HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-12, Page 6PARIS IN AN UPROAR. The Ministry Have Tendered Their Resignations. A NEW CABINET FORMED stormy Scenes at the Meeting of the Chamber of Deputies—Thirteen Anar. Oasts Arrested—Panama Stubs De- stroyed—Eiffel Stole Ninety Millions. PARIS, Jan. 11.—The French Mini has just resigned owing to difference the Cabinet on the arrest of ex -Mini Of Public Works Baihaut, and other m ters. The greatest excitement prevails people throng the streets. The police are out in force and disp fug crowds. President Carnot has just charged Ribot with the duty of reconstructing Ministry. It is openly charged that the Presid and M. Ribot are not in earnest in the llama prosecutions, and that they have intention of bringing the bribe takers trial, and that the prosecution of De L seps, Fontaine, Giotto. and Eiffel will nothing more than a farce. It it charged that efforts are being made postpone the exposure of certain gui parties until the law of prescription w have taken effect. The indictment against Gustavus Ei states that he secured 90.000,000 francs Panama, canal money. Heretofore it �i supposed he had obtained but 62,000,0 francs. It is now regarded as improba that M. Baihaut will be tried by the Se ate. The Senate 'undoubtedly will vote favor of his being taken before a crimin court. The absurdity of his being judged by body containing men interested in Eiff contract work is too apparent to be seriou ly coutc�n.plated by any bode, The fa that President Garnet signedhisname the lottery bill will not help Baihau although he and his friends ha counted npon his finding some exculp tion in it. The Parliamentary Commission of quirt' has discovered a break in the sewof the Canal Company's cheek stub More than 230 stubs are missing and i every case a large sum was involved. On of the cheeks in question was for 100,00 francs; others for sums between 40,000 an 70,000. If the stubs of these cheeks a found, Felix Cottu and Marcus Fontein as directors of the Canal Company are al liable to imprisonment for three yea each. They are suspected of .having des troyed the stubs so as to protect their re fictionist friends, Although the resignation of the Minist caused widespread excitement, there we no attempt to create disorder. The cede that is prevailing throughout the city 2 due to the fact that the lawless elemen well knows that any disturbance will b put down with a strong hand by th military - The recess of the Chamber of Deputie ended yesterday, and the House resume its sittings. There was a large attendant of members, and the galleries were crowd ed, interest being centered on the electio of a. new President of the Chamber. Th Chamber was called to order by TIM Pierr Mane, member for Savoie and Doyen o the House. After the usual formalities o opening the session had been complied 'with, the name of M. Flogiiet as a Candi date for re-election to the Presidency of the Chamber, was presented. This evoked a somewhat unexpected and vehement op- position, and in the course of the speeches made against M. Floquet partic- ular stress was Laid upon his own admission that he had used some of the funds of the Panama Co,, not for his per- sonal benefit, but for his campaign against Boulangists and to secure the elec- tion of a Republican Chamber in 1889. The vote that usually follows the presenta- tion of a candidate's name did not take place, though M. La Martiniere demanded that it be taken by roll call and by ballot. M. Floquet, seeing that the members of the Right were determined to oppose his re-election by every means in their power and knowing that without their sup- port he could not secure a majority, withdrew his candidacy, The Republican group then nominated M. Casimir Perier for the office. A vote by theusual method was taken on M. Casimir Perier's nomina- tion and he was elected by a majority of 155, the vote standing 408 for him to 253 against him. During the proceedings in the chamber a a group of thirteen men who proclaimed themselves Anarchists gathered in front of the building. ng. They were ordered to move on by the police but refused to do so. They were thereupon placed ander arrest. President Carnot has issued a decree per- mitting General Felix Gustave Seamier,er, military governor of Paris, to remain on the active list after the age for retirement on the ground that General Saussier has held supreme command in the face of the enemy, President Carnot has the utmost confidence in him and in the existing crisis Carnot has no intention of parting with his services. The new Cabinet, organized by M.Ribot, is as follows: M. Ribot, Prime Minister of the Interior; M. Develle, foreign affairs; AI: Tirard, fin- ance; M. Bourgeois, justice; Gen. Loizil- lon, war; M. Bordeau, colonies and ma- rine; Ai, Dupuy, instruction; M. Viger, agriculture; M. Tiegfried, commerce; M. Viette, works. .A Report Presented. ',airs, Jan. 11,—The report of the Par- liamentary Panama Committee of 1886 and 1888 has been presented before the Com- mission of Inquiry, They show that President Carnot refused to support the. lottery bill and that M. San -len also dis- elaimed all responsibility in the matter. M. De Freycinet admitted that the money asked for. would not finish the canal, and when reproached by a' fellow committeeman with being frightened by the responsibility which the Government would incur, explained that the Govern- ment granted, merely faculetive permission without assuming any guarantee. M. Baihaut, who' introduced the bill in the • Chamber,: expressed' the opinion that;the Government had become involved in the matter through sending Mr. Rousseau to the Isthmus. He believed that the canal, could be Completed, and he thought it would be most reprehensible to thwart a plan so far: advanced. stry s in star at- �and ere - the ent Pa- rvo 10 es - be also to lty all ffel of va8 00 ble in t'1 a el's s. Ot to Fe a- In s, n e 0 d. re e 1 rs ry s r is t e 0 s 0 n e e f Rebeoea Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind says :—"I: have been in a distressed condi. tion for three years froth Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigoetion until my health was gone, I ilea. been *toting Qonetautly with no re- lief. I bought one bottle of South. Ameri- can Nervine; which done me more good. than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly mecum use this valuable and lovely rem- edy. .A trial bottle will convince you. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, ing: 14 OUTnxttns ALL oxusns.—In curing oolds, cougbe,hoarseness, asthmabronohitia, sore throat, and all diseases of the throat min lttngs there is but nno remedy which is un- equalled by any other. We refer to Dr, Wood's Norwoy Pine Sprup which has effected many remarkable curet' this season. ALTOOETnER DI9APPEAR5D.—DEAR Sue, About three Months ago I was nearly wild wth the headaches, I started taking B.B. B. and took two bottles and my headaches have disappeared. I :think it a grand medicine.. LETTICERIIODEe Londesboro, Ont. A Conn non DYSPEPSIA- —In investigat- ing the cause of this prevalent complaint it is found to test principally in wrong action of the stomach and impurity of the blood. These exciting causes are easily removed by the regulating, purifying tone and di- gestive, effects of B.B. B hence the success in 13. 13. B. in curing dyspepsia in any form no matter of bow long standing or .how severe it maybe. At this season of the year cold In the bead resultiug in catarrh ie alarrnlugly prevalent, As a precautionary measure a bottle of Nasal Balm eheeld be kept in household. it speedily, relieves and per. maueutly oures the worst cases of cold in the bead and catarrh. All dealers orAby mail in receipt of 50o. for small or $1 for large bottle. G. T. Fulford cC Co., Brockville, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Berkshi<e hoar (large:breed/ for service on lot15,con 7, Usbsrne. fired from 1st prize stook. Terms 31. W31 SNELL. *T.ERKSIIIRE BOAR FOR SER VIOL Two Berkshire I3oers'for ,sale ; also a,Pitt's Horse Power, nearly new. TnsMes RUSSELL, RiyersidoFarm. Thames Boad, Usborno.— n10.1in, BOAR FOR SERVIOE. A thoro'bred Berkshire Boar far service, on lot 2, con 1. Stephen (near Centralia,) Bred from Delbridge's Stook. Terms $1. di -2m Wu. IIUS TABLE, Prop RAILS FOR SALE. Tho undersigned has for sale 10,000 black ash rails, which will be sold cheap. JOHN SOUTHOOTT Lot 18, eon 10, Stephen. Dashwood t, 0 FARM FOR SALE. Being lot 10, con, 14, South. Boundary of IIib- bert,containing ]O0aores of first-class Soil. A bank barn 120 x 60, part brick, and part frame. Welt fenced,good water inOne wells :10 acres of bush, 90 acres cleared, Ono mile from post - office, and convenient to school. Will bo sold for $6,009, one-half down, balance to suit pur- chaser at 5,1 per cent: Immediate lnessession given. Apply to It]0 2m R. KELLAND, Elimville, P. 0 OT10E. .id Notion is hereby given that application Will bo made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at tho next session thereof for au A of authorizing the Village of Exeter. in the County of Huron. to issue debentures for the Purpose of raising money to moot and pay off the debentures cf the said Village issued for the purpose of aiding the London, Huron ,i Brune Railway and accruing duo on the 25th day of July, 1893, LEWIS II, DICKSON Solioitorfor Applicanto. Dated at Exeter, the 24th November, A. D„1892 n24'9t NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Stephen & Usher ne Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1893, at two o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing a President, Vice -President and Dir. ectOrs for the ensuing year. All members and interested parties are in- vited to attend. A G. DYER. Secy. held at 10 o'cllock same day and same plaeel be SOUTH HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. Meetings of the South Huron Farmers' In- stitute will be held in Coxworth's Hall, Hensel), Jan. 19 And Town Hall, Zurich, Jan 20. when addresses will be delivered by Prof Shaw, Agricultural College, Guelph ;, W. L. Huts, B. S. A., John Jackson, Abington, the noted sheep breeder, Thos. McMillan, Hullett, and others. Forenoon, afternoon, and evening sessions will be held each day. For full particulars see progrommes. JOHN 33 HENDERSON, JOHN HANNAH, President. Secretary Special Cheap Sale of Furniture at Gidley's ODDTf ELLO W'S BLOCK. Xmas Greeting With THE TIMES of au s week we wish all our custom ers a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year. BARGAINS. 25 pairs Men's"Felt Overshoes at $1.10 50 prs Wom's " buckle .55 in sizes 3 and 4. 25 prs Wom's buttoned Overshoes 1.00 25 prs Men's plain Rubbers .50 25 prs Men's Clogs .35 25 prs Wom's Croquet Rubbers .35 25 prs Wom's Clogs, .25 12 prs Misses' Carnival 1.25 These goods are in perfect condition and never before have the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country had such au offer. Therefore don't fail to see them, They will be sold for CAS$ only. Yours very truly, J. P. 1 AIM EACH PLUG OF Myrtle Navy IS MAR -Kill]) T&B. X1\1” 3ER42TZTO Z S L ERS - NONE - OTHER - GENUINE RIIEUMATIS3 R11EUMn.TIC PAINS NEURALGIA and kindred diseases aro duo to O'ngestion of the bleed vessels that produce formen tation, resulting in a.oids: If the blood does not (Ambito in. flaiumation in time must be the inevit- able result. The Our ativo Absorbent is ono of tho mostpow- erful blood stimu- lantsknown. Ttslim Writes the blood to action, restoring the circulation. That once established dis- ease must souse. Canadian 011100, LO:QDON, ONT. 3lTARKlsT REPORTS. Exeter, Jan.4, 1893. Fell wheat perbush,..»....a. $ 60 $ 62 Spring wheat per bush 58 GO Barley per bush.. 93 35 Oats per bush. Peas per bush .. 5 Flour per bbl 4 20 Apples por bag 85 Potatoes per bag 1 CO 1 00 Hay per ton........... 6 00 6 00 Weed per cord hard ..... 3 00 3 50 IV cod per cord soft 2 00 2 00 Bu�ttter per lb. .. ....... ........„. 18 19 Pork per hundred , 7 75 7 80 26 4 00 75 oc$ WANTED ! AT THE Exeter Packing House SNELL BROS & CO'Y Will pay the Highest Market prices for Dressed Hogs. All hogs bought subject to the following rules :--2 lbs per cwt. off all hogs ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck ; 3 lbs for bung gut or jollet if left in ; hogs to be cut through from tail to throat. SNELL BROS. & CO. !a:hnab tyles 1 z 0 0 THL BEST YET ! THEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI' Best Ordered Clot produced p d In Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, far: with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimniings; and the beet Cutting in Town, you are euro of satisfao- tiQp .'s.r s $ NZi.a. DAYS LONGER. CLEIflINa SAL On Jan'y lath the store will be closed balance of the stock removed. and th During these 15 Days the stook of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils Etc., will be sold at greatly reduced. prices, to save cost of moving. NOW FOR BARGAINS, GOODS at YOUR OWN PR,Ic Bissett's Old Stand, Exeter. 1VIoDONELL B Clubbing Rates, Tmo TIMES and any of the following newspapers will be scut to any address from now to January 1st, 1891, far the prices mentioned : Tem Trains Sud Toronto Empire $1,75 THE TIMES and Toronto Globe 1.70 DIE TIMES and Toronto Mail 1.75 Tat Trues and Toronto News 1,75 Tug Basra and London Free Press 1.75 TICE TIMES and London Advertiser 1,50 Tar Tinzgs and Illustrated Buffalo Express 2.50 THE Times and the Family Herald and Weekly Star, including the Star Altnanae 1.75 Tics Trans and Tho_Farmer's Sun 1,50 Any other paper not mentioned in the list at equally low rates. £ar' £t1cntin! Watch this space Next week, R. S. RICHARDSON, FINE CIGARS, CIGARITTS, TOBACCO Brand Now Stack —JUST OPENED OUT AT THE— PALACE GRoCERX, (G A IIyndman's Old. Stand) Comprising Teas, Coffees, Spices, Baking _Powders, Bird Foods, Starthea, Blues, Soaps, Brushes, Brooms, Pails, Raisins, Rice, Currants, Oatmeals, Wheat Germs, Figs, Nuts, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Peels Extracts, Fine Dairy Salt, Haddie, Oys tars, Boneless Cod Fish, Siscoes, and every thing kept in a General Grocery.: Give xis a call. G. A. HXNDTI,I.N, M. VINCENT, Manager. Proprietor, OYSTER PARLOR NOW OPEN. MAIL CONTRACT• Sealed tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will ee received at Ottawa until noon on FRID AY. the 27th JANUARY. 1893, for the eoevo,, ime of 11,:a Ma,,esty sMail,ou,;ron.... contracts for !four years from the let April next. 1• Between Zurich and Hensel], and Hensall and the Railway Station, 12 and 21 times per week, each way rospeotively. 2. Between Drysdale and Rippon, 3 times Der week each way. Printed notices containing further inform- ation sst .ray be seen and blank forms of Tender may bo obtained at the Post Offices along the respect- ive routes, and at this office, H. G. HOPKIRK, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office ) Stratford. 16th Dec.1692. i The New Bakery THE 110116 lliRlitti OURS 1S NOT A ''". BAN KR V PT S _l.. O Com., But a large and well-seleoted Stock of Bright New Which we are selling below so-called Bankrupt pricos. An inspection of the Stock and a com- parison of prices will tell the tale. We carry every. in the Hardware line -light and heavy. C01333LEDICIt c A. HA.STING'S, BARBER, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. As you pass by on the Main street Andshav�eyourhairapd vitiskorsltrimmed At Hastings Barber„shop. SY'e aro the lightning barbers, We do our work with care, We always keee our razors And shears in good repair. We have the very finest styles of4ohairs. Wo keep our towels clean. We shampoo in the bust of sy!e And use the easy hair .u.aohino. Somo barbers work so slowly, Bub this is our text: Wo do not keep you waiting, Your turn is always "next" As for the ladies and children, We shinogle theiir haik r and trim their bangs At'lasting's Barber shoe. ARGAINS IN N'ARNESs, TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. AT John Treble's, Main St NOTE A FEW PRICES : Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00 2.25 0.50 0.30 0.25 Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Misses' Rubbers, lif1onc SAVED b ing at c PLANING MILL And LUMBER We keep constantly on band a largest sii kinds of building materials. Dress° dressed ping and hemlock lumber, also stocker No. 1 pine lath. Our stook of doors, sash, blinds, mon So. is complete and thorougly_kiln dried We afatueand CEDAR Ser for HINGLES mncd hest makorsin Ontario, Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and size to order atIowest prices, Wo have sem newin this 11210 for watering cattle inch or barnyard. Call and see our oolobrated Baking Every woman using them recommend hitthly. El'urning,band,sorollsawing , and all k machine work promptly attended to. It will be to your interest to exams stook before:purchasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St Three Point NOTE WELL, Experience We have had expenience tha tention to business, close prices waver fits, are the main factors in business. Prom,otltude. redwith .thtp ing ure imprinted deeply on our motto, have won the patronage of the n whom despise those too-often-reso to tactics of tailors especially, na putting off until next week what ah Skilled Workmen are employed to ; have been done this. manufacture the goods, and the best of material is used. Satisfactionlooking Tis is a My kis well assorted Prompt attention given to all kinds of word, repairing. Stock to carry out its meaning is difficult 3t and every customer is,gdaranteed satis-. faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Call and be convinced. A.. BAGSHAIA7, Wishes to announce that he has open ed a Bakery and Confectionery Busi ness in the 'stand lately' occupied by E. A. Follick, north ,of the' Post Office, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage i3read, Cake & Buns Fresh every day, and delivered to all parts of the town. OYSTERS & LUNCHES • served at all hours. Having engaged as Foreman baker, Mr. B. C. MdKAY, of London, 1: shall ,by using the best grades of Flour, and pure Hop Yeast, so highly recommend- ed; by the, Medical fraternity f''r its nutritious and dtgestible qualities, be enabled to turn out by far h best bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, and +tether' cakes' a specialty. Oysters and Lunches at all hours. 61-01 .A. BAGSHAW,. JOHN TLUl I BLE, — Exeter. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or of pants, give us a call and be convin that what we have said is true. some. We glory in word and the it is exemplified in our shop. We g antee satisfaction every time in all pects. 17 0 Y 0 ZT ?' . JOHN Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, 'BICYCLE, SEWING R K MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY IKII0 CLLS, EXPRESS WAGONS? Our $80 00 S'STn,OTLY HIGH GRADE.. ALL MADE OF THE DESr STEEL. AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR The (ooid Bicycle Co. Ltd. 884 lti'/FORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue If youd°, the place,to get the most reliable goods at, a modern price is at PERKINS & MARTIN'S, dealers in Musical Instruments, Sewing Machine supplies, etc. All kinds of farm implements sold on s mar Rfnhem over. Wagon:oost. Agents for the celebrated' chat PERKINS & MARTIN , Faneon's Block, Great inducements,. in Dr Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. If you want the best goods, the gre est variety, and low prices come Doupe's „Store. ELEGANT DRY -GOODS, Fine Flannels and Woollens, Cold we. ther Dry -Goods never so good and never so cheap. We stand at the top in style, quality ' and variety. And all can reach our prices. All are invited to the Bargains tliat w give. Business increasing all the tim, DOUPE &.CO 'f