HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-23, Page 2+',. d+i•'�r-'i[ �.:.:^,S"'h .w,..tiS'dPp�.q,e:: P`—.�.. i::, ^^ :,�.�Y.w+'.'ecW �p'i„ r +'4„'^^ 'iTv+*b. - { v = Y^+e'. .... �; -- —H ,r �'•'1 I 11 ^t , yy :i�. - . _. .. ^'-'- It is one of our foreign importations which RODERN SUBMARINTa TURPEDD- LATE FOREIGN NE"M is absolutely unolxjeetaanable. Minnesota,sQaTS. is tate liaise of ilia sears to this country,, . The Gza> a£ Russia personally Spends andthe is that l Associ Tie chation ampion tants s ad- what Marone auti Atuericu tyre Doing, _ Yr C fl ' I about $10,000,000 annually- runner of the world, Thorger Hernmestvedt, reached the re aired standard but affew q P No submarine boat et built has 'fully few a, . 1 0 FEmperor Williaut toasts the Czar in who has aeon the greatest honors in Norway have given much promise, and Standard, but >� Has tt*� a tial for the prompt relief P?tbhc, but in private they say he roasts and America, lives in the little city of Itied hope of development into a. High degree of p p hint, Whig, in that State. He has a wonderful effectivoness.. Chief among these is the A and ,,pt edycureo,fColds, GOUghSs New South Wales will impose a five per record, having jumped, by official measure' French boat '° Gymnote," designed byNaval CrNlf.1, Hoarseness,. Los; of cent. tax, on the income derived from prop- fuent, the great distance of one hundred Constructor lade, a Steel cigar -shaped, pro - 1 Voice, Prf acilar'S Sore Throat, arty in the colony by absentee otvntrs. and three feet, When tile: runner reaches pallor vessel, driven by electricity,. and Asthma, Bronchitis, Lal�.Zrippf:, The C'zar's present to the Emperor of Ger- the precipice he givesa, spring, and then, carrying an outside torpedo to be exploded and Other derarigemeiifs o tit4 maziy was a dlussian diadem in earls and holding* Ilia body firm and yet not in an p Y by an electric current sent from the boat. throat and . lungs, The best diamonds slid worth 550,000" awkward poise, the sails like a bird through This vessel has made eleven mites an hong The landau used by Marshall Bazaine the wintry air, when fully submerged, and has remained EOt' ��if�l�� a�lil children• known cough -cure i12 the world, `,rile skis are used for commercial ur ` during, the siege of Metz is now used as a P, continuously unser :water for eight hours. it is recommended b eminent PO -les, too and 1P Imiidiltavia the Are in, p . r f castorluisaowell adapted tochildreathat Cartoria ctaesColic; (Onst{patian, y pascal wagau between two vimlagas in Lax- p : y A ref}eCtaon of wvl abever is u on the sur ace ,; dispensable adjuncts to the Comfort' of in the vicinityof the submerged boat is car- y taon Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. > rued piOn.. 8 db physicians, and 1S the favorite raise, B Irecommendittassupsriortoan Pr riP KRIS Worms, gives sleep, travellers in the wild, mountainous regions. reed down through a kind of telesc:o a and „ preparation with singers, actors, Nikita, ruler of tits Moutenegrins, is said Men women and children make use of them � p ' taown to ll H. A. A, Bron lir+ D., �g cellons preachers and teachers. Itsoothes to drive a thrift bargain with such of hi ' enables the operators to handle the vessel 331 So. oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. witxhout iatiuriousmedicativn y g for all the purposes of locouhotan • as caudal and intelligently as if ilia them - the inflamed membrane loosens people as need loans, the interest being any As the sport becomes better known in selves were upon the surface, For tl a pres• ' where Froin lS to <30 per cent, this country, through the offortS of its ad- P , he Tho use of ICastoria' is so universal slid "For several years I have always site phlegm, stops coughing, and y, 8 ent the French authorities are keeping t Its merits so welllnrown that it seems a work your Casioria,' and shall always cpntinre.1 A now party is being formed in Germany herents to promote it, the native Americans boat as secret as possible.. How serviceable I induces repose. whose object is to dump Caprivi, The in- take more interest and it possesses so many P in sir aceto alilies who oat 1'ew acedia doagasitdtas invariT F. PA DrI;, d beneRCla p Y the boat would be in actual warfare, cannot intelligent famiiies•whodonotkeep Castaria results," � ' 9 tention is to attack him on his commercial, advantages that there is no ceases wh it et be oven guessed, within easy reach," I nwiN F. I?ditn> i4,11t. A., ,� his colonial, and ills military policy. g Y B CdRLos MdnTvx,D,D„ ,, Tile Winthrop," and , 4r)-, to should not become a very popular and per- ,A submarine boat invented by Lieutenant New Yorkeity. Ne,rYar>dtty. t• Mk I Sir Archibald Alison, son of the famous maueat sport wherever there are the req- Peral, of the Spanish navy, has been tested iatepastor Bloomingda}eiWiorutadchurch, Cherryec'toraI historian,isaboutit)retire from the Qpeen's uiattes now and the hill and dale so iieccs- at Cadiz with goal, results. This vessel is ervice,in'w hich lie hashada half acentury's nary for. its utmost devodapnieut• also cigar -shaped, and. propelled by twin Tss Cteirrsoa Contdixr, 77 iiitrxmdx STssar, NMvr'1'ans• ;alien for consumption, in its early experience as a soldier, winning distinction screws driven by electricity. The torpedo stages, checks further progress of in all the Campaigns of that period, A VRAGEDY OF THE ARCTIC• used is of the Whitehead pattern, which by • internal machinerypropels itself toward • 3 woman at RedrutIl died reoeiitly from The irate or TWINY .Matt Who Itentaine l the object at which :itis directed, and is ex- _ _._--- , the disease, and even in the latter blood -poisoning caused by rubbing a sbtill •While' Their ShIPInatt•i Cent itgtiae, ploded when it strikes, Tile it Peral has •-•-�• stages, it eases the. distressing stare oil liar face "ittl her black kid glove. ��' �� � •____ � - — . .. f tough and promotes refresh g Indanunation set• in, Iter Bead swelled enor !4 hilaarta recant visit to St, Jaltns,?\fld„ made six utiles an hour, and has remained CURED IN S� irNu�r � B�' clasp„ Itis agreeable to the taste, mntisly, and she died aftor A very brief Mr. Tatlow, an Buglislttnau, related the submer ed for as much as three hours and s �EADA following story to a reporter, concerning half. meow it is tirade, and how it works, steeds but small doses, and dta:s illness. Capt. Momsati, who is to take charge of the .have not been told,H UBE ers -=ot interfere with diaestior or anti' Tobacco and snuff has long been suppliedship in which Lir, Nauaen is to attempt Before the recent construction of the Gym- Al ha a to the paupers in the Lantbetli workhorse, note and Peral the Nordenfeit boat design, t of the regular organic functions. this Afow y to reach the North rnsai and now tlt� Board of Guardians has passer} .t A few years hack Capt, \:lontsaii and td by the inventor of n noted maohine•guns As an emergency medicine, every a resolution : 4t That the old women in the another Captain were out whaling near the ,ens considered the most promising. This oR.KONEY REFI UNDED. Purely ip%eg'et able,, 1'0Y'ieCtYy Hlax'�r11eSi� hovisehold should be provided with workhouse who do not take snuff be sup• coast of Spitzbergen when they were frozen boat is roanded at the center, with the end Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Plied with sweets," in earlier than they expected. A confor• tapering to upriaht wedges, It is propell• and Pleasant to Take. FoirSale by all Druggists. PRICK 85 Cts r ttHavint^ used Ayer's Cherry Pec- The British Islas, as has been full} told once, of the officers of both ships was held ed, by a scree= driven by a steam-kmgiue. It is submerged and raised b taking in or t tonal in m famil • $or man years, I in tine Cable despatches, have also experi- on board Capt. Alomsan'a. vessel, wheu it g Y , ,■� y I y enced unusually severe weather this winter. was found that they had not sufficient pro- forciug out water ballast, and its Sin -lug or *' can confidently it claimed it far all Y ricin is aideded b upright screws. Flat 11 the cam Taints it is clainit:d to cure:, Altogether, as reports from all quarters visions to last diem till the following snnx g Y prevent the dipping of � its salt s increasing ~early with lite, agree, the present winter has been a remark- mer. On the apposite side of Spitzbergen, rudders at the bots p pp g � � � 'YARD r a_ able ora forwsather in Europe. ninety miles away, there was a cache con- stem or stern. The boat in its latest form, EXETER L U 10 and niq caste>mers think tins pep tainin food supplied b the Danish and lies slzotvn groat saaworth zlesa, and when ration has no equal as a cough cure."— Packs o€ wolves haveappeared atBelgrade g PP y submerged has reached a speed of over S, W. Parent, Queensbury, N.B. and other towns in Servia. At Pozarewatz Swedish red Governments ment for s an he use which lovas submer malas an hour. Though depending The undersigned Syislles to inform tits Public in gen,ral that h 9 a girl was devoured Il the famished brutes k l.ed sailors, the xl t . y , known to ltlotnsan and ho found flint Il upon the :natural. supply of sit; ilia beat is keeps COtastazlkfy lit StOGIi all lllnd5 of r and stories of similar tragedies have came * y able to :remainAlon time under waterwitli- Pectora from various arts of E'urq o. The cold in caching thirty mail be Sufficient the island to the B -e Cherry P e c'� o r aI Bohemia andp.S'ervia has beets extreme, on bo theca would i suo last a provisions out coming sthe to the sualrea The torpedo B'i'-�' ILDE� �, AVE ��A, an board the two ships to last the rotnain- used is the 1S'}iathead, already mentioned. tV Pm aged by Dr. 3, C. Ayer sc Ca., Lowen. bia=s The ping of the IiemAians, accompanied der till ilia ice brake up in fila following LieutenantHovgaard, of ilia Danish navy, 11 Sol by ata llrug; stG k'ncesr ; sircb.,ttics.Ss• Ity aavarAl of his stall; will visit the Conaq Jul *. is the designer of a boat intended to be pro- @ Q(. (�i° 31C�SaBS Ga Prol'npt to pact, scare to cure country in April.. The Old man will thus I9 Volunteers -were called for, and thirty Palled by electricity when attbmtrged, anti � rites himstlf for a time from the attentions were selected from among the crews of both by steam upon the surface. Its submerging PIN -AND REMLOOK LUMBER, Of the Belgian anarchists, vessels to cross the island in sledges to the and descending are governed by upright SHINGLES ,A„ SPECI&LT"Z cache wbioh the expected to reach in Propellers with a thrusting motion. It is War and glory hues been. costly things t meant for A los stn under water, and its to France. Between 1792 and 1515 she . thirty days. The men left, and a few days g Y 001,000 X X. S,nd X X X FiAe 311IC1 {�BCl£Ll Shid1g�88 x10�t 111 sacrificed one-half of the 4,i' 300 000 soldiers l afterward \]omsau and his follow Captain ineahamsm is to be largely self -acting, --an MEMEM whom sire sent to fiht hr battles. %Vat got clear, owing to the unexpected breaking Important safeguard attaint a Sudden and S�OCi�. � Qa�� SOIIOltrBf� 311101 S� �ik13�aG�,i031 �Ual'itll�ZB�. g fatal lun a to the bottom. i• has Cost her an this century not far from up of the ace, They immediately sat sail Anpl:u ash boat, the invention of a civil J�lrM�aw� '�=rjtL*� t 6,000,Ot10 lives. for Norway, knowing that the cache con• g rautad sulilciont iavlsians to sae the Cngincer named Ash, diifers from others iii is the latest triumph in pharmacy for the curs 9 truly Arcadian nonminnity ryas tits• P p Ilaan ata made as to sink, so man as the �-- — --- --- ---' ~ of all Comst'sdmnitafltyau taregtroublei, th covered recently, quite by accident, in thirty malt who were left behind alive till dowliNvard motion is not.arrested by the p the fallosvfiipg summst; In tht ensuing JtiiY i COTTON('� PILLS. Costtvonet z, ioizzihteas, soar Stasi it, Sardinia. Apetitiou < PAs received by the a rescue expedition was sent out from Nor- Ptisl Ing gist of moral Cylinders arranged in Dr. � r t���� � (r Government from the inhabitants of � a raw on each side of the boat and charged j a L Salta;" asking permission to form it aepar•u�arrivY in edn t}za linarge of lzt near ziv}ia,cli the�eaioVie with enmpressedair. Phis C,ylander arrange- 7 1 ate community instead of their rentalniug was situated the fired a un but qt no knout is remarkably samplo ann ingenious k t Sate sand absolutely pure. Most powerful 7C+`anitLla �c,,,itlattor an tutergrAl part of Buddesq a sawn (arty ' Y ' g But actual trials of the haat have not beau ltnown. The only qa#a, shire and. reliable pill for stela, Inti 411213 malas awes Ala nna knew where ialti response front the shore. enCauraciu lisle tetuiTl;aats for XtaRoe'a ;3tar and Crescent Brand. Take no Headacha, Indigestion, Poon ArrenTs. Y Capt. nking b nays that lie went d, the ' g was, and a commission was seat to rlasCovtr The °°Pancamaktr" is an AinariaAn haat, othpirkiud, Beware at eliesp itnitatians, as that' are danger- ,, 1Yitsq ,PsuiNQ, RMIUhl.t•rto .PAIS ; Sleepless it and report on it. with A stnkixtg heart, for he feared, the 1 deaf had b a rtsidttit of San Prandisco, � P i Ii Nights, Melancholy+ Feeling, BsCR Aetia, P worst, and the result proved that lie was + g y ons. Bald by all reliable drugJats. Postpaid ou reuli pt oL rice. MeinUray's Ridney an Liver Curd Therehasb�ena rant earl diminution named '.Cock, Its shape is that of an A)l;<L1i1QA,1Tli'LIiL CO.* eirOlta IIii.1I& ,. during the last ten years Sin the number of cache' he found himself self � in thepresenceof elongated oval, ,rhe motive power is soldiers in military or civil prisons in Eng' thirty dead bodies. The leader of the ex• steam, the boiler being heated by a coal } i land and !Vales. In 1884 there were 1117 fire while on the surfae4, and by caustic t l3iary be sot at the trite n up tow his open soda, after submer ence, The means of soldiers an English prisons; in 1891 theca, diary before him, written up to within ton g ' w€II give relict and Esrriscr Cure. were 433, and on the Slat of last DCaehnber , descent and ascent are of an ordinary kind, • , , poi "C'• , VN '2, 3 t an days of 11onhsan s arrival, and its it arc ex- r ramal tvata[•baliast and sada rudders, tam 'y -0, 'kC' ti40� �� t 80datallDrugStores. there were but 44 Last year not one plained that the men suffered such hardship y tv �� n •�' b, y ,, , Peterboroi hiedtcxno Ca., Llinited, soldier was sentenced to penal servitude. in crossing Spitzbergan that they ate Compressed air, purified by Chemical pro- f-. i�� ti, ¢' o�~~ S, ,Cp +i}{' a4 o&4 p'tro - p r' The ex ulsdgns for misconduct have de• cess, is supplied to the crew. Two buoyant i++ r� c, fit+ � a�^ 1 k. PETERBORb J ONT. P, ravenously when they reached the cnaha• o Lt O p q , creased since 1888 from 2,020 to 1,51)0, " In that climate, be said, it was :abso- torpedoes, coupled together, are floated Gn ;``a Vic, N. 11 1110 �{. under the seal of. the slop Ca be destroyed, oO •S! 14 Ira a. pFrench War Office experts are divided in lutely necessary to be�a}mould by taker n lite o testa}r fnr a <:eriathat u tand hem hold to the plates. them Thayto uarn e,ake¢. �Oty�`q� �O �G �N' ��� a inion concerning, the value or danger of number of hours ever da ,but he had been♦, 2S o 4w a -, ep w Eiffel's Tower in ease of a sie¢e of Paris. Y Y thea exploded by nit electric current fro,n 2 , CV o ti� , German staff officers have written cite powerless to enforce discipline among them,, Ect' Q cc ti, 2 q the boat, In an actual river trial at Na,v � 4 2 ,� G i¢ a,n tC 0. freely About the matter, principally hold• and the reault,vas that one after the other the b this boat liar made eight animas per �t `� 1%0 ���'� �� ��¢' go egg � V ing the view that the tower would afford a sickenedand died. One lntan was actually �y I. found dead it his bunk with a reel of loaf hour, and has remained below the surface `ti� ptl v rr � j�� �@ 4 �loorporated 4887, with Gash Capital of 5Qi00Q fiat target, Some others each officers agree d , for halt an hour. � { �' ,� 0 1ti {�., t' , with this view others sa the forts around sugargrasped is his frozen hon s. The rout£ w e O a `-� +�I - ,r Y art could do nothingbut bur the dead Senhar Bhas song Sours, of n "lie Pernambuco 01i '� �titi ,�tt O� � y is tht city would peep the tower out of gauge, and so hard was the round frozen on the, in Brazil, }las sought to lessen *ha aonse• 1� `,t,�, 'Ns" id 0{w , 0, � � � �, ,4 `Qt , while it would afford all excellent post for ground clttences of accident or disaster by malting Q c04 O,tt rb 4 �o •q Qd a 101 I ov Sri E V rLatt . IV observation. From it the operations of an island that dynamite had to be used to the bow and stern sections of abuat detach- t¢'1 •,o '� ♦� tri "�� °4 16 ° Ci �. euel could be observed for a radius o£ hollow antthe graves. Capt. Dlomsan then , • o 2.a' •c „j \ y`" Y returned to Norway." l they from the f the ip sections, so that �b �`O Vb9 o�v ° qSr w4a r� I' ♦, forty-four miles. y Y- ,. ., thty, or either of them, may be cast orf in e. •� w a. � ,`4l c°i � t CP 3 � �, ti ti coat of entanglement or injury, leaving ba- w0 100 1 �w , �° Qyw, o�w+ r Thi cold has Mean excessive in St. Peters- 'P1t9DE A2tTD f101d3iERCii hind a still perfect and full equipped sub- �t`� 0 b �- tGe e"R°'' � , C L AU�,•tS•6� burr and for weeks wood fires have been P Yfi > r, a a I E b+ — :. .til G c°= , �• '— a= burned in the srluares and streets of the Baty r marine vessel. �, i ", ° yn� -a� ----- tracts and Figttrei of ratertst to the ta.cr- So far as can be determined upon present 4a �a $ �' ,y �0 �� Ili an effort to make necessary outdoor busi- civaute l anutatatatti: '+ utas endurable. The streets have, however, r information, no submarine torpedo-boat has c* b v�' v' e� ` E tieen practically deserted. Tha double win- _ There was a decrease of nearly, 44,,00,000 yet been built or planned that would earn- sV ti, 6 � 1A� ��le haws in the stores and }causes are mostly in the reserves of New York associated pietely meet the requirements of actual ; iced over and frozen u From north .and banks fast week, and the surplus i3 now war -fare. That suchipo,ats,vdll be plentiful ganufaaturod only 683, otnor lotrccta , 7a n. Oxfoid Street, 1JECT p near! $18 654,000 its compared with 833 Iain tss,oxford Streot, Won. t4 j central Rnssia m temperature of thirty to y `* _ � �' ,- within tt few years seems, however, almost � � f" I thirty-nine degrees below zeto is reported 441,000 a year ago and $:.0,24:7,000 two years a certainty. This conclusion few would W purchasers should look to tho Zabel on the d3ozes and Pots r AND APPLIANCE 00. � which is twenty-seven degrees below th© ago. doubt in the presence of the Nordenfelt Thi Usama Indians are believed to he the boat to take a particular example. And If the address is not 633, Dzfoxd Street, London, they are spurious c jyr y{f *yg' tAp,i 'l TO, n !�a averag In Siberia at has fallen to forty. a +•i•'1 i 6 � 4 d7 I ORO i U 1J�d 1 five de gees below rare. richest people in the world. Numbering the destruction of a single large war -ship G. e. PATTER50 i, Giga for Canada, The bitter cold that has prevailed' and about 670, they have about $10,000,000 to by a submarine boat would spread demorali- • - jwas still prevailing two weeks ago through- their credit m the Government treasury, ration throughout the navies of the world. If we may credit the report of a German out German has far exceeded in intensity In addition to this they owes 15,000,1100 After the blowing up of tine Housatonic, Every owner ora. Meati• .eity, its supplied by 'the Y Y acres of land land are absolutely free from the fine steam -frigate 11 Wabash," armed honeorco,vwants chemist sou human mors 1 'tile best known var : CY�1 ori { IeetriC 3ie1t, anything experienced there for many years. debt. Eadh member of the tribe has au with powerful guns, and having a disci lin. a 11t%; to know how to pretty B ' The snowfa}l, too, especially in Berlin,. has p P g g P etiee occupying from Four to tin bongs au 7.a now re, ognized as the-reatest boon offered been the heaviest in . years. Traffic in the annual income of $_20. ed crew of seven hundfrom re amen, the chlmsed in i, rod health while in thn stable eon dtry rtfoddcinial r digestion in healthy stomachs. In view o£ ' to suile ring humanity. "lt is fast taking the There is sixty-onr count.riea in which an crone confusion y g place oa drugs in all nervous and rheumatic streets of the capital has been completely the faot that thousands of men and wome- troubles, end will effect cures in seemingly, interrupted several times this winter. Two invention may be patented, sixteen in little Confederate divers—officers and sea- DICK' 6eBss Condition w recce god eat cheese, believing that it facilitates di- hopelesscaseswlieroeveryotherknownmeans ,weeks ago the temperature in the city was Furnpe, eight in Africa', .four in Asia, men alike terror-stricken till safety was e ,as failed. It is natures remedy, and by its . appetite and strengthens the digestion so thatall the gestion, this rapertia interesting, to say the steals, soothing,currcnt that is readily Telt, 9 ° below zero. Railway traffic has been twenty-seven in America and Hint in assured by distance. Navalpower would f od is assimilated and forms flesh, tbus savingmore least. � one - POSITIVELY CURES interrupted all over the empire, and the Oceania. .Cwo?ran all gentlemen recently bad be paralyzed till means should be found than it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys cold has been moat severe. Many people a hypodermic syringe patented an each one to neutralize the mischief of the unseen and and turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one- v itlteuta aifsm, Fsaxual �Vealtness, NERVE BureAl oro n new his Ftheticy, i?emttla Lolniplaints have perished from cold, and three such of these noun§ries, at atotal cost, according unknown adversary, and it might be that Sound Horses are i�iERVE covory that cureAly Wotetcaera o3 t, Nervous DebilltyM1 Lose Vigor and t deaths occurred is Berlin on Jan. 18. The to a writer in Le Figaro, of $17,000, naval warfare would be transferred for a ways in demand and at hailing itiault a; reswres the e GenLvineral Debility, 7iidnez Diseases, port of Hamburg has been completely closed The lowest cash balance which the Unit- tame Iitneath flit snrfaee of the sea,—Feb- this ses�on when they sous lid BE� NS weakness of body or mind cauecd v ervouM Diseases, Liver Cautplaint, by ice, and some twelve days ago all the ed States Treasury has yet touched,lrelpre- rut ry St. Mcholas. arnsoGabte to slips and by over -work, or the errors ore: ,V•sz,ePsin, I.:ttne Ilacir. strains DICK'S BLIS- efsseaoi Youtb, This Itemedthet I 6tarieotele, iJrinary Dlseaeas. shipping in the harbor, including 1'26 large senting less that 53,000,000 of full legal �G1r1S of grit• TER will be found,a 1� [� solutety cures the most obstinnto cases whop all othor 4. steamers and over 100 large sailing ships, tender money, free of liabilities, was reach- stable necessity; itwtll Ho see TnnarusNTs havefaile8e9cato r®elieve. tlldbydlo i• aR H EU M AT f S E ed Feb. 1st The declared balance was Boone count Iowa, which boasts of being ate at per package, ot• six for J or sent by mall on were ice -bound. Navigation in the Baltic + Y, `� remove a curb, spavin, ieociptb! price byaddresstngTHESAME3hII•,DIo1NY '*, Itisawellknownfactthatinedicai science has almost entirely ceased. $7`25,265,068, but this included the gold the home of the brave Kate Shelley has splint orthoroughoinorany swelling. Dick'sLini• Co..;oronto.Ont- Write for pomphiet, Soldva— has utterly fatted n actaffothat to rheumatic _____0__ .� reserve of $100,000,000, bank deposits of produced a pair of heroines who are worthy ment cures a stm% or lamet,essand removes inflam }' oases. Wo venture ilia assertion that althouf li $11,098,454, subsidiary silver to the amount compeers of the noble lass of Aioingona, mation from cuts and bruises. For Sate by all Drug- f, � Uleetrieityhas only been inuse usaremedial The Sport of Ski-RuIInln , of $11,316,53%. and minor coin to the Their names areklaryandl�ateGrabenharat, gists. Dick's Blood Purifier 50c. Dlck'sBt;ster5oc. HAVE YOU O h ant Tor a few yea it hus cured more cases R a ed respectively 22 and 16, daughters of Dick's Liniment 25c. Dick's olnt scut 25c. ✓' q Rheumatism than ail other means com- Of all the sports which your typical amount of .458,475, The aid reserve has fined. Sczno o1 our leading physicians, recog- Norseman erjoya there is none he loves also reached its lowest ebb, standing at only Pr4ed Grabenharat, a well-to-do farmer re- postal card ; t Sizingthisfact, are ava3linl; theinseivesofthis more than that of ski -running. Upon the $108,181,713, which is $16,000,000 less siding in the northern part of that county. Fat Cattle for full par- yi' most potent of natuie'sforces. long slender wooden runners, which are less than three months ago. Having recently disposed otsome stock, the i titulars, & TQ RESTQRE MANiiQOD than six inches in width and from eight to The Bank of France now holds $37,000,000 old gentleman was supposed to have a con- a book of valuable household and farm recipes will t 1 l 1 10 11 l Thousands of people suffer from a varlety of ten feet in length, he can travel over moun- more gold than a year ago, whilat the siderable sum of money in his 'house, and be sent free. e,. Al or 'Ous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, twin and plain, up the precipitous hills, and Austro-Htihhgarian Bank shows an increase this fact excited the cupidity of a ruffian DICK & CO., P.O. Box Aa2, MONTREAL. mpotency, Lost Manhood, Vault: Back, etc., down long, steep declivities ; while the }n its hold}nes of 525,000,000" The Combine named Joe Ross, who deliberately planned �' but old modes of treatment fail to cure ed accumulations of those two banks-- Ant-ers ana Their Growth - hero is a lase of nares force or pn,vtr that .swiftest steed would be left far behind. to murder the family and obtain the money. w cannot s loss nevby e force treatment, and The skis are bound about the feet by strong amounting to 562;000,000—almost exactly Secreting himself in the barn, heavily arm- �yily doctor who would try to accomplish this straps por wither and they remain fast when .corresponds with the net export of gold from, .ed, the assassin awaited GrabenharaVa ap- By the time a deer c five s 1 s old ," ' g; qy any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous • ' Y b lost at ever site United States in d892, which is officially earauce to do his chorea, and Hien fired, should have what are called his rights," form of charlatanism, Properly treated it would seem they would e y � step. One of the most interesting thins stand at ; $59,000;000. This transference the shot taking offer~ in his victim's arm- A that the brow antler, ivthe is nearest the P n the sob of bibs come about through natural banking desperate struggle ..ensued, and an outcry base of the horn or burr, the bel or bay, hb "Backache • the aeavengeCs I THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED about the sport of ski cunni g is rocess. The contraction of large credit speed —the gaols down ong, P g brought the women of the. house totlie old inch or two higher up.the beam t3 upright means the kid- o' the system. tecti'lo}t , as n lied by the Owen Electric P testing—the operations on the Continent has necessitated en's, rescue. The mother was felled to the (main shaft of the born), the tray or tres , n e s a r tl i n of / P elt and ySus Suspensory, will most assuredly do snow -clad hails; sometimes several miles 3n m p Y, y tti like restriction of credits in Great Britain, round, but, the two bravo girls grappled above that, and finally two on top, or two trouble, Dodd's dangerous. Nei;• go. 3t the only known remedial attest that length, at the bottom of which there is a some con- g ' `i bet him to rants on one of hisantlers, Phis constitute will supply,vhat is lacking, namely, norve reakistheocursof whi hYP' re e." and that in turn has causeda m the desperado, disarmedhxn, a• P ronnabie or war Prompt Pilief", trout kidne force oower, im art tone and vigor to the steep b P P traction of credits in_);ugland s relations insensibility, and securely bound him hand a stag of light points a yy aud ctse htaltb action the whole From this precipitous point the runner iia indtteed Y 1 with re• rantsbledeertwhowill,inanotheryear,have prompti'elref, t, froubaa rcaouolt organs art u y and foot. The 16 -year-old gig , 75 )ger cep n B BI d nervous system. I 11 jumps high ill the air, while going at with the United States and s ed withdrawals of bankers',,, balances from valvar in hand, stood guard over the pros- two on top on both sides and becomeT sacg 0 disease is Dyspepsia, Litr�1^"" terrific rate of speed, and, after describing alit in the latter country. j a in the sky, he alights on the snow emp loym y trate wretch, while the elder went to a of ten points- In Scotland when t �st• effused by tomplalnt, and BEWARE OF IMITATIONS an are Y, B ,, -- neighbour forasaistanee. The robber was 'three an top onbothsadestheheadiatermed disordered hid- the most dan- d ,.he ,worthless, cheap; so-called Electric below. + a e a full confession a Ro alone, but I never heard the term sacci • t r and eddl at which at first sight seems eo a t9tetim En iAe m Oyster Oul" :conveyed ,to gaol, m d Y these aro de- segs, , gerous o f ail, I advertised by spurt canoe ns p ed This fe , g, Use of th g ' h- the a untr, , They .ire electric In uieidal.ltne is as a tore- and the citizens of Boone.are designing to, ,n the West. Most of "Might .as.uiel/ BYtghts DtseasaF ue o dangerously near the , xe o worthless as a cumflve lower, and '`resent a fittan testimonial to the heroic rived from oldNormau I ranch bun terms try thave a D,a b et es and only, ! matter of fact, no more dangerous than P g g , rat,any price. Certain varieties}, of the oyster are vary run^' ladies. but deer themselves are called bynaoies u •ho an mart another s ort and the aocidenta are Y' g u lnistakabi English In his h e a 1 t h y e i t y Oro'psy." R'Iie Llllaikoiige thr World to s w, Y P , sensitive to extreme sold and the recent. �+ is under eon-. a the um have ion ' _ which sound n y male deer is i without sewer The a b ous11 .oetrio Belt where the current , u few, for three who'mak j P B 'ousl ' threatened 'the ' � ear, for instance, a :young ,. t completely as this. sevtrefrust so ser? y a,'London as in ever other capital of firat „tt age, -as good diseases cannot . rol of, the patient as compl „ v Y r yy been trained hu the ekimans arts. In the I y if, attwo ears he is knobbee, knob tl3ax Trade 14lartr, .is the portrait of Dr, 20 000;000 oysters stored for the Winter id, a .e focal n officers mut lin ata , Y health when the eX l e t where II I!s e n Fatherland the annual tournaments held m, Turope- there r g g B. , << Devon embossed to gold tapes every B.lta d the ponds at Hayhng Island that for _ e bntwhotahetheir blot or brochet,"from hisbiitldingantlers, p with thF ordinary poise , tt `asst .. kidneys are Dodfl's Kidney Ct massae manufactured by us: the leadtn of tree ora the great sporting i i e as em to ed •" hesamea ebeingen, ,, ,he ,� 't' 4 several clays a steam angine, n w p y.. orders from the Consuls or Ministerial rep. amid alt g• _ t, _ ,, clogged, they are . Pills are us d.'' events or .aa eui, and the Kiu grants the - d - earhoisa—s ice or. pricka , 011d for C tdi0 i10 l tdied (gated) re0, Id , g to Itee ,the ands thawed and suppite a ective natiaus. In tht third y : P a t P . p [edentattvea of 'their, respective t•whiclh' Soldbyall dealersorbox or ixfo reb42, t attra,ct.uw n. i,..^' pt 7+ncr, ,t naa the ere Vl 1 and coke fires bearn,havm formed, afte ,viiia water, and large ora chin .Criminals who have es then upright g pN / r BELT ��, " r,: fr . ,...f rheyara wat g P g u r, ., . to his D price 56. cents. poo box -a six For to V, F ap ,F.d EI er,91fi t jn.alp^..., t , 1 t. • .• . • , re ke t bursas lit ht sad da upon the it own ho becomes a atkRgart, attaining r �a.a King St. w., 'rorantO. � I t � ;;r t r interesting .we p S g Y caped from the jurisdiction of the e,ofive. bDorokcal%dKdue� Co. fatawira Write ntaouthislasJ pt, sl5r;rt . } • ..trdefoaeci. banite. '. 4u11 title and dignities at the age y Talk. .r. countrv. � Children Cry for Pitchers. Castori�,, • t�1. I 11. - I I �. µ` , w.. .k " i .,. -, ..a�„r.,.,,a..:,M,. .,,<,..� .w..t..w.,,.w1.. +,. nw..,.,.,:. �.: . . _ hit° 'M ... z...,..:��_«' ,. i'�. w-,,,�t A.'sz, ,,, rsaro' fl •, ...,._Y. M.. ....v. .. .•,_.^ . ii t,�,., .�^mvays:,�: _... .. :,�,. .'. ,. .:.__.,: .. ti:,sem.. lam "�wse,«.anurS"s. ,�. ._ � _^ori n� �.r'�_w.rrc��. �„ .. �. ,N..., o- .W.• .-..W.-,z _., ;.'"��..� ... i �,