HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-2-2, Page 17
VOL, XX. NO: 23.
The Ward System.
To the Editor of the Exeter 2'intes.
Dza.B, Sun -Permit me the utte of a brief
space in your yitluable columnto draw
atteution to and poiut out a few of the
many defects of this system of 7.'ovanahip
blunieipal Goyernment. To be brief, I
will put these in as plain a form as pos-
sible, as follow :
1. The Deputy Reeve, being appointed
by the Council, m not a repreaentative of
the people according to the elective ems -
tem of representation ; and in this day
of clamor for popular eontrol ft appeara
astra.nge that pritle will tolerate this
violation of a 4pvincip'e, which, in nearly
everything else, even to electing Trustees,
is held most dear. The Deputy Reeve has
the same voice in the County Council as
the Reeve, then why ehotild he not be
aubject to the same election laws ae the
Reeve is, and rue the gauntlet of popular
fewer front year to year as all other repro-
sillaitintattves ? It frequently happens that
the Council cannot agree' and the appoint-
ment is made the !subjectof moch cavil,
eto.'whereas lithe people had
the eay, these tlitficulties would dieeppear,
2. The Syatem lute a tendency:to beget
in a Councillor a narrowners and selfish-
ness, as he is too apt to confine his atten-
tion to one pertiouler corner of his Muni-
' ' o'neyard, and loses all interest in the
-ms nding as well as that of those in his
IV, o.:he Townehip, whose money he is
own little preserve,
3. It would do away with Ward appro.
priations and came the money to be ex-
pended in those places only where needed.
It cannot be argued that under the Ward
system We is the case, for instances
have occurred within the experience of
the writer where a Councillor from Ward
A would bitterly oppose the expenditure
of money for a special road or ditch in
Ward B,whereas if he were elected by the
vote of the whole Township, self interest
if nothing else, would induce him to
broaden hie views and sympathies for all
alike, and expend the money where nec,
4. It would bring the 'people of the
Township into closer relationship and
sympathy, as each one would cease to
regard a Ward as his constituency and
look to the interests of all. If people do
not have broad views in regard to public
matters they aro of little value to the
state, and this putting a man into a earner
tends to cramp his yiews and narrow his
public spiritedness to a small compass.
The larger the :sphere the more active,
watchful and public spirited will the re-
presentative become,
5. In the County of Huron there are
only two townships in which the system
prevails -McKillop and Usborne. This of
itself is aufficient condemnation of the
system, for the public is not slow to adopt
any system which tends to better Govern-
ment,ancl we have yet to hear of a burning
deatietw on the part of -municipalities to
carverehemselves up into four independent
little constituencies, instead of uniting as
a whole for the common good,
6. Let steps be taken to abolish a eye
tem which haa no tendency but to narrow
the mincle of public men, and isolate parts
of the same community, whose interests
are identical, and whose rights should be
protected and looked after by representa-
tives elected. by the votes of the majority.
?ours truly,
Jaeuary 30, 1893. BYSTANDFR.
The double -headed calf born on Mrs,
Dunbarti farm in Downie a few weeks since,
has died.
Not many of our breeders have much
confidence in Buckwheat straw as a food
for prize animate- Yet many beasts would
thrive well on buckwheat straw and what
they cau pick up on the barn yard, if given
Dionaa 13Iood purifier, because it gives good
health, good appetite, good digestion, Try
a box on your horse which Is not thriving.
Clark (a Carman, St Marys, have settled
with John Keen for the loss of hie arm In,
their flax mill a few months ago, by giving
him $1,030, which amouut is deposited so
that he can draw it vrhen he becomes of
A RetrAvAx Menem= Snirs;-"In reply
to your question do my children object to
taking Scott's Emulsion, I say Nol on the
oontrary, they are fond of it and it keeps
them pictures of health."
The talk of Wingham is the action taken
by Coenaillor George McKenzie in trying
to disqualify a number of the members of
the town council. He is coming in for con-
siderable criticism The outcome of the
matter vrillt likely be the reaignation of
several committers,
Minatd's Liniment mires Colds, etc.
OATS WANTED. -For the remainder or
Sign of the Big Boot.
STOOK TAKING SALE of Boots and Shoes
Trunk a and Valiees at A. Weselobas, We offer
Footwear. All winter goods at cost prioes for,
pairing neatly done and promptly attended to,
satisfaction guaranteed. Itutterand eggs talc.
en same as cash,
Ile -
white Oats. delivered by the Farmers. Present
prices° to 30o, Feed for sale.
great bargains for the next 30 da in all kinds
January and February, I need a lot of good
cash. Boots and Shoes raede to order. Ite-
Following are the market cmotations :
A. Weseemi, Pm*
Oats 64 to 64
38 to 38
Peas 8 2to
Hay , 6,00 to 7.00
Better 17 to 18
Eggs - 9 to 19
Hoge .... — 800 to 8.20
Clover seed. .....
. ...7.00 to 7:50
Rinera-MrJohn Ridge while helping to
load some plank at the sawmill on Thurs-
day, got one of his fingers broken and
badly oruslaed by being caught between
some planka whioh fell. -On Thurs-
day and Friday nights, of lest week, Zoe
Hese, the far-famed Prohibition leoturer,
addresaed the people of thie place and ad-
joining aouutry in the Methodist church
bore.- It Is rumored thet Mr Joseph
Longthorne, of St Marys, has rented the
vaeant 'tore lately ocaupied be R H Pone -
Joy. What tbe object, easy be we do not
know, but think that one store is all that
that is needed in Fullerton.
(From another ammo)
Burnrs-Mr Dan IfeCortniek, who is
well known in and around Zurich, has
opened a harness shop in our burg. Mr E
J. Hardy has returned. from a. business
trip to Stratford, Berlin and Elmira, -Our
butchers are now preparing to got in their
ice for the sun:mew-Messrs Christian S.
and Louis Weber, two farmers from near
Ileidelbermaceompepied by a learned man.
visited Zurich some week*: ago. -Some
patties wore disappointed at Stratford
recently. We have always found it best
'4 choose busineas before pleasure.
(Too late for last week.)
Blum -Quito a narater of the Royal
Tomplars of Varna Council paid Hippen
Council a friendly visit last Monday 'evening
and tookpart in the programme contributing
largely to the interest of the evening. -111r.
and Mrs Izzard of Goderieh Township
visited Mr and Mat G Taylor Saturday and
the beginning of this week,- Mr R /Wallis
has returned from the North West,-Messra
MoMordie & W W Cooper returned to
Guelph on Tuesday to resume their studies
at the Aericultural College. Both of these
young men held a very creditable standing
at the recent exam., R Ma:Verdi° standing
seventh in'the liat ofeuecessfnlatudenta and
taking first Class honore in English liter-
ature, Veterinary Pathulogy&Agriculture W
W Cooper, standing twelfth and seeming
two first !Wass honorie-lifiss Monteith
teaoher paid her homes visit last Saturday.
-Professor Shaw of Guelph Agrieultural
College and Mr 1' Elford of Holmeaville
were the guests of Mr. R. Motion:tie last
(This week's,. )
We regret to learn that Mies Agnes Thotup-
son is on the sialt Bettina hope she will Boon
be well. -Miss M E Moltlordie Principal of
Merrisburg Ward School, Kincardine re-
turned to town last Saturday to resume her
duties. Owing to the presence of diphther-
ia in Kincardine the Public 'schools there,
have been close efrom the holidays till
the 30th of January. -The Kippen ltlills
are doiug a big business in °hopping; this is
the place to get your chopping done good
and cheap. -Mr William Riley hat; engaged
with Mr James Cooper of the London road
for twelve montha.-Mr. T 11 Ailey is
hired with Mr B MoMordie for another year.
-Mr B Blair is still on the sick list, we
are sorry to learnt We understand Mr.John
Thompson talks of going to the N. W.
ehortly ; we wish him summate
Bniers-We are sorry to hear Mr. Wm.
Rathwell is on the sick Eat. We hope he
will soon be around again. -There was a
pleasant serial gathering at tin Mores h'e
on Wednesday evening- The members of
the Sabbath School presented him with a
beautiful easy chair, aa it token os the es.
teem in whisth he was held as their teacher,
and superinten.dent, from which position
he has now retired. The address was read
by Miss Nellie Armatrong, to which Mr.
MoAsh replied very suitably. -We are sorry
to have to record the death of Mr. George
Stevenson, sr. who died on the 23r5 inst.,
at the age of 75 years. The interment took
place to Hayfield cemetery en Wednesday
and was largely attended, Rev. Mr. Acheron
Baum -The thaw on Saturday was
very welcome to some, aa water was get-
ting scarce. ---:Thursday last was it red letter
day in the neighborhood. Oil that day
another of our highly esteemed young
ladies, Eliza, fourth d eughter of Mr. Saw
Gunning, was united in the holy bonds
oi matrimony with David Johnston Jr.,
son of the reeve of Blanshard, The cer-
emony was performed by Rev. Mr. Fer-
guson of Granton at the residence of the
bride's ' father. The beautiful presents
attested to the esteem in which the young
couple was held. --Also on that day Mrs.
Marko Duffield presented her husband
with a bouncing bev.-Mies Annie Morley
of London Township, returned home on
Monday after a visit to friends here
The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is
proven by the many wonderful cnres"it is
'accomplishing. It is just the medicine for
13nines-Mr Geo. Stephensert, one of the
old pioneers a Stanley township, died on
Monday after a few weeks' illness; be leaves
a widow, five sons and three daughtera to
raoura his loss.-Robt. Johnston and
family left here on Tuesday for theiv home
in Morden -Wilton Cook is still confined
to his bed from injuries received by it kiok
from his pony. -Quite it number of our
yoeng people attended the R, T. ot T. eon -
!sort at Kippen, Monday evening.
(Too late for last week)
Barega-A grand wedding in High life
is !shortly to take place here. Get ready
your old tin pane and every available thing
needful for it Hood old-fashioned charivari.
-Ur David White has been feeling rather
indisposed of late. May neciTery,,,ar
F Arnold ia confined to his bed front con.
geetion of the lunge. Hope he will tom
be able to attend tc his businese.-Mr.dos.
Lawton of Minnesota is around about here
visiting his relativee.-Mr Thomas Lavrton,
who has been confined to the houee with
Asthmatic trouble, is reeovering nicely. -
The eidetvalks Imre are in a poor condition
for the Pedeetrian, especially the one on
Patien's Avenue. -Miss Maggie Clanaerou
hes &pie organised her alasa of soholers
and, no doubt, will make any that ere
°lever with musio, like herself, able must -
clank -Mies Mary Beamish is again in
our midst.
Biddulph Council.
The new commit met in the townalaip
hall, Lucan, on January 1601, 1893. The
following members were present and took
and nubseribed the Statutorw,Deolaratione
of office and qualideatipnt C 0 Hudgins,
reeve, A. K. Hodgins'deputy reeve; John
Abbott, James Toohey and Geo Westmans
Ileasre IV J Smyth and P Green were
appointed auditrirs. Jeremiah Lewia, es-
sessor, and 0 W ailodgins, corector, for
the present year.
By.lews 1 and 2 of 1893 appointing
Municipal Officers and their Wanes were
duly paased.
The Board of Health are as follows :
C Hodgins, W Stanley, J. kE Hodeinin
Dennis Heiman and Sam Langford. John
11 Hodgins was appointed Sanitary Inspee
tor, and Dr II Lang Medical Health Offi-
The pathmasters of thia municipality are
authorised and required to see that the
roads in their reapective divisions are kept
in it proper state of repair for public
travel, and when necessary from snow
blockade or otherwise to call out the
statute labor and .use it for that purpose.
After passing it few accounts the commit
adjourned to meet again on Monday the
13th day of February, at 10 it. m
W. D. Sreereire, Clerk,
Bums -Mr It Willort, hotel keeper,
has laid in his supply of ice for the
summer. -It's no wonder we see smiles
all over the faces of some of our bud -
newt men lately, when :Mrs Willerr and
Mrs Wm Zimmer ;presented their hus-
bands with it bouncing girl eaoh, and
Mrs ,Elsie her husband with a jolly,good
boy -Mr. Re Cook returned home frotn
South Rivera last Friday evening. -Mr. H.
Kraft, Lake Road, intends to erect a resi.
donee this summer.. -Mr ,Tohn Goetz, who
has gone into partnership with Mr R.
Cook, left for his home in Carlingford on
Saturday. to make arranvernents for the
selling of his property there. -The rain
on Saturday and Sunday night greatly
reduced the snow, and made the road
more passable. --Mr Chas Fritz, boot and
shoe maker, attended the wedding of Miss
Moritz and Mr Sweitzer in Zurich on lVfon.
dey evening.
BRIEEd -Fred Taylor has gone to Wind.
tor. -Harvey Robinson has gone into the
haroess shop to learn the harness making.
-A eurprise party from Usborne,Kirkton,
and Blanshardwisited Mr. aid Mrs Beaok.
ler, one night last week and were hoapif.
ably received. -The following is the re-
port of Kirkton Sahool for the month of
January. The report is based on attend-
ance, recitations, conduct, and panotnality.
2nd. olass.-Harvey Leigh, Clifford Shier,
Violet Jameson, Jr Third.-Icht Brethour,
Perry Doupe, Eliza Elliott. Sr Third. -
Harriet Barr, Bella Hazlewood, Effie Cor-
nisb. Jr Fourth. -Phoebe Tufts, Harold
Shier, John Barr, Sr Fourth. -Josie
Doupe, Annie Hazlewood, Robert Moots. '
Fifth—Harvey Robinson, Norman Tufts.
GENTS, -I have used your MINAriD'S
Lnetrzure,in my family for a number of
years for various oases of sickness, and
more particularly in a severe attaak of la
grippe which I contraoted last winter, arid
I firmly believe that it was the means of
saving ray life. C. I. Leave.
Sydney. O. B
Mr. Jonathan Hedging, Luoan, has
leased the Metropolitan hotel at Birr, for
a term of five years and has sold his
house in Luoan- •
You can never ten what a slight cold may
lead to, it is beat, therefore, to give yourself
the benefit of the doubt; and care it as soon
as posaible with Ayer's Cherry Peetoral. A
day's delay, sometimes an hour's delay,
may result in serious consequences.
Are free from all article and irritating
matter, Concentrated median° only. Cart.
er's Little Liver Pills, Very small; very
easy to take; no pain; no griping no purg.
ing, Try them.
There is competition bettveon Winghara
barbers, and it le rumored one of them will
ehave for 5 cents.
Mr, James Matheson a farmer on the 13th
coneeasion of Eaet Nissonri township, Was
splitting wood in his yard tha other day,
valerian iron wedge which he was using
flew up and anemic him in the eye causine
the loss of the optic.
A large foundry and implement mann.
factory on the joint stock western is talked
of for Wingliam,
Smart Weed and Belledorma, combined
with the other ingredients used in the best
permits plasters, mule Getter's S. W; R,
Backeolso Mateo the beat itt the marten
Price 25 cents,
Mr. As. Allen, of Usborne, met with an
ecoldeet from his horse running Away with
a stono sled, knecking Mr. Allen down and
etrikiog bien violently on the left side and
ornahtng several of his ribs.
A five mile akating raee took plate at
Seaforth Friday night between Baldwin,
of Seaforth, and Devine, of St. Thomas,
for a gold medal 1114 championshipof
tern Ontario. The race was won by Bald,
win in 18 natnntes, 27 seconds,
The Methodist friends of Coastal:toe are
at preterit solieiting aubsoriptiona for the
purpoee of building a new church, end
the members and adherents aro responding
liberally,a new church may soon be expect.
We understand a writ has bean liveried in
connection with the Stavely estate Clinton
asking for 411 adminittration of the estate
by the Cretirt, on behalf of the Ontario
Government, Mr. Stavely wea very
weeny and bad no friends,
The annual meeting of Stanley Branch
,Agrfeelturs.1 Society was held at Bayfield
ou Monday, last week; the following onions
were elected :-Prea, 3, MoNaughton ; Vice
Era, 3. Bottom • Sea, II. Erwin r Treas„
John Morgan; Direetora, Jos. Wild, Thos.
rittrrisou, P, B. Snowden), Geo. Erwin, 7.
Parke, J. :Johnston. W. Townsend, W.
Batee, P. Penhale ; Auditors, Jas. Weald -
son and W. H. Woods.
On Friday last the youtmeat daughter of
Mr. F. Both, of the Goshen litre, Stanley
died after an illresaa of egret three yeare.
She was it most estimable young lady and
was forte time cashier in the store of Walker
Co,„ 'Toronto, bat o ring te the death of
her sister elle aural hem.) some time ago,
and hat rentable, here since; for about 3
y vans she had been deprived of sight, an
a filiation that was borne with chnetian
ree imetion.
Ten Peens TEDT11,-It is good enougb
for Hood'e Sarsaparilla -there Is no need of
embellishment or sensationalism. Simply
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
a story of its merit. It you have never
realized its benefita it single bottle will con-
vince you it is a good medicine.
The bigest praise has been won by Hood's
Palls for their easy, yet effiaient adieu.
Sold by all drugeists. Price 25 cents,
Meaales are epidemic in St Marys and
the attendance at the town schoola is con-
siderably affected thereby.
A well known citizen of Mitchell boasted
the other morning that hie eldest son was
45 yeare, and his youngest 5 hours old.
Yes. 2 aim in back, Constipation, Sialr
Headnehe, et., are cured by nsing Mem.
bray!! Kidney and Liver Cure sold by all
dealers. Try it.
A conveuttpn of the Liberals of South
Perth is mile& for mthe town haleStaitlarys
on Wednealleiy the/15th day of February.
On IllondVepatriok Troy, West Wawan.
osh sold 211b.ge, the aggregate weight of
wheel was 5;j16, at $8.40 per 100 pound.
The proceeds ,of the load amounted to
Mr. J. T. Mots had Mr. Alfred Brog-
San of Fullerton,' afore police magis trate
Flagg, Mitchell, ' Monday for not allow.
ing half the road.".), l'he ease vras settled
by Mr. 13rogden paying $2.55 costs.
The Stuart flouring mill, Mitchell, dis-
carded wood this week set i began the con
sumption of coal in the furnace for keep.
ing ups team The Whyte pork !eatery -
has adopted coal in place of wood for fuel.
In the Court of Appeal at Toronto: on
Friday a Very peculiar case of domestic in-
felicity from St. Marys was ventilated.
The plaintiff is one Mary Ann Cosgrove
who sued her husband, Wm. Cosgrove
proprietor of the British Hotel in St.
Marys, on a covenant in an agreement
made between the parties in 1883 they
having been nnable to Agree. In this
agreement the wife covenanted that she
would eupport herself, that she would not
molest her husband, and that she would
not hold him responsible for her debts.
The husband's agreement was to pay her
$400 yearly, whieh was to be charged to
the hotel. But a depreciation in real estate
ceased the harmonious working of the
agreement and ended in the husband's loss
of his Baena°. He fell in arrears in his
quarterly payments. She then sued. The
case was tried by Judge Macdougall, of
Toronto in the County Court in October
last, who gave judgment for plaintiff for
some 0250, from which judgment the
defendant now appeals. He sets up this
peculierdefenowthat his wife being a married
woman without property, was unable
wording to commou law to convenant
that she Would support herself and pay h et
own debts, and that he is therefore not
bound to carry out bit part of the agree-
ment. The judgment in the case ewas re-
Itelmoott 'Wilkinson, of 13rownsvalley, Ind
says :-"I have been in a distressed condi-
tion for three years from Nervousneate
Weaknese of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and
Indigestion until my health was Rout). I
had been doototing constantly with no re-
lief. I bought one bottle of South Anseri-
can Nervine. which done me more good
than any $50 worth of doctoring X over did
in my lite. I would advise every weakly
persons° toe this valuable and lovely rem-
edy. A trial bettle will °enables you.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,
Jraetete "vnurrIt IS BOMB
Publisher and Proprietors
Huron County Council.
The County Commit met in Goderioh on
Tuesday of mat week at 3 o'clock. The
only abeent member was Mr. Stuart of
West Wawanoah. Metfurchie and Mc-
Donald moved Griffin for Warden and he
was nuanimously elected.
Communications were read and referred
rut follows;
From the County Council of Elgin re-
specting railways being compelled to build
culverts over natural watereourses. Speoial
From Ontario County Courson, asking
co-operation in getting eertaitt amendments
made to the Dreinage Act. Same refer-
From Wentworth County Council regard-
ing market fame Same reference.
From the PrieoneWelid Ateocilation ask-
ing the ueual grout towards ttteir
=tin. Committee.
From County Council of Grey asking co-
operation in getting acetate arnenchnente
under sem 533 of the Municipal Aot of
1892. Special Committee.
Resolution of the united countries of
Northumberland and Durham, in refer-
encia to changing the number of County
cmuncillora, Special Committee.
From Dominion Alliance for fhe total
suppression of the liquor traffic!. Spacial
Front 7 Buolianan, 3 Attinson and W
W Cooper, making applieatioia for the
County atudentship at the Gilliam:. Agri°.
ultural College. Special Committee.
A statement of Division Court suPplieg
sent from the Comity Clerk's office, and
the report of the Iuserance Comraittee
were read and ordered printed in the min.
Letter from Iffineton dr Palmer solicit-
ors for W J Carpenter, of Logan township
claiming damegen from Huron and Perth
councils for damage to his fawn through
the chauging of it water 00111TO. Special
On motion of Messrs. M T "WeLeau and
Holt, Rev, Dr. Um of Goderielt. Dr. Shaw
of Clinton. and Dr. Smith of qAaorth,
were appointed on the respective:0 elartate
Institute Boards.
On motion of Meaars Taylor and wimp -
pard Win Coats of Clintou, was appointel
auditor for the current year.
The following were elootea as the com-
mittee to strike standing committees for
the current year '• Meseta MeMarchie,
Girvin, mitoet, Itydd, Cook, Rollins
and Cox.
The Connoil thee adjourned until 10 it
m, Wednesday.
Council resumed btraineas at 10 (Moak.
Appeals from ratepayers of S S No 5
and 13 of East Wawanosh, against their
respective eouncils went referred to Mum.
ation Committee.
The Striking Committee submitted the
following as the list of Standing Connate.
tees for 1893.
Executive. -Messrs Milne, Kay, Girt in
Kennedy, Sparliog, N. 11, Young, Mo.
Pherson, Met wen, Scott.
Finanao,-Messrs Rollins, Prondfoot,
Ferguson., Beacons, Malloy, Woods,Brook-
enanire, Bennevreise, McLean.
Equali .ation.-Messra Holt, Coolr,Cox,
McMarolsie, Either, McDonald,' Watton,
E ydd, Shepherd.
Road and bridge.-Meesrs Ratz, Gui.hem, Gibson, Torrance, Oliver, Howe,
Turnbull, Taylor, Cruikshank,
Education.- Messrs Mooney, Ken'
McKay, Shiite, Geiger, Chambers, Stuart.
County Property.-Mesars Saunders,
Speakman, Sherrit, A. Young, Evans,
Erratt, Dames.
Wardens,-Messra Saundera, Kydd ,
Eilber,Cor, Milne.
Spacial .-alessra Cook, Rollins, Holt,
Girvin, McEwen,
Cn motion of Messrs McPherson and
Prondfoot, M Y McLean and the County
Clerk were appointed on the board of
Criminal Audit.
On motion of Messrs Torrauoe and Mc-
Lean, Messrs Baird of Stanley, and Clark-
son, of Seaforth, were appointed on the
board of County Examiners.
The reports of the County Treasurer
and the Jailoa were read ani!referred to cem-
Messrs Cook and Howe moved to
amend a motion passed last year autho-
rizing the Executive Committee to in-
spect the mortgages held by the Treas-
urer and report on the prime to the
Council. This caused a long debate,the
present regulations being that only the
warden treasurer and clerk examine
and decide on applications for loans,but
the amendment was lost on it division.
The County Property Committee was
instructed to consider some other means
of heating the Court House and report
thereon to the Council.
The reports of Inspectors Tem and
Robb were referred to Educational Corn
rnittee, and that of the County Engineer
to the Road and Bridge Committee.
Applications were filed by the respec-
tive reeves to have the following persons
put on the list of county wards : John
S. and Mary Walton Goderich; Wm
Duncan, Turnberry; Margaret Fletcher
Wingham; Margaret McLean, "Ashfield.
Referred to Fitaance Committee.
A letter regarding the defective con-
dition of the closets was read and filed,
and requisitions for supplies for the jail
and additional office furniture for D.
McDonald, were referred to County
Property Committee,
A letter from Turnberry asking the
Council to Assume a pet centage of the
cost of bridges in said township, was re-
ferred to Road and. Bridge Committee.
Applications for grants to the East
and West. Huron Teachers' Associntions
were referred to Executive Committee,
After referring a number of accounts
te Finance Committee, council adjourn-
ed until 10 Si. in, Thursday.
Courteil retuned at 10 o'clock.
A letter regarding the claim of Kr
A Clean Out
The balance of our stock of Win-
ter goods, consisting of
And many other articles too num—
erous to mention, will and must)
sold at prices to suit the purchaser
Our Spring Stock is coming in,
and we must make room.
The Bargain Depot is the pine
for bargains. Try it.
Market Square Bargain Depot.
Carpenter was referred to Road Ana
Bridge ComMittee, as were applications
from the townships of Grey and Step-
hen asking the county to assume a per
oontage of cost of bridges over 100 feet)
in:length, A Imetion by Mem% Mee
Ewen and Turnbull instructing the
county engineer to examine the bridge
14 miles east of Zurich, in the township
of Hay, with a view to having it added
to the list of the county bridges, was
also referred.
Tenders for wood and for the comity
printing were referred to the Eecentivel
Messrs Saunders and McPherson re-
newed their motion to empower the
Exectitive Committee to examine loans
on mortgages made by the county, and
after an extended debate it was carried
on a division.
The usualrinotion to appropriate the
sum of $3,000 for boundary line improve
ments was referred to Road and Bridge
A. motion to empower the clerk to
procure copies of Ontario statutes for
the use of the respective municipalities
was referred to Executive Committee.
Council then adjourned until 4 p. US.
VitIRSDA.Y Arm -wooer.
An application from Howick that the
County assume charge of The township
bridges 100 feet long wa3 referred, to
Road and Bridge Committee.
Accounts from Signal and G. N.
Davis were referred toFinance Commit-
Mr. Green addressed the Council re-
garding tile want of a bridgenear Wing -
ham, and the great inconvenience caused
Report of Executive Committee being
read, Eilbermoved, seconded by Beacom
in amendment, that $800 be granted to
be divided between the different Agri-
cultural Societies. —Amenxlin ent Carried
An application that Jane Knight, of
Goderich, hplaced on the list of County
Wards, vas referred to Finance Com-
An application to have Wm. Collins
and Wm. Dunn, of Goderich township,
placed on the list as County Wards was
referred to Finance Committee.
A motion by Proudfoot and Woods,
that the Special Committee enquire into
the vote polled for the County House of
Refuge was carried.
Council then adjourned till 10 a. m,
PR/DAY 10 A. M.
Members all present exceptNir. Sew
A letter from D. McGillicaddy re-
lative to stationery supplies was read
and referred to Executive Committee.
Mr. Kay, seconded by Mr. McMurchie
moved that the Council insf.ruct the
Trees, to have the Interest on an County
Mortgages over one year in arrears ad-
lected and if the parties neglect to attend
to the settlement of the same, that the
Treas., is hereby instructed to hand
these mortgages into the hands of the
County Solicitor for collection.
A motion by Holt and Beaco0t to
expend $10 for flowers around the
Court House was referred to Executive
Committee, The Committee afterwards
reported in favor of the motion.
A motion that applicatiori be made to
the Dominion Government to beallowed
to place McCarthy and Scott Act fines
to the credit of the County sinking fund
account was carried after amendments
had been moved and lost.
Moved by Mr. Torrance, seconded by
Mr. Kay that the warden attend at the
Clerk's office on the first Monday in
each month to sign orders and for gene.
ral business, and that no orders be
signed in blank. Carried.
The Reeve of Brussels made appli.
cation to have Sarah Lee put ontlist of
county wards. The application was re-
ferred to the Finance Committee,
An appliicaton to have Jeanette
Bradley, of Colborne, placed on the Est
of county wards was referred. to same
Arnto raise the County Clerk's
salary by $200 was referred to Exam-
tive Cionimittee, the report of which was
Council then adjourned to 3 30. The
Council resumed at 3, 30.
Balance of Finance Comniittee,