HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-5, Page 8i 1:SUI NOE t RhESTo,LLIO r,&i E VTFOlt &1 , fETerm:ter.alsnyorthe.trREN X iatitle CNSVRANOal COMP eenn. of lioncion; Eveleztd. ALLIANCE INSURANCE coa-- t,ANX otEngland, -�F. KINSMAN, z,.�a.S, D.D.S , Graduate of Royal College of Deutal Burgeons. and of the Dental Department o1' ParenteUnivereitr, (with honors.) Speoia.ietinbridge-ttork,and gold and per- oelain crowns. nes far painless extreetions n4lw loos,' at hohme. Ones: Fanson'ts. Block,, Exeter. aseetsen tMPORTANT OTIC. i, On Thursday, Ftiday & Saturday a customers' bene- fit sale will be held at 'THE MART,' wheal a straight dis- count of 25 per cent. will be given an all Fancy Goods. Purchases of $1 and up- wards, other than customers will be allowed 20 per cent only. Customers will please ask for Benefit Tickets. A SNA.P FOR HOLIDAY BUYERS --AT THE - Hid 3ankrpt Ron All Fancy Goods carried over from X-mas must go. LOW PRICES WILL SELL THEM. Hall price is all we want. Dolls, Books, Ink Stands, Photo Albums Writing Tablets, Fancy Glassware Fancy Lamps, Hall Lamps, Hann-- ing Lamps, Dinner Sets, Tea Bels Dad Fancy Cups and ;Saucers, all go at Halt Price. J.>z3 • STEWART. xatr Mao. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th 1893. LOCAL HAPPEN INS. Personate The holiday visitors have all left us. - Mr. Luther Braune left for Cleveland, 0., on Monday to spend a few weeks visiting friends. -Some twelve voters came from the Verity Plow Works, Brantford, cn Monday to cast a vote in the municipal eiection, among them was Mr,John Hayes, who has not been in Exeter for several years. -Mr- Will Skinner, who sang at a concert here last aummer, was married to a young lady in London last week. -The Rev. Martin and lady aro visiting friends in Mount Forest. -Rev. D. M. Ramsay of Mount Forest, accompanied by Mrs. Ram- say, spent the past week in town ; �1r. Ramsay preached for Mr. Martie last Sau- ey. in the morning exchanging pulpits ith Rev Mr. McDonagh of the Main -at. Meth. church -Mr. Donald. Taylor has owed his family into Mr. A. Davie's house. -Mr. J. W. Harrison left on Tues- . ay for Varna to assume the Principalship f the public school Thera. -Mr. G.Ruasoll. akea his place in No. 2, Stephen. -At a eating of the Public School Board, Mic- hell, last week, Mr. C. M. French, of sshawa, brother of Mr, D.French, Exeter, as selected as Principal, at a yearly salary of $700. The Recorder lays stress n the fact of his being an unmarried man, resumably because the young ladies of itchell are not shoving off as readily as "hey might. -Mrs. Martin of Exeter is visiting her son, Mr. S. Martin, St Marys. fr Samuel Martin was in Stratford on •usinese this week, -Owing to the waning 'nterest in the Salvation Army here, tho authorities have withdrawn the officers or a . time at least. -At Cleveland last eek, Mr. W. C. Manning, son of Mr. ichard Manning of Exeter, was elected Worthy Master of Woodward Lodge "Free nd Accepted Masons. The officers were: publicly installed in the Methodist church.; W. E Grandy, Barrister, of Ridgetov3pp', as renewing acquaintencea in tow i'ast week, -Rey. B. Clement of Ripley was in own this week calling on many 'et bis friends of the. Janes -at church, -Mr. G, D. McTaggart, Mayor elect of tlitnton for this year, was formerly teller in the. Moleon's Rank here. He is the youngest person ho has occupied this honorable position that town. -Mr. Chas Senior, formerly eter, was elected , to the Council of ay, as deputy -reeve,- ri and wife, and Mr. C. were guests at Mrs I, eek. -Mr. Emery mov-. week. Misses May Gill y spent the .latter part itchell, 'the guests of ,s, Theo, Sweet. -Messrs J. A. go Nand 0. kaiser returned tc Aylmer on Moira .-Mr'. andMrs. . G ...F. Oakes yen of Stratford visited Mrand .Mrs Thee.. Gregory during' Sunday and Monday. -- At, the onday.-A.t,the last meeting of - Lebanon Forest Lodges A, F. and A. M. brother Michael Eae ett,the retiring seeretary,was present :d with''te berntiftil gold -betided "'cane by the members ofthe craft, accompanied by I, /host complimentary address --Mrs. •Tae.. dale, wife of the editor of the BowmattvilIe' ttewa,,aoaompanied by ,the children, are. hsitfng her sister, Mrs. T. A, Brown. . • ,, u oesetesessuseeesec Brevities. Write 1893. There is skating on the riot. See McDonell tiros, change of 'ad.' There is a lull in business since the heli. days, Read R N Rowe's change of advertises men t, The thermometer hag registered low during the week. The school' opened on Tuesday with a good attendance. Rubbers and Overshoes in alt kinds at close prices as J. P. Clarke'a. `The wood market, has been lively the peat week, but the prices remain high. .All parties indebted to McDonell Bros, will kindly call and settle on or befcs'o 18th Speeiel meetings of prayer are being held in the Main -at church during this week. The best ail -wool, ready-made Panta- loons, I have ever offered, for $2,50. J -P Clarke, Greatly reduced prices in hardware, tin- ware, stoves, eta, at MaDonell Bros., dar- ing sate. The Trivitt Memorial Church Hall is to be formally opened on the 6th inst, with a Christmas Festival. Do not forget that it is ]893. But you probably will the first time you undertake to write a letter, At St Marys the by-ixw to reduce the hotel liquor licences from 8 to 1 was de- feated by 400 majority. The tenth anniversary of the Salvation Army in Canada is being celebrated tills week at different points. The Star Almanac of Montreal is in great demand in England. It is pronoun* ed there a magnificent thing, • The annual meeting of the S & U Ag'l Society will be held iu the town hall on Thursday, Jan'y 12th. See 'ad.' Santa Claci Xmas Cantata -New church Hall, Friday next (to -morrow). Go and. see the young folks enjoy themselves GRAYo r PORTRAITS' -Mies M. V. Wnite is now prepared to do portraits in crayon life size. Orders to be left at residence, The annual meeting of the Biddulph District Orange Lodge wilt be held at Crediton on Tuesday 10th inst. at 10 a m We have experienced a very heavy snow atorm in this locality the past few days, and at present the roads are in a heavy state. Mr. Will Caldwill who has been with Mr, J. P. Ross during the past three years lnayes shortly to attend the Owen Sound Business College. Good rasolations for 1893 are now in ostler. But a resolution of amendment is of no value if one does not honestly in- tend to keep it. Tenders are asked by advertisement in another column for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mail from Zurich to Hensel! and Drysdale to Kippers. At a public meeting for the election of school trusteno,it Waa unanimous that two rooms of the school be re -seated; especially the " ";iipat'a room A. ull line of Turkish Dyes at theCentrai Drug Store. Also au assortment of per- fumes & toilet articles suitable for X-mas presents, -3t C. LUTZ. McDonell Bros. positively leave town on tho lath Jan'y. Secure some of the great bargains they are offering before they leave. Bissett Bros stand. While shooting the other day with smokeless powder, Mr, Ed Carley had the barrel blown from the stock of the gun by the powder explod.ng. Mr, Carley was not injured. The school trustees should publicly give an account of their work. They spend more money than the council, but never present a statement to the public, save through the published minutes. All my Fur Goods, compriaing storm collars, and Muffs, Ladies' Beaver Caps, Gents' Persian Lamb Caps, 1 (only) Mink Sett Furs, long boa, wi'l be offered for cost and for cash only at .T- P. Clarke's. Rev. Fred Helling Fatt, hereby acknow- ledges the New Year's gift of some thirty bushels of oats, so thoughtfully and gener- ously sent him by Messrs, George, Peter and Adam, and Mra. Benj. Case, The grey mare says thank you, too ! The re -opening of the Bethesda Meth. church will take place on Sunday,January S,sermons to be preached by revs,Toxrance of Goderieh and McDonagh of Exeter. On Monday, a fruit social will be held. Ad- mission 20o; children 15. See bills for particulars. Some of the members of the County Council of Kent are agitating to do away with the December session. Huron county has had no December session for years, and we find that the change ii especially noticeable from a monetary standpoint. They should go one step further and re- duce the number of members. Our Stephen correspondent, in his men- tion of the marriage of Mr. Finkbeiner's daughter to Mr. Dearing,a few weeks ago, went too far when he said that the affair concluded with a dance. Mr. F. does not countenance dancing, and considers it an insult to himself and family to be so stig- matised. On behalf of our correspondent we ret31 that part of the item, with Pl Cr.` While driving up Main at. he ether day Mr and Mrs Jas Snell narrowly escaped. having their horse run away. A. clothes drier which they had in the cutter fell on the horse, searing it; and but for tho pre- sence of mind of Mr Snell inturning the animal onto the sidewalk, a serious acci- dent might have resulted. It was a bad tangle. At Chatham, on Saturday, the jury brought in a verdict for Robert Gray in bis county court suit against 'Wilson, the perpetrator of the spruce tree swindle. Gray -resided payment for the 7,500 apraoe' trees, which Wilson insisted he was Iiable for, on the ground that the order for them had been obtained by fraud and miarepre- sentetion,and he further charged that there was a general scheme to misdeed the pub- lic. The jury, after hearing the evidence, came to the conclusion that there was ample warrant for these allegations. The trial lasted five days, and excited a great edeal of interest, so general had the sale of spruce trees been made in Western On- tario.:. The victims ,in this county may now tate heart to resist further proceed- ings against them. 8eeforth, Dye Werke. • All orders for the above works can be left at E $ Fish's barber shop. Satiatao= Vonguaranteed, To hand this week another shipment of , (28 Bssugar .ior;$t-cash only.- at J' ' 'P„ T.iniMent i'tnmb m ilia s . r er ea a- 1. ends Giants S. • The Elections. Monday, though a stormy, day, was a lively oneiu town, keen urtereat'being manifaated in the election, the old factions -the north and south, pulling one against tbo other, with old time vigor 'Cheieaue aside from the .aggravated market ques- tion, if any, was not apparent, and the contest ,waged with, unusual activity on the part of either divisions, every available vote being polled, including those from a distance. White Mr. .13awden, as reeye, had served the town well during ;the past year, exeroibiag" a deal of aotivity and publie•apiritedness.and realizing the fitness of Dr. Rollins; the old reeve, for the post. tion, it was difficult, in fact impossible, to fore -tell the success of either ; and it was on this account that every effort was made by the respective eandidatea "nod their friends, to make certaiu of victory. As for Councillors,there was little choice all beiug good men, and capable ; and to prophecy as to the lucky candidates, was an impossibility, the pressures brought to bear being diverse and entirely new to those usually employed in municipal elec- tions in Exeter- It will be noticed that Mr. T. B. Carling, who has been a Coon• cillor for years, as usual, headed the poll, with Mr. Chrissie following, and Mr.Thos.. H, McCallum neat ; these three, with Dr, Rollins as Reeye, Mr. IL Spackman, elect ed Deputy -Reeve by acclamatiou, forming the Council 'Board for 1893, It might here be avid for Mr.J, P Clarke that he was in the field entirely against hits wishes, and did not in any way, either by canvass or assurance to requests, sleek election ; in short hie mercantile business requires all his attention, Of late a good deal has been said of the conduct of the retiring council, and it now remains to he seen if the council for 1893 will do any better in administering the affairs of the town; but one thing, it is to be hoped, will be broeght about, viz : the existence of a more amicable feeling among our good citizens, and the petty wrangl- hies, and selfish undermintnge lately .so charanterietio of a few evil designers, speedily terminated, audthe minds of all psrmeated with a feeling of goad will to- ward one another, and a disposition ex- ercised by all to further the common inter- ests of Exeter to the attainment of a high standard of progressiveness. Let un- com- bine our efforts to this end, by assisting the south,assisting the canter and aa,isting- the north, having but the oue common object iu view.. Following is the result of the poll by divisions : REEVE.. Sub -division 1 2 3 4 Baw leu 31 3, 77 70-2(19 Rollins 75 61 27 60-226 Majority for Rollins 17. COUNCILLORS. Bissett 50 31 75 55-211 Carting , 88 75 26 84-274 Christie 72 67 23 75-244 Clarke 27 38 15 44-121 McCallum 31 31 92 60-214 Carling, Christie and McCallum vieeted (HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. For 66 70 43 89 - 268 Against 27 12 6 21- 66 It will be seen that even in the villages there are persons opposed to the establish - of a House of Refuge. NOTES. We wish the new Council every success. It was a tight run between Messrs Mc- Callum. and Bissett. There was no lack of material for the burying of the candidates who were 'snow ed under' on ,Monday. Mr. Bawden takes his deteat in good part, and as will he seen in a card else- where, wishes the town prosperity. It is admitted on all hands that in the defeat of Mr. Bawden, Exeter loses a good reeve, one who has done and could do a great deal for the town. The Council is the same as ]ast year with the exception of the reeve and Mr. McCallum, the latter tilling Mr. D. A. Ross' seas, who resigned at the nominat- ion. The Board is composed of four Tories and one Grit„while last year there were three Grits, The Reeve elect, Br. Rollins, as he pushed through the throng was greeted with an hurrah. He thanked the citizens for electing him as reeve. Be had bio faults but he had never been afraid to show his colors: He requested his friends to make no celebration, but to take the result calmly, and they did, save that the doctor is minus his plug hat,'. knocked off and destroyed by some over -joyful sup- porter. It is to be hoped that the foundry pro- ject, so far advanced by the lite reeve and his energetic committee, has not been. frustrated by the foolish tactics resorted to during the election. Since the cat .has been let out of the bag, and the world tirade aware of the firm who bad decided to take hold of the foundry, it may be possible that the town in which they are now located will offer inducements for them to remain. The committee are just- ly indignant. Other Municipalities. Ailea Craig -Reeve, Joe Rosser, 27 maj; councillors, Jae Alexander, 8 . Gillies, D McArthur, 0•Walker. Bayfield -Reeve. Woods ; .;otincillora T. J. Marks, Erwin, Fowlie, Dr. Stanbury Blanshatd-Reeve Wm Johnston by (accl,) DeputyBeeve-David Sinclair Coun- cillors. Robt St John, Geo Elliott, and'. Wm Robinson, Clinton -Mayor -Geo, D. McTaggart, (accl,)-Reeve -A. - Metfurchie-Deputy Reeve -D. Kennedy, Councillors .-"3t. James' ward --Thos. McKenzie John Mc. Murray St. John's ward -W. Jones, C. S Overbury, St,George'e ward-W.C. Searle, J. Plummer, St. Andrew's ward -J. Taylor, A. Armstrong. Goderich_May or -John Butler. Reeve -W Proudfoot Deputy Reeve -P Holt Councillors -St David's ward -W C Goode W H Murney R Thompson St 'Patrick's ward W Pridham J Wilson J Yates St George'■ ward -H Dunlop M Nicholson R Sallow• St Andrew's ward-D.QantelontT Naftel D C<.Strachan School -trustees-A Chrystal J. A Colborne J ,Buchanan R Price. Hay -Reeve Gee -McEwen by over 100 majority 1st Deputy Robt Turnbull 2nd Deputy Moses Geiger; Councillors R Me- Mordie and W B. Battler, McMordie heading the Poll by over 100,, Lncan-Reeve-W. . Ellwoodacct. . Councillor[- m, Reid. J. W. Anderson, ' Gibson and Geo. ns Hod i`l re-elected). g (oldcouncil co Mitchell -Mayor -W. R. Devfa ^ Reeve. -Jae, Dougherty, herty, Deputy Reeve -A• Dent, (acct. Councillors --North ward- Dr . Hurlburt, C. Zebath, Joa. Coppin. South ward"' White J r. Dr'; Wood,; Ran, acct.: West, Wald -Jas ''Wilson• red. Devise;?red. Dafton , • BARGAINS, saxGalNs, BARGAINS 4 --•--- We will close out a "number U f lines o f Goods duringthe next est TSN DAYS of our Great dale at2 prices that will astonish oni t, sh everybody, We are clearing our entire stock of blur Goods . Ladies' Fur Setts (Collarette and Muff) from $2.50 upwards ; Felt Boots for the next ten days � 1.55 J f. Top Boots 95c. Remember we always lead and never follow. RICHARD PICKARD & SON. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when malting their Irurehases, mention that they saw the march tart's adver- tisement in Tax flrees. Milverton, North and South Esathope, Fullerton, Mornington, Stephen and Bid- dulph, returned the old councils by ac- clamation. Parkhill -Mayor -W l%i Thompson, Reeve -A M ; Miller Councillors -Ward No 1-Melntyro Fletcher and Hall. ward No 2 -Cornell Lindsay and Stonehouse Ward No 3 -Scales, Ireland and Warden. The by-law to re -build the market wa carried by a large majority. Stratford -Mayor, J C vonteith ; alder men, Jas Stamp, W J Ferguson, J Jan - stone, Thos Trow, E T Dutton, 0 Stock, W Davidson, G T Jones, A J Hamilton, G. F Ingram, 11 F Goodwin, B F 'Youngs, .1 O'Donoghue, Jas Hodd, I Rigg. Seaforth-Mayor--D. D %Vision (ace].) Reeve -M. Y McLean, (acct.) Deputy Reeve Jae. Wilson. Councillors -South ward -John Lyons, Wnr. Sclater and R. Scott. North ward -B. B. Gunn, Jos. Beattie and J. Tyreman. Eat ward -R Colem'tn, J. Darwin and J Wards St Marys -Mayor -Or H McIntyre Coun- cillors -North ward -W Duserth W C .0088 r' McCracken South ward -Q Rio - harshen W H Graham J Clyde West . ward -T McColriek J nlacleau W Stevens School trustees -North ward -T I) Stan- ley South ward -W W Haines Weat- ward-E W Harding The by law to reduce the hotel licenses from eight to four was defeated by 401 majority. ilaborne-T M Kay, Reeve by (acol.) Councillors -Balls Shier and Kydd by (accl ) and Cameron elected over Mr Fred Hunkin for the north east ward. Wingham-Mayor-D M Gordon (accl) Reeve -R C Snarling (accl.) Deputy Reeve -W k` Biockenahire, Councillors =No 1 Ward-noeleotion; No 2 ward - A Dawson D R Fowler, J J Homuth No 3^ward-G McKenzie J H fliscocks John McLean No 4 ward -E C Clark J. Elder J S Jerome, To the Electors of the Village of Exeter. I wish to thank a large minority of the electors of Exeter who kindly gave ore their vote and support on Monday last. I regret defeat more on their account than on my own, During the past year I have endeavored to do what was right, both by the elector who works for the corporation and the elector who pays for that work ; it has also been my endeavor to promote the beat interests of the village at large, - I am pleased to state that the commit- tee appointed to secure a foundry for the village has been so far successful in their arrangements that it should become an accomplished fact in the near future, Wishing Exeter every prosperity, W e. BAWDEN. Oa Wednesday evening last Mr. J.T. Westeott was presented with a solid silver badge for getting the largest number of neat memtere to join Advance Council No. 207 Royal Tempters of Temperance. The value of the Badge is e6-• Geo. Vickers, who is charged with for ging notes and raising money thereon, amounting to between $4.000 and $5,000, was brought from Port Huron on Tuesday night and lodged in Stratford jail. He' elected to be tried by Magistrate O'Loane, but asked time in which to plead. At the end of that tine, it is understood that he will ask fir a further remand, the object being that he may arrange some buaiuese matters. It seems that Vickers has been at thisworkfor six years, and his operat ions gradually increased till they got 'be- yond his contrcl. He first started to raise money by forged notes to purchase tickets in the Louisiana State lottery. NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Stephen & Usbor he Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tauaseeas JANU RY 12, 1693,at two o'clock p.m:, for the purpose of electing &President, Viae -President and Dir. actors for the ensuing year. All members and interested parties are in- vited to, attend. A G. DYER. Secy. P. S. -A meeting of the`aireetors will be held at 10 o'olopk same day and same, place. SOUTH HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE Meetings of the South Huron Farmers'" In- st itute will be held in Coxworth's Hall, Hiinsall, Jan. 19. And Town Hall, Zurich, Jan 20. when addresses will be delivered by. Profh ' S aw Agricultural College, Guelph W. L. Huts,, B. S. A., John Jackson, Abington, the noted sheep breeder,,' Thos. McMillan, Hullett, and others. Forenoon, afternoon, and evening sessions` will be held each day. , • For full particulars see progrommes. JOHN B B $ NDEltt3.f)Nr•. JOHN liANN'AH 1?rolrident : Secretary. We wish our Customers and friends a Happy Nev Year. CARLING BROS, Tillie,danghter of Mr. Wm,Cook,formerfy of Fullerton, was married at South River Dakota, to Mr. Charles Cunningham, of the same place, on the 30th. ult. The promptness with which Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops a hacking cough and induces refreshing sleep is something marvelous. It never fails to give instant tenet, even in the worst eases of throat and lung trouble and is the best remedy for whooping cough. R N. BOWIE FURNITURE DEALER AND "Orders promptly attended to. All Accounts must be settled at once. TWO KINDS OF C USTO M E RS WIDE -A -WAKE KIND BUY FEOM FOULICR'S FRUIT ani CONFECTIONERY STORE, Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times, Another Kind Are FAST ASLEEP llut they are waking up to the feet that I can give them goods that will please them. Full lines of Fruits, Oysters, Confection- ery, Bread, Buns, Cakes, Etc: Wedding Cakes and boxes for Wedding Cakes. iL A..FOLLTOL Messrs: J. 11. Roberts and , P. sassy of Lncan will ship to the Western States 6 entire horses (5 ireported,Clydesdalle'arid 1 esrriage). Several nobleman in England are in the habit of giving special orders to makers in Virgenia for their supply of smoking lobate° and there is no doubt that by that means they get the very best tobacco to be had but it costs them about $2 per. pound The workingmen of Canada are smoking the very same quality of tobacco at 10 ctn a pound, and to the name of "Myrtle Navy." 0.0 Shaw has sold his law practice in. Stratrord to Mr T. M. Harrison. The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is proven 'oy many wonderful earesit is accom pliahing. It is just the medoine for you, During the past century -since the die- covery of Ayer's Sarsaparilla -the average limit of human life in civilized countries has been considerably lengthened. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is everywhere considered the standard bload-purifier, the Superior Medi - eine. CoaniEvnABLx.--A11 claims not consist ent with the high character of Syrup ()- Figs are purposely avoided by 'the Cal. Fig Syrup Company, It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels oleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cute -all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. VERY MIICII PLEASED. -.Sins, -I amvery ranch pleased with the effects of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Our family has been greatly troubled with severe colds, pains in the chest, etc,, and have been promptly relieved by this medicine which we willing; ly recommend. CLAnA MOKENZIE, Clarenton Station, N. B. :. ARGAINS IN HARNESR TRUNKS, VALISES) WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. AT , John Treble's, Main St NOTE A FEW PRICES : Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Misses' Rubbers, $2.00 2.26. 0.50 0,30 0.25 Skilled Workmen are employed to manufacture thes ood: and the g , best of material is used. Prompt attention. tendon given to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satis- faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Call and be convinced, JOHN TEJ nLE, . - - Exeter. The Ti nIE swfl o` 1 eefins �R b e nn- FE • nownntil the f(ratof January. ' 1894, -for $1 Subacri is •” be t once and get ?..' the balance f .1892; Oess. ;( :