HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-2, Page 4. I. I . ., . . . I I . -1 . I . � . I � I I I . 1. 11 I � . �- I I I ! . I . . . . . ; . I � . - I - 11 � - 11 .. . 11 , .1 I I 1. . '­ . 1% I I .1 . � I I 1, .. I . : I 11 � 1. . , I . , . I � . V� I I I ; � I .11 I � '' . . I I . . �, - 11 �.. . � I I I � � . I I I ,� . ,. 11 I I 11 �� I . I I " . ,.,. , � I : . . - � I . I .� � . . I I .1 11 I � � I I . I . I . � 1". I I I I I I I � .111. . . ,. . . , � �. -, . ; I .0 . � � I � ".1-1 � I ... . I I . I I . . 11: � . � 1. I . I . ! �. , . I I . .. .. I I � . I .1 . . 1. �� ., . . I : I . � I - . ­ . . ,. I I � . . I . � I I I I . . I'll, I . . i . . I . : , I , . . . I I . ,­ I I I . . I I I I � . I I I I I I . I � , . . . I . . . . I � . . - � . � . . I � I . --- - ­ — I , � : III I 1111!! I � - � . . . � I I . - . I ­­-- —.-----­— I 11 III i 11 pl!�!!N,ffiwl-�M�.­-­­- ---.- ­­­­­­­-­­­­­ . ....... �- - . - I - 11 -­.. -1 I . I . I . I �---� ;!M!�— W;, ,.''. �, � � !!!M - . � I . NEST HELP FOR MEN, . "-- . I cL that they were iucapabl I e of for it�cusing the Government Of buying I I . HO 111111111111111111.111111111 ­. � 0 . I -eating it trusINVOrthy report. A.S 1,1'r,!,.' Irish criminals. lIePXOM­ -- - - . I P,& -V 140 MORE MONEY TO QUACIES. , I/, I Established in i877 IN TEE BRITISH I ME '"te . i1,y--,`t111tli1,y;1f.01rru,, the Home Rule bill in -1 I . 13alfoul, proceekled with a proli-g. atatemout the House of Lords as Soon as. it passed . -1 � A sufferer from Error$ of Youth, Nervous De- , --- l � Uf his Objections to the awerment's policy the House of Commons. When the peers 1. I T4ostVigorj was restored to health,in 11 I . I .*.... bility AD' . heard tile promise faint laughter rippled , such a remarkablemaroller-after atl-else bad 11 Z, S, O'NEILt The Speech from the Throne the Interest of the House w4lied percept- over the benches. The Earl of Kimberley . . '. *. failed tba% he willawrid the means ofoure I ibiy, Towards the close of his speech lie ..� FREE to all f eilow sufferers, Address, with I Causes Lively Debate. warmed again to his subject. He do- also promised that the Home Rule bill --am stair P. I . . ,9-11k 3,(R, EDWARD MARTIN (TuALOHHO B,&NKER, — manded tb7at the Home Secretary should would not be a milk-alid-wAtGr meas"Tt- � -'7�.­--Li-­%)W., , . - ­ , Box 143, Detroit, Mjeh� . - . . or not. the release of E gan and — .. 4M-11 1, . - -S To BALFOUR, 64Y whether -.­�W/? . - L LIE OUT OV THE 011DINARX- ;. !: -, -: .. -.:: - ......'. RXBTERI Callan, the Irish dynamiters, was a 'Part .,."0 . ST. . intended to involve Tile cold throughout Europe con- ­., ......." .., I --- , . of a policy of amnesty iters. � �� ­, Lo I a goneralbankinibusiness. The Rome Unle :Bill to be Introduced the -release of till the Irish dynam tinues. 11" Notice is bereby given that I have lost a cer- --: - T=nsaQta � f-�;,�;",-. ...... � -­ - I ,� fain promissory note lor tue sum of one Ittoeives the �Accounts Of Merchants alid xext Xonday- Salisbury arld l$a1foittr He charged Mr. Morley, Home Secretary, Teams axe crossing the Mississippi On .V I ... . �s. dated March l4th, IW2. and . '. TbousandDollar with ha,ving -used the Crown prerogative the ice at St. Louis. . '5 a ombletermil. W.*'. I., in favor of Matthty Mor- thers on f Av loommodatiou consistent with :Both rphold the G, O- 3 -T -'s A-ctlo' in for political purposes. I . - !", due Jan. let.1893- aidthesaid.Note tothe said . I . . .. look. AaIhavep �. . 4feancloonservt,tiyobttukiDspriiioipleo. , Mr. Gladstone was cheered loudly when An ice field 40 miles Wide and 2400 1 .. ..... ny person offers overY ac I ­..;.: , I hereby forbid A a Egypt and *eganda. . miles long extends from the mouth of .:P...-.-� . Matthew Morloolo: � . --r I to purchase or exchange the said Note. . I interest allowed on deposit$- he rose to answer Mr. Balfour. f,, the Danube to the north-eastern coast AUGlUST HAISTP I 7 011104 0 the Losmox, Feb. I.-PaTliameut re-assem- He had noticed, he said, that with f =� CroditQn. Draftel'asued PaYable at Aa s the - of orimim I - January 24,1893i --St I MerchantsBank, bled yesterday. The following is the continued growth. of legislative arreaT . Nantucket island, on the Atlantic - � — JONEYTO LOAN eagerness �k the country for vigorous I I I ", : No,,CES DisCor, N."TED, all(I I iteen's speech opening the session:- egis" " FOR bALE. : .ES. Q . lation. increased. He had decided to lose coast whichbas a Population of 15,000 ]FAR N1 , I O,q NoTEs and �Ioi�TOAG -­ 31), Lords and Gentlemen: � no time, therefore, in satisfying this eager- pecifle, is hemmed in by ice, and silp, . . , ------­-� ---------- us relations annotbe landed from the main- The undersigned� having signified hisintent - Clifford Blac7cman, ion to retire from farm life,W1110fler hissPlon . My friendly And harmonio ss. He would secure the appointment piles C i -w/ , no . I � with all the powers continue. Their de- of a Royal Commission to inquire into the laud, - con.lin thatowashi : Ighs 0, uttv gimto- claratioms from every quarter are f avor blizzard struck Memphis, Tenn. A 13oston Boy's Syesight id 200-aore farm for We, being lots 21 and 24 ,tQf Usborne. London Road I Welsh laud question. The suspensory bills A count [uron. y o land is all cleared. two ­­— ble to the maintenance of European 11 inches deep on a level Saved—Perhaps His Life spion tolfruit-beal , dmill and ­� a would ouicken, lie believed, the activity of The silow was I of 11 ring orchards; win o the ' I Scotland- He and in drifts t-,vO and lenty of good wst, I THLIRSDAY, FEBRUARY 2ad, 1893 peace. chlixelies (if Wales an( three feet deep. or. The fences are W first- , ...... �- - In connection with the approaching reproached Mr. Balfour for assailing With Street ears were blocked and traffic sus- _.class condition. On the promises are a brick I -1 --- 1� ­- ­­ ..... . ­­ ­-­--­­ ritish East I I *By Hood's SarsaParilla-73lood pol cc d It nit itwo large bank barns -. 1 �tage an O' ( 'This is a : NOTES AND COMMENTS evacuation of Uganda by the 13 inflammatory criticism a bill not Yet intrO- pended. . ,r,. .b'l' .!�'54il:26; dilying shed.. I sorted by caulcer. rst-class farm in every partioularand the Africa Company, I have deemed it expe- dilce(i And for doing his utmost to preju- The C, P. It. special train which bore obeirig1mile from Exeter Blaiuobas re- dient to autbiOTIZ6 a cOmmis-4oner of ex- dice the minds of his followers against a H, Montague A111111, from Wiuui 9 t Itead the following from it grateful mother* I ocation is a good on in Ont, I The death of James 04- Wo On tile till pe o , ­ bore there is one of the best marUets . ability to exam plan of Hollis Rille of which be was S Montreal, to attend Lis brother's funor, "'My little boy bad Scariet vevor when 4 ),ears perlence and . I It wilt be gold At a reasonable Eguro. For .. moved one of the most Powerful slid cqr- spot, with adequate provision for his ignorant, Mr. Balfour bad Asked where al, made the tril) in 44 hours, Or an old, and it loft litm ,very weak and with bl000 furthorpnnioularsapill7to e most Ilicturesque figure fron F w h for the : poisoned .%vith caulter. ilis eyes became Am IYAUVA, Hay P. *. ont. I � tainly tit I I ,afety, into the I)est means. of dealing it there ,was an oulpire which 'had been average of over 31 miles an .hour the American political stage. To the the country, and to report to tile ('x6vern- strengthened by the Adoption, of local . solitfiallied thathis suffertugswere Intense, and I as whole 1,4'25 miles. , , i ; Lord Salisbury bad done some years I I Could Not Open His EyeS.1 "7'� " in Ep ',�! gypt I autonomy. Mr. Gladstone replied that for seven weeks lie N Dominion Mr. Blaine was Always a ment- I I— -- . consistent and untiring foe, and though In view of recent occurrences t slight pERSONALS. � th the United have deterinitted upon making t ago, hewould point to Anstria-Hungot . 11 we can sympathize wi t () t �Iye Peter ,T a r. 0, augmentation in tile nixtuber of British as an illustration applicable ,ackson, the colored pilgilist, Is I took film twice during that t1m to the � Y I k � States in the loss of ac, brilliant a mail, troops stationed in that country. This case of Great Britain and. Ireland. the latest aspir=t for t110 Stage. and r�ar Lifirinary oil Charles street, blit their Canadians may be pardoned for feeling find remedies failed to do 11111, tile faintest sbadow 0*';�Rm 1� that his death has reinoyed one serious measure does not Indicate a change of He would also point to the British lion, C. H. Tupper sailed for En9l, olmilenced, giving him Trood's I olicy or a modification of the Assurances colonies -which sixty years ago f Tom NeW Yorlt On We'l-aesday. of,golod. I c I — V 1) g! n m, no 0 sarsaparIllanud It soon cured lijill. I linvoll ,omplicati 'Q�q in the rolat I Ions of the two MY dovernme,11t ,,its ve fro tit t Were ruled front London, but deinauiled. The Iufanta Isabella of SPain-411not lie vor doubted that :it baved his sight, even, SU ALED TF,NDRAS Addressed to the under- � � aigned, and endorsed" Tender for Goderiob ooqutrtes, time respecting the British occupation, Of separation =ill r0f-guvernmont finally openthe Chicago .NvOrlX8 fair, as had it net his very IMP. you May IlRol this to$., . . : . Work." will be received untilTuesda I Choose. I ant always. Ly, tile 'th *** � Egypt. The XhediTo has deelaTed in was granted. lie would not reply to .Mr. been expected. tlyllollial In ally way YOU day of Fabruan-, incluSivOY, for the exton8ion r a to folluw lie ur's invective against Mr.. Morley's aise of !,ftboPiersand lredgingatGoderich,11uroa The flow of emi,,tration seems now terms satisfactory to in tice, Balfo MT. James Armstrong. M. P. for ready tolsoluml the pri � ILocording to a ulan and spea- forward the est.;b1ished practice of pre- and except to say South Middlesex, is dangerously ill at Hood"S Sarsaparilla lounty,ontario'D . to have set in. towards Canad,& and gives tious consultation. with MY Government in administration of IreL ification to be seen at the office of the Town . that the wise policy of clemency had been PA. merit of . ; and his 'desixe to not in . his residence near Wilton Grove. beemi- Of tile wonderful good it (lid my soll.ts'Clerk, G loderich, and at the Do rt � vidence I)f gaining the volume polit,i.c,il affairs, - simultaneous with a great decrease of Prince . . IiOWOT)oA,0ttAWA. I ' cor( ated in London that ,. Bwicim-kx, 2888 'Washington St, PT11 onsidered -4uless made I every a, ;ting. �No foolish I co-operation with it, agrarian. crime. ",�Ir.Balfbirr'sattaekupou It is st, Amllr; r nolars will not be ol ith tile which will make it I' a$ a ,+O c it� In ri George of Wales will marry Princess B()st011, *4qass. Get HOOD'S. ,On the form supplied and signed w s must be mad * , heck ,latiou to both Egypt and TJgauda tile evicted tonallt,il e.ommisgion recoiled 'tl week of --'----- AC . tQ settle llal, ers in contill"at' of thoss heretofore upoultimself, whydialienotwaituntil MaY of Teck during tile secoll , itual signatures of tonderop. to the =need is Population '011, � HOOD'S PILLS are IMUld I ade, And are pex,; An accepted Imulc obeque wyablo i lneseutvil �N Ill at onee be laid before Fou. tile "immission's prollogals, came before April- . � t00% rtIoaaud,aPPOAr=cQ- 'order of theINlinister of Public Vorlte,equalto .1 and Improve hier vacant lanes, 03=11at I . - . - , in willposwon, propo � five percent. of aluonxkt of t0nder. must ac. her manufactures and Swell the volume cWut11�,mt,IX of the House of Common$. tile House when he could. urge Lis objeo- It is reported in Vienna that the, 0znr � , I --w �­­ � -, --r--v., , compariyeachtender. This Obeque wilt be foll - 11 . xpoXt8. 11'ecanfitiLlroom andl - v fov tions wall 'are. er force. Tile mirsioll to will aesulue the title, Of c-mperor of Asia .. T � 0 1 grow 01,11 gradually, one must live fei.'ed If the lartydeolino the.00ntract. orfail charges neQessar. . ictedfor, and will of her 0 aud. the more F,;tlmates of tile * -r that An im- .,is an offset to Queen victorWs title of temperately, calmly, mothodicallyt be In- 000111PIOOI, eworkeontra - - . svi'viee (111riliq the conling, finall- I:ganda was necessary in ord( roturtied In case Of 31011-accOl-tauce Of tcic� welcome * , r terestea in all that is iro der. for tbeill all ill( publit iaid. partial and thorou uquiry be made 3milress, of India. I lug oil in tile world l'o � that come the better. Oal vc-ar have, been fral�ied and Will be I into affalis there. 11111i result of this in- Mr. Sol. -\'Vilito. X.P.P., proclaimed be cheerful, happy and contellt(d, Rud i The Department does not bind itself to no. befk,re you at all eaTI-., date. , -est or any tender. I ­ 'it Of above all, keeit 1,11, By order, would enable the Government to his loyalty to Britain durillg� thO vi' obloodlumanav, rou4 ,the low ­­­ y ­: � ! �� � ... ... ­- - 'go Huron CouritY Council. Ify Lol:(13 and G entlt�men. =11�111'1- at a rational devislon. Those who the (foyeinor-General to Windsor, and � by the upeol Ayer'a Snreaparlill, Be 911to � Elp,.E.110y. I I have ob�rrvv�l vi Ith conc,,rn the wide wished to wish their hands of 'V-gauda now the annexation gang 1I.Vve bounced �, ,you get A,yer's- I . Socrotarn � continued from page, L prevalonce of agricultural distTessiumally forgot the charters and other obligations him. I jobn, 1,1c,.\1pnu, of Svafottli, has t-vld out 'Department of Public Worlts, I I parts of the countr.y. it is to be hoped webv involve. 110 III I 0 -ttawa. z" Ira January. U91. 5 reports a large iculler, bas I his stablo t,tf ty-out, hon es, for %Z -i 51 @ I—.—. -- and adopted. In the which they would Vat daur, the Orillia, � � .1 I I re recommended that among the canseN Of the rresmt de- Is long Parlia- J. 0. Gau I � number of accounts we! wards Of tile pressi-lit mmle are of a t0lipilrary nature, did not beileve that in ill issued a challenge to TOW any inan for r""!'!'�- -----' ' and tile following made, inentary carv(�rlie had. ever -uttered words tile ellampionshil) of America and a '-'%U ZZ LES. � .N itilf,ut doul,t V.-.11 will tal,o thi� grave r I : 'blargaiiat 31cLean, Ash -field, but , st) Tash nn(l dang 'f� P R E lsl� i U M gerk)u-s ai wore those ut- I county 'm� to -red by 'Mr. Ila . Ifour coutarruing the diffi- stake of $1,000 or A2,501) a sdile. . 11�j , . I $80perannum; 51r and T&s Walter, matter into your vt siolorati, ,n awl '11.1he 1.�" , a S. -t � - -eftil, enquiry. aulding, a intillionaire bache- —7-- �� -h I . . . . . . -.--...--I-- . , annall, ; ,Njar,� , ,% litiesinEgypt. Thv-ewurdsbaolseemed � , ret it � ,1bjt,t 43f e,11 T�.(,entjv In loree which el , Jolin Sp. �d Bt- I , -- I — . I'll, ior amatioll lor living at ates hotel, Z Godericli, $1,90 per to sugg,(�st that the Q the Vnite ..144-1'� , t �� Fletcher, Wingbam, $110 per apnum; A,V Thoprool, . I overliment -would lose - I i- placed Ireland. under exceptional provi- no tilt in getting out of Egypt. Boston, has j,A,,t yj,veli eight servant �, -- , '. S) Duncan. Turnberry, * 100 per annum ; ,AjOns t -f law have bvk-ll revOlzed aIlll 1 have 1 0 r `To4e and rt�pndiated the girls employed in that hotel .$ 10, 001). 4eannette Bradley, Colborne, $80 per rati�tfaetjon Ili iniorming you that the Coll- , Mr. Dalton �llarge that lie ili,ol sug - I ,oderieh tp, $10) ditij)a of that vountry' with respect to � gosted the probabil- ItluLlWON. � � Aunulm I'VIII Dunn, G y of a hast) (macuatioll. I I - - per atilluill; Win Collins, do, $75 per itl lie said that Rev.'.Nf, DeC(41(�:3. parl,,4hpriost of Sorel, I � ' agraTiall crime contiwtv� to imprOve. Vpom resuming, Xr, lUladsto, Que., has been maife .1 bishop. 11 . , t, maeriell, P,,')O ill will be slIbIllitit'd to) volt t1n the to Government had not tO, consider the . anntilli; Jane Knigh A 1), .... 4 4. I!, - � ,russels, $90 ,arl!,,st available occasion. to '61mid the t, 11 . peratinum; Sarall. Lee, r ut of Ireland. questionof oevupAtiOn, but merely the The case of Dr. Briggs is to be ap- i . , , -.,-. I%Q , - per annuot. provisions for tbo governme maintenance of order. The relations Of pealed direct to tile Creneral Assembly. " . I the Clark This bill has been preparell with the do- the two (vovE.Tantents had now been place(l %king Mgr, Satolli pnpal G Proud,foot-Roilins- that ,,intent to tilt) leisli peo- The degree in. � I 10 It I I (into dailies for Are to affard Conte ory footing. Fuither trouble States is officially - .. I advertise in two Tor Qn A sat isfact delegate to tile 1711itell I r1i t , I i 4 . � l,le t,Ll afit�)rol impolrtant relief to PArliA- acted. in coiloi-iou, Air, gtatgK1 to be purely oeclP-Sift-mtic in ell' ,IT - places for County House of 'Refuge wag " was not apprehe � - - referred to Executive Committee. Said Inent, and to furnish adilitional seettritit�s Gladstone repeated lita aplwal. to tho HOU80 I acter. ( . - A � � for the i-t3x,,ngtlx aud union of the einpire. I . Committee reconlimended that no action before you not to be moved by premature dentincia- I C.Olnulantlant 1300th, of tile li�alvatiou � , . � I . be taken. Bills will be PTvIliptly laid tious of tile Home" Rule Bill. If,% could Army, is in Montreal arranging to I i , ... . for the amendment of the system, of regis- understand the impatience of members if Coll- I i I , 1,30 r. U. tration in Great Britain,for shortening the they discovered allY diAllOsiti011, to delay vert the old Joe Beef canteen on the I � I 1), D : Repoft nf I'load and Bridge Climmit- duration of Parliaments and for establish- the bill, but this (lid 'lot exist. It snrely water front.into a shelter for the poor. I I I ., t ingi equality it% the franchise bv the limita- - Iva Rev, Leroy I -looker, formerly of the I � ,;) 3 - . I tee Twill and after considerable discus- � would be better for all to ,vait and 91 -1-11� . ... - I I I ,I h ed, tion of eaji elector to a single vote. There - � \ f') - . . I . . sion and amendments will Also be proposed to you Yatious bills the Provisions of the bill their f till, care Metropolitan church, Toronto, is said to 16. . was adopted. ointed arbitrator be' aTing oil ihe condition of labor, among ful, deliberative, perhaps calm, impartial, have been received into the presbytery I d - -­ -- I � Judge Tom was app asures in relation even benevolent, judgultAilt. of Chicago, and will take charge of the ,---,- : in ease the township of Morris forced which there will be me June Session. to tile liability of employers, the houis of After Mr. c.,(ladstone's speech, the House Fifth Presbyterian church there. I ln,�;O. 1.-.A Lady and hor Colopanioll. an arbitration before the a bill to adjourned. According to a bulletin Just ip-Rued . No. .o.-,nvo or more Ladles at Items. labor of railway servants and there are 582,054 communic;nts Ofth0 No.s.-Ona or more of Our Boy$ And .Council then adjourned, amend the law of conspiracy. Your at- xn the House of Lords. Protestant Episcopal church in the t Girls. - - -- ­ .­­ tentionwill likewise be inviteatomeas- &I 61inton. ures for thu further improvement of local In the House of Lords several new peers, UnitedStates. The churches with their d Magazine Ora., pa es And Is devoted to The TA kDI1T8'C0W,AN2*XO'q Is a Iligil-cla" 111"strate ,a b,j,st-e� ­ government including bills for the area- including Lord Mayfair, took the Oath furnishings ate valued.at ,"K. 006, 317- � levating hoth in its; � forence took place u teratur,W, Art, rashlon and Irome Life, Its Matter will Ile Of tl mcellence of I Burxn- Clinton busju(s3 man are lion of parlI councils; for an enlargement prescribed for new peers. The Prince of An important con Literarystyleand, parl yl of sentiment. In beauty of letorial embellishment allot 0 ium.ovs d . the ill it a proin dissatisfied with tile service of the in- of the powers of the London County Coull- last week between the members of letter -press it WIll take- rcoot rank. and to this end it,wlyll Ile pvIllted on a ofinc, heavy, calendere candescent light. There was no I cil, for the prevention of the growth of W ales and his son the Duke of York had Toronto M inisterial association and the paper such as is used in no other Cttiindian journal, A perfectly foll r And 1091 n t vuhli- ­ ight , in order to quickly Place it And its Sist � fidtl) new vested. interests in ecclesiastical es- seats on the cross -bench. They remained meinbers of the Clerical (Anglican) asso- tem is adopted by its puptishers, at great outlain, poh, f circulation. The most exact 9 , . cations at the head of 411 Canadian periodicals to Monday night. -At the next meetin through part of the debate on the address on on the subject of tile union. of the ,,.i,,, -')e ke with ever subscriber. ch -1 -law, will likely be tablishments in Scotland and Wales, and cfati 1, � DI i,.S .,V,r IT(), 1�,' will be Tnr lromo'�Nlngazine of Canada, ,,par excellence." Noilasu bt$ of the Council a by reply to the Queen's speech. Lord rtant ad- ,­'. I t ,�, . at to establish ontrol of the li- in various denominations. Impo o-tofo)rc been offered at the price -only 61) cents per annum. �. Every boy and girl,will submitted to prohibit cows running quor traffic, together with other measures Brassey moved the aoloptioucif the ad- dresses were delivered by Revs. Provost PEL at the price -25 cents per �eax . .Q Ana secure A boy% la Ltility. His motion was seconded by Lora ii�e�m The voice of the people should V i justice to of public v dress. Body, Principal Caven, Dr. Langtry and ----- t plied with, Bu n I humbly commend your labors on these Thring. Both mover and seconder spoke Dr, Grant. BOYS AND GIRLS owners of cows -many of.1them. poor I and other subjects to the guidance of the M1111ot LIST. people -a reasonable time Should be Almighty. in general terms in support of the Govern- CJVSUALTIES. I .. t correct solution of I given, for disposal. -Mrs. James Patton. '%VIteit, the House reasembled, Mr. Glad. ment. y, who yesterday appeared Six persons in East Liverpool. Ohio, s, will be given A Lord Salisbux were poisoned by eating diseased mut- Is Gold Watch; of Goderich Tp., whose maiden name stone upon entering was vociferously in Opposition after passing a compliment 11 't r- , a ..,. N was Margaret Wallace -red - the oath as Minister ' - ton- ; e to e second, A slo GOLD Cc" , died last Satu chee - He tool On Thring, said he declined in the mean f.' -be, and at the same tim D the and was followed by his colleagues. The William Mulligan, a farriter of West- - gnineent Sleigh Xto e, while thus to t """ Sty f to the third, a Smvrat WATCH - day, aged 62 years. time to question the foreign policy of the Value(I at $G5; the third, x X reco, I daughter of William Wallace, it Right Ron. E, J. Balfour, the Couserva- Governniont. so far as known, in the minster township, committed suicide ou Dltloglt, PA,TTRUN, the fourth. a ,Ivl�g wonderful value or tothe fourth, a $6 GOLD COIN; eldest S W ,,.,, that small amount, to try and se- a full-sized Cit,&TON well known former residenti of Goderich tive leader was likewise cheered. loudly by absence of the official papers, the policy of Sunday. s Ajuslc Be-,; tile fifth orthe roliowin g valuable to tbe fifth, ' �S,LVRR VV&TC11; the sixth a ellre one, � now living in the Western, States. Conservative and. Liberal lUnionists. the new Ministry seemed to be founded on One man Was killed and four fearfully - -.1,1) Bltof)clt; tile seventh a premiums. For the first correct PonTRIXT i to the sixth, M girl'� town t on William Coddington, Conservative inem- i I a I I A f puz I No. 2, we will SXT,VF.R INVATOR; to each of the -A farmer on the Brantford marke sound principles and to be executed with injured by an explosion of giant powder 11 %,*(Zv ., ,,.,.*r LA.,.%1p; the o gbt i souto 0 ze , Saturday refused $8.85 a hundred for ber for Blackburn, raised an objection to judgment and skill. Events in Egypt rea- at Richmond, near Ogden, Utah, Friday sii,viot FIVI,, O,QLocK Tv,A. , awaro] aGold Watch, forthe next ten, a GOLD BROOM TO am the action of the Government in having I 13o,,,rr, to the next ten ,will be second, a beautiful SILIC DRESS - dered tile difficulties surrounding the Brit- 'giveri'a On1yoX PORTRAIT Of PATTERN' third,afinosir,yzit the middle sender a SiLvI%'l- a load of pork, and took it home ag * the Chiltem Hundreds to Jabez ation more numerous. The Gov- night. eittier the sender oi - to vnit for a rise in the quotations. Now ish occup, a killed and two others r tiny friend. WATCH; lourtli, a MUSIC Box: w.tTcH ; And to the five preecti graittea Three men war , edatslo. To fifth, a GOLD BROOCIE i sixth and 8 thdrawal of Ind., on Saturday slze,ioxw"), nod vahlidthe tell fol- thelive follolving a CRAYON I - ge er.ment must postpone the NN -i .Ice, Balfour, Liberal member for Ing each a handsome TolTXT . he will sell at a lower price.. It never oy, who is accused of frauds in con- British troops, but this in no wise'lhodified injured at Naphanes, tile iniddle sender mvellan elegant PORTUAITeach. Wtbemiddle CAss; and to the live followill, Lpays to hold on when you are offered nection, with the Liberator Building ifternoon by the explosion of the water. 1,,,I,,, will be award the middle eaeb,aGOLDB1oOOCJl`- - the assurances that had been given to the ' Olui, yo"t PORTRAXT of sender or sender, a SILVER WATCH; to � all that an article is honestly worth. Society and other institutions. Mr. cod- rning 0 works boiler. ,itayfflend. Thesenderof letter 'the five followin�,,, A C'"" To the last mii�a previous to foreign powers conee I gypt. -year-old boy, bearing lates , _ -or had committed E t postinalic, previous, FORTRJUT. To i ie fast correct The long delayed trial of Calder, who dington said that Balfo Albert Knight, a twelve to March ist. next. will receive 0, answer modledprevious to'Niarch Mareli lot next, will be given a I county goal from enormous framda, and should nothave had Touching upon the question of Home was struck by a horse car in Winnil? ,t, a GOLD WATClr,and to SWISS Music Box, and to I'llo was sent to Goderiel Rule for Irelaild, Lord Salisbury said that 1*eg Gol,I)WA,rcit. Tbosendernext istmex ! oil Saturday and died from the injuries to last will receive *it SILTrult the five eceding, each A ten preceding the last,aGul.t. ., upon information such , f,,,, extended to him. 9 the Government during . WATCH; ton preceding, each a CR&TOX Pp"ItTRAIT, valued at : Grand Rapids, Mich - the one object of ch he received. Bitoocit each. I of Blytb, charging tile past six months had been to the Whi CnATON PORTRAXT. 0). 1 1 1 of John McMillan, 0 Sir William Vernon Harcourt, Chancel t :, tent, came off on IoTof the.ftebequer, replied that the office hglethorto on a luditionsx-Rach eolites, � him with embezzlen support of a class of men whom . By the breaking of a scaffold Conditions:-Eaell contes- Conditions.-Eaell contes- Co itees in piizzlt� Saturday last before the county judge of steward of the 0hiltsin Hundreds was no politicians in England had tried to con- new building on Friday in Chicago eight tn at must mark faces in puzzle tant must mark faces in puzzle tent must mark f ertise, in Ink or pencil, cut advertise- in Ink or pencil, cut advt"tisf�- , at Goderich. The prosecutor was on a mere fiction, and the Government had ciliate. The key note of the, Irish: policy men were precipitated to the ground 30 Ili ink or pencil, cut ady d forward to us with ment out and f0rWA7d to tis )v 1 1 11 a his neither the right nor means to inquire into 'Itijus inent Out and forward to its with mentoutan of the GovernEAnt was to get the support feet below. Frauk Ward and J I 30 cell is for One year's subserl I � - bardwith 15 witnesses to prov . . , .; eents for 3 months'subscription so cents for sit months'subscrip- tton to Oun BOYS Alm Gliti's. char -go but upon taking the stand as cases of suspicion before granting it. of the criminal classes. The' provisions E f ally hurt 10 tile L,kl)rys1CoxrAmOx. Ad- tion to the L,kviRS AT 110161341. Address, ,1C.11 OUR BOYS AND firab witness for the prosecution be. so A writ was issued for an election in . Ter Wer Ill -t -,,t4, "All LADIESICOMPAN- Address, 111111 LADIES AT Street West, necessary to maintain the law had been ' HeTberf; Z atayden, chief clerk in the ioN,iGalang St. West, Toronto, HOME, uo; ring Street West, GIRLS, 166 King . stablish any crime January for a successor to Mr- J. S. repealed, thoughL agrarian crime war, not auditor's office of the Chicago & North- Canada. 0 . Toronto, Canada. Toronto, Cannda� — , signally failed to e Balfour. skin ol*trle�s where - - . sed in the prevalent. generally ;,;F ,, against the prisoner that he was at once _, .: western railroad, axd formerly a well X.B.-Be sure and write adolvess plainly, It, full, giving Province or state I ceed- The early evening was -pas it did prevail the h6ids.4f the law were . known steamship captain, was knocked CLUB JtATES.-To every Boy or Girl (excepting tile first received) sending us 10 Yoft"131 . dischargea. Calder threatens pro House of Commons in giving notices of a ) The -ill give it fin6 crayon portrait, valuedat $6. Each club.sabs�riber lialt for damages motions. Notice that Mr. Gladstone paralyzed. (Cotiservative cheer down by a waggon in Chicago on Thurs- subscribers at 25 cents each we NY f the above mentioned valuable premiums. , �, ings against Mr. MeMi prerogative of the Grown had bee2 used to day night and killed. aiso has an opportunity of obtaining one o - . — = I . . for the arrest and prosecuting Mr- would introduce his Home Rule Bill next shield murderers and release, dynamiters. — .. , calnpi�n, Q, C., of Goderich, defendel Monday elicited prolonged Liberal cheers. All the acts of the Government caused the THE LABOIZ IVORLD.. . the prisoner, At 8.80 o'clock George Lambert, Liberal impression that t ere much more in Thereareover 1, 500 unemployed work - I — member for the South Moulton Division Of sympathy with ,�Aemyiwn.l, than desirous of i --- . I men in Quebec city, T T I Devonshire, rose to move the address. He vindicating the law. (Cries of 'Hear, 1F*7A TE =A WIFE* . . Stephen. spoke to empty benches, as dicl also Mark hear.') The reference in the Queen�s The unemployed workingmen of Brus- . I I I I . . DERi,xit? -The debate of the Patrons of Beatifty, Liberal for the Kensington Speech to Home .Rule was the most pecul- sels threaten serious disturbances. Beautiful, and with a Clear, Healthy Complexioij. . 1. - .1 . I... . Industry meeting last Thursday evenin-, , Divisitla of Lambeth, who seconded the iar sentence he had ever seen in ,a public The cost of the Homestead riot to . an wants hid wife to be beautiful ; but bow con she be beautifu q . , in S 8 No$, on I 'Resolved that the Fran. motion. The House filled like magic, document. It seemed to indicate that the the state of Pennsylvania was $434,819.- of course every m rough skin, freckles, tan or eruptions � Nothing. . : ,�� ohise should be extended to women," was however, when Arthur J. Balfour, First Government Opinion of the W'liule Irish 39.' if her face and bands are disfigured by . I � � . in. the last - will throw such a damper on love as a blemished face. i well attended- Mr Chas Christie in the Lord of the Treasury now leader of questiqn with which Parliament had to The Toronto Trades and Labor coun, . . ap," an article which combines the best known. - chair conducted the meeting in an orderli, Salisbury Cabinet, and deal was that it was for one portion of the cil re-elected Mr. T. W. Banton. presi- By the use of "Gent CurAtive Sc tied, healthy complexion is asoured. . . . manner. Messrs Ered'and S i Hogarth. for the Unionist opposition, aTose somewhat Lish to place their heel upon the neck of dent. romedies for the ofire of all cutaneous diseases, a ref! tile affirmative spoke'eloqueutly and to I'm ji.id.ly and amid a I storm Of Opposition Protestant population of Ireland. The British cabinet has decided to When Giam Curative Soap is need According .to directions the effects are marvellous I I . ,� I -in - eate a labor department in connection and gratifying. Time has proven this to be true, as t 1. 1he point. Idessrs Geo Penhale and G A ,h , 'gan in it sneei g tone a general With regard to the other measures indi housands cf the most flattering - or M , , � . . 11ussell for the negative, mastered their criticism of the Government. He con' cated, in the Queen's speech, Lord Salis- with the board of trade. testimonials are on file from customers in Eiagland, Scotland, France and Germanyo . . ., . ecision of the referee pon the abandon- that nobody believed that I staple toilet article. I I . ,undertaking- The of gratulated the Cabinet ul . I bury declared Ben Tilleft, the English labor leader, which countries the Soap is a. � I . I .. . 'Wag in favor of tne negative. f th Olicy to abandon Uganda� a they would ever be . undertal-,on. They has been committed for trial at Bristol For thirty days only. . I � � � . I � . I men � t ge of inviting to riot. poliey Ow1hichp ad been so f ervently recom, a I . I �—::-- . b h were simply at repeti ion of the . progr in Write this on a piece of � I I I I I . ded y the Chancellor of the EX- adopted by he Liberal Conf rence at on the char Soap. I I , . ., BHr,,UMATXSM CURED IN A DAY.— men' ter (Sir Wm. Harcourt) before he at- � Dempsey, one of the men indicted in Gem Curative , paper ? � 11 ' troatie Care for Rbou- cheqi Newcastle. . .sentence, 1. � . � � 13onth America Bhet eseut office, In their . the poisoning cases at Homestead, Pai, uralive Soap. � � ini to tained to his ,pr Lord Salisbury alluded to the a.gricul- . And send to as with twenty cents f or a sample cake. of Gem 0 . , I lts action upon the system Is Egyptian policy Ivir. Balfour said the . t I f ound .guilty as inolicted. . I � , � i 3natis.rot slid Neuralgia ridioally cures urAldepression. He said that a-gl- culture . has been I i a slip is received will be given a bpndsome Beal Skin I : U1111ster could rely upon the support of the of Am- To the first lady from whom , � 3 days. emoves suffered most from want of confidence . The unemployed workingmen I Mango, valued at $300, or its equivalent ja cash, less 20 per cent. To the first'gentle.. I xem�rkable and mysterious. It r they upheld Britis I . made a riotous I . cause and the disease immadiat- Opposition as Imig as h ans now preached doctrines I sterol demonstration � . He trusted the Government . . Political partiE I am is received a similg.r slip will be given. till 18 -karat Gold Wateb,set with . At once the would: ads of!the owners O -I . and, ghting, man from whom � . . I � . ely disappears- he first dose greatly riglits. � that were filling the mi I I i Friday, after serious fi! I I . I I . T Warranted by At their earliest ao'livenience let P arliantent of capital with, apprehensi6n. There was were finally dispersed by the poli8e., one karat diamonds, Appleton & Stacey's movement, valued at $250, 1 11 I I . I . . 0 1 � .. Ilenefits, . 75 centF- 'no E chols Me. , In addition t these, we have, prepared five thousand sarnple cakes, numbered I to. I Lat aug, 14. know tile (,ause which led to the .recent . cgl�uttry in. tile world, Lord Salisbury All the coal miners in tile an ght (0) will receive a prize valued at not less than � U. z, Druggist. 1 5,000. Every number endin- with n . � I I � � � I . I I I . I , . I . I troubles'in Cairo. -A.Mong the cdugek un- added, where property Was now s i lliwins mine's at I 1. ; � 1----40-- 1 moves all aoubtedly, were rash utterances made by . " In- I Hendry, Taylor and Wi $10,00, . I I I Liniment re I secure ag in Great Britain ill consequence Central City, Ky., have struck for an I . I .1 V,ngliah SpavirL . col lamps and blemishes the prime Minister And the Chief Sec,re- of erroneous legishitive action. (Cries of Adva ce in wage& ' The mines are now Gem Curative Soap is sold by lea4,itig druggists throughout the world at 25c, per- t , I � I liard, soft oreallouo Sp�vjn, Cn�,bs, Splints, tary for Ireland when they were in the "Hear, hear. ") . 11 � . cake. I . . ,), , � ��i,� � ­: 1. s, Blood . Ing idle. I � � . Sample cakes poiltpaii. All Goods for the United States free of dut:-.. I I ���, $rem horse e to blaiAe f or VMS* ximbelley, Lord President , ,, � /_;i �; Sprainsi Sore, Opposition. Both wer The Ear� of . . I . I yaevey, I�Ll��s, � 11 � § .. 1. �-��­t egy�hich would deTtainly be produe- etary of Sta #608 1 �7 . � i�-, ,cctt�: SA.Ve. "J"Op . I --1 of tfie Council and Seer to fOl � Father Jones, adjutant -general of the I t Ad I . . I I I alt!43.0.",��,,,�L...--�,�-.�,A,-.I India. � Lord Salisbury. It"' Society of Jesus, died , on Friday at I I I GEM SOAP CO,� . I . . I 2-1 a#e —��--­,".�u 11, , "'t , ',�J� �,,� Q -1; " I I � � "­ :. - �, I - ''I I I ,. I I " -Bilica &��V�,0�7�y in.� I , I � .11 I I , . I � I TORONTO, .CANADA... ' �, ,,, � V 6 - '!­­-,.L,� " �,��1111­ 11 --- ­�­"­- ,,, , I . I I I � .1 . I'll