The Exeter Times, 1893-2-2, Page 5l� DOINGS AT THE CAPITAL, RORRIBI,E RINE DISASTER: HIR0111HI YV ��'t h y X&RKB 33PORTS. LE101 1� f, Eaoten Feb. 1,1893.YOUR rallwheatperbush,,,»... $ 880ISihtbh 83 02 k Quiet Da in Parliamentary Ei ht Men Kilted and Scores posaQ Y• b Y yOats perhsh• •ts 80 ' Serious- Injured.. Dont Miss the Chance. Fl. rtblh:' bs CirCltrS. Y 1 Flour perbbl. ,, 9 00 4 20 rE 0 . :?,j M; � --.^,— A,Pplas Per bag T5 85 RESCUE PARTIES REPELLED BY GAS. Potatoes erbag lop 71 00 MULOCK ON THE MILITIA SCANDAL,. IIay pper �on•.... $ 00 7'00 R'oodpor cordhard 3 00 8 So in , 0 OGThe Hmtltli Conf•orence—Leglstatioli Ask- •An F.xllloston.Of x 11 B �Ak11p'ln kin l�lletrltUl 7luttoz parlb... 2J?a1sOURS Bges per dozen. .,. .., 17 ISed to Prohibit Importation of Alien Lar - Colliery—Motiles Crushed .lay Falling Fork Der hundred ..... 900 8 ZS I3oanis—The 'f3ereavecl lvomoii 'blob Clio OIER(011� r ct1.— Aid far Witnesses—A, Ilounty Aslc- 1 S N V .,L il'f901a1s Luka the Ilxilitary i& Called Sytit, Sale Register. box.—Fees fo Extezmfartting'l'voivea. t �SEx$s Jan. the explosion of fire PERSIAN LAMB CAPSy Tuun$DAY, FEBY. 9x11•—Farm, Owr&NvA, Feb. I. The mllitia, scandal. � 17 . was brought to the attention of Parliament damp occurred yesterday in the Fort BEAVER CAPS, "took,Tmplements, set, the property arof r CLOT I� CAPS The., =onto, 17. con. 2, 1 mile east of yesterday by Aft. Muloek, M. P. He con- Sehritt mine at Dux, in Bohemia. It is , Exeter. Sale at 1 o'clock. tended that Circ revelations in Afajor-Gen. known that four miners 'were killed and ry A.J. RorLrxe, Auctioneer. eral Herbert's report simply confirmed SOfiijnred, Ona hundred men are still ASTRICHAN CAPS) BANKRUPT �y���t�' charges made before a Parliamentary corn entombed in the mine, wEvery effort is i t lc uD s FunicDAY re etc., t Srll,—Auction S g y bete made to rescue them, Ladies Coney StOI']Tl �i011ars Sale of J+unitnre etc., the property of mittee several days ago. He dealt with g + Matthew Kelland at Devon hotel Sale tlao etohed equipment of the militia, The accident in the fort Sebritt mine and Muffs, /ry� and held that the responsibility rested was far more serious than first reports in. Collars lilld at one o'clock H. Silber, Auctioneer, i But a large and well-selected Stool Of Bright New l7rti0l with the Government. dicated, Despatches from Dux last night Beaver Stolle CO l A meeting of the Hililiere agrioultara say that 80 miners were killed and scares Muffs Societywas held in the town hall, It which we are selling below So-called Bankrupt. Hou, :+ r. Patterson, M#uister of 91litia, were injured. The explosion occurred r was decided to hold another fair. Donald prices. An inspection of the in reply said the Government had nothing yesterday morning when the shifts were One only) blink Set lop to hide as was evidenced by the publiea• yJ _ i 3a McLachlan was cleated president and Juo. Stock and a coll�:- tion of the report, He was prepared to changing. A cage full of miners had been Carmichael aedy treasurer. p p p lowered "half way down the shaft, when Boa and full Muff, co-operate with the Liberals in ascertain- ing the ground trembled, a laud rambling re• parlSOli of prices will tell 1118 tale. �e carry @velytiiliig the tante condition of affairs. Yell can secure for yourself 7 in the Hardware line --light and heavy`. the lienee yesterday Hon. lily, Factor port was heard, and the cable attached to (itis tFail— In said Canada wary st aratyi to meet Foster to . the cage avesueh a lurch that the lower- a bargain, beslder. the com- prepared m o ohinex broke, .A. rush of air and � /� a nasion of cholera. He confidently expect- dust from the pit's mouth, the soun fort you get from wearing the tT O ATTEND COB33LEDIC » & .HOLLAND. eel Canada and the United States-would crashing timbers and the ories of the men garments, during Cold weathThoI heartily co-operate in preventive measures, in the cage gave warning to the men above CTRA.ND . The dobate on the address in reply to of tho extent of the disaster. Help was i present. as at �anlv:l Pnrsmmus LxPzRkrED. Cho Speech fromtlxe Throne was resumed summoned, the machinery was repairedAS��ERI�� litany who have been confined to their ■ >, in the Senate yesterday, Hon, Mackenzie after a delay of, half au, hour, and the cage J. �• �' AI'MM' �---- --- lards for years by rheumatism, lame back Bowell, Minister of Trade and Commerce, was rinsed. Ton of the occupants had been --To be held in the- and kidney complaints, have been liberated enid C'anc;3a was not dependent upon the ;killed by the shoolt, ten had suffered frao- from their sad prisons by the wonderful �'� �� �`� '+ � � fiscal policy of the whited States, while tures from which the tlinat recover, It is said that the lliowat Govornmentin• p y tends making another raid upon the muni. Hensall Sirating' & Curll.>•lp; Rink regulating and purifying aotion of B,. B, B• any rkductfon in duties under President five who had broken limbs and internal g which drives out the acrid poison from Cleveland's administration would be aO- injuries Will live. They had bee, half oipsl.tieg, which are to be deprived of t e —0;i— the blood and restores health to the af(liot AND ceptable, here, yet the fact remained that suffocated by the gas rising in the shaft, power of appoint ng audit, rs, The reason Canada would proceed on her own ac. and said that no man could live below. assigned is that municipal audits as at 7 p ed, count to c1ea1 with her own tariff. resent performed, are no protection to Z %?AZG7^SG CI• � Z�'f°i ef%�i�? � _.�._ ___ _ _.____ An hour later the lmporintendent of the F p FINE CIGARS, CIGARETTE, TOBACCO j v mine silt- five miners from the night shift the people,. and that the increased comp- when liberal prizes will be offered � xiberal x rohibitionists, lexity of our system requirea,the services of for Costumes Fano rand Now }_ A i arenti prohibition is more active went down in the cage. The were unable , y Skating, and k I p Y 1 to go more than 100 yards from the shaft expert accountants to unravel the tangled Ilaciiig. Suitable music will be among the Liberals than among the Con- into the gallery, but they found fourteen skein of receipts and expenditures of ,furnished, 1 Crdexs promptly attended to. servatives, Yesterday spurning the com- dead bodies. Of the :i0 men who were many by dishonest officials. the annual or See posters for further fuformatiou. •_ mittee appointed by the Dominion Alliance waiting for the cage ten bad been killed Gehl'•annual audits showing that every- -JUST OPENED OUT X.V THE All Accounts must be settled at once. to arrange the parliamentary tactics of the and 40 had been partially ernshed by fill- thing was rlehl, tine usual cc rtificate of the T, BRIINTNELL, PALACE LA Ci 1 session met, 'Senator 'Vidal was in the ing timbers or half suffocated by the foul treasurer winding up the perfunctory op- MaNAOEa. ' chair. ;wfr, F. S. Spence, of `Toronto, w1s air. A short di,tanae fibre file $haft, the eration. The municipalities now have but Skating on Tuesday and Saturday EvenThe People's - appointed ignited se. S. S , iti, of •111 of the feiv privileges to be deprived of, mud it is g r-"I �+ C�B+ r I l y y ' superintendent found four bodies which only a question of time when the will be iDBs• ii FLOUR fi£teeax or sixteen members present were had been crushed beyond xecoz nition by a y G A H ndman's Old Stand XP.'s, and it was discovered that Ona entirely a the mercy of the Provincial t' y ) two of these vera Conservatives Di Alin}; basin. '.The bodies and .Cho in- Government, the linin thing lett mean-and Comprising Teas, Coffees, :apices, Baking &FEED + lured were to -ill to th" top where the that will be perpetaa.1--being the privilege Powders, Bird foods, Starthes, Blues. STORE. Rcaome and :lir; ,A.. R. Diekey, This whole mbibig settlement had gathered to Of a in salaries of officials-many of Soaps, •Brushes, Brooms, Pails, Raisins, x -- tarmi;lit the committee to a pause, and as swatch tiro work of resourt. The merx wliv P 3 g Rice, Curirauta, Oatmeals, Wheat Gorms, '4l a keep on hand the largest stecu of them square pegs in round holes-placed Nuts, it list- power to adrl to its nunxber$ at ad- lead been brought up from the bottom said over the co Iu as a reward for political Digs, Instar, Oranges, Lemons, Peels I lour ails Feed in town. journi'd till 10 nae, today tel drum up a few minutes after the explosions they services; and, no doubt, the Government Extracts, 1'fno Dairy Salt, Hadd#e, Oys / r p Conservatives who are likewise prohlbl- had heard cries and groaus from the of Mr. Alowarthas inany "expert auditors," ' ® � tern, Boneless Cod Vish, Srscoes, and every ��(� � �. ?5 f�i n�if it GP,(. ds All, tionistri. _ mouth of the gallery about 3110 yards ready for •a good salary, to save the muni- ■ s thing kept in a General Grocery.. is alkt, ki Ili,iiat} o,k tivelr es. from the shaft. There was heavy eipalitio from robbery or mieappropri• i ® (live us a call Any quantity of Bran and shorts at timber work at this place and they anon of fund` by dishonest or incapable Mill prices. k nrraera wit- j&nd it to theiA Mr. 'll. i.lucas, a Cattle owner from the believed that the men in this Officials. Application painleasandoasy,rollefimincdi- G. A. HyvwpNA , hI. �'INCEL�T, advantage to call anti inspect our staA Ilugv River country. near Calgary, is hexa gallery* hail been briprisoned by tiro falling _., _ ymm ato. �1'his pro aratioi, aIle agreatanci Ions-felt 141mllai;er. Proprietor, fff before going elsewhere, an a rather novel mission, beams. 'They laelievr d th;it sormo 40 men' — wantamong tEoso who suffer from Pilea. It is � • �. - Highest prices paid for oata. "I stn going to Interview the Govern' had been at work there. Shortly before Neu WttzL lvaaED, arcinotly o£ the highest merit-ofieotivo acid OYSTER PARLOR NOW UPRN. roliabia--end has more the mot Cha anticipa• input about the wolves ill the Flow River tike oago came clown the • saiil, the cries What greater enemy of mankind than tions of those physicians who levo used it in R. S. RIGkiARllSON, distr.``,*k Instead of diminishing they are ceased. Another rescue party went down disease, and work nobler work than tofight their practice. Pilelcono iii a Sure ore oproaite Town Hall. 1t1.xxA.t it, rapidly Iluereasing in numbers, and they when other remedies fail to relieve, Testim- a j nd it menace to the at office, and, after three+ of them had been against this death dealing enemy of his oniais furnished. Pries $1. For sale by drug- A. HA.STINCx Sa BARBL' ata -` SAVED byBuy have become a curse a , carried back to "the shaft unconscious, manity. The most suceeesfal war against gists or by mail on receipt afprloa. cattle and horse industry, The -worth- , " I in;; at cur pentitrated to the entrance u£ the gallery. .disease is being steadily carried on by tar, T. Ssno;ro, binnufaoturiag Chemist, 1�9 FANSO�T S BLOCK, E1.ETI;R. �iS� l4'est laawOrnment won't t set in a sati$fae- The entrance was completely blocked by Burdonk Blood Bitters for dvapepsia, can- Dundas St.. London, Unt. As you Ansa by on tiho -lata street PLANING MILL tory planner. What we Want is a bounty the wxeeked woodwork. The rescue party atiliatiou,. bad blood, biliousness, etc, can- - Just for a moment stop. - .A.t:ld LUMBER YARD '. on every wolf in British North America- could see several dead bodies .on the other not resist its powers. And have your hairand whiskereltilmmed a bounty so great as to induce -nen to go side ef'tlie tfmbex$, bet were unable to get _ _ _ At Iiastissg's Bnrbnrlshop• We keep constantly on hand a targe stock of + into the business of hunting them. Why, at them, anti returned to the tela empty- Thi Perth County CounOfi has refuaed'to We are Me lichtninr barbers, all kinds of building matorinls. Dressed 0rua- the t�'Q v�P,�; live like lords in our district handed. It is believed that all the risen petition the Ontario Legislature to submit ilio w our work with oars, dressed pine and hemlock lumber,also a ohafce becauIR'uo f anter will wasto powder on in the alley were suffocated or killed b We always keno our razors are atOurs No. o Dino lath. them, but they must be exterminated, gallery y a plebiscite to the electors on the prohib#• And sh0nra in good repair. a. is co stock e£ doors, sash, v kiln mouldings, and that's the size of it." the shook of the explosion. Twwelve ruiners tion of the liquor traffic by 14 to 12. , Sia. a coir for sa a 00,00 X kiln dried. r* -who worked in the extreme interior of the , �'�� ll o have the very els cl sanies ofyohairs. Sire 3DAR SHIN BOE$ ma ufa turedb PINE Palo and sallow girls and prematurely We keep our towels clean. and CEDAIi;S1fINGLE6 m�nu£aotuzedby tha Pecs for Witnesses. urine on the night shift, and bail not -- We shampoo in the best of syie best makersin Ontario. started for the shaft so soon as their tom- Aged women shield use Dr. Williams And use the easy hair machine. `Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and slzes,mado '.-'lie question of fees to commissioners in pentane, aro also believed to lea dead. Pink Pills, they acme as a boom for all A. BAG �gg w , Some harbors work an slowly, to order is lowest Braes. IV have samothinq extradition oases, which has ssioners in those ills which afflict the female system. SHAW, ar bar this bun for watering cattle in the stable Despite the apparent hopelessness of the Build up the blood restore shattered nerves tint this Is aux text: or barnyard. considerable correspondence between the situation, a rescue party is still i, the p y We do not keep you waiting, (� Gail and sen our celebrated r Baking Cabin. American consul at Montreal and the Da- and convert callow complexion into roe Wishes to announce that lie lies open- Your turn is always "nest." Lvov woman using Cham recommends Clout mine, and thousands have gathered at the obeeks, All dealers or by mail, post paid, ed a Bakery and Confectionery Busi- Aa for the ladies and children, i highly: partmeat of Justice, has been dealt with pit's mouth. When the extent of the dis- at 500, per bus, or G boxes tar Y2,L0. Hess in the stand lately occupied by E. We do their work tir,-top, • i Turning,band, serollsawina, and all kinds of by the :•+ohcrtor•Genernl. The law does aster became known the women of the We sbingle their hair and trim their bangs machine work promptly attended to. not provide far any fees, but the practice data- mens families attempted to ilii. Chas. Hohn, of Greenway, received A. Fallick, north of the Post Office, At 1lastlaR's Barber shoo. It will be to your interest to examine our has always bean in the, Pravinee of Que- mob Cho mime otiicials, accusing #hem a telegram on Tuesday, which stated that and would respectfully solicit a share of stookbofore±piuohnsing elsewhere. bee forthe commissioners and their ofiioers of carelessness in the management his son, 'William, who has been residing the public patronage. to exact reasonable charges for their ser- of the mine ai,&I of indifference near Edmonton. Alberta, was found dead ROSS &TAYLOR, Main Street;, vices, The same practiue, only in a more as to the fate of their husbands and in his house. The body was brought home expensive way, has prevailed in the State brothers below. The mine officials sent to for burial. He was an industrious,popalar �3read Cake & Bun.SBARGAINS of New York and other States, The Dux for police, and three companies of young man and the sad news has oast a , I • �'i 1 $olioitor-General thinks the fees should be soldiers are camped in the fields around gloom over the neighboehood where b s 7N '�`l�.l'ee Points i aid, and it is likel the sub ect will be , affiioted arents reside, Fresh every clay, and delivered to all p y j the pit's mouth tonight. The miners p arts of the town. dealt with between. the two Governments families are stili at -watch and probably Thera are more cases of sickness and p HARNESC, TRUNKS, VALISES, so as to arrive at an equitable tariff for will remain in the fields -ill night, despite death from diseased kidneys than from all OYSTERS & LUNLHES WRTPS RUGS BOOTS both countries. the inclemency of the weather. other diseases combined. It is your own . > , ' i fault if you allow pour kidneys to remain served at all�hours. r NOTE WELL. Tho 7EIenitil Conference. y y SHOES, RUBBERS, ABERDEEN COMING SURE, in an unbealtbly condition when the aura Having engaged as Foreman baker, Yesterday representatives from the Pro- ig at band. Dodd's Kidney Pills are guar- Mr. B. C. McKAY of London I sliall ETC. vinoial Boards of Health began a confer- anteed to aura the worst oases. It costs b using the best jades of Flour, and AT ' We have had the ence with the Dominion sanitary authorl- The Official Stut Shortly.. Will Iso 1lade very but little to give them a trial. They are y a Ex ertenoe are Ho Yeast so highly recommend- John Trebles Main 8t io ' expose p a that and tires regarding the conflict of the Dominion for sale by all druggists and dealers or by p p , g y ! tantivn to business, close prices and and Provincial authorities in the matter of Lo�Do a, Jan. 2d.--To set at rest all mail on receipt of 50 Sts, or 6 boxes for'$2. ed by the Medical fraternity fir its fits are Cite main factors lir our quarantine matters. Representing On- conjectures about the successor of Lord 50. write for book called Kidney Talk, nutritious and digestible qualities, be proper , tario, there are present Icon. Messrs. Har- Stanley of Preston, as Governor-General enabled to turn out by far h. best NOTE A FEW PRICES' business. court and Gibson and Drs. Bryce and of the Dominion of Canada, your corre- bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00 With this ever Cassidy. The melting began at 3.80, Hon. spondent has authority to state that the HOW TO GET A °,SUNLIGHT" and other cakes a specialty. Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.25 i�rOn1 ptitUt�e. redeemins; feat- A, R. Angers, Rlinister of Agriculture, Right Hon. John Campbell Hamilton Gor• PICTURE. Oysters and Lunches at all hours. Men's Rubbers, 0.50 ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we presiding. The meeting will last two don, the seventh Earl of Aberdeen, will Women's Rubbers 0.30 have won the patronage of the many days succeed His Excellency. Bend 25 "Sunlight" Saop wrappers ('I's dl-tf A. BAGSH.A.W Misses' Rubbers 0.26 Lord Wolseley's name, which was men- large wrapper) to Lever Bros„ Ltd., 43 , whom despise those specially, resorted Notes. tioned in connection with the position; Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by to tactics of tailors especially, should Silt ;i'eohn Thompson has called a caucus, was brought forward because of his con- post a pretty piotnre, free from advertising 1 Skilled Workmen are employed O f putting off until next week what should of his supporters for to-morrow. tinned association with the leading Can- and well worth framing. This is an easy A manufacture the goods, and the best Of have been done this. The report of, the Militia Department radians here, and by the belief that he him- way to decorate your home. The soap is ® material is used. t `� 4 men -will be drilled this self would gladly go to Canada. But, in the beat in the market, and it will only q ®®® v Prompt attention given to all kinds of (� ' This is a nice states that N1,48 pp repairing. My Stock is well assorted `� a t /s f a ea(on' looking warfl,but year. the face of this, it has been quite under- coat to postage to send. in the Wrappers, if The output of ammunition at the Gov- stood in official circles that Lord Aber- you leave the ends open, Write your ad• and every customer is guaranteed satis- to carry out its meaning is difficult to erThe o cartridge factory at Quebec last deen has been the nominee of the Cabinet, dress carefully. _ - H faction. The Prices mean a sale every some. \'fe glory in word and the way and especially the choice of lair. Glad- ,- time. Calland be convinced. it is exemplified in our shop. We guar year was 1,800,1100 rounds.Carter's Mr. N. Page, editor of Le Spectnteur; stone, who is his intimate friend. if you had taken two'of Little "0 - - antes satisfaction every time in all res- Mr. Aberdeen and his Countess look Liver Pills before retiring yon would not H JOHN TREBLE, Exeter. pects. Holl,. ,was arrested to-day, charged with forward to another term of residence in have had that coated tongue or bad taste' y criminal libel of Chief of Police Genest, of Canada with much interest, ane t is the in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial H' 0 :ED ® � � � If you want a suit, a coat, vest vi pair Hull. general opinion here that Canadians are to with you for occasional use. ' .1J L of Dani ,give us a call and be convinced The Knights of Labor are asking Par- be congratulated upon the choice of their t hat what we have said is true. liament to prohibit the importation of next Governor-General. lklinard's Liniment cures Gorget in cows. n? alien labor tinder" contract,: also for an Act , The official announcernent of the ap F+r Do you want a 'R'i� • JOH O imposing an, annual poll-tax of x;100 on pointment will be made shortly, In the rte] n PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEINING y,( Chinese, resident in Canada. The amount meantime, however, the matter may be re- " ^ ' in each case to be paid into the municipal- Raided as settled, Sp e Gaal 1 r O MACHINE, BOYS' &GIRLS' TRICY-' ity where they reside. Lord 'Aberdeen told a friend not long �t ; CI.l)S, EXPRESS WAGONS? Mr.:Langelier. will introduce a resolution since that he hoped to visit Canada at an (i t in favor of placing refined sugar on the early day, discreetly adding, however, Our a $ p �� free list. ' whether I go officially off• not remains to v Clearing L Mr. Choquette gives notice of a bill to be seen.." Cheap Sale N amend the Civil Service Act. Parneulto and Anti-Parnellite Sorap. I ®� l l ji '{l ale, Mr. McMullen wants iron to be plaoed DuBnzx Jan: 25.-The hostility be- 0f}? U on the free list. Major Hughes seeks to secure a reduction tween Parneliites and anti-Parnellites is .g m the price of ammunition.> He wants assuming an acute phase. PierceMahony.. Cd f� I ®f particulars of the number of servants em- the former Parnellite X.P. for North ( SSTRICTLY HIGH GRADE. ALL MADE OF THE BES71 ployad by'the officers of the nermauent Meath, who was defeated in the late elec. O ` STM AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR Corpsrpsat Twontu Kingston*. St. John's and tion by Michael :Davitt, sin uo unseated, � i MANUFAOTUREO HY Goods Quebec. p g. had an encounter to-day in the four courts . Winter with Matthew Joseph Kenay, Nationalist TS BEST YET' .' [he Goold Bicycle Co. Ld T"xle Broke. M.P. for Muddle Tyrone. Kenny received _1,�•xn].ture STA.kTron:O, Feb, 1.-Au accident hap- ablack eye. Mahonyvras arrested and com- THE CHEAPEST YET R1?iiRTf-'0h79, QNT. at pened yesterday to the Buffalo express dile mittecl for oral, buil being accepted,. H Send fief Oatelogue here at noon. When coming down the $paaigliltel,tta�lican Coalition. THE BIG YET grade 'cast of Bright the connecting rod 2 a� — If you do, the place a get cbe most reliable and the axle of the front drivers were MADmD; Jan. 5.—A manifesto, signed goods at a modern Drioe is at PIaRrume s, t broken, the cab smashed and„the locoing- by Senores Zorilla, Salmeron, and Pity — p_ MARTIN'S, dealer, in Mnscoal Instruments, 111ar all, the leaders of three Republican 1 hest Ordered mothin iodll0e� t0' tive wrecked.- No lives were lost, though g C}eri}lames l -cava yourordersearl f.' i 9 sections in Spain, -vas issiiedyesterday tin I g P or All kinds of farm implements the engineer and firemmi had a in had formed a coalition. of Tailors . lAh b best Sewing Msahine supplies. a opts sold on a mar IOUs esoa1e, npunein that the h with the best staff , gin over cost. Aalents for,the celebrated Chat g y rM 1111,27 H A central committee the manifesto adds, ('�,. 1 (� r will be appointed n7Madriit; the members �•" idleJ stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best ham Nagon. A despatch from Zanzibar Cutting in Town; yea aro sure �f satisfaa PERKIN$ & p which will constitute ifie first Ministry tion MARTIN, • says that of rvh Capt. Nelson, who was with Stanley in when the Republic sliall Bare been.estab ODI)FEL1:OW'S BLOCK, Fanson's Block. �,8r� �4�1Ao Africa, died recently at Kaikngar, East lishccl, '�"• �, I 'i3.°IJ. Africa.