HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-16, Page 5MARRIED. 1 HULLEY—ST,REY—At the Mango, Me- e I{illop, on the Sth inst, by Rev, P. Mae - r grave, Mr. Job Halley, to Miss Frances Storey, both of illoKillop, I McCARTVEY.-At the residence of her eon - 3 in-law, E. Branch, South 'yard, on I Friday, 3rd !.net., Margaret relict of the 3 late Francis McCartney, in her 80th r year. 3 STEELE— Ott Thursday, Feb. 91h, of 1 congestion of the brain, Elizabeth Dore I Rigby, beloved wife of the Rev. Howard 3 Douglas Steele, incumbent cf St.Paul's 0hurch6 Kirkton. LUNG—Lulinsox—At Bracefield, on the 144h just. at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Mr. Simpson, Mr: Fred Long, merchant of St. Marys, to Miss B. Jamieson, of Brucefield. ATXISSON,--JOHNSTON —In Blanshard, on the 15th Inst.,, at the residence -of the bride's parents, 3rd line,Mr. J• H Atkinson to Miss Maggie E., eldagi " daughter of Mr- N. Johnston, all of Blanshard. i EA990N—R10IIARD0oN--flt ti.e rosidki ok of the bride's mother, Winchelsea on,the Sth insk, by the Rev. E. Softly of Hen- sall,' George Hasson, of Stratford, toMjss Eliza Richardson, sister of Robt, and Jae. Riebardeon, of Exetet JEFFEusoN—DOnnANOE.—At the residence of the bride's mother, Maple Villa Farm, on the Sib just., by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Gordon Jefferson, of East Wawan. oah, to Miss Annie Dorrauce of McKil- lop, D1E1). CAMPBELL. -III Gr,:y,on the 301h ult, Will. lam Campbell, aged 54 years, IJAMPDEpi In Grey, on the 28th nit,-wi11= ism campbell, aged 78 years. BAtamN.-la Usborno, on the Sth inot, Thomas Balman, aged 751 years and 2 months. HANDD-11D.-In Exeter, on the 1.101 just. uu t er ' Biohard Ha'.d(ord Sr. aged 83 pre and 9 months, Funeral today, LANGFonp-In Biddulph on the 9th inst. Ann, wife of Samuel Langford, awed 64 years. BENNET-In retroit, 'Mich,. on Friday 3rd inst. John, sou of William Bennet, of South Boundary, Blanshard, aged 23 years, 4 months and 23 days,. NEWS, Don't waste time, money, and health, trying every new medioine You may see ad- vertlsed in the papers. If the cause of your trouble is in the blood, liver, stomach, or kidneys, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla at once, and be sure of a:eure.. Take no other, Wat(jrviliet, Mich., Feb. 8.-A. H. Barnhart, a temperate, industrious bach- elor, resident -about a mile north of here, was found dead in led, frozen stifle Part of his faoe had been eaten off by Lis per; oat. It is thought that he had been dead for at least a week, as one horse and all his poultry have strav ed to death. WHEN' IN DESPAIa.. When in despair of being oared of lung troubles, there is still.a hope and a strong hope of perfect auto in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. This medicine Cures even after all others have failed, and no one suffering from coughs, colds, nethma, brcn- ahitis, hoarseness, neev despair of while Norway Pine Syrup is obtainable, Walkerton sportamau were thrown into quite a state of exeitement;.tho other day wheu word arrived that it ret,l live bear had been seen ou the form of Mr. John U Neil, of Brautford, A number of them, armed with Winclkestors, clubs and re. velvets starred off in pursuit, Zile didn't y find the bear, but they found his tracks and. that is something to be thankful for is these lattordaye. NNOWN IN HAaiII TON. H,k)nr,To,;, Feb'), 13-11r, Eilon Brown Cured sa marvellously 01 Toronto, who was of Bright's Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills is wall known in Hamilton, having been in the IBospital hoto where the authorities, like those of the Toronto Institutions pro - nautical her case incurable, People who .knew her Here are surprised to loarn that she Is oared, no thav thought she was in the Home for Incurable in Toronto, and never expected to see her outside that place again, lair. G3e, Parke, the popular druggist of this city says that 14110 04188 of Do,ld'a Kidney Pills are very large and in- creasing, ag all those to whom he has sold them are'*eceivjnb a greatbonefit from their use. The success of Dodd's kidney Pills over all other kidney remedies is Owing to the fact :fiat they never failed when need for Bright's Dlsaasi, Dropsy, Baokaohe, Ithaumatism, eLd all diseases of the kid- neys and blood, RonT, McQuARuis, Balmoral, heap. REDucnD To A Sciuscic-The traatment of disease is now almost reduced to a science. c uc A s iontifia pof medial caduot 4 shill for the cure of all blood diseases from it common pimple to the worat scrofulous sore which leas held popular - esteem for years and increases steadily in favor is Burdock Blood Bitters. -Its cures prove its worth. There is no claim made for Ayer's Sar- saparilla which oannot be endorsed by scores of te8timoniale. This fact plainly proves that the blood,js the soucre of most dis- orders and that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the beat ofblood-purifier, Try it Ibis mouth, On Thursday morning last fire broke out in A. &J. lMoKay'i Planing Will'Tlverton Ont, completely destroying the building and cookouts. Cause of fire uuknown,loas about $3,000. ,Iusuranoo 6600 in the Wellington Mutual. ANTITH INVALIDS.—Yes? with invalids the appetite is eapiaions and neads coaxing, that is just the Ieasou they improve so rapidly under Scott's Emulsion which is as pala- table of dream. The will of the late James Armstrong, M. P., has barn filed forjprobate. It leaves the real and personal estate amounting to 850,000, to the widow and to the children who share and share alike. Their gontlo action and;good effect on the system really make them aporfeci little pill They please those who use them, Carter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed "Per- fection " IT His No EQB.1L. D_ -An Sins -I have used your Hagyard's Yellow oil for many years, and have found it unequalled for barns, scalds, nuls, etc. 14411Y COLLETT,EVIN Out, ENDORSED BY THE LEADL339. When a remedy is endorsed by ministers editors, msrohauts, farmers and leading mon of all classes it is strong evidence that that remedy has great merit and docs what Is claimed for it. Snob a remedy is 'Bar - dock Blood Bitters its wonderful' success as a cure for dyspepsia, bad blood etc, is well known'to old and young, On Wednesday morning last Win. committed Brent- ford i r rte suicide at Hi h oto by cutt— ing his throat with a razor. He was 45 years of age, and leaves a wife and two grown children. Despondency id said to be the cause of his rash act. The five -mils skating rape at Aylmer was won by Graham, or Forque, in 19 min 45 sea- Baldwin, of Seafortb, 2nd: Chas. Griffin, *of London, :31 d, and Gilchrist, of Platta villa, 41h. A good crowd witnessed the race. BUOSWHEAT STRAW Fos, FODDHB. Not many of our breeders have much confidence in Buckwheat straw its a food for prize animals- Yet many beasts would thrive well on buckwheat straw and what they eau' "ok up on the barn yard, If given DICIt's ''food purifier, because it gives good health, good appetite, good digestion, Try a boa on your horse which is not thriving. .�. DONT FAILilio ATTEND • GRAND � TAIMASQUERADE -To be held in the- Hensall Slcatinr; & Curling Rin],- -ov- Thursday, Feb'y 23r -d when liberal prizes will be offered for Costumes, Fancy Skating, and Raoiug. Suitable music will be furnished. See posters for further fnforination. T. BRINTNELL, MANAOUR Skating on Tuesday and. SatnrdayEven- ings. A RARE OPPORTUNITY.. Dearing the next ten days I will offer all my Felt Ov(ir shoes at such prices that will compel the needy to be sup- plied, if prices will bring them Ladies' buttoned Overshoes, list price $1.80, for 95eper pair, Ladies' Carni- val, high out, .jersey lined, iist price $2,40, for x$1.55 per pair. Children's buttoned Overshoes in sizes fi to 10, for 85c per pair. Misses' from Ile to 2s $1 per pair. Alen's buckle Overalrocs '.'Stanley," list price ;~2 for $l pr pair, ill, No 6's to 9's inclusive, A very special offer in Curls and Boys buckled Over ahoes for childrea 'wearing boot sizes. 2s and 3s. Can furnish you Overshoes in No 3s and 4s for 50c a pair. Conte and get supplied. These prices are made to make room Ir other g(ic)ds, as space with me is val- uable. Cash only takes these goods at the prices, English Spavin Linitnout removes all hard, soft or calloused lampa and blemishes from horses, Blood Spavia, Curbs,, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, sprains, , Pore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,, cot, Save $60 by sae of *lie bottle, W4rraated th a most wonderful Blemish Care overknowu. Warranted by C. Lu7z, Mrs, Person, wife of Lewis dames Per- son, Kingsville, met with a fatal accident on Thursday, a runaway horse throwiag her against a picket fence, cutting a ter• rib,e gash in hor !load, She diad in two hours, JUJUU11ATISM CURED IN A DAY., -- South America llheumatio Care for Rhou- matiam and Neuralgia radically cures int, to 3 dave. Its action upon the system is rein6lmbla and mysterious. It removes mmed! t. t as and 1431 ' a at once the eause n e diseaaal ally disappears, The first dose greatly banefits. 75 centp. Warranted by 0, Lutz, Druggist, aug, 14. The following is given in answer to the question;—For what surra reapectively are silver and copper legal tenders ? In the Act respecting tiho currency it is stated 1 tender r to the s] 0 that silver 134 i The a lea nt g amount of 010, olid copper or bronze coins ono PRT - merit. Pts in an 1 to the amount of 20 CC toy P merit, B.iLmmnAt BUT rTr:,.--Sirs-1 had a troublesome cold which nothing would to. Ifavountil I tried Flagyards Pectoral Bal. sam, and I atu glad to say that It complete. ly cured me. Mespre, Dunke4C Co.Ogrocors, of Berlin, are now en0god in a new venture, name- ly, the exporting of dried apples t) Ger. many and for wbielk there is quite a de- mond in that eholora stricken city, NUT A PARTrcmll.-A feature worth no doing in retard to Burdock Blood 'Bitters is that it does not contain ono particlo of poisonous matter, It cures and cures quickly without the rise of any injurious Ingredients. B. B. B. is a purely vogetablo specific for dyspepsia, constipation, b d blood, headtiobe, bjliaasnesa and all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Minard's Liniment cures Gargot in cows. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHt' PICTURE.' Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (the large wrapper) to Lover Bros., Ltd, 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty pleturo, free from adrev0siug and well worth framing. This is an coon way to decorate your home. The soap is the hest in the market, and it wilt only cost to postage to send in the -*wrappers, if you leave the ends Upon, write your ad- dress carefaII7. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE To OREDIrORS. In the matter of the estate of Isaac Hand- ford,latoof the village of Exote,,Blacksmith, Pursuant to It. S. 0- Chap. 110 Section 36 notice is hereby given that all Creditors and persons having claims against the estate of the late Isaac Handford who died on or about the 24th day of December 1392, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid! to the under- signed 6olicitor for James and Thos Handford. the administrators of the estate of the said de- ceased on or before the 15th day ;of March A. D.1893 a statement in writing .co ntainin their names addrosaes, and d vc ipt-ons with full of b s their claim and accounts with particulars ' vouChers(if nny)rerofied Statutory declaration, l the nature,of the socurities(if any)heid by them after which date the said administrators will distribute the assets of the [said deceased a- mong the parties entitled thereof, having re - card only to those claims of which they shall have notice. and the said administrators will not bo liable forlthe sai d'assets or:anv part there of to any parson of whose Claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. All parties indepted to sa,idEstato must pay the amount of their indeptednesstothe undersigned without fur- MARSHT SaPORTH. Exeter. Feb.1F4 289$, Fall whentperbush 6G S 66 Spring wheat per bush 68 6.2 Barley per bush... so 35 Oats per bush ... 30 31 Peas per bash ,., .. 63 55 Flour per bbl . 400. ,.4 20 Apples per bag .. 75 85 Potatoes per bag 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton .. . 600 700 Wood per cord hard...... 3 00 360 "' ood per cord soft 2 00 200 Butter per lb .... 17 is Eggsork per dozen....- .. 19 20 Pverbundred Boo 8 25 QOUTH HURON COONSERVA TIVE ASSOCI t PION The annual meetinx of the above association (as constituted for Local *Purposes) will be held in Cosworth's Hall IIensell on Thursday'200'y 23rd at 1 o'clock n, in. for the purpose of electing Officers and arranging oilier matters of importance suggested at last meeting, A f ill attendance is requested andall Conserva- tives are cordially invited. JOHN TORRANCE BY. J. WHITE. Feb'y 6th. 3893 s, Secy. ][110R SALE Olt RENT. A (food Blacksmith S Carriage Shop with or without a Dwelling House, This is a rare chance as it is an old eFtablishod business and been doing a xoW businc•is for the past thirty Years. Apply at once to SAMUEL FORD.. Woodham - Ont, HONEST HELP FOR IMEN%: PAY,NO .MOltR i XO«IEk TO QUACKS, A sufferer from Errors of You tb. Nervous De- bility and Lost Ylgor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else had failed, that he wiltsond the means of cure FRE t follow E o al 1 s uffer ora Address,i with stairp, MR. EDWARD bfARTVi (TrAcuxn) Box 143, Detroit, Mich. F ARX FOR BALE, The undopsi ned,having signified h•s1 to t . ion to retire from farm lifo,witloffer his aplend Id 200 -acre farm for sa!a. being lots 24 and 23 con.1 in the township of LTsborne, London Road oounty (.f Huron. the land is all cleared, twn svplendid fruit-boaring orchards ; windmill and plenty of good water, The fanoes are in first- class oonditioa, Ou the promises area brick cottage and kitchont ; two large bank barns ; 1 horao stabtc„51x26; driving slued. 'Phis is a first-class farm in every partioularand rho. location is a good one being lmlle, from Exeter where there is one of the bests marketa in Ont. It will ba sold ata reasonable figure, For further particulars appir to Acct, 'tN 4LFBIk Rey P. a. Ont, •4 -. - ` >,. r .,” ryy i ���,.•1 �,# ' S" �,a.*' '..cam 1 r- Z4'1' 7-� t % 7 r' Application painless andeasy.relief i m modi- . oto. This r0paratlou fills reatand1ou -felt wantamong those who suffer from Piles. It is aromed of the highest merit -effective, a y a liar and, g reliable—and has more than mat the anttoipa- tions of those physicians who have U044 it in their practice- 1410(ano Is, R Surto (lure when other rameduea Sail to relieve, Testim- onials furnished. Prior $l, For Salo br drug- cisteorby mail on receipt of price., IV. T. r TRO\O, Manufacturing Chomlet, 148 Dundee St.. London, ant. - The New (9 Bakery A. .BAG SHAT, )1s .• lIts o � 1 t ann(itmcc that leo has a 1e11- ed a Bakery and. Confectionory 13usi- ness in the stand lately occupied by E. A. Follick, north of the Post Office, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. -Bread, Cake & Bulas Fresh every day, and delivered to all Parts of the town. OYSTERS & LUNCHES served at alKhours. Having engaged as Foreman baker, Air. B. C. McKAY, of London, I shall by using the best grades of Flour, and pure Hop Yeast, so highly recommend- ed by the Medical fraternity f -Ir its nutritious and digestible qualities, be enabled to turn out by far h. best bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, and other cakes a specialty. Oysters and Luncltes at all hours. dl-tf A. BAGSHAW. r W H uenacior for acmimstrators. Dated, Sth Feb'y,163- 41 �l • ■ 0 'r •.�A 1,+t�� . rJ , ,David 21r. Tertian Cheap Sale of Ldmestni, N. Y BAIN. KRUPT STOCK, Colorless, Elnacielted, Helpless a � • A Complete Cure by fOODPS prices, An inspection SARSAPARILLA. Stock and a com- This is from ler. D. M. Jordan, a re- I tale. We carry everything tired far. -,-,,r, and one of the most re- THE BEST YET spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y. ME CHEAPEST YES' "Fmirie,•.l gear:ago I hail an attack of the BIGGEST YET 1 oravc 61:1 1': i( Ou o b •cu troubled with my . Liver and Kidneys Best Ordered Clothing produced in Dieter grad 1'y Three years ago I Gentlemen t leave your orders early, for. with the best stab: of Tailors; the best Fine gut 0.ow.1.:31- „ 1.:..t cirnl43 i cnrC.ly �vrtFlc. of Trimmings, and the best 1 lnoE:est ni"ro!0I.o r. e trp,t• thana, living beiitr,. Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac. 111^(t no anp it( mid for tul,,i weeks I nti, tion plod:int; *out >! incl. Tit is i adll emaciated i �i � a'� '�MtP�` •ui(I h Ill iu, iu+ to i ,lurLt i x x esu D.a, utaiCi=.c., at , de ..77 i. (1 111!1 I Swid Zoo Cs�ogus ih,,u it I i 't%u try it. 1 14 pure 1 had lililslle't POrdons promptly attended to. the Pnit butt!": I :a,ti(e 1 that I fat better, suf- + ftved 10 ,;,4. t!11' C`: the Wii a}- Al ARTIN'S,doaler9 in Mnsiaal rnstralnents,, SewinirMaohine supplies, etc. El,vv 1 (' 1411. •rt. I.A. til,, vol"), lu••r'In to return to 4 111;'ft''vA1:1':;;13Bgtot�,ll•!Altar & trd'o9S 117;..) t t rn t.:%, lwlt'I ' 1 1'01:14 t:tt itli)'t111111', " n nhut.t burtr,;r n: % 1i hy, I r eel So limigri, PALACE (. .1 (,, t. , L'+ . have 116%v teat 1. tt il.u,;i lea on 1 { fn:ly, uV1i l tint. ie, •( 4�w w, paL ®,y1 �'••. �Yi 4r• G. i \.'� n it� a p i� 0. a 4 !- -q 1 fma, ,,Peat -,M'd t..x vrz•'e3. All Who 1c110ty CAH(110E FRUITS, iiia 7, irvt•1 to C,()Nb I(xC.CIt)Nl;liY, 1.locya•s 'Pit.!»Sari t!.( h( >:..ftar•.iinncrl'ills, 0Y,iTS, i1 tDDIES, EU IMill advantage to call and inspeet our stool 1 Exeter Muaicipal Counoi,l The council met at the town hall, l:xe- G. A. It, VINCENT, ter, Feb. Sth, 1t49:3, All present. \lin- IrrlIdttur, utca of previous meeting read and approv- A. HASTINGS, BARBER, ed. McCallum -Carling -Tho dark to rec- F ANSOX'S BLOCK,k.\F'T' ' lf. ;?^ eive the bouka and property of the corpor- ation from the executrix of the late Traas- As you pass by on tko .!:cull street Bret and hand the account to tha Auditors 1 1 to be roportad;upon at the next meeting t a 1 ort upon the f the council, rid a so to We do our work with care.; Wo always kaon our' razars nnture and. suficiency of the now Treas- And ebcara in good repair. urer. We have the very finest styles of ollalre.andCPuptiliSHI*111LES We keep our towels alean. Spackman-Cbristie-the auditors' re• We shampoo in the boat Gf syle And ago the oast hair machine. port for year ending 311,1 Dec., 1892, rece- Sonia barbers tivork so slowly, ive(1 and abstract published ae formerly, Ilut this is our text: it We da notkcop rou waiting, hand o wu d• Th use of the n d re, m v, a r1 inta .eh The g Your turn is always ,next,, School Board for the first Wednesday in e cacti month. Wo shingle tbair hair and trim tboir bangtl, At Hasting's harbor ehoo. Christie -McCallum -orders 182 & 189 1892 placed on the minutes of their, res- ROSS &a TAYLOR, Main Street. poctive dates, befog oinitted inadvertant- IN 1y,1 HARNESR, TRUNKS, V_NLISES, Ch ristio-Spack man -The Reeve and WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, Mr. Carling t0 draft a suitable resolution SHOES, RUBBERS, of coudcluncu to the widow and family of ETC. our late Treasurer. AT Applications for the Treasurerahip were 8t Join Treble's, examined from Messra S. San dere, D. S IYiC7in O -Niel, and WVm, Grigg. Carling -McCallum -That Mr. S. Sand. NOTE A FEW PRICES : er b Treasurer. ,. ackman-Christie-That ler. B. S. Half Foo: Felt Boot, Grain, 82.00rom�fr Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.25 O'Niel be Treasurer. Men's Rubbers, 0.50 T.he peeve decldai in faror of Mr. San. Women's Rubber;, 0.30 ders. Misses' Rubbors, 0.25 Mr. Dobier aaked the Council for ex- emption of the proposed evaporating es. Skilled l� orkmcn aro employed to tablialiment. marc if cture the oda ,rid the best of goods, ti 3 a „o , The Council, exctpt Mr,. _1UcCalluni, ex- material is used. pressed their willingness to grant exemp- Prompb attention given to all kinds of tion on the ;establishment of any manu- repairing. My Stook is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed sans- factory that came under their power to faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Coll and be convinced, exempt. Carling -Spackman -The Road Com- JUi7Iiq TUMBLE'. - Exeter. miss;onar to; fix the -worst pitch holes on the Lake and Thames road and open streets when necessary. Carling-Christie-Tha4 James Gould be granted $2.00 per week until further order. The Clerk to render accouut for rent of Town Hall to the church wardens of the Trivitt Memorial Church. The Council adjourned until Tuesday 14th at 7.30 p. in. Sharp. M. F,AURETT Clark. HAIST-In Stephen on the 10th Inst, the wife of Mr. Fred Haist of a son. SMYTH-In Stephen on the lltb Inst. the wife of Mr. G. Smyth of a daughter. oEE-In Ugborne, on the 12th just, the wife of Wm. Oke of a daughter. PAssuoRE— In Usborne on the 11th inst. the wife of Samuel Passmore of a daugh- ter. MARRIED. 1 HULLEY—ST,REY—At the Mango, Me- e I{illop, on the Sth inst, by Rev, P. Mae - r grave, Mr. Job Halley, to Miss Frances Storey, both of illoKillop, I McCARTVEY.-At the residence of her eon - 3 in-law, E. Branch, South 'yard, on I Friday, 3rd !.net., Margaret relict of the 3 late Francis McCartney, in her 80th r year. 3 STEELE— Ott Thursday, Feb. 91h, of 1 congestion of the brain, Elizabeth Dore I Rigby, beloved wife of the Rev. Howard 3 Douglas Steele, incumbent cf St.Paul's 0hurch6 Kirkton. LUNG—Lulinsox—At Bracefield, on the 144h just. at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Mr. Simpson, Mr: Fred Long, merchant of St. Marys, to Miss B. Jamieson, of Brucefield. ATXISSON,--JOHNSTON —In Blanshard, on the 15th Inst.,, at the residence -of the bride's parents, 3rd line,Mr. J• H Atkinson to Miss Maggie E., eldagi " daughter of Mr- N. Johnston, all of Blanshard. i EA990N—R10IIARD0oN--flt ti.e rosidki ok of the bride's mother, Winchelsea on,the Sth insk, by the Rev. E. Softly of Hen- sall,' George Hasson, of Stratford, toMjss Eliza Richardson, sister of Robt, and Jae. Riebardeon, of Exetet JEFFEusoN—DOnnANOE.—At the residence of the bride's mother, Maple Villa Farm, on the Sib just., by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Gordon Jefferson, of East Wawan. oah, to Miss Annie Dorrauce of McKil- lop, D1E1). CAMPBELL. -III Gr,:y,on the 301h ult, Will. lam Campbell, aged 54 years, IJAMPDEpi In Grey, on the 28th nit,-wi11= ism campbell, aged 78 years. BAtamN.-la Usborno, on the Sth inot, Thomas Balman, aged 751 years and 2 months. HANDD-11D.-In Exeter, on the 1.101 just. uu t er ' Biohard Ha'.d(ord Sr. aged 83 pre and 9 months, Funeral today, LANGFonp-In Biddulph on the 9th inst. Ann, wife of Samuel Langford, awed 64 years. BENNET-In retroit, 'Mich,. on Friday 3rd inst. John, sou of William Bennet, of South Boundary, Blanshard, aged 23 years, 4 months and 23 days,. NEWS, Don't waste time, money, and health, trying every new medioine You may see ad- vertlsed in the papers. If the cause of your trouble is in the blood, liver, stomach, or kidneys, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla at once, and be sure of a:eure.. Take no other, Wat(jrviliet, Mich., Feb. 8.-A. H. Barnhart, a temperate, industrious bach- elor, resident -about a mile north of here, was found dead in led, frozen stifle Part of his faoe had been eaten off by Lis per; oat. It is thought that he had been dead for at least a week, as one horse and all his poultry have strav ed to death. WHEN' IN DESPAIa.. When in despair of being oared of lung troubles, there is still.a hope and a strong hope of perfect auto in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. This medicine Cures even after all others have failed, and no one suffering from coughs, colds, nethma, brcn- ahitis, hoarseness, neev despair of while Norway Pine Syrup is obtainable, Walkerton sportamau were thrown into quite a state of exeitement;.tho other day wheu word arrived that it ret,l live bear had been seen ou the form of Mr. John U Neil, of Brautford, A number of them, armed with Winclkestors, clubs and re. velvets starred off in pursuit, Zile didn't y find the bear, but they found his tracks and. that is something to be thankful for is these lattordaye. NNOWN IN HAaiII TON. H,k)nr,To,;, Feb'), 13-11r, Eilon Brown Cured sa marvellously 01 Toronto, who was of Bright's Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills is wall known in Hamilton, having been in the IBospital hoto where the authorities, like those of the Toronto Institutions pro - nautical her case incurable, People who .knew her Here are surprised to loarn that she Is oared, no thav thought she was in the Home for Incurable in Toronto, and never expected to see her outside that place again, lair. G3e, Parke, the popular druggist of this city says that 14110 04188 of Do,ld'a Kidney Pills are very large and in- creasing, ag all those to whom he has sold them are'*eceivjnb a greatbonefit from their use. The success of Dodd's kidney Pills over all other kidney remedies is Owing to the fact :fiat they never failed when need for Bright's Dlsaasi, Dropsy, Baokaohe, Ithaumatism, eLd all diseases of the kid- neys and blood, RonT, McQuARuis, Balmoral, heap. REDucnD To A Sciuscic-The traatment of disease is now almost reduced to a science. c uc A s iontifia pof medial caduot 4 shill for the cure of all blood diseases from it common pimple to the worat scrofulous sore which leas held popular - esteem for years and increases steadily in favor is Burdock Blood Bitters. -Its cures prove its worth. There is no claim made for Ayer's Sar- saparilla which oannot be endorsed by scores of te8timoniale. This fact plainly proves that the blood,js the soucre of most dis- orders and that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the beat ofblood-purifier, Try it Ibis mouth, On Thursday morning last fire broke out in A. &J. lMoKay'i Planing Will'Tlverton Ont, completely destroying the building and cookouts. Cause of fire uuknown,loas about $3,000. ,Iusuranoo 6600 in the Wellington Mutual. ANTITH INVALIDS.—Yes? with invalids the appetite is eapiaions and neads coaxing, that is just the Ieasou they improve so rapidly under Scott's Emulsion which is as pala- table of dream. The will of the late James Armstrong, M. P., has barn filed forjprobate. It leaves the real and personal estate amounting to 850,000, to the widow and to the children who share and share alike. Their gontlo action and;good effect on the system really make them aporfeci little pill They please those who use them, Carter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed "Per- fection " IT His No EQB.1L. D_ -An Sins -I have used your Hagyard's Yellow oil for many years, and have found it unequalled for barns, scalds, nuls, etc. 14411Y COLLETT,EVIN Out, ENDORSED BY THE LEADL339. When a remedy is endorsed by ministers editors, msrohauts, farmers and leading mon of all classes it is strong evidence that that remedy has great merit and docs what Is claimed for it. Snob a remedy is 'Bar - dock Blood Bitters its wonderful' success as a cure for dyspepsia, bad blood etc, is well known'to old and young, On Wednesday morning last Win. committed Brent- ford i r rte suicide at Hi h oto by cutt— ing his throat with a razor. He was 45 years of age, and leaves a wife and two grown children. Despondency id said to be the cause of his rash act. The five -mils skating rape at Aylmer was won by Graham, or Forque, in 19 min 45 sea- Baldwin, of Seafortb, 2nd: Chas. Griffin, *of London, :31 d, and Gilchrist, of Platta villa, 41h. A good crowd witnessed the race. BUOSWHEAT STRAW Fos, FODDHB. Not many of our breeders have much confidence in Buckwheat straw its a food for prize animals- Yet many beasts would thrive well on buckwheat straw and what they eau' "ok up on the barn yard, If given DICIt's ''food purifier, because it gives good health, good appetite, good digestion, Try a boa on your horse which is not thriving. .�. DONT FAILilio ATTEND • GRAND � TAIMASQUERADE -To be held in the- Hensall Slcatinr; & Curling Rin],- -ov- Thursday, Feb'y 23r -d when liberal prizes will be offered for Costumes, Fancy Skating, and Raoiug. Suitable music will be furnished. See posters for further fnforination. T. BRINTNELL, MANAOUR Skating on Tuesday and. SatnrdayEven- ings. A RARE OPPORTUNITY.. Dearing the next ten days I will offer all my Felt Ov(ir shoes at such prices that will compel the needy to be sup- plied, if prices will bring them Ladies' buttoned Overshoes, list price $1.80, for 95eper pair, Ladies' Carni- val, high out, .jersey lined, iist price $2,40, for x$1.55 per pair. Children's buttoned Overshoes in sizes fi to 10, for 85c per pair. Misses' from Ile to 2s $1 per pair. Alen's buckle Overalrocs '.'Stanley," list price ;~2 for $l pr pair, ill, No 6's to 9's inclusive, A very special offer in Curls and Boys buckled Over ahoes for childrea 'wearing boot sizes. 2s and 3s. Can furnish you Overshoes in No 3s and 4s for 50c a pair. Conte and get supplied. These prices are made to make room Ir other g(ic)ds, as space with me is val- uable. Cash only takes these goods at the prices, English Spavin Linitnout removes all hard, soft or calloused lampa and blemishes from horses, Blood Spavia, Curbs,, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, sprains, , Pore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,, cot, Save $60 by sae of *lie bottle, W4rraated th a most wonderful Blemish Care overknowu. Warranted by C. Lu7z, Mrs, Person, wife of Lewis dames Per- son, Kingsville, met with a fatal accident on Thursday, a runaway horse throwiag her against a picket fence, cutting a ter• rib,e gash in hor !load, She diad in two hours, JUJUU11ATISM CURED IN A DAY., -- South America llheumatio Care for Rhou- matiam and Neuralgia radically cures int, to 3 dave. Its action upon the system is rein6lmbla and mysterious. It removes mmed! t. t as and 1431 ' a at once the eause n e diseaaal ally disappears, The first dose greatly banefits. 75 centp. Warranted by 0, Lutz, Druggist, aug, 14. The following is given in answer to the question;—For what surra reapectively are silver and copper legal tenders ? In the Act respecting tiho currency it is stated 1 tender r to the s] 0 that silver 134 i The a lea nt g amount of 010, olid copper or bronze coins ono PRT - merit. Pts in an 1 to the amount of 20 CC toy P merit, B.iLmmnAt BUT rTr:,.--Sirs-1 had a troublesome cold which nothing would to. Ifavountil I tried Flagyards Pectoral Bal. sam, and I atu glad to say that It complete. ly cured me. Mespre, Dunke4C Co.Ogrocors, of Berlin, are now en0god in a new venture, name- ly, the exporting of dried apples t) Ger. many and for wbielk there is quite a de- mond in that eholora stricken city, NUT A PARTrcmll.-A feature worth no doing in retard to Burdock Blood 'Bitters is that it does not contain ono particlo of poisonous matter, It cures and cures quickly without the rise of any injurious Ingredients. B. B. B. is a purely vogetablo specific for dyspepsia, constipation, b d blood, headtiobe, bjliaasnesa and all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Minard's Liniment cures Gargot in cows. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHt' PICTURE.' Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (the large wrapper) to Lover Bros., Ltd, 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty pleturo, free from adrev0siug and well worth framing. This is an coon way to decorate your home. The soap is the hest in the market, and it wilt only cost to postage to send in the -*wrappers, if you leave the ends Upon, write your ad- dress carefaII7. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE To OREDIrORS. In the matter of the estate of Isaac Hand- ford,latoof the village of Exote,,Blacksmith, Pursuant to It. S. 0- Chap. 110 Section 36 notice is hereby given that all Creditors and persons having claims against the estate of the late Isaac Handford who died on or about the 24th day of December 1392, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid! to the under- signed 6olicitor for James and Thos Handford. the administrators of the estate of the said de- ceased on or before the 15th day ;of March A. D.1893 a statement in writing .co ntainin their names addrosaes, and d vc ipt-ons with full of b s their claim and accounts with particulars ' vouChers(if nny)rerofied Statutory declaration, l the nature,of the socurities(if any)heid by them after which date the said administrators will distribute the assets of the [said deceased a- mong the parties entitled thereof, having re - card only to those claims of which they shall have notice. and the said administrators will not bo liable forlthe sai d'assets or:anv part there of to any parson of whose Claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. All parties indepted to sa,idEstato must pay the amount of their indeptednesstothe undersigned without fur- MARSHT SaPORTH. Exeter. Feb.1F4 289$, Fall whentperbush 6G S 66 Spring wheat per bush 68 6.2 Barley per bush... so 35 Oats per bush ... 30 31 Peas per bash ,., .. 63 55 Flour per bbl . 400. ,.4 20 Apples per bag .. 75 85 Potatoes per bag 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton .. . 600 700 Wood per cord hard...... 3 00 360 "' ood per cord soft 2 00 200 Butter per lb .... 17 is Eggsork per dozen....- .. 19 20 Pverbundred Boo 8 25 QOUTH HURON COONSERVA TIVE ASSOCI t PION The annual meetinx of the above association (as constituted for Local *Purposes) will be held in Cosworth's Hall IIensell on Thursday'200'y 23rd at 1 o'clock n, in. for the purpose of electing Officers and arranging oilier matters of importance suggested at last meeting, A f ill attendance is requested andall Conserva- tives are cordially invited. JOHN TORRANCE BY. J. WHITE. Feb'y 6th. 3893 s, Secy. ][110R SALE Olt RENT. A (food Blacksmith S Carriage Shop with or without a Dwelling House, This is a rare chance as it is an old eFtablishod business and been doing a xoW businc•is for the past thirty Years. Apply at once to SAMUEL FORD.. Woodham - Ont, HONEST HELP FOR IMEN%: PAY,NO .MOltR i XO«IEk TO QUACKS, A sufferer from Errors of You tb. Nervous De- bility and Lost Ylgor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else had failed, that he wiltsond the means of cure FRE t follow E o al 1 s uffer ora Address,i with stairp, MR. EDWARD bfARTVi (TrAcuxn) Box 143, Detroit, Mich. F ARX FOR BALE, The undopsi ned,having signified h•s1 to t . ion to retire from farm lifo,witloffer his aplend Id 200 -acre farm for sa!a. being lots 24 and 23 con.1 in the township of LTsborne, London Road oounty (.f Huron. the land is all cleared, twn svplendid fruit-boaring orchards ; windmill and plenty of good water, The fanoes are in first- class oonditioa, Ou the promises area brick cottage and kitchont ; two large bank barns ; 1 horao stabtc„51x26; driving slued. 'Phis is a first-class farm in every partioularand rho. location is a good one being lmlle, from Exeter where there is one of the bests marketa in Ont. It will ba sold ata reasonable figure, For further particulars appir to Acct, 'tN 4LFBIk Rey P. a. Ont, •4 -. - ` >,. r .,” ryy i ���,.•1 �,# ' S" �,a.*' '..cam 1 r- Z4'1' 7-� t % 7 r' Application painless andeasy.relief i m modi- . oto. This r0paratlou fills reatand1ou -felt wantamong those who suffer from Piles. It is aromed of the highest merit -effective, a y a liar and, g reliable—and has more than mat the anttoipa- tions of those physicians who have U044 it in their practice- 1410(ano Is, R Surto (lure when other rameduea Sail to relieve, Testim- onials furnished. Prior $l, For Salo br drug- cisteorby mail on receipt of price., IV. T. r TRO\O, Manufacturing Chomlet, 148 Dundee St.. London, ant. - The New (9 Bakery A. .BAG SHAT, )1s .• lIts o � 1 t ann(itmcc that leo has a 1e11- ed a Bakery and. Confectionory 13usi- ness in the stand lately occupied by E. A. Follick, north of the Post Office, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. -Bread, Cake & Bulas Fresh every day, and delivered to all Parts of the town. OYSTERS & LUNCHES served at alKhours. Having engaged as Foreman baker, Air. B. C. McKAY, of London, I shall by using the best grades of Flour, and pure Hop Yeast, so highly recommend- ed by the Medical fraternity f -Ir its nutritious and digestible qualities, be enabled to turn out by far h. best bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, and other cakes a specialty. Oysters and Luncltes at all hours. dl-tf A. BAGSHAW. r W H uenacior for acmimstrators. Dated, Sth Feb'y,163- 41 Special{r O ■ 0 'r 1S Cheap Sale 1 BAIN. KRUPT STOCK, But a large and well -selected a � which we are selling below so-called Bankrupt prices, An inspection of Stock and a com- parison of prices will tell the tale. We carry everything Furniture THE BEST YET nitebecaa Wilkinson, of Brownavallan Ind saya :-"I have been in a distressed ME CHEAPEST YES' „condi- tion for three years from Nervouanesa, BIGGEST YET 1 at (THE �- r gone. I It was e • at'on until m health xnGl a 1 n 1 R f3 y Best Ordered Clothing produced in Dieter Gy1dletTv6� 's Gentlemen t leave your orders early, for. with the best stab: of Tailors; the best Fine lief, I bought one bottle of South Amer! - of Trimmings, and the best can Nervine; whieh done me wore good than any $"50 worth of doctoring I ever (lid Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac. ODDITELLOW'S BLOCK. tion A J SUM.L. of pants, give us a call and be convinced f7m [Elo.11f, hat what we have said is true. ■ 0 OURS 1S NOT A ya BAIN. KRUPT STOCK, But a large and well -selected Stock of Bright New Goo( which we are selling below so-called Bankrupt prices, An inspection of the Stock and a com- parison of prices will tell the tale. We carry everything in the 'Llardware line—light and heavy. � l4+�pa„S..,tl�tdsor��aR � r4��r6.a�tl,id. nitebecaa Wilkinson, of Brownavallan Ind saya :-"I have been in a distressed w730 Awe. WM-A NX „condi- tion for three years from Nervouanesa, a. Weakness of the Stomach, Dyapepsla and � r gone. I It was e • at'on until m health xnGl a 1 n 1 R f3 y . M R"` IT W RE DEALER !lad been doctoring constantly with no re- I lief, I bought one bottle of South Amer! - can Nervine; whieh done me wore good than any $"50 worth of doctoring I ever (lid _- _AND— - in my life. I would t r'vloo every weakly y LL1^�.p�t3 �q, rMy/.Y,fU.FApOTURED pqy; d'G¢ Ef he 0,c,a1.d 5.�61cycIo 0� 9. Ltd, II peraonto use this valuable and lovely rem -,l d A trial bottle out i �i � a'� '�MtP�` will cc e 1 1 y y at Sold by C. fABta, Druggist. Swid Zoo Cs�ogus The contract for the erection of another bridge acrossUad !liver will be I -A in, a day POrdons promptly attended to. or two, and it will oust $00,000. All Accounts must lie settled it once. 1 r _ _ __ s'lti:kard'a LlIIlment is fhe flair Iteat Or. Al ARTIN'S,doaler9 in Mnsiaal rnstralnents,, SewinirMaohine supplies, etc. The-, Peanie's t CALL & trd'o9S I FLOUR --<1'L` THE,— & FEED PALACE STORE. GROCERY, We kosp on hand the largest vtooh of Fanson s Block. Flonr- and Feed in town, Our V. 75 Flour Leads All t CAH(110E FRUITS, �1 C,()Nb I(xC.CIt)Nl;liY, Any quantity � i A 3a 314 of I'r! n and Shorts at (l priv.,3a. Farmers will Mind it t( thou 0Y,iTS, i1 tDDIES, EU IMill advantage to call and inspeet our stool FIXE' TOBACCO and :Itx1R�; . � before going alaewherea. Iligheat pricos paid for oats. G. A. It, VINCENT, R. S. RIQFRUSON,Vana;er, IrrlIdttur, OppoEitc Town Fiall, 11TexaGlsa. A. HASTINGS, BARBER, �� r,A� nl atoBuy. F ANSOX'S BLOCK,k.\F'T' ' lf. ;?^ PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD As you pass by on tko .!:cull street Just for 1i momont stop, And have your hair attd whiakors`taiaimed At Hasting's Barber shop, We keep eonsttintly on hand a large stock of ell kindeofbuilding materiala. Dresaodorun- 1va are t>sa lightning bnrbera f drsstad pine and hemlock lumber, also a choice l pino lath. atOur We do our work with care.; Wo always kaon our' razars stock o. is co et daors, sash, blinds. rigid. nza, ko. is complete and thorouRly kiln dried. And ebcara in good repair. We offer far sale1,=00.000 XX and XXX PINFi We have the very finest styles of ollalre.andCPuptiliSHI*111LES We keep our towels alean. manufactured by the hnstmakCrsin Ontario. We shampoo in the boat Gf syle And ago the oast hair machine. Tanka and Cisterns, all sbspes and 8iaes,made to order at lowest prices. Iva have somothln, Sonia barbers tivork so slowly, newin this line forwatering cattle in the stable, or barnyard. Ilut this is our text: it We da notkcop rou waiting, Call and sea our celebrated Baking Cabin, kory woman using them recommends tLom Your turn is always ,next,, lhighr; Turning,band,sorollsawinx, and all kinds of AK • r the ladies and children, to We do thoir work tip -tap; 1 machine work promptly attended to. I1 will be to your Interest to examine our Wo shingle tbair hair and trim tboir bangtl, At Hasting's harbor ehoo. stook beforolpurchasing elsewhere. _..---------°-- "ARGAINS ROSS &a TAYLOR, Main Street. IN Th tee Points! HARNESR, TRUNKS, V_NLISES, WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, NOTE WELL. ETC. AT _ laveFxperienoe, 8t Join Treble's, expenienselad tllattat IYiC7in tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our NOTE A FEW PRICES : business. Half Foo: Felt Boot, Grain, 82.00rom�fr Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.25 � rl e With this ever u • redeeming feat - Men's Rubbers, 0.50 are imprinted deeply on our motto, we Women's Rubber;, 0.30 have won the patronage of the many Misses' Rubbors, 0.25 .whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely Skilled l� orkmcn aro employed to t putting elf until neat week what should P g i marc if cture the oda ,rid the best of goods, ti 3 a „o , have been done this. material is used. I This is a nic Prompb attention given to all kinds of 8atls faetron. 1 repairing. My Stook is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed sans- / caking word,br 140 carr out its meaning is difficult t y g ° faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Coll and be convinced, some. We glory in word and the way it is exemplified in our shop. we guar- anteo satisfaction every time in all res- . JUi7Iiq TUMBLE'. - Exeter. pects. ll,-,... of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have said is true. Do ,,^oa went s Ia J 011 N� PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING! MACHINE, BOYS' .tt GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? out, $ ""o,y l �, Clearing tete aleof $STRIOTLV•HIGH GRADE- ALL MACE OF THE SE97 STEEL A,= WPP 7RANTCD FOR ONE VEAR ! BgAY !+� 'cods in LL1^�.p�t3 �q, rMy/.Y,fU.FApOTURED pqy; d'G¢ Ef he 0,c,a1.d 5.�61cycIo 0� 9. Ltd, II S,' - 8RINYTFO D, O&T. at Swid Zoo Cs�ogus If you do, the place to got the most reliable P%Pods at a modern price is at P.U,,R ;INS St Al ARTIN'S,doaler9 in Mnsiaal rnstralnents,, SewinirMaohine supplies, etc. All kinds of farm jmrlements sold on t mar & trd'o9S Lin er cost. Agents for the celebrated Chat amWagon. PERKINS & MARTIN, ik 1 on, Fanson s Block. �1