, I had -placed before . CRAWronDsvrLLE, IN.D., June 222, 1887. 1, * . lie knew the naNne. He tit once said, Yes' - * -erely afflicted with St.'Vitusl Dance 'MT!TT.'RTTP'NAPi% P-lln"10-1 M-- spent some useless hours trying to recall to Z him all that has occurred tip till noltv. M daughter, eleven years old, was sey 4. 1 the people at the Globe Hotel the recollec- but when I told him that it was your ide rican wer- , — to him for assistance when you reach We sent for Norris's guide at the expira. ,Or 1%orea. We gave her three amd one-half bottles of South Ame tion of the visit which I then fancied must to 9? tion, of that time. A lengthy exam. vine and she is completely restored. I beReve it will cure every case of St. , 11 . have been it necessity. . Pekin, I fancy be was annoyed. ination ensued, 0hin-chin-wel speaking in Vitus) Dance. I have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it Is A The guide haspartly cleaved matters. "All be remarked was I It is well not to what has long ago become his native tongue the greatest Teniedy in the world for Judi estion and Dyspepsia, and for all I 1!� C A KIT R's Norris came directly `I!rom the steamer trust too much to the Chinese ! Ara you Ana although Iiii1e further has been gained 1. forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing =Ith, from whatever cause. , I upon which lie arrived. Ai far as I can not aware tbat you did a very risky thing in exal-ninatioa, it has given me the Joux T. MISM. I . 'll WdTLE . gather, he Arrived in Tientsin lit nightfall, conlingy to me? Supposel hadgone to Pekin Ifl.'eitil.1; that I come in all cases very much State of indiana, �unt, 88 : . . I ' ' . Stay d on board the steamer all night, and And spread Abroad the information that an nearer to the exact truth through the X02Zt,q0M6ry Co .J11 I � It It 11 IVER left,aot da,vbreak in carts with this guide, PiNglishmmi. was seeking ano medium of my ally, 0hin-chin-wa, who is Subscribed aild sworn to before me this June 22, 1887. 1 0 Notary Pft'hilfat i ) S wbohad"llean procured for him by the been made a. captive, and who was still able to speak, as his mother tongue, the CITAS. W. WRIGHT, tli he slli �hecity. I thin of the Chinese, than I should do & . Chinese stoward of t p. The Alive somewbere in I k yon - "ip I LL I ,I d 1, -1-l-kt will a ree that the chances of success would r. 'l. ; V- U.1, t-1 "OrinTnAT A WTI -1 n'7(Z'P"013Q!T A t tired, us with eng lY, n -1 to is I 14 .L.J.L �_T .M 4U ji . be lessenea.' at a p geou I - . a trip which Norris made to the Great WaIll, And in a great degree lie ' T'urou as yet, only partly intelligible to 1 I I - But tile sum and Substance of what we ex- right ; for it this fr end of Bonsel's sets ,whicligio, bile use 0 hTervine Tonic � i me, though bonsel speaks it freely. I The Great South American J LSIY, or is not To Chin-chin-wa, upon showinghim the 4'1 treated from him lies in tbis—that oil leav- about inrl-airing injudiciou , I I I — I (1m;6 U RE � ing Pekin to return to Tientsin, the guide utterly silent on the subject, the very fragment of the swallow's message, the Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever - Orris, for some reason persons who inity be iat;rested in - the ' in the discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of - Sick Ileadache and relieve all the troubles incl went on in front of X . same thought occurred as had done so I � . dent to a bilious state of the System, suet, As leaving his master in Pekin, and that he �aptivitk may be apprised of the search you first place to myself and then to Dicey, symptoms and horrors which iie the result of disease and debility of Dizziness, Nlauses.. Drowsiness: Distress after . I once apprised—well, it eating never heard of him nor con1d discover.any are making, And, namely, that bhe:writer, NVilliarn Norris, the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of ineal- ,,Pain in the Side, ac. While their most Z L , � rama� able success has been ahown 113 Curing race of him or his Carter since that time. Is llol, dificult to imagine the rest. But, as Spoke of more than. himself as beinf impris- � ' ve said, the man in I ay very likely be the , culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the'ex- . - AM I Jft_ IV As this gilidestatesthathewould recognize I ]ill I "us. ' I . y go to ove that this is the oXF, and I �� I a Ar_7J M L ' oned, since he used the worc perience and testimony Of man PT I the Carter in an instant, were he to see him, 'very person to go to. Yon have Bonsel to I put before him at some length the retl- L %O I have arranged to take him with Me to advise you on the one side, and L Chin-ohin- -�oris_which led to my thinking otberwihe; owLy ONE great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. There I I L . I � Readaclie,:yet, CARTZR'S Lrtn.mr, Livitak PrMs Pekin, in addition to tile guide I br6u it wa oil the other, and I.am $tire that Y?U but he disagreed with me, for, as ha'00-ys is no. base of unmaliguant disease of �he stomach which can resist the I I I are equally vuluable In Constipation. ourillig with me from Shaubheti. The urt in- %vill malts a very muoh more judicious ce- L with ry.a,rd to the point that I inake of the wonderftil tuilative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. . -19- ,My great hope— cision sll� e '. , , and pAventing this annoying conitlaftit, wh ,, cri &sea as we 90 8,101 in the matter than I could. � _all_ the room. for the inclusion of the I . n t they also Correct all disorders of t e stomacl . "()hi &'a experiences 'I leave .to I HARRUIT R. HALL, of wa,vuctown, Ind., says: I MRS. �,=,.)tlltAtTON. of Now Rosa, 7. alant'. I -and regulate the bot% --is n -chin -w, . "at the end of the word 11 prison- sa.1s. stial4late the liver , eii, though it after all is a very slen r one letter "a' " I owe my life to the Grsat South American . express how much I owe to tho Evelk it they only cured , . that the Carter may be discoverable. his personal narration, as, however interest- ers," tbe-wriLer can nat be look (I Upon as Nervbio. I had beeniu bed for five months from Nervine Ton I lo, XY s.vateek Was completely shat - I why should I ing, they &Ile too long for a, letter ; %nd,, be- at.- tile ettects of an exhausted stomaeb, UdigefAIO . E= I have found the guide , si&g, his story � able to exercise exbreine chre ; the last I Nervous Prostration, and a, general sbatteTn' tered, applatite gone, was coughlug.and spitting . not go a step further and find t6e Carter? ,.ui,%y war.re to pass away the ters of the word may have been crushed, o d I I , W= I journey between Tient- Condition of my whole s3letein. Bad glTen tip lip blood; am sure I wall in the ilrst stages . I . � I And if I flud the Carter, Surely. that- will weary hours Of tile and this is reasonable to suppose. Agitin, ,11 hopes of ge,ttlug well. Had tried three doc- of Consumption, an Inheritance banded.down I I � H "Em A D -a still 4c4 ter$, witil lie relief, The firat bottle of the Nlerv- through several ge-nera-dons. I began takfug I I I Ache they would Ila almost pricelbse to those mean that I sh.alilind his late master. Sin and Pekin, i,f, as I uOPP, You all I I -bile word In " would correctly fill tip the tueTouletutproved niesoinudh that twas ableto the Neryloo Tonle, and continued Its TIFIC for � � who suffer from this distrissin complaint- How far the guide'lias been to blame in awaiting myreply to your.last. I Space lef b 6f Lei the word " us " and Chin. � . about, and a few bottles tured nae entirely. about six months, and am entfrely cured, It 1, � . ut fortunately their goodness goes not and the losing ,of hie master I can not detel. mine, lq3elieve in Our Very deep interest in chin_w , al. as, from the fact of the dl*s- walk , % ornach Ana I I teria, and those who once try. them will find I a con ud I believe It Is tile best Inedidue 171 the WOrld. I � Is tile grandest remedy for nerves t, � I � these ii, There seeing to have been a strange tissac your expeditioz), ,&lid our heartfelt wishes . � 1. . .Me pills valuable in so many ways that � I Appearance of the Carter, that this word , can not recommend it -too h1glily.Il I lungs I have overseen." L T I -they willilet be willing to do witAlout them._ Of ulisfortimes' east Around Norris for the for its ultimate Success," . (lus" refers to Wiltiain Norris and his , -X for tho'gerven, No ren,rdy cem� , I I , o remed,y l,olup area with 81=11,LMETUOKM NnitviNE as a cure But after all sick head - states that e.7ary threadwas broken I had scarcely finished this letter when it Carter, Bub how, then, was my arquinent, paresvith 8outh Inierican Nervine. as a wondrous cure �or the Stomach. J;o remedy -all ilt all . . 'i"a ' -took upoft 11 o we have Compare Wlth South American Nervine as a cure for aU forras of failing health. It never fallo to I I g' ay do6r sent a � wild - hope d insert the name-& do- rea or St. Vitue;'Dautla. UP powers tb bY WI ch he might have traced the inissing rn room to curollidIgestionand1lTspaptsia. Itnever failato cure Choi - man. 11 He may be right, but to'me therels �Jlpaqffh me tl)�j My .future 00in-rade hi,*d o e two men are? He fell buildup the -whole sy,4tem axe wonderful in the extreme. It ouies the old, the young, &Ad the -mid, . . [11 left. I Ulay find tile carterl actually arrived. I 'a vct ull bo I A N th�e thread stj � . back upon. my idea that it io in the Imperial dle aged. Tt'Is a great friond to the aged and ' Infirm. ])a not i2eglect to so tbls pi X on, � , - I ined; a it yoV do, you ivay 'neglect the only relnedy v1dull wal rostors you to health. South Antericalt : to the bane of Sc an lives thAteKe U wlie� was 61 impression that-, as OF,, I WIls � somed bellind my table) , 11 t The guide, facleg the door. My r I � be,corif nd this is , to the tAete. Delicate ladles, do M Ot fan ,ko, Ilse this I + ;u,kle stood grounds they real Nervino is perfeetly sale. and very*pleasati+ Nile Make our great east, Our Pi S cure I ca tor (I . and as he Ila; Fay we have'filled up the blanks: irreateure, becauseltwill putthe bloom offreshnesi; and beauty ul�on yohr 1�ps and IV ytisr. cheeks, . I 1. . t ad Is never the v I I � while otbers do not. . old - hilt 'I did not at- -a Livnit Pims Are, very small comeacr=siace, both raellhadbeeii oil : the thresli , "In GpXs.name rescue tis ; &Ad quicUly drive awl%yl.your disabilltles and weaklleaBef;- , L � d4lmmit's L,.vxTL -e.' One or tivo pills make made away with I , but my views rather tend to his words, for there was anotl , ier Lose no tini�, we Pale prisoners . . ^d% I . and very, easy to tak I a dose. Th67 are Strictly vegetable al)(1 .do tend totbis--thatboich. niay indeedhavebeen behind hiin whom. I knew instantly to be In the Palaceil Seek for -its in arge. IGS 0 unCe Bottl'e, 5`10%FUR � 1. not gripeor purge, but by their gcnfl(� .qctic,ll 'an, Chin ki Pekin. By tile Chinese Tenth Swallow. L I I pleam all whouse them.' In vialsat 25 Cents, seized at thefirst, but the cart,ar, in all proba- tile ill .chir-wa. I do not thin — , . I I thwfor$1. Sold everywhere, *r sent bY ulaill, bility, liberatedafter some weeks or months; have ever felt InY heart - yat � William Norris, September, 18- 1 ,EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. I I I , . , - thougli 0 � etin,� ally of Illy fellows as itdid now. 1. May God help tisl . . � : . fal 0�,RN�131 liED1101NE CO., New York. , foi I Lit mialit be advisable ,-lull ad- 'Ile . 8 M,qyl by a1!y )Ilelllua, but I ,� I � � I , . 1, ril .t , vautageong to keep the Englishinan in an-, not A ner vo li . f ter s6' 1 . (To Sr, 00IMNITED.) ' I C, LUTZ ,Sole Wholesale itud Retail Agent for Exeter, I I 5 �, , ill captivity, it, is scarcely likely that -the confess that the arrival of the Triail a I . � . I , I 11 '. � I I . � � . I ., ;=11 all to t. b . priol. . I I � �, I I . . I ,.. 11 I . . I I .1 I I . I 'Idren Cry for Pitcher's CastorW I I - � .'' I I � . I I . . . I I I I I.. I I i .11 . I Ch I - _ I I � I.. I 11, � . I , I 11 � . ­ 1, I I . .11 I I I I .1 . . . I I I ­ I . . . . I . I � I I I I . 1''.. . I �.� I .., . .. I I � I I I I � 1, I . I I I -1 1, . I . . 11 . . � I ,�. I I . I., ­ . . 1.� . I : : 11 I �. I I I ,.., , . : � . . . . I j, � I i . I I ... .11. I I I I .. 11� I I I � I I I � , � I � I , . I I � .1. I -1 11 I � ,� 11 I . I . . I I . I.. � I � , � I I I I I ", . . . I I . I "I 11 .. � .. .1 . A . I ,� . . .1 , . I � I . � . I �� . I 1. � I . I I I . . . . I I . I I . � 11 I 1. I � � � I'll, ,,,./ I.,' I . � . I � I . .1 . 11 I I .1 . � . ''I � I I .1 I . I I .1 � � - � I . I '. I � I 11 I 11 . . . . I � I I ; � I . ", I .. . I I I I I I I I I . ,. I I . . 1� 11 "I 1. . I.: � 1. I I I I � .1 . I , I I 1� � 1. � I �. I 11 I 11 ,� �.. I I.. I I.. . . I ,. .. I I . . I . � . .. I � I .. 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