HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-16, Page 7- � : I � . ­ . ­ ­­­' 7",- i 7� ­ - - -, . , - ­ � 1. I . 1, lwl, � - � � � I � : ��.�­ I'll ­ _ - �77-_ ': f:. ­­ , ­­­­.: , ---7. - !, ­�, . 11 � I 'r.7- W1011-1 -_ --- . 11 I I - 1, - . . I I ,, , � ��, . I . 11, I 1 .� , , , 1, 4 � , ­.- I 1. I , I I � I I �� . , , , � M I � . ,� I I ", . `­'­: ., I , 77'77r777; I , , !�, ,� - . , ­ . 'WWWW"" ­� I , . I I I I . , I ,� � ,:, I ., I .1 , 1� , _ � ��, ­ I ", I �� � ,� 11 I I .� I .. �. , . I � , . � � 1111. '­ ­, � I � 171, 1 �,� I . : �, I I '4 . ; I . , , ; I . � . l. I � . ,,, � I .,.: , . I '': ., I :" I �,:, � " I -.1 . I � . q . I I .� 11 i I-, � . . � I . ,- . I I : ,; ., . I I : ��, 1, I .1 % .. . .1 , � � �� I I � . - I , . I 1. : . I � . , I . I , '. . � , - � I ­� �;: ­- , I .,� � �� I 1 11 �. I . I I I : I ., I I I I I I q I I I I I I I .,�;�� 11 7�� 1_7 � : �". ,, � � . I . . I ­. I . � . I 1. . I I I I I ''I I . � .. . I . . � . I � I . I . I ,� , I o 1� � I" � l, I . 11 I'll I , . . I �, I I ,� . 11 I I ,� .11 . I I I .. . . I .. I 1, I I � I I I . I I 11 � A � �,.'' ... . I . . � . � I I . 11.1 . � I . I 1. � I � I . I . 11 & I . I � . . I � I � I . . . I . . �� I ,1 1, "I . �� I 11 � I I . I � I I I I � . .. 1. � , 11, 4, � I (1, I I , ., I I I . I I I � I I . 11 I � � . � I I . . I � . I . . � I . I I I I I I I . . . I . 1. I I . . I . I I � 11 , �'.1 I I I I � . � I I . . I I I "I I ':, I . I : .. I I .. I .1 I . - I . I . I .1 I . . I I . I . � . . � I 1. .1 I '' I I � I � � I . - 1� , I . . -N. I . I . I . .,��. I ,�� i I . , . . I . I . I I I - --- � A I I I I . I � t , -_­_ I .11, ... � .- I 1. . - - � I .1 � 1, � I � � ,�. I �.- . I !���____ �.�� - - � ---0___ � - � � I � � . I __ , ­ I . � . - I I . . . I I I : . I I . . , I . I � 04"k .BIG EARTHQUAE IN ZANTE. NEWS OF RACT.K10,1TY, INTIERBSTI.NG FACTS, ABOVT LON- T 11 � , �� . I , —_ . . I I � . �', .. . P941ftgs I RLBCWRIC STAUPING XACIIV�rZg. I)ON. LATE CAND NEWS 4 I � .1 I � I I I q A Famous isisna of Greece is Severely The electrioal obainping, machines, which __ I : I 1. � . V I- sitaken. 03 P016414tion, Eviettlitillitura3, Taxable. I __ IC-Terman .1 I I I have been adopted in so many post Ace de. � � � - t l I — . Partlilents, are capable ofeffectively, stamp. - I , Propert, I y, Paupers, like. THE SAU01 KHEDIVE - 1. I . I ; � . 11104Y 111[onsegAyroolwill. and Sitterett of Pea, ing 30,000 letters in an hour. The letters — 1 99. 1 . � . I London is so huge and ra%ny�sided that it I 11V%L � I 11 ple 111irted An the Italta.4-1rhe lerisoll, are. placed upon their edges fix a borNiOntal is beyond the compraheas' Ille 11041 1100C410 -be Able to DURNIss AM the - ion ol moob of us, � . I Uoor ralla stilmik the Conviets-Scares bop�er, and carried. one at a time, between allCt tile dilliLlult) of Understandino it in, . British. S ru . i of Vanklifer. Varnpilag. in the Fields- two feed rollers. After the firstseparation many of Us aspects is rendered alf, the A London despatoll says --The blue 1i . . 1. , I Doilies Found. is thus effected a second set of feeding greater by the deficiencies, in its statistim book laid before Tarlianient, dealing with The majority of well-read.phyv I , I � / A despatch from Athens says .-The Isle rollers carry on the envelope to the in Ing file chaos of local government has hitherto lWant events in Egypt, shows that the 'icialls, now believe that Consump4 I � I I V I and of Zante has been.abaken by an earth� rollers, where each letter is stamped singl ; prevented Anything like a complete. repro, I . I quake. In tile town of Zante many busi, arid then passed on to the stac ing le, Rentauion. Of- the conditions of its existence. - Kliedive, if lie had .succeeded, in defiance tion is a germ disease. In othes .v .v I ,uses houses were wrecked, and tile 0,0011- A register showa the. number envelopes but since the establishment, of the London of England, in changing his Ministers, in words. instead of being in the con. . � I ... . . an in their night clothes into the eanc6aled. The date and hoLl in the i inn 1 11 - Pants ri is County Council an attempt line been made tended, to dismiss all British officials, The stitution itself it is caused by u' I I .. f-1. N street. The roof of the prison fell in and must be changed by hand.. Tile various to collect and collate the required informa. merable small creatures livixg in the 11 "Api - , - many prisoners were wounded. The gaar rollers are run by belts, passing over dLffbr- tion, and present it I I blue book also showis that Lord Rosebery . 0- I'll I � d a some concrete end Acre and . 11 . ,was doubled to prevent the prisoners escap", ant sized pulleys, which are in turn connect, intelli0ble form, In the second volume of and 4U. Waddington, the French Ambossa- lut�gs having no business F I ONO3EP,%'-rJ0WS , ing and to suppress disorder consequent ad by gearing to the axle of the actuating statistics just issued by that body an dor, had several snappish iaterviows. Af. 4 I eating them away as caterpillars do upon the Panic among them. 'rho walls of motor, enormous amount of material has been the leaves of 'tTees. toth the method and results when the prison which had baen sprang and . TFT-HaRAPTITNO AT SLA. gathered together, and,.oltliongh the infor. Waddington disputing tile right of Eng. I yrup of i igs is taken; it is pleasant cracked, were braced The telephoto, or sea-tel6graphing instru- rafttion is 'lot complete, it is in a fair way land to f4tor the lUiedive, and objecting A Qerm The phlegm that is ! , . The hospital was I coughed up is those I ahaken partly from its foundations. All ment, which has been placecl at the dis� tO become so, and at.mo distant date it to the high-handed methods of Lord Cromer t - , . abd refreshing to the taste, and acts the floors settled and the roof sauk several posal of the United States Government, and should be possible to cc pare London -with the British representative at Cairo. Lord Disease. parts of the lungs � . elitlyyet ohiptl7outheRidneys, feet, The attendants ran from the build. the working of which will be shown at the. other cities it;L tile vam Rosebarry had retorted that the high-lialad. . I rious, phaseo of its which havebeen I � I ing, and wore induced, with difficulty, half World's Fair, is well spoken ot by experts existence, I edmesswas solely on the part of thaKhadive, A iver and owels, cleanses the sys all hour later, to return and help remove who have examined it. The instrument The total populatior, of the, County of and that, as long as J1,riti � guawed off and destroyed. These ter4 effectually, dispels colds, he�d- sit occupatio" little bacilli, as the germs are called, � � , tile patients to another part of the town. consists of a aeries of wires and electrical London, April 6, 1891, was 4,231,431, the continued, lie, (Lord Roseberry) would not Jr . . allow the Egyptian administration to be are too SM I aches arid fevers and cures habitual Two hours later the town wag sliakeaby connections operated. by a keyboard, by increase of ten years being 397,237, or 10- aU to be seen with the I 'constipation. 11 rup of Figs is the repeated shocks, houses fall hi all quarters, whioll 106 incandes� at lights are controlled 36 per eat . it, The number of inhabited . changed from top to bottom at the mere naked eye, but they are very mucU 11 I . only remedy o iti kind ever pro. all the risort became so unsafe that many and made to � pro&, as the signals ,of the houses 'vvas 557,134, an increase on 1881, of in of the Khodive. alive jyst the same, and cuter the I .1 . of whi , I . dalced, pleasing to the taste a prisoners were moved. The people, in a Morse alpla4bet. TIO wires number over 68,249, or 13.96 per gout, 4 � I k I nd ac. panic od front the houses and crowded tile A000, and Occupy a space of only 11 by 1:1, The total expenditure on thelocalgovern. Rapid I)evelopment of 0onzo Tro,de, body in our food, in the air we � veptable to the stomach, prompt in streets and marli;eb. Place. Scores of families inches. The dots o t legr p q t r breathe, and through the pores of . , f the a a 4 11 nar 0 a ment of London in the year ISSD,-'90 was A Telegram from Bussels.-The Congo � its ao,tion and truly beneficial in its left tile towu to camp tu tile field :C '74000, orata much a3,an Australian, Railroad Compiany at i to annua6l meeting re- the skin. Thence they get into the A ,a on, the are represented by two illuminated lamps, 10 � . � effects, pm ared only from them, ost outskirts, tile Spaces by twelve Unilluminated, and colony. This was equal to 1;2 10s, 8d. per ports that the commercial Inovement. be- blood andfinally arrive at the lungs . A �� lieal%yang agreeable substances, its Nially dead bodies have been found in the dashes by twelve illuminated lamps. 'rho heAd Of Population, which was met b�- twoon the upper and lower Congo has ol. where they fasten and increase with " � raan� excellent qualities commen dit ruins, and P, hundred or naore are reported inventor claims that 32 caudle -power la'mps I ,,, frightful rapidity. Then German .pel, I 'a,,,, most exactly doubled within the past three . to have been injured severely, It has been can be seen at a distance of ten to Afteen, � years, It will develop still more rapidly A to all and h aye made it the most imposgible to gob further details, The miles. Sundry �icqipts_ " 710 as the sections of the completed railroad are Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills 4 popular Temedy known. Government has sent out troops with tents A 'TOYRT4 EVROVATO MF.TZTt. Imperial taxation . ' - . - ' - � - - ' ' , I ' I ' - ' - ' I ' , ' - ' , ' I ' I 0 'r' 1 0 Ouccessf Lilly put in operation. Theproduo- them, expells them, heals the pl-ces � S, y�up of Figs is for sale in 75() and prov , Wono for tile relief of the home- A Romewhat (w4ginal oehomet for record, Rate ' 8'u London ................. _ 1 16 4 tioa Ol India lubber is already assuming they leave, and so nourish and ' ' . , 'bottlqs by all leading drug I I'll- i9d'upon 06 ratable r be , . gists. ing tile supply Of current to the customers The ratag. were Jay large proportions. Tito Society of the Upper '00t that, in a short time consump- 11 Any reliable druggist Who may no Zante is the Italian name for the Wand of central stations has been proposed by Value of 431,15.qa.,000, .go that the Amount Congo tio years ago exported only fifteen , LiVes, become germ -proof aud well, 0 'Which is still known to tile Greeks by its Prot, Garnett. The method is based. on the per :el was 6s 9d, but the ratepayer outly tonsofrubSer. 1nI,SWJthesooioty�xport- . 11� I havfl' it on hand will procure it ancient nan"O, Zakinthos- It 1100 ,Off tile Scott meter system- It is PrOP090d to de- Paid 43 10d (if this amount. Tito central ed over 100 tons, and the product it isaaid, -I I - V prow1ptly for any one who wishes north-west coast of the Peloporitiesus, is P, ,vIge all autoina-tic control over the central rates fall equal!y upon all the plarishes, but will go over 200 tons -in the present year. �11 to try it. Ifauufautured only by the part. politically of the district of Elie, and or governing clockwork which would make, the rates for parish purposes are very ttw The company expi-esses the belief that the 0= MIZI taw* 0" 1. is tile moso important of the Ionian islands. the duration of the regi,atering gusts of equal, r64gitig from Ss -9511d dowa to is id. rapid development of the rich regionsof the . CAMORNIA FIG SYRUP C1 All the 45,000 inhabitants are Greeks, ex. current dependent upon the station out- . Included in the total ratable value of upper Congo will insure to the Congo Pv%U- ta I I V, � � cop�about%000,Jewa. The eastern part of E;lt at the time, Thus more or less iiould London are the following items - riad a brilliant development. S I SAWNRANOISCO, CAL. tile island is a truitful plain, while tile West- c , I . I , -&" harged at different times, according to �O - '�0Va%V7L=.=. XnWY0=,N,T era part Railways ....................... X1,88%Q00 � t if- I 13, ; is mountainous, According to the the load on the station. It is clear that a PURE *'",- q ' ' 4ove despatch, a Phenomenon fre GAS and electric light luaiva..'... -4 X5, It 0 0 174- expected to register Board of Trade units, Hydraulic, tole,,raph, and other IV, q1telitly Illeter subjected to this system could n4 be lVater mains .............. �.... 440,0W — 1000 W, , 001' 8416 at 0. L'atz's Drug PIGF40N TELBGRAFJ�. .--- 1-7 - � Store " , il � observed in earthquake rvgions has been POWDERE I I ---------I- __�� peated, ,that is, tile soft alluvial regions nor would it afford any fair indication of . The Carrier 111rdA Set to Tv'ori; in a British �� have saffered more -severely froill the cart - the energy actually conslime& as arty,con. Lapises kind wires ............ 1. �_):,;, () 0 0 Election. 11/1, . III quakestban, tile rocky mountainous district . sumer, by turning oil several Jig I fits at ce, a ............ I ............. 004'" Carrier pigeons played interesting parts iTx i� The island has only a single stream, a ( oil - in thenewspaper work olthe recentelootiona �� I I- I Putfors for lack of good , drinking water. could &Iter the price considerably for all his Total ........... � ............ 571 0-2, � D D 6 neighbors on theaame circuit. in Great, Britain. Important candidates in .. In many placei are found evidence$ of ZLBCMRI01TT IN ACCATC-CLICURRI The following is an estimate of LondoWs- out of the wky country districts, poorly ro. subterranean fires, and the island is free contribution to imperial taxation. vided with telegraphic facilities, as � r. L Y Pr Ilk ItU cartalnen4speoilyourefor quently sha,ken by earthquakes. Herodotus Aileleotrical journal calls attentionto I X 'OURFST, STRONCEST, VEST. WlJt44aiqdCDiA�jhIUDiIJts I r -,Cr rt, Gladstone's Midlothian district, we neadgarpsoinunr ,or =al.l ng Boall. lain mentions the island as a sort of as h. , re ac� 1, a 111yantar. 17 to. tile """led extent to which tile Poss'b"It'es London.. ­ I I ........ ;C 9,300,000 - '23.45 companied in their tours by, newspaper men .1ofter, ng water, pis I, oering,,oud aburidred other r ,!e, - A, Can oquaIS-.0 puund$ boll3ode. b F, lb' of clectricalapililleation to agriculture are The rest of England.._30,3f10,000 � 76,55 providod with carria one., The rapom Soo ma, CLEANSING, which is still collected in the soutiweab . Wert. 11EALING taken advantage of by favulen,and suggests Sola by All Ureters anti Drucretst4. It I — _ era who v,eat with � Indatone had a NE � &90 delief, )�armafielit PaTl;e Capital, 74ante, which has just Buffer. that a series of articles should be written r 1-3. VV, 4Z,X".r_mm=- WI:V, W�z-�xxtcw �, Cure, Failure Impossible, od. so severely, litts ovorI0,000inhabit,mts, and distributed throughoatthe agricultural Total ..... IL I I I .... ze39,000,000 -, 100.00 regular"pigeoliman!'with them. When . I are Aluip and is the seat of a Greek Archbishop and districts of the country showing how easily Thus for imperial and local purposes com- Mr. Gladstone delivered speeches from his "an '1110".`41.1"b"Ll.4 y carriage the reporters wrote their reports on , :;;1::!1:: I , - :1 I � 631.1 I . en, AD. 144A - of a Ronlan Catholic Bishop. It lies and how profitably the electric; motor could bined London pays in taxation approximate- thin tissue sheets, 11 Ilinisy," and passed I ,,,I � seh*. P ial delkincow,loling ­11se of a the F stud spit. Oupou I � . ame10 bt6Ath.J1A1NI;lo plain at tile toot of tile mountain, be applicil to homestead and farin. work. A IY 4 17,000,001), Tito inland rovenue returns thern to the pigeon mail. Tile shoots ,were ' iiiiii 11 , . I . thig. n ilea liemo.t feel 001 of do, bit of a stream somewhero near (providing show that th � bility. etc. it 3,mi ere tr4rib oil with which is still Soon tile fort built by the , e total incomes earned in attached to the pigoons'legs by rubber bands � Arty of %#iesa or Mailretl 0,TNIN01118, Venetians centuries ago. The town has 06 it.bas P. fall), with a small turbine and London amount to 4123,513,00, so that and the birds set iree. The birds Perform. G 11 FRI - 'r your Itrive Catarrh, amt 0- �u it to" it* safe harbor with a lighthouse and quaran. dyname, should supply, besides lights, the tile burden of tax%tiou amounts to 14 per ed 6 callent, service in carrying the matter . time In roping A be �a (it NAtim x IlAy.u. X11word In time. neplectelt tine station And. many olitirelies. motors for washing, otlurnin , milk sepisr- cent. The biklance of the loarst outst, itild in head reAnIts in catarrh. 4T ..,,,..,,.andin� to neighboring cities or telegraph Its tres, 11 _____--k ___ ,ftwed N? consurrift'a and d4mth. ob ating, cider presses, its Well as heat. for attbeenaof 1891 was 447. as they had been trained. On several occav --- -_ - UAVAr, � V4 is Deli b 1111421 1 ' 1, Ironing, baking and other purposes, , An Jan. 1, 1891, the putpers numbered 112e. ; P.? or i 1. i r e K I'll It 1. T,he Forbidden, Oit7 of Thibet - alone however, oil fine, warni (lays the birds . � 127 131 �1 Ivri�;oa(6L4L=tllstag�s*tf%wfc�IVY]N,ag Demo equally good sit cation is, that electrical 541kaild the cost of 'Pauperism, was in 1889- alig�ted on roofs nd sunned tlientisolvea for I ,90 2 . Usz. tbs. ip� 1W -,FULFORD & CO,1 The well-known, explorer of Thiblit, W. engineers shoul study bouse-warming, '340,000, the coat of each pauperbeing 1, hour or go, while the pigeon man tried � rf ; Brockvillof Ont. h W. Rooklilli, has returned home. Tito news pumping and dairy requirements, with a X21 169. Id. I to coax them. in soa3 to file his copy, and . �� , - , will surprise many geographers, whose I%t- view to making those arrangements it dia- The number of persona comul - " itted for the matter they carried had to be left out X11 . � eat information, received in Datiomber, was finotbranahof their profession, The ten- trial during 1$89-19 I � A IW that in. April last Mr. Rouklilit was in � � 0 %Vag 2,908, while 109'. of the latest edition. .� "I I , I I dency to specialize is groving ovory day in 748 were convicted summarily. The habit- . I ., .. I . , northeastern Thibob, pushing I _.... .1 . . . . . 1. I .. .. i , I . his WAY to- the various departments of electri I work, ual offenders knowit. to the police, n6t, coin- LOECINNIn: VIRS'Tr MONT SEC09D MONTH �� . - . I . ward Lhasa, the goal Of Ilia %mbiti011- He and no branch of electrical work o'Di%ors just mitted during the year, numbered 2,39.1, Eating out of Trouggts- 66 t - o e to be able to travol with a party of now inere promise than. its application to The total represents a percentage of 2,7 to All the men employed an the Maniacs as. .- ABSOLUTELY wlnd�hj�s. Alon ols all far as Teligrinor, a lofty lake agricultural purposeo. It bas been stated, the Whole Population. 'Ilia Cost of .the tato in Sicily sleep on theproporty on week In IjSS a lady namiti Durob, then living a on emountains north of Lhasa. Tile and the statement is -wall advised, that if , Cures Lost Powtr, Nervous *- 0 ,police was ;61,799,000, or:1315 12a 9d. per nights, and tramp back to town for Sunday- Debility, Night Losses, Di- - I A ongals refused to go to Lhasa, as the any electrical house would make for exhlbl- , head of the incriminated class. IncTustiFial Their food is provided for them ,'during the seases caused by , ), in Kenoington, wout like a, tboasand others, r ibe lia are still determined to keep all tier, t, thorou I have _ Abuse, Over .1 ; ,J,,h and complete homeatead schools cost Z�0,65�,). week. In the morning they each a Work, indiscretiom, Tobacco, .%to see the fine ladies pass on their way to foreigners out of the holy city. He heard installa OpiumorStfi=mulaints, cLot " 11attend'a drawing room at Buckin tion, w tore everything Was done by Ili the schools of themetropolls the pupils large chunk of brown bread baked on the Energy, Lost Uen ory, Head- I Nr. , Palam While gazing at the ,11"m that the interdict now extends even to electricity from, top to Dottom, and throw numbered in 1890.'Ol 65*2,351 ; the total spot, a barring or sardine and as much Wine Ache and Nvakeflulneii. I f, ik allow' w 'loll' foreign goodsi which are rigidly excluded tile salne open to the public, it would be not cost of the Board.s.-bools was X, 1,900,000, of as one could drink in a J draught. In the Voting, middler 4 or al THINE) MONTH )'though not democratic, is an exceedingly from Tbibet, He seeing therefore to again Men su gfronimetfrect *f lies and c i jprett�oneshe noticed anold gentleman faint have met t,ba Only a profitoblo investment for the firm, which il,'2712.000 was thrown an local evening they feed like Animals. There are ,,,, �Xaud oonfusod with the pressure of the , defeat, that so luttuy years has but would be far more effective in oducat- rates. wredero' a ecthcaalth'In an vigor. 11 wooden troughs on .trestles in the open air, , RULIEFT HOV5AXD9RVT1tS I'VELOUS REDIEDr, � I orow(� wIllob, being composed of E ngli�ah. overtaken all explorers bound for Lhasa. ing the general public than tiny number of The death rate in London in 1891 was ,rrangea around three sides of a square and L ition, pronouncedhim drunk. Discerning Air. Rocichill's first journey with Lhasa, '. bits of single Appliances, . - 1 I'vag undertakenin 1889, when he ,Ili 21.4 per 1000 of the pop bub vpryill, Miss Burch led him to a sea _4 hoped by pushing rapidly along the A VALUXULP ELUTRICAL SAFETY SYSTFIr. �res favora I with other large towns, stand around these troughs ,(they are liko A Cure is Guaranteedl %ritth 'better insight that lie was not dru'll as its goa main . ulation, which com- filled with a, sort of 01 pasta.3, jr1le, me . n b, ive ool rising as high as 27 er 1,000. English pig troughs) and feed with their found him somewhere a glass of water, and road from China to tile capital to attain tile The application of electricity to safety inga L a o an a aces in LoJoc, without fingers. It is in vain that their mouster bas ' oc*y c a usincertb Re edyacconlingtodirections, in a �stv minutes restored Ilia scattered city. He had only fairly, entered the coun- devices in banks and other build has roe ouir tile ( Asea burial grounds, ex- tried to induce them to eat out of plates or one "beerfull and conscientiously rerunded. I-,', onergieu. JIo thanked her warmly, asked try %vhcn his troubles with tile Thibetan reached a degree of efficiency that is -imply tend 5,449aetes. Besides th ere are open withapoons. Theybroke tile plates and, 1. , PAC A S 6.0 . : r inalne -!it a safety deposit, vault i ent y !I; an oIntlnU,S.or anada,securely -to be heard of forbidden to bit anything from him, to sell Boston the electrical devices employed c n spaces on its borders which bring up the throw the spoons away. Presumably their seated free ro ul or ins action. I � lie A if and departed lammebegan, Ab one place the people were marvelous. more i On- total of parks accessible to Londonersto idea is that sometimes there are lumps in � no . Ila few days ago, ,when a solicitor y rilefor up on " T IN A TS" for men , him anythiag, or to serve as his guides. $lot of a triplicate system ofrelays, record- 22,0DO acres. only. . ells yo ho to go wel a s y well. I called to inform Miss Burch that the old the food, which feeling with their fingers - Along the road he camped away from all lug instruments, test boards and time, The fires in the metropolis in 1891 numi- they , re s, I Address or call on (WEEN MEDICINE 00.1 ` �, gentleman had bequeathed her the immense is or a We to seize upon, so securing a iii -.NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, Montreal. Can. reward for such a service of 2150,000. villages and Lamaseries, trusting himself stamps. One instrument is placed in Q b ,d '21802'. of which 193 were serious. The urger share. 11 only with the black tent people, who were vault itself, another in the superintendonva lives lost numbered 61, 3.1 of these , I .1 That story -if it is trite, which we see no extremely kind. At another place the office, and. the third at the police heRd- been taken out alive. Thetotalcos I - t� re"on to doubt -is the most striking ,In, lamas wished to turn him and Me party out quarters of the cit 1�0171,1111. . 1, stance we call remember ot the trite and y. These three sets of brigade was 91220,723i or 6.1 pence per head How to Gat a " Suilliglit" Picture. HEEXBTER TIMES. I of the town before he had fairly entered it. instruments work in unison or independ- � Perfect windfall which all men, it is said, of the population. The fire insurance coin. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrap T exphob in their hearts, but which so rarely If be had been dressed in European costume ontly as necessity demands,and in the latter I pers (the panics contributed 07,196. Property was large wrapper) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 ' tanublisnedeveryThurscla7moeung, at occurs to .any Ono. howouid, undoubtedly have been turned case the two other �seta .are quiescent. The insured for no less a surn than.9805,00,000. Scotb St. Toronto, and On will receive by TI MES 3 ' Stories of unexpected back much earlier on his ,journey, but lie doors of the various vaults, storerooms y TEAM PRINTING HOUSE . I fortunes, of course, are as common as black wore Thibetau dress, spoke notbing but street entrances, gratings under the sHe 46 . post a pretty picture, free from. advertising astu-stroot,uemrly opposite F ittores Jawalary . berNes. Somebody is always making or Chinese and Thibetan, and during tile cum walk, etc., are all so connected electrically Postal -Dama,-es in EnTlana, , and -well worth framing. This ifj an easy broreXxoter,oat.,byipho. Wuite d" Sona,era- I M . finding or inheriting a heap of money which tirejourney, never used any European arti- that it is impossible for any person. to effect It was recently announced in the London way to decorate your home. The soap is -prietors, I i seems to himself almost to have come from ale., of dress or food. He lived as the Pee- an entrance without giving an alarm, and Owt-ffe tbat the Postmaster General would, tile beat 1, the market, and it will only cost 2t&T8,s OF AZVZftTEStXG �- the clouds. Worthless shares become ple did, on tsainion, and tem. He was coin- the movements of every official in the place on certain conditions, pay as much as q.250 1, postage to send in the wrappers, if yo 61irstinsartiou,porline .................. ...... io cont:i. I ,, 11 Uchaubsequoutinsertion,ltior line ...... 3eauts, I . valuable, as happened to more than one man polled at last to tifin back, and made his are recorded, go that every possibility of by way of compensation for mishaps to a leave the endsopen. Write your address To insure insertion, advertiseraeutashould . inthehistoryof Devon great consols. A way down the Yangtse river to the coast. dispute or shiiking of responsibil registered packet or parcel, Ten carefully. no sent in notl titer than Wednesday morning w4likingman discovers a rich mine, as Mr. . ity si arg ago . ye — - Since F ather Hue and Gabob visited Lhasa obviated, To illustrate the wonderful per- the postoffice paid nAhing whatever for the , Gmhana did ia South Australia ; or a rola.. in 1846 no white man has set foot in this . - ' tive, from whom nothing was expected, famous oiin*tre of Buddhism. faction of thig*systemt the following rec most grievous damage to any. article it litem-winding watches were invented by ourX0B Pn1NTE4?G DEP XILTMENT is ous, � Ord olbbe largestand best equippea in the County I I'll . �&Adenly heaps everything on the kiiisairtitt 'Ilia city was for one night between I p. in. and 9 a. m. carried; while for the loss of an article it Noel in 1851. o Huron,All workentrustie.1 cc as willcaami the goal gave no more than $10, anti that only when - was turned back on three of his expeditions dent left," the article was registered. At the present I -who bored him least, as occurred lasb year of Prejevalsk?s ambition, bub he next -day is given : "Vaults closed,""' Door ot,rVromptatteation: L . I- . wlithin. our own knowledge in lb sou�'hern to Milk streeb closed," " Presi — 1. . while still far from the forbidden gates. Oil "Alats taken up," "Door oloaed�`ar"Z day the compensation for registered articles Decsions Itegarding Xows- co.unty. Only last .Week a pauper in a -coin closed," 11 , P tor . -s. to one occasion the authorities of Lhasa tbreat under reading I er of all kinds sent by inland post runs as high papett $ poorhouse was declai�d heir toX300,00D, a " Wben Raby was sick, we ireva her Castarb- I-kilypersonwho takes apaperragnIarlyfroin -out of big supplies compelled him to retreat, and duty," 11 Superintendent left," " Another loss; while in the case of parcels certain When she, was a Child, she cried for Castoria. the post -office, whether directed in his name or sum which be probably could. nob have cried him with violence; aqain the failure ,%vent Out,' "Armed watchman came on its $250, and applies to darnage as well as down accurately on a slate, but which had anoth,or's, or whether lie has subscribed or not . ... t Won earned in Australia by a relative who on the third expedition he was attacked by armed watchman went offdaty," "lee taken moderate compensation. is given even with. when sbe became Miss, she clung to Castorla. is responsible for paymon t. dled intesta,te. 2 Ifa person orders his paper discontinued .! the Thibetans, who resented his intrusion in." "Washwonian camie on duty," "Watch- out registration. It was, indeed, the When she b"011ildren, shosave them Ofistorl*' lie must pay all arrears or the publisher may upou b8heir soil. man came on day duty," "Night watchman ,. .� parcels post thab led the Postmaster Goner. on tinue to send it until the payment is made. I or ; "'A novel way of illuminating a buntel has in . vain to reach L asa. The French ex- opened," " Office boy came on duty;" "Mail pensation. Before the postoffice carried ' o, paper is taken from the office or not. , I . . . been devised in Paris, Reflectors throw r. ey, the Entlish explorer, also tried left the office," " Door under reading room al to establish the present syst,ent of coin. nd then collect the whole &�nount, whether , . � the light from many electric lamps 16 feet plorer, Bonvolot, in 1890 reached Lake Ten. tAkert in," ".Stenographer came on d0iy," parcels, no goods of my great value, except; 3 Irk suits for subscriptions. the suit may bd n' titiated in the place where the paper is pub UVO the rails to the sides of the bunnal, g,rinor, only about two daym5'jtourney from "S ) Moscow bus the finest churches of R sail q fl, I t I he was . , uperintendent came " I I Vault opened." a few watches end articles of jewelT y. were U a, ished, although the subscriber inay reside I "here ib is again reflected by burnished tin, the capital. Here by the an., ".Door opened for business." ordinarily sent by post. A certain am,,unt and the people consider the ottly so holy that hundreds of miles away. �'� a. soft and agreeable light. critics of Lhasa, who would not. permit I of coin was senb by registered post, and to they make pilgrinit,ges even from the bor- I The courts have decided that rofusling to . The trai him to ap roach itearer, though they were L take newspapers orperiodicals from the post - L. 1.'�, grutoniatically turn the current o ins provide against the. occasional abstraction data of the Black Sea and from the edges of -ioving and leaving them uncalled p n and o1ia I of tile SM&JJL SUMS So oMce, or roil ', eift boring and lee- . glad to seri him horees and ya,ks to expedite THROUGH THE TUNNEL. sent, a possible in- Siberia to pray at its shrines. . oris primataole evidence of intentional fraud � ", I I f) ving tile tunnel . his departure. One Russian expedition — demnity of $10 was provided. lb was not . J I I i , I since Petjevalsky's last journey has a,loo 1W.0691a. Freight W�tl be Again Diverted intended to encourage the sending of large __ L j 4 . . . tried in vain to reach the tl�ystarioua city. . From WbiLdsor to Saritia. . gains through the post,. and therefore the � � A I Wo,shonld be entirely ignorant of what A new arrangement has been made with compensation was kepb low. But with. the N Ir L k -� ad city for the Grand, Trunk by which the Wabash introduction of the parcel post the Post- , ,. �_ lies beengoing.onin the saor' .N I . �, I" I I : � 'many years if the Indian government had freight will be again diverted from Wind4 master General became a carrier of goods, ,� . I a not frol), time to time sent native Indians sor and brought through the St. 'Clair tun. and, coming thus into competition. with 1_t, IS I - "on . I 11 I . C� I I � - to travel in Thibet, Some of the. have nel. It is claimed that the Present arrange- coninion carriers who were held responsible 90 � , . , � . � I . P roll made long sojourns in ,Lhasa, where they ment will be inure satisfactory to tile Iya- for do,n.agp, it became nocessary to consider -W 61h . � I � I lived in the gn iRe �f mendican to; petty iner- bash as one that will cause no delay in I question of compensa bion. I I I '� chants, or devotees. Benvolot more nearly handling bbeir freight, The pres t pro- . . . ' . , I I approached the city than iny explojergince gra I min. � e, as . olatli I tied, is as f.lI.wscn When a man realizes that lie cannot be 1, S ;I the 11 ,; " I . AV(; � 11tic �Lnd Cabot. West famous there is some . hope that lie I will set- gpeed le - , . I � � 11 Lo it is understood that Mr. Rockbill has I bound Wabash freight will be taken through tle down and be useful. Everybody knows that most preparations of Cod 11 � I I 11 I % I I not the tunnel from the Canada side by Grand . I I . .� �� � abandoned his ambition to reach Lhasa. He Trunk crews, the locomotives and trains be. I . , � . . hopes before long to make. his third attemSt ing pulled through by the tunnel engines ; A Good Idea -It is gelting to be a fashion Liver Oil are disagreeable to the sense of smelt and , 1, � " d;ft W � upon the forbidden city. �The prospects 0 &Chicago anti Grand Trunk railway crew to address and abamp envelopes on the baak. taste. Almost everybody knows that Scoles EWulsion � a I not seem bright, bitt'Mr. Rockbill's per. will then mail the brains and take, titem to With the direction vF ritten across the folds, I . I . 1 1 W sistenoy inay yet enable him to accomplish Detroit. Fast bound freighttrains wilt be the letter cannot be opened .by an'im- (of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and HypophospIlites .. __ whathe and other explorers have failed to manned by Chicago and Grand Trillik rall. I Ing � . . I . 2C) E R I of J�ime and Soda) is not like the rest. It is a I 11 , ' I , , 'L ' : . . t � I - - I authorised person wi ' thout the fact be' : � I I . � achieve. I . . I I . way crews from T)etroit to the tunnel sta- I detected, and such an opportunity I is made I I 1. . I I �. 2 . I I , ' . tion on the Americ aide of the . very difficult. . wonderful curative, agent. Cures a, chronic, rasping . ale river At the Old Bailey, London, oil Friday I . � I .. . ! . I . � � � I " k 1� . I I � The Nint of View, I where a Grand Trunk crew will take cha,rga, couo,h, heals and strengthens the lungs, chec s any I . I : �.�, :_� I 11 . . I I . locomotives and trains being pulled thorugh before Air. Justice Grantham, Matthew t>. I I I I I . . L 1. I I I . . I . I . I " What lovely repose of manner Miss I Haley, aged 24, private in the Essex 'Itogi- wasting disease 12' duces flesh I . 1. � ., � 1. �, kA,, � _.- - '1-n Topnotch has. -She 'I- . the tunnel in -a similar manner I as West I -as charged with blarglary by enter. . and pro I . I I . � � % . . ment, Ns I I I . .1 .. I I . 11, - .Z=� I La dlady-Goodness, I'd bay alle has bound freight. The headquarters of .the . � 11 I 1. . - . D I.. . I 11 �, I . . , 0, , ing a residence at Thames Wharfand steal. , Seottl.s Emulsion. curds Coughs I . I - , , , I , , I**** . Pt 'Zd - _e locomotives will be 1'oint B'dward, to which I F -9: 1.11 I . I I I I J , I , \" She never gets down to breakfast bef�r; ra . . . I— L . : I "\\, , 9.30. I place they will return at the end of each Ing 8, wa do, Consumptiou Scrofula, and . . . 11 . r . . � w I . %m , . I . 1 . 1. . I I,! Ili , � �� I 1. trip. . . . � with maliciously wounding Mr. Tricker, who all Ansteillaic and Wastin�0, Diseases. I I . � resided ther , c, by striking him on the head -ft #3 ; , . �� ,:, I I a I tab and otbee articles,� and also Col : L I 1� 1 -4.. � South Australia has had forty adminis. I rrovant� Wasting in eltildr,ftn' Al. I co I — 11 ,b a, bar of iron. Prisoner bore a bail I y � t .. : ­ ' I " kI of r I GILL 11 a Ift I I � I i . . 11 I — . Irations iii thirty-six,yea.rs. I , wib ino9t a I 913alatable 9_9131111.k. Get Only . . , Willie-" PeLpa, some one has invented a, character, having beet) previonsly convicted, the gelaulfie. Prepared by Scott &, 0 Aft 4d/,qk magazine gun.. What kind is that?" Papa ,e, in sentencing hit; to.,,,,nt towne, pelloville., Soldby all Druggists, P - - I STRONGEST9 OEM A m-xies.- -treetear,oAn be hired .for per.' ' and the iudg . y I e6atahia ".. Pilurn, Am.monia, Lime, . I sonal use for $3.50 a day, with a right to (reflectively)-" It must be one that gie, years'ponal servitude, said he was a tlior- . 11 I, Fliqwhates, or any Injuriant, stop 6, I t any,one place for two hours, ... �' , off once a month. " � ough soolutdreli I I . 50 11 cents and $1.00.- ., k- fult, � I I I I I I �. . I I . I . I -1 �. . � � �, . .1 � I I . I � � I I Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoeI4 I .. , .'' I . � I'� .11 � I 1:! I I I . . I ,_ I I � . � I �, I : I . � � � . I I . I I � � I � I I I I I . I . . . .. I � I � . . . .1 I I . . . I I . . I .1 .,� I . . I " . I I I I � . I . 11� 1 . I ''I I . . I . . 11 � . � . �, I I : I , * " I 1, 1. I .11 .. ,4 � I I � 1. . � � I � I I I .. I . I . I . I . 1. I I . . � . . k I . . . 11 11 , . , . . ­_', � I � :�: �': � ".. I.. 11 � � . . .1 L'� I � I . :- % , I I � . � . I .. I 11 I . . � I � � I : � � . , 1. I I � � . I : . . I . � 11 11 � � . � I : �. ,�, I I I I I I - "" , I . I I I . I I I I . I I I I .� 11.1 ,� d : � I I I .. I I ,. ,,� , , I . - I - � I I ( ­ - I . I . I . 11 � I .1 I � I I . . - 111- I 1-111 ­ "... , ­ I'll 5.111. �� � 1. I I I � I -,`,,�, � .11 I.- � � . ,, � "� . " I - 111 I � . I I . - � '7111, � I I " ,. � ­­ 1 .11, I I'll 11, 1".. ­ 1A--,1- ,­__,_2,,��;,_ - � �, . . ,., _', �� I �':, , , .:� ,_: I .. � �, . .� .� . ,i I . � � I . ­ I I I I I I —­ I I I I � - I I - ­­ .