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The Exeter Times, 1893-2-16, Page 8
i Brevities. TNSUBANCE Saaforth Dye works. ---..- -- a— i ------ Lent began yesterday-Ash ' 1 ' € y y-Ash V3 eduesda) . All orders for the above works, can be � NEST i+�zLL10-, ,AGI+�rj'I+OR A Council of the R. T. of T. isabont to left at E H Fish's barber shop, Satisfac IETTE tion uaranteed FANTHE fronto, alo tor.i lefH COkI> b; instituted at Centra'ia, g , • 9,-ANY of Taronte; also for the PH4:NIS KIM ENSURANOF,C011 ,-ANY of t,ondonl The local spurts on Monday bad fair ,Notice,F7ngland, AL1 TA1tCE x1 SURA\CECt]3l-hick in their fox hunt, in tite township of Snell Tiros. havin boo ht out the firmPANY otEngland, Usborne. * —of Snell Bros. cg Co.�all persons indhted F, TiRNSMAN, L,1), S D D,S Tuesday was St. Valentines' Day but to the late firm are respectfully requestod • Grdduate of Royal College of Dental as the habit of Aeltdiag, these missives is to ettle at once, as the business of the Prints, 77' "' e � e $urgeona. and of the Dental Department of waning a very small sale was the result, late firm must be wound up tmmediatell; nts, Prints, rine rr Sorantoilnivereity,(with honors`) CRA)1 Ox PORTRAITS-AItss M. V, White------0 — ,peaia fstiu bridge-work,and, gold and pqr- oelain crowns• is now prepared to do portraits in crayon, DTI, Weismiller of Hensall, the nominee - YiereNitrou ; Oxide Gas and local anzesthet- life size. Orders to be left at residence. of the Conservative Party, for the LooM las For painless 's B ooko R Always at bolus. The ice harvest has commenced and a Houselia, spent Ftida night in this place, Offiaa Fanson'a Block, Esetor, y g good quality ' is d a taken off the pond brother her a Parkhill.-* lylr is her y UsiabtatParkkill.-* Tavi RICHAI�,1 J. N. Howard. f Htgh school ..L ^ 0 p . G _L.J which was looked atter and flqucled b Air y • mos Barry ll hz,e eturaing t •tntattsndiug a patient itina at the - --�� in the country the oth*r day, Dr. H nd- testdence of Mr John Hooper,HurouStreet Are showing lin immense range of English Flannelettes, and Prints, (extra Wide widths) ^� y ou Saturday last, Mr. Barry has been a trtau a 'lux suse.-S bad into u l•ituh hula au+3 resident of that lace fur the _ cut i s front Icgs bud.y, p past eaveu Which yearn allot speaks ill glowing terms of the h have just arriVbCi from the old country. Beautiful patterns and fast Colors. The Graiii Council of Royal Templars place.-Mr Thos. Russell, of the Riverside I —AND of Temperance will meet in Galt during Fal Itt, Usbo ne, was in Toronto last week- the week commencing Feb. 20th, and will attending a meeting; of the Shorthorn Call and ftls .9ect them.. be ill Cession four or five clays. Breeders' Association. This year the The Ridgetown Standarrt says : %Ir, P, President and most of the Directors are { Bawdeu has bought the Charles Macdon_ gest of Toron.0, while previously but one f aid property, °o:nez of Ebenezer and -ell po I•epa very the west, ee Rua- Church Sunday RICHARD ��� ��� �Church Streets• Con4ider.tion $1,200," sell reports u very suacessfui meeting.-There will be i ite We handle Seliool Supplies; both of the sun. �Tt a Frit will ell ink April I with her parents Miss T. in own.- Division Court Stationery, t�'rappiggS, Ttvipes, an<l the secOt,d m October, There will ha viae. held hereon Monde Judge Doyle----- Y• J; S tno hing of the tugou this year, some. werepresiding, sp when a goodly number of casesGOI'm"wG Bags, Small �i"arPS, FanGv [i00dS, think uud- Bis were disposed n a gMiss Hattieber of galea TO STAYM � l combs, Bruslies, Soaps, and of Hensali apent the past week visiting Al r. Fd. Bissett will agar his Itonsa and friends in town-Vetsrs, W, I%, bite. 8, SMALL LENTES in Int aucl household furniture fcr sale by Christie, %V. T. Hawkshaw and John > auction on the 23rd February, Mr. John Easery were in London on Saturday.- MUSICALMr+ p G UOL' S, Oill will wield the hanuner at Hr. Bisaatt's James ;Aitth, who was so seriously a injured - promises the t w by falling down the cellar steps the other Ha'V'i.n� relleWBd. 011e lease Of elle store, and been requested 1)y Our I:Iumerou9, pa- ' ov zoxEsaa Et gz Ran2�x Outside the towns and villages nr the day, is doing nicely.--Mr. Hoare aur] wife trODS ill -Exeter and. Vicinity, to oontinlle business, we have decided t0 remain, and' a x J. /"`I -]DI G, county, there are real471,921 acres in Orford^, n friind aro in town visiting relattvas determined to fill the store with the 1e U l-�i-.Li► i� the total value of real and personal proper and friends.-llSessra Job Muir, Jr, Itn,i ty and income, as assessed in 1692, Of this T, T. Westcott will attend the Orand _. portion of the county was $19,235,677; Council of the Royal Ttmplara of Tern. Choicest Hardware tock 1 Ontario. the fatal fur oto i■ f the Cana. perann is Galt next weekr at Annie ' 0 W The carnc•r stone Of the Canadian Pack- lrhneant is visiting her sister at Uttervfllr*, T ► ingContpauy's barge factory near London -Mr. John V. Crocker visited friends in `'� e will commence at Once and will never let Lip On "lost wonderful bargains in. t was laid by Hon. John Carling. The St. Marys last weak, Rev. �T, DTcUonaglt a. La:dware and Tinware. Is your fortunate opportun- company expect to begin operations in will preueh in the James St. Church on jr April, and will handle about 500 have a Sabbath morning next,-Mr. John V iti7e will open ill© eyes Of Ll1e trade and ticl;la the heal'tS• of l ity. . 'early l,QQQ pieces Of day• Crookes hos rented Mr Cartw:ight's re- our cust ► 011ier8, llxe r 1 iie'w PRINTS just opened sideuceon James St.aud will mays thereto goods must 0 and Hardware and Tinware Will Move at prices sQ reduced that 111136t, t i � � The Thames Road Presbyterian Church to I Big twill hold their amdver.ar - allortly,-Miss 1,', Dour is visiting in fetch intending ' lip at `1118 } i- Rflillr Y s On Sunday London.-DIr, Frccl E;Bolt has returned ptlrcllaSerS- 11111•lie n0 rnl$tal�e; %Ellen we Say a tiling we flee aener�liy ' a lU t and Monday. A good time is on stare ter front Tor.zuto -D1r ,lames Brophy of 1111derSt00t1 to Rican lt, Store—an in-ImPuse purchase all who at end, addresaea will l'e drlfvered by several clergymen of the district, jr. understood spent Sunday in town the guest at greatly reduced rices, terperaad by musical selections, of Mr. L H Dickso,,-Mr. Ssmuol of the stove,- Etre right ill Our line, and we lend in furnaces. Matson. Bank, last week received word of ilc is Qui` })1'lc8 for t118 re- Why do business men advertise? To the death of his ma*her in London Eng, r reach the people. The. business men of -bliss Diuggie Dlotrisait of Neneall spent Bissett's Old Stand, Exeter. t- r i b1]lar 1Ou C, Prints. (;ol]ge laicise who want to reach the people will Monday with friends In own,--ifias M.E McDONE.1.- L BROS i and See, We will show you °°nsult their ower interests by using the rill and Misv A. Gregory, teachers in our culumna of the 1'Iati;s. No other newspaper pubic suhool, ate confined to their homes Far err' Twine co " "y - The Farmers' Binder Twine Canipnry a_-M.e--.�..-.-.,..-.---.-.,,,_.,_•-...�_ ...,.-,....-.-,.,_:-.:..-._-_.e ,.-.._._-..._.....,...�.-.,,,:, � the greatest story of Prints has as to any readers in this district, with Illness, and their de artuion's vire l that leas ever been crowded requiring g Brantford 1 a,aa operatiana Friday- } I lit: termor School Law ro zt14n child. °1°sed -Afiss Windsor of St, Thomas, for, Just Finished taking g �' J ren hr•twean the ages of 8 and 14 years to merly of Exeter, is the guest of Dltss It is announced in the postmaster Gone-+ stock, o ek, , into One store til this town, uttbild school 100 days in the year has Gillespie•-Mr. Al J. white was in Tor- rat's report that lot-or cards will soon be ! �- boeu „ante away with, Tho onto hast week attending the annual meet• issued and that the size of the post cortia We Want yOUI` Opinion Qf, present sly log of the Canadian Pre-s Assuolation, is to be increased. `1'wonty-five and fift3 t)llr StQCli -• states that children must attend regularly , , -- its Worth for the fit]] term. Parents should hear There was a large gathering. soot mach cent stamps are also being prepared. having, Will 3.011 co „lllld this in mind and save tllamaslves trouble, buainessot interest to the ancft transacted. The funeral of the has ,Toho Arnold, A. J. McTavish met with a ntisha Misa Mcfntyre of Chicago li the gueit of which took place at Parkhill on. Saturday give 11S a IOOIi, ll 0111`""" 1pt;, while retnrutuf from a funeral on Sunda p Mrs. Lutz'-'•Ii°v' Mr. Bailtbrop of Ilder was conducted by'the Masonio fratatnity, iiia bores herrnnm t' y' ton Tireaclzed in the Afain.st, church oil and was very largely attended by the erints are not egnal to any g teed of the pitalt etas Sunday morning and Rev. Mr. Russell of brethren. The deceased was chaplain of WE HAI(E MADE refused to pass through a deep one, and 12:�•c. Prints in town then turning suddenly around, eap+ized the ria, Lhmvillu in the evening -,Vire. Dingman the local lodge at the time of bis death. , of IStratfurd returned home on Monday A Joint Ell, Oh company with headquaz• we are U•Ot Ill it lllat s all-- throwing the occupants heavily Io the after spending a month with her parents tern in Toronto have purchased the wing• " rr rr ' ground, No serious damagereaulted• Rev, and Mrs. Ne Dona gh.-lliss ,Smith ham woollen mint+, sad after oomploting An All Around Reductiont of bUt w0 al'8 The Rev. David A. Noir, formerly of of Seaforth fa visitin in town for a few the work on hand g purpose tilts I ilg tbo Y Do you want any Winter Goods ? VS'°adhunt was unantmou.ly invited by the days,-Dar. Parkinson has returned to his waghinety. The lgaa of the wilts to The balltnce Uf War Stack is cine Georgetown Official Board to become tlieir business in Trout Creek, after a week's Wingbam will be a heavy one, going, 'no pasta for the next Confeinvitation term, He vi it with his family-ilifsa Georgina Ai°• al°GUlieray tatvnehip council Rist an P T, C j�} N Matter what our loss. tiY° have no has accepted the invitation aubjeut to ConnellofLondon is the quest of Aliso ,� i 1 J�_Feb. 6. Present ; D. r Corbett reeve11���J 1L xoom for carrying Stook over from one the approval of the Statioawg Com. Holland.-Mr- D. A. Itoaa ctaitezl Galt this G. T, Johnston, J. D. Drummond, deputy season to another. $4,b0 is what ice mitt, e. week,-A number of St. Marysites patispd reeves ; 9'. Prost and E. Morgan, The r ask for an $8.00 Goat Robe, all wl.ole Mr-Joseph McDonald from the Town- through Exeter on Tuesday -ell route to ' throw 1 tender of L. hardy for the building of Bides. COMiG TO US for value in ship of Hay, has taken possesatou of the Brucefield to attend the wedding of Mr,'F Slack's bridge for , 1,54$ was accepted. r Winter Goods. Away they go no mat- Devon Hotel 2; miles south of cu place. IV. Long and D'tlas Jamieson.- The puu]ia deposits in the chartsrod v —ON_- � what the loss to us ! On Thursday last Dir, Won. White of - �— banks at the end of December amounted •r £.ogerville shipped from this station 20 fine James Essery of Usborne, on Tuesday to w1,70,220,413. In 1881 there weto $36, N . A. STE WART, brood .nares for New York. The prices had the back of Itis hand cut open by an 507 577. They have practically doubled ALL �ranted from X190 to $15S each. axe falling on iL, ill 13 pesrs, Tithe Liberals have an idea GOODS, ylAl, ameetirgof the Villaoe Council on Itag Carpot weaving done on shortest that the pool le who put ir�onoy in the Bank Notice to Times Readers, Wednesday last, AIr. S. Sanders was np. notice at the Exeter woollen Mills, at this rate is in a condi+ion of commerainl The publisher+ Would esteem it a favor a Pointed Treasurer of the Village vice Mr. Cotton supplied. 2in stagnation and mortal misery. ' f lxeurtre >;acrett, deceased, ybere were CouncilMinara's Liuimeat is the beat. readers Ithat they s w the g utile rt's adves, three applicants Meaers Sanders, B. S. O'_ The here metfullTuesday evening, In Order to clear ther1, , mention that they tars the mcrcltsnt't adver- Niel and Win. Grigg, Sr, The reeve gaye 1business but as there was'not a full Board, notiaern[rittri TIIE: IIDIL+s. the casting veto in fuvar of Mr, Sanders. outer than the passing few ac- Resolution A. Coudolance. - counts and appointing the Treasurer TO THP RUT . TRI .LSUxx R OF 7aR EARL AGE OF • On Tharsday last Mr. Thomas Cornish , EAORRS7, TRRAaURF.R OF TRR 'VILLAGE OF PP $ r iPiyi�?J1' held an auction Bale of his farm and farm teas transacted. ExRTLa. v �• stock, ate. The sale was largely attended 515.00 per week straight salary to re- On bebalf of the Council of the Village of 'his �j t r and prices rauued high The farm, which s onaible Exeter, we beg to tender you assurances of rho Avail l y Dur rs ell O } ill Els o }poT' [jou] �j �T THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16th 1893. g p person "male or female" to sincere regret of the Counoit at the untimely ✓ x comprises 74 acres was sold to Mr. Ben- represent us in your locality.-Addreas death of our late 1`reasur.r• As a citizen of ! s)CAt HAPPENMOS. Jamin Higgin, a uetghbor, for the sum of B. Canadian Music Folio CO., r7 Viet- esteemyof the eutdire commun tyke respect atires t o secure good u e 16 vc goods at Cost, $5'T- The farm is a good one and 11r. oria St. Toronto, Ont. f9.4t of the Village_ he was always reirsrded by the Cornish had considerable plowing and caw- Council as eminently honest, efficient, paint- Death of Thomas Barman, ing done. DIr. Cornish will move into A very pleasant event took place at the taking, and obliging, {Boat assured that the The Subject of this brief town to live. re.idence of Mr. Richardson Winchelsea memory of his man r t J of sl.etch y virtues will live in this who oammu ' nzt for d9 arted this life W onWednesdaythe 8th lust. it being the y many years- lye the rainbow with eo P n the 8th of Feb'y, • G. Bissett who had held the office of marriage of his stater, Miss Eliza Richard you in yoursovero affliction. May the rainbow , 1893 a tar , was a native of England, Treasurer of g d of hope tem y i la be . p her o not, where Stephen SS Us Your sorrow. g ern p societyfor the past P ° Agl• son, to M. George Eaeson, sot mercy of Signed on behalf y the Council of Rioter, at CARLING O e he was born on the 7th of Dec., 1817, P years was removed 5tratfo•d. The ceremonytvaa Exeter this tock day of Februarr.>1ig93. and had tlierefore reached the good old from that office by zhe Directors of the by Rev. Softly of HensalPerformed Committee Id• A. R. CkilL, age, of 75 years 2 months. In the year Society, and Mr. Alex. Dyer elected in Taos. B. CaRLtxc. � o40 '31,1 Ir. y his stead, Mr. Bissett has been a worker Mr. Daniel Coughlin the wellknown d six Batman married Mary ]loop- 1 in the society, and his services will be Cattle buyer of Yarmouth died of heart - r snafu s ife and afterwards, with his missed in many ways. Air. Dyer will disease on Tuesday morning last, aged Public School Board faithful wife and three small children, perform the functions of the ofhfce with Y A(�,{�C �• ill b4 ears. Ho ]°ayes n widow, Duo son 1100sier Steel I •fira ' e ry'}'+a n 9 emigrated to Canada, settling in Us- acceptance, and two daughters. He was a cousin of 1 8 9 2 , V �1A7 1 Steel 3 (A1 Grain (i l 3V borne, o the farm upon which he lived Another of Huron count s Mr. Timothy Coughlin ex. AT. P. of __ continuously until death. Some fort on 1 pioneers North Middlesex. There are more Hoosier Drills of our manufacture in use in .six years a resident of Usborne, deceas- the personof Richard Tiantlford gsraat'who in We have two communications----one The following is an Abstract State- ed was one of the landmarks of the had attained the age of 83 years ttind 9 in type the other received too late for nient of the Receipts and Expenditure Canada than of all others combined, r early struggles of pioneer life in the mutt a. At the time of his death heard insertion in this issue-which will appear of the School Board of the Village of ` township. One by one the mile-stones his wife had resided with Mrs. IIandford's are being passed and very soon the sods brother, tile, Thos. Bissett, ar„ of Gidle next week. The one in type is a Exeter for the year 1892: _ = r will hide forever those whose brawny P y reply a Investigator' chose effusions I _ - Sorthe Exeter fcemeter ekes lace today appeared in last week's issue of our R7?lCE1PTSi sinews did so much to hew out pleasant � y• He leaves a m�,•.'-� • 7 ,,, •:call, \ ,,,`t,.. „ t � /� �= T homes for succeeding generations, Mr, wife and grown up family, consisting of totem. It is a timely article and will Bal appropriation 1892 ... ... $1933 16 be rend with much interest. The other thereat ... ... ... 2 63 _ `,)s, "\`\\`1`�`\""„\""1` +,�,i`± �141,��`i\\""•1„ ' „�`��`1` Batman's father being a man of con- fiy° sena and five daughters, who have �ownshtpnsaessment .,, the sympathy of the community in tbis is in reply to the Enquiries' asked oe 86 t siderable means, the son was not inur- " withdrawn from 1893 appropriation 326 8G ed to hard work, hence he found it a their cad lass. regarding the action of certain members Non Municipal gr fees 29 025 0 Diunicipnlgrant ... ... 204 00 very heavy task battling with the giants Rev. Father Tierman, Secretary of the of the Agricultural Society. Government grant 2Gc o2 • ,of our Canadian forests; nevertheless a Leaving Examination Premiums 30 00 I = ql Bishop of London has issued the Lenten _ -- Other sources 5 good Home was provided, which, now regulations for the Diocese;-- "1st. All THE WORLD OF INDUSTRY, the last link is broken, the children will days of Lent, Sundays excepted, are fast The first instalment of the Krupp gun EbPEND1TIIRE $2829 30 sadly miss, as the home gathering's and days' 2nd. `By a special indult from the exhibit has reached Chicago, Salaries teachers father's glad and hearty welcome were Holy See, A. D. 1884, meat is allowed on ^ • • $2021 1? •Winnipeg capitalists are organizing a sundries, including salaries of jani- tor always looke3 forward to b them as Sundays at every meal, and at one meal g company to manufacture Building account, l,,e es apes 1St 21) b39 34 ,�•� - k. '�' H ,_vim r, _ r 3' on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and siren p y g Buildhng ncoount, fire escapes 290 00 every family should, among whom the Saturdays, except the Saturday ofmher twine there. Furnishings, desks 48 ss - family ties were so strong. Deceased week and Holy Saturday, 3rd. The nee Mr. John Bertram of Dundas, was -Haled a_ ^ V110 was of a genial, company-loving of flesh and fish at the same time is not elected president of the Canadian Manu= $2829 30 �- _-__ t--, disposition was sick about four weeks allowed in Lent. Lard may"be used in facturte S, Association at the annual DR. LUTZ, J. GRIGG, GUARANTEED THE. BEST DRILL MADE. � with conjestion of the lungs, ands al- preparing fasting food during the season meeting. Treasurer, Secretary. Perfect and instantaneous regulation of depth of hoes in all ]finds of =oil, t•TIiE ONLY y. though all that loving hands could do of Lent, except on Good Friday as also on It is; stated that a company of capital- PERFECT FORCE FEED in use• 7 he thorough equipment of our factory with the latest; lni- was done, he quietly fell asleep as all days of abstinence throughout the year ists, including several Buffalo men, will - Droved labor saving machinery and a largely increased output enables unto ificr trio Ilooi GUILT Drill and all other implements of our manufacture at prices lower than ever before. above stated and was called to join his y those who cannot costly procure but- establish near Chippewa a factory for For catalogues, prices and terms, see our local agents throughout the country, or send to t partnef in life, who preceded him on the ter." the manufacture of threshing machines, 22nd Aug, 1889, Six daughters and Dr. Washington, who y mowers, engines, etc. NOXON BROS. M'F'G CO., L'D; INGER ROLL, ONT. t; professionally OR one son, all married remain to mourn visited Exeter on several occasions, has Mr. Mulock gives notice of a bill to, HENRY JONES; Agelat, Exeter, to loss of an indulgent father. The suffered for resorting to the practice of a amend the Dominion Elections Act, and NOT GUILTY I"j' _ fi7Y remains were interred in the Exeter quack. The college authorities last sum. Sir John Thompson a bill to amend the V .LJf 1. .L cemetery on the Sunda following his mar struck the Dr.'s name off the collage criminal code of 18cJ2. pOUT�L+'T BOOK LOST. ,ARM FOR SALE. Sunday g register, claiming that be had improperly Lady Stanley left for New York eater- + T death. The cortege teas' very large- advertised himself in Ottawa, Kingston, da y The people say we are guilty of sell- on he un,dorsigned offers for Salo lot ll, con. 11 some ninety-five vehicles being in the and other cities and g t y en route .for England. Cable Ines: y y Monday evening, between four and six Stephen: It is all undor cultivation • ' for publishing ie the sages regarding Hon, Arthur Stanley ing Boots and Shoes cheaper than O'clock, between Parsons blacksmith ebop and first-class condition, being clay va ion-and in procession, thus the people testified their apers certificates of those he bad 'cured. Y say Bir Wm Northcott s; Roy, via Murray's side. eIass brink dwelling, g hey foam first - papers there is a sli any other house in town. Come g, barns and stable; well ' respect for to departed. They also charged pini with Navin ledcondition. ght .improvement in hia 'end be a 't road. 1t contained a sum of money and cine fnnood-and drained, and good yonn o witness, you will be well ppapersgvaluable t ly _to myself. minder will Terms easy. For particulars apply to chard. ignorant Y R - bo ww rd e3 by ra,u;Hing earns to that under- - Friend after friend departs, g people to believe the had ca- repaid for your time. Ne down the 13RIzav 1+In,RRR, or PCIfAR Who hath' not lost a friend ? tarrh by publishing symptoms.of the dig- RAILWAY RUMBLINGS; counts signed, or leaving it at TtatLs Office. D WIL prier : y for prices in Felt and Knit 9: NOR Crediton: f2-3ni Prop;ietolr There That a no union here of hearts ease He appealed the case, but the court There are rumors that a eat `strike Sox and Rubber W ThLCOTT: r hath not here an end. tains the action of the college authori• will soon be inaugurated on he s, Melt Boots and A fe flea, and Dr, Washinaton'a name i there railroad s stem of whole GrainBoota,andforMen'SandBoya' w.dsJs ago as one of Mr.' Culiis' fore at. off the list as a practical h si- 9 the United States. Long Boots we take the bun, �T OTICE. teams at Auburn were crossing the river The Anniversary of the Caven Pres- P Y lr with a load of logo, the toe broils and hors The Bridgetown Poisoning. i and sleigh, wsre throw es byterian church will be held on Sunday, clan 'of Ontario.., (1� +' O. MANSO ' I hereby forbid all ,persons giving credit to g own onto,` the BRIDOETOWN, N.S., Feb, 15.--Three - The heroes were taken a water, and Monday the ;26th and 27th :lust; see 3 Ply Heavy Scarlet Mitt Yarn nota N Sr an ono ill my name, without a written order, out, but the r witnesses. were examined in the Carney The People's Shoe Store.. 'as Ft will not be.responsible for any deb' tfould-net:b sleigh ?till for particulars: +ready at the Exeter, Woollen Milia. °n Next Door to Post Ofiice contrasted. y is so a recovered on Recount of the poisonfiig ease here yesterda ; There Ehmvlhe, Jon, 26,18 depth of; the water. Were no new developments, y * L'd3fOly d q Liniment for Rheixmu Minae ' .them. >? 93. wh . SL " i 3 • ... ._, ,..... ...w .,.,. •,-.::f _ lilt. .. .,., r .. .. .. .. ..