HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-16, Page 1r.
Publisher and Proprietor
Our Great
•� Tl�llter
OA'rs-More money to be made out of nets
than any other grain by sowing only the ;best
varieties of thin hulled, white oats as are
BRIF.Joh neni ht
R last week the. house
of Mr. John Gilmore narrowly escaped
Sacrificing Sale of BOOTS A
the next days, is now
A Clean
suitatale for making the best grades of oatmeal.
burning. In attempting to warm a bed
gulag on, and all our.
Pall and Winter Ste ok will be said at post for
The old country market wants the best, and
willing to pay high prince for best meati
with a warming, an and coals it caught fire
& p g
gash, in ardor to make room for our immense
stock of Spring and Summer foot wear which is
Blyth coup not support one lawyer, and
dJ1 OolA�7
Sow two or throe Limos as many as formerly,
sow early and thresh early,expeot a very large
but was discovered in time to save the
house,, so that little damage was done.-
to arrive shortly, Boots and Shoos rondo to
order, and repairing promptly attended to.
he left town,
At St Thomas last evening. Baldwin, of
The. balance of our stock Of Win
demand this coming season. E Yet}an oats
are condemned by all millers. Egyptian'acquaintances
Mrs D. McEtq n has gone north to visit
. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Como and secure the
bargains. A Quantity of wood tivanted, also
Seafortb, defeated Devine, of. St.l Thomas,
ter goods, CORS1Sting O�
Just *what you need now when the weather
friends and aaintanees in Tiverton and
farm Produce taken in exchange for goods.
in a 5 mile skating race for $100 by 1a laps.
Time, 1 8.23'
breaks up is n first class pair of boots or shops
and just the place to buy them is at lA.
vicinity, -Mr. A7a'colm A°•Ewan hid the
misfortune to lose a valuable ewe thin week.
The Goderjoh Conservative Association
oheaperthensweany nwillselyour.bootwldshll les
has re-elected Lr,Carapion,President, W,
�,./ N
yell 10 nor cant a forloash for the next 30
Russeld ale.
Our Teacher, Mr, McPherson wag mar.
C• Goode, Vice-president, and M. 0, Jahn-
a. an ail winter geode at coat for cash.
&Ian wtOnr prices befOro '"chasing alae-.
ftutn.-Mr. A. Ciurrrlley line left his
rind on Wednesday of last week to a Mise
McDonald of Nairn. He will reside at
Ston, eearetary-treasurer,
The Hurou County Anawiation of the
where. butter and:eggs takonpin exchange for
geoda. llOpniring neatly done.
place at Mr. John McIne be tyre's, wher
Centralia and take hisin and even.
Patrons of Industry held their annual
A. WssRLon,Proprletor.
was engaged for a year, Mr. W. J. Park
Jag drives to and from the school. Your
meeting in the Council Chamber, Clinton,
And many other articles top num—
Following are the market quotationa :.
taken his place for a time, -There is quite
a lot of sickness about here at the present
correspondent thinks it would be more
convenient if he cou'd have a
on Tuesday. The next meeting will be
held inSeaforth.
erous to mention, will and must! 3
(ar vis
Wheat .... . .......... : 66 to 68
time. Mr, Alf. Roes is down with Bron•
residence in this locality; but a residence
The skating raoe at the 'Wingliam rink
sold at prices to suit the purchaser
�+�. ,
y .. . .... . . . ...... 36 to 38
ohitis and Mr, Ernest Roy is laid u
, Y P
could not be procured near here and this
Friday last was surprise to
Our Spring Stock is comm in,
p g
Oats . , .........•. .. 30 to 31
Pats , • .. . ......... ... 52 to 53
again. They are both under the Hoare of
Dr, Armstrong, We hope coos to hear of
was his next beat sten.
so d gave
some. Bond gave Elliot two laps and a
half of a start, but stran ge to say Elliot won
by lop
and we Aust make regio.
Ha 6,00 to 00
y �'
tbeir recovery. Mr. Robert Clark is clerk.
over a on even footing• There
The Bargain Depot is the jgee
' p p
Butler ... . ........... • ..17 to 18
in for Mi, H. C. Fsoey. Bob is cite a
g q
BRIE--Tbe saw mill is Lein well
was quite a crowd in attendance` and a
for bargains, lry it.
Co ' S
Eggs........ . 9 to 19
Hoge ........ .. $.00 to 8.25
favorite with the ours p
Y R p°° la•
supplied with 1oan.-We are sorry re.
cert that Mr: J. W. Abray is stain. very
voMr. amount of mance changed hands.
John Williams while working a hay
Clover asad ... .....8.50 to 8:75
low and that little hope is entertained for
areae the farm of Mr. Morrison, 10th
BRiEtrs-Mr. C. F Meyers was out to
hie recovery.. Mr. Samuel Ford offers his
si in some Jway caught
cos right f of in the
his right foot in the A camber of
Market Square .Bargain De
q pot
Stephen Council.
Zurich last jFriday and rented the old
butcher shop from Mr. henry Dumart for
BniEta-Jap. Ward and Jolla McNeil
are delegates from Fullsrion to the ooun y
Vaeksmith shop for sale or, rent. It is a
good stand
R, , be has gone into the mgroan-
boars were broken and the foot
_ _--
a term of years, and intends to move out
convention of the Patrons of Industry in
tile, business in Air. Neeley's ol•l stand.--
badly crushed. The escape was a 210070 f?
County Council humane enough to build
y Feb. 6, 1893,
All members present. Minutes of last
in about a month and start A first-class
butcher business Mr, Meyers is a first.
Stratkil this week. --A flook of ten cr
twelve wild geese was sears on Wednesday
MoNevin Bros are at Droaent placing now
maehiuory in their mill, includinga ftrat
A well attended and meeting
-Mr, J. S. wont dawn. KingstonWhile
meeting read and signed,
Sheritt-Wuorth-that ipo printing be
p g
ease butcher, and no doubt will make a
success Of the business. Jao Pee
g gin an easterly direction, It coiner
thing very unusual for those birds to be
clear relay prooeas,-We learn. that lite
Project of building a mill at Kirkton has
of the kturdaBrucew Rovers football tram was
afoentot t
hell Satarda when the following oiiiaera
Y g
last week with Vickers, the forger. While
th Vic g a
there be saw Whale, the murderer, and
awarded to the Advocate for $42' 25.
and A. �V'eaeloh wore out to Zurich and
Dashwood 'trip.
seen in title section of country at this season
of the The anniversary tea
fallen throe l It owing to a.failure to di•paso
of sufficient Naotey
were elected for the ouaniag year; Pres.
bl Alex Mustard. M•.. Peter McGregor,
says Ian is a Reing fast, but still is bearing
up well
Etlber-Hicks-tbat the auditor's re.
on a business -Mr. D.
year. servicer,
stook -illy. goes to the
first vice pros. David 3foIap ai >A.
under the great Strain. He had no
part be accepted.
Gottschalk, slice merchant of Zurich was
meeting and social in connection with bit.
old country shortly -While returning to
race area. John Snider, captain A. T.
complaints to ,make but wished be re -
Resolved the following surra be
in town on Monday, -Air. Thos. Hudson
Pleasant Methodist church, will be held on
the store the other day lir, Samnel Ford
Sectt, secretary -treasurer.
membered to all laic# old 11lrrchell friends.
granted : Election blanks $8 55 ; 13,
Hawker, lumber, refund S labor, $7 75: R
and bride returned home from Aloncton
on sutures V
Saturday. Nellie Palmer return-
the 261h, 27th and 23tb days of February,
-Air, Jamas Sansboru. of Childs , Min.
slipped on the icy surface and injured bis
hack severely ; he is unable to perform
At a meeting of The town council on
James Ashton, an English emihreat
hired with Fred Mair, a fa -mer '
lining is
Handford, work on Biddul h road $10• J.
P i
eel home from her visit at Moncton.-
nesota, in visiting his sister, Mrs. J. Rose
any work,
Monday evening last a large deputation of
g r P
tom Branco workers, wasted upon the
the township of Fullarton, a few days ago.
Hall, spikes, 30c; S liorrison, box culvert
Allse Nichol of Seaforth is visiting at her
sear Alt. Pleasant. We understand that
-- - ^�-
signedit and presented a ndmoroualy.
Friday morning Ashton war missing, to.
50; J McLeod, gravel, 45c; T Lamport,
wor}c C R, $5; T Follie, gravel by D. Sut-
brother's, Mr. Dayid Nichol -Mr Ab,
Johnston,,hose trainer, formerly of Hen.
he purposes taking back with him several
orrea on hie return to that State.
Rnit.ta.-lir. Charles Rohn the
asking petition of ratepayers and tuber
Bother With s purse Cher caning to s or proper
dollars and articles the proper
ton and Walper, 89 05; R O'Rouke, refund
call, but now of Cleveland,;011io, was In
roe elven
cad news a few days ago, that bis eon Wm,
asking the Council to limit the number of
licensee to be granted for the town of Wing.
mer. r, M
ty of the farmer. Ur, Moir at once droVs
S Labor, ft B Ounningham, 4o, $R ; R.
town on Monday trying to buy 'Tom Burk
the left here last November, was found in
ham for the license year of 1893.94 to four.
into Stratford, and had the boy arrested.
Armstrong, cedar, $5- W. Eagleson, relief,
owned by Mr, T. Murdock, --Ura. John
fits house dead at Clover Bar near Edman-
The licence fee was ralssd from 0,190 to $235
Their many friends in StMarys and vicin-
$8;. J Sherrill; and others, removing anon-,
AlcArthur and children are visiting frreada
BRIErs-As Mr Sidney Bodging, Bid
ton, North Weat Tr►story. pa fur-
for each hotel, There has net been a alio
ity will regret to learn of the removal from
$7, J F Silber, do, $1; a Finkbeiner, do,
at Ailsa Craig.—Miss Lavina Ifwas
dulph, was leisurely driving through Luean
thor investigation it appeared lie had
license granted for Wingham fir many
that town of Dr, and Mrs, Sinclair who
82; C Wolfs, ploughing and rig, $3; Me.
out to Chiselhuret on a visit for several
on Thursday last, lie collided with a runa-
bought a largo farm, paid $1,500 down on
laevo with their family this week, for Sl.
Donald and others, removing snow, 83 25;
(lays at lilac lfeatre's.-Mt Jacob Feller-
way team belonging to 32r,F,Dav1-. Tonin,
It and bought some furniture and placed
Tito Conservative Convention for 77
ThomasDako.e. :An old resident of town
J B Hod ins, beatg do,$3 51; A M Wilson
ditch S
mann, wife and family were the guests of
Mr. John Pape
cutter and all passing over Air. Hodgins
any injury,
$250 to his eradit in the bank. Every
Huron was hold at Smith'a Hill on Wed-
the Dr. has tarsa a prominent pact in
$2; Sanitary inspector, 50c;
on Saturday land Sunday
.without serious The most
• thing appeared to have been sono in w
nesday, most of the business lore doing
municipal alfarrsasaonnoillot anumbrl
Auditors, $12; G Brown, salary, extras,
—)Ira. (Rev.)H, J. Fair is at present visit
miraculous thing about the circus was : Air
Hodgins' horse
business like manner until sometime in
electron of oflioora. A rears}ration was Sas-
of years and as an older in theProsb terran
uneolf ted taxes, $96 94.
Couu06il to 17th
rug at Stratford. -Mr. Jas E. Troyer re•
turned home Thursday Joel,
dashed against a passing
team which completely it
December he was taken sick. He went to
ed noknowledgingtheir confidence in the
church, whrla,his amiable wife has made
many friends.
meet again on inst., at 5
is the afternoon for the purpose of looking
P P g
on after a
months' businese' trip to Marietta, Mich.
stripped of its
harness witbout seriously injuria rt. Per.
a Doctor and complained of having severe
pain is ilio head, advised to
Dominion Governmont and its leader,
at bridge'tendota and other business,
0. PROUTY, Clerk.
James say's it's hard times over there, and
finds money just as liars to as #n Can-
fly truth is stronger than fiction,-Diahmau
-On Thursday last, the wife of W. Dish
was move Is
town for the winter. Nothing more Is
Tharp was a largo attendance, Tho follow-
jog are the oii'ioora • Pres, Joeaph Book, Int
The StraEhra °
F" aniraR factory has an
.0, -._-____
ada.•-Mr..A;bel Walper of Exeter vas in
man, a daughter. ` Mr. Dishman soya this
of him until he was found bang in
'hia own home, The Coroner held fan an-
Vice Pros, 1?r. Cass . Dungannon. end Vice
Pres. James Connolly Porter's Hill. Seo,
order from England for 110,000 onus to
fill the coming season.
town on Saturday --Miss Victoria Smith
moved into ber new store on Tuosday, and
is the worst blizzard he remembers seeing
. since he came to Canada.- Mr, Cbprlsa,
'quest and brought in a verdict of oulaide
while under a fit of insanity. The family
Treas, Jamaa Mitchell, Eaoatgtive Com-
D. F. Stewart, of Ailsa Craig, lost an im-
(Too late for last weak.)
the store vacated by ries Smith is to be
by Edward
Lingard of Manitoba, formerly of Centralia,
is here at buying
have the heartfelt sympathy of their neigh-
mittea--T.be President, vicepreaidents and
Sea, Dr. Holmes, P Kelly, I: Cam ton, R t7
ported mare, valued at $300, the other day
owrng to her having fallen tbrongh :he
BRIRns-11r �Vm Bowden of Exeter was
in the city town
occupied air. Slaver as a con-
fectioner and bakery:
priisent up Agricultural
bora: Rev. J. E. Holmes announced last
Sabbath for special to
Hays,, R Radcliffe, A M Told, B D Kennedy
stable floor to the cattle abode beneath.
A is being
.last week. -The fish
(]'colors and ice merchants have stored
r ..i. t
services commence
Wednesday evening. On Thnraday after.
John Wnitiey, Thomas Dalton, RobtMedd,
Peter W Scott and John Beacom.
petition eiroulated in Lon-•
don asking W. R. Meredith ll, P, P, of
their summer au 1
pp y. -It is of goad thiels-
araAN, The dearest friends Alas 1 mast
noon at 2 o'clock Rev. Mr. Knott of Park.
On Thursday last Chief Will received a
Toronto to consider his alleged intention of
mesa and A 1 quality. -Tho School Board
BRIn ra.-Mr. Wm, MoLaron is lying ill
P art
hill will preach and also again at 7.20,
letter from Chief McCarthy, of Sesforth
resigainghis seat and retiring from public
Monday evening and transacted
met usual
the usual tontine bisineas.-A two -war-
ranted has bean
with inflnmmntion.-Willie Hamilton is
home from the High School sick, and Mrs
The ninoth day of may
We long will remember, "
OD that lovely day
On Friday at 430 Rev. Mr. Holmes of
Parkhill will address a mass meeting cf
children. A invitation
asking firm to take charge of a girl named
Kennedy of that place, wile had left for
Ask your ueighors if they use Dodds Ifid-
action entered
ill. -The
Donald P:trk is sof
Dear Bary did rest ; y
cordial is extended
Woodstock. Chief Will arrested her on the
nay Pills ? They strengthen the nerves,
Councillor Good to unseat him. The gra•
a grot
Cuuadianj Order of Chosen Friends aro
loa,reatod from care,
to all. -Urn. Christena EgKert and May
charge of vagranoy, and she was broaght
tone the system, and the most stubborn
cud taken is that the ortgad property on
which he qualifies is mortgaged. If such
booming just now around bore; two
iitiatioua nt their Jnat meeting
From sickness and sorrow,
Aaaured that her spfrit
Ie now wish the blest
McPherson have been very sick the past
week. Both .re better and on the mend.
into the Police Court, bar brother also
appearing and asking her to go home with
oases of kidney disease wield to their in.
fluence - They era especially appreciated
an objection holds good, all one has to do
is to mortgage the property on which an
and more
applicants on band, -The place of meeting
has been changed from Cromarly to Staffa
Connolly, preach*
Her funeral \
Kirin on.
him. The girl said her
g patents were in
poor circumstances and that she could no
b the old. Ask your neighbors about
Opponent qualifies to beat him. Surely
-'rhe Grand Treasurer is Axpected on Wed
He said that the people, _...
BhtEim The i ehool entertainment in
longer endure it so she determined to leave
Dr. Caw has through Mr. George Bawden
such a feature is beyond comprehension,
bemire after a candidate has masa every
nesday evening 22nd Inst. in deliver
a lecture on the order, to
Of this, may be sure;
That the purer they lived
the hall on Friday evening was a decided
success. The evening waa fine and the
home and seek employment. This she did
wish the knowledge and consent of her
marble and granite dealer, plaoed in Park
hill cemstarY a costly and very handsome
enquiry, a scoundrel could mortgage the
which the pub-
lie will be admitted free. -;Hiss Annie Up-
Tbohigherin heaven- r^`
And remarked that her life .
attendance large, in fact the hall was
parents. The brother admitted that he had
monument to the memory of his sister,
property and disqualify him: -The Con•
shall who visited friends around Cromariy
Was ono that was pure. y „
crowded and the handsome attm of fort
, Y
frequently pp girl
hi e3 her, The
the }ate liras Caw. The material is red
aervatives of the Brest Riding ofHuron
held the annual meeting at Smith ,$ Hill
has returned home -The subject at the
Cbriatian Ecdeavor Society Sundae Evea-
In reviewing her life,
He. with admiratipn,
dollars was realized, to go towards the
purchase of an eneyolop;edia.--The choir
absolutely refuaod to return with him and
as be bad no authority to compel her to go
Scotch granite the design the latest and
rho appearance vary fine. We understand
yesterday afternoon in the election of
Ot)icece and general bpsinees.-Mr Robert
in was introduce d by Misa Mary Hamilton
Maid when in this world l;
She lived for the next ; Bion
" How beautiful is the
in the Presbyterian church has been
"brought down" from the cc•ruer and placed
he returned without her. The girl is 16
pears of age, good looking, has a pleasant
that it is without exception the most ex -
pensive and imponing monument in the
Wilson of Seaforth was in Goderich this
, chaste genera-`
were the suitable words
.. in front of the pulpit. A change much
manner, and is evidently very intelligent.
week. -The latest to the Society List in
t He took for his text.
needed. -It is our sad duty to chronicle
Her brother, however, is her opposite in
Mr. John Ellie painter of Strathroy, re -
the death of hire H. D. Steele. Thls
all those respects. Some Woodstook ladies
cently met with an accident whereby one
-There was a largely attended
Scotch Concert in the Grand on Tuesday
ing of this circuit hold last week a re-
Are very uncertain,
And fife with its pleasures
Sad event took place very suddenly on
Thursday. Mrs. Steele complained of
aro interostiug themselves in the girl's be•
of his wrists was broken. He was upon a
high step ladder attempting to take down
evening under the auspices of the Sona of
Scotland. -The past two weeks made boat
solution was unanimously passed ap-
proving of Rev. Mr. Russells pastorate
will soon be no more;
Like the waves of the sea
feeling unwell and retired to her room.
Mr Steele went for the Doctor, but on
a rather weighty obaadlier, and when he
had succeeded in it off the hook,
building rather cold worts. Mr Marlton
during the est three
g P Years. Mr: Saw-
Or the foam el the ocean.
Each wove helps to wave us
his return he found „lie spark of life had
A scheme is on foot just now to start a
Air. Ellis the obandlier and the ladder
has two under construction
ver was also recommended, Mr, G. W.
Solman resided the
But nearer the shore,
fled. It is enpDosed a clot of blood entered
band in connection with the Oddfellows
lodge St. Afar s
were almoat immediately in a heap on the
they are un
and as they are under contract to be
launched on the opening of novrgairon, a
P at concert held in
Kirkton last Friday evening. The
One day we moot here
In joy and in gladnes,s,
With the comforts life
the heat) and paused it to Dense beating,
-Miss E. Smyth is visiting friends in
Y •
They 25th,annual eonvenUon of the Conn.
ty of 1 rrtb Sunday School AGEociation
The Middlesex County association P of I
mild spell. is desirable. -Our Cbief of
Police had a couple of tromps last week
Proceeds amounted to $40, The people
always like to b'
Y G. W. a bum er
dWe avtperhaps Ives blest;
Clinton.-NIre. Hutchison of London hue
been visiting her mother, Mrs. Cordia,
be held in St. Marys.
bold their annual meeting in the County
buildings London the other day- The re.
but after a night in the warmer, they took
the snow track
„ive p
house. -The concert here on Monde
In sorrow and sadness
We tire of these
who has been very ill, but who is now
At the Blaneherd council meeting 1
g len-
day Mr. A. Brelbour, of Kirkton,
ports of the various ofiieera show the as.
again. -A few young men
placed a shanty a distance off the pier to
evening was decided success and reflects
much credit on Lite Committee
And long for to rest.
somewhat better.
(From another source)
appointed collector for 1893.
sociation in the county to be doing a good
worts. The election of officers for the en -
jig for herrings, but so far few fish have
7 oiued in the dance.-Theimeetings of the
T. Johns, and S. Pym, who had the
arrangement in hand. The
We long for that harbor
That people call heaven,
And once more to moot
BRiErp. -The old and relrnble merchants
Wieser-. Doupe & Co. leak week disposed of
S. Myers and Sans, formerly of St. Marys
have come into poasosa:on of the woollen
mills at Tiffin Ohio.
suing year resulted as follows -Pres. A F
Anderson Wil'on Grove vice -pros. James
' P
f Temperance are largely ab-
tended the lodge gaining num-
1 g
was good and all did well. We par-
Our departed friends ;
They tell us that there
Sherr business, stock and p emise9 t) Messrs
Shier & Marsball of Millbrook, both for.
A`leesre. Ryan and D;idley of Mitchell,
Buobananl\apaer;5ea.'rreaa. J HA'exnnder
beta nail yr
ticularl mention. " The Gleaners "
rendered by six girls 1Vliasea L. Andrew,
No pain ever enters,
Thatpleasures are lasting
mer residents. Possession given let of
shipped 4 carloads of apples to the Old
County markets last week.
At the council meeting on A4londay
In the United States there are forty-four
Al. Brimmacombe E. Andrew W.
And day Hover ends.
May. While we regret very much that
the Mesora. Doupe, who liave been esteem-
During the past few weeks 'Mr. Hugh
R, at Parkhill, Mr. E. lienee,
bailiff, was appointed town constable at a
people in every hundred who are en a ed
g R
Russell, L. Miners, and E. ,Johns. This
one only sister
I also must mention
ed residents for the pact decade have de-
Thompson of Blaoshard has disposed of a
large number of thorough boll
salary of $190 a year. Besides the enforce•
in agriculture, as compared with fifty•six
in Canada,"seven in England, in
Lyes Quant Of the concert. During
the proceedings Rev. Mr. Russell who '
Bofors I do close
This lengthy review;
tided to leave our villa go, we are pleased
to learn that their place is about to be filled
-bred osiers
Perth Patrons of Industry have decided
meat. of rife town lby-]awe his duties in -
elude the collecting of taxes, sanitary in.
Germany and forty-eight in France.
occupied the chart was presented with
But for the present
It's not my intention
by two promising young men, tro well
to put candidates in rife field for South
Perth for both houses. North Perth
Spector, etc. Mr VanAlstinelwill still be
If your druggist says he does not knew
a kind] worded address accompanied
To say more than their lives
known in this section to require anv for -
not be eanteated,
bell rinver and caretaker of the council
anything shout the cares Meinbray'sI{id
b a robe and a lam
Y p
Were loyal. and true.
mil introduction. -Messrs. Doa a have
been successful in their business
Dr Jag White of Wolsely N W T., son of
chamber and will receive a solar of 170.
it $
While the Exeter constable gets a salary
ney and Liniment Gars have effected,
write to Peterboro Medicine. Company,g
Members of the Manitoba Le islature .
poor widowed mother- 1
Just fancy bar feelings
When Mary,
here and by superior business methods,
Mojor H A L White Postmaster St. Marys
is this week, visiting his
of $330 for performing
p forming the same duties,
Limited, Peter oro, Ont,
have aubsoribad $310 towor a monument
to the late Hon. Alex. Mackenzie.
parting with
Tho joy of her heart ;
But ie it not eo, that
courtesy and street attention to the de•
tails of buying and selling, have acquired
parents and many
friends in and around that vicinity.
D. Waters, Oampbellford, Ont. says that
The nearest and dearest
Of the friends the- we love,
dearest must part 7
a goodly sbare of the wherewith -all. Ws
wish their suceeseors similar saccess.-The
milling project is at a standstill jnst now,
The Perth County Association of the
Patrons of Inde -try has passed a resolution
favoring the putting of candidates in the
the Peterboro Medicine Co. (Limited) are
at liberty to use his name in the inter-
eat of all who may be suffering, as he was
W W.
We hope the enthndasm may be revived.-.
field in 8onth Perth at the next general
before be need Membray's Kidney and
- -..
A large number from here attended a con•
election for the Local and Dominion
Liver Cnre.
Woodham Ont
cert at Lakeside on Monde night; They
report a pleasant time. -It is with regret
Thos. Wostman lies purchased A. Hol-
Comber Herald; -Farmers are warned
of a
BnrEas.-Mr. Rhode of the 15th con.
of Stephen, hag purchased the house and
that we annonnoe the death of Mrs. Steel
wife of Rev. Steele, incumbent of St.
mea farm on the let concession of
Mornin ton for
g $3,100. Mr. He eon-
couple of sharpers who are selling
anile gold watches worth $3 or $4 in the
UR 3o DAy, ' SALE
property, now occupied by Mr. Joe. Davis,
from Mr. W. Holt. -Mr. John Goetz,
Paul's church. The deceased bad been ill
but a short time. -Mr. Gourley Is still very
templates going to Manitoba, where part
of his family are now in business.
county. The fakirs sell for what the
can get and receive all the way from $10
to $75.
while helping to unload sawlogs in R.
John Ridge, of Fallarton, while helping
15' l of 'OVer yet, and for the• next
•two Weeks tele Bargains
Cook's mill -yard, had his thumb severely
bruised between two loge. -Mies Annie
to load some plank at the sawmill g -)t one
of life fingers broken and badly crushed by
The Windsor Driving Park Association
was organiaed six years ago with sixty
will be as big as e ; er.
Rummel of Zurich is visiting at Mr. 'Win.
BRIEFS—Ml. AubreyBuswell of St,
being caught betwesu some planks falling
members, each taking one share at $100.
Pfaff's at resent.:- Jar. Samuel Lamport
Marye is spending a few days at his
on his band,
stock is now being raised from $6,000
-bur stiles foY the past two weeks have run far beyond 'Birk
of Oreditou was the guest of IVIr, W- H.
ed SRnday.-Mr, dud. dire. J. KH.
parents 'home here, we are glad to see
The Baubear house, Brandon Moll, own-
ed by Mr. 'Phomas Baubear of that town;
to 50,000 and each of the original members
will receive five 8100 for their one.
our expectations ; this • shows
that the eo le are a reel- lermaa
p p pp le
spent Sunday with friends•in Hen.
man ar.
smiling face once, more. -Miss. F.
Snell of Dashwood has been the
who formerly resided in "Blanabard, was
destroyed by fire Wednesday
ating the wonderful value that ;they are receiving for their =a
Wm. Pfaff, our village' butcher,
laying in a supply of ice for the summer.
of Miss. Edith Buswell during the past
night, lee
inst. The property was valued at $15,000
mons y
week: -Mr. Wm. Bowden of Stephen
and insured for 1)8,000.
spent Sunday visiting friends here. -On
In the South part of the township of
Highest prices paid for all
kinds of 'Produce. CO 1T1e
It Ia very important In the age of vast
material program that a remedy be pleasing
Friday evening of last week the school
boys from this lace visited is
Y P No. school
Mornington is a poor old miserly man who
worth probably about '$3,000 but in
GExTs,-I have used your MniARD's
LYNxurxT in my family for a number of
early and rsecure our eboice as
' �
the Special Barg to
p aro
the Leets and to the
he taken
Biddulph to engage ui a game of foot-
spite of the advice of his friends. be err
years for various cases of sickness, and
more in IS
sellinn ` rapidly.
halos acceptable
F, d
to the stomach and healthy in
neture and effects. Yawning these
ball with the bo s of that lac '•
a Y p e, the
erste in living alone in meal nbleot filth
and starvation. His mind seems to be all
particularly a severe attack of
Rrippo which I contracted lael winter, and
qualities, Syrup of Piga is the one
g me was very keenly contested all
through, Although neither teams
with the exception that ha possesses
I firmly believe that it was the means of ,
►�.. F CJF' D &(ICJ,;
and most gentle diuretic $nown. i
scored the
was quite evident that the Eden
same idea common misers that he
saving my life. C. I. LActra.
Sydney, C. B:
4eneral Dealers, MTnard
� s Liniment cures Distemper.
boys had the beat of the game; a return poor
will some day or other have to go to the
house -if Perth county ever has a
match is to be kicked on Friday next.
h; t