HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-9, Page 5NATIONAL PA>;XDICHr VAN(ti1UI.SE. MARKET B?ir'PORT�. r C • . ,,� _ ED. 'THE;T.RIU1rfVSs OFA GREAT RARE F011, 1, 1893. Exeter, 1[10,�Irl 9 ' ]fall wheatperbush..,,...,.:,. $ 65 $ 66 , The magnet to influence of gold attractA r Spring wheat per bush......,.. fib 62_ Ili the people. of every clime to our shores: OPPO,RTTfX'IT1Y: Barley par bush 34 33 I " Men of ail nations, and speaking all the data Dor bueli 75 30it • ;y.,,,;,, E languages of eirili anon, are to be found e-- Poua per bush 53 55 rrX ':f Flour per bbl ....•.................. 400 4 20 < e t oougregated on aurauriferouaplatna. Differ Apples Per bag ......... ........ 75 35 '�''7 inggin all other things in their customs,, During the next ten days Potatoes par bag ..................... loo Loo !rte .L ..1 ',,, hah$s, and religion there is one I Will Offer all In Felt Over=. gay er ton.. -,-..I......1. a 00 7 00 Point uron whleh their opinions coincide y Wood Per cold soft d 0 9 50 00 Iwo shoes at such prices that Will Butter per lb. .. ` 17 13 n gll�hlnen and Americana, k'reaolr,.Swlss, Germans Sweden, Italians, and Chinese, COIn el the'heed tU be 6U Eggs per dozen 17 13 VUR r` t admit, without a dissenting voice, Ahab the P' P- Pork per hundred . Boo 8 ?S great remedies introduced to the world plied, if prices will, bring theist _ Sale Register. •#oriy' yearb ago by $Q!!nTt'ay !irb ..ketter , , 'ies buttoned Overshoes, list price .� 1 +a grry scApted til"tile elite of diseases in this ori- Ladies' , meiethen any other preparations in' ealsl- $�1.80 for9veper pair. Ladies Carni- - snoe, This appear., in fact, to be the. ox- val, high cut, ,jersey lined, list price THUnaDAY, FBn-7. 9TH. -Farm, Farm perienae of nian)tlnd !a all parts of the $2.40, for W$1,55 per pair. Children's Wok, Implements, eo!• the property of buttoned Overshoes in sizes 6 to 10 for Thos. Cornish, lot 17. can, 2 1 mile enat of t►o:1J, and busses the universal popuhr ty , , r� \ of these medlotnes. We ounsider, however 85c per pair. Misses' from 11s to 2s Exeter. Salo at I o'eleck: •. thai',the boundless confidence placed in 81 par air. Men's buckle Overshoes A•J RcrLiNs,Auctioneer. �•�^ 'p �t(��y��i JErs. IF. D. Wes4 then tf loacy by the r@presentalivos of so "Stanley," list price $2 for $1 pr pair, - - - $A,L�i KRU.0 T STOOK 4J.L�.f of Cornwallis, Nova ScpUa.. many nations at the minas, i a atriying in No G's to J's inclusive. %T(jNE3T HELP RIM phenomenon in medical history.Man of A vel' special offer 1n TA. T i1t°,ti� Worth these people in their youth, and even at I P ji ' 6w maturity, a@re accustomed to the use of Girls and Boys buckled Over QUAcr;s. But zl large end well -selected Stock of Bright New Clout r<t x tco nloltl nzolJ�cx To ? g dings and nostrnmapeeuliar to their several which We are selling below so-called Bankrupt 611oes for children wearing AsufndLostVErr, aoFYouredtohealt in- <i'F f9t6�et• f119ed'tcitz®S !r�tllt�L'� oonntrioa, These rentadieswere connected g bilitynnclT.ostVfgor,was restarodtehealthin prices. An.illspection Of the fn their minds with associations of home, boot sizes 2s and '39. Can Ruah n remarkable manner, after all else had Stock and a GOD.' 9 � B14 4 Bottles of Hood'eSarszalaara(a Ye; t$6yhave beau ibrown,asidemud utter'y fulled. thnr ho Wills the means of cure repuaiatwd, while Holloway's Pills and furnish yOli Overshoes 1n NO l airy to all follow. end .Address, with Cured. stairp, parison of prices Will tell the tale. We Carry everything a „ Ointment have been adopted by a common �S tins 4s fOr �0(: a air. 5,tlt• EDWARD y£ARTIN (TIaACUsn) It is with pleasure that I toil of the great impulse throughout the entire gold regions. p i Box 143. Detroit, Miob, in the Hardware line -light and heavy, benefit I derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla. Conte and get Supplied. - - - -~ g y For tt yetua I have been badly aflli@tool with There i5 one 'aAy o1 accounting for this � pp LAST movement. It is the result of conviction- These prices aro made to make room Cr"03313LEIACE: llrOL AN'D, ' EY,y►Sl�9irla'"lS conviction„roniidodouperepnalobsarFation l breaking outwith running sore.; during hot and ax Arieno@, for other goods, its space with me is val- Notioe is hereby given that I have lost a car - summer montbs. I have sometimes not been p liable. Cash only takes these goods at tai' promienory note for the snn of one able to use my limbs for two months ata time. The Ointment is used with such wonder. Thousand Dollars, datod Maroh 14th, T092, and Beinginduced to try Iloocl's Sarsaparilla, I got tui success As A dressing for wounds, ulcers the prices.. duo Jan. IRLlag$. in favor of Matthtw Mor look. All I have paid the said Note to the said fork was Wino yenta A pound live. weight So nn(% ett spring, 0 0 711111 0 ales iinorf; It; belt and a0re legs, and for All the external �^ � 0 .&RXID� ;yhnttboW Morlook. I hereby forbid any person in Denmark yesterday,. says a xentloman R • • them muds better, got two bottles e to i too'cy dlat+AaOa and casual to ektiah the adron• � • + �a5.s to purohaso or axahangc thO RO Nutc, connected with the new packing factory. PtOTME tItcni Aurlua the summer, tt.'ts .bio to da ni 11ou,otvurk, and turona gold hunter is peonliarly liable, that -� �- AUQUST IIAIST, One of out correspondents aaeurea me that foareely a diggor'k tont can bo found with. January 21,ie60,-4t ` Croditon. Walk d':r�lTty Miles NOW IS ilia TIUF. --. the hog 1e worth its weight in gold, and no in the vast Area of the gold fields unprowid' + better advice could be given to the Uanad- ���*` iTURE DL`td�,Sd,l:,tilr alitiolt I had not sono far six years. n(L at I ad with a stock of this bt alit a saothin on lila aoes0n other coughs, acids, asthma, 131ARM FOR `.ALE, am cured of prysi clan, and r0conuiiend any � , ' g' brpnchftis;•'rud other throat asset lona oom- I ion lesser than to put every Bullar person so alllicted ?o use eooling preparation. This hard fare of ilia and all the energy he baa o p.�y �,,n plaints, it is wall to be revised with a The undersigned, having si¢niIleJ his! and gy got into retsina -AND- digger, 5'l3�-0od'Js' Se'�t<'.vsaparifld and spmotimes his] orbita, lead to P ion to retire from farm hoga tae next Iw vitiate the blood and develop running goraa bottle. of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup year's i Lend. for so i.a W200 -acro in rbofarm towner sato, being lots 24 and 25 tour battles has italic more far in@ titan g200 and purulent ulcers of the body and limbs, whish effeottaally cures all such diseases, oon.1 in the tonnshiP of Leborno, London Road time !o rule high in old London for some tvprth of other iuedi(+Ine. I tlilnk It the best t and that very promptly and pleasantly, countyy Of Huron. rhe land is all •reared, two time Yat,--Zondon Free Prose. r� lalo0d n rilior Icnown." IsIns, 11. D, YTiisT, Bad legs, especially Ara very COMMA At a splondid fruit -bearing orchards • windmill and • " der a 1% 1 Pries 25 and 50 e. sold by all druggists, , Chureli street, Cornwallis, N, S, the diytgingr, and veiloualy Interfere with plenty of good water. The foneoa are in first- All disorders sensed by a billions state of the labours of the diggers. 'Tho worst caaca tilAIM No MINITAus. olaae condition. On the premises are a brick g the system wan be anted by using CsrtOr's i-lQoc'S P1Lt,s sura livor Ills, constlpa• i12a}in no mistake when buying tamed cottage and kitohent ;two ]arse'bank barns ; tion, biliousness, Jaundice. sick head"elio. :t , w this chorista wed by the Qi a b4ik 7 g a Y I horse stable, 54x26; driylnc shed, Thfa is a Little Liver Pills No Daia, griping or dis. Orders promptly ti attended to. 1 P y'' tlilb lasiraor(iitiazy rapidity. `Ch0 host for dytpepaln, headache, constipation, or first-alass farm in every partioularaud the comfort attending their use, Try them. method of healing core logs, And sere. And bad blood, be sora to Qei the kind that location is a stood one being Imilc from Exeter _-, _ _ :ill Accounts must be settled at once, Dares, Burdock Blood Bitters,. "It is an whore there a one of the tient markets in Out. ftlmard'e Uiiiiie tit the Hair BBs r* INQUIRY. ulcers generally, to bytubbingllie Qinttncnt r „ It.0 be sold?st a reasonable d into the Inflamed patta around the orifies, excellent retnndy'for headache. further particulars apply to sure. Paz �,, ,,_ �„_ The ��aatlaa bi the Editor of the rater Trips$, first opening the pores and softouing the BnoxcalTIS CUnBD, ADEL 1VAL21'R, flay P. D. Qat, (?� � ` he People's flesh with wartn fomentations. The past GxtiTLrYEif,-Isuffered four or fire years - `./ DrA'R ylns,-Being a member Of the affected is thin druase+l ttlth lint or linen from bronchitis And a severe haeking conam Agricultural Society, and frequently sub• saturated with the Ointt ant. Snoh is the and could get nothing to do mss any good, rWI ' - -AT Tj3E- FLOUR ser ing generously to the support of exit -real treatment, but it it also proper to A friend toll me rite flagyard's Pectoral I &FEED S ring ;ihpwn, eta., I think it is not oit Bulsiml and I did so with o � � � PALACE of place for me to ask the Directors of give the pat! u a foty dosos of the T ills ,` ^ god results ` L �7 r STORE. that Societyu fate lain questions; and as duting the progress of the aura, as they viva b;;t°h cared me and I hardly know rrt '. Ut D �! YE t�-c7 We keep on baud the largest stook of p q ' serve to purity the. blood and diaoliargo wluti a 001.1 is noir, � - . Flour and Feed in sown. the time is rapidly apppror,obing when triose morbid matter from the syateta, whila ilia AnTffiIIn BTRNI9, Guelpb `a 1 •left �' tnen twills aim be soliciting subrcriptlam ,--Tolt-- g Ointmont is doing its work on the aurfaco, .she export om l� ed h the Canadian Qf y f Ali, tot Spring Show, I would, lilac to have a -The Scientific Witnoss. Govotnment to mrl,e an inveati atica Aa to •:i�r fs :. :~t^ r t y ' , , , . Our w I • 75 Four Leads !'i 1i, prompt answer to the few, questions I _ the feasibility of A ani7uaaririe tunnel Hadar "' .�`* �" 1 -rt GIIOICE I+RUITS, t xb as `" `d t . , Any quantity of Bran and Shcrtq of _ �. . �,.x K .. „;. COtiFI;C7'.lU;`rI;RY might ink, in ardor that I may contribute "" `e " o the Northumberland Strtnta has re ortarl A licat.lon painless and easy, relief immedl_ r brill prices, Farmers will Efiad it tt Via, intelligently,hdir+atx113ert3, R&ll3e $O$� ! that ilia scheme is petfoatly feasible- p oto. This proparatiou fills a great and long -felt OY5'.1TERS, HADDIES, advantaga to call and inspect our stool. Why did the 45.00 ors of that rent t r o Ministers Law yrs Towhera and others aromedy of lace his lost morfrom a affect vo land FINE TOBACCO and CIGARS. before going elsewhere. Y:onylrier that $45.00 tvas et:auy{h rout to Pork is bringing 0rer ,,S per cwt. an(1 y t pay for the Agricultural Grounds for the wheat only 60 to 621 cents a buahol. The whose occupation gives but little exercise, Geliabl those as more iao. an m t t e ant it s- r Highest prices paid for oats. ifeaa0n,, and would liaVO r0itti?d it far that latter price will not pay for the used fi0iyn EhOn,d ttuti l.'::1rtOt'a Little Liver Fills for their nraetlCe, I'ilvlrOne rM a Sure OrYkA G. A, IIYND\IA\T )tZ. VINCEN.0 Amo q had it not bean that 1�Ir, ivlllfatn and the labor expended, with thin stato torpid liver and billlousneas• Ono ie n done when other remedies fail to relieve. Teatim- liittn igor. Pro1)rietox, 0 aii R. S. RI073ARDSON, Batva offered , 80.00, a rcain at the of things the advice to turn wheat into Try there. onials furnished. Price $1. For sale bs drum- pp to Town Hall. 1s1A1rAamn. g R gists or by mail on receipt of price. 11ame time to leave the rounds open for pork appears to be superfluous. This is II. T. iiatui, of Orangeville, ttoa surer of � t ,�t M SAVE � > g P what shouLl be done. Davis & Co„ the Duflorin, +who sr:el:lcd at Buffalo On 'rnCa• Duncl sT.STRONG, t Lando ,luritnotttring Chemist, 148 A. EiASZING i], BARBEI-b, o e Sr D a guy^ race -course purposes, and .parts of Ailing at kinds Y pork packers !n Toronto, consider it day of lust tvuolt b;tlaeatbed 66.000 t) bis - M �--- strang0 that, with grain so low, there are wife, and each of his children $2,000. Tbo i"��il FANSON'S BLOCK., EXETER. PLANING MILL - Why was this offer repudiated and the not twice as many ]togs fod in Ontnelo and estate ounslats principally of assurances on .Fl. ��i As you pnsa by on the blain atreot .Aad LUMBER YARD grounds rented without ai:ha, competition Manitoba. They are note paying six cents the lifo "f the doceaued. These foot np to Just for a moment atop. or restriction of any kind, and wonIR have live weigh; and. cannot Pet half enough for $l0,ti0 , Y�iW And have your hair and whiakero'trimmed 170 hoopconatautiy on hand a large stock of remained So were it not that lir. Bk wden ..8��! t At Ilasting'a BarbeQshop• sll kinds of building materials. Dressednrun- Ihnir requir0inapts. Possibly a great many asearted his claim, it Inintr tine first prea- farmers will'. raise hos this " - dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also achoice g year null ��_�� Iva Bra tbo lightning barbortO stock of No.1 pine latb. ented,ent(l until a liighar ehr WAR nrnda,ct p Y �`aAtE A t0 8tiai� cions will IipturalI b@ lotv0r n@st full � ���� � We do our nock with acre. Our stock of doors, sash, blfntln, mouldin¢s, s clause ptti irtrJ the agr iameut that the We Alwaya keen our razors Ao. it complete and thoroutcly kiln dried. rouacla be upon for teas-uourae ur cess and winter, "6ttt it is cafe to say this Not only safety from miucsrai poison (of And shouts in good repair. ""3. We offer for salol,^00,nooSta•ndXXX PIn and a oris of e 1 1tf +ar raor weal" paiaprwel branch of 2ariAt`ng is only in its infancy which 11. B. Ii, dues not contain the slight- Y }j�0 hAPO lila very fln091 styles oil elicits. and CEDAR SHINGLES manufacturedby the p P° y and the faerrter who }toot into it with in• eat tc Woe) but prompt and certain lotion Wo keep our towels clean. beat makorsin Ontario. refuse to give up his claim ? tolligence,'couraVe tenet •nterptiso will reap in the' of disenao may be confidently ; A. BAG'SHAW, We shampoo in the best of syle Tanks and citterns, all ahapesand sizeammdo And use the easy hair uraehino, to order at lowest prices. We have something This clause was Agreed to and entoretl a rich rocrnrd• relied an from the use of this unrivalled newin ibis lino forwatering cattle inthe stable an Itis minute boots, -but there it ended ; The Dominion and Ontario Govaramottts natural spootio fur dvapapala. Constip. And to announce that lie has 01)011- Some barbers work se slowly, or barnyard. still, I ain creditably informal;.tbat instoad have imixod bulletins Plying results of ox- atioo., Basi Bloat], Remd Lobe, Billiouanese ed a Bakery and Confectionery Busi- But this 1n our text: Call and neo our ceiebrated Bakina Cabin. of 'the Leaves 'fulfilling his promise, the and till disea-es of the stomach liver bowols nes$ in the S&and later occupied b E. We do not hoep you waiting. Evers woman using them rcoommonds tl,om letrger gates of the grounds wero under perintcnte, craving clearly that f@tdiug , 3' P y Your turn is always "next." highly. coarse rain to pigs it will net the farmer and "blond, A. Follicl: north of the Post Office ' Turnin¢,band,serotlsawin¢, and n1I kinds of Moak wcl key, and those wishing to speed n,u •1t ' > As for the ladies and children, machine work promptly attended to. a irrcoh higher price. They also show that kali Spavin Liniment removes all and would respectfully solicit a share of Soo do their work ti their horsoo %varo,obli ed to.uso the streets p y' p -top, It will be to yourinterestlsei to examine n�f where'tho were in dam danger -of being pros- to make the most of hogs they -should be ham, sort s, unllouesd lumps And , Sp blemishes the public patronage. We shingle tbnir hair and trim their banger stook befozelpurahasinc olsatviiera. y g o P fattened and sold young. Every iutelli- from burros, I31a0s spavin, Curbs, Splints, At IIastfnit's Barber shun. canted lot furious driving. gent farmer will also see the a•ivantags of Ring hone, sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sora -- ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street. Is it true that said 'Lesao@ speeded keeping the manure on lits farm. and Swollen Throat, Coughs, vet. Save 'horses on E=hibision Day in a manner ' 'o50by ureof one bottle. Warranted tit dread, Cake & Buns The peninsula of Denman: Ia s!iven na a, that violated the rulos of the Society and comparison of what Ontario can do in hog most wonderful Blemish Cure evorkuo,va, e robbed another man of his just (tile as a raising and baron curing. In r. recent Warranted by C. LUTZ. Fresh every day, and delivered to all l��P P0.Seolawful competitor, and secured hit prize isaue were given Same figures•showing the "tifscparts of the town, IN 1 13 'GAI'S money without ever payintr his ritrance results of experiments there in fending. The 36 fighting cooks confiscated by the fee ? If such is the case, T think it is time Hamilton police when they raided the fight OYSTERS & LUNCHES HtiRNESC, TRT7NIiS, VALISES, Ir ..n 1530 to 188'1 Deal ark oxportei to on Thursday, t the Officers -of our Society shop'd be severe- England 4 000,000 lbs of bacon equal to t 1', F@ro sold by auction, and served at allAhours. - ly censured for violating the confidence b q btnnq in a total of ? 15. Nine more Young WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, IdO,(}00 hogs, and all Canada only export- !n teem, and while come of them moil er:nfessed they'wero at the fight, and Having engaged as Foreman baker, SHOES, RUBBERS, NQ jiri, i ed a tonsh part of this to quantity, would mall• wero final t,13 eacb. Abont 40 others trill Mr. B. 0. MORAY, of London, T shall , WELL. ]mud themselves upon Ilia sacrifices ahoy stranding that Unfurio atone would make make for the Society, they are at the same 2 b^ sumlmnncd. b using the best grades of Flour, oigtt Denmarks, h oom 1Sbi to 18tJ Don- y a g and LTC. time sucking the lila blood out of it, and r mark expoxted 420,000,U00lbs, of bacon, , pure lies Yeast, so highly recommend- AT j�' ' We have had the treating competitors in a vary unjust DIVIINISTRATURS' NOTICE equal to .,000,000 hogs, and this is some � •ed by the Medical fraternity far its / a-^1�perlenc8 meaner. ATO CREDLSORS. John Treble -s, Main St 'expose neo that and at - thing like five times the total hogprodnet nutritious and dtgestible quaiitie3, be tenti0n to business; close prices and If the above is true t am more than of•0ritarlo for the anmo year. Jho Dankh In the matter of theostato of Isano Rawl- .enabled to turn out by far h best proper fo."I,h'teuf tho village of l �eto,,islaaltstuith, P P ,are the main factors in our surprisedah many of our honorable and f:<ranurs, by simply paying attention to the Pursuant to It. S. 0- Chap. 110 Seotion 36 bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, NOTE A FEN PRICES : business. respected citizens allowing themselves to breeding of their hogs, can not= produce notice is hordby given that all Creditors and ins other cakes a specialty. be drummed up by those men to pack the over 1,000 000 hes annual] idiitahle for naa late Isaac t= rind or against the estate •of I ` , X2.00 pro With this ©ver ' g y' the tato Isaac Ifanrlfnrd who died on or about Oysters and Lunches at all hours, Half Fos Felt Boot Grain yn1 j �l/� annual meeting of the Society to return thu Vnglish markets, and snake 26 shiilinge the 2.1th da,y"of Docembar 1592. are required to Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.20 In otis a c•+ e• redeeming feat - certain men into office with the addition per<owt. more than American 'or ear rougli di -livor oI sond bvpost prepaid] to the under- dl-tf A. $AG,gzjgw, Men's Rubbers, 0,5Q ore imprinted deeplq on our motto, we of one at least, who appears to be a vary, Canadian breeP. Pried Solicitor for Jin -nes and Thos P.'nndfowl. Women's Robbers 0.30 have won the patronage r the many liberal subscriber to the spring Show, but the administrators of the estate of the swirl do- e ceased an or before the 15th day ;of Alaroh A. Misses' Rubbers 0.25 whom despise those too -often -resorted' whose subscriptions are always condition- Mr.. Baovrx's CAzE-Torenlo Feb'y'61h D. 1813 n statoniant in writing containing th-civ to tactica of tailors eS eciall enamela1, viz :-Thot k@ ehoosothe ground where names, addresses. find diseriptions with full _ p y, y the SpriAg Show shall be bold -or no A m@si Inteieefing o•so has some to light particulars of their claims and accounts -with Skilled Workmen are employed to Putting off until next week what should money, hero,:being that of Mrs. Brown of Agnea St• voueherstif anylverefind Statutory declaration, manufacture the goods, and the best of have been done this. cTha far yenrRhas eu$eted from Bright's the nature;of tiro soeurlties(ifany)beld by"them shdol material is used. ? Don't Think I am doing, an in011 ) to Disaaaa, the last two of which she spout in 'after which sato the said administrators will ' ThiS is a nice the Society or those men by giving this to distribute the assets of the fsaid decemaod a- Prompt attention given to all kinds of Satisfaction. bid. - ler font wars swoolen •an $be Gould mons the parties entitled thereof, bavine rc- repairing- My Stock is well assorted loolcingword,but the publie, sa they have it all now, and not wwik, and bring af%etod with paralys- card only to those claims of which thoy shall to carry out its meanie k difficult to -are dlsoussing it oyory day, and unless a is thaw" taken to the Toronto General bave notice. and the said administrators will �..� and every customer is guaranteed satin- g eatiefactory solution of bhe matter ie not bo liableforlthesaidassetsor:anypartthere r faction. The Prices mean a Salo every some. Ne glory in word and the way HoapitaQ, whe"rSaltov nndetgoing,A leagtL- of to any person of whose claims notice shall it is osemplilied In our shop.iVe g reached, and these questions properly @n.d trostmaut wkioh did herr uo good, and not have boon received by them at the time of �l time. Call and be convinced. uar- Auewered, it will injure the ;Society very reosiviu„ nothing iii itis way ofoansuAttian such distribution. All parties indepted to V antes satisfaction every time in all rea- materiall s::idl.stnto -mint pay the amount of their ►/�, " ' ESAter. acts, . - y gave a 0owtifloate that kris was incurable and indentedness•to tilts undersigned without fur- "-1 JOHN 1 i.i,UBLaF,- - p Thanking you for your valuable space a psrmi.t admitting her to the home for thea notioo. L. IT. UICICSON, and hoping these questions will be answer- Incurables, Even then abe did not give urr Solicitor for administrators. � Ifyou want A suit, a coat, vest or pair Y $ , la Dated. Sth Tobty' 393 :DO `� of pante g' ed is our eolumns Iaemain hot u and t:isd Ilonioa athia treat nanL give us a call and be convinced, Yours truly, bit% with as ,little rrssults as the other,; �• �..�>�. c hat what we have Said is true, A MiEmi3sr_ There seerned nothing lets but Ito go to thAt: -� ---• retreat, whoirt oul, tbrs•, wbo aro beyond r , Do you want a rg all human mid Tito adlr(hWd n l"t t.l:o o v,alt' � 0,�] a� s PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCI,L+, 8RrFvING JOHNSO' You can never tell what a el' tib cold t , ^ • <' for death to relieve her ut ilex atlr,ctinn i tl a 1J may lead to • a o best, therefore, to give She heard of the wonderful ours mnf w'Aw ar [1 MACHINE, BOYS' sic GIRLS' TRICY- itas yourself the boaof(t of the doubt, and cure Murray of Gtavenhursp by Dodd'e Isidttay , �� CLLS, EXPRESS WAGONS! it as anon as posaibl@ with Ayer's Cherry ! Pi11S and deufded to try them. t'tt0 first , .. ,Teotoval. A day's dolay, sometimes an } hauro delay ,mav result in serious eanaaC• fore week 3119 adti finished little Ohan O, brit be- t • r I'' Sale �1 � ea�''80,00 gats uenoSS, lure s$a had 6nlaiied thu seeoncl box her L"i ���ng Saturday' ;was a vory'itnportant settling back began to feel easier the Swelling to l + inMontreal it was learned th t the Banka 1@ave her feet, and by bhn third wooly she Y inquiry p yments could walk, Something ah -o had boen unable were aatisfaotory, to do for two yaara bof=ire. Noir; 'altar O taking Dodd's Xleiney Pills foe two moubbs < . : i -n• `�.'. FOR)COLDI AND SoituiTiiaOAT. aIle is rva'•uompiotaly. oiiraJ,. tli:t.t s.tte !s: ah.)>;�t Sins, -Wo line 733 .rd's Yellow Oil in +. t gY to fA<U R} NO.i00( teas}t In g. a,Sln, it Oaliin lit t"Kr�"~ STRICTLY HION QRAOE. ALL UADk Cle THE Slim.of cur family 'for colds and' sore throat and it>b a1 elle ptllstied b@fpr0 l 7ililfy ]lel "'ll"blth, i' STESL AND WARRANTEC FOR CHE YEAR 3S exoollalsE, .1tT aiAt�er lead aathnta. ainoa � -��.: . .:..,.a ' t ANUFAOTUREO aY O ohildhoon, bite On typing Yellow. Oil •for it K�: ," a ••--' `���"�ld ,,tom HandsomaJ'S that,bi:ndrolne doeo' ,tad .� i�.l'iyll�il.'tre 1 h B i'ST YET l s ( �@9 inter. o _.. the GooldBic cle.Ga., Lid, She soon rtes cured:.' it Hood's Saran arilhw'doaet. t do handsonia ty " }flur Llzzln (✓rrAPI4LLA, ly than no4llingiClOeH, I3.avti Von over tried THE CHEAPEST YET - • .!v '. BALatviN,Oztr. it ? . ,�{o�-,k'`l'i,`�'.�?, �'•.'`��'. THE BIGGEST YET t"`'° narhaa'PAC3fi0 RAl1Way hoe. di, a BILLIousuns CunuD. r� - ... .'�^1��.>i '}p[�a�i' I• patched U.0. Brown from Vale 0 G> xrr> tttsN.-I havensed I3uedonit131aw1. Gtr -_- calor ,t.6 the antipoilos'w1bb. the object' bf asc.evtein- ins th9 raepectn for she establishment Bitters for billioaanesv alis find, it the. ]rest ,p If you'do,. the place to get tho'Ihost reliable ,H p ab nt at n p r lino of. st0arrier h w remedy for this complaint. I used sovoral t'ESL �Pdei'8d Clothln 1 p goods at -a modern price is,fit FERITINS k a et cess New Zealau 1, other remedies; Bite they .la#vo (ails$ to da" g p educed i!1 Ezt tcf MARTINS, doalera to Mnsraal, Instrueuents, Australia and. British Columbia. (entl@men:! leave your brders'oarl ;for Sewing Machine eunplios,.ete, y d only �^i y tnth ;the boat stab' of Tailors • y Dyspr�psin in iia" worst fortes will yield to ttvo hello sof I3 $13wBvorio 'o ire torp. t Wont t,' [ (� , the best " , R FF, 1+✓ �? stock of Pine Trimmin s an the use of Cutter's Little Nevve Pilin, sided lot�1 nils I cuss rr.aenitti.etid into t11, t g , d the bdtii !ill kende of farm imolr the a celebrated n mar at..�� s by Cartr+r-'tt Little Liver I'ilIs. Theynob 'p y� Yowg truly.', Cnttsag„tn Town, yen, ax@.stfrA nj a t!sfal:::` "'ham over Agents for the oeleUrated Ohot QDAFPLLQW'S BLOCK ilea, only r,>lfvvir Vreset,t diatreea irut Strengthen ti'u: lit, so>t, „ the rtumaeh slid digestive Apparatus Yyal.laasLurg t ;e - qx•, MARTIN' ., T t� -PSR S & 1V.fA. _ x SIN F'anson"s lack• F {I j