HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-23, Page 1VOL, XXX.. NO. 24. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2318911 3 JOHN WHITE & $()'NFublisher and Proprietor 11 will be missed when called on to drew ont Zurich. CONDENSED DISTRICT big loads that. have been stuck, as they Our Great Sacrificing Sale of BOOTS k nunoa Winter just knew now, SHOES. RUBBERS. OVERSHOES, Etc. for NEW's Heasall Methodists will build a new,, � 011 the next SO days, is now going on, and all the atlppl alfa. Church. Fail a n order t mak will be acid at costmm for Dr. Scott hat been elected Modieal .. "# St3nsaIl, cash, in ardor to make room for our immense The great value o[ Hood's Sarsaparilla $aalth Officer of Tuokersmfth,0,4 ` DO[ S stook of &prong and Summer foot wearwhich is a, a r0med We aro now busily engaged 000ning out aur to arrive shortly. Boot Shoes made to y for catarrh is vouched for by The old Rutledge farm, on the Bayfield 7 ��• New gning Goods nonsisting of Prints. Shirt-, order, and repairing promptly attended to. thousands of people whom it has cured, v�1 JY ings. Gottonados, Flannellettes, Art Muslim Satisfaction Guaranteed, Come andeeenre the eon. Stanley,is finally disposed of, Ed- Embroideries, etc. Tho largest and bestassor't- bargains. A quantity of wood wanted, also Air• Wm• Reid, of Luean sold a team of ward Rothwell being, the port?talar at the a1 ed stock over shown in IIenaati. Small profits farm produce taken in exchange for roods. carriage horses to a Glasgow (Scotland) Is t)1e GO[11lllon form Of SallltatlOil 4 and Big Sales being our motto. Intending rur_ D. GOTTspnALtt, buyer for the sum of $525. ) tum of 54,400: chasers will do well to get our Prices before Mr. Albert Wise is the first alor.tg the now -a -days. buying, Angus MoMillan of Sable, West Will- Bayfield road Goderiob Townsbi to have COST n NniaaeaLt a. Ailsa, Graig. iams, died last week, He was 77 years of addition$ to his flock in the shape of lamt v Naw don't catch cold, friends a Just what you neodnow when the weather age, and leaves an aged wife and five child they were dropped an Saturday, �' we hays some good winter goods breaks un h a first class pairof boots or sh❑oa FAILARE -•The private banking house , of ran, y left, and depend upon it you can " and just the place to buy thorn is at;A, Wesatoh's• its we will soil. you hoots and shoos Mr. James G. Shipley, at Ailm Craig, do. R �VITtI iNyALIna.--Yes? with invalids the afford to buy them at our reduced li7 a� cheaper then anv other dealor. We wilt ai,e ing business under the name of Shi lev & Tho do lam fn 1ted Williams for the P year 1891 amounted to $lila aPp0tite is eapieious and needs ceasing, that prices. vl you 10 Per cent aff for °ash for the next SO Co„ has !appended a Payment, and the lis• she$ $ paid m is just the reason they improve so rapidly It seems out of place to men days. and all winter gcoda at cost for cash, P y $260.32. 1aima 847.65 leaping a balance of tinder ,Scotts Emulsion which is as Pala- tion our Spring andSummer goods all and got our prtoes before puroha, else- biiftiea are planed at from w 30,000 to $90,- whore. butter and;oggo taken jn ozahango for 000, Mr. l3biplAy called a meeting of bigtable of oream. But we got in alovely lot of them ' Al McTAVISI-I Roeda, Ropairinc neatly dopa. creditors and offered 40 cents on the dol- Roy, J, E, Holmes, of Grand Bend Cir M ahaoh Garbutt Wingbarn gafoideci and ask you to call for a warm A Sign'of theBigBoot. A. Wmsalott'ProprlcGar. lar, with security and SO c0uta without 0°t, lies recoivad a unanimous Dell from Sunday morning by hanging hftuaelf with and see them. Jack Frost is aeouritp, This offer was refused, A met- the Corunna oiraait for alta next torte Dom- a clothesline in bis own woodshed while about to take a vacation,the snow a Fallowing are iha market quotations : moneing June, aceom tnie9 him, and we may e Wheat ion to wind up the estate was carried, the members of the family were at church. P g P x t 7 • . • • , , . • . 66 to fid . .. The Middlesex Co. Council Ilea given He wall aged about 70. ears, and temper. Poet A chit,lt o after their de art- , Barley 30 to 38 Tuckersmith• instructions to County Constablu to arrest ary despondeucy is assigned as the cause. ure. i CO' Oats , , , , , , , , , , , , , 30 to 31 all pedlars and auctioneers who work in Peas 52 to 53 BRIEFS-- Mr. F. Layton has rented 50 the county without a license. Air. M• C• Cameron, of Gudorioh, who is Prepw-e, for it. �,/ Ba at present in Florida, states that he will be jy q are giving away lovely pictures, Batter .............. 6,00 6.00 1 7.00 year of the Cutter estate for a term of two etre understand that at the different back by the let of March. He says it Is a said to r worth 17 !a 18 yeah. The property is close by Mr; Lay. meetings held last week is West Williams good deal pleasanter down there with the $5 each, only a limited 4 Eggs , , , , . • ,, . .... 9 to 19 ton's present farm and will no doubt prove to consider the question of abolishing abeep thermometer at 75 depress than it is here number. See them. Boge ......... ..... 8,00 to 8.25 a valuable acquisition, -Mr, Geo. Nott bad claims there was an unanimous or almost with the blizzards. (y ROSS. ' Clover seed. , .. , .....8.60 to 8.75 a bee drawing sand last Friday. He J. f . ! a0 S 5. e _-� g y pro- m matter wfeti expressed to leave the The Seaforth Royal Tomplars of Tem. Wingham, BxIEFs-Air, Wm Colwill, �t•agoamakar, poe0e building a now and enlarged barn, matter as it is. a is on the sick list,. -Mrs G. F• Meyers foundailona and the sand now ready. -Mr porance have established a band in con, Market Square Bargain Depot r Mr. John heli, one of the beat known presented Mr. M. with a big baby toy an Charles Landaborongh's mother, ho is Glencoe Trausoript;--"One of our mer• neotion with their order, and gave tLeir • _-_,..a Thursday ' chants in filling a customers order for first exhibition of skill in their Ball on AT THE UAIL OF JUSTICE residents of Wingbam,andbrother of Thor y^Mira R. D, Young moved out well up in years continuer ill with A not butter one day last week bad occasion to Alonday night last under the able leader - t Bell proprietor of the WjuRbam furniture of town last week to her mother's, She Tory bright Praepeot of recovery. out a roll. His surprise and indignation abip of Air. John Daily. $ugh O'Donnell, Who has just been A factory, had his foot and lower part of the intends leaving next week for Nepawa, may tried at Pittsburgor complicity leg tarn off Tuesday morning while putting Man., wham flip, Young has a tint -class Whalen y be imagined when loo found the cup The salt men have termed another naso- Homestead riots, as been cqutted, in he t a pelt on its pulley, in him brother's foot• situation as head book-keepor. -Mesers, posed butter to be nothing but the vilest elation, with headquarters at Clinton, John 11, soap grease of a dark, dirty color,, thinly R9usfard continuing 99 secretary'and W S. E. Leplant will be tried ou Febru- I I ary_ Drs. Tamyln and Meldram are doing Henry Cools and Richard Spieres attended Barnra,-Meears,11. and G. Cook assist, layered with lard, and outside of that a ary 28 at Sandwich on the cbarge of I their Utmost to alleviate his suffering. the tea meeting at Thames Road on Mon. ed by local talent gave an enterialnment layer ofbutter suilioient:to t Ai• (xray, of Seaforth bili] president, , da night. y give ft a goats There in no combination in robbing the Merchants' bank, Windsor. The doetore empntated the limb this after Y B ti•' -Dr, Afaaatthur of Landon was n the retgol louse an Friday evening, color, It ie a pity that Saot oontewptable object being t Frtaos' Ilio `,aha case. a"'ain t Rev. Moon, but holdout faint hopes for hie re- Flatting at his brother's John Macarthur, The Trogramme was a goad one, but on 9. tricker J g o facilitate business trAn• h S L G. Stevens eovery. Mr. Bell was at one time one of banker, on Monday. --Messrs. Geo, C, eonnt of the inclemency of the weather the y and meanness on the part of the motions at a minimum of expenses. at St, John, N,B„ has been settled, the T Pett person who sold the vols stuff cannot be defendant being given back all his let- the old Aa a drivers from London to y, C. Moyers and G, F. Me era were y g Membra 's , g y proceeds ~vara not Cor bf .-Tho storm on brought home to the guilty party and putt- y Kidney and Livor Gttro tea tars. Exeter, Clinton, Wingham,ete. and was its Clinton on Tuesday,-hieaera, Joseph Sunday was one of the Worst oftbe season, fehed, here would be a good opportunity been dispensed by a prominent ohemist well known. Thomson and A. W. King spent Sunday -We are again reminded of the unaertaia. for farmers' organizations to work a reform and druggist for years, and hundreds of James Bremner; a prominentbusiness and Monday at Seaforth,-Mrs Thea. Bal- ty of life, by the untimely death of Mrs. F. and show their disapproval of much trickery his customers have freely testified to the loan of West Bay City, Mich„ and ason GreenWay lantine is on the sick list, -.-Mr, John Morley on Tnesday 14th Inst, after an which indirectly moat do the farming tom- beneficial effects and w,in,lertnl cure of of Alex. Bremner of Tilsonburg, has BRturs.--At a spacial meeting of the Coulter had a wood cutting bee on awes• illness of only a few days. The deceased munitya great deal of Injury." Kidney and Liver complaints• Aok °your been arrested on a charge of forging tr"Iteea of School No 10 it was deoid0d a tray and Peter was the champion chopper, was a daughter of Mr. Geo. Langford of drag,llsks for it. several notes, Arra Mott. Bengabou returned last bereaved n ; and was married to her now rsRTu, Airs. James Braithwaite ot. Loude.boro > Procure a now globe and 6 new seats.-- Thursday 'after about two woek'r bereaved and sorrow ng husband only Mitchell hoe dfepene0d with the services died an Wednesday, She tbad unl baa' AItIONG 2IlE SIOItTs, '« The Boston Methodist Methodist Sabbath absence, and has again taken up her abode about three and a half years ago. • of a day constable, y n Skater Donoghue appears to be disin• r School appointed. Messrs JameaYoung and. with bar husband. -Mr. Richard Uoad seriously ailing about three day". 8110 Clined to race Harold Hagen, the Nor :&, M. Wilson la t week of s delegates s to he , y sit Yes. Pain in back; Constipation, Sick was 76 pears of ago and was one of Hurons I returned from Woodstock olaada night wegian. held in Exeter, Feb, 23rd dt 24th. -Mr. D titter about four weak's absence. Under Dashwood• Haadaohe, etc , are cured by using .Mom. pinneer settlers. Her husband, Jan. held i ey an ter, leu Jerry ran a foie . D, the care of the doctor and getting cured -- bray's Kilney and Liver Cure sold by all Braithwaite, J. P, who ie well up in gears Bobcaygeon won the Ontario curling 14 of drinking, Richard saps he has no desire BiuErs-Mr. R°eau and son from Haar dealers. Try it, ham for the patt few weeks been mentally tankard, Oshawa being the last compet- a hullo log tear where $bey were chopping for it now, and looks well after the cure. Stratford who were visiting at Mr, Henry At the annual meeting of the Dominion deranged, ing club, t wood a few daps ago, and by cutting a jaw -The second Masquerade and Carnivs,l Roeso s dnring the past week, returned on Ayrshire Breeders' association, held in Early Sunday morning the Congregation. Harlan will not go to England to row very large one.-Mise�RoseoBakerreleft last l g Monday. -Air. John Green o[ Milverton. Toronto on Thursday l.st, - Ili, al Church, Windham caught fire rm the Bubear, but Will prepare for his xace whotewill take place in the Hensall skating m with Gandaur. xink on Tinirsday, Feb, 22rd, ',when prizes is visiting Ilia father, who is sick. at Mr. Ballantyne, of Blansbard was elected furnace, ho flames werA discovered be - c week to visit friends in our village Nebraska. will be given. -A Nock Tie Social will be Louis Klein ativbr's,-Nims Elie Halls, ail president, fore they had made much headway, The „ Pugilist Charles Mitchell was aaTested --nua John Ryan paid our village another T.sistant school tescher, spent Saturday find' basement was damaged to the extent: of ; 'at New York under the law prohibiting i .annual visit in Lis official capacity ar as. given. by 2n , This Lodge of R. T. o£ he Sunday with her parents, near Eli inville. alt'fth the siccing of his establishment $500 and the organ upstairs suffers the immi' alio k g I Sesser, -Alias Lily Brophey returned home event March he s This ie very d s the Satnrdav evening, Al r, Wm, Coleman the g P d from a , r n of convicts, butwas're- ovant of the season and everybody is wet• -mfr; Kaerebar o} SohrinRville is visiting aeniar buloher and the oldest business man the heat. Insured. in the "Mercantile for leased on a tivxit of habeas corpus. from Detroit Last Saturday, come to cams and buy a Weak too. Eat- his son hip, George Kaercher at proeent,- '7T` 'a''r come are to be served, and also a r l0ndid On Sunday afternoon er were again visited in St, 1larye, retired after a career of 33 $250' At Larchmont, N.Y., George Paul Granton. program is to ho given ,by the Lodge and O Sunday old tom° blizzard, were again visited years of business life. Probably none of tiro MoCoal profession Work, defeated E, D. Fulford, the i visiting lodges. -The Wbonell Bros have the roads badly, The wind also blow in A petition is being sent to ill Miniafer m this county were more widely known World's professional Champion pigeon BlutoFs,-The Canadian Order of For sat. moved the balance of the Bieaott stock of one o! H..h J. Iieslermnn's large panes of Customs to make lite town of Minister than. Dr. Worthington of, Clinton, who Shot, in a match at the club grounds, era of this place attended the funeral of tin and bardware to Hensall on Monde of glass' --Air, Ed, seema to be an out; ort of Stratford for the collection of last weelr was called to tic great beyond, Mr. Work killed 88 birds out of 100; Mrs. F. Morley, near Whalen, Mr. Merle r y attracted to The revival moetin s or duties and save time and expense la all He bad been a resident of that telco for Fulford killed 87. beinga Forestor, We extend our heart and Tuesday, 1 ou may look out for tgreatly g ora and merchants. P over 20 years, the previous ton years being soma cheap goods now. -Air. Jae. Brint, the big snow drifts out oast. P felt sympathy to Mr. Motley in his and neli of .Exeter sold his property on ]kin at —� The marriageof Miss iia spent in the Northern part b the county, MATTICItS AIILave secured 4 affliction- We trust iiia loss will be bar P P y g ggie Ballantyne, and had served in various public offices. Havill cC Whitliam have s©cured the gatn,The entertainment Under the aug- and occupied by Air Peter T uckersmi h. Stanley. thedauR on. of ThomJameas Ballantyne and niece of L A large two- story frame straotare and contract for the new drill shed in Tor - place John Sheppard, reeve d. Tucur village t e the Han• Thomas Ballantyne, to W, L, dwelling in Brussels owned by the Dom- onto. piece Of the Salvation Army was not well --A forge crowd it expected in our village COIINCtL-Tbe Couaail met nt Varna, Hclmea of EImQ, was celebrated at Merry- patronised Thursday nigh;, some preferring on Thursday next to attend the Conserve- Feby, 20tb. 1893, according to notice. dale Farm, Downie, on tVedoeeday evening inion Loan d: investment Co., of London The annual meeting of the Dominion to wait till Friday night to take in the one five Convention. -Mr. Wm. Stoneman Members all present, Alinutes of provions the 8th lost. and occupied by Wm. Nightingale,Saturday mer- Artillery association was held at Ottawa hold at'Vhalbn.-Owing to the continued and wife left Monday on a visit to Wrox- meeting read and signed, Dr. Stanbury's An obedience to the simple laws 'of by- maul, was destroyed by valued ed t $2 Friday, * storm on 5anday no seivioe was held in eter.-Mra. Edward Shaver wag in Lon- account of 815 for attending Mrs. Banner- Rfene and the nae of Ayer's Sarsaparilla gift, The building was valued at $2 00 The steamer La Bourgogne, which English ohureb,-We hear that some of don on Alondty on buaiueas.-Mr. John man, was ordered to be paid, Tho tier! Mr, Nightingale places big loss on farm- Bailed from New York Saturday those who were compelled to will enable the mcat delicate man or sickly tore at about y for x I go out on Aiacarthur's, banker, little girl has been was instru°ted to draft a by-law setting woman to pass in ease sod safety from the tore 0. $2,000, and that on stook at Havre, carried $,1,000,000 gold. r Sunday did not return to their respective very sick with inflammation and croup, font the foot that ibis connoil will not e ' t homes till 1londay.-The Epworth Lea League p' fez any damages dune b g P y icy atmosphere of February to the warm, The Department of Militia and De- g but are glad to state that she is getting y dogs :to sheep in moist days of April. It is the beat spring A writ for libel has leen isened against fence has forwarded to the civic author - held an oyster supper Monday night.- better. -Mr, Richard Welsh bas been on Chia municipality, The auditors were paid medicine, P g the Goderich Signal, at the instance of ilial the agreement handing over Tor- il Owing to the moasels being quite prey- the sick list,-S}eesre McEwen Gci er $5 each for serviess as auditors and $3 for Mr. Senior, proprietor of the Billiard room aL.int the attendance at school is small,- g extra servieea. The clerk was instructed to Air. H. A. Switzer of Woodham, sold to in Crabb's block there, in response to the onto garrison commons for exhibition cold their flax a day last week to a New A1r, S. Fraleigh druggist and aeedsman proposes. 4 Alias McGowan, teacher, was .away on York firm fora good Sgure.-awing to Rei five blank order books for use of 8t. Mars gg � letter in that journal aaousiag him. of a .i Tuesday attending a wedding. -Air. T. the severe snow storm on Sunday the council. The pathmnstere, pouadkeapere Marys, a single load of choice Altike contravention of the by-laws and an Ont- The British warship Hyacinthe is Squires has moved into his now house.- congregations were very small in all the and fenceviewera were appointed Had are clover seed, for which he received the coaling at Victoria, B. C., and taking on aria statute. Two thousand dollars is , Mr. S, Coxin, we understand has bought churches, especially at night, -Wood and with a few exceptions the same as Inst year, handsome sum of $477.50. Mr. Switzer named as the damsgee, a full supply of stores. It is said she is I the house vacated by T- Squires and is saw logs are still coming in in large quan- The council then adjourned to meet again states his yield to be nearly 6 bushels per i W. J. Sheffield, an employe of M., to sail with sealed orders, and it is sup- zenovaiing it before moving in. titles. -Aliss Barbara Wilson left on Tues- on Monday Apijl 3rd next at one o'clock posed she is going to Honolulu. t day on a week's visit at Londesboro.-Mrs m• -G, J, STEWART, Tp. Clark of Stanley, A meeting of the Patrons of Industry of Thomas Bell, r Win&ham, ludic working -� ` Urediton. . (Rev,) Fair returned on Friday after a . y' ata buzz planer the otter day, by some Scutt Perth was held at the council means or another his Land came in Den O U T H HURON , It --- week's visit at SebrinRville and Stratford. chamber, St. biarya, Tuesday afternoon, toot with the knives, and all the fingers of V BRIEmb.--Revival meetings are scontin- Sodom. but as two lodges were unrepresented no bis lett hand were taken oto. It is not win with good success in the two churches -- definite action was taken in bringing not Elim4ille, g g likely that Mr. Sheffield will ever be able here i Albert Hooper, eon and mother, _ DED.tTE-The debate of last week war candidates for Parliamentary honors and to work at his, trade again, ss the fingersAare visitinK friends in Saginaw, lfiebigan. well attended; Meepre Snell, Westaway and the meeting adjourned till some time in are taken off close up to the hand.�6 ���BRIEFS-Rev, W, Ruanoe a former Penbale acted as chairman. The question March, 6 tut as lnsil'ido -Henry Eilber was at Goderich last pastor will conduct the anniversary services . Seaforth will vote•next Friday upon the z Wednesday attending on;the warden's tom- Here on Monday next morning and avenin was which is .he strongest passion, love or 9t, Marys Town C°nnoil adopted the question of a market building for the town- mittee, on County, basiness,-Mr. Edward y S g hate. The decision was given in favor of following solst'Alist for 1893; Clerk, $350; A report by Mr. Malcolm McDonald, of } Lamport and wife were visiting their con and will also deliver a lecture on Tuesday Love. A dialogue by S. Stanlake and J. Treasurer, $250 ; Chief Constable, Publicmeotings of the SouthIIuron Farmers' Ir and friends here last week, -The Town- evening, Every body will be leased to 8400: West WaAanoah who looks after these Institute will beheld to P Carrick, reading by Miss Keefer; singing Night Watchman, 11175 ; Superintendent matters for the Government shows that shipOonueii•hake accepted the tender of an and Bear himrom I Samuel Mornay b the russet Isco, W. Sanders, J. Ford, of Cemetery, $365 ; Assessor, ' Josph Lawson, far $1360, to erect two and hie mother from Inverness Me colic y r each ; from the Ziat y Ootohar to 1 an 12th of DAS'3WOOJ, 13arch i, J S. Stanlake, and the Sodom twins. -The The Coun k ee ts, Auditors, $a each 64 days. 1Since. the first 31 and snow on he EXETER, March S, T oadnrbridgeay across the Aux SQuble at let Co. �laebec spent several days of lack week question for Wednesday Afareh tat will be: Ponndkeepsre, Fenoeviewers, and toxo 64 days. Since tbo first of December the and 4th :side -roads. These structures visiting at Rev, ylr. Russel's; about twenty- "Which is the . greater evil a Tier or a engineer, legal fees. -ABNA, March 9 should last for the next 25 five pears ago Mr. Russell was pastor of , fi g g snow -fall has been 98 inches, or 3 feet 2 , pears as our ciroait !n which they live, and the thus thief, John Carriok,S. Stanlake, Jan. and E. Jardine, North Sidney, 0, B. says;- inches on the level. SEAFORTH, March l0, a , council have decided -that nothing but first J Sr, support the thief. J. Sweet, 0. Prouty, ,<I have used your Dr. Williams' Pink Wm, Walker, of Laoknow, was recently v oleos mat0rial mhall bo clad i! them. -One shoved their respect 'for him and Irira. and Sam Stanlak0, go for the liar, There p Commencing at half past tell o'clock each day, ,�rL ofcl the aterial stormshill be that ever visitedOne Iiusrell by travelling nearly six hundred will likely be some for therecitatiia in the { Pills with decided success, and would tea- ' found dying beside tho railway track, about Addresses on practical subjects will be deliver- ' ar y y Russe to eco them, After so many years R I ommend them to anyone suffering as I 3 miles north of the town. He walked out ed by C. C. James, Toronto, Deputy Minister this section of the aoantr or any other programme. -The Poor House question is did from weakness and impoverished blood, y to Whitechuroh and of on of Agriculturo„late prnfeasor of chemistry at this sd thin oleos last Sunday The'oldo r of separation they were happy to meet, to be discussed in the Town Hall, Crediton the boundary g the agricultural : 0 allege ah GuAlpb , T. J, inhabitants have never seen anything that Suol1 from friendship a: stove pries, about the middle of Mar°h, battv°en a sn ur pills lase afforded wonderful relief board the Into train at night, and on reach- Dillon, Superintendent of the experimental would nieasnro swords with it, and ft is portion of the Sodom Club and the Reeve d I believe them to be unequalled. All ing Luoknow the conductor put him off at creamery, Mount Elgin ; C. M Simmons Ivan The County Grand Lodgo of Huron and and Deputy Reeve of Sto hen and other declare a by mail, poet paid; at50a. a box the station, bol instead of going home- steak hrooder and shipper David Buchanan, aotnalsy doubtful if Manitoba or Dakota p s editor of the Canadian Live Stock Journal, can match it. -George Glanville o who bee Perth, Black Knights of Ireland, met in or 6 beset for $2.50. Dr, Williams,liMad, he wandernd `north along the track towards Toronto : John Burns, Kirkttm, subject, } Wingham, on Wednesday, last, February -S`epbon Coune:l will meet on. Monday Co, Brockville, Ont, Ripley; How and where he passed the Road making ; wm, Johnston. Blanchard, beenjoarrying on a general stock of Mer- g Barth 6th at Crediton Monday March 13th night will probably never be known, but subject, nntario farming compared with that s ehandize, in this village- forsomemonths 15th, After routine business, the following at Limerick at 2 The attendance at the Reform Convention of the tOntario Stator. A cited musical { has removed to Centralia. George is n offieera,'were elected for the`ensu4n p' it is supposed he was struck by the early g year:- �!� held in St, Marys on Wednesday afternoon programme will be furnished by the local respectable matt and should do well in ,his County Master, W. H. Murney, Goderich ; was large, but the bringing out of a can- morning train from the north and thrown committees in connection with the evening r new home. -The failure of the private Deputy County Master, A.M. Todd, Clinton; Farquhar. clidate was postponed until some Micro to the side [of the track, where he was meetings at each place, For full particulars 11 County Chaplain,Rev E Hughes Win found stout 2} tours later by the employes J e programmes. i, bank in Ailsa Craig ehould.be a wartting b gbam; data, The following officers were elected B.IiENn@IL30N JOAN HANNA>3, to 011 people to deposit no funds Dounty Registrar, R. Searlatt, Winthrop ; Bnlass,-Tie anoivereary of the Thamee Dr, Irving, President; VV. Kyle, Mitchell, of thespeoial. PRaetnnNT, SaonraseRv, but, fa P. Cc Treaenrer, John Reid; Goderich ; Road Presbyterian .church was bold on let Vice ;Robt. Gardiner, Ueborna 2tld 4 ' 0, Savings bank or incorporated inetitul- — Sunda and Monday, Sermons were Vico C. H. Whehban Seo' T County Lecturer, T.'E, Cornyn, Wingliam; y y , q . Treasurer. ” LMPOnTANT DiscovEn �`1 '� (' m�] K' at poor >vidaws Standard Bearer, T, Kearns, Clinton • d on Sunday by the pastor Rsv. C. Votee of th ut V IL 1 ons. 1 it lamentable that Preached anks to the retiring ofhoets, and Toronto Feby. 20th. -Among the surprtetn �- who havo'a' fainily to" siipport' sre, often ' Fletcher,'In big usual eloquent, impressive a vote o'f condolence with Ila strides g, -r victims in such failuraa. Pereaivant, M, J, Bell, Wingbam q P h widcw and es made b medical sciance in the Deputy''-Ldetnrer, T. Stewart, Blaevale ; and;intereating style to large congregations family of the late James Trow were passed last decade perhapa none is of more im- OR ( r,eourae (From. ) ' let Censor, . Robt. ,Hogg, Wingham ; notwithstanding that the. weather was unanimous#y, portance to humanity than the discovery of Daigirs,-Times are lively around our 2nd Censor, Wm. Stewart; Bluevale : stm•rny, On Mondav evening kbe usual tea a aura for humus disease of the �T m -�••�- (�'�•�T andaid Bearer J. Scarlett; Clinton •' was given, at which there was a very large Kidneys, little town now, -Some oltl,friende, are 2nd St .LVO 1 GUILTY home from the North Weak viiitin friends Deput Cha Iain :Peter After the o That this remedy completely masters this 1 J.. .L , in Crediton and neiRhborbood,-l2r, Rich- De uty p $colt Clinton turnout. god things g y y, , g provided terrible disease as well as all the other - p Registrar, Peter Collision, Clinton; by the ladies of the °tarok had been Par- diseases which' the • Tlie e taken of the large -merembla Kidneys ore suble0t to people say we are guilty of sell- and Halle who has been in the States for Deputy Treaearer,H.A L. White St, Marys; H ge repaired to C. C: RIOIIARna & Co, ie now an established, The body of the church where a Ynttorm shed. foot. Every dap ing Boots and. Shoes cheaper that a number of years is home visiting Wanda ; fat Committee, R. Bloomfield, Bluedale ; P brings newt o the intenddpoing out again on ,the list of tad do. George Cox r meeting war organized and :address$ GaxTs,-I have used] your MlNezin'a !;, f fhe most surprising Dares any other..houso in town. Come Ciode.toh ; , r de LiNI1HENT in m fainil for a number of resulting from Its use. 1Thecame ,of Mrs. and be a witness, : March, He has invested. in a pair of 3rd do, Ilobt, g0lyde, St. Marr livered by Rave. doheson, I{iPPOn ; i3end- Y y e s, you will be well Y arson, Hensall, and Marti pears for 'Caucus eases of sickness, and Brown of Toronto, who, ,when shoat to repaid f r heavy draught mares from '1Sr. James dlh do. ]3 .T. Forbes, _ Belgrave a, Exeter; Mr, p o your time. �Ve down the Hicks of Biddul h los the handsome 5th do;; ' Flo tabor erformi more particularly in a severe attack 'of Ill enter the Home for Incurables. iven it 1? m mo, tam J. J. MoMaih, GoderIoh • P ag the functions of chair- , . g P ,country fox prices in I{'e]t and Kid. of .$220. We give Dick credit for' the .;6th do. T. A. H ' mac, The choir acquitted grippe which I contracted last winter, and by the Hospital aathontes : as well am by . awkins Bruereh q iNed itself in. its Sox :Lod Rubbers, Felt Boot and usual efficient manner and on b I firmly believe that it was the means of fifteen prominent medical men, ,~leo that s choice Ilr her made in moot baa team. He 7th . of Robs. netStewart, St, Marys, the whole coin Boots and for Men's and. Bo s saving mb B. C. I,: LAatr> . f Sam. MurrayAiurray of Gravenhurst; who Ace ' y has got one ;ot the most ,handsome epana. It wae,tleoided that the next Marys. mastic tb• anniiereary pas a sncoees. Proceeds Lo 4 t3ytlney; 0. B. given up by four doctors and who was paid ng Boole we take the bun. that has been sold around this pastier some will to held in Clanton an the third '.Wed, from all sources amounted to up�yarde of 1 _ , . . needs $100: -Mr. W, Hackney of Str kf h e,lif0. disability claims by the Grand ry 1 time, We wish him many happy days to 7 of February, IeJ4. After the 7 a ord i Trunk R y, has attracted widespread at. aF1O. MANaON 5,,, drive; them We , think Jim,: your team meeting the delegates partook of an 'oyster` home on a visit looking his very best.' tentfo , • n. Both were completely oared by The Peoples Shoe St Ore. , • supper at Mr. R. Hill's reitanrant. Office. i Minard 1 omen/I .1far Rhqumatism. ' y,Pillr, Nezt Door to Poet ,. ` s ' � Dodd's Bidtle Lan ;, R. . r1. • i! ,. . - i ,. .. ,.. is ^. :. .. w .. aF: .. !. . ..,: ., f i �, i s .. , .. � :: : .:.. .. .: . , :. �..: ,:. ,._, ;�... �: ,.. i. .:.., . ... _,...,. � ,. 'J .,. �.a `�,. f. <., ti;c S, �..w.�n,Ya. �w,L.,r.,�m�J6sr—��Y �. .^.