HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-19, Page 5ap- Vliu- �is end - that sone que, .the was the elite 3 of ]lave le. has rd in the feots n, a aeh, iter - e. ]nail word sealed :.,iters Ki in d Elia r.,ntl ,lt'or .leek pruned ✓ ifer, ttrrect fhr'e(e. tweet It ]ref's artd1 1 make Sato!) tamps •iption tenth. lutl£ul •tee by ember and ay rat to and erre: t et• not rgular and a s, I£ nveq.- s ,'n11ir 1 u't tnswer ,ewerd ire aud ,u will tt cony. r e. and XI to t its e of lered sys- Ilba- faith has Infill boys •IBES tion of ven n ttoh: Cors &TCn Cuts' ; tAVON girl's of the 1i. To, cr.vr_n leced (itE•'T lowit nuc: i. ous to riven a to the Gohn oNtes- poarle t,1 tne- 1s With, ['rums. S' AND West,. 'early r ibor A' le e A BOLD DAYLIGHT ROBBERY A Jewelry Store Robbed at the Pistol's. Point. FIVE MASKED MEN DO THE JOB. Roberts ,,Tewolry Store, Toronto, cleaned Out—Proprietor, Assistant aud a Cus- tomer Bound and, Gagged While the Desperadoes Elecl Safe and Showcase. ToxtoNTo, Jan. 18.—A most audaoiowt, daylight robbery was perpetrated yester-, • day shortly after 4 o'clock by five partially masked men. Frederick Roberts owes a jewelry store at 186 Queen street west, and has in his employ a young man named James Waid. They were in the store to- - gether when two young men, apparently about twenty years of age, entered and Dulling out two revolvers each, ordered them to hold up their hands. ,Almost upon the heels of these two intruders came three other unknown men, partially masked, and they also drew revolvers Messrs. Roberts and Waid obeyed orders, after which they were quickly gagged and tied] by the desperadoes. Before the free dariug robbers had completed their work of tying the occupants of the store a cus- tomer name. Charles Smith, who works at Nottman's livery, came into the 'store for the purpose of getting a ring fixed. Before discovering what was going on inside he was also covered by revolvers and told to throw up his hands, which he did. His hands were tied and %handkerchief stuffed into his mouth with the barrel of a revol- ver, after which he was placed of his back undea the counter. Smith was toldto malce ,no noise or he would be shot. The five men then went to the cash drawer, ex- trae to d 8'20 therefrom, took $1 from the lmelteta of the proprietor and then rifted. the shop of its valuables. The loss sus- tained by the proprietor is placed at from $500 to $1,000. Pastors Now Not Preaeisers. '1 o1,+>»ro, Jan. 18, --The new Methodist neeiste•il ]ilae," embodying the fundamental law of the 1 uuxli as adopted by the Gon- csaalC+•r=felelate of 1402, isnow being dis- triluute.l. A v.te•u,tua Methodist minister Fared ; ialez•(1ay: "There is a very notable change in this `Discipline' coueerniug the r, T a1t,n i.f the minister to his people. Ir , t x ina to every referenee to the min- a -ten i; lae Was called the `preacher in. eft a .;e,' Ire is no ]curer called that, but in every te,etion of the 'Discipline' in which the nr(ni-ter is referred to he is called] the ate for. lin no ease that I can find has this lean ntegin•eted. The General Conference line aunl1ut.ixed the change that bas camp over the clinrelles. Methodist congrega- tions; are 'hemming more and more ecu- vineed that eluurehes need pastors mare than they tin preacher:, and they measure the elu:nees of a utiuisters sueeesti more by hie qualities all a paetor than by his quaali- • tie's as a vanisher." The C.1'.It. Loses an Appeal, Tonteero, Jan. 18.—In the ease of Hall - intro! v, C-P.R„ an action for damages for injuries the plaintiff received by being run aver Ly a train at Orangeville, the court dismissed the appeal of the C.P.R. Tho plaintiff obtained a verdict for $1100 at the ""tins]. The defendants appealed to the Queen's Bench Divisional Court, whieh dis- missed the appeal,holding thatiftherailway company are not able to comply with the terms of the Railway Act as to ringing a bell or sounding a whistle at least 80 rods irom the crossing because the engine starts to cross within that distance. Some other kind of precaution shouldbe taken to warn tate public of the 'danger; From the judg- ment of the Queen's Bench Divisional Court the defendants appealed to the Court of Appeal, which bas been dismissed. eta Heavy Damages for Dralioious Arrest, TORONTO, Jan. 18,—The case of Gordon vs. Col. Denison and Inspector Stephen was finished at yesterday's sitting of the Assizes. This is a case in which a lawyer was summoned to give evidence in a Police Court case and was arrested for failure to attend, and subjected to the in- dignity of being searched. The jury re- ported that the Magistrate had no malice, but acted hastily. They gave 81,500 damages against Col" Denison and 8500 against Inspector Stephen. They found that the Inspector acted with an improper motive, not in good faith, not reasonably, and that the search and imprisonment of Gordon was unnecessary and unreasonable and should not have been done. Father O'Reilly Dead. Tonoivro, Jan. 18.—Rev. Michael MCC. O'Rielly, parish priest of St. Joseph's Ro- man Catholic church: Leslieville, died yes- terday morning. -Father O'Reilly was born in Granard, County Longford, ort Ire1ad fifty-one t -one years ago, ae received his early education at after St. Me' 1sCollege, which h c he came to Canada and continued his studies at St. Michael's College, Toronto. He was or- dained priest Sept. and, 1865, and a short time afterwards took charge of the parish of Thorold. His next charge was Stayner, where he remained for seven years before being given charge of St. Joseph's parish. Sol. White's Stove Rxplodes. Wrrnsox, Jan. 18.—An explosion occur. red at the residence of Sol. White on Craw, ford avenue at 7.30 yesterday morning. The steam pipes connecting a boiler with the range were frozen up by the severe cold and when the fire was kindled in the stove the boiler filled with steam and ex- ploded. Particles of it were flung in all direetions,one piece striking Miss Marshall, a granddaughter of Mr, White, on the chin and fracturing her jaw.. What Next For a Championship Y ST. JOHN, N.B., Jan. 18.—Charles Gil- lespie of this city claims the amateur back• ward -skating chain w g ionhip championship of the world and is willing to meet Hagen,who defeated Breen. at Minneapolis on Saturday, in a backward championship skating match. If Hagen agrees a race will be arranged to take place here. Serious Fire at Norwich. Woonsrocw, Jan. 18.—Yesterday morn- ing Norwich village had the most disas- trous conflagration in its history. The entire butiness street was threatened. and Ingersoll and Woodstock' could give no as- sistance, Fifteen firms suffered and the total loss is close upon 820,000, On Friday night the members of the Dominion Cabinet addressed a meeting of three thousand in the Toronto Audi- torium Sir John Thompson announced that the National Policy would be con tinned and improved, where improve- ment was possible. THE HEATER EXPLODED, George Pyle, a Plumber, Terribly Burned at Hamilton. Treat LTON, Jan. 18. -.George Pyle, plumber, was sent to Wm. Holton's house, East Hamilton, where he discovered that the water -font in the range and the pipes leading from the house were frozen solid. In trying tothaw out the pipe he used a gasoline stove. Pyle tried to light the stove. The oil spurted from the burn- er and caught fire, running all over the stove and causing it to explode. Pyle' clothing caught fire, He was a mass of flames, and was assisted out of the house by Holton, Pyle threw hirnvelf into the snow and rolled about in it, and, after quenching the flames, be ?lucidly returned to the house, although the burned skin was hanging to his face, and assisted in putting out the fire in the house. He was terribly burned about the face and hands, the skin hang- ing from his chin and cheeks, He was rolled in a blanket and taken home. FATAL FIRE AT ELKHORN. A Dian With Clothes Ablaze, Crashes Through a Window, Then Freezes. ELI.'$oRN, Man., Jan. 18.—A few nights ago the residence of Mr. Thomas, at Springholm, five miles distant, was burned. Mrs. Thomas perished be the flames. Walter Holding, the only other person in the base, awoke to find the stairs all ablaze. He rushed through the flames and, with clothes ewe, eradled through a window. Ilia intention was to make for a neighbor's Louse a quarter mile distant, but fainting with the scorch- ing Le sustained and torn horribly in the arms and legs by the broken glass, he made his way into the stable loft and en- deavored to keep oil the severe cold by cowering in the hay. IIe was foundd there a few home later rapidly freezing to death,. His threefold injuries proved fatal before noon the next clay. A Canadian Boy in Trouble. WArxnrowN, N, Y., Jan. 18,—John Wright, a Canadian boy, 15 year t'ld, has been arrested here by an officer from ('laaremnultt, this eouuty, at whieh place he Lad been employed by a fanner. Tlee family 'lv w• d ltt awey v 1 ' t tt'; iii Wright0 011th. premises, Ile i,ui, ttked the lonse, took en in money awl other Valuable.:, removed lais tenni. and after cuutplc•tirtg his depre- dations eeraled the elnidl:silver from the back of a mirror aud mixed it with ilio muni;.Hier emulsive, evidently* for the leer - pose of poisolaiug the family. The ]Co;; Quarantine. OrrAwa, Jan. 18, --Phe deputation of pork packers was here y t tterday to inter- view the Minister of Trade and C'unnnenc in regard to the slaughter of bugs iu bund. They want the Government to see that quarantine regulations are enfdnced in a more uniform manner; their contention being that tillages at different ports inter- pret the law forthemselves. Threw Out Six hundred. Aien. MONTREAL, J, u. 18, ---The Street Rail- way Company suspended six hundred men yesterday owing to the threat to make them substitute a sleigh for a car service. The men went in a body to the City Bali to protest against the city'athreatenvd action, taking their picks and shovels with them. The nlen were employed peeping the tracks open. Third for Stabbing. HAMILTON, Jan. 18.—At the Police Court yesterday the interest centered in the trial of Fred. Jackman; the small boy charged with stabbing a schoolmate named Augus- tus Hebner, in the Bess street school on Tuesday last. The Magistrate fined him $5, with $7,73 costs. Died. From Paralysis, HAMILTON', Jan. 18.—On Christmas day R. S. Bensley, who was employed in the inland revenue department, was seized with a paralytic stroke. He never rallied from the stroke, and died yesterday morn- ing. He was 09 and had been a life-long resident of this oily. • The .Allan inquest. MONTREAL, Jan. 18.—The inquest into the death of Arthur B. Allan was held at the fancily residence, "Ravenscraig," yes- terday. Aecidental death was the verdict. RECRUITS' AWFUL FATE. Imprisoned in Burning Cars—Many Dead and Others Fatally Injured. ST. PI,aieRSROJRG, Jau, 18.—As a train composed of several cars filled with re- cruits was running from Slatousk to Sa- mara yesterday flames burst from the foremost car. The train was going at full speed, and the tongues, of fire swept backward, and in a few minutes all the cars were blazing. The engineer did not stop the train until he had run considerable distahee. In the mean- time there was a scene of indes- cribable confusion in the cars. The recruits, or at least as many of them as could do so, leaped from the windows and doors. Some of them landed uninjured in the snow -banks, while others who landed on the clear tracks were killed. Those who were unable to get out of the ears were burned to death, for the train was entirely consumed. Some of the men were terribly burned ;before they jumped. When the confusion had somewhat subsided the offi- cer in charge of the recruits, who saved aimself by jumping, called the roll of his men. It was found that 49 •of them were dead and 20 terribly burned and otherwise ,,injured. Mrs. William Mackay, for over 50 years a resident of Woodstock, Ont., is dead, aged 80. Gen. Rufus Ingalls, U. S. army (re- tired.), died Monday at the Grand hotel in New York city. Mr. James Eagleson,. sr. ;+ of Sun- dridge, Ont., was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning. Heart failure. Typhus fever is raging at Zacatecas, Mexico, where there were 600 cases and 69 deaths last week. It is reported that the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad lost $1, 000.000 during the past year. Bradstreet's reports 27 failures in Can- ada last week; against 20 week before find 46 for corresponding week last year. Hamilton consumed 4,064,156 gallons of water last year., according to the. waterworks ' committee's report, pre. sented Monday night. During December British imports de- creased £5,380,000 and exports decreased £540, 000, as compared' with the corres, ponding month last year, J. P..CLARgE. J. P. CLARKE. Italrecoa WiL insou, of Brownsvalley, Ind says :---"I have been in a distressed condi- tiou for three years from Nervous/eon, Weakness of the Stomacb, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had loon dootoring constantly with no re- lief. I bought one bottle of South Awed - eau 1`ervine; which done me more good thou any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly Fermenta use this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A trial bottle will oonvinoe you, Sold by 0, Getz, Druggist. ang, 14 Wau Men \\ amp, What greater enemy of mankind than dl(A6P and work uatar work than Wight bt against tins death dealing enemy of hu inanity. The mast euccessf al war ageicnt dieeaso is being steadily carried ou by Burdock Bleed Bitters for dyspepsia, can- s(ipatien, b+t,l Load biliousness, eic, can- nc t rc siert its ]eaters. Timex Rreuvsgsuare. GENTLEMEN --• 1 eau truly recommend IIagyaid's Pectoral Balsam for ail coughs and eulda. Less than 1 bottle cured my bl ether of a severe cold. Mis;, M. entaTntun'sout, ra=cy, Ont. NOTICE. T▪ he Annual Meeting of the pat rens of Cen- tralia Cheese Futon—will be held on Saturdar Jan :18th. at two o'clock p, in. for reeeiving statements, etc , for the past season. and the election of ollloors for the corning year. All Patrons are urgently requester] :to attend, also those desiring to become such. 0 W aMfl'll, W3f. BASER, Manufacturer. President. ()TICE. The Canno"•i of thteic rpoation of the County of Huron wr 1 mea n the Court House in the town of tloderich on Tuesday 24th rust, at 3 o'clock p; m; lye,J tttt ANS. C until Clerk.80 BO ARFOR SERVICE BerkehiroBoar (lege breed) for service on lot 15, eon 7, Usbsrne. Bred from let prize stook. Terms 211, Will SNE LL. OAR FOR SERVICE. A thoro'brod Berkshire Boar for service, on lot 2, eon 1. Stephen (near Centralia.) Brod from Delbridge's Stock. Terms el. dl -2m Was. BUX'TABLE, Prop FARM FORS E. Being lot 10, eon, 14, South Boundary of 2iib- bert,containing100BMA of first-class soil. A bank barn 120 x 60, part brick, and part frame. wenn fenced, goad water in fine wells : 19 acres of bush, 90 acres cleared. One mile from post- olAoo, and convenient to school. Will be sold for$0.000. ono -half down. balance to suit pur- chaser at 54, per cent. Immediate possession riven. Apply to N10 -2m 10-2m REiinrtXELi11e,1P.0 TTTSBORNE AND HIBBERT td 'IUTUATLFIRE INSURANCE CO'Y The annual meeting of the members of the Usborno Sr. Ribbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the flardiners Hall Farquhar on Monday the 6th day of February at 1 o'clock p- m, for the nurpuse of receiving the Dir..etors c+edt.via dad eaet.siy Reports, election of Directors, and suck other business es will bo necessary for the good and welfare of the Company. TILOS. O.1M1:1tON • D. MITCHELL, Secretary. President OTICE. N• eti cis hereby given that implication -will be made to the Legislature of the Province of the o.-' thereof f Aa Ontario,at h n� session t o or an t authorizing t the Village of Exeter, in the County of'Huron,toissue debentures for the purpose of raising money to moot and pav off the debentures cf tho said Village issued for the purpose of aiding the London, Huron & Bruce Railway and aooruing duo on the 26th. day of July, 1693, LEWIS I1, DICKSON Solicitor for Applicants. Dated at Exeter, the 24th November, A. D.,1892 n24,6t Special Cheap Sale of ' Furniture at G-i1leT's J ODDFELLOW'S 131OCE.,•, ECARE.ET REPORTS« Ereter, Jan.' -8,1893. Fall wheat aerbush ,, a Spring wheat per buaki ..... 60 0 Bari eyper bush . Oats per bush. 27 23 Peas ver bush 62 52 Flour per bbl. 4 00 4 20 Apples per ba .... 76 85 Potatoes per bag...... ., . • ... .,, 1 00 1 00 flay per ton a 00 7 00 Woodper cord hard n3.00 3 50 Wood per cord soft.,, 2 00 2 00 Butter per lb .........••18 19. Pork per hundred,.... ,8 50 8.65 PRISONERS LznsRArnn. Many who have been confined to their beds for years by rheumatism, lama beak sad kidney complaints, have,beeu liberated from !their.sad prisons by the wonderful regulating and purifying action of 13, B. B. which drives outthe aerrd poison from the blood and restores health to the afflict- ed. Mr. John Cattier, of Fullerton, who bag beou ill several weeks, died on Wednesday night. Ho made his will a few days be- fore his death and appointed as his ex - enters Messrs. Cleo, Levorsago, W. Port - eons and W. Courtiao, SSEEnY B1:L1ur Fon CRoEF, Gentlemen—I hare a little boy of five, whose greatest trouble is the croup, and I find that flagyard's Yellow 011 gives speedy relief, therefore 1 take the pleasure in recommending it to the public. MRs. L 11 BAr nwru, Oakland, Out. 61 c, Apvtleation painless and easy, relief intoned' ate. Ilia preparation 91le a great and lone felt ' wa ntamong those who suffer from Piles. It :- 1 a remedy of the highest merit—effective and reliable -and has more thaw met the anti elpa- tions of those physicians who have used it in their pruelice, 1110tone is a Sure Cure when other reme,liea fail to relieve. Testim- onials furnished. ]'rice $1. For side by drug- gists or by nail OU receipt of price, W. r roxo, Manufa cturing Chemist, 14e n• ,1..jet,IFrloa. n t. 111illCait PLUG OP T'a; 1.5 :t ARXED NONE OTIIER - GENUINE The New 'Bakery A. BAG SHAW, SVislacs to inn',undo that he has open- ed a Bakery aud Confectionery Busi- ness in the stand lately occupied by E. A. -rollick, north of the Post Office, and would respectfully -11 share of the public patronage. .bread, Cake 8c Buns Fresh every day, And delivered to all parts of the town. OYSTERS & LUNCHES served at all hours. Having engaged as Foreman. baker, 1Ir, 13. C. McKAY, of London, 1 shall by nein(' the best grades of Flour, and ilurc Hop Yeast, so highly recommend- ed by the Medical fraternity f.fr its nutritious and dtgestible qualities, be enabled to turn out by lar h, best bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, and other cakes a specialty. Oysters and Lunches at all hours. 01-1f A. BAGSHAW. raiin5110 tyIQ$ ! T11ii BEST YET THE OH +' LPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Best Ordered Clothing Ix educed in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for With the beat ataf( of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the beat Cutting in Tac» yen are sure of satisfac- tion 7 a zT H 0 0 STORE. OURS IS NOT A BANKRUPT STOCK, But a large and well -selected Stock of Bright New Gooe which we are selling below so-called Bankrupt prices. An inspection of the Stock and a com- parison of prices will tell the tale. We carry everything in the Hardware line—light and heavy. COMBLEDICIMc FCMLAIsT13 RAILS Fog sALE. .`!, xha undereixned has for sato 30,000 black ash rails, which will bo said cheap. DEM Lot 18, con 10, Steelton. OHN SOEash ood P. 0 FURNITURE +W 111,'t�•,a,�n E PINE CItr,1115, CIQARETTS, TOBACCO} —AND rand New ' iib —J CST OPENED OIJT AT THE a PLACE Orders promptly attended to, GROCERY, :11i Accounts must be settled at once. ((i ,d ifyndran's Old Stand) Comprising ' 1 - Teas. {coffees, Spices, Baking Powders. laird Foods, Sturthes, Blues, Soaps, l rushee, Brooms, fails, Raisins, Rice, Currants, Oatmeais, Wheat Gerrne, Figs, Nuts, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Peels l xttaots, Fit.0 Dairy gait, battle, Oys tare, Itaueless Cod k'isb, Sleeves, and every thing kept in a General Grocery., Give ua a call. G. A. IIT;tmi x;ti., M. VINCENT, Manager. Proprietor, _- OYSTER PARLOR NOW OPEN. A. HASTING'S, BARBER, FAN SON' 3 BI.OGK, EXETER. As you pass by on the main street Just for a moment stop. And have your hair aud whiskers:trimmed At ilacting's liarberLshop. We aro the lightning barbers, We clo our work with care. We always ken aur razors And shears in good repair. We have the very finest styles of ebears. We keep our towels Olean. We shampoo in the best of syle And use the easy hair machine. Some barbers work so slowly, But this is cur text: We do not keep you waiting, Your turn is always "next." As for the ladies and children, Wo do their work tie -top, Wo shingle their hair and trim their bangs At hIastina's Barber shoo. ARGAINS IN HARNES., TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. AT John Treble's, Main 81 NOTE A FEW PRICES : Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, Pelt Tzocrt, Laoae Socks, Grain, Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Misses' Rubbers, Farmers' Attoi(n! Watch this space Next Week. R. S. RIOHARDSON, MoneySAVED byBuy- ing at cur PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD Wo keep constantly on tend a large stock of sit, kinds of building materials. Dressed or un- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also c choice staokof No.1 pine lath. Our stook of doors. sash, blinds, mouldings, &c. is complete and thorougl_y kiln dried. We offer fur sale1,i0e,000XX and XXX PINE and a'EDARSHINGLES manufactured by the best makersin Ontario. Tanks and cisterns. all shapes and sizos.mado tt order at lowest prices. we have something nowin this line for watering cattle, in the stable or barnyard. Call and see our celebrated Baking Cabin.. ];very woman using them recommends t? em hi hly; TTurning,band,soroll� awinr,andall kinds oi. macitinowork prompt 3 attended to. it will be to your interest to examine out stook beforo'purehasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street ThreePbints! NOTE WELL. Experie.noe We have had the expenience that at4 tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. $2.00 0.50 Prom,etitude With a1,4] ei-e 0.30 0.25 Skilled Workmen are employed to manufacture the goods, and the best of material is used. Prompt attention given to all kinds of repairing. Stock is well assorted My and every customer is guaranteed satis- faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Call and be convinced. JOHN TREBLE, — Exeter. DO 0U ? Do youwanta PIANO, ORGAN, BIOYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? our 580,0® afeN S 2,TRIOTLY 51011 GRADE. ALL MADE OF THE BEST STEL AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR MANUFAOTUBED 6Y Me Cupid Bicycle Co. Ltd, ' i?11 f a F r0RD, ONT. Send. Bol:.' Catalogue If you do, the place to sot the most reliable goods at a modern price is at PERICrN$ & ISIALtTT1 'S, dealers in Mnsioal Instruments, Sewing Machine supplies, eta. All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar Ohl over coat. Agents fur the celebrated Chat ham Wagon. PERE,INb & MARTIN, a'anson's Block, • redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too-often-resorte to tactics of tailors especially, 'namel putting off until next week what shoul have been done this. This is a sic Satisfaction. looking word,bu to carry out its meaning is difficult t some. We glory in word and the wa it is exemplified in our shop. We guar antee satisfaction every time in all res pects. 12 you wea a suit, a coat, vest or pal of pants, give us a call and be convince hat what we have. said is true. '` . JOHNS NS KIRKTO Great inducements in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. If you want the best goods, thegreat est variety, and low prices come t Doupe's, tore. ELEGANT DRY -GOODS, Fine Flannels and Woollens, Cold we ther Dry -Goods never so good and never so cheap. We stand at the top in style, quality' and variety. And all can reach our prices. All are invited to the Bargains that w give. Business increasing all the tint. DOUPE :�, C