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The Exeter Times, 1893-2-9, Page 4
h .. .,. ,. 't'. ,. 4. .,., t, ,�L•-6,N ,',w. r",A A1iV*Ar`,r"N F�niMMNft",.W,'?0. ,-Ao Vii.... Y+4MP2GM'F'Ri'�fici410. .. . ° l 1 It is estimated that the eat canal fro- 6Csted herself in a rocking -chair, ena' �rtRlf(ppl :si�s� 8�7 NSD S OPCS 4T A WE 1 tipping brick, free. choked herself to .+ , ". w'-"— -- triotu Arun costfat east $500, rom IaRe 001ior 000 to the for tdeath, wo Deceased had been an invalid A PR I r� E POR,-rRAI,r P�,Z�,�E. IMPORTANT EVENTS IN FEW WORDS The output of the Chicago distilleries t f ','., * THo •diffen.ce in the. Lucky mtirdar y . ,, S. e'`� FOR 6U8Y READERS, of the Svhislrey trust will ba xgdnt sd by , caro, ill which Charles Ducky is charged i BANKER, 3,000 gallons daily, beginning imine. with the murder of father; mother and • datela sister at Inch Creek, is that no murder �,y, " _ A Cumlrlete !reseed of the lf3aay World's The London Chronicle says the Dun- was committed; but that they were to EXETER, - ONS`' Happenings Carefally CorupileQ and Fut doe jute trade has sulered farther°lose- burned to death. The prisoner spends ' Into Bandy ane), Attractive Shape far the es. It reports also the 7'.0•aluro of a large most of his tithe reading• UTranstiats ageneralbaiikinnbusiness, steel Company in CaW ttta. SOCIAL AND VEUSONAL. Receives the •Aocounts of YBrohaats And ICeRders of Our Paper. Bradstreet's reports 48 business fail- I It is said Lord Salisbury weighs 240 �r others on favorable terms. EDUCATIONAL, ures in Canada the past week, as corn- ponads. Offerf,everraccommodation consistent 'frith ares with 30tlie re. ,;:. #afo gnd popsprvative banking prinoiples., Two new schgols will 11e enoted in � previous week. and 44 Tha azarewitoh s nsilt to Berlin came a .1 , JRtelvatallowedon dopCpits, Wfnnipsoz , in the corresponding week of last year. to an end Saturday night. ,'' ' 1 Drafts issued pa7alile at tarp 0204. o the. ?` ' bdic Academy will probably President Harrison has just sigaod p The reports of the ltiie Bishop Brooks' . Morohants Bank, be started in Winnipeg. bill which authorizes Chicago men to great -wealth are contradicted. ^ TTOTE9IDIS(%�riTl:.DI 4P,CY11ONT,$TO 170th' Construct Over the Mississippi river at zM; - ov N T,q and iw3oitTd !rifts. Edward F. Searles, heir to the millions New Orleans the largest cantilever Col, Butler to Montreal has bee: elect- � �,� R left by Mark Hopkins, has promised to g ed grand master of the grand lodge of , p bridge in America, i --- - --- . ©reut in oouneb ion with Bowdoin Col- " �uebec, A.F. and A.M, e r • loge, Boston, thefiilost aiid'fiest equ£lapdtl • Thd ibdilaber of Clark'S glove factory i The statue of the late Sir John Mao, b dra��t t v Zito. building for the study of sCioildo that m Toronto, says the striking girls will donald, made by Wade for the city of money can secure. not be taken back, and he likewise re- Hamilton, has been shipped. �f, �• /� - ` �HUIiSBAY, 1~FBR'CARY 9th, . 1893, fuses to arbitrate. The girls say they Spain will be represented at the Chi- 1 . _ cUAJtWAY .A.CCIDENTS. will start a cc•operative factory in op- -•-•--•— -'--_ George Watson, a M. C. R, brakeman, position. cage World s Fair by the InfantAntoine ulalir F i it d The Gr r a n d,lit o t liter . Old father Gladstone, ,who is running fell from a car at Tilbury Contra and and her husband, Prince Anttoine. The young lady ltt the above cut has a granduiatller whosoPtciure Is combined In the , THE DEAD. Swinburne has written An Ode COD* :tbovo rtrait, If you can find the GrAndmother in the above Portrait you may receive a a race with Ole Father Time, scored Was crushed to death beneath the wheels. g g ren ar which will pay oumany tnne8 ov for your trouble. g, carni!! the Chicago GPorld'a Fair, and well in his first division' 9q inaj°rity Abrakaman named Ball of Fans had MY. James Armstrong, M,P. for South Prof,Stanford has set tii6 Verses to The Proprietors of The L,tnn s w 13.9lttonrrarx otter either a first•oliss T-Tpright X his left arm crushed while coupling Cars Middlesex is dead, l Piano m cheque. for yard of kiun'Dia Dollars M,ls -the person ,ulna can first find at � � music, th@gtandmothor.,fl.rotvatdofagairofl53amonciTctr•.Tlixx„ skAthaseoondporson near Stratford, He wistaken to Brant- Win. Douglass, a retired farmer, died wvtto t,tn iliid the graiidmotlier. A ContIileto 1;3usltzess:ealxoation ata Coutmerelat r 'Ir, Afercier, it seems was on] ten', ford hospital, The late hix, James G. Blaine left a College to the third er grandmother. y p suddenly at Galt on Saturday night, will bestowing all his io ert valued of the tlext two who can find tl e gratndmoeer. le an Goll$ JarooelirSolid v porarily scorched, not killed, .tie has An express train run through a gang aged 85. " property, e, Gold foreaelt ofthe next five who can land the ^randtnother. Robert McDonald, manager of the In- at $800,000, upon Mrs, Blaine, who i5 Z taken his seat once inoro in the Quebec of snow shovellexs near Fuenfkirchen, , made Hole executrix. bath Contestant trust cut out tire. Portrait %'nzzle and make a cross with a lead pettatl - Hungary. Fight men were killed and or 3n7r on the. grandniather's eye and mouth, Legislature, and apparently intendk to g - y* g dustrial farm, died in SYoodstock of princess Margaret, youngest sister of Ev oryono sending an answormust enclose with the same Ten threo-cont stamps (or two injured. wake it interesting for his valuable op- pneumonia, aged 62 years, the Emperor of Germany, Svcs married mosop'utnr,lourna ,t17i omonths'itst mntrk'on to kicbite ja s;vonF r°a a nee aatiiaCanada'st ponenta, -� THE LAIIOIt WORLD. Robert Steno, in the Government en1- in Berlin the other day to Prince Fred- 111,11 g ab a distance have just as good an opportunity of securing a valuable prize, p ., + o Fifteen hundred employees in the Hun ploy as bridge tender at Perth, Out,, is crick Charles of Hesse. or the person Nvbo can find Ilio grandmother that is received last Is oH'ored a Si:rxi.- dead, He had been Chief constable of PpIo�xTYpew,vriter. Fot•the next to the last will be given a Siolid Silver garian small arms factory at Budapest James Me neon bas resigned his posi. �STsttoh, To the third, fourth, fifth and sixili f ontthal.•tst recolvedwab correotanswers Y Tile Judicial Committee of the Privy Perth for 14 years, tion as Township Clerk of Nichol, which will recolve each a solid C:rold �Broonfa, , �. • oxo on strike,. They demand an increase If there should be as man Council has decided that Manitoba had in wages. A handsome memorial window has � office lie held for the wonderful) lou y as two hundred persons sendin ooi-root an -vers. each will - �' g If hattlesofthosoreceivirtg gleadtng piizea Yviu bo puts. the right to abolish Separate Schools. AnotllQx attempt tc bring to an end berm placed in Central Presbyterian i period of 50 years. Mr, McQueen held ; ltallotl3n cut hart issue.. i:xtia premiums will be offered to all who aro walling to assist 3n church, .CorontO to the memor fnoreasitt tha sahscrl !bort list of this The. courts will now be asked to say the long strike or lockout in the Lan- , Y Qf the ' the ofli0q longer than any other man in LE popular journal, Tho object in otfaring this Prize late Rev, Dr. Jennings. Puzzle is attract at'ention, and to introduce our publication, Forfect impartiality is cashire cotton mills of England has g • Canada. He still continues to hold the guaranteed In giving the retards. whether the Dominion Parliament his ended fruitlessly. England, I+fi. John Grass of Collin's Bay, near office of Township Treasurer, s The follow¢ nanainest are winners of tine leading prizes in our feat rRizE) PL7zzl,E: pa -ver to enact legislatinnrq-establish{ng The strike at the Brooks locomotive HiA#Istan, died on Sunday, after a brief MISCELLANEOUS. T, E, Shtpl%, 27 Elm St„ Toronto, _Piano ; Miss Bancroft, Ie7LI pineott 8t, Toronto, those schools. This, as we undsaxstand works in Dunkirk, N.Y„ is said to be illness. He was born there in 1.810 on lllcyele ; alias B3arns, Rlrht etown, Ont,, Bedroom get : Glady Mel homm lNi henry 5t., the farm he occupied till his death. The Erie cur works at Erie, Pa., have. Toronto, Gold \Patch - L, h, Southam. se Maple $t„ London, Ont Rolcl Snatch ; Mrs. itis the situation as it now exists, The broken, and most of the old hands have P been, seized by the shoriff• J. S, AfoAdam, 4I9 I3anic 8t. Ottawa. Oxt„ tela in Bold • iii. IIampton. SCC N. Y. Life I31d, decision of the Privy Council should be gonobackto work. Everything is quiet, Mr, George Grover, British Ro�ral Hansa$ city, :►ie.• Fro in Gold EmilyWiley, $S Alexander St.I:,, lvinnlp@•*, Afan., 73antjuat accepted as final and Manitoba per- and no troops will be sent there, Commissioner to the Worlds Columbiau The opposition to the German army Lam ; Joan Taylor, lot Mackay St.. ottawa. ant., Banquet Lamp ; John Xrmaur, m Rain . Exposition, ^peas found (lead in his xoom y ding away, Lamp "J, L VoroatS �9 visttatlon St Mou� Montreal. (tie,'Ball Mount ottLa Forest, W. B. I3angt�tet li P bill is gradually fa fritted to go her way in peace, TRU SVORL'DIS SCOLr.OUS. in the Virginia hotel. at Chicago. Heart Grey and black wolves are killing azo athutst St., q `� ' Bathurst �oranfq. Ont., Bouquet Lamp, 1 ltlt@, i 6 Scott St,�ttoU6 X x x Yellow fever bat brokers out in Guaya- . disease is supposed to be the cause, many cattle and horses on Wyoming Ultvi Banquet Lamp ;airs. L. E. Tjtompse>+, cs St Louis St., Lavin, Que., Banquet , tmp ail, Ecuador, ranches. al• .000 ivin, Lalravlew liouae, IlpwanattY!lie, Ont„ Banquot Lamp; hies Q. Cunningham, The' Ottawa correspondent of the. gFattr euros of cholera wer�xe erred Mdioanq.Whittaker, Saho stood by dna erionr3yt'untti xcioniilcztnssyuti'ni�pw3nonoottholcacltngprizoe.nddress Zoromto News telegraphed an Friday p the side of Sam Houston when Santa Gon, Herbert's report on the militia y , Monday in Altana, Germany. Anna was brought in a captive at the service for 1802 condemns the present (p) LAt®iES' HOME MONTHLY, •/ evening',in regard to the vacancy in In compliancy with an order from the battle of San Swinto. and who was one system more emphatically than ever be - South ?!!addle-ex;--I'A Littlemoetin^ surgeon -general of the TJnited States, of the Historic characters of Terns, is fare, a 192 King 5t. West, Toronto,Ca�tnlalda, of 'Liberal members was held in their the services of sanitary inspector, at De- dead, aged 82 years. In the Nova Scotia assembly on Man- 1 , ; 1, • llj lj'j f - -s ji l xoom this morning, -then possible can- troit, appointed last August to prevent day, the coal bill passed its third reading !dates for South Middlesex were talked the possibility of cholera being imported CASUALTIES. by 22 to 8, and was sent to the legislative .,,,,— ,,.:-.-_,,,,,.., — „ ,.,_, :,, ,, , ..,.� ._,._ over, J. D. 01nrk, of the London Ad- by way of Canada, have been diccon- Twenty-seven people have died from council. --• --• ,. • M, _ •. vertiser was there from the seat of war. tinned, the railway disaster At Wanu, Illinois. Another frigid wave is sweeping down -"Zi. ''.+�C°r� ! y,,�,.' ,�,�,,v, zz �,�,,� �,, �,l,, ,�� �f ^ _ It seems that the choice of a candidate 51AMNI NOTES. ^A. dynamite plautnear Bessemer, Alm,, from the North-west, says a St. Paul do- � `~ C lies bEt-vain C, S- Hyman, of London esploclod on Frida . Two xnen erase $patch. The tein erature ran es from '?' I~ u i '`rn ar'!?,'i`y� y , > The steamship Vinbria has been re- blown to feces. y sp t 4, below zero g _ and Reeve Boaton. of Luba Township, ppaired axd sailed from Now York for p t°" () Local Hien are backing the latter. Tli0 Liverpool on Thursday. John G. Walker, the Thorold man, The Cxaea Government has declined A x-.11 _" ,,;, 'y -Ail"', ,, �PA* °'_- ,: `-F" `, l' �` } i:;+ ^ �,� " s , , "+ Liberal convention will be held very T a steamer Michi an whiOh want who was Accidentally shat last Thursday to grant the. request of the. Russian rail- ;;; _'. ;,p 'i l 7,� '`�� ,�:; ' ` ' tl t ;t f� ;� r"a w �, . ' �� �, soon, night at Doceiv Falls is dead. way companies that they be allowed to ,�� ) air �A' E x �!��' . c •t. r I ✓fit' , i ashore oil Vancouver island, will prove , �d 1 , is t 1 rlt , t r,f.� ) T G'`�k , , �s , rJ * •i• * a total loss. The crew were all saved, Terrific ales have swept over the west buy material abroad, ,� _ _ � ,, F r �+� Tho 'i the visible sup- The. Furness lino freight st°amgx coast of Noiway. It is reported that 50 An action hag been commenced by + ` ; k;< "� ''' �^ 'i "'a�r� •,••••� a e, .Cho first decren.e i i 1 e visa e p g Barbara Harper against i r '� --- , ;- ' . � -.v Stockholm Cit reported lost has fishermen have been drowned, rP g G. H. I'lt1y for : { , " �<— *. ' , -•� : �, '�, �1 {7 , A" ply of -sheat in the. United States and put in at Halifax , w lth one of her crank Ono mau was of and twelve were of Collingwood for ,~5,000 damages for ; ` '� " �''�.+' 1 . '� lt,; t , y I t breach of promise of marriage. ' �, } a�f,, li,,, •( > It s of Canada, east of the Rockies, for shafts broken and her machinery other- injured by an explosion in a fireworks u 1 � many weeks past, took place a week ago wisp dama ;ed. She '$vas bound from factory at Reading, Qhio, 14ionday. Thirteen wag8ona of gold are on the ?�,��, ��" �� F„ �URl. +j'�" to the extent, of 71;4,0011 bushels, lean- London to Boston and was 27 days out. Fifty raven minors have bean rescued way from Siberia across the Vralmoun- �,; 4' t: j.rt rr�'�- i ing 31,488,(M still on hand, against 43, from the burning ruin at Tokod Hun. tains to St. Petersburg. The waggons > :a� + - rr PUBLIC OL'9i11ION. g r " 12t),000 bushels a year ago, and 23,189, gary. The remaining soveuty-three have are accompanied by an imposing inili- , ri - Oxford county council favors the Hub- i tory escort. . 4i,5 t 400 bushels two Tears ago. The de- poizshod. 3 mission of the prohibition question t0 a The British government has instruct- r 11 `4 crease last weed: was due #o the de- plebiscite. French Deputios Do Roulade and F ed Sir Julian P �uncefort, its minister at '��/� struation of over a million bushels by Pachon fought a duel With swords, and [iddlesexaud Esser county councils Washington to rotestagainsttheaction `--••- the St. Louis fire, The amount m sight have Adopted a resolution favoring a blood was drawn, De Roulade winning, of the United States officials and forces 6 5r" 1 and on pasaa;ct, however, showed an iti- xov�llciall ltlebisaite on the. prohibition Ptcnon's wound is not soriolls, et Hawaii. `�'. creasy of 858,'000 bushels being 108,600, 4uestion, In a hovel near Parkersburg SP Va., John Bull ou ante v1de of the will, Uccle Jonathan on the other.. 000 bushels against 107,702,000 bushels �ohn Michael's wife and three littlechil- The losses of the. Marquis de Z'anisso• bind Sir John Thompsows fvrco in tho;tbove cut, a year tato. Thera is conserlugntly 31 Hamilton board of trade has unani- eon were discovered frozen to death. Passis, whose rooms in Paris were plun- Tile publishers of "Tian Oa,nadlan Musala Fojiaty -rill give Sit] ,, 031,000 bushels more in ai;ht than at govermouslnmentted a assistancentsgcuring a tion fast A fourth child, an infant, was found be police officials, dered on bamount to moen re tlgian in having the rite anzrk d tding in a correct answer to the abovo puzalo this time last year. 11 ith this state of Atlantic service. alive. 800,000 franos. answer; ID1 5 to the third correct asswererr ?ti $10 too the second correct things, and with the unusually largo An explosion occurred in a coal ming , the. fourth ,cresol r Brant county council iia$ passed a The steamship La Normandie which an atw'gt', ands in caali to ovary tenth correct answer to tete close.. supplies immediately available, and r resolution ,favoring a provincial plebis. at Toko , near Gran, Hungary, Friday, sailed Saturday morningforEuropefrom !'liege; prizes aro not largo, but wo ancrod ovat dollar ust as adver- months of the cereal year already pen- site on the question of prohibiting the dotting fire to the mina, Of the 130 men New York carried %3,350,000 American tied• t3aa •the list mf pri::e-winners in our last contest vided for, the Trade Bulletin asks what g • in the wino, it i$ believed nono will be at the bo'ttoen of this advertlsement. Salo of intoxicatin;, liquors, gold coin. The gold shipments from caved from death. New York since Januar 1 this year a - y, is there in the situation to Create the y y g If you free in doubt concerning the merit vro claim for this beautiful sharp advance which so many are look- THE Flex RECORD. Grand Trunk Brakeman Wm. Brown gregate $9,400,000. pmblicatton, writs to soma friend hero or an Toronto ing for ? In order to Bring about the Fairhaven, Vt., was almost wiped out of London while stepping from the tan- tr easily vouch for what -va sae, y papers, -rho can long talked of material rise in vall;esi it by fire the other night. der to a car of gravel missed his footing Matthew J. Kenny, anti-Parnellite r You want latent ani2 most papular music, anci yes�t � member, said in an address that t.a'+, ifi ^i wNn© lEwV7gs; rices. Send us Sneiiih tidal. same, widespread disaster. t° ' The ]Detroit `high school building was and felll off w �leuhe tran was passing ; „ a p 30 cents, and after you overe bridge o Sydenham, river and Mal;ony smother was a cross -bred Hill- receive the Folio if you are not satisfied, write us, and we will cheerfully the growing crop on this Continent, or burned on Saturday. Loss, X150,000, was instantly killed. doo, and the ex-Parnellite member for- return your money. The most prominent musical people in Canada are in Europe reducing the estimates about Extensive fires have caused heavy North Meath promptly gavo 11r. Xemny amal:a our subscriber$, 150,000,000 bushels would need to losses at Santiago and Toco ills Chili. Roger O'Neill, a laborer, aged 60, was ' g F ' found dead in one of the rooms of the a black eye. He has also published his C.isnrrioits.—lutiery person sending an answer must enclose with occur in order to counteract the effect of The linolalun factories atNOrth Allgr- pedigree from the beginning of the last same ton three -cent stamps (3o cents) for one months trial subscri ition to Dominion house at the corner of Te- t the two Sig senor of wheat in theLTn{ted ton, Yorkshire, have been burned. The century, and proves thathis mother ilia Folio, which contains this month the following latest music : States in *H and 1892 which ag rog- loss is R50,000. cumseh and Palette roads, three miles was not re. "oross-bred Hiudoo." aaLA4�.4�RtE tIATA" V.*A1t.,eos. "OVER THE WAVES" Waltzes. e.7 HEART' y ' leg a from Walkerville, Out. His throat was -- . O: P47Y 13GART," Vocal, 0' BRAW NIEW LITTLtz COOBi," Vocal, and also ated 1,13• ,r�Ofj,atdll bushels, if not more. The Campbellf°rd Swollen mill was out and it is supposed to be a case, of T1IE POLITICAL APOiMD, ter vc:i0i ic,:Y,o ane! Polka. � 11 MV MOTHEPIS KIS%11 Vocal. if V,tct:g," . But should a t.,urrd crop be reaped in destroyed by fire on Saturday morning. suicide; Al Comic. ANDALUCIA Wal zon, Containing in all s£, pages. " 18'3 whore will ba the. �rnund work for The loss is X20,000, The British Parliament assembled on 'Write to -day and you may receive a prize that will repay you many ,.,, ,, Tuesda times aver for our trouble. You will not lose anything, for the music eree,;-,- tail prirPs for July or August ;Dion Methodist Chi,,,' r 1 A section 16 by 600 feet of the roof of �' y y r> delivery 2 j, � t.r-- •• • rcIt, 7th Con., the east annex of the manufacturers' N, Clark Wallace, M. P., is ill at aloe cannot be bought elsewhere for five times the aniouut of your on On ,,,vnsnip, has been destroyed. building at the tiVorld'H Fair grounds in Ottawa. 't rc nittancc. ---- It was brick, and erected 10 Sears ago Chicago collapsed from the weight of The Manitoba Legislature met on List ofprize-winners in our last competition: Miss £i3�'ar�, Morton, & `.i.'bn _ at a cost of $3,000, snow on Saturday. Machines hall also Tuesday- 1vFol acovne Piaco,'i'oronto, $25 cash; Miss Mary 5•tra,nt-e, Biddulph Tragedy. y y y' _T-ia llton, ! X15 cosh • Mrs. W, Vanalsfiine 6o Oak St., Cit THE SPORTING `VOItLD. sufferedgreatly. The loss is estimated Mr. Edgar will bring the `matter of Pisa lira &3orir3t3r, car. Yonge and Queen sts., city, $5 Ca9it - Mr. Wm. Donnelley, of Appin writes-- at $t00,000, . the delayed copyright proclamation up R r Mr. James M. Lottriage will be the. bliss Can io Davies, cor, Sherbourne and Carlton, $5 ; E. W. Eman. 6o --The. Biddnlpb tragedy tool, place on'Yed- first president of the. now Hamilton jock- ,. — in the House. ; ,I Pembroke st:, $5; Mrs. H. L. Aylmer, r4i Alexander st., Montreal, $a ; aesdav morning, I ebraary 4th, 1880, aril ey club. THE CIMA". WORLD. A synopsis of the Irish home talo ' Mrs. F. Macitelcan„ rot Calhemie st., Hamilton, $5 ; Mrs. Dr. Gauvieau, before the publio can read this lbirteeu Pat Wells, negro Who had robbed the measure proposed by Mr. Gladstone has t St. Ieldore, Que., $5 ; Geo. Moirisette, Three Rivers, Que., $5: Vincent pears will Lava elapsed since the memos. Galtdaur haS issued a challenge t0 house of a white man, was lynched at been published. , Careen, Prof. of lU usic Trinity College, Port Hope, $5 ; Gertrude L.1'oun able slaughter. But those years have oanh Teemer for a sculling race, and he inti- Quincy, Fla., g' bronrabt tbe3r terrible changes in Biddnlpb mates that Hatilan does not wautto row The appeal n the contestation m se cares of Dr, Young, Virden, Bran, $S ; Mrs. Rev. G. Lockhart, Alex 41rolr, 00) e The name of Dr. Cornelius Herz has Torte's election in L'Islet was dismissed 1 liar., S7 ; bliss Crawford, Brandon, Man., $s : James Leckie, 3 a.,.Jf�ed and it any one of the living vigilante can him, been removed from theroll of the French by Judge Pelletier. J. • ^c2., V, innipog, Man., $5 i Chas. Becker, Imperial Hotel, Vancouver,, B. C:, look eslmlp bank and notice Gboslaushter George Bubear defeated George Hos- Legion of Honor- The estimates for the year comment- • "3 ; bliss usio Eatence, Mount Pleasant, Vancouver, B. C., $5. xaade ity old "Fatber Time" he must mer of Boston by five lengths in Mon- You are missing a big snap if you miss this month's number: some try the eoeelusion that ratribntive day's race on the Thames for the sculling It is reported from England that there ing Jan. 1, 1895, have been brought down f () juatias has been busy at work; and th.0 oham inn9iiip Of 1,'r c;li4na, is now very little prospect for the re- in the house of commons. . daress : C4F3ALIAr3 BdUSIC POLIO, .;c ,,t l lease of Mrs Maybriek: The provincial estimates ha4e been f9 Victoria St., Toronto, Cali. si the old, ralonolesa 16hu of doa.0 is alr;._. (andatii' ihU D68ted a .forfeit of $100 ori itis awn ghoglder, ' Yw, in thirtceu R. T, Haun of Orau evilla, treasurer brought down in the Qnebea legislature - ,c,; , y ,�,. W, � Yang„ e.9 06rodtir<, wht? -*ere oitber diraotly 'abs sent a set of articles of agreement of the county of Duffe;in, committed They amount to $5,170,689. t Harlan for a race for Oq0 e. Hide rr sarl°leaotly 46oudexnact in that slangier, to the championship of America. $uigide dna Buffalo hotel. The House of Representatives at . eta*s thai their jnat aeBP;,'eFi, sna as nano _ JohnldcKinnon of Rocky Point, P. E. Washiogton has adopted a resolution to • of them have bi,-" vinedered. a direct IYJAF, RELIG110US WORLD. L. aged 80 years,"was sentenced to three inTeatigate the whisky trust. visitatleu f: Pvk Almighty God muss have 'Bishop Dowling of Hamilton has gone years in penitentiary for setting fire to a The Governmdnt of Hawaii has been been ars eau%. I will Hoa be pe:•sonel, brt to Rome, , 1. barn. over -thrown And a provisional Govern - {ll vu.ANTED=A w., IFE, gay. g .carat were killed by iho T�rnidon, 'S'itti hit' e Bishop Brooks is euid to have Thi310urteen eoal merchants• of Roch- =ant formed, said to be hostile to Eng- ffuron rfi Boldo Grain, Vow) were f6dkiA in left an estato worth $750,000, ester who -were indicted for : don$ irar y land '"' had iritliout aiiy Xpparent blib9'e, Nyora p • "ed dead. 110re The Catholic population of the Un£tgd appeared .yesterday and gave bail in the Sir William. Vernon -Harcourt, Chau- ,W Beautiful,, acid with a Cleal, Healthy Complexion. - IlalTlnti6 tl�rell: 1V1(or4 droop µ' . o a mad du States is given t 8,806„005 in theAmer- nominal auni of 00 each: caller of the Eichequer, deolinao to ad- Oi ieur7u en:y man wanta,liin wife to be braut3rul ; but how can she be beautifu uird srfferiag Rhe agoni8s f g, aa78 a taw axe. in the. asylatn, while the. lean Catholic directory far 1893, George Vic!:©i s, the ldi'tchell embeza- vine the Government to xiopt decimal if her lase and hands aro dis6gur•ed b; rough: akin, freckles, tan or eruptions ? Nothing 1 nmjerity of tltoae living are bomafeas and Bishop Lewis of Ontario was elected ler, Who wAs tirrested in 14IiChigttn in coinage, will throw such a damper on levo as n blemished face. cat worth a dollar, though well off tbir- metropolitan by the bishops of the eccle- December, was ientbnCod at Stratford to The Frei*k ekambw of depatdas voted By the ape of "Geni,,Carativn Soap,” an article "15th combines -tho best. known Coen rears ago. While tbinkintt over all siastical province of Canada, who met at five years in the peri eI iiary.> ¢onflQence in 011e as forsznient cr t r- remedies for the cure of E ll ontane—B dieaaees, a refined, tteallhv cotuplexion is -savored. this, 3 cannnt loose Bight or the words used }y;ontreaL Soven years at hard labbi avaa the 182 on the wtitlitttes for tka secret ser• , medius, Irvin C., who w¢a ttniehment ih$labed n oil. Frederick viae Sunil, ,and atit in . Time haSoap ie need aecordin;l t4 direohons the sffeats are snort e11oaB V9bsu G+7m Curative _ by bar �E tl R The bishop of Huron and Mrs. Bald-, p p a gr r t; s proven this to be tru«„ as tbansatuls 7;f ,rite most flattering, draavn prosoonaor at the trials. Arter Car- f London last week for New Mesiterfeld, of Phiiadelp , convieW The Ida'Aa lesisl>Itistrs has paosed a bill testimonials are on file from onstomers in Englund, Scotland, I+rance and Germany, ,its roll and the rest of tbo prisoners were win le t en route to Egypt. y be of causing the death of Mary .Estelle amatYiiYna the election laws a° as to re- which conutrios the Soap is a staple toilet article. turned loose on Elie world sgnin', my Sister Absent five months.. The w. .Dunlevy. Neto the disabilities of members 'of the Mrs Carrie, was eittin:: crying in CrownSamuel Latremoille of amilton, a M'ornion church. For Iihirty daya only. L - > Two . oun women were ba tiled in A• this, 'v �, on a pisco of Attoinep Hatohinso-r,a cities whBu iVlr the River Thaines at London Monday. newsy enton,theG:T 1L: As under ar- The London Chr°nielt ezpretwea the V4rieo t Gem Carat pl paper , YYming said in liar, Do nob cry, mp dear s for admission to �•f'Sp p A l The Sveie candidate g. g P ' dao to a ust Goa, wlin sen all y k containfi 4 t' h payment all members. of the woinam; to 1 ,, i"$s, stealing a oft hag Br7t >, 6iga4 48 dih forttfe%aytha next bud et will rout a And sand to us with twenty cents for a sample asks of Elam Cnrativqeap. " sma wlio will ivy the case *ibotit lawye*A the. church of T�2tter Day Sb n a Grand Trunk wgress,casr. Itouse of Commons, m''vfliiini a slip is 'r@CBivcid'twill be aivaii a handaomB S@al Skin., ur and Lie will give. yon mmple sane- Missionary Samuel D. Wood, who has 1b She Brat la$,, fro„ or 1 y, 'While suffering' ftorti delititlm 'lohn Tlie pension appropriation bill, which r - o robribution bdovn bean laboring anion Indians, , was, ' Mantle, valued at $300, or its equivalent it ;oarrh, levy 2t? 1 Drat, To the ties," t with, ie.@Sion in the why f g B. Ho da, a Bohemian ex- riestalt•Balti- has Lust been, agreed to by tie Appro- • os a " E1bC tru@ his words brought into Winnipeg with lis, feet s0 J m's:n fiota wham ka.rQoeit@du aimtlerYahp will 1 1. riv n an 19.lkarat Gold R'atoH,ret with. yen,yrava p,x• o b p pp of the thatbothwill have to be more, killed lift 'two Ohildren w t'h 'sin priation Committee at Washington; pro-, one karat diamonds, Appleton & Stacey's,tnovetnent:, valved• at; 93b0., , -taro all Ontitria kuoB. Some badly frozen rife. axe, The n7admen aeiaed e n ""fain S vides far the ezpenditureof �166,i00,000, w ted bones of my familv are air iutated. gm ' J o r In..sadition to those, fie have prepared five tbou7e>knd gamplt cakes numbered l,io. brokers and . y fronia Hecondstprywindoarand escaped, an increase of $✓O,Ufi2,6�0 over dart of41 1 nein is my novsession and will be until 5,000. R-1,6ry un or owoling with naught y(0) will i 76c , a pa:iaw valued at not lees than. Tt; I Svoit a� ur ztDu`aTlzx. the current year: scoo r, falls done. , But if the next 13 Neat Vixcentaa�y Ind., eft Sunday a at a'meetin '!10.00. ' It' The..American American Bollet' Company has afternoon Geor a'Doanes was shot and Mr. D'Alton 'McC 'McCarthy, g _ - ;, ". -- �-�' .� - 1.year well reap as Jsrps a harvssa as the of g - , T • h civ with a ca 1 at ,.'ta er, cut loose fi:ofn the Conger- .. Goo Cav,Wve ,Soap is, sold by 1t�nt1ing drugptats ShrougtiAat the. world at 2yac., per• 3 bar,T ibTnk uoieo will be done and been oxt,rtnized at C i ao, P killed by Charles Bohannon. Both 3'n a ` j cat 1• , 7 tal of $,1,500,000. Hien eve ye farm hands and rive" vative party, and announced, that here oaks. - , thoEs ikesvnbreaking relics Wray be laid yogng, 1 7 rrdo�r lase d f 11 a 11[adden z h after he would.sit on the crgssbenches. Sample awkso postpaid _ All Go as for the fJnitod Sint ed drata of d,atr. t � " .- I : ,.-!,.,, ,,Reay gnse6ly to rest. Another combination of wi g , for the hag o Sat , d ieir tet w - i tE tetilrers and obbara iq. being of a farmer.. , , He assigns as a reason the Empire'a at- ' A44raae•,a � e John Darrach. lata roprietor of •th9 Ina 11 j il+tr. Jo P formed tit Pittsburg, Pa. ' ; 7 Pharaon "'ot --= tach upon him,—an attack he thinks • i w has bees an. ointed io a r 41,iq Win._., , Ma Aoc should have been repudiated by the , , ( Fam t�Q�P,r✓O., . . I ,L#'srirhill 1 ,V w , P p , iter :nae. discovered) wngitag by the crack ;yoe ". " is fiFw (lsij iia A,grlauttture Ae It ill .said that C1atu+. S sectio$ tilts arias $try. 1 ONTO, CANADA.'", pertret«blit Toroiibp,11 L- Hawaiian sugar king, is at tbo bci*luttsta •try •the •,Vad gest 4A icer roar *e kad• of the trwdulo w liYam4luiti.. tY1i1Mlrti+ 1l - v i. �x, ,.P „,.la•, v,+. �;.elr,.�,,: i xi',, w,..w: '.;u. .. ..tu!:i.,,. .. .... .:.., ,r,.. ,.:,, . ..�.,..._ —_ .. i. , . , — K , trrnamne➢.s4_, n l.' v. ,. •� 'x .. .