HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-19, Page 4Established in )1 877
13. 0911MXLv
Transacts aseneralbankinebusiness.
Reooives the Accounts of laferehunts and
others on favorable terms.
Offers every aceommodation consistent with
safe andoonservative banking principles.
Interest allowed, on deposits.
Drafts issued payable at any office o the
Merchants Bank,
None Discomeree, and Moser o LO4:a
NOSES and alen'roenes,
Several liquor by-laws were submitted
in various parts of the province to popu-
lar yote at the municipal elections, and,
as far as heard from, the contests re-
sulted in defeats, In London the pro-
posal to close saloons at seven. each
evening was rejeeted by a majority of
151. Woodstock was asked to declare
against shop licenses, and it declined by
a majority of 257 to do so. A closer
contest took place at Barrie, where only
48 votes prevented a reduction of the
number of licenses. : A similar by-law
in St. Marys was overwhe1ruingly de-
feated. Local option was submitted in
Sutherland and failed to carry. The
opponents of the liquor tratlic appear to
have been active, but it seems evident
that the people, while desiring the
suppression of the traffic, choose rather
to let it work its own extinction,
' ,'S tarsal
.,tis, 1
r1 i r au bad 10
..l ell
of Saginaw have been complaining of
loss of trade through then, and farmers
have been enable to reach markets for
the sem reason. The Evening News
of Saginaw is jun rated that na farmer
occupied a" whole day in bringing a load
of produce to rite, cite, ra:tI trate a sliurt
distance, too, and that he also had to
remain over night to have liiswagon
repaired and to rest his team.'" ltio
wonder people; are leaving Michigen for
the Canadian Northwesr. It seems that
,Saginaw county might have bad a gond
system of road improvement in r,peration
by this time had nor the Supreme Court
declared the law invalid under which it
vas proposed to improve the roads.
Thaler the present highway laws and
especially in view of the interpretation
of them by the Supreme Court, system-
atic road improvement is impossible.
Nothing can be done says the Supreme
Court, except by township highway
commissioners. Such a system is pron-
ounced to be barbarous.
s * •
The present methods of farming not
only do not afiurd employment for hired
help, but in the majority of instances
the farmers and their sons, beyond feed-
ing a few head of stock and preparing
firewood, find but little to do in the
way of constant and profitable employ-
ment. Winter dairying offers a partial.
solution to the better employment of
time In the winter. Ilitherta the cows
have been so tuned as to all calve in the
spring of the year, just when the farmer
is busy with his seeding and other ur-
gent work in the spring of the year.
This winter dairying is not only advan-
tageous in itself, but will afford profit-
able employment to farmers at a slack
season of the year, not only in the mak-
ing of butter, but if swine keeping be
connected with it, as it should be to
produce :the best results, there will be a
double source of profit and employment.
Then besides winter dairying, swine I
feeding and keeping more stock gener-
ally will lead to the consumption o{
more grain and hay, and this will mean
a greater supply of ieeeuln, .sad the
quotient of more manure will be increas
ed fertility and better crops. Raising
grain and hay and selling them all off
the farm, and doing nothing for four or
five months in the winter, will beggar
any fernier or any country in the long
run. And yet how many farmers right
in this Exeter district aro doing this
every year ? It may be laid down as a
rule that all the wheat except for the
farmer's consumption is sold. Then
only about two in ten feed their coarser
grains, whilst a large portion sell their
hay, and leave nothing but the straw to
the land. Such farming as this means
soil exhaustion, poor crops and poorer
farmers. The bulk of the hay that has
been sold in this market this season at
$6.50 and $7 a ton, and the cheap grain
should have been kept at home and
manufactured into butter and pork, and
thus employment would have been given
to farm hands, and a profitable return
have been made to the husbandman
both in money and in increased fertility.
Of course the ways of providing farm
work will vary according to locality, but
that cannot be considered s properly bal
anted system of agriculture that does
not give some employment in winter at
a rate that will . something more than
pay expenses to the larger part of the,
help required by farm operations in
A. Complete Record of the Huey WOrid's
Happenings Carefully Compiled and Put
Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the
Headers of Our Paper.
An engine in shunting at St. Paul de
Loanda on the Congo railway streak a
car containing dynamite and gunpowder
with two much force, Fifty persons
were killed.
A slight earthquake shock was felt at
Plainfield, N.Y,, on Sunday night.
Three more cases of typhus fever were
reported in New York on Monday.
The recent cases of cholera in Ham-
burg are ascribed to the drinking of
water from the Elbe river.
There was an earthquake shock at
Friderick,Maryland, which threw goods
from the shelves of stores.
The talked -off revolution in Hayti is
said to have commenced.
Efforts to tranquillize Corrientes; Ar-
gentina, by peaceful means, have proved
The non•conlniissioned officers of the
Eighth Royal Rifles; Quebec, intend'
giving a ball in Tara hall on the 23 hist,,
which promises to be a grand affair.
At Walkerton Friday X8.40 per 100 lbs.
'was paid for pork.
Heavy rains have damaged the wheat
crop in Southern Chili.
As high as 88.30 per cwt, has been paid
for pork in Meaforet lately.
The 22,000 lbs. cheese manufactured
in Canada for the World's Fair cost
Eight carloads of horses raised on the
rine liti of Aller#.. e
.i,T. ver
e Ship-.
ped from London last week for the old
country. Thi t jet), new 'experiment
At the annual meeting of the Winni-
peg ‘grain exchange President T. A.
)iiteitel node special reference in his
addreee to the export txmie of Manitoba
Fire did.r,'l,tdini damage in St. Mary's
stearate sehoul, Toronto, the other day
A firs. in the heart of the retail dis- I
trie•t tt1 TLanea;; t'itW at midnight caused
a Tossed upward of rrl l.),00,e
hlatheeon's hotel, Tileonburg*, known
as the Dominion house. was destroyed
by fire last week. The guests had barely
time to vseape in their night apparel, -
Tlre St. Louis, the oldest hostelry in
Duluth, is burned. Many guests were
removed in their night shirts in a half
sinotlre'red eontlition, end it is thought
a waurnber have been smothered in their
We recommend this truly Wonderful rem.
edy— 51 Jacobs Oil— to every one wbo is
suffering from pain.: We are personally ae
quainted with many, marvellous cures eff-
ected by its use. While the above is from.
Modern Truth it is an ancient fact that for
the cure of pains, St Jaonbs Oil bee no
To preserve a youthful appearence as
oe ib it is indis e
long its p s le, x p nsible that the
hair should retain its natural color and fun
nese. There is no : reparation so effective
Hair Vigor. It r
Pee Ayer' a [ia go r 1. prevents
neve and keeps the scalp clean, cool, an
New York bay is full of ice, and ship-
Jping is stein;; damaged. The -pilot boas,
ames .Gordon Bennett, is breaking np.
Theyecht Shawmut, which arrived in
Berlin from Sandy Hook, took fire while
lying at Commercial wharf, and was
gutted. Two of her crew, who were
sleeping in the cabin, perished in the
The British schooner Cricket was
crushed in the ice in the North river at
96th street, New York, on Friday. The
captain and crew had only time to save
a few personal effects before she went
THE WORLD eats iNnissraT.
Whiskey has been put up 5 cents per
gallon by the U.S. Trust.
The American sugar trust last year
added. ,4,1138,537 to its surplus.
Bradstreet's reports 27 business fail-
ures in Canada during the past week.
Z'4 illitam Ziegler, a real estate man, is
seeking to purchase a controlling inter-
est in The Brooklyn Eagle. The owners
of the paper want $3,000,000.
Controller of Customs ClarkeWallace
had a conference the other day with
members of the dry goods section of
the Toronto Beard of Trade.
At Trenton, N. J., Chancellor McGill
has decided in favor of Attorney -General
Stockton, and orders the appointment
of a receiver for the Central Railroad of
New Jersey.
14 IUNICIl?.A.L.
Kingston Public School Board has a
surplus of about ;700.
There is a water shortage in the high
level portion of Toronto.
The Toronto board of works has order-
ed the commencement of work on the
new waterfront.
For not paying their water rates 10,-
642 voters have been disqualified for the
Montreal civic elections.
The electors of Bowmanviile carri-
ed by 217 majority a by-law to raise
shop licences from $200 to $1,000.
The Berlin & Waterloo Street Rail-
way company have decided to put in an
electric system, which, in addition to
running their street cars, would supply
light, power and heat to the city.
Father Lacombe, the celebrated North-
west missionary, is in Ottawa.
Mgr. Satolli has been appointed the
first permanent papal delegate in
Rev. James Binnie, B.D., has been
inducted as pastor of McDonald's Cor-
ners and Elphin, Kingston presbytery.
The call from Middleville presbytery
of Lanark, to Rev. W. S. Smith, of
Centreville, in the Kingston presbytery,
has been sustained..
It is announced from Qu'Appelle that
Rev. W.J. Burns, rector of Coniscliffe,
Darlington, England, has been appointed
to succeed Bishop Anson of that diocese,
who has resigned.
The Ontario Beekeepers' association
met at Walkerton. F. A. Geininill of
Stratford was elected president.
The second annual meeting of the
Canadian Fraternal association was held
in Toronto last week.
The Ontario Creameries assooiation
was entertained at a banquet at Harrie-
t= before Closing for the year.
The twenty-fifth annual session of the
National Woman Suffrage Association
opened. Monday 111 Washin ton. The
membership is 18,150 and the liannces are
in a satisfactory condition,
The Western Ontario Dairymen's asso-
elation "held its annual convention at
The eighth annual convention of the
Ontario Creameries association was held
in Harriston.
The Liberals of North Sincoe will
d meet in convention at Stayner on Wed
nesday, January 18, at 1 p,m.
Two boats and twenty men were lost
ofC San Francisco,
A number of wrecks are reported off
the English coast in Monday's gale.
Frozen hot water pipes caused a stove
to explodein Montreal, resulting in the
instant death of Mrs. Joseph Houle.
Mr. Arthur Allan, son of the late Sir
Hugh Allan, was suffocated by smoke in
his lodgings at Montreal on Monday.
Two negroes were blown into the air
and afterwards drowned by the explo-
sion of the boiler of a steamer at Chatta-
nooga„ Tenn.
The four -storey building at 517 Com-
merce street, Philadelphia, collapsed
Monday, killing three men and injuring
four others,
Mr. John Galbraith, who lived five
miles from Paisley, Ont., was frozen to
death on Saturday night while on the
way home on foot from the town named.
A little daughter of Thomas McBride
while playing at school in Thorold fell
against a seat, cutting herkneeso severe-
ly that several stitches by the doctor
were necessary.
While R, C. Russell and wife of St.
John's, Nfld., were attending church
service their two -and -a -half year old
daughter set fire to her clothing and was
burned to death.
John Burns, who was so badly frozen
on his way down from the Black river
shanties, had both hands amputated at
Ottawa, Friday. It is feared his feet
may also have to go.
Capt. William Robertson,
of the
steamship Coventia, which arrived at
Boston Tuesday from Palermo, while.
suffering from delirium tremens jurrtped
overboard in a storm off Cape Cod and
was drowned.
Samuel :McAllister, a laborer of -Wood-
burn, Ont, cut his throat with a razor.
A doctor sewed the lengthy gash,. and
the would-be suicide is doing well. Be
is the father of a family, and is supposed
to have been temporarily insane.
Granville Stevenson and Henry
Thompson; engineers on the Brit-
ish steamer elleudorvie, now lying in
New York harbor, ware suffocated.. The
deaths were caused by the inhalation of
the poisonous gas. given off by a brasier
of coal whish had been kept burning for
the purpose of warming the cabin.
Winnipeg is to have a jobbers' union.
The efforts towards a settlement of
the British cotton lock -out have failed.
Fifty more convicts have arrived. at Coal
Creek, Tenn., and the miners threaten
to take up arms.
A Pittsburg despatch says the coke
workers in the Westmoreland and Fay-
ette regions are organizing for another
The combine fever has struck the
baseball players of Chicago, who are
uniting against the proposed wholesale
reduction in salaries.
The trial of Hugh Dempsey. J. M.
Davidson and Robert Beatty, charged
with poisoning non-union workmen in
the Homestead mills, has began in Pitts-
General Master Workman
emerged from a retirement of some
weeks to address a gathering of union
carpenters in Scranton, Pa. Duringthe
course of his remarks he said:—"I am a
socialist, and I say it without blushing.
If the avowal brings condemnation I am
willing to take it; I am one of 65,000,000
socialists in this country. I believe the
railways are publichighways and should
be nationalised, and that the telegraph
lines should be owned and operated by
the government.: Thepeople owned the
election system, streets, public schools,
and are we afraid to go a step further
and own the railroads and telegraph
lines, which are more essential to the
'Minted' Liniment cure Diplttherie.
The Lady Stanley Institute for Trained
Nurses in Ottawa is in a flourishing
The emigrants who left German ports
forthe United States in 1892 numbered
108, 820.
Germany prohibits Russian and Aus-
trian steerage immigrants from crossing
its frontier.
In the course of his recent visit to
Brantford Rev. Dr. King of Manitoba
college raised $400.
Marine men are circulating a special
petition against the removal from To-
ronto of the observatory.
During the last quarter of 1892 the
free imports of fish from Canada to Buf-
falo amounted to 2,170,1.14 pounds, val-
ued at
al-uedat $69,277.
The Ontario University college coun-
cil hasisuedan official statement in con-
nection with its action in closing the
residence to all but art undergraduates.
George Wishart, who has been living
with a married sister on. Borden street,
Toronto, has not been heard of since
New Year's day. Foul play is feared.
He comes from Mount Forest.
There is a rumored movement among
hotel men to go on strike, so to speak. I1
there is to be a united
is hinted that
movement all over the province against
the high prices demanded for licenses.
So says the Empire.
ein . Washington
Senator Kenna, diedW g on
last week.
Ex -Mayor William H. Wickham, of
York, is dead.
New Y_ .
Samuel Gaw, for 50 years a resident
of Kingston, is dead, aged 96 years.
Right Rev, John McLachlan; Roman
Catholic bishop of Galloway, Scotland,
Four negro murderers were hanged at
Chestertown, Md., on Friday.
The French authorities have decided
to surrender Wells, the swindler, to the
English government.
Kornell Loth, a Hungarian, met death
by eleotricity at Clinton prison, Deane -
more, N,Y,, Monday.
Buffalo detectives arrested Thomas
Dennis for stealing a gold watch from
Timothy Kinney, of Thorold, Canada,
Two boys, Patrick Ruberry and Wil-
liam Collins were arrested in Kingston
for opening private boxes in the post
Two murderers, Sing Kee, a China-
men, and Dominico Taragnello, an Ital-
ian, were hanged at Nanaiiuo, B.C.,
M. Mallow, of St. John's, Que., has
been nlulot in $500 for applybag the epi-
thet "boodler" to Marohauds, Mercier's
Laurence Schlot-tman, a resident of
Onondaga, has been arrested on a charge
of ;perjury in connection with a liquor
case in which he was a witness.
A mob of over 200 armed men at Gas-
ton, Meade county, Kentucky, hanged
two negroes to a flagpole in front of the
post office. The negroes had murdered
a farmer,
A Havana despatch says Ignatio Iler-
rers, son of Count Barreto Ilerrers, was
kidnapped from a plantation near San
Antonio de" Las Vegas by four bandits,
among them being Garcia and the notor-
ious mulatto Plascenia. The bandits
secured, $ 10,000 ransom,
Word has been received. from Canton,
China, that a band of robbers made a
raid on a village of Kamli and drove the
people into a big shed to whioh they ap-
plied torches, Over 1400 men, women
and children were burned and the . mis-
sing now ..umber 1940.
Wm. Lea, an old resident of York
county ana d; prominent York pioneer, is
p ,
John Moore, the veteran manager of
1 Daly's theatre in New York, is dead,
aged 78.
John J. Sullivan has again announced
his retirement from the ring.
Ex -President Rutherford B. Hayes is
very ill from neuralgia of the heart.
ethe on of Mr,J. H e
Geon s, Metcalfe,
M.P. fors Kingston, is improving iii
Hon. G. W. Ross railed on the Aura-
nia Saturday. , lIe r,. in tot health and
ygood 3
President-elect Cleveland is going to
Lakewood, to remain until the 1st of
The Emperor of Japan has recovered
from his illness, but the Craven Prince
is still sick.
A report is current in London that
Prince George of Wales contemplates a
visit to the United States nest spring.
Mrs, Malvina Florence, widow of W.
J. Florence, the actor, was married in
New York to Howard Coveney, an Eng-
lish actor.
Three hundred and twenty-eight thou-
sand divorces have been granted in the
courts of the United States during the
past 20 years, 90 per cent. of them to
The report that Lord Wolseley will
succeed Lord. Stanley is discredited in
London. There is every reason to eon -
firm the previous statement that Lord
Aberdeen will be the new governor-gen-
William A, Docker, of Wallacetown,
Ont, formerly a student at the School
of Pedagogy, in Toronto, is missing.
He failed at a recent examination, and
it is supposed that he has gone away
rather than face his friends.
Amabel, Ont., had a sensation recent-
ly in the alleged elopementof C.Theakez
with a lady named Smith. The occur-
rence is the more regrettable as the gen-
tleman left a good wife and nine child-
ren in very straightened circumstances,
and the lady eight little children.
An agent of the Columbia Exposition
Commissioners will leave Chicago this
week for England to invite Albert Ed-
ward, Prince of Wales, to visit the
World's Fair. He will carry six hand-
some mother-of-pearl cases, in each be-
ing a parchment elaborately inscribed.
The invitation will be presented to the
Prince personally.
The Sherman bill for the protection
of seals passed the U. S. Senate.
A branch of the Imperial Federation
League has been formed at Windsor.
Sir Charles Tupper has gone to Paris
to resume the Canadian treaty negotia-
Itis alleged at Buda-Pesth that a plot
to kidnap the Prince of Montenegro has
been discovered.
The Democrats and Independents of
Nebraska have joined, and the Senate
dead lock is broken.
Spain's commission on commercial
treaties will be reorganized. The presi-
dent will be a free trader.
The new French cabinet is complete,
Vice -Admiral Rieuneir having accepted
the office of minister of marine.
Governor McKinley made a speech at
Columbus, Ohio, Friday, in. which he
affirmed his adherence to the protective
According to latest rumors the enemies
of President Carnot, of France, are mak-
ing desperate efforts to force him to resign
over the Panama scandals.
What is claimed to be an inspired
synopsis of the convention signed. by
France and Russia last November has
just been published in Vienna. '
The Liberal Club of Montreal has
adopted a resolution approving of_ Mr.
Laurier's stand in regard to tariff reform,
as expressed in his address at Hamilton.
An order in council has been passed
amending the form of affidavit to be
taken by persons applying for homestead
entries in the railway belt of British Col-
Hon. Wilfred Laurier, Sir Oliver Mo-
wat and other Liberal leaders delivered
addresses at the ninth annual banquet
of • the Young Men's Liberal Club of
Saturday's Canada Gazette contained
the announcement of the appointment of
1. Irvine as warden of the Mani-
tobaCo I n e
toba penitentiary, and of T. H. Dreany
to be clerk in the London custom house.
Hon. Edward Blake will address the
Liberals of Glasgow on January 24, will
speak at Bath on January 27 and will
also in, the near future visit Hull and one
of the .London constituencies.
.14f2', Geo,. W. Tunnel*
$im•Ny u
Worst Case of Scrofula
Doctors Ever Saw
Completely Cured by HOOD'S
"When I was 4 or 5 years old Iliad ascrot
ulous sore outhe middle linger of lay left hand,
which got so bad Mat the cloetors cut the
Auger oil. and later took off more than half my
hand. Then the sore broke out on my urn,
came out on nmy neei, and face on both sides,
nearly destroying the sight of ow eye also
on my right arm, • 1)oe'tors said It was the
Worst Case of Scrakda
they ever saw, It was sunnily awful: five
•years ago I beganto take hood's Sarsaparilla.
Gradually I foowl drat the sores were begin-
ning to heal. I kept on till I bad taken ten
bottles, ten dollars': Just think of what a
return 1 gut for that iuvtstenentt • 1st thou-
sand pine ccutfi Yes, many thousand. For
the past •f: years I lritvo bad no} sort's. I•
• Wont all the Time, •
ilefore, I could do 510 ete'ot'k. 1 know not
what to say strong enough to express nal ;;rat
fttule to Hood's Sarsaparilla for my perfect
mire." Gretna W. Tt'rt:irut, 1,'armer, •Gal
way, Saratoga county, N. Y,
HOOD'S (SILLS do 005 weakens but atf
digestion and toilette stole -Ai. Try then. 1e
5 1 The Event of
�., T1�.1;SEASOI
i'VENINf3 , �,.,,e�a ri
TU TAL1STi:I, Se7i- O ltLOet'TIe)NIST
Florence Washington
— - ►SSIS TED nv -
MR. W, E.
The Cleverest of humorists,
--AND TIM---'
Plan of Hall at I3rowning's Drug Store.
An Odd Application.
MONTREAL, Jan. 11,—Rabbi Veld has ap-
plied for admission to the Protestant Min-
isterial ,Association. The application is
under consideration.
Left to Their rate,
LwvEaroor., Jan. 4. -The steamer Sand -
hill, from Wilmington, N. B., reports; that
on, Deo. 21 she vainly attempted to resoue
the crew of a dismasted Norwegianbarque,
that a lifeboat which she launched in the
attempt was demolished, and that she was
unable to make further effort to assist the
men on the boat.
An Aoroiite Falls in Spain.
MAnnm, Jan. 4.—Au immense aerolite
has fallen at Polaldez, iu the province of
Valladolid. A number of scientists have
gone from Madrid to examine it.
Fennel; Seexe 'dcrIoii.
Gentlemen—I have found 1111 B an ex-
cellent remedy, both as a blood purifier and
family medicine. T was sack a Ioug time
troubled with sick beadaobe and heartburn
and tried a bottle, whioh gave me each per-
fect eatisfactoa that 1 have sinos'h n u e:l
it as our family medicine. E. B.uxur,
North Bay, Ont.
Mr, Edsall, of the Commerical Hotel,
Beaforth, is nursing a sprained ankle re-
aoived at G T. B. platform here.
Relief for Famine Strickna Russians.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 4,—The Czar has
given orders that relief works be started liar
the distressed disricts forthwith for the
benefit of those enfeming from the effects
of the famine.
Murder and Suicide.
Osman, Jan. 11,—Ed. R. Cilnbor on, e,
livery loan, shot his mistress, Mrs. Beach,
fatally and then committed suicide nester -
A Gift for Everybody Ausworll g Ibis
Puzzle Correctly,
100 IN (C`,:i. ;: .
Jack and Gill tont up tit • bill i • r-ot t* pail
In the alf.ve w, it a rn„wn lihvine the word
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A Solid t1u111 Ring to each of the raoxt ttwo corret't
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Hatch enui estaut is to cut out the Rebus and make.
8Cress with alcadpenelioatttt,'li t loam.;.\1"ater)
aud septi sante to us with ten three.vont stamps_
WI' 30 cents in silvery for one `ear's subscription
to Oar Young Pcopla,saldch is a aarge, b
fully illustrated 111 liege ntogaazhte,) a beautiful
Engraving The First isiaa' will be Sent freehy
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that you get the paps t 11' au t utir.+ rear anda
chance ftcllrune or weed of the prizes. youris
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I1t1 Apret rr t: cart vttr t'o E '. t heath r or not
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The envelope tt1,1clt ccgttuin wrreti answer
bearing -first past•mark will receive first reward
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receive tile buSt, \lane dte, furflu nttuey.
ds\till11Y'atliOPL .WiyAe\t, Toronto, i
u az=., •
In No, I. --a. Lady and her Companion.
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Che i,.u)IES, CO\IPANION is a high-class Illustrated Magazine of ill pages and is devoted to
Literature, Art, Fashion and (dome Life. Its matter will be of the best -elevating both in its
Literary style and purity of sentiment. In beauty of pictorial embellishment and excellence of
letter -press it will take front rani., and to this cent will be printed on a line. heavy, caiendered
paper stab as is used its no other Canadian journal. A perfectly fair and legitimate premium sys-
tent is adopted by its pnt,ltshers, at great matey, in order to quickly place it and its sister publi-
cations at the head of all Canadian periodicals in point of circulation. The most exact good faith
17111 be kept with every suhseriber.
L •. DIES AT 110101 will be THE Horne Magazine of Canada, "par exceilence." None such has
•t'olnl'we been offerer( at the price -only 50 cents per annum.
OUR BOYS AND GIRLS is a ar.utvEL at the price -:5 cents per year. Every boy and girl will
'lint it and, happily, itis within the reach of all. who will send in the first club and wears .aboys
nr girls 001.3) WATCH ?
t , the first person solving- pus -
el No. L, we willawardau ele-
rant Rosewood Piano. val-
sol at :a 21; the next will receive
a map:niticant Sleigh Robe,
valued at gUii; the third, a St r.rc
Detass PA's rtrtt'z; the fourth, a
5tw those; theel
e fifth that sinaf atnonnlw 5ntryatirl sei-
tS.r88.viaiWrStoA'rorBt; the sixth a euro oneoftllhefollowingvaluable
':4 u u 131cooclt; the seventh a premiums. For the, first correct
BANQUET LAarr; the eighth a solution of puzzle No. 2, we will
S sysit FIVE O'CtoOs TEA award aGolci Watch; for the
Sr'rr; to the next ten will be second, a beautiful Stlacl)RESS
gh•an a CRAYON PORTRAIT of PATTERN ; third, a fine SitvEit
oil ti, , 111e sender or any friend, \'VA: cir; fourth, a lliusro Box:':
Size xe', and valuedattla. To fifth, a GOLD BROOCH sixthand
An, middle solider end the fen fol- thelive following a CitAxoN'
!owing will be awatrded an elegant PumRAir each. following,
the middle
Cm:vi x POE •rr•,trrofsender or sender; a Sri.yER WATc)t to
any friend. the sender of letter the five following, a CRAYON
bc.ti•i n;; lastest postmark, previous PORTRAIT. To the last correct
Io 3t:a•rr'lt let. next will receive a answer mailed previous to March
Gm, WATeit. Tho sonder next istnext, aGOLD 1VAT(;ir,and to
to Last will receive a Str vEn the live preceding, each a
WA•ran;. ten preceding, each a CnAT'ON PORTRAIT, valued at
C1tATON POItr'RAi'r. stn:
Conditions: -Each con tes- Cou !bons: -Each contes
mitt must mark faces in puzzle taut must mark' faces in puzzle
in ink or pencil, cut advertise- in ink or pencil, crit advertise-
neat out and forward to u.5 with anent out and forwatrd'to tis with
; cents ter 3Inonths subscription 31 cents for, six months' Snbscrip-
to the L,tn(Es' COMP ANici;v.- Ari- tion le the La DMS Al' Koatr:.
tress, "A"LADIES'COiIPAN- Address, ''Ii" LADIES AT
21)5'.'.153liiu;; St: west, Toronto, ii0ati11 , 166 King Street West,.
Cnn ala Toronto, Canada.
h.ir3. -Ila sore and write add ess plainly. in full, giving Province or State.
(ULUG ILATES. —To evet'y73oy'orGirl (exeeptu)gthe tient •received) Sending Us 10 yearly
subace'ibors at 21 cants each we t •ill•gtve,p tine crayon portrait, valued at '6. Each club subscriber
also a an opportunity of obtaining one of file atove mentioned valuable premiums.
We want every lady in the land
to send us 3^eents for ahnif-yeses
subscription to LAMBS AT Recut
and at the same time, while Was
receiving wonderful value for
For the first correct soltitioit of
puzzle No. 3, will be given n
boy's or girl's Gold Watch:
to the second, a 511 Germ Cork
to the third, a SILyvtXt WATCH ;
to the fourth, a 25 Genn COIN;
to the filth, a full-sized 0rt4t'ou
PORTRAIT ; to the sixth, a girl's
SALVER WATCH ; to 681h of the
next ten, it Ghee Ramon. To
the middle sender a .S' EINE
WA'reit; and to the live preced-
ing, each a handsome Tin li T
CASE; and to the live <following -
the middle each aGOLnlnuomr.'
To the last mailed previous to
March 1st. next, will be given a
Swiss Music Box, and to the
ten preceding the last, a Goin •
BRoocn each. •
Conditions t -Each contes-
tant must'mark'faces in puzzle
in ink or pencil,tit advertise -
Merit out and forward to us with,
t30 centsfor oneyear's sultserlp-
Mo,, to Orin Boys ,'stn GUMS.
Address, C " OUR BOYS AND
GIRLS, 16s King:Strcot West,.
Toronto, Canada. ..,