HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-9, Page 7.11, � , I - -1 :, -11,1111097--- I -111 - 11 - - -7-7-717 -77"� - - NOM"",
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%�� , I I .. I --- -_ 1000 --------- �___ "I I � -.1 I I 1. I �_�� _______,_ __ . I i'',
� I r I as lie had been for many an hour past, free � I —,-- —_ ---------J% I I I I , "".
I � to move within a little spaoe�ffeo to eat Sy, SPZCTAL TO THE � I
� I f, A Remarkable O'dental Experience, ,and drink, but, kept bayou TMIOXT� Mg 1EER ZUJX$TT I— GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN, �
I . 11, I 11 I 4 tbis by tile APPOIN,
I I I � I �, � 1, I I 1 I . chain willoll bound his ankle to the ground. SOAP IMA RS THE QUEEN I
. . I . ; I . � . . .1 To Norris thought its It had become of In Al . � �,
, � . � I 0
1 ,� � � I , "
� , "TORY OF Cumssr, TauAciiLmy, that gnawing kind which seems to cab a . .
, I I I I
.. . . I I A 'Luur,Ta,\,a, S ay �� . . I "
I , I wl �
. I 11 . , I 1ho, Soul; but lie took. his meals, neverthe- � ��
.. I I ,---- I
. I I I �
I . I
. �
. , I less, and at nigb t he slept as he had learned � � P ."
� I � . I I
. ,.� I I 0 11 �k PT R P. V. darred. No doubt the Swallow had been to slocip—a sthitige half -waking sleep, of
: 1�., - � . . I Wh '' 11 . I .
taken to a aid drearas thati bring no .
bar iii'l.rl. or at least tile paper which, Qopistanbvi long
. . 11,. . Thn i�,rimediate resulb of Norris S attempt 1 been . I yl
4,:L to eSCZ_ i4l ap . h
" , _, 1pad to its log, And this rest. If you Because STJNLIOHT
. I r .Je was that &JI the Cold 011illeae � bearing tile words "eleven th vival. Another day cam . � a#
. I I . stillots of his foes centered in those feelings F111T,Or"would havo been sufficierib to convey Jectures a, and Norris, whose con- I SOAP Is perfectly pure, �
. � 11 of hit noified cruelty which few but (lie , rattl6ned ever to the loss which lie . a, and contains no lujuri- ��
. : � ous cheuticals to injure '%
. � I . : northern Chinese know. to him the knowledge that there was a had Sustained, and who looked upon it .%a , wish either your clothes o7e —AITD .
. I 1. I TV ell was, it for Norris that tie Lay ai one chance, however dim, bhmt tile 1' ,nalish cia. form of mental toAlire only, and as imposed I � . Your liaads� Greatest A62m
W, immov. t manufaataro, and
� dead for hours to'come, itisensi tion boyond the Seas inight hear he cap., with that intent aod nothing beyond,, was care Is exercised in its "
. tivity of �Arilliva Norgis and sondtQ save� !gittlng filled with, bittertiess, and thoughts I . its
quality Is so a,12reela,ted
.. I I , for his un,muscionstiess, had assuredly been inado evil by the cruelty of fate, when ilie' your bYtIlaPublic atithas ,f%mac iver Uure
� I . Able, and Ignorant of that deWl which, but hini from his foes. . Stu bfLe
1. I I I I Ilia. And yet not �woll ;, for doath indeed If this was so, and if this man Still coin- three Obin.ainen reappeared. . � the Laqcest Sale of .any
, . , I soap in Ilia world, "' -
.j . would have been, preferable to the life in nuicided Norris's life to be Spared, itzeem- The Most AstorAshing Iffeclical DIscove.,7 of
I Binding Ili$ bands upon his back, and .. . . 11 —
store. t ad p.trtly probable that lie might do so be. thus vendering him powerless, whilat he . I the Last One Hun(ired Years. .
.1 I I Wh cause lie was a great mail, and that it would offered no-resistaijoe,, knowing how futile Linen. to .
.1 I . The discovery of the body I not stilt him to be the possible and reinoto was Such waste of Strength, they then re- 1, It is Pleasant to 'the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar..
I theinnorcourt seemed tothrowa shuddering H 0W
I touch upon everything within the temple, means of a disagreement which ulight fron, leased the Chaill about Ilia ankle, and Con- It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Nilk. I
for the nuin who had committed the deed a little thingowell gradultily into a war be- veyed to hit,, by Signs that lie must follow Can you test this? it � . . I I
atill.liveil I . . tween. the English and bile Chinese. tbom whe be Wh. I e you naive never tried This wonderful Nervine Tonle has only recently been introduced
I ,',a thev. led. He Old so, -wonder. I .1 — SUNLIGUT SOAP, ask into this counti-V by the proprietors and manufacturersof the Great
I I To Norris his calAora had been Chinatuen. For were Norris to be cruelty killed in, Ing il)WLkrdly ai to what, tile meaning of . those who use it what
u they tbluk of it, then, try ,South American"Nervine Tonic, and ye
the temple of Confucius, th-ra was the PD3. such proceedin and th 8, with OW ftforyourself. The re- , alue, as a curative
Strange, as it. mai lie had never in Ilia , gs could be; t its great, v
. � , . sibility that some others coming to Ilia res. these men he ro-ontered, for the firat as Sn salt will Flease you, and agent has long been known by a few Of the most learned physicians,
. solitary colifi4e7hent cast a, thought upon time, , 9 eothea "Will be Who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the
J �, 1 4 their pries b. like. attributes. To his own, ,QUO lWgllt meet with Similar treatment., and the court where lie had formerly been cot. w.0.1r.d. Ili far lm% time 0
I the first deatlk %night grow into a, massacre fined, and where were now congregated 0, w it ,, general public.
� mind lie had called them ChInallien, 110 ,
. � $ S h Less Labour,
more, They bad been his foes, as a nation, "I the after time. I great number of priests around 9,small fire � 11 I ,aF,a,L1:r Comfort, and This. medicine has Completely solved the problem of tile cure of i di -
I I . not as a priestly brotherhood; and though Such was the conjecture Slowly formed which had been litupon the ground. Upon '. I b whiter than they n
by Norris.—a conjootil ver been before, g(
hat they wore sanctified, lie Id tho 111 .seat, not when you Used ordinary
I 1 � he had known. t ro which, wi ugh this fire had been placed u Iran ve unlignt have e .,stion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is
haA not for ;x moment looked upou them as it was in many respects, yet had a, grain Of far from wbiQli was an, upright cat, which goal), also Of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from I
� I A different in that respect from otliera of thQIr trubb; for althougli it was iffloult at this had been fixed in the earth cloep, ,,,.- whatever cause, It performs , this by the great nervine t�nlo qualities �
t ,mco, nor in Ills plans of escape had lie taken time to fathom the full motives willoll actil� firmly, and around which the Chinaman . which it possesses, and by Its great curative powers upon thwdin- stive
I "I account of the awful results wbloh might ated his enemies, ib true that besides stood, Is Orgalls, the stomach, the liver"'and the bowels. No, re me I
,%follow. the desecration of the temple by the - orris was secured, ody comp4res
. . . that Cruelty of wilich Norris was till now To this post N with this wonderfully valliable Wervine Tonic as a buildelIrl and streDgth- .
. ,murder of one of its priests. Unaware, and which. had in store for him a and lie xecognized, as the bands Soap' That eaer of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of it
0 ( Had Norris been in possession of Ills sells, life of hideousness, blierewa$actother, under. were drawn bight, that the . pot upon
it" 4es, been in fact as a, living ni when tile lying design -something whioll came to the the fire contained sometbing of tile nature .broken-down constitution. It is also of more real pei-manent value in, �
� I ,p6dy of tile priestwas found, it is more than priests from it higher hand Still, according of metal, which wasmeltod therein That not the besttw 0. the treatment and care of diseases of the lungs than a y consumpti a
a,7 to a
cide the mat r1rat a 0 i
& probability that In the juipulso of tile Tno- with theirwishes Ili this Command ; some Awful ovelit was about to 004'r it(, re- will do by aliquiring what the remedy ever used on this continent, It is a Marvelous Cure for nerv- I
. � nient his life at the hands of those who had " Torture, but do not kill,! 11 alized, and, looking round %,,pan tile fltces
�ecaptured him might have been taken as Norris fell to . . ex
wTorionce jB of
wandering -vaguely Upon his crowding near to Jilin, lie socipied to read 0 those Ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical
already Use It,
. ataitetnt.nt for Ilia deed, for the frenzy which captivity one morning, 404equent to hisial- Something of Ills ilQQln,. and IlIsSensea see,,,, , 9 sepond a Wv trial period known as chancte in life, should notfull to use till 0
. I - - I
4pread over one and all within the temple most complete restoration to. health and In. ad be forsake him for ti few seconds, whilat -V oil are u0b
� I it* yoursol, . � Tonic, tanitist const ` S great Nervine
committed In any way antly, for the space Of two or three years. It will
11 k � walls almost Cried aloud in wild tbiret for deed, feeltugg as he now did that lie was the,00nsolousness of the unknown to come � to use the Soap; all we .
bloodand revenge upon the man who had daily regaining Ilia strength, he once more descended upon his Son], . . . ask is, Don't Delay, try carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and cura-
acitiothi4thing. Bub the momentarvim- cast about it, Ilia thoughts for some means Tile cloth wbiph bad bound Ilia head [lad it the next washing day, tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great �
palse bad passed, and now a more hideous by which he might stilt escape. been removed, and the feeling of cold im. � . energizing properties will give them a new hold on life,
. 0 It will add ten
Z � late was in resErve. Blood alone cannot ' This bad become a niuch. more difficult mediately resulting from the exposure of I or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a haIf dozer
I "ton" for blood, life is not ro aid by life, question than form Ilia hairless skin reon6lied him to himself, bottles of the remedy each year. .
. p Orly, for his ancle was, I
. I Vhen the frenzied souls of Chinese priests its has been, said, encircled by a chain, and from that oloment every action was in. �.
, behold tile corpse of a brother who Ilia been which, confined his 'notion$ to P. limited air- tensified to such a degrea til%t the realisin ' I
whose holy atilt, and at times became the sotirce of ex.
light is suddenly obscured. trome irritation and mental pain, Ili add!. ton in I lie upon Ills brain. I 'IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOH THE CURE OF
��� 1,illed, and look upon a temple of oi-ery detail of what succeeded was writ- CENTRAL
DeAth. for death 1" --not so. Life for tion to this, lie was no-�v At lie tinie alone, He watelied oile, of the throng stir tile -Nervouawss, Broken Constitution,
I 4eath I -a long never-anding lite, a life for a, guarcl was constantly ilk Ilia presence molten mixture with a long and thin place 0 r e Xervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, I
I ,hose !tell is worse than death, -this alone -'lot Al-ILYS tile same man, it is trite, but of metal, find then another ra so the pot Drug S t Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
recompense for such a deed. nevertheless, -a preventive of the faintest f"041 the fire and approa6hi with it
Tile injury sustained by Norris, who, he motion which might create the Suspicion of till lie stood within & foot front hini. !VANSON'S BLOCK. Sick Headache, Heartburn and So�lar ,Stomaeb,
I ell forward Upon his face, was of a nature a renewed attempt at freedom, Upon the A cry of terrible agony burst from him I I Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Slomaeh,
at, serious, and, after many hours of till. morning in question, ]its dreams resulted in in a voice surely not his own: Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite,
I onsclousneas, lie recovered only to an later. little save in an ultimate wandering into a t( Great God in hoaven, have mercy upon Frigghtful Dreams, I
"' And Ilia voice rose to tile b
aittent state fevor, and land of fancy. In, wbjdh 116 lived Ilia Youth roe, God . ft?� I Paralysis,
,, resembling brain . lue Nervo us Paroxysms and Dizziness all(I P"llging k the .Rars,
� uring thiq time tile priests waited likewild again bOT1086th tile blessed F,ugliSh Sides Ili ]leavens, and perhaps tile cry was heard far Nervous Chok!4 Weakness of Extremitlea and
ea,stawho would play with their prey bo. tile dear old home -land, free to wander away I .
r restriking it to tile earth. where lie might pleasi,-. But the world did not change becanse of it Hot Flushes, Faintina,
. A torture is not a torture If it kill, for His Inusings were interrupted by the the agony of a, single mail, and the China. Palpitation of the Heart, Ixapurekp6d Impoverlsbe(l Blood,
on of wilo-it use is it ? It .%,man is weak entry of three of the priests, accompanied man, whose hand was raised so that the heat Mental Despondency, Bolls and Carbuncles,
d ill, so that lie may go mad, and so that by a man of filthler garb, whom Norris re- of the hicleouspot smote upor, .N%orris's f I Scrofula .
do not feel to tile foll the horrorathrough g%rded with some curiosity, wandering only spoke two words in answer to tile 11", A fall stock of all kinds of S' "'Plessuess,
hich he pa,39, because death ties Ili front it wherefore this man had boon brought, man St. Vitus' Dance. Scrofulous swellings and ricei%3,
r I wh stood by his side -the command to age
31 no use totorturo-itis better to wait. For The Chinaman approached him, and preceed with the complatioll of wbV6t AV&$ Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lung% I
a trnest and deepest agony of mind whieli bound hita with ropes. He could make no decreed to be done, , Dyes, constantly on Nervousness olf Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs,
be infliated upon man, is that wbioll rosist%nee. or, rather, lie know that it was . a Bronchitis. and Chronii ('()u&h,
-near to death, and submitted quietly. took tile end, of that which tile metal had I Pains ;n the Heart, . Liver Complaint, 0
lives hini so far, lie f arthor Useless to do tic, In obedience, the other reached cub and hand. Winan's Neuralgia,
. that lie May n1alost clut0h it, (xnd yet re. They had alremly bound Ilia feet, when it boon stirred -a long Spoon- a spoon so Oondition Pains In the, Back,
oved from it % that be Clutch in vain- flashed acres,% him that now, indeed, he . Chronic Diarrhma,
, smRl I as to Contain only a single drop of the Powd- Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children,
, r to madncas�-ay, oil the very brink of faced the terrors wbiahlils mind had part- molten liquid.
e precipice, and yet Saved, an the brain ly painted in a ghaal,ly dream., This Nods sawwIdIaLbia blood-shoteyese erti, Summer Complaint of Infants.
tters, so that it may Continue to totter For tile firstinomentortwolle hadylelded, started from his soaltets, and then the I . All these and many other complaints cured by this woritI,orftil .
a yet never fall. thinking, only that to befurtherbouna could drop fell upon Ilia head, the .best I
Many days passed, and the Chinese still matter libtle, but now, as lie thought upon arid the air was . Nervine Tonle,
ited , and Norris, who had now been his belplessneas if thus boand, lie struggled filled with all awful noise ; and a second in the mark -
going through the ravings of weary hours with all his Strength, crying out aloud time tile spoon fulfilled his function and et &UdL alWaya ' I- NEUVOUS DISIE ALS-E.A9
I on a rougliskin or two, which was all his whilat the men force him clown and hold a a third, and the worldblackenod and ,- --- I
11911, resh. Family recip- As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy as 10een
he,, seemed to stretch out its arms t'. re- - h
d, began -is by a 'miracle to recover his I"M the ground by the force of numbers ,,I,, him, and Norris know no more. ees carefully prepared at able to compare with the Xervine Tonic, which is very pliasant and
rength. ; and. y be that as the priests against one. Then, all this strength, recall- * * * * *
d him during his time, so they also pr&y. ed for a moment only, left him, andlie lay F or weeks succeeding tile man with tile Central Drug Store Exete harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest .and most I
thathe mi t live, for graduall) tile Rasping, and would h%ve been unable to � delicate individual. Wine-teliths ok -all the ailme
isis passed, a lie returned to life to find move eve" without Ilia bonds. shaven head was little else than mad. They I family is heir are dependent on nervou lits to which the human
had set him free again In tile court yard, <r -
U 3 exhaustion and impaired di es �
at he lay under constalit watch within The man -whom he noticed had now come where the dear swallows had Used to be. Q JA "9rZ. tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the *bloocl, a
0 of thesm0lor temple buildings, away forward, knife in hand. Norris shut Ilia .But it
in the terrible heat of the midday sun. was winter now, and the Swallows � general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the
eye" believing that his lasb hour bad come, ha,d gone away ; and the mail who bad
As lie grow Stronger, all awl Lit bbirst; took and waiting for the first touch of the blade. called to them to aid him in his _W E , "', � - 0Q, result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become Strong 'when the
cissession of him-% tbirst that seemed un. A few seconds paased, and then lie knew sore distress was In a worse state now, ,J h KEt lu ms�;.,4, 01 right kind of food is supplied; and a thousan(I weaknesses A�d ailments
uenchable, and lie vouid seize and drink tile trUth-that tile man bad not Come to far tile torture had, for the time being, disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all
yery drop of water which was broualit to torture him, but to deprive him, of his heir; ,,I,i,g,d Ilia mind. . � � the power by which the vital forces of the body are carrip(I on, it it; the
im, as soon as it Was placed upon the and, Unable to protest, he lay still, whilst, It, fed as nature called him to feed, cat P 11 - g g first to stiffer for Want of. perfect nutrition. Orilinary food does not con -
round, commencing at the forehead and working m though without knowledge that lie
"low' b a ha ('hineso barber oil in tain. a sufficient quantity of the kind of niti-triament necessary to repair
It was now that the first of thtLt series of dil so; andlihe rest of the day lie spent,
! tortures to which the man was destined to hi- hair,ablict,' bty bit, Shaving each porltioOlIva,y the wear our present mode of living and IaLor i
e subjected was inflicted Upon him. his head closely, Willis b the priests stood by sometimes Crawling about tile court and . a imposes upon the nerves.
Be- sometimes wildly clawing with big nails For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied.
� use lie thirsted, it Nvas clooreed that he to watch. in a vain attempt toscale tile walls, whim. This South American Wervine has been found by anal sis to contain tho
I hould continue to thirst ;and tile water Ili China there is a custom -an ordeal .
,which has to b poring all' he time like no human being, . y
in quantity-, the more he endeavored to to lunlooka all tlia f -a �d,cl avenues of the
given to him was only the move decreased * a borne by those who elect but rather like a poor wounded dog. essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This ace6unts
a nal. to his EL. and Liver, can-ying I forms of nerrous do -
one shudder even to name. nalied from the Off gradually ,without weal ming the sys- rangement.
tenclant that water was at barbarisin-an ordeal which makes tile blot of desecration w. -Bowels, Kidneys
of 1:1111 certain priesthoods ; it is an ordeal Was the debt discharged now? %Vag for its universal adaptability to the cure of al
ice) a him now. It consists in femple walls? There was no one, to ask tem, all the impurities a: I foul humors CHMPORDSVILLM, rxcl., Aug. W. 16. MrSIR(TA, WILMNS01T. of Brownsralley. Inti., .
hen at length came the hour when he the pouring of a drop or two of matter, lead that question -, and, if there had been, the of the secretions; at the same time Cor- To the Groat&r#A.Anierican, Jredky�nr Co.: [says: "llindbeenlit adistressoci condition for .
nderstood, -when there was no more water Wo2p DEXR GENTS.—I desire to say to yet% that 1,
upon the brow or scalp of the priest.. answer might have been," reating Acidity of the Stomach, hayesuffered for many years with a very serious three years from Nervousness. Weaknet's of tile I
ivan to him,and the revelation of thb truth Bub one inight wonder what connection By night lie cropt into a species of wood- curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, disease at tile stoinach and nerves, ltriedevery Stooluch, Dyspepsia, and indiseation. until iny
brow him back again upon the illness from bad this with William Norris, or with the inedlelue I could bear of. but nothing done me health was gone. I had beet a to - -
which he was ub coulmencine to recover. barber who was at work upon his head'! ell hut or kennel which they had pub 'up Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, any appreciable good until I wag advised to L d C r1u, con
And thus it came that weeks intervened Only this -that the priests of the Temple for -him, and where lie had warm furs ; and Constipation, Dryness of theSkin, try.vour Great South American Nervine Tonle Scantly, with no relief. I bought one bottle of
I his clothing, too, was thicker now, for they Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaunw- and Stomach and Liver Care, and since using South American Norville, which dome me rue"
. I
)etween Norris's attempt at escape and the of Confuclus knew uf tile unspeakable nat. bad dressea him in Chinese garb, heavy anct aiee, Salt Rheum, Ercs,ivelas, Scro- several bottles at It I most say that I am sug good than any sio worth of doctoring I ever
Id that Sys- tire Of tile agony of the molten lead ; and, warm, and suited to tbe chill of fula, Fluttering of t a eart, Ner- p
day upon which truly cominence .,�Ise. its wonderful powers to cure the stem- didlaraylife. livouidjmdvIEleev,Drywe.l,klypL'r-
his captors i U - . h d at
tem of fiendish Cruelty by which know of no torture more intense tha the Sever- nd !�neral nervous system. It everyone son t,, us� this valuable aCnd lovely reulpt)7 -, &
till" thg a,
cly bad decided to ity of a winter in Pekin. vousness, and General Debility, all know the e orthis remedy as r do you would
to wipe way the blob of desecration make the Eng 1, o"supply the demand.
. on 0.111T 11101 lishman con form to the priestly rule, an' And it was this severity, this cold, which '&�a mid many other similar Complaints not be able t few bottles of it has cured tua completely- I
.. satisfy bile Just for cruelty which is d the man did not seem to feel, which proved 1 to the happyinduencoof BURDOCK J. A. HARDLI-0, Ex-Treas. Montgomery Co. consider It the grandest medietzLe in the world.".,
iuru�to to the Chinese. stiffer upon his shaven head, during to'" his salvation. In the midannimer heat .,,Ul) BITTERS.
�. In the mean time winter was approach. ments of a wanton cruelty which might body and sold might indeed have borne For Sale by a7Z Dealers. A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA.
�ing, and I\Torria in his convalescent state well waken the dead from their graves, the what h%d been, but ,nore probably would CRAwFORDSVILLE, IND., June 22, 1887.
. molten metal that should fall and eat into have Succumbed in lie a , VIT-RIBN & 0"! Prorictor's. Tornfn
looked forward with a leaden heart to the his human flash. t ondition of semi- --- - - - 31y daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance
I long moutlis to come, for lie seemed to lose weakness in which tile man ]lad been ; but I I . or Chorea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner- .
hope of freedom with the commencement of As yet Norris was totally ignorant of tile now he was saved front fever, and perhaps vine and she is completely restored. I believe it Will cure every me of St.
the.winter. SaTwer he might never bee significance of that to which he was compoll. from worse than fever, by the cleftr,tir and BY Vitus, Dance. I have kept it In my family for two years, and am sure it is
again. I ad to submit. His first feeling, when his
The closing of the Verb of Tientsin for the recognized that the shaving of Ilia head was invigorating cold. CA nu ER'S ' the greatest remedy In. the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for all
. the present object of his capbors, was nattir. Thus it was with William Norris in 0 forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from whatever cause.
winter months, as lie heard it was Closed the Temple of Confucius, during the ITTLE Q�_�
I ally a combination of fear and hatred, and winter of his captivity -a winter in . . State of indlana, 88: JoHx T. MsEr- I
with ice, must metm bile closine of the door then gradually a cold callousness, partaking whi,ch a settled look, as of the hunted I IVER Zontgomery County, I
I of liope-a door which will st�nd open !it of the nature of utter despair, .
I face of many terrible storms. Tientsin came over creature, gradually replaced the fur -
I him. But, indeed, the sensations Which PILLS. ... I Subscribed and sworn to before me this J'une 09, 1887.
closed, Norris felt, he scarcely knew why, filled him became, as it were, di rows of pain and the slight as of madness CHAS. W. WRIGHT, Notary Publie-,
I that his last chance was gone. a mined, and ,,pan 1, strange crop of new
swallows borne Ilia messages to any H d th' deprived of all aeuteness for the time be* 1g, whi,. ,!s.lace; whilabi a. v i .
ptirp3se; . . 11 air grew Ili briables Upon his sh,wen
I or had one and all of these been given to ing to till excess of fabigue, which had It in pity, INDIGESTION AND DYSIPEIPSIAG
' '
. o.tr immediate re. the ,pots of the once molteu-hea .
the air Ili vain'? . Ow .led his energies -an head to conceal and cover, as thou I The Great South American Nervine Tonic I
The bird werwall that lie had to trust to ssession of his man- W
. 'a r ngth, which had come to him for (TO DF COSTINVED.) � '4 L; 1Z Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever .
-Pa. up._ that full po
F .d"'t, 4 m wRew
now ; the te he e - C I
... . n swallows, liberated with Ilia . . SickHeadache and relieve all the troubles incl. I I
. a little time whilab lie had, struggled vainly I - dent to a bilious State of the system, such as discovered for the cure of Indio,estion, Dyspepsia, find the ", st train of
., � messages securely bound, where were they'! whh those who sought.to,bind Ill 0
. . If, indeed one of the ten came into some . I . 'in to the I Dizziness,.Nlausea. Drowsiness, Distres� after symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of .
'groun . eatin%Paiii in the Side, &c. While, their most .1
11 ... friendly hand far away, it might be too . The d Chinese barber is not gifted . with � Russian Sentinel. romar able success has been shown in curing tite human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal-
I late, for who would travel from Shanghai - The sternest ideal of military duty is full culable -value 'who is, affected. b disease of the stomach, because the ex-
: �, to Pekin in the cold winter months? Who singular rapidity Ili his work; rather lie filled by th e R ties iari soldier. Anillustrabioa y
. would face thea, perishing cold, and the devotes his attention to,the complete remov is given by the author of "A Journey to perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ox -n and � .
I . journey, ,at sucli , ti lie ? I I at of every appearance of a hair upon a sin- &ount Ararat." Oil leaving an Armenian Readael ICON6 K OXLY ONE great cure in the World for this universal destroyer, There
. . .gle spot, and to an exbreme exactitude as lie �e Ot ARTER's LiTTLe TAvSn Pima
,� . Thou lie would wonder for what reason ig his work village, the writer passed a beautiful .tire equal na Is onsti ation, curing is no case of immalicynant disease of ',he stomach. which ca� resipt the. � I
,. �. 11 he had been spar,od-,the who had Ic proceeds, which, whilst renderit � green and, reventin thisall in , Aitint,while 0
I. :1 Chinaman; and, agai� illed a at one . a minute and complete, adds a singti- valley watered by a rivo.t� that flowed ,be. the also correct all d! rde t ie stoinach, wonderful. curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. .
- , for wli%b reason was 6ween strong embankminits. , :1 . 1, .
. ter degree of tediousness to Ilia operations, . stimu.ate the'liver an4 re it t. t o owels, HAURIET E. TEALL, Of Wa,vnetown, Ted.. says: Mti6, ET,T,.k A. Bn,LTTo%,, of New Ross, rndlana,
I . tic allowed now to gala Strength as he lay Af Aching Ilia progrps for a, con van they only cured "I owe life to the Great South American
.i 'I L ., ter w, .His Armenian servant told him that in .
- � � � I � ft ly, . .
� . I chained by his ankle to the'ground I siderable time, tile, three pries April, 1888, after a greAt stornil the riter � Nei -vine. ad been in but] for five wouths from says: �11 cannot express how much I owo torthe
�, - .1 . He feared the most when lie east his lea . � is retired, rose in such a flood that thia persons living the effects of auexhausted stoinach. ludigestion. NervineToule. Aly system was completely shat. . .
.��, L � 'itboughts upon the, apparecit'o'lemency-of ving-the barber to complete his work at . . . Nervous Pro.tuation, and a veneral shattcred tered, appetite gone, was. tougghipg aTiti §pattuF I
I . Ills foes � "Flon lip .
. - a the bank Red for their lives. � condition of Mv whole, FJYS( o �' Ila& in u .; -,= surg I wag Ili the Arst stages
I I Why )lad the want of water now his leisure, nd this he' continued to do near - , I I . H ' 'Ago ot �F .blood I . .
� Ache they would a almost priceless to thosa . .
I ceased?. Why was he again treatedas in apparently to his own thorough satisfaction , There was a 'powderInagaziuc near the I tance handed'dowu �
� I � whosufferfront ]its distressing
I tile days before, save only that his ankle, for a very protracted period. river. The sentinel who was guardin . complaint, A. I De an takIng , .
I but fortunately their goodness aces not end ntinued f1ts use ror I .
I At tile expiration of that time Norri,s was prepared to retreat, but the offi Oaks I it entirely cured. It I
. vvxs firmly bound ? He-set,himself to tile- I who, liere, and those who once try them Nvill find .
I . endeavor of fathoming the 1110tives for the hger,fectly bald, not a hair lef6upon his were watching. the scene f r6m a mountain � these little pills valuable in so many ways that nerves, stomach aud ,�
. I ead. I I they will not be willing to do without tlicin, I . I I . .
lie lie. was allowed to lead, . for not even that part where the pig. for,bade himto leave ]its ppsb, Forailhour But after all sick head , I i I . . �
IL , I
I I What interest was it to tile Chinese that tail is allowed to ge6w4mcl, been left un- the poor fellow struggled against the rising � es, No rotnedy com. I � . .
he should live, unless his'moncy were at touched; only his mustache and his eye. waters, olifiging, desperately to the lock of to. reniedy will at- al I . I .
,.., ,it had samed him froin a Cruel � owth which the magazine deal-. ,, I .. � 1) It novetfalls to I -
issue? Wh, -gr ...... . lea 0 I . I
brows rLud a roughi unkempt L . , I re area or . twl Danco. Its Powers ta . L �
I i I I v? He could,guess little had come upon his Cheeks during his Confine. The'watbr rose to his chin, and when lie A (da;` H * bli, up the Nyliole system are wonder 1 , th e treme. It curco the old, the yming, and the mid- I I
, ,death long ere noN . , is thebano of somany lives th. ghei:� is 1010'a dle aged, Tt is a great friend to the aged and Infirm. Do not ne.-lect to use tiii�q prt, lou% boon� I I..
, I . I .
. I
I rievacnibered suddenly that bile 11 - literally *ithin a I �
"I uitil he ient, rerfiained to testify to the fact that was �. i I an, inch of death thO . we inalre our great boast. our pills cure it It you do, you may neglect tite only remedy which vdII reeyire yon to liewtil, soii�,'I'x Amerleux I .4
� I � : awallow-the eleventh of the 'birds --had, his baldness was not nature's freak. . .flood ceased. -He was decorated by thii while others do not. Nervine is verrectli, nale, and very pleasant to the taste. Delicate laa��s, do not WU to use. this . 1. .� �., .1
I th the ribbon of some It great cure, because it will put theblooin of freAhuess and beauty upon your UP8 aud in your cheelem, ,: Is
I 1. been left beneath .Ilia coaton the morning The barber bound a cloth tightly round nient w�f onor. CARTER's LrrTLE1 LrvrR PILLS are very sinall and quiddy drive away,Voiir disabilities and weaknesses. . I
I I I or , lKe. One ol, two nlll�� malce . I ,
. and very easy to ta I .
I I is attempted escape 1 , .1 I I � Ills skull, and then left him, 'Still' bound,. govern 0 �1,
I I I , of h .ry m in recognition of his heroic bedi- a dosa. They are striet1v vegetablo a n a do I , � 1 7
. , I And there lie fancied might lie the truth, aud now.mover6d so far from his fatigue efice, I I not gripe oil purge, but bi thei3- F .��
I I . I � I ielille action . .�,
.1 �as to.bo' able to reflect Upon what the cle I . please all who use thein, in via i; at 2r) owits: Larcre 16 OuInce Bottle, 6016000 - .1. -
. � This man, whoever lie was, boyond t1ho, r .� - _A� I AND I -1 � . . ..:
. I, � I I I five for S1. Sold everywher6, oi, Sent by wall. � ..�, -
l . . 10 an-bo'him �iiud - . � . . � ,:�,�;
I I I . . temple Nvallp, -who had prornisod him Ilia Prl*"It* w of his hair'musb me Sixteen thoulsaiid'cas�8 of bubter, weigh CARTER 93DICIRn 00,, JTew 7grk. . I . . � !.
, qouglit to extort a [at I 'Lilly, conscioas of his aching thow'dits. , * EVERY BOT'rLE WARRANTED.
I �
. .. � [iberty, arid by that. -ge to "-1 I � Ing in all 500,tons, -were shipped holn MCI- I 1� a , - � I 1: . I ... I ? - . ,,� �,
Mi 0 .
In N
I 11 RVIE --l-N1
JL7 __�
I '"� , 0"41
. � . own, had been inforni�-d of all th%tliadoc.j� Sh0i'tIV hii� captors returned and undid bourne f(,r LDadon last' week. r I . 1. � � '. I ,,.�
I I . I I ". .
I'll � I . I isbonds, and for therestof tile dayhb I [ , SIM0111 pill " k, 111 ma ,�N%%11 price. ,C. LUTZ, Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter. ' . I . I :, _
�� ''I � . . . was, . I I I . :� I � .�,,�� I.
, r I . I . . : I . ,.,
11 � I I I I 1�1 I . I Ghildren Cry for Pitcher's CastorW I I I I � . . I I ; . I � � �:; I 1,; 1�1 .
1! 1, � . 1, .1 I � . . I . -_ . I - . I � 11 I � I . . � �, I .1 ,� 11�, I '' �
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