HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-9, Page 6t B esCFor ABOUT CABS 113 CABBY,� ynosi sz�a RNE,GREAT ALL THE WORLD OVI: E . r m a� AL Clemeneeau2 the French dualist, rides fond ,ITIte 8114 1bi,e; veliiicular` �',1<I>t1Fie of k «� a bicycle ivied be is of it as a means of ,. All disorders of the Throat aline' London. _ CURL- �, � .travel, �,.0 s is Ayees Cher Pec' -oral: __ . OUGiiCUR ,, ;ill , "' 1'aatelu . was affected to tears by the warmth of the reception tendered tlt him on It has no et'luz! as a cough -cure. y HOW THE GA.BBX GETS HIS BOX. 250511001-3 his 70th birthday at the Paris Institute. r ■. Bronchi wart naa,sourm, aline I; ieltety Atralrs That Cures Colssumptfon, rcoyghs,Croup,saro Throat. Sold b = all Druggists on a Cxuanantae. y Fora Lame Side, Hack or Chest Shiloh's Porous T In 1/reeking lip the Dila, FtU old wooden cruiser of the Trench Navy, :w loaded shell j 'l Itattic 7.'Iiraat;lU iB1C ire lTllarx '�•ltar• rizatei'rvill give great satisfaction.--9$cents- ins found .lit leer. timbers. It is believed `t When I ryas. a boy, Ihad abronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub. onglifares. A London correspondent writes —Next SHILOWS �9I°�'Ei�lacZ�E Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn. salvs� 1r the sliell was fired into her at the.bombard• anent of F000how, nine ears,a o „ Y ago. The Sultan has � born character, that the doctor pro- - 7aounced it incurable a bowling along on the top of a nus there is tothing that the Landoll streets. have to "iS1lRoh's YCtal(zer^LtiAIaT7 D A1Y 201. t cC'rt${C1G?"itt�el.'t'3tT87ttCdr;IfOYGLdebtiTii�.trl�Cd$)Jatetrb For Dyspopsla Liver or 3i lrioy ordered a competitive trial of Krupp and Cail cannon, The latter are infants �°i�l�dli 9'�l with ordinary i'y remedies but recommended me to try slier sa tllorattghiy delightful as a ride iu a T ow mad, troubleitescels. Pridep75c{s. used by the French army, sled the Ottoman for c'lg1f� • Ayers Cherry Pectoral. I did so, anal + one bottle cured me. For lite last fifteen ears I have used this +tell -hung hansom, Of the two, to make a' confession, I pre- it the former,. but it is of necessity a 9 � � �®� � ��°r�� � �� �, , : ` array has been usingthe former. Bing Leopold of elgium, who Inas been on one of his periodic visits to London, is F <.Castoriai$sowelladaptedtochildren that Castoria cures:Coke, ConattpatiOn, Incoramenditassuperiortoanypresc iptdon iaour,5totnach, piarrh a. Eructation, di Preparation years, is I'` I neakiny preference, as 1t is not considered �, reported to have spent a great deal of his Emil Worms. ivies 01041), and promotes }mown to me. " H. A. Anc>mn, ld. A., � good effect whenever take a bad cold, and I know of numbers of people who good foam, and therefore is out of the g;aveyouCatarr;iP Tr thisItomedy, ltwill y spare time making a round of the music gg estiou iii ,So, Osford St., Brooklyn, N. �. wllineut iAJ(ul0n$1nCdiratioa,. keep it in the house all 1114' time, not considering it safe to be without it - • '�'�. !rection for wall -regulated people as a -egular diet, and it is only on such rare cc. positivelyrelieveandCureyou. Price 50 eta, This Injector for its successful treatment is iurnishedSreO. �.1teIIlel:iber,Shn00. 9f8Ctmr1oniEaa halls. Of 184,38'2 recruits received into the German army and Navy recently 8�4 is universal and '`For several yleaarS'I havo recommended "Thee lies ot'Casta�iti at� r J. C.1� Woodson,P.M., Forest hill, W Va. >a9ions that I indulge wheit the temptation g lectnnes too strong withal me and l cast are sold on art guarantee to give a -- only could not read or write, There wore 179,-, its merlte so wail kn s esmsawork 75 our`Castoriat'andshall:ltwaysContinueto superero ationtoendorseit. Few aretbe do so as it has invariably produced beueecial Cy hriudin orm to the winds and mount the little r stairs into m • hi=gh lauc with a __ _ handsome and distinguished looking, in 886 who could both read slid write German and 3,674_who could read and write one ill y of intelligent iamilteswho do not keep Criteria results, t witbin easyreach." EDWIN k: PAaoE$. X D., aw, la 3 ea P lelieious stolen -fruit exhilaration, which case I always suspeet him of being a foreign language, CAhmosBIsnsatx,D.D., New York City, The Winthrop."issth street aud7thAge., New T-, r`k City. "R Fur more. than tvv,�nty-6cC years, I The average being,. however, prefers a some crushed peer of the realm, a disgusts p a A new scheme for the exterlwilation of Late Pastor Bloomingdalo Reformed Church. was a sufferer from luag, troub)e, at- tended with coughing so:cer•ere at times hansolll, anti when the Bohemian in ma does lot get the better of me I enjoy a rifle in young clergyman, or some gentleman whose fortunes havo fallen and who has taken to rabbits is being tried in. Australia. C"art• ridges generating poisonous glia are pelt in 4nic CnrrrAutt CourAxv, 77 )liuilaLs> Srnsax, rmw Pans. l as to cause henlorrlaage, the paroxysms :lie Intensely. The smooth motion, the sense cab -driving as a last resort for an honest the burrows, the holes are closed, and the frequently lasting three or four hours, I was induced to tly Ayer's Cherry Pec. A freedom that the vvi=le vision before one itTords, and the spice of dauger ever present livelihood. Indeed such cases are not rare, and wily should -went speculat'about one's rabbits are killed by the poison . in the smoke, not. by suffocation, toral, and after taking four bottles, was ty the daring mbl y „razes huts and holes cabby f he e fair to loot; upon? Russian female, convicts in Siberia aro thoroughly cured.'" - Franz 1•Ioffinatt, Y with a leudid skill, ;o to make tip t he keen F There are in Landon several societies for 1 f in future, if :a proposal made by the Minis• Clay Centre, bails. a Grippe I last spring I vvas taken down with la grippe, .At tinivs I was completely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I Procured a bottle: of Aver*.; C:,herry Pectoral, and no sooner lied I began taking it than relief A)Mowed, I could not befivve that the e'ff'ect would 'be sit rapid and the cure 'so complete -W. II. Willianit;, Cook City, S. Dai.. ,�.Y5. ;lajoyment of such a drive over the asphalt pavements of gloom}: old London. I am, however, most fastidious as to the knld of hansom it) which I drive ;stone but those strictly up to date sutiice. illy Bobe- olian weakness for 'bases does not make use in any wise tolerant of a shabby hansom. I will have none but those with rubber tires, tir cushions, Russia-leathernpholatery, and vory tittings. The horse must be well- ;rootued and clean•limbed ; the harness irass•mottuted, and the cabby obsequious ind smart in a silk: flat, with a flower in Ills litlttenhole. All these luxuries cost me no more than the invonveniences of a shabby cab, and as • here are over 23,000 cabs in London town tvlhy may I not have my pick of the hest th h - t to benefit to aabmen, Tha Cavo moat Ing• portant of these aro the Cabdrivers' Bons- volont Association and the Southwestern Friendly Society. The former grants an. nuities to aged drivers, gives legal assist- ance, and grants loans without interest to members. The S. W. Friendly Society, on the other hand, i9 self-supporting; it has 700 members, and is ill all respects, the model of what a triondly society should be. C'beery and happy-go-lucky in the dreariest weather, cabby never forgets tyle approach- ing rainy day, acid is - always prepared to help a ftlend in need, answering the calls upon hispooket manfully and payiug his share without a murmur. The attendant of the shelter is usually a retired cabby, who ,pays a small rent and runsthoshelterfor the Shelter FundSociety. ter of Justice to tIle Imperial Council is ratified, to be exempted from flogging ,aud wearing log irons. Restrictiona Ili filet and solitary confinement are to be substituted, The British Minister at Constantinople bas called the attention of the forte to the interesting doings of tine Preas Consor in lug handling of the New Testament, hymn books, stud other Christian books intended foreirculation in the Turkish provinces. The Porte has promised rodross. Something of the character of the changes made may be gathered from the one instance of the insertion of the worts "Christian" before "sinners" in the passage "Jesus Christ came into the world to save, sinners." Changes of this nature have a tendency to, at least, take the edge off Christian anis- e are .o o er , sianary effort. I 1 ldiug as I have so much in hansom cabs Ile provides the food at a small advance on The general allowing int regard to the vin. CHERRY t., R�g Y PECTORAL Mrd any fondness for them increasing with cost price, and in the course of a day may tago m Fiance last fall is not considered to every drive, it is not to be wondered at that get from 130 to 1.100 customers. be very satisfactory. The total yield for c �5 Prerarea by Dr. J. C. Ayer S Cix. Lowell, itlass. a deep and abiding interest in them and all On pleasant summer afternoons one may the seventy-six departments in which wine CURED IN 20 MINUTES BY Sold by all Druggists. 116w $t; sip! bettics, $a- thinga connected with theta should have hear shouts of laughter from the open win is lnadc is catimated tit 05.1,3.18,015 gallonm leizotl hold upon ]nor, prompting one to in, dows, and then one may know thiet sonic This isa decrease of some 1-25,000,000 ascoan. F'rcimgli t0 ?1C$y Satre to cure F 1 ' F g jovial cabby is r�galingltiscempanianswith pared witll11, and yet some ia0,lltl0 ittore 'l vcatigate and learn about them, Apha 1In so doing I have arrived at the conclu- souls joke about some passenger who knew 'acres were planted Ili vines, It is, ]low•afers sion that the London cab constitutes a not how well cabby could use his cars ani. ever, an increase over the two years pre- H E 0 A migl.ty i:tstitution that is llighly commend- eyes. ceding 1891, and is 25,000,000gallons alitive OR -MONEY REFUNDED. Purely Vegetable, Perfectly Harmless Every owner of ;i4 for the utility and comfort it affords at the average of the past live veers, Ilut the �� / tact<errcew of ovary law rice. ORE RI3NiiRBD IN 'I H S$ADFi. average has been decreasing steadily since ForSale by all Druggists. PRICE 25 Ct9 W. to knnev Tees to p 5" AiiLt ialeZLrRa11t t(?$iike. E The cab industr • is in tete hands of a „_ 1875, when tela phylloxera invaded French t► keep his animal is 5 ar •e number of men about three thousand vineyards. In that year, vvitlt .i,"x50,000 Feed health t<if::r in cite stable on, dry fitdiier. _ {� k About Coolest 1Vea[lter 'i'itpy have in DIC K's IiLt7(.aD 1't'RIFIER is note reeognired Aix hundred, many of whom own three or acres it,. vanes, Franca produced 1,100,000,• N - �- - �- - --- .• -- - —_•- � -�� -� -- -»- as the best Coaditwn Powders, it gives a seed four cabs which they letout,andw-oknown Sane. Parts or Arrlea. 000 gallons. lip;) cline and strengthens the digest9en snt31:ttalt title by the title of " musliea." Mr. Monnier, a member of Captain Icing. When t.enerat Butler was making an ��� ��� BROS. t S food NassinJatedand forms fiesh,diusr..tvingnicre er'snarty, which is now carrying out a electioneering trip through llassachusetta l,.. . SO- COM FANY than it nests. It rrgalates the n we!s and Kidre 3 •s Tile first large cab company c f any nota politfeal mission in the countries around in a special cat with a party of friends he wd tuna l. rough chat into zt.n tctha,tid glossy one. was least of tthe Earl of Shrevvsliuryand fel- bong, the ioug-mysterious city that Binger would often call the children inside who T02,QNT0. Found IlorSes ate rd. but, founded in ISR3 ilia (`ala stables at vvacs is demand andel Tixull dcoanttnadatin% 356' horses with their revealed to the world a few' years ago, has ealno to the station to see )lfm. U1ie of �i,r �7 ,h.r sr.:zson when chs • T sent homes doleful picture of the diauom• these, ilr Springfield, was a brigho little 1Y1111lltfaollr@] it s lit Wholesale Det1101'S 111 1110 fO1105riiLlry I grooms. ]lie Guest cabs in London belong + forts of life in that hot climate. He says girl, Ile asked her if site know him. are ntiahictoslilfsand to this company, and it is a well•known Y ;� , >, strairis DICK's 111,IS- lie is writing.at the capital of the large dis- You re(vencral llutler, ivas her prompt specialties ; feat that the handsnme young earl himself, „ rt• R will be found a r trict Indenie. The town is the residence of reply. „ Holy, lie you know I'm taenaral , whose ancestors vamp over vvttti the eau - s al,te neces"Itvi it u -ill r mhe king, but, villages h ss, ft is Duo of the c u se y ire cook -eye ," a s (11y. Be. �.icl.�:'G�11].A "C�y�C3r rem(;ve a curb Clam", .luster, o.ten drives one of his hen ams for most miserable villages he ever saw. Day cense you're cook -eyed," was tip daring .w t ihrc or eht, n •h fin c•r au • swelling. MIA Lint- sport, being cue of the finest whips in Ener, 0-71xnd.ex' 130It v't•h,'�'�in p b t s g said night, he says, the haat is almost In. answer. And the General Ili back fu leis orient cares a strain or l,menesaand removes fnfiant- land. sufferable. The huts are superheated and chair and laughed until the tears tau down aC' d Engine OlLb Ei1.ZWGIC''OL xidroufrnrncncsand bn cses. ForSate by iii prug. The London Imperial Cab C onapauy, a re - it is impossible to sloop inthem. The vet lais face. When he became composed he t !a• Hitt l:;ted purifier .50s. Dick's Blister ow. cent enterprise, has undertaken' the inanatg,e• cc f That's Ulcl.'s l.hument b1c. 7)ick'sOinaneatt25c, weet of about 300 cabs on an improved crave to make their beds outside then rate said: That's fame or you. T rats in. TRY" OUR—LARDIN-E M,AO Z�T� OIL- end a pattern. The Cptnpauy has a largo depot dwellings set apart for their use. No water dlvzdual eminence. Even the rising gen. at�,t lah Yilill ';estalnd ard off the latay's inn Ruad, with stables, she(is, no runbe ning straund ta mat �vrithin some milest to drink. lof the � girl received a silveete is eration know of r dol ar and alk kiat ss. A1QD YOU GI'II,Lr USE NO 01'kTI',li. 4. 6:llus ,e shooing forges, haruesS•rooms, and painting swampy p Prof. Garner, who is in Africa fn turtn s botk t f -.:.enable haausehold and farm reti es will and repait'ing shops. At Chelsea, ton, it has village, but there aro sena- swam laces q ' ' g ��OF 018E BISSETT l' EItO' Effete! Out. p built a t ilr!1 stable, thrceatories hi h ted lei which the people often bathe before fill - De sial experimenting concerning monitey 9 ' 5enttree. Qa. e" built a square abaltt a and whore +the Ing their.,vater jugs frons the same puddle, speech, writes tothoBalloonSocietythat he DICK & CO., P.O. Ere A,.-, I+10NTREAL q y The Binger party found it necessary tinder lots already gathered much valuable data c, [:airs stand, Y S these unpleasant circumstances not only to and is making a beginning of his real work, - Before a cal iq allowed to go on the streets S g qg tdnreepayments have to be made -first, a filter the water but to Moil it before use. He wrote from Libreville, trench Congo, X-2 After IO o'clock in the morning, the heat and said lie had access there to a fine o rlisiiv^Fl sense aro a net, las lallings far a driver's license ;thea 4 _ for young NERN E snakes life a burden. In the shadiest places china anzee and lied ion of two oun 1 envery that erre the wont cwws of hackney carriage license, paid by the own. F 1) Y Xervrns Debility. Leat vigor and the thermometer shows a temperature of gorillas. The belief that the monks g rnilills uanhwal; restures the er to the pollee authorities • and lastl 1;i £, ys talk `�' A�� � ' S, nearly 101? degrees Fahrenheit. The tarty i1) vier general amen the natives .and cosi• ° 'meat zless of b(a(ty or miud caused shillings for the carriage duty, also paid by Y b g by ovtr-work, or the errors or ex• would lie glad to eliminate from the day dents of the futorfor. He lass slap gathered L'e.STt:'i of ytnth. This itemtdy all- t11C owner to t1C-iiilailtl revenue. g A •ATT[AY AND oCLT COMOIN[O AND rnoouc Ce surricim"T CL[cTn—TY To rnooueC A tlrf..X. 444 ilia six hours between 10 a. ua, still 4 p. m. much paint folk lore concerning the apes. aotsle y cJ:nB Ili[ muse oWinato cases when all other llefore, however, the owner can got laic None pf them are able to sit dawn to work. He was going on a trip a rho Galleon Rie, gLt An �1 t syr z,^cknval carer x f r relieve, ar s[n6f +y m0 an a license his vehicle must be seen and inspect. It is necessary constantly to change from and thpat to Chauon aptovvnv in the but;h rCrIirt f rneat:yail,tCres,rr�T2M JAIir•.: AIT.Illt T,%N. led by tiv( pollee. C'lerkenwell Police t3ta• one lace to another, in order to Droste the ' 'r ("V., lur.+utu, Cent. 1t'rtc it+r r:.nrit:io to scI[I. nt- { p about three hours' journey from Libreville, FU.Untl Re. n0X DATTIMI[[, [L[CTAIGITY YIILL GUM[ TOU AND K[[r YOU IN ,I[AhrJi, CTRIC FS E tion is the chief center, and there on illusion that a little air is movie • /M[[ ht[•IGAL TACATM CNT- rNIC[ OP nCLTS. Gam. 9c. •f0. 9fe. OIVC WAIl7 M[A•U M['. rAICy ffi 1londays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, g oil the sleuth side of the ,river. His con. rou �AATIGULAn S. JUDO CLCGTnIo CO.. • WCLLIN GTON STACCT CAST. Tonor, ,CANADA. -- ~-_--- -- - -- ---- there is an offlo4l in attendance to bxanifne rrt rlsl;s vrtht r)ts' .�I Fret eTlox tetuptate(1 route thence is overland via Cape cabs and issue the two numberplates, one to work ill one place is all they can stand, Lopez, to the Sette Colne and Angovie, re. r to be fastened on the inside and t he other, It is remarkably ditiicuit to write up their j turning to Augovie River and lip that valley -• ) 1's the larger one, to be fastened outside at the nota leaks, or raven to indite a simple latter. overland to the middle Congo Basin, dawn EXETER LUMBER back, The party would be very ;lad to be leftalone ;t he north side of that river to tete Coast. Every cab is examined and licensed once in their misery, but not for a single mohnant f Ile hoped to leave in January and complete is ailu ia•::at triumph in ir:u:r•nacy- f[?r the cure m year. As a check on possible lifle negligence,- cal, they escape the crowd titan surrounds the journey. by August or September, 1893, � The lludersiwned visiles to inform the Public in general. that ll of all the syatl+tf,ln� indica mb Iilrsi:v Asn Cite back plate has a device oil it as well them. The reeking natives, from six o'clock , and then return homeward. eer r Webs, ai;riutess, oearati`tou iii; as nt:mbe This year it is lila royal arms, in tate morning, begin to allow the liveliest t The Jewish Colonization Associationps constantly ain stock all kinds of � nrst year it will be a Crown, an(t the your t interest vevery onet of their white visitors. s first report of the progress thus far made in /� ry'('�y'p /� after the royal arias again ; so that a police y n til anti tlae€i huts, settling Jewish refugees, chiefly #tofu Tilts. BUILDT1.�d G MA 1..Ll.,LllIAL. officer Wray tell at a glance how matters touch them, ask them quedtioes and make 1 aia, in hospitable lands, show that tip to the 1 fd stand with a cab under suspicion. Ithem as miserable as possible. When tile 130th of last Septemm bersoed:300,0UQof the -� The ordeal of examining a cal is not ser. white men oro to bed it is the turn of the wild . or:ginal capital of d:_>,000,000 had been ex- ® .. A� ��'� 8r.�'.. Ueadaelw. andi--estiorl. l'oomAmn- rt, ere.. The official glances over it, and pro. j beasts and the domestic animals to add to j ponded, half of it in the 'purchase of land PINE t1NU I3EbZLC�Cl LUl1ZEEI�. TIRF,D Fars.T.a, Rnt!a.�r•ic PAtas; Skellless duces a piotof yellow ochre, a shaving i their wretchedness. The writer complains and the other lialf in the settlement of -, N*hts, Melancholy I eeling, 7tArrt A<•lla, i Ieaubrag's iiidney and Liver Cure brush ani a stencil Mates and on the Body i particillarlyofhundre[lsofsiieep who vv%txder i families on the land. The colonies havo ;,BIN G`�L' 15' ! SPECIALTY q)y of the cab at the back lie works the devil:c at {vile torotvgh the village and keep tip a! chiefly been established in the Argentine�r r <r of royal arms or crown, whichever it may 1 most pathetic bloating. rhe general toneof Republic. Ono has been formed lit Canada, 9QQaQ00 :l slid Z Pi a0 and CeC1UIr Sllin11) now ill i be, and underneath the word " Approved" i Mr.blonnier's remarks, according to the 1330,000 acres of land in all have been lair. stock. A Call solicited and satisfaction guaranted. and the initials of the chief commissioner-- New York Sun. indicates that lie has had I chased, and about 1,000 families have been "E. R. C. B." Once the atemail mark is I about all of Africa that he walats. lie may there settled. The council of the association �'� �� �����de.�i will gine immediate relief and Erratr A Cure. I Sold at all Drugstores. stamped and the number of plates fixed lila sae one of the numaroiTs persons who, in spite believes the undertaking call lie made self - cab can begin business. of all that has lean written, inaagme that supporting, and ostablished on a financially Peterboro Medicine Co., Lim i i , When a driver first goes to Scotland Yard they are going to have a royal time when - sound basis. Five hundred families will PETERSO RO , ONT. for his license he is put through a sort of they go to Africa and give no thought what- I henceforth be aettled every year, and it is .. informal exaniination on his knowledge of over to the privations and hardships of i believed that when the success of the scheme � bt ��� ) COTTON � the ,great railway termini ane the p blic : pioneering in that country, which fn its! is clear there will be a large emigration of j o OO'" PILLSa buildings ; but no sort of test of his driving (tropical regions under the best of circum- self-supporting families. Each of the fami- t x _ capabilities is trade those are always assum• , stances is a very ancomfortabloplace to wan• lies settled by the association receives 100 , Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful Female .IieF, ulator ad as a foregone conclusion, and he is given der over. acres, and X160 for buildings, plant, tire., . known. The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladiesa license and badge on payment of 5 " -�°;� " which they are expected to repay in ton ask druggists for LaRoe's Star and Crescent Brand. Tales Ino shillings. Then Ile makes Ilia way to a cabHow to Gat a "Sunlight" Picture- years. Comment is made that, while all otlierkinnd. Beware of cheap imitations, lie they are danger - HAVE YOU a i yard, leaves his license with the proprietor, �- "Sunlight" -, this is excellent, Baron Hirsch's noble ous. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. and is given a cab and a horse {villa a Send 1 �unliglht heap wrappers (the sthelue can make scarcely a perceptible A,1Vli.f[]IiICAN PILL CO., :Detroit, Alich. change horse, for which he pays 17 shillin +s ,large wrapper) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 impression on elle mass of Jewish distress D a day, Isis whip, Mackintosh cape, knee ## Scott St. Toronto, and you will receive by in Russia. It would take, it is urged, an -- -- - — - apron, a 4 post a pretty picture, free from advertising emigration of 50,000 Jews a year merely ad oil flask are at ilia own expense. Soma drivers own their own hansoms and well womb framing. This, is an easy to keep down the natural increment of i i 1 I r which are generally of the rickety varlet way to decorate your home. The soap as population, if calculated only at one per err, O\~�O� g and thould be avoided. Y i:he best in the market, and it rvi11 only cob cent. per annum. 7 V O a If a cabby drives a smart hanson: be lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you ® �O �,�pO 0�5 00� leave the ends open. Writs our address e; ` s -A\ haunts club land, and a clay may bring carefully. Y - w 2�' � •, �5 ' � V` him in a rich harvest, thirty shillings 5� t perhaps and only working eight hours. d µ 0 donee men work sixteen hours a day, but The chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi ® 4 e Q old hands never more than twelve hours if Rafael vleir.Ianidgal, Hallam Bashi, died .�® o�'�� eyOr �O ,,�tba erR' a`�e' „ ( they can help it. the first week of January. .a0 4 B ct c k a p h e the scauenyeYs Is takes cabbies some years, sharp as they The Australian colony of victoria pro - 11ouin the Roadundoatarihcuro in ailito p"�Q'�� means the kid ofthesyatern, are, to learn the ways of London society, ducted 663,000 ounces of gold last year, an uBgC° �\ �O 4 Q. `a iq r) a ys are in p e l a y is and to elude that very vigilant person, the I increase of 41,000 ounces over 1591, and the SOOTH1lVO, CLEANSING, frbuble, s l= ♦ °O iiOA'li3 den e!'01I8, Q + AEALINQ, O O �� 9 g young polimilan, for before liedcnows it, argest yield since 1886. D `a cry Q7 0 Kidney Pills glue fee ted kl dne y cabby Way find. bimself at 11a,riborough 1 I`onr thousand Wino Hundred and fifteen histapt' Relief, Permanent Ol`'rc�r��G�'���+ \ C' f EPovv/es result Street Station charged with Ioitering. It new hooks and 1 339 new editicus a total Cure, Failure impassible. ��\ Q,�S /j •\� \q, �O �dilorde,.e(l In Bad Blood y }-uanysa•aan Mtt6Tr aces oxo slmPl\5ma belaic first oifeizse, andheiseat off of 6 ?54, werepublished in Ton land last aymytome o: pataxrh, sash To. hen - \ ® / (ilD s Je - sla I.fueY Aeho artlal deatanes;lostng oansa of 1- S �p , with two shillings and sixpence fine wiLI1 year, This is an increase of more than 500 imol 143 breath, hawktD anesett.ensed f)y Comp/shit and tIr two extra sinilfngs for costs. over the roduction in 1391. stn , naffesat�genernl tenlln,gt ofde• hid- the most dare- 27 mil�ty, etc. l2 yon Are trouts oft with Qe>ir �\�. yq,� rv� The cabby of the old school whom one Tony , these or hctndred symproma, nays. serous of all, sees occasional]ywearsthetri lecoaohman's Tlaarolaasbee na-phenourenalabsence o£ yonrhaveeatarrh,ander^nidloaann O� © r O� e�,SA Mr ht as fuel! DYr hts Disease spew. in the Swiss Alps this winter, avid the time Ili ppmenring a bore of iv,s.r s�Q / / �, r r�9 � 111V ; g •� r I cape and a. very riTaty out-of-date tile; lea FD B.[tar, 2aowarned in Limo, nn leotod ,•' QJ sC, �- V try to 'liaue et Diabetes and I temper is not of the best.,. Havin • been matter is said to be becoming serious for cold in Bead results in aatarr i, roc• , - v� 05 ra'� ,�� ,SS .�5 St4 h ' a /t it y city Dropsy, 11 haraasetT by the police aunt suspected b the both visitors and natives. Transport is Jo o, ei tyle: u eo a tionaland oRdeath,SSG s without sewer- "T h e above p Y bam eyed by sledges being useless, aad the or wiltbb,ont, postpaid, on=onnlptof i > r vC` O ,sti1 'y© �r aye, as good ciisaases ectnnot aublie for years lie has grown to look upon p g g price(60cents iad%.0a)byaddreesrng �• Le1t C) q0i ] Julier Pass is .traversed on wheels a .mid- �j i limaelf in the]i� It of a licaused,buccaneer ca Sy a EU6FDroc & CO, health when the a rs t where towilem every passenger is his lawful prey, nlv%utar circumstance previously unknown. Broclivflle °Ont. •\ca. ,�� •`„ kidneys are 7Jcdrl's ltidriey ha�oung titan and aneclern cabby, how- Tile mountain slopes %round St. Moritz ,are z Q qy, clogged, they are Pills are used, ds ever, is different. He feels friendly with bare of snow, and it has been impossible to '1 Sold byr.tl dealers oreentbyn,ailonreccipt b the general ubli:c and e r construct the toboggan slides usually elich ® , : '; ® � arohasers ehouid look to flab Lftllel as the Boxes and Pots p£ price go Cents. eer box or six fw ",PO* . o. t' public, w are a stylish , F a overcoat and a shining to stat that does a great attraction there. Skating has, lie 1711• L. A. Srn;(h & Co. ! orunto, v VretG ff g p r tt If the address is not 683, OXFORD ST.i LONDON, they are spul bovlc;fAllcd Kidney Talk. ; much to attract fares. 13ometimea Ile is ever., beeu especially good. Ch11dr011 Cr for Fitchees CastQi�i