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The Exeter Times, 1893-2-16, Page 3
. . -- _:.r- --- - , preceded the Uird, the quadruped, the. hu. xvlifcli a modern :whale was a tiardinr, v,r � � _.11 iVlillions of t' a r elan race., :Cite fish has priority of .ros" herring, Tile shark has again and agai is..faiL.�:i GOD ALIO NG TAIL ].+ ISHES. P '' �r T Sou1. M I . 92HI � ` 9Aiornerit hese it deuce over every living thing, The.next been found to have swallowed a Tuan cii _ - thing done aiier God hail kindled for tire. A fisherman on the coast of Turke• -ffo purposes THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF THE BIBLE our world the golden chandelier of found a sea -monster which contained a wro .. �_+-�-�• the sun an'd •fife silver chandelier of man and a purse of gold. I have seen i, Laundry and EXPOUNDED. the moon was to make tile fish. museums sea -monsters large enough to tak, m ° Household ®°° The first motion of the principle down a prophet, lint I have a better rea Continuation of i)r, T,tlmage's Sarins v oflife, a principle that all the thousands of son for believing the Old Testament at- years since have not been able to define or ,, and �rsd it a, inscourses on -God JUveryviiere+'-why Count, and that is that Christ said it wa:, . analyze, the very first .stir of lifc..was in a true and a type of His own resurrection Euphrates, the 'Cxihon; the 1'ison, aizii the and I suppose Flu ought' to know. It 1. - V - M AE M -E T U'go, I great comfort ti,o Story of Jonah and the whale Must, fish. What an hour that -was when Il th �- - --�� Ej'� and saver of )30 Set Down as True. Hiddekel, the four rivers 49 paradise, the. says,: For 1? chapter, 40 verse,Jesus (la Chris. -sem Labor ,,BsooxLsi., Feb. 5• --Rev. 1'. DeWitt waters swirled -with fins and brightened',thceeufghtsun tle�whalees was tbelly,lsoashab �Liver Talmage this morning preached to a great with scales. , All the attrfoutes of the In- the Son of .Pian be threedo's:tad three.finite (yod were called into action fol the $ St�I. auclienge iu file Tabernacle, a remailrably n}ghts in the heart of the earth." An(i "// Cure i interesting and eloquent sermon, oil "The inakiat of that first fish, Lanceolate and that settles it for Tile, r.nd for any man wht: �� p a Ichthyology of the Bible, or God among trausu ce„t miracle ! 'There is enough won- does not believe Christ., du i, unci au iu,! The ;Most ,Ast01].ishi1T the Fishes,” being a continuation of his der in the plate of a sturgeon or in the car- poster. ia I p Mee�lie�I• �I}•la(,'OVC3P�i � series of discourses on '.'God L�•erywllere,,, til;at;o of a shark t° confound the scientists. Nance: .also how tl,o Old Testament s Last OZilu Hundred Years. The text chosen was Genesis 1.20 : "And It does not. take the universe to pio%a a writers drew similitude from the fisheries, It is Pleasant to the Tib (god said, "Let the waters bring forth God. A fish. does it. No wonder that Jeremiah .uses such inia er to ro hes Ste as the Sweetest Nectar. abundantly the moving creatures that hath Linnaeus and Cuvier and Agassiz and the destruction - "Behold, I will send for mail%, . It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Xilk. life." greatest minds of all the centuries sat on,, fishers, santh the Lord, and they shall fish This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced igy-s a new book the Bible is ! After beauty, and tileaptured eada its teduess of ita'structure' them," l zrkiel uses fish imagery to into this country b r the r 9 y - A't' Al'A A P th}rtysfx years preaching from it and die- Y, P prophesy prosperity ; '"it shall come to ass 3' 3 proprietors and manufacturers of the Great cussing over three thousand different sub- to the element iu which it must live; the that the fishery shall stand upon 't p South American Nervine Tonic; and et its feat value as a curative ects founded on the Word. of God the pi cture gallery on :the sides of the mountain P t from' g agent has Ton been known b a few of the most learned physicians, sicians, ) Y Ln -maedi even to En-eglaim ; they shall be a n o y p y Book is as fresh to me as when I learned, Trout unveiled as they spring up to snatch place to spread forth nets ; their fish shall who have not brought its merits and value to the kuowle with a stretch of infantile memory, the the flies; the (grayling, led 'lie Flower of be according to their kinds, as the fish of weneral public. dg$ of thf p © ® e s' O 6 ® r! shortest verse Ili the Bible, "Jesus wept," Fishes; the Salmon, a"euding the Oregon great „ , a , � • and I opened a few weeks ago a new realm and the Severn, easily leaping the falls that tluntfon of ? which th t ng )k n- e i ie ° This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- would stop them fixe 1,old perch the pp g d and rr Has no equal of biblical interest that neither my pulpit p , Rn-ei�laha stood on the banks .of the Dead o,estion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is nor anyone else's had ever explored, and Gudgeon, silver and black and spotted; the Sea, in the waters of which no fish sail 11sO of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing 5 health from for purity, rater mons o spoken to you in this course of ser- Herring, moving fii stunning, five miles live but the Prophet says that the time whatever Cause. It performs this the i r - - mons on God Everywhere concerning the long; the Corp, for cunning, called the will come when these waters will be re en- P by great nervine tonic qualities or cleaning and Astronomy of the Bible, or God among the Fox of Fishes ; the wondrous Sturgeons, erated and they will • , regen- it possesses, and by its great cul -itive powers upon the digestive 1 ey �, i be groat laces fol.p 1 svveetenitn , nor Stara ; the Chronology of the Bible, or t formerly reserved for the tables of royal fish. Amos reproves idolatries by Savin organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy P y y compares , � �,�.,�®„�,,,, 4avd atnoug the Centuries ; the Ornithology families, and the isinglass made out of their "The flay shall. seine upon you when I�e with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic a of the Bible membrane • the Tench called the h az Y Y Y s a builder and strength- preservis• g the tile , or God able, the Birds i 1 ciaii of fishes because when applied Yto will take you away with hooks and your ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of . clothes arad the Arneth Mineralogy tl sHn morning, or God among human ailments, it is said to be rasive • posterity with fish-hooks. Solomon, in y e 1 e a broken-down constitution. It is also of more zeal permanent value in Y o g, as T may be l.c,clesiastes, declares that those captured divinely helped, I will speak to yon about the Lampreys, so tempting to the epiburean of temptation P the treatment and cure of diseases Of the luno s than an consum ltioit. lva nota from in- the Ichthyology of the Bible, or Uod among that too many of them slew 1Ioriy TL; A anon aro as fishes taken in an evil remedy ever used. On this continent, I i a y � aye, file whole world a fishes, l.nongh of not. Indeed, Solomon knew all about the t s a marvelous Cure for nerN - ' , jury, nor for - the Fishes, - y finny tribe and wrote a treatise on ,C°hthy. . oneness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the cri.ticil Our horses are lathered and tired out, of them floating up and down the flyers to elegy, which has been lost. )eriOd known as change in life should not fail to use � alt-rosznd � and their fetlocks were red with the blood feed the hemispheres if every ear of corn 1 g , e this great Nervir_ and ever head of wheat and ever herd of Furthermore, in order that you may Tonic,almost constantly, for the space of two or three ears, It will cut out by the rocks, and I could hardly 9 Y understand the iahth ole of the Bible y .- I eneral use. get my feet out of the stirrups as on Satur quadruped, stud if every other article of y gY ' carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and urs - food ill all the earth were destroyed, 1Jni= You moat know that there were five ways t clay night we dismounted on the beach of y of fishing. One was b a fence of reeds tive is of inestimable value to gt'he aged and infirm because its ert+t,; I.EcFUSE CHEAP IMITATiONS Lalte Caalilao, Tha rathez liberal su) 1 versal drought, leaving not so much as .a b y g o : ' I P Y spear of crass on the round planet, and canes, within which tiie flab were energizing properties will give them a new hold on life, F .will add It.ii of food with which we had started from would leave in the rivers, and lakes, and °aught, But the Heroidfc government Or rfteen years to the lives Of roan 4f t13088 Sy 4 -_•_.__ IJerusalem was well-nigh exhausted, and forbade that on Lake Galilee lest I y i10 will use tx half doaelz 1 the articles of diet remaining, had b • oft sena, for the human race, a staple coin- pleasure bottles of the remedy each year. i g' ) modify of food, which, if brought to shore, bouts be wrecked by the stakes driven. repetition, three times a day for three Another mode was b spearing ` 7 weeks ceased to a would be .enough not only to feed but Y P g ; the j ppecize. I never want waters of Galilee so clear oo IT ils GREAT (� LENTRAL fatten the entire human rase. la tunes to , g d aim, y GREAT A 1 1 t MEDY FOR THE CURE OF to sac a fie again, anti dates H•itlr me are seine the world may be so populated that could be taken for the transfixing- An- ' all out of date, For several dans the Arab the harvests and vineyards and land ani- other was by hook and line, as where Nervousness, r u g 'r 0 r caterer, who could speak but half a dozen y u Broken Constitution, P mals uta he insufficient to feed the human Isaiah says ; Tho fishers also shall Nervous Prostration, English words, would answer our requests mourn and they that asst angle lata theDebility of Old Age, for some of the styles of food with which family, a and the nations may be obliged to ' g Nervous He %dash some to the rivers and ocean beaches to brook, shall lament, And Job says ; e, - Indigestion and Dyspepsia, m FANSON'S BLOCK, by had been , "Fi isheted "first few days, seek the living harvesta that swim the "Caust thou draw out leviathan with a Sick Headache, •Heartburn and SOur Stomach by crying out, Finfshel. The insist pt- !deep, Axid that would mean more health, hook ?" Anil Habakkuk says: "They take Female Weakness, rr ' quant appetizer is abstinence, and the de- ill) till of them with the an • " Weight and Tenderness in atomaetl, wand of all the party was, "Let us break ,and vigor, and brilliancy, and brain, than ode was b a casting n angle." Another Nervous Chills, %loss Of Appetite, the human race now own, y g et or that which pP fastLake Sunday morning on fresh fish from The Lord h lacing the fish in, the first was flung from the shore. Another by a Paralysis' Frightful Dreams, Lake Gexineaaretli, for you must know + Y p drag net or that which was thrown from Nervous Paroxysms and DiZziness and Ringing j% the Ears, it that the: lake has four names, and it is coarse of the menu in paradise, ,»eking it a boat, and drawn through the sea as the Nervous 'Choking ., worth apiofusion of nomenclature, and it precede bird and beast, indicated to :he fishing smack sailed qii. Haw wonderful Het Flashes a� Weakness Of Extremities 11C1 is in the Bible called Chinnereth, 'C}Uerfas, world the importance of the all as an all this is inwrouled into thel3ib'leimagrf u ' Fainting, Gennesareth and Galileo. To our extem article of food. The reason that men and and it leads nae to ask in which mode are Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood, ppor}zed table on Sabbath morning ' came' women lived three and four and five and you and I fishing, far the Chixreli is the Mental Despondency, 33oils and Carbuncles, A full stock of all kinds of broile(] perch, only a few hours .before Wino hundred years was because they were boat and the Gospel is the not and the sea Si�eplessness ' lifted, out of the sacred waters. It was. kept on parched corn and fish. We mix P } $erofula, u a fantastic feud n that kills the most of is the world and the fish are the sonls, and St. VitUS' Dance, Scrofulous Swelling$ and Ulcers Dye -stuffs and package natural that our minds should revert to the P God addresses us as he did Simon and An- r Dyes, t307I$taXitly 071 only breakfast that Christ ever prepared, us before thirty years of ago. `Custards drew, saying ; "Follow me and I will Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lung.,;, y and it was o„ those very shores were we and whipped sillabubs and Roman hunches make you fishers of mon," But Nervousness of Old Age, Vatarrh of the Lun— hand. Winan $ breakfasted. Christ had, in those olden and chicken salads at midnight are a gaunt• when is the beat time to fish for souls ? Neuralgia, � z, let that few have strength to run. NVe pat 73ronchitis and (,hronia Cough, . Condition fire times,. struck two flintsolight together find set on g ets In the night. Peter, why (lid you say to Pains in the Heart Liver then pi utshavings on ila a larger lwood, and tf► oa�le of saying a tombstonepon glowing ed o Christ "We have toiled all the night and Pains in the Back � ;Tref Complaint,, sa and on in that the e POWd- P g P have taken nothing ?" Why � did you not � Chronic 1)iarrh(ra, 8?� • glowing bright coals was the consequence, ei]rious lotie work es or from exhaustion in fish in the duytftne ? lip replies, "foil F` ailing health, , Delicate and St1'OftilottS Children Meanwad a the "poo l fishing on the g , when nothing killed the on lit to know that the night is the beat time Summer Complaint of Infants, ' fixe �leSti lake, bad awfully "tiler lack," and every hours after or fellow lietoulobster to oaten lnve been tsoundr for fishing ? At Tobyhanna brills, among All these and many other complaints cured b this wonderful 'It time they drew up the net it hung dripping , g the mountains of Pennsylvania, I saw a p `. y 7X1 t1281T1ar - without a fluttering fin or squirming scale. asleep iso ed. Thee are men to-dayin our friend with high boots and fishing tackle, ' Nervine 'Ionic. et and always But Christ, from the shore, shouted to y walking hospitals who Starting out at nine o'clock at la lit, and I lel �r �1 �1 �`� them, and told them where to drop the net, might have been athletes, if they had said "Where are you oin 9� Tia answer- O `� S DIS �.•eAf;�� So rash. Family facie• and one hundred \ and fifty-three lel fish ofen ourthe Lord a rem rk aan(i adli i' to s'teA m- ed, "Going to fishy' " Vhagt, ftt the night!" As a cure for every Class of Nervous Diseas . eas carefully prepared at rewarded them, Simon attd Nathaniel httv- The i His answered, "Yes, in the night," So the able to compare with "the Nervine Tonic, whi • e ' no remedy has been 1) p Ing cleaned some of those largefiah, brought plicity of diet. The reason that the coun vast majority of souls captured for Cad are p` : ch is very pleasant and Grellt nal Drug Store Ezete them to the coals tivh]cli Christ had kind- try districts have furnished most of the taken in times of revival in the night meet- harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and intiat led, and the group who had been out all Hien and women, of our time who are do- inga g delicate individual. Nine -tenths Of all the ailments to which elle 11311L't31 night sued were shill and covet and Hungry, oil; the mightiest work fn merchandise, in But be sure before you start out to the Tamil is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion anal inl tilted CtitYe M r sat dotvu and began mastication. All that meahanica, fn law, in medicine, in theology, Gospel Fisheries to get the right kind of tion, y�Yhen there is un iusuffiOient angel of nerve food 3u th scene came back to us when on Sabbath iu legislative and congi;essional halls, and, bait. 'taut liow," ypu any, "am I to et y e binntl, n morning, December, 1SSJ, jest outside the all the Presirdants from R aehington down ,,, „ g general state of debility of the brain spinal ]narrow, and nerves is tlr y� -at least those who have amounted to it , My answer is, 1)f • for it "whore , sp, , y -1- ruins of ancient Tiberius and within the shall 1 di for it?" "1n the rich. Bible result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong elY1� �� �is�&cv a sound of the ri lin Galilee we break. anything -is because they were in thos a lviIc tl; . rippling , grounds, We boys bruttght up in the ri;ht kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailment;: fasted. country districts of necessity kept on plain country had to dig for bait before we disappear as the nerves recover, As the nervous system must Sll .7 llv t.ll AM Non-, is it not strange that the Bible diet. No man or woman ever amounted Pp ER 111F Ic to anything who was brought started for the banks of fife Raritan. «e 11 . . 1 B, imagery is so intvronght from the fish• g g ftp on float- put the sharp edge of the spade against the power by which the vital forces of the body are CurrlCtl On, it zs th0 S I 0 1 cries, when the holy Land is, for the most Ing island or angel cake. The world. must first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ortlinal� fnotl flocs not rau- turn back to aradisaic diet if it is to get file ground, and then put our foot on the p part, an inland region . Only three lakes, P . o spade, and with one tremendous plunge of taro a sufficient quantity of the kind of nu-triimetlt neC'eSSarN fn i't'liaiT t) two beside the one already mentioned, paradisafe morale and pared]saic health. our strength of body and will, we drove it the wear Otlr resent mode of linin and labor imposes upon the nervi e namely, the Dead Sea, where fish cannot The hunian race to -day needs more phos, in up to the handle and then turned over p ' p 1 CS. live at all and as soon as they touch it photons, and the fish is charged and sur- the sod. t1'e had never read 1•ed ov's For this reason it becomes necessary that a, nerve food be supplied. they die, and the birds swoop on their tiny charged with phosphorus. Phosphorous, t'Complete Angler," or Charles Cotton's In• This South American Nervine has been found, by anal sis to contain the Unlooke all thea H• i -,;O avenues of the carcases, and the third, the fools of Hesh- that which shines in the dark without burn- structions how to Angle for Grayling in a essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. '`Phis accounts $owels, Kidneys and river, carrying bon, which are alternately full and dry. jng'T Clear Stream, We knew nothing about the for its universal adaptability to the cure of all fOinis of nervous tics - off gradually without weal aifng the sys. Only three rivers of the Holy Land, Jab•' What made the twelve Apostles such modern redhackle, or the fly of orange -color rangement, p y tem, all the impurities P. ?foul humors bok, Kishou and Jordan. About all file stalwart men that they could endure any- mohair, but we got the right hind of bait.GRAtiFORDSVILLE, IND., Aug, 20, 'S6, of the secretions; at the same time Cor- fish now hi the waters of the Holy Lattci are thing and achieve anything ? Next to No use of trying to angle for fist, or angle To fire Great SoWA American.MeWane Co.; RF.HECC:, wfLst sox, Of Brouasvatley, Ind., reeting Acidity of the Stomach, the percb, the carp, the bream, the min- divine inspiration, it was because they for souls unless you base the right kind of 17EAR Gsxrs:—I desire to say to Sou that I says: "I had been fnr distressed condition for curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, now, the blenny, the barbel (so-called be- were nearly all fishermen. and lived on fish bait, and there is plenty of it in the have snttercd for 3 -ears aeery serious three ,rear%from 'Nerr*urcness, weakness 01 tl.e iieadaehes, Dizziness, Heartburn, cause of the barb at its mouth), fHe shoo, and n fete plain condiments. }aur, though promises, the Parables, the Miracles the maease of the stoinachand nerves. I tried every Stomach, Dyspepsia, and 3ndtgeation, until my Donstipation Dryness of the Skin the dog -fish, none of them worth a Dela- not brought up to swing the net and throw e t o I could hear u but nothing a dried me health was Gane. I had Dern doctoring b Goss Crucifixion, the Heaven of the rand old any appreciable good unfit I n:ts advised to g roc ware shad or an Adirondack trout. Well, the sine, must of necessity have adopted g try sour Great South American Nervine• Tonle stoutly, with uo relief. I bought elle ltuttle of Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, 3aun- , P Gospel les, not only must you dfg for and Stomach and Liver Cure, and slued using Stlutli Amerit :n Nervine, which done mo t,rs the worlds geography has changed and the .tile diet of the a ulatiai among whom Bait, but asp only fresh bait. Yen cannot thee, Salt Rheum, Er si elas, Sero- r eercral bottles of it I must say that I am sur- m yy p g'g PY g PP fella, Fluttering of the Heart, %der- worlds bill of fare has changed. Lake Ito lived, and you see the phosphorous in do anything down at the pond with old prised at its wonderful powers to cure the stow- di i than any $5e worth Ot doctoring I mer VOusness, and General Debility; all' Galilee was larger and deeper and better ills daring plea before Felix, and the Flies- angle worms. New views of truth. New ash and >.eneral nervous system, If everyone din mylite. Iwouid advise every ,veaklyper- stocked than now, and no doubt the rivers phorus, in his boldest of all utterances views of hod. New views of the soul. knew the value o1 this remedy aS I dpyou would son to use this ,raluable and lovely remedy ; a. Elis, a and many other similar Complaints uot•be able to supply the demand. few bottles Of 1t has cured me completely- I L? to the happyinfiuence of BURDOCII were deeper and the fisheries were of far li�lospha]rus tisphei wentywit! Hill' ii ad the a here are toll the good books to help you J. A, linunisE, l;a-Treae, lfoatgumery go. conefder it the gra¢dest medicine in the world." ool) BITTERS. more importance then than now. Besides P ,out fright to g. But make lip your mind as tc • Tor ,Sala i5J CZL Dertlers. that, there was the 1Teditezranean Sea only his beheading, and the phosphorus you ,see whether you will take the hint of Habuk. thirty-five miles away, and fish were salted in the lives of all the Apostles, who moved kuk and Isaiah and Job and use hook and A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. 'kl F�FiR7TR4 (Qr �; ; �i'�pl+3l;Qy+Cp �(il+(pt!t ,a or dried and brought inland, and so much right on undaunted to certain martyr. line, or take the hint of Matthew and Luke CR:1�iri pRDSulLL>; IND-, Ju "h of that article of .food was sold in Jerusa- dom, whether to be decapitated or flung and Christ and fish with a net. I think My daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance 2 Tem that a fish market gave the nam, to one off precipices or hung m crucifixion. many lose their time by wanting to fish or Chorea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South :American Ner- of the gates of Jerusalem near by, and it Phosphorus, shining, in the dark with- with a,net, and they never get a place to vine and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure ever case of St. GARTERS was called the Tush Gate. The cities bad out burning , No man or woman that swing the net, in other words the want Vitus' Dance. T have keptit in m fain l for two y a great reservoirs, in which fish were kept ever lived was independent of goes- to do Gospel monk on a big scale or they the greatest remedy in filworld for Tndiggesti0n andyD 5, and am Sure it is ITT E alive and bred. The Pool of Gibson was a tions of diet. Let those who by circum- will not do it at all. I see feeble-minded forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from whatever cause for all , fish -pool Isaiah and Solomon refer to fish- stances are compelled to simplicity of Christian men going around with a Bagster's JOHN T. h pools. Large fish were kept alive and tied diet, thank Go'd'for their rescue from' the Bible under their arm, hoping to do the state of 1ndlana, ss: LIP - +- 8 fast by ropes to a stake in these reservoirs,a temptation of killing delicacies. The mien work of an evangelist and use the net,while Xcwtcgomet y Confit`✓, Ia� ring having been run through their gills, and and women who are to decide the drift of they might be better content with hook and Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 22 1 that is the meaning of the Scripture passage the twentieth century, which is only seven line and take one soul at a time. They are CHAS. W. WRIC3H' T gNotar which says,. "Canst thou put a hook into or, eight steps c , are now five miles back bad failures as evangelists ; they would be T p i_ , y Public, - his nose or bore his jaw through with a from the rail station, and had for breakfast mighty successes as private Christians. If INDIGESTION ION AND DYSPEPSIA. thorn? " So important was the fish that this morning a similar bill of fare to that ypu eat only one oul for Gori that will as the god Dagon, worshipped b , the Phil]s- which Christ provided for the fishermen g y y The �'rX'eat i�'011t�imericaTa Nervine 'i'®7Tie P y be coon h l fill our the with cele- . tines, was made half fish surd half man, and disciples- on the hooka of Lake Galilee. oration. All Hail the fislferi,ia» with SickIieadacheandre]ieve all thetroubles inci• that is the meaning of the Lord's indigna- Indeed the only articles of food that Christ hook and line 1 I have seen. a man in Which We note offer you, is the only absolutely ttnfailin reined * ever dent ne a bi sus state of the system, such as tion, when in 1st Samne], we read that this by miracle multiplied were bread and fish roughest corduroy outfit come back from cl discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and ti e vast 1 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dtstress after which the bo who acted as sut.er to the b a t train of eating Pain in the Side, &c. While theirmost 'go'h I Co K Dagen, the fish -god, stood beside the ark of Y, the woods loaded down with a string of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debilityof. remi rIable success has been shown in curing the Lord, and Dago, was by invisible hands seven thousand people of the wilderness, finy treasures bun over his shoulder, the human stomach. No e dashed to pieces, because the Philistines handed over -five barleyloaves and two person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- and his game bag 'lied, and a do g.with culable value who is affected b disease of the stomach because the ex- liarl dared. to make the fish a god. That fishes. The boy must have felt badly when "fife teetlraarrying a basket tilled with the Y stomach, - because the Scripture passage, The head called ail to give up the two fishes which ha surplus of an afternoon's angling, and it perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ONE and tieadaebo, yet CARTEres LiTTLe ttvra PILLS of 1)agon and both the palms of his hands had brought out alter having caught them ,a,as all the result of a hook and Ifne , and are equally valuable in Constipation, curing were put off from the threshold ; ouly the l,iniself, sitting with his bare flet over. the t ONLY ONE great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. There and reventin this antro to Com Taint, while „ in the Eternal World there will be many is no case of unmalignant disease Of the stomach which can resist the P g Y g stmnp of Dagon was deft to %nim. Now the bank of the lake and expecting to sell his a man and many a woman that was never a they also correct all disorders of the stomach, satin of Da on was tine fish art. The Supply at good profit, but he felt better wonderful curative powers of the South American T stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, P g p Pp.Y g P , heard of outside of a village Sunday p Nervine Tonic. Even if they only cured top part, which was the figure of a man, when by the miracle the fish were multi- school or a prayer meeting buried in a „ HARRIET R. BALL, of waynetown, Ind., Bays: HERS. ELLA A. BRATTON, of New Ross Indiana, was dashed to pieces and the .f ord b de plied and he had more returned to him z owe my lite to the Great South American s a, ' church basement who will come before Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from Bays' "I cannot express how much I owe to the molishfug everything but the stump or fish than he had surrendered. the Throne of God with. a multitude of the etrects;of an exhausted Stomaeb, Indigestion, Narvine Iconic. My system was completely shat- . part of the idol, practically said, You may Know, also, in order to understand the souls ransomed through bis or her instru- Nervous Prostration,. and a 'general' ebattered tered, 'appetite gone, was coughing and spitting fl' condition of my whole eystein. Had given u u blood; g ,ache they would be almost prideless to those keep your fish, but lrnow from the way I ichthology of the Bible that in the deeper mentality and yet the work all done P p d, am Sure `I was in tb� first stages all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doc- of consum tion n who suffer. from this distressing complaint: have demolished the rust of the idol that it waters, as those of the Mediterranean, there through personal interview Consumption, a inheritance handed down. but fortunately their goodness does not end is nothing divine: g . P i one by one, tore, with no relief:. The first bottle of the Nerv- through several here, and those vho once try them will fled' g were monsters that are extinct. The fools one b one. You do not know the IPonteimproved meso much that I g generations. I began taking Y who that walk was able the Nervine Tonic, and continued its use for thea, little pilla who o e so many ways that Layard and Wilkinson found the fish an who become fnfidels because they cannot one soul may be. about; and a few bottles Cured me entirel y Staupftz helped one soul I believe it is the best medicine in ] y about six months, and am entirely cured. it they will not be willing to do without thein. �bjeat of idolatry all through Assyria and: ixnderstiuud the engulfment of the recreant %into' the If ht but it was Martin „t ie world, I is the grandest remedy for nervtq, stomach an g lungs I have ever seen." d gg , in Luther. can not recommend it too highly." 73ut after all sick head Egypt.. The Nile was full of fish, and that Jonah fn a sea monster, might have saved i Thomas Bilney brought salvation to one No remedy compares witil SOrT c explains the horrors of the plague that their souls by studying a little natural jjsoul, but it was Hugh Latimer ares with South . n AMERICAN eat wondrous c re neuro too the N. No No edy,win tall slaughtered the finny tribe all up and down histol "Oh " says some one "that at ! - e An edge coin are with 't°tAmerl 7n Nervine Rea wondrous cure tom the Stomach, No. remedy gill at all Y , Y �, , story tool- ashen was the means of saying one ore Tn th South American Nervine as a cure for illi forms of failing Health. It never falls to e digestion and Dyspepsia. Itnev,r,faf]s to curd Chorea E - that river, which has been and'is how the of Jonl;h was only a fable. Says others, 'Soul, but it was John Summerfield. Our - or St, virus' Dance, Its i ve s to ` is the bane of sA,9 ives that here is where main artery of rgypt's ;life: In Job o,f "It was interpolated b so build up the whole system are tvonddrtul in the extreme. It uDR 1 pt r • y . pp y me writer iter"of blessed Lord heated one blind eye at a time, did a ed. It is a e res the old, the sena ,and the mu d. we make our greab boast. Our pills euro ft ,hear the plunge of the spear into the hi - later times." Others say: "It as Y g great friend to the aged and infirm. Do not aeg7ect to use this 'rkcioua boot P y w arepro- one paralyzed arm at a time one dropsical if ytln do, you may neglect the oraly remedy which will restore i I evinle,others do not. popotan,us, wa the great dramatic poet cries duction of the sten o"'HerculesP P Y Nervine is drtectf sou to 1 earth, s xth Amerlcaw P. f devoured silent at a time, and raised from the dead P Y sate. anti very pleasant to trio taste. Dedicate la i fi CAnTsa s LiTrt>n Livsa gilts are very smallt, YP. d ea, do no- #ftsl im ued thio and velveazy to take, One or two ills make cut : Const thou fill his skin with barbed- - and then restored from the monster," groat cure, because ft will put the bloom of freshness and beau pp one girl at a time, one .young man at a wild quia9 drrve seas •our di il' ty upon your 11ps snB fin ypu% cheeks a dose. They aro strictly vegetable ai,d cio :irons or his head with, fish spears V Yes, But m reply is that history tells us, h Y 3 sobs %ties and weaknesses. bot gripe or purge, but by their action the fish be an' to swim fn the ver first Y P Y Y that time. Admire the net that takes in a great lease all vdio use them. in vials at 2G cents; K 9 s there : were monsters large enough to many at once, but do not despite the, hook ®� �p �p vefar,$f; Sold everywhere, or sent by mail okofGenesis, where my text records, whelm ships, The extinct iohthyosaurus and line. Large�� ���69�g� I* �g ' %V %P • f1A$T9R'IiEDitlTitE] Co., Neiv Yotk, And (,led said, let the waters bring forth of other _ rages, was thirty feet Ione,. and, - _ r !b gg,,, (� , abundantly the movingcreature, that hath as late as the sixth century of the, Chris Dlie a EVERY BOTTLE FA IM11 Dcsei SMal , Energy is the sand in the craw of enter. T�--E WARRANTED, 1 1 �rieol life. a)o you realize that' the first living Gian era; tip and down the Ilfediterrailean Prise. u nrr that God created was the ffsii ', 1% there floated mgmtem compared with C. LUTZ, Sole Wholesale and: RetaiI Agent f or hxetro9:D Uhi(dren Cry for Pitcher's Castoriai . . . I I I . . . , . t, .14,