HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-16, Page 4I . I I . � 7_1 7 6, , . rI � � , I . I ; � . i . . : . I . � , � . , �: �: I I I , � . . � I I I , ., . . I I I i , � �.. . . 17. .1 . . . . I � . � I I . I � i , : I -- - --- : I _______ -------- I . . 4 . 77 I Established in. i 8 I I I — ­_ - - I �� I I . . . I ___­__ - I' I ______ THHE TARIFF CHANGES. . I . I . i . I � . � . I � . 1 ____ I � ,� � _. - . PDGILISTIC POLITICIANS. -7 , _ , " � ., , . . . - .. . . i I 1, . . I I . I . I . I 1. I I . I I . . I I . � . I . I 11 I ., _______________�__, 31AUXIqU NOTES. * The steamship Elbe will take $1, RO, - I � I . : I I i- I . I I . . I � I .1 . . 1 I I I I . . I I - � I � I I I . I . I . . . � I . I � � — . . Ciranton. � __ !'d WWWWWANWAWD7.1 ---4— ---.---.- Pll� products in, other rujirkets. a Be 'Outea the Wes, that the victory of ____ Grover Cleveland was a Victory for free , . I 000 in gold from New York on Tuesday � 'Batzra-Kr. Samuel Radeliffo passed I . . M. S. O'NEIL9 Affecting Binder Twine, Coal trade. SuclitheLiberals assertedittobe but an examination of Mr, Cleveland's .1, I I Kansas Populists and Rep . ub- for E urope, , . I The steamer La Bretagne, which sail- aWayon Saturday last from ralysis. �Is� Peoe%sed was a member of the F111`asbyter- . I � I � BANKER, Oil and Mine Machinery. . . letter of acceptance failed to indicate any disposal to adopt free trade. . I . licans at Open War. ad from New York for Havre on Satur- daY, carries $8,0450,000 American gold Ian church, His remains were interred le�vo on Monday last, -M . r. Jae. Brooks, tc I . � I EXETER1 - ONT. L - TARIFF REFORMER$ DISAPPOINTED. I -1-19 rest length Mr. Foster arg6d that taking her geographical position, races and i Coln. L . - from line, shipped from this station, lost w ek, another carload of horses and. sheep, we . . L I I � - I I I . creeds into 'consideration that Canada, could never become a n;tion. unless she RIOT AND BLOODSHED EXPECTED. - L L The overdue steamer Tauric, Liverpool, arrived at New York Satur- jo'in in wishing Mr.. Bro�ks success and 0, I safe return. -Mr. J. White is to deliyer a I . 11317ransaets a Ratteralbankingbitsbae6s. Coal Oil May be Xinporteil lit Bulk -The . L prospered as a whole. He contended that, . I The Populists Resist the Arrest of Their day morning, She experienoed heavy I . sermon in tile English church here Sunday I Receives the 4Accounts of Merchants kind 331nderTivitio Tax Citt In Ttalf-A New 11 Policy Of protection must be maintained gales. evering next. Come and hear him. -A. I others on favorable terms. for many years to come not only on so- Clark NvIth Their Flsts-LI-3ach Body Has The SS. Damara, bound for Halifax L sleigh load of young folks went from here as OfferE every accommodation consistent with . fe and conservative banking principles, ' TarlCilromised, Next Session -The Ex- L Duty Logs to Xe Considered. count of revenue requirements, but on so- count of the necessity of building up her I Sworn In a H ultdred Sergeants -at -Ar.. from London, has put back to Falmouth, oNving to damage machiliory in the Saturday night last sharp shod to Japend a couple of pleasant hours over the interest allQvredoa deposits. port on industries, In dealing with this question and Trouble Xs Xooked.fcir To -day. ,to recent heavy storms. I I gliding lee. I oor affiair, Granton cannot ' lea P Draftsissued Pa'sable at any offico o the MorchantaBank, 'loi%s OTT,&w.&, Feb. 15—It was a quarter past three before the Council had con- t of taxation, he Government was animated with the desire of adopting a policy not ToezXA, Kae., Feb. 15, --War is on in The British brig Ella Carter from Berlin for New York. has been ;Wr�cked have a Auk of it. own, instead of the ones who enjcoy skating having to go all the N ,o LOAIT DiscouxTsD, mud MONEY T . ON NOTES arid MORTGAGES. - I eluded its meeting in the afternoon so the intended for any section but best adopted I i for Canada as a whole. After showing real earnest between the two Houses of th6 Legislature and blows have been exchang:-_ I off Harvey Cedars, N. J. The sailors were ., way to lican. ;See to it some of you hnstlers that next winter will see a �rink . — _ _. � P;oc eedings in the Housawere delayed ' Sir John Thompson laid on the table h f a the development of Canadian manufac- tures since 1878 when the National Policy ad. There are now open threats by the Populists of sensational hostilities and at saved by the life Saving crew. . � . The British steamship Trinaerla, Ply- . idat.-Urs, W, Jones, wife of our in our in tit lit oper4tor, has gone on a visit to her BlUg ftt.tT ZjMjgo. papers in the Manitoba school case. was adopted, he said, the wages now paid any moment there may be something more ing between the Clyde and Spanish mother, Mrs. Moran, of Seaforth. -The A mild sensation was caused by the in, in Canadian factories had reached $358, - than the talk which has been so long in- dulged in. Mediterranean ports, has been lost. OPly two of the crew were saved, 87 being measles and chicken pox are qtiite preval. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10t It, 1893. troduction of J. Israel Tarte, who was b u 'it in by Hon. Mr. Laurier and Mr. ro 0 000,000'per annum. He characterized the policy of unre- An attempt by the deputy -sergeant -at- . drowned. ant here at present. . � . . 340TES AND COMMENT6 C hoquette. strieted reciprocity with the United States arms of tho Republican House to arrest The Allan line steamer Pomeranian, , I . After the customary formula the speaker welcomed the newly -elected member for as A movement to destroy Canadian nationality. Incidentally he expressed Ban. C. Rich, elark of the Populist House, on orders from the Republicans, caused a from Glasgow January '27, via Moville, for New York has returned to Glasgow, Urediton. ___ F, I � i as the The London Free Press strik I mark squarely when it says that a public L'Islet and he took the chairwhiclithe late Mr. Armstrong, of South Middlesex, himself as being in hearty accord with the movement for a preferential trade arrange- conflict, during whicli two Republicans were knocked down and several men on after losing t;e1ve of her crew and pas- sengers in a. heavy storm. BitxzFs--Johu Balls and family, former. . ly'of here, and %,he moved to Michigan, I , ' abaitor, or slaughter house, where all used to occupy, ment between Great Britain and the col- both sides were badly bruised by blows of fists. TIM SXPORZLXGWOULD� has*sold .his farm,, and is here visiting friends before he moves to Manitoba, � anititals intended for sale as food Ron. Geo. h Foster, Milrister of Filance, was cheered on rising to make his annual onies, but added that. it would take many years before becoming a practical issue in is generally agreed that to -day will . The Dominion Rifle association's an- , where be intends : to make his ftiture , should be inspected while yet alive, financial Statement. The announcement politic% wIt itness the most exciting scenes known in nual meeting has been postponed topeb. home.-Gottlelb Morlock and wife have . should be established, It is only in tliat the Government would not grant ,tiny substantial measures of tariff reform until Spealdug for the Goveraineut, he said lie favored a' reciprocity trade with the Kansas in years. There is likely to be a coufliQt whiell, ruary 21, Upper Canada college won the chain- returaed from Morristown,after spending - a ,pleatlant time visiting friends. and rela- , � I this why that the people can be fully protected against the sale of inferior and the meeting of Parliament next year United States upon a basis equally ad- may end in ­rlot and bloodshed. 'Republicans are determined to arrest . ionship of the Toronto junior hockey league tive-4—Fred'k Guenther intends going to Michigan to 1004 after his brlok yatd ' diseased meats. It is safe to say that � every honest dealer is in favor of the Was Very disaPpOilltillg to the friends of tariff reform, vantageous to botlt countries. His re. ference was only a passing one, as lie then Rich, and the Populists say they never will submit to it. Both speakers h ave on Saturday. Hanlau's forfeit of ,M,OO was covered businaps.-011e of tile flax mills have coin " plated their winter's wo�k, which is some plan- At present the business i IS 80 Only three changes in the tariff were annoulice(l. The duty on binder twine, Proceeded at great length to show that the policy of prOtectiOn. lust be maintained sworn in a 100 extra sergeants -at -arms by Gaudailr on Saturday, and a race is now asslixed for July 22, wbat earlier than usual_'.rhe donators ' tokards a bell on the school house carried on that, there is only the re- putation of the butcher or dealer as a owing to the outery from the farmers, will be reduced from 25 cent. to 121 per until Canada, having developed in in- dustries, could invite competition with to -night and they areall armed, It is fully believed thai the Populists will bar The Brantford Athletic Club has just public r Met 'It the school house laqt Saturday , ' guarantee for the soundness of the meat per cent. per pound. As a result Mr. Stairs, the rest of the world, Ile stated that the development the doors, of the representative hall against the Republicans, and the Republicans say opened a new and spleiidi(Ily equipped gymnasium building. Wght and decided to buy a 200 pound t,e,1,,, which will cost about $75. This hits i he sells, apart from the casual inter- forence of the Health Inspector in any M.P., head of the Caliadian combine, said 110 Would close his Canadian factories and of manufaotnrlug in, the *United States -proved that judicious pro, that if they do they will batter down the Hagen and Donoghue, the Skaters. will .e a long felt went in this liection,and , a ould it uot be a 'idea to have it . glaring case that is especially complained t binder twine frola the Vnited =. tection was, now paving the way, for Coln- petition with Europe, In conclusion, Mr. doors. I., probtibly niect in a series of three races at Nowbilrg, N.Y., this N-mek., good iting evenings at 8 p�m. as a Iyaraing to ,, I of. Cattle are subject to diseases, as men,are. They have inflammation of The free ad mission of minin" h Foster said a new tariff would be inta-o- ANNEXING HAWAII, Bubearoff-orstoro)vIlatilan in Rog- snlall boys ,who now trequont stores and, a reets tD be at bome.-­Tenders will be the lungs, or pleuro- . pneumonia, as it is ,when not manufactured in Nn-,ida was .- also extended for a further period of three olliced at the next session of Parliament, The Government proposed to go into the Who Comililsiioneri; Said to 11ave Negoti- nted the Treaty. land and givo the Torontonian. R-10 e.K-- pens soahi a rival. Hanlan -will prob. opened by the cowns -hip council on Fri. 1, day to bridges.-Henry,e called, and this is held as a sufficient reason for their exclasion from the years from March Ist. question very carefully, and ,while dis. WASHIXGTONT, Feb. 15. -Ib was the un- ably -start this -week,. next contract Finkbeiner has purchased Godfred Maug�.. British market, so careful are tle ver yo The most important concession, although not as extensive as was expected on ao- posed to contin-tta'protection, would do so to the extent of preventing the formation derstanding last night that the treaty pro- Haulan. and Gaudaur have signed ar- nus' house, a3d intends taking possession there. It is our boast that nat? inn , Ca i cattle are exempt front this disorder. count of the agitation for free coal oil, is the the burdensome of combines and trusts. He said the GeV- ernment would the viding for the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States, which has ticle s for a raeo for the ,Sculling ch anl" pio,,,,Iii,,,,IA,,i(,ric,,,,i,,4 9,1,000 a Side, to about Ist March. -William ,4ims has, A putoba3ed the house tied 18 acres of land, 1 But they are subject to disorders which abolition of restric. tions on the imp. ortation of American coal consider propriety of reimposing the export duty oil saw logs, been negotiated by the commi5sioners now in the city and Secretary of State Foster, take place at Orillia or Toronto, July 22, fo merly owned by Fred'k 1 (labouer, and uolvowned by Chiis.0allnuer of Michigan, 4 'at equally tin fit them to be slaughtered as I food. .i waii was fined the other day. oil. The "�istlug duty of 7 1.8 cents Iler imperial gallon remains, but the perims. as the American lumbermen here are fast depletin.v Canada's forest wealth. IP will be sent to the Senate to -day, although it is not boyond Possibility that its trails� I FOU TIII,, FAI0110t, The Farinor.;'Binder Twhie company lie takes possession once.-Craifton can nc,vr boRst of having Ali smateur haug- � � ina, (listaut town, $50 for offering the : " sion norw granted to Anivrleaus to import in Sir Richard Cartwright followed in a vigor ougspeeall. mission may be delayed. The treaty, it is of Brantford began operatiouslast week. man It appears that last weeic the care � . eat of a cow that 11,14 had a cancer, In I and any one found guilty of this abo- coal oil tank cars will stimulate coin- petition with the Canatlian refluers, who fle moved "That the present Customs tariff said, is not a very long document, and covers the subject matter only so far as is Throo ear lowls of turnips per week are shipped from Guelph to the United talier of the cemetery dug a grave and, was awaiting tile arrival of the funeral I minable ofience shouhl be .sent to the They am being illed in k in the pmt Profiled by the excessive pro- . tection, chargeil. at viirious points in the bears heavily and uujustly upon the great consuming classes of the Dominion, neces%iry to secure the object sought with as little delay as possible. A -well 1.4form- States. procession G a small house on the ceme� tery and noticed three boys walk up to PonitentiarT. ., many places outside the cities, and the eas t ana vvv4 from 15 cents to 40 cents per gallon for Oil. The permission to !in. and rhould be at once thoroughly reformed in the direction of free trade, and that the ed authority says that the treaty contains a for its to the * The. annual invetingand dinner of the .Varkhain. Far ivri' 'club -will be hold the grave. He'noticed one of the be ebovelliug snow in the grave and stamping precaution spolien of above should be exercised overywherp. port oil in. bullz i5 a great vietory for the amount of taxes levied should be limited to the provision reference Pro- visional Government of If awail after its at Alarkham. oilil F riday next. it down ; and waited palleully.to see wh Standard, Oil Co., which has all itiong been sum required to meet the necessities ratification by the United States Senate, At the annual mecting, of the Domin. the boys would do, (11,110 were not awar * * * The exclusion of Canadian eaitle attempting to get an entrance itito the Calladiall market. of the Government efficiently and econom- � icallv administered." (Cheers.) to be returned to this country with the " of the Hawaiian Uoyernment . 'on Avrshiro Brevolers' association Mr, M- Dahnitviw of St. Mary's -,Vag elected of the caretaker's presence.) When the boys completed their Wolk, the, careta a � fropi England has been taken, advanta , A0 Hon, Mr. Foster spoke for over two hours. lie delivered a very exhaustive M�. 11aggart moved the adjournment of the dia-bate. Agreed to. o �pproval within two months .if ter its arrival in Honolulu. Than upon the return of ills Pre sident. ' The Globe's London, Eng., corres- went and caught them and compelled then i to remove the scow, which tile did ' � � of by the United States Government to statement reslwating the finalicas, con- treaty, if Congress should be in session, pondent quotes apples li to Is oil high. shot t order, and left him standing at th practically exclude them from that tending that the country -%Vag in a Very To Stanip Out the I'leuropnealuoula Lie. or as soon, 'thereafter as Congress convenes, or during litst week. Supplies are short grave. They then went to the smal' country. Secretary rusk has ordered prosperous condition and anticipating a At a meeting of the Agriculture and legislation necessary to provide a form of of tho doinuad for good fruit . house on the cemetery and their leadoli I that all cattle eutering the United surplus for the present fi,seal year ott-PitO - ColunizationCominittLe a sub-conlinittee, comprising Messrs. Sproule, Roome, 'Me- government for the new territory and to carry out the final. obligations imposed by . Live stock importers tit Mo*ntreal have -%V (-who is not a George Washingt ) f d On ou", rope and put it over the rafter, all I States from Canada must first be enter- . -- Millau (Thiron), Pope, La Riviete, Boyd, the treaty will be initiated. It is f urbiler o as reeeiveddefinite ordfr mW shington that Canadian cattle will not be perinit- noose tLt one end, attemptjd to adjur.x.(, t It il� ed at Buffslo to undergo the quarantine inspection of ninety days. The inain I . I I � Earle, 011mor and Camerou (Inverness), was appollited to map out a plan and pre- said that the treaty contains no rof erenco to the sugar bounty. It will be traus- ted to be. sent direct through the United for to G t B tain one of the other boys but could not ca, to him, Ile then put the rope on the othe object of this order and the pri al ucip injury which Canada will receive from . . I �. I . l sent it to the committee suggesting the best means of establishing, by taking evi- mitted to the Senate, accompanied by a message from the Preb ideat, which. it is 8 %a ,State, e )ort re, a ri THU LAUOR'$VORLD. Loy'a neck and pulled him tip to the raft and was holding him there when the car � it is the prevention of export of live cattle by Portland in the winter season. . I dence or otherwise, to the satisfaction of Britain, that no pleirroplieumonia. exists said will cover the historic features of the, annexation movement from the beginuin- X . St. Catharines expects a boom in , , buffiling and other tratles when Spring taker arrived and made him lot the b down. Had not the lad caught the ro ' ! i The order does not say that, but it will � I ill Canada, and, therefore, that there was no justifteation for the scheduling of Can. 50 years ago, and make it strong argume in favor of annexation. at opens. , with his hands. arid tberobv saved himsel from straugling, no doubt there woul : be the effect of its enforcoments. If all I I � ada. The sub -committee can only suggest � The Lancashire operative spinners have been a Coroner's, inquest. Th . our cattle enter , the United States In must be quarantim for ninety days at I . the best method to obtain this evidence, whether by visiting certain places in the Interceding :Per Our Cattle. have resolved to continue their fight against the master spinners. The trike 8 young cur is still walkii:*as boldly as ev - around our streets, and is' it not time sue. Buffalo, it will be a fatal blow to the ..... Dominion and taking evidence on the spot, Loxllox, Feb, 15,-L.ord Aberdeen yes- torday introduced a deputation of 80 repre- PaY has beon'reduce,1 30 per cent. by the young men were made an example of exports of bullocks, via any United States Atlintic port, It will remain to I , . . or bringing the parties who can give any information on the subject before the full sentatives of the public bodies of F orfar- Abire, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen and unions. The report of the committee aTpointed lybat have we lock -ups, jail, and rotor, , stories for in this country if it Va not 0 be seen whether the trade can be carried . on succes4f ully from St. John or Halifax, . % �� committee a -ad examining them under oath. Perth to Hon. Mr. Gardner, the President � the Board Agriculture. I to inquire into the use of arme private detectives during labor troubles was such scoundrels,and why do noCthe pro authorities prosecute sui)h persons, if it * I exported to the The value of cattle � f � ,I Some of the members of the committee of of They urged the removal of the restriati on on Can. presented to the United States congress Friday. no . ock.0 formole hanputir.ingtheminthe locku 4 one -vi�aek and a them bread United States during the lasi; 12 years, as shown by the following figures, is a 11 axe of opinion that madical experts .hOuld be sent for to England so that they might adlau cattle exported to Britain. Mr. Gardner, in replying to the deleuta- � OIL The boilermakers' strike intho Brooks an 9 are wlfl]l�)o a grand affair I water .-Tb I rather interesting study : HON. GEOX1GE Z. IFOSTZR the exeessive expenditilro upon the Sault see fur themselves on the Spob that there was no pleuro -pneumonia here. This was tio,, firmly supported his officials, and � : said whether the disease found among the locomotive works at Dunkirk, N.Y,, has been declared off, and the strikers are the Evangelical church to day, being the marriage of ,Mr.Lec Gaiser and Miss Dora Exported ill 1880 ... .......... $ 287,000 f. 1881 155,000 Ste. Marie canal and other public -works. deemed altogether too tardy a step, as it Canadian cattle landed at Dundee last applying for their old positions. As L Geiser. The eventwill take place at oVock, and will be the, grandest held wes .............. It 1882 .............. 40-6,000 Comparing last fiscal year with the year preceding it, be showed that there had was of the utmost consequence that tile embargo should be removed as soon art year was "cornstalk," pleuro or the other 3neumortia, it certainly fast as places can be made for them they will be taken back. of Toronto Mr. Brand will It c el' 41 . 1883 .............. S16,000 . 1. 1884 ........ .... 893,000 been a decrease ill the receipts of the Do- minion of $1,657,430. possible. Not only was Canada injured by the loss of trade in Britain, but the I was coutagiouiL Mr. Garduer,was, therefore, compelled by I IdUNXCXPAL. e,e,A OBiTuARY-We are sorry tole. th death of Win. Sanders, one ( h t ,f t t , . .0, id ct 1885 .............. 1,411,000 IS86 .............. 63-300 cc I This dearase was due to a lessening of customs receipts by $02,898,241, while ex- United States seized at the action of the Imperial authorities as an excuse for law to apply the schedule, and, moreover, he could not remove Cue schedule till sat- I isfied that Canada was free from the I I Judge Lorarger has quashed the in. Junction by which the mayor and alder- progressive farmers in the township of Stephen. Mr. Sanders opme to Canada 29 1887� ............. 887,000, (,!go had increased by $1,030,247, and mis- scheduling Canada as far as the United di ... SO. men ot Montreal were prevented from when years old from Devonshire, (I cc IS88 . ........... 648)000 cc ISSO .............. 488,000 cellaneous receipts by $210,555. Measured by the amount of !in- States was concerned. He added, encouragingly, that he hoped taking their seats. miles from Exeter) in England. Darin 41 years in this country� he had been 99 1890 .............. 10t.000 .4 1391 27,000 goods ported, the Minister of Finance showed . wishes Oar Chicago Lxblbit lVithdrit-trit. There is much indignation here over the the decision woulil not be much longer delayed. But he would await further ad- Ex -Mayor Clarke has been presented at the Albany Club with the chair ' in bard-workiag arid industrious man, and qcquired considerable Fland and .... ......... d. 1892 .............. 21,000 that the amount in customs collected dur- ing the past year was $3,404,327 less the" fact that the United States Government vices respecting the condition of the Can- bards, which for four years he sat as mayor of the city of Toronto. personal property. Mr Sanders was well known before. have notified the Canadian Government adian and also the intentions of all over the counties of Huron and Middle --.--.-- �- FifbIle School Board Minutes. 4 This made a difference in taxation of. '16 that all Stock for the Chicago Exposition must undergo quarantine. That means the Canadian Government regarding the importations of cattle from the United The Quebec legislature had adopted the Montreal bill to provide for a gener- sex,haVing in hip early days driven a wagon for McClary & Co. of London through FoVy Oth;-Meeting hold in the Town Hall at 8 p. ne. all the members cents per head. In 1800-91 taxation was $4.25 per head. that no exhibit in cattle can be made, At vesterdav's meeting of the Committee on States, III explaining this latter statement, Mr. al election of mavor and aldermen every two years on Fel;. 1, but the election for these sections, but some years ago settled on the farm in this township. Be was the present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The following re- From this he went on to show that the esent ov6rament was materially xe- Agriculture and Colonisation, . Taylor, the Conservative whip, stated that a in- Gardner said he understood that settlers' cattle -r,rere admitted to the Northwest . the present year shall take place on March 16. The elections held last week owner and raised the famous trotting stmi- lion 'Hornet', afterwards owned by a man � solutions were then duly passed. -pr. ducing the taxes of the people of Canada. Ta d gy the duty o sugar had resulted tended placing a notice on the order paper from the United States free of quarantine. are declared illegal. in London, and always took great pride in T.Fitton and W.Trel)le that the follow- ini sects be paid; -Richard Pickard & in a gretiii increase consumption there- 70 suggesting to the Government the -�visdom of not making any exhibit at all under the The law compelled him to be assured that the Calvoidian herds were absolutely se- � THE WORLD'S FAIR. . goo�d horse flesh. Some years ago he was seriously affected with inflammatory rheu- Son, brooms 81; J. Evans, repairs $57; of. Last year pounds of sugar per head were consumed by the people of Can- present circumstances and the advisability 6f cure. He would gladly and anxiously further Beer will be sold in every building on the World's Fair grounds at Chicago, matism, from which he never recovered, Advoeate office printing A. -I 25; pr. T- F ibton, & Dr. Lutz, that the board be a ad, From this the customs rec eivea $77,'828. Had the duty I-een kept withdrawing the grant and stepping everything in connection with the a xhibit. weigh evidence. He referrad to the fact that the United and it is expected 60, 000 barrels, or,$500, - and the last year he was troubled with heart disease, which was the cause of his,, visiting Committee for the current year, be at the rate which had previously obtained the Sir John Thompson said that the informa- tion contained in the despatch to Mr. States also demunded. free entry. into Britain for their cat4e, but in the cargoes 000 worth, will be consumed. There will be 87booths. dcath, Last Saturday he was up as usual, not feeling the beat at)d on Sunday, hav- I that the visits made monthly, and on I the morning at 30 of the regular taxes paid,would have been $5,41a,918. The cost 'of governing the country for Angers from Washington was very definite landed from eighteen States, forty-one At the seventh annual meeting of the ; ing considerable paidl&bie heart,* stopped ,9 meetings of the Board. pr. Dr. Lutz . the year had been largely increased owing indeed. He did not say what action the Government would take. � beasts were found to be diseased. Shorthorn Breeders' Association a reso- lutio'n waq passed recommending the in bed, The family were attending tobis wants, and about noon he and T. Fitton that an abstract of the Auditors' report be inserted i a each of t� the abnormal length of the last two sea- sions, but after all the year's expenditure . Canal Tolls. � . Canadali; Silence re Hawaii. LONDON, Feb. 15. -In, view of ilia state- , Dominion and Ontaric'World's fair com- missioners not to make any cattle exhib- expired very suddenly, apparently without any pain, He leaves surviving.hini in this the papers with any Special details de- I had been met there remained a small sur- plus of $155,977. A. special issue of the Canada Gazette published enacts that for the ment made in the Dominion Parliament its at Chicago unless the recently-im, country one sister, Alre. James Harvey, and it is aired. pr. Dr. Lutz and W. D. Weekes,thab the chairman T. Fitton,& d Owing to the fact that there had been yesterday season of 1893 the canal tolls for the pas- that Hawaii was to be one of the landing stations of the proposed cable from British posed quarantine relations are relaxed. oupposed one sister and one brother in England to monm his loss. His 11. E. Hueston, be a committee to ex- amine and report at the next meeting such a loss of revenue through the reduced duties, the national debt had been increas- sage, of the following food products- wheat, Indian corn, peas, barley, rye,oats, Columbia to AuBbTalia, surprise is express-, ad that Canada has made no protest to the RFILIGIOUS. Rev. Mr. Powis, for many years a remains were interred in the Crediton cemetery last Thuctiolay, when there of the Board on the different styles of ad by $8,822,403, so that debt now amounts to two hundred and forty-one millions one flaxseed and buckwheat for passage east. ward through the Welland canal, be ten British Government against the United States assuming a over the Congregational pastor in Toronto, has, . �'t the age of 73, assumed a new charge was &large - vu * bar ' in of friends attended the funeral desks now being offered to the Board anol that the principal's room be re- hundred and thirty-one thousaind dollars. The increase in debt -was because there cents per ton, and for passage eastward through the St. Lawrence canals only ten protectorate Hawaiian Islands. No communications have in Yorkshire, England. procession, Rev. Baker officiated and preached an imllresalve funeral eermon in seated at the earlieA convenient date had been less surplus to draw from, but it cents per ton, payment of the' toll of ten . passed as yet, and the British Gov- ernmentis left to assume that Canada Rev, Dr. Straclian, B,D., son of Rev. D. Strachau, Rookwood,'was on Thurs- the German church, I . with tbo beat available. pr. Dr. Lutz, and, T. Fitton, that a suitable testimonial was more apparent than real. I Nine hundred arid seventy thousand centsiper ton for passage through the Wel- land canal to entitle these products to free acquiesces in the mooted protectorate. day formally ordained, glad inducted I — ''.. be prepared and submitted for signa- dollars of this was caused by writing -off passage through the St. Lawrence canals. A London Shooting Case. into the charge of the Presbyterian church at Hespeler. , One of the most cold-blooded and de - liberate murders ever committed in the ture at the next; meetibpr of the Board North Shore raiLway bonds, and $1, 122, 541 This removes the discrimination against Loxilox, Feb. 15. -Henry King was County of.Elpin -was enaoted in the quiet expressing its sense of loss in the re- tirementofMr.Ffoskinfroni its main- for discount on the recent three per cent. loan, obtained under the most favorable American ports. Owners can now lighter at either Kingston or Ogdensburg without tried before Judge Elliott Yesterday on the I charge f shooting at Mr�. Walter �Bart- . SUMIDES. Haxold Grifliths Was the name of the littlo village ofLawrence Station, , on the Air Line divh,ion' of the G. T. R., on Wed. berabip and containing an acknowledge- circumstances in London. difference in. tolls. . � lett, ino South London, on Jan. 3 last. fifteen -year-old English boy from the nesday� about 3 o'clock. : . men', as well of the esteem in which be ,. � is held by the Board for the thoroughly The revenue for this year so far has been over seven million dollars in excess � . . Government May Fay the Tolls. The Government has been strongly u,g_ The judge found the prisoner guilty of shooting with intent to do grievous bodily StTatford Orphans'homewho committed suicide near Wingham. - THE PARTICULABS Div THE OBI= . are; -Several man were employed at Wid- I conscientious and faithful manner in of last year, but the expenditure will be materially increased owing to the great ad to re-imburse Ganadian vessel owners harm. Sentence was postponed until , George Silvey, assistant postmaster at dfield's Pond cutting and storing ice, frhen, which all duties claiming his attention . were considered.'and ditichareed, Ad- expense of fittiug'up the quarantine sar. vi-Je. for tolls which they have been =11,d to pay to the Americans for the Thursday to allow of evidence touching the boy's health, which is said to be Pre- . . Spokane, Wash., killed himself the other day by sending a bullet through his A dog, the property of Fred Glover, started , ohnsina a turkey, the property of George. I '' . journment carried. Mover T. Fitton. � Mr. Postal, gave statistics to show that . Sault eanal. The matter is now under consideration, and may be provided for in carious. .1 brain. He -was short in his accounts 1$7, 100. � Young. A dispute arose over this trivial. I , affair, when Young drew a reVOIV8r and de - . 1 J. GRIG M Secy. I I I _____ I . the export trade with all foreign countries was increasing by leaps and bounds, wi 'th the supplementary estimates. 1 lberal Candidate lit E. Nortbumberland. WARxwoRTH, Feb. 15.-A iheeting of I I . THU WORLDIS EPXDUrj110S. liberately shot at Glovev four times 0130: .bullet taking, eff sat under the left arm I I . . I I . Dorall,qatilent of the Ilver, with coustitut- injures the exception of with the United States, which showed a decrease of two millions . The Coal Deal Xatrallires, Yesterday Mr. Sedgewick, Deputy Min- the Ref orm Association of East N rthma- berland was held here yesterdayo After' There were 88 deaths from yellow fe� ver at Santos,B azil, on Friday. I liltia above the heart. He lingere.d �foafl ab' out fifteen minutes and expired. 10 the complexion, induce pimples, ; n I I , . . sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One doge, last year. He admitted that considerable discon- ister of Justice, delivered his opinion that the action of the NOY& Scotia Legislature the election of officers the selc ' candidate ,to contest the riding for the ,r There were four deaths from typhus fever and two new capes in New York , Georgw& Yofing, the murderer,. is a. , I Young man of rather urcoutla appearance, , , il . a Try I them. I I . . tent existed in Canada, but attributed it largely to the policy of decrying the act=- in sanctioning the Whitney coal deal was quite intra vires. This is tantamount to a Legislature took place, Mr. Frank L. Webb, barrister, of Colborne, was the . on Tuesday. with sandy moustache and wit iskeral,itud is aged abolIt 25 years. His father, Jas, I I . I � Z�,Tbere has been. a RrPat .yearly diminat- I I ion during the last ton years in the number try. At lengthhe' went on to announce that the Government proposed to inain- declaration that there will be no interfer- enco on the Part Of tile Dominion Govern- unanimous choice. �, I ­ Fifty deaths from choleraic disease have occurred in Marseilles du i ring the, Young, is also a resident of Lawrence. � , . I . of' soldlers in mi , litary,:vr civil prisons in t. -tin its, national policy of Protect- 'fort. e in nt, �. I A Terrible Death. past four days. I .. . . . . THE VIOMM, I Fred Glover� is a Young man, 21 years of .1, . . � England and walpte. Ill Is" illere werA 1,11�7soldiersia VuFlisI2 priaons; inI801 The McKinley Bill, be admitted, bad cofitribated to.a certain degree in I Note.$. . I . Kineardine is petitioning for harbor I HALIPAX, Feb. 15. -As Miss Lynch was returnin,rhomefrom a concert last night o . , THE FXRE RECORD I . Twenty-two houses have been burned , age, scu of James dlover. of Port Stanley. � Me had'been employed in and around that , I there vvere 483, and on the 3L4 of December . There weye but 44. Last year not one � sharpeiiing the discontent of the'faimers - but after all the blow intended to be dead- . , . improvements. I I _ a runaway team dashed into her sleigh, the olitif b of the sleigh catching Miss Lynch. s, near Napier, Now Zealand. - I I I �', village for some time and was higbly ra­ ape . oted. . . I sn1dier was sentenced to penal eervituda. ly bad really f ailed in its Objects, as the The funeral of the late Mr. J. J. Mc- Donald took place here yesterdayand was under the chin and killing her instantly, This main building of the Central Sim. . I I � The bxptilsiona for'mi�condtict have fie. . I Doinfidlyn was fast finding sale fur its Sur- I very largely attended. � . . '. . coo Agricultural society at Batrid was Mkwds Ww" a awo 1i , ripp,h -a G , I ! creased ainee 1,888 from 2020 to 1,%0. . I . 11 I . . I . I I . destroyed by fire on Friday. ­ . . I � � . 1. . I I � .;� �� , I . . I I I I I �� ''�., , , ', . : i � . I "; I � I .1. . � . I I I I . . I I . . . . . . 11 � . . . . . I .. . 1. .1 .. . � . I I I ., ­ . I . I . .1 I I . I I I I I I . . . I I . I �� I . . � . . . , �, f � I I � .1 ... i��; � , � ­ � :� ���,_��",:,. - , � I. �.: 1. 1. I I.." � � . . . . . ;:� �'._��,��,�� �, ,,,-,� �� , ,�,�,:_ -, I' � -1, ,: I 1 , ­ ��,,,�.�:.LL�� - .. , :­,�_Idgi�� �_:. ahL- �.,:^,_:;.: .. I � I I I I I . I I � ::�'. I 11 . . . � I � . . .. I �, ��, ��;, I , 1� I ,1 : � , �, ��__..'­ � . I., I I 1. . 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