HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-12, Page 8tot INSURANCE LES' L Li I07',&GENTFOR THE N'V 1STERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto; also. for the PHCENIX. FIRE INSURANCE CCMRA)'tY.ot London; 1+,Ugiand, ALLIANCE. INSURANCE COM- PANY' ot1nglaud, T`, KINSMAN, L.D.S, D,D.S Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, and of the Dental Department of Toronto liniyereit,, (with honors.) Spaora:tatinbridge-work.and gold and Per- ceiain orowns. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas and local thet- lesfor painless extractions. Always at home. Office : Fanson's Moak. Exeter. 'MPORTAYT NO1ICc 011 Thursday, Ftiday cC Saturday a Customers' bene- fit sale will be held at 'THE MART,' when a straight dis- count of 2f per cent. will be given on all Fancy Goods. Purchases of $1 and up- wards, other than customers will be allc.wed 20 per cent only. Customers will please ask or Benefit 7 ckets. J. O,Jt ] I Ll '✓11 A. SNAP FOR HOLIDAY BUYERS --AT THE— Big Dnkttpt Store All Fancy Goods carried over from Limas must go. LOW PRICES WILT.( SELL THEM. 3I ill price is all we want. Dolls, Books, Ink Stands. Photo Albums Writing Tablets, Fancy Glassware Fancy Lamps, Hall Lamps, Hang- ing Lamps, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Dad Fancy Cups and ;Saucers, all ;o at Halt Price. J. A. STEWART. Brevities f3appthess an earth is merely a matter of comparison at the beat. The annual meeting of the Agricultural Society will be held to -day. The County Council will meat on Tues- day, 24th inst fn Goderich. Messrs. Snell Bros- & Co. bought up- wards of 300 hogs in one day last week. Locals are scarce this week, there hae been little stir owing to the, stormy wea- ther By-law commutingstatnte labor in Bien - shard watt defeated in every polling sub- division. The annual meeting of the South Huron Ag'l Society will be held at Brucefieid on January 17, The ccuutry roads aro not as badly drifted in consequence of the storm, as one would imagine. The trains were "delayed on Tuesday, owing to a blockade of snow. They are now running on time. The most irksome thing on earth is .a fool that is near but yet so far that a boot will not reach him. It takes a strong man to hold his own thoughts so much in subjection that they will not worry him. From one end of the continent to the other one hears peanut of praise for the Star Alrnanae of Montreal. Mr. A. Q. l3ohier will start an evaporat. ing factory in Exeter next summer, and employ a large number of hands. Revival services aro being continued in the Main at -Meth. church this week, con- ducted nightly by visiting ministers. Mr. Alex. Duncan, of Farquhar, collec- tor of taxes for Usborne, was in town on Saturday with the balance of the taxes, Goo. Vickers, the alleged Mitchell em- bezzler,was again remanded for eight days by:Polio° Magistrate O'Leane Wednesday, CRAYON PORTRAITS'—Mian M. V. Wnite is now prepared to do portraits in crayon life size, Orders to be left at residence, The South Huron Farmers' Institute will meet at Hensel' and Zurich next week. See ad in another column far par- ticulars, Our sincerest thanks are extended to the many subacribers who have called the past few days and prepaid their subscriptions for another year. The hog market has been livelylthe past few days. as high as $7.1:0 per cwtbeing paid. Wheat has also advanced io price and will continua to go up, At the first ot this year the fees of coun- ty conitOfies through Ontario were mater- ially reduced. They will be allowed 51 for an arrest and 2:5o. for attending court. Theagreatlleading coal combine is broken. The New Jersey Central R. R. Company, fearing action on the part of the Legisla- tura. withdrew from the ring, and coal, it is said, will now go down in price. Judging born the largo quantity of brink which passes through Exeter daily, there is surely going to be a, big aeaaon of build- ing throughout the country. The low prices of grains has not deterred the far- mers from going into improvements. Notice to Tunes' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a foyer if readers irould,rrhen making their purchase's, mention that they saw the nrerclhrtrt's adver- tisement lir Tim hetes. 'EU tutu Sth"oa. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th 1393. LOCAL HAPPENINGS, Green Goods. Of late, ,,a large Dumber of "Green Goode" circulars have been received by people in this section. To those who have received them, it will be interesting to know that an important seizure of a large printing establishment used by the "Green Goods" men has been made in New York. When the police entered the place two cylinder presses were turning out the confidential letters which are used to de- coy victims to the headquarters of the aharpera. A vast number of bogus tele- graph blanks were on hand. There were some 870,000 circulars ready for mailing, eo that the onerators had laid plans for an 'extensive business. Tho moat cunningly devised productions consisted of thousands of imitation newspaper clippings purport- ing to detail a police court trial at which the presiding magistrate discharges the counterfeiters because the bad money is so -perfect that treasury experts dare not swear it is forged. No green goods were found. The only green goods of use to the swindlers are the soft headed vi,:tims who are duped by their schemes. To MRs. ISAAC HA xv AND FAMILY,— We, the Defiance Fire Company, No- 2, extend to you and the family our aympa- thy in the bereavement you have just undergone in losing from your household the husband and father, who has bean so kind and affectionate. Nothing we can .say or do can alleviate the lose or lessen the sorrow through which you bave been compelled to pass, We have experienced in Mr. Handford a good comrade, always jovial and friendly, and ever ready to give a helping hand when called upon to do hie ditty ; but now we will mise him from his post, and we doubt whether we can secure a Fireman who will be capable of filling his place in our ranks. Signed on behalf of Exeter Defiance Fire Co. No. 2, War. TREBLE, Chief ; JAS. WEBERS, Captain ;. S. A. 'PrLESTONE, Sedy. Missionary sermon will be preached in the Methodist; churches next Sunday; Several members of the Exeter Snow- shoe Club were out on a tramp yesterday. The ,Anniversary of the lain•st. Meth, Sabbath School will be held on Sunday week. The Young People's Society of the James -at church gave a social on Tuesday evening, but owing to the weather being stormy, the attendance was small, Itdoes not occur to the oldest inhabitant of awinter of more snow than we have at present in this section. Businrrea'was sus- pended the forepart of the week, There was akating on the rink on Satur- day evening for a short time, but the heavy fall of snow made it uupleasant for the throng of merry gliders. Tho rink being an open one, it has kept the man- agers busy keeping the ice clear of suow. George McMillan of Morrisburg is the owner of the largest p g in the world. Only 18 months old, weighs 965 pounds, 11 feet 11 inches from tip to tip, girths 6 feet G inches, stands 9 hands high. He eats well, but is still poor in flesh. His footprints in the sands are like those of a cow, It has been snowing steadily for the past two weeks, and we have more of the "beautiful" already this sensor, than for many years. It has spread its mantle smoothly over mother earth to a great depth, and if fierce gales do not follow,we may expect to have good sleighing and, a busy season as soon as the weather settles. The Toronto Sun, morning, evening and weekly, an annexation advocate, is the latest addition to the list of newspapers in Toronto, It bears a favorable comparison with any of its cotems, but we cannot help expressiur< our rnisgiyings of its ulti- mate success if the sentiments enunciated in its platform, which are rather chimer- ical, is an index of its future course. The Poor House project in the County of Huron received little encouragement, but rather, the people pronounced empha- tically against it. The majority of votes polled against it will reach many thousands and while the townships went solid against it, there was also a big vote disfavoring it in the towns and villages. The County Council will likely take no action in the matter. After an illness of some ten months' duration, Mary Jane, wife of Mr. George Harton, passed peacefully away on Suu- day morning last. She suffered from gen- eral tuberculosis. and her death was un- expected. She leaves a young family, whom with her husband, have the sympa- thyof the community iu their bereavement. Her remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday. New Rural Oeane. Tho Bishop of Huron has been pleased to make the following new appoiutmenta of rural deem' ; County of Hurou-•-Rev. 141ark Turnbull of Godertoh instead of Rev. W, Craig, re- moved to Petroles. County of Perth—Rev, D. Deacon of Stratford instead of the late Rev. Canon Patterson. Personals Mr.1Y, 0. Howard attended the District meeting of the Oddfellowa at Goderich on Thursday last—Mr Currelley has return- ed to town and taken charge of Ur.'Brod- erick's store.—Miss Mary Sanders visited friends in St. Marys last week.—Mrs John Farmer, who has been visiting in Southern Nebraska, ,and, who untended remaining for a year, will return at once, owing to the climate not agreeing with the children. —Mr. Peter Gardiner of Exeter is now teachiteeiu School Section No. 5, Hibbert, Mr Hotham, Tthe former teacher, being eugaged in S 5, No. 3. Teaching so near holm, Mr Hothain will find it convenient iu many ways —All the Exeter bays, who attend the University of Toronto, returned to their studies last week, after spending the holiday season at home.—Master John Mellis, an employe of this office, was called home on Friday last to the death- bed of bis mother, Mre Mettle had been sick but a week and her death was uuex. pected, Mr. Mollis and the family of small children have the heart -felt sympa- thy of alt, in the loss of an affectionate wife and loving mother,—olr, Miners, G. T. It., Condaotor of Sarnia, and wife are the guests of Capt. J, N. Howard of this place,.—Miss Annie Weekes left here an Saturday for Milwaukee, Wis„ on a visit to her brother, Mr, George Vtreekes, who has charge of the Marble Work an the Pfister Hotel in that city.--'1isa Susie Weekes, Milliner foe dr C. F. Stewart, VYliitby, is home for her vacation,—Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thomas, who spent their vacation in Cobourg, returned home last week—Mr. J. Gould, tailor, Ridgetown, is spending yacation in town.—Miss Hol; land has returned from Petroiea, where she hat been taking charge of a millinery department the past s'aaon •--Mr, Isaac Carling, jr. ,has been laid up the past week with a severe cold,—We had a pleasant call on Tuesday from Meesre. Ellber and Yearley of Crediton, veterana of the Hay Tp. Fire Ins Co. While on their way to the annual meeting at Zurich they had rather a rough experience, having to foot it from Dashwood, occasionally being necessitated to dig the horse and cutter out of the snow banks.—AKillarney correa pendent says : " Medi .J.Ralline,Exeter,ar- riv ed here on Saturday week to look after bis property. He met with a hearty recep- tion.'--ltfr, J. P. McLaren of Coustance was in town on Saturday and gave Tutt Tram a frieudly Gall.—Rey. McDonagh proaehed at 13etheada on Sunday afternoon. last. —Mr. and Mrs. George Eaaterbrook and family, who have] been visiting rela- tives here the past two weeks, returned to their home, Burlington, Ont., on Monday lest, Searorth .Dye Works. All orders for the above works can be left at E II Fish's barber shop. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, The district meeting of the Biddulph L. 0. L.,announced for Crediton on Tuesday, lm 1 divide it between more of the has been postponed until the 17the , owing laborers. ;to the itnpaeeable state of the roads. cor- poration, BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS We will close out a 'number of lines ot Goods during the next TEN DAYS ot our Great Sale, at prices that will astonish everybody. We are clearing our entire stock of Fur Goods Ladies' Fur Setts (Collarette and Muff) from $2.50 upwards, Pelt Boots for the next ten days $1.55 Top Boots 950. Remember we always lead and never follow. RICHARD PICKARD & SONS The New Year, The new year is ouly the old prolonged. Good resolutions ought to keep, but they don't. The new year doesn't bring a man strength. All of us will do leas evil this year than we did last—because it is one day shorter. The year is dead—long live the year. Let us resolve that we have done better; not that we will do better. The new year ages rapidly, What we were we are; what we are we shall be; what we shall be—is doubtful. The new year is a renliment. Laehyear people try to be better, be- cause each year they come neater the grave. Oyetera bave adyanood from 55 to 58 a pail. Farmers find it difficult to get into the bush to get out wood, The 33rd Battalion annual ball will be held at Seaforth on the 27th inst. The District Council of Huron, Royal Templets of Temperance, is called to meet at Varna on Tuesday, January 17th. On March 13, the Spring Assizes will open at Goderich, before Justice Rose. Amon other cases will be that of R J, R. Gore on a charge of perjury. A full line of Turkish Dyes at theCentral Drug Store. Also an assortment of per- fumes & toilet articles suitable for N. -oras presents. -3t C. LuTz. The Christmas Tree Entertainment which was held in the Trivitt Memorial Church Hall on Friday evening last in oonnection with tho Sabbath School was a success. The School Board will at once re -seat a couple of rooms of the school. The cost will be;money well spent in the comfort and health of both pupils and teachers and their mutual encouragement in their work. Mr. M. Kelland offered his hotel at Devon for sale by auction the other day ; also his effects. Nothing was sold however and Mat. still keeps this popular hostelry. He had wished to retire from the business. The Exeter -St. Marys stage did not make its usual daily trip on Wedneaday, owing to the roads being completely block aded. It was with great difficulty that the courier reached Exeter Tuesday even- ing. Elizabeth Macdonald, a young girl of 16 or 17 years,who was arrested at Woodstock on Noy. 21, on a charge of vagrancy, has been sentenced to six months in the Mercer Reformatory. She comes from Stephen township. Measrs. James and Thomas Handford will administer the estate of their deceas- ed. brother, Mr. Isaac Handford. The estate amounts to over 56,000. The black smith and carriage shops having been leased by Mr. Henry Jones of Usborne, will be run as usual, with Mr. Dennis, foreman of the wood -working department and Mr- John Cudmore, foreman of the blacksmith shop. The many agents of Tell TIMES through- out this section have the thanks of the publishers for the efforts put forth in 1n• creasing its circulation in their several localities, They have all clone well, and while but very few old subscribers have quit the paper, the new names have literally poured in, this week alone the ad. ditions being over 100, twenty of these from one agent. These are facts which can be verified by proof. It would be a commendable move for the council to invest a few dollars 'in ano- ther snow plow. With the heavy snow falls of the past few weeks, one plow is inadequate for the work ; and instead of taking nearly a day to clean the walks— (after a majority of the citizens have had to plod through the deep snow)—with another plow the work could be accom- plished by 10 o'clock, that is providing the operators commenced early enough in the morning. The good work done by the plow is not appreciated when it comes along after one has had to break the path. By all means get another plow ; the only extra cost wilt be a few dollars for the,im- element, the labor will cost no more, but Presents. We wish our Customers and The semi-annual presentation took 'j�]' `�]' place on Friday afternoon at 4,80 o'clock friends a Happy -� � €%�' Year.. and entire satisfaction of the children was the result, Following is a list of presents and receivers : 1—Shell Thos, Creech 2—Cup and saucer Eva Carling 3—Mouth organ Lille Ford 4—Testament Rosa Sutton 5—Purse (plush) Clan, Rowclifr 6—Slate cleaner Mary Quinton 7—Book (Rip Van Winkle) Jos Green 8 --Vase Allio Kerslake 9—Blue Banner Mary Quinton 10—Pencil case Wm Borland 11—Autograph album lohn Russell 12—Writing desk Fred Hawkshaw 13—Book(Sailor's Home) Frank Lutz 147 --Red top • Nellie Quance 15—Book(Diamond & Tood)D.Bichards 16—Photo holder Lizzie Hunkin 17—BookCAround the \Yor1d)HHeainan 18—Card (Plaque) Robt Treble H. Borland Rd Flicks Eva Huston Frank Treble W. Handford Sam Jory Eddie Crocker John Russell Evelin Gill E.Heywood Laura Jeckell Laura Jeckell Alfred Peterson Ester Mitchell 33—Satchel Allie Kerslake 34 Book(Tom Thumb) David Richards 35—Xmas card John Newcomb 36—Autograph album Alvin Davidson 37—Ladies'Companion' Ed Campbell 38—Book(The Golden Pluno)S.Bawden 39—Pink banner Mabel Madge 40—TestamentNellie O'Brien 41 Ink stand Zlrm Abbott 42—Writing desk 43—Blue top 44—Mouth organ 45—Shell 46—Pencil bon Vera Hawkshaw 47—Large ink stand Ed Campbell 48—Shell purse George Nelson 49—Book(Oonvict's Child) E.Gillespie 50—Nigger doll Arthur Passmore 51—Parcel Wilber Hun' er 52—Album Wm Abbott 53—Red lush case Mabel Kemp MARRIED. 54—Celluloid. ball Alvin Davidson MoTAaoanT—BELL.—On Deo. 28th at the 55—Vase Wesley Sanders 1 residence of the bride's father, Chiselhurst by the Rev. H, Irvine Mr. .A L Bell to Miss Phoebe McTaggart, BARLEY—FAwOETT—At the Methodist par- sonage, Stella, on Dec. 27th by the Rev. Barwneh Mr, Thomas Bar ev of Owing to the country roads being filled with snow and the outlying villages cut off from mail communication, many of our weekly budgets of news have failed to reach this office in time for publication in the current issue. Mr A, Waiper offers hie two hundred acre farm in the township of Usborne for sale. It is situated on the London Road, about one mile north of Exeter, and is one of the best farms in Ontario. Mr. W. will retire and move into Exeter. 19 Photo album . i 20—Jack Sprat (game) 21—Shopping bag 22—Perf umo 23—Green plush case 24—Autograph album 25—Toy pistol 26—Circular comb 27—Velvet purse 28—Silver napkin ring 29—Dinner basket 30—Ink stand 31—Beads 32—Crayons Addie Holland .Rose Penhale. Barton Hooper Frank Lutz 0 CABLING BROSr- :Exeter Municipal Council. DIED. --- M. xo—In Liman, on Jan. 5th 1893, Edward Tho council met by order of the reeve at the town hall, Exeter, on 4th inst. All present. Minutes of proyious meeting read and approved. Christie—Carling—Orders for the follow ing sums : E. Follick, 015, servicer as Truant Officer; Gutta & Perch, Rubber Co., Toronto, 5100, for hose; 8, Stanlake, 58 63, for lumber; G. T. R. Co., 46 eta, freight; Sec Citizens Committee, 515, for expenees of delegation to Brantford and Wingbam re foundry; J.Creech, $3,charity Mrs Piper; do,$5, wood tor Mrs McIntyre; do, 02, Mrs McIntosh; do, 56 15, expense ot removal of Mathews, an indigent; do, 51, error in dog tax re J. W. Grant.—Car rind. • Mr. McLeod asked. to be relieved from balance of payment for the weigh scales as the weigh scales being free on the old market ground rendered the weighing on the town scales very unprofitable. Spackman-Christie—that Mr. McLeod be allowed $10.—Carried. The council adjourned sine die. M. EACRETT, Clerk. BIRTHS. MoOor—In Centralia on the 2nd the wife of Semi. McCoy of a son. Tire TIMES Carrier Boy desires to thank all town patrons for their liberal offerings. During the present year he promises to be prompt in delivering and will have a single eye to pact kindly remembrances and future good will. Messrs. Timken& Son, Hamilton, the tobacco manufacturers, whose advertise- ment has been running in this paper for the past year, have made all the many em ployeea in their factory happy by hand- some Christmas presents. Some got the gift of a week's wages,others a turkey each and suitable presents all around, As"may be supposed, the best of feeling prevails between the firm and their hands. One of the advertisers in the Mitchell Recorded took his advertisement cut of that paper because its editor saw. fit to op- pose his eletion to the town Council. The Recorder winds him up thusly':—"As will bs noticed this week, Mr J' W. Dale has dropped his advertisement into Mr Hord's vacated space If Mr Hord does not learn to conduct himself in a more rational and reasonable spirit, Mr Dale will drop"hy rapid degrees into his businese. 56—Writing paper in box Wm Borland 57—British Workman Laura Jeckell 58—Writing paper in box L.Jackell 59—Doli Wm Abbott 60—Camera Pearl Sage Any of the above mentioned persons who have not received their presents, would oblige us by calling for them during the week, or when convenient, Yours sincerely, J. W. BROWNING. ► _.. . CATARRH IN Tale HEAD. IS nndoubtly a disease of the blood, and as such only a reliable blood purifiai can effect a perfect cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood -purifier, and it has oared many very severe cases of catarrh; It gives an appe- tite and builds up the whole system. Hood's Pills act especially upon the' livor rousing it from torpidity to its natural duties, cure constipation and assist diges- tion. The charge against Wellington Hackett, of Biddulpb, of smiting and wounding Joseph Thompson, his brother-in-law, was settled before Squire Jarvas Saturday, the defendant ,paying costs, and damages. No man ever smoked "Myrtle Navy" tobacco for a fortnight and then took- to any other brand. in preference to it. It bears' its own testimony of its qualities, and it is testimony which is always corincing. The smoker who uses it is never annoyed by getting it sometimes of good quality and sometimes of bad. The -arrangements of the manufacturers for keeping its quality equal aro very elaborate and complete, and are the results of many years of experience and close observation, Minard's Liniment, Lumberman's Friend- N,S Th S.B 1 , London, to Miss Hannah Fawcett, of Hibbert. Weep—Cermet—At Stratford, on the 4th inst, Mr. Thomas Bowes Wood. of Logan to Mies Sarah Collins, of Mitchell. BuTsoN-Neenes,—At the residence of the bride's parents. on the 28th Dec., by the Rev, P. Scott, Mr. Leonard Buteon to Miss Maggie Norris, all of Hibbert. Huupxsis —NEAR— At the residence of the bride's father on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. John Scott, M. A. Mr. ' James Hnmphris, of Brandon, to Min Hettie, only daughter of Mr. to Near, St. Marys. BAWD1rN—IsAAo—Atithe residence of the bride's parents on the llth'inet, by the Rev F belling Fatt, Mr George Bawden of Exeter to Mies Eliza daughter of Mr. Henry Isaac, Lake Road Hay Township. Mayo, aged 47 yrs 7 mos. PErpan—In Logan, on the 4th inat, John Pepper, aged S1 years. HAnxoN—In Usborne on the 7th inat, Mary Jane, wife of Mr. Geo, Horton, aged 3G years, 8 months and 27 days. MURRAY-1n Mitchell, on the 4th. root, Mrs Fanny Murray, aged 50 years, 11 months, and 13 days. Dreams—At Lumley, township of Usborne, at the residence of his nephew, Mr. Wm. Dinnin, on the 31st nit, Mr. Joseph G. Dinnin, native of Northumberlandehire, England; aged 78years. U111111WENIMECIAM R. N. RO'E FURNITURE DEALER AND lIzalort a St ( • `Orders promptly attended to. All Accounts must be settled at once. TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS wIDE-A-wARE SIND BUY FROM FOLLICK'S FRUIT ad, CONFECTIONERY STORE, Because they can got goods that are rigut and up to the times. NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the CouriHouse lin the town of Goderich on Tuesday 24th rust, at 3 o'clock p' in Wu, 'LANs. County Clerk. Jany. 6th,1898, SBORNE AND H1BBERT l J MIJTUALSFIRE. INSURANCE CO'Y. The annual meeting of the members of the Usborne Sr Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Gardiners Hall Farquhar on Monday the 8th day of• February Atte clock p' m. for the purpose of receiving the Directors' Auditors' and Secotary's Reports, election of Directors, and such other business as will be neoeesary for the good and welfare of the Company. TILOS. CAMERON D. MITCHELL. Secretary. President. .All other Kind Are FAST ASLEEP Rut they are wakin guy to the fact that I can give'them goods that will Please thorn. Full lines of Fruits, Oysters, Confection- ery, ery, ;Bread, Bune, Cakes, Etc. Weddirg Cakes andboxes for Wedding g E. A. FOILIC ::