HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-5, Page 6bYr le/IE $,E140
i1LSTING "Aat, 44sr
tis ona par with buying lots of rubbisliy
noap for little money.
Poor soaps are the " bungboIe " through
eehich time and labor Are wasted, and by
Whiele the clothes and heeds are raiued.
Closes tb. Avenues
Of Wasto and Rube,
and by its lasting pro-
perties, its wonderful
cleansing powers and
perfect purity, it Saves name &Labor,
and loins Coinfort Sallofstatiott to
all who use it.
* o to et es
NSE THE Still -1111A T Y
mho direct route hetweenthe 'West mei an
petute On the Lower St. taw reuce and Saie
des Chalenr,Province of Quebec; also for
New Brunswick f we. seotia,Prinee Edward
Care Bretoutslauds .0.nallowloatailau +Jana
St. Pierre,
Mxpross trai us leave Montreal and Halifax
dimly fluudays excepted; and run tltrou;tt
vfithoutchauge between these pointttin
home end &I minutes.
Tim through express train cars of the Di.
rcolonial Itailway are brilliantly 14010 I
electricity arotheated by steam tram au
ocoractive.thns greatly iraveasing the e3.14
ort aud safety et travellers.
lime and elegant Lin ifetsleenitui and ail
tan erertiu 012 Ch rouge expreestreins.
Canadi'an-European Mail and
Passenger Route,
Pessengers for Groat eitalnor the coal -
Inuit by lea:vim; efturo eat on enitleyenerniue
will Min outwerd atailsteamer at entlifax
on Saturday.
The mann lion ofssit pp COM is direet,Od totho
superior tuella Ica cinema by telt roil tefor
thetransport r and generet merellom.
disc intended fur tboEusteir11 l'tconaesaud
Newfoundland; also for sliTrillInts of grain
v16:ProdueoiutoulP1:17cr we European near
Traliel.,%uay he obtained and nformatiou
....theroute; aiso freight and posseuger
tea on application to
WesternFreight Passenge Agent
BitossinliouseSlock ;York tit aorant
Baflwuy Oinceenoucton, N,13.
Jan 28191
IuUvs leaf), whether the tremble arise
from poieotems leaves or wortee "I oannot
!tell. I &ion iseme speoimene of the plants
A S tra It gy 'nowt round on. the S fAu 00 r n ,
ano sent them ea my return to Euelann to
nominees -0e eon:Wier aloe lettal Met en „tawny on men thine% not nenenee net
on Animals Innen natio able to Wile it ; so I coneltede Englemd •is
The enterprising Englistinan sybo men et present free fora the A'yegti, oati, 1 nape
grates to the souLloweetern praeriee of see may never have any traasplanted to her
North Americo with a view to ranching, shores. It may not be uninterestiog to close
has metty 'trials avirtaing him of which he these remarks by saying that in loealities
little dreams in end England; but to my where loco is foetid, a word hes boo oinen,
inind the worst evil of all is to nod one's from its name, and if people are dendent in
self nowittingly the purchaser of A ranch con intellect, or odd end, ocentrie, they are
which Loco is found. Few people who Leave designated" locoed 1"
not been oat encase know eeything about
this, plate, which is es much, dreaded by JERUSALEM, MOD SBNIZED.
nettle rouchieen, axed therefore I think a
few vernal:Its about it may not pinve au. Th., uoy city cadr—raatas a Remarkable
interesting to some readers.
This loco is a pretty plant, something like
a vetch iu appearance, with white, purple,
peed red flowere. The leaf is alternately
piunate, and the leaflet lanceolate. It is
the first green.herbage that springe up after
the long winter, and perhaps that is the
reason it seems irresistible to some cattle
early in the sprium It oleos its name from
a Mexican word roaming "mad fs' and it is
often called the "Crazy Weed," from the
direful effect it as upon nettle or horses if
eaten in any sivantity. At the commence-
ment, the poison seems slow in showing it-
self ; the first sympton uoually being a dull
glassy look in the eyes, which gratliuslly
seem to dilate and been=
"Jerusalem, the railroad centre of Pales-
The words have an unnatural sound to
most people, as with the mention of
5510112 5.11(1 and Palestine is generally associated
some fact of sored history or the events of
the crusades in the middle ages. But since
Baron Rothschild has begun to carry °Ohio
gigantic colonization schemes Palestine has
eeperieneed au awakening, the Holy City
has fond iteelf moved by the mighty ma.
chine of progress and the destiny once pre.
aieted for Jerusalem by Napoleon seems not
impossible of accomplishment. The :torsi.
can's prediction was that Jerusalem would
one day be the capital of the world. The
last few months have worked a "Mat change
in the eity so long regarded as ° lia,ving few
attreetions beyond ite religions and hietori-
eelassociations. A letter just received by
Professor A. 3. tiarke, of Chicago, from the
Rev, A. R. Davis, a woman inissinuary who
has epent eleven 3 ears of her life in Jerusa-
lem, gives a striking picture of the chaugee
now under way.
"Palestine,' says the writer, under dete
of August 10, "will soon assume an appear-
ance truly; European. Its priecipal cities are
feet being connected by rumlern railroads,
and before long the toot of the loometive
whistle 80 familiar to youv readete' ears, and
yet so novel to the 'native Syrian, will be
beard every hour ill Jerstialem, which will
be tbe railroad centre. Our Joppts rail-
way is about tinished, connecting us &red-
ly with the Mediterranean coast A brands
lino Is contemplated to Haifa and ounto
the Jordan. The passenger station bas
arse Imes etonsievren,
oleo se -so sirewese.
To au Experienced Weeteruer " this is
sufficient warnieg, end if 120 15 vise, hewn"
remove the enema atonce to some
tant pasture free from the weed, for
if left to graze on the dangerous
herb, the symptoms will Weenie ewe
pronounced, the vision becoming impaired,
and the vietim developieg an aptitude for
indulging in grotesque entice, sometimes
ruching madly about as if demented. When
horses are affected, they generelly show it
&at ny being troublesome iu heruess,
Inge Necking, aud often rearing and hurling
thenuelvesleseltwerks. A "lowed" horse
has the greatest objection to having ite
head touched in any way, eon consequently
is difficult to harness.
The last stage of the diemee is a gradeal
wastingsewey of the animals and tine mule
fatally. 1 ono Wall a Cow that. was badly
"locoed ie the poison had got thoroughly iuto
lier :system end slie IffctS as thin as a rail.
Her ribs showet plainly through the skin,
and elm was so weak she could hardly
'THE KEY 11 .
Irnlo*n ell the elf egr..a avenues of the
Bowels, Eidneys and Liver, carrying
off creamily oithout weal ming the sys-
tem, all the impurities an 1 foul humors
of the secretions; at the same time COI,-
reeting Acidity Or the Stomach,
curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Constipation, Dryness of the Skin,
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun-
dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro-
fula, Fluttering. of the Heart, Ner-
vousness, and General Debility ;all
Osseo and snany other similar Complaints
eneed to the happy influence of BURDOCK
r.......4131) BITTERS.
Etrr Bale by ail Dealers.
eilzPilerictorS. Tor0110.
A. Naked, Gleaming, Shifting Vlood of Sand
illeviog Deer luittud. '
' The white 'death a mike& gleaniing,
shifting flood of sad, moving ever inland
from the ocean shore, inch by inch, foot by
foot, in huge white waves of glistening
grit, inexorable as fate, silent as the grave
swellowine and destroying everything that
lies beforeit in its way.
The Ivied blosvs the shifting surface up
the creet of each towering wave,and over the
edge in a sparkling mist. Boyoud tbe crest
the dry mist falls, and so the wave moves
steadily, "resietlesaly forward, enveloping ell
thiugs n, universal white,
Standing at the edge of a Marhy sfiat,
the eye looks far away, across e level of
coarse sedge grass to the white bee of the
sand hills and the black line of pine woods
in the distauce, Here and there tbe flat is
lush. and green, where shallow lakes, bloom-
ing with white lillies and blue arrowheads,
bathe the arid soil; here and there it burn-
ed yellow and brown, where the hot smooth
sand stretching in from the ocean shore
drinks up water and lite, and leevee all
That level fiat, retething far away into
tbe distance, is like the nine of life one has
to travel; the black streak at a gloomy
pane woods is the valley of shallows, and
the white waviug line of sand is a likenese
of death, and OA in real life, so here—ueither
death, nor its shadow looks sinister 'seen
from such a, distance.
To look at it one hardly realizes that lie is
still itt Jerusalem—it is so thoroughly mod -
steed. Her owner hed kept ber sbet 1141 a ern, The ireight house is in coo= of
corral away from the fatal loco, and fed her erection, In seven days from now the tiret
up well • but she was too far gone, aud got train will he ruu from Joppee and we are
so wretehed at last that a bullet put art end arranging for a celebration of the event,
to her auffering,e, which m of no small import to us. The
:Strange to stay, cattle bora on tho praise Akka-Damascus railway is progressing rap -
les seem instinctively to Avoid. the plant; idly, Starting at the great fortress of Acre
aed it is chiefly imported animals, often it will run down the plain of Acre along
valuable high-grade beasts, that fall victims the coast of the Mediterranean and branch
to their partiality for it. It is very die
limit to eradicate loco once it has got a firm
hold on a pasture 511(1I believe the best
• thing is to plough up the land. It grows
in big patcbes, audio the "fall" the large
pods eo»taining the seeds burst and are cer-
nen on by the wiude to spread elsewhere.
I was for sonte time on amuck where loco
flourished wonderfully. M spite of the own-
er's efforts to get rid of it. Ho was i4vi:3-
el to drown 4,f .* 1,3wwr• troin the
irrigation at, .41 then let the hot sun
Bomb .Note that under this treat
•ivrrat at throve and spread Again he was
took Headache and rereve ail the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizzinessausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the. Side, &c. While their most
4,re2nark5.ble success leas been shown in curing
ore equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
etimulate the liver and regulate the. howele.
EV= if they only cured
Ache they would he almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in So manv ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
13u1 atter an sick head
is the bane of 20 many. lives that her is where
we make our g,mt boost Our pills cure 3
sshile others do not
OADVItta'S Lrenu Livita Fi IAA 5.12 25)3' snail
tl very easy to take. One or two pills make
dose, • Tlety aro strictly vegetable and do
tot gripe or merge'but by their guntle 50510215051021pleale ail who 2122) then In vials at 2:5 Ceuta:
nye Ter $1, Sold everywhere, or sent by Ionia
•Ceeelle letelente CO., tIm7.-olk, •
all ill,..gmall,D000,ia1I II
TOW BY AN "02121 TIVE11."
that the °lily thing was to cut it down jest
before it seeded and barn le Ile did so
and the next year hi$ best hay petch was
aline with loco blossom. Although there
is a premeleat idea that loco hay is harm
less, my friend would not, rtm the risk of
giving it to his horses, AIN' loanthe erop.
lance helped to drive a cow from a loco
petch to a -corral; the distance wae not a
mfie, and. yet with the help of soother rider
it took us two hours and a half to succeed.
The cow ran ail over the place in a silly
dazed way, until we got our two horses
close along eatili side of ben so that abe
could not turn easily, and with difficulty
kept her moving on straight ahead. Her
sight seemed peculiarly defective; on the
way, she fell clumsily into an irrigation
ditch that she could easily have crossed, end
we got her out with no and of trouble.
Again, coming to a fence -pole lying o15 the
ground, she stopped abruptly and com-
mence(1 dancing and plunging about in
front, of it for some minutes; then, with a,
great bound, she jumped over it as if it Wan
two or three feet high 1 A "locoed" home
of mine while feeding quietly in the stable
one morning was
The speed of a wild deck is ninety miles
an hour.
In battle only one bait out of eighty-five
takes °fleet,
jsonsuese childreo are taught to write with
both hands.
Many ledies are employed as benk
cashiers; in Vinland,
Nearly 7,-( 00 Teuseian convicts have been
sent to Siberia since April last.
011e London firm annually experts to the
Contioeut. £40,000 worth of tripe.
Since 1805 there have been, twesitynix
interments in Westminster Abbey.
There are 200,000 men employed upon
the P..3,0l0 papers published in America.
In the 'United States there are 073,643
Free -masons end 047,471 Oeldfellows.
Niagara Falls are to be illuminated by
electricity, so as to display their beauty at
The Duke of Portland is the largest sub-
scriber to newspapers and periodicals in
Stockings lumens of human hair are worn
by Chinese fishermen San preventive against
wet feet.
Mr. Irving is said to have found Henry
VIIL one of the most profitable of his pro -
Mr, Gladstone is stud to =keit a, point
to be different to feminine fashions and
Finland. has just been celebrating the 250th
anniversary of the establishment of print -
121 thee country.
One large horse -owning oompany in Lon-
don lost over 300 home from glanders and
faroy alone last year.
The death penalty has just been xesumen
in Switzerlatet For twenty -live years it
bad been Abolished.
There are two places in London where
clergymen ems buy sermons printed. They
cover all subjects and cierbe had for every
Frauce has one drink shop for every
eighty-seven of her population. In Paris
alone there are 27,000 places for the sale of
Paper quilts are becoming popular iu
Europe. They are elicep andwarm, They
are composee of sheets of perforated white
paper sews together.
To travel =on the level fiat is a mimic;
image of the journey of life, Thelakes, so
pretty in the distance, are muddy, and
smell rank and dank to the nostrils ; they
are full of tadpoles and lizards aud eravvi-
ing things. Here and there little deserts of
arideond are leased.; they burn the }toles
of the feet, and scoreli the face with a re-
flected glare, and mosquitoes rise in clouds,
like petty troubles, to bite and sting. There
are gincksauds under the feet where the
grass looks the freshest and. the greenest,
and hiding the deed levels of sand a mirage
covers the desolation with a. soulless sheet
of visionary water.
First come the hot black shadows—the
sbadows of the pines—end then the foot-
hills, as it were of death. All is breatbleos
sileuee, exempt for the elwiekiug a the fish-
• hawk high in the air, and the strange, mys-
terious whispering of the carelessly moving
and shifting sand.
Here and there a stark gray tree trunk,
already dead in the clutch of tbe oecomiug
dee*, reaches helpless akeleton twins up
into the air. Bush is an empty hollow
shell of bark, each is soulless and void of
life, %opting, perhaps, for a nest of wood -
Rectors or of mice—a sgnalidmetempsycho-
sis ofthe spirit of the pine tree.
Beyond the foot hills Ilea, grite and still,
the silent bosom of the white death—hills
out to Rolfe. Thence along the famed plein and winos of lifeless sand, blinding, burn -
of Esdraelon, with the hills of Galilee to ing, parehy and dry. The air 10 like the
the north and passing near Nazareth the blast from a fiery furnace, and s.brottliless
road reaches the Jordan by way of Shown curtain of silence stretelies• between the
or Jezreel. At this point the banks of the glersoof the eley above and the whispering
Jordan are of solid rock, and iis the
of the stream stands a tennonntit 'seas ox the
same material. Intern -this -pier east and
west will leneoieffed suepension spans, m-
ending ihe west bank of the river with the
slopes of the Jordan plateau on the east.
The toed will extend from the Jertlan over
the slope of this plateau and aloug the crest
o ver loo k g an d in closing the east ern hore ot
the Sea of nalilee. Reaching the plateau prop-
er near El'all and thence north to Damascus
Ilireet it -passes through the most fertile and
beautiful plains of Palestine. An English
company has nutpped out a, road to connect
Damascus on the north with Gaza in the ex-
treme ;southwestern portion of Palestine, in
the plain of lin:lista. The distance is
almost 200 miles. It, will be seen that ere
long oer little country will be covered with
a uetwork of railways. In the last few
months a wend erf ulch tinge bas been wrouglit
M the city of Jerusalem. Several hundred
new buildings have Ince erected =lading
residences, thops, hoteland hospitals. The
it reareti suddenly, threw itself backwards
and broke its aeck before two rnen who
were standing by could dos thing to try
and save it.
A few years before I went to the south-
ern part of Colorado, where I first came
across loco, the weed was spreading so
rapidly there that the Government offered
a bounty for every ton of it dug up by the
roots, which was to be destroyed after
being weighed. This wise measure for
battling with the evil was frustrated bythe
greed of same of the 'Mexicans and lower
stamp of ranchmen, who, tempted by the
reward, actually cultivated the plant as a
profitable specula -non, until their unscrupu-
lous business was suspected, and it was
deemed expedient to take off the bounty,
as the amount of loco that was produced
seemed. incredible.
There are many theories afloat about
loco among Westerners. Some maintain
that it is not the plant at all that does the
mischief, but it tiny red worm that is found
only in its roots, and that animals that are
affected muse first, eat the root and swallow
tbe worm. One man will believe that this
worm attacks only the intestines, and
another will declare that it finds its vve.3. at
once to the brain. in defence of this worm
theory it is urged that botanical experts
have failed to discover anything supposed
to be injurious to cattle or horses in the
speoimens of the plant sent to them for
analysis. One daring ranchman I knew
actually tasted the leaves, and said they
had a strong flavour of salt about them'
which evoind doubtless be aeceptable to
bovine palates,
I was once talking to an owner of a large
horse•ranch, oad having noticed that Ioco
grew abundantly on the land, but that his
horses looked none the worse of it, I asked
the reason. He told me he had lost many
until habeard accid.entally that smite:ad op.
penis together made e.n effectual antidote
to the poison ; for by the way he main-
tained that the plant was innings in itself,
and quite repUdiatecl the worm theory. lie to the factorms below, one of which m to be
said that since he had left the remedy where built hall way up. the side of the cliff, 80
the animals could always get at St, he had that the water whieh supplies its power
not lost ooe. 112 soemed
in this somewhat homeopathic treatment Power for lenterlen etc., in Quebec, as well
of the disease, but this horse -owner bad as electric light for private reeidences and
streees, and will manufacture probable
the greatest faith in its efficiency. I never 0153'
met ny one else who had tried the
daring bioctric light for the cars of the pripeipel
experiment. I was much intereeted in WOCanaciinb railsvays mid motive power for a
" d f t tli
Shat came miner nsy notice meet care- Meateneeellaii
and know not what to think of it, because
there does not seem business enough to
warrant all this expense. The reason of
this outlay and building activity is to be
found in Baron Rothschild's purcbase lately
of a large tract of laud comprising so • e
thousands of aeres east of the River Jordan
aud near the Damascus Railsvay. Thie
year he will send 1000 Jewish families to
the trent. Near Acre he has also purchas-
ed a large tract, on which will be located
three large colonies. About three weeks
ago the Baron gained control of this land. neys. The new invention adopts an entire -
by paying what he calls 'hand money' to ly different principle, burning the smoke by
the owner of the plain of Esdraelon. By driving it through the fireitsele So ada.ptite
this he has bound himself never to sell the bis M this principle to all kinds of fires that
plain to any one but Jews. At present the various cities in England are nowproposing
Turleish Government refuses to all the Jews to utilize it for municipal works, including
a deed of tbe plain. However, it is, expect- gas, electric lighting, and destructors. The
ed the government's conseet will soon be London Lanett, which appointed a special
gained to the transaction. It is only re- commission to test the clams axd merits of
cony that the restrictions preventing the the system, says :,--" The result is eminent.
Jews coming to Palestine have been roma- ly satisfactory, and demonstrates clearly
ed. A number of his colonists will be 10notin the houses being built for them in not oily the fuelneonomizing effect of the
system, bat, also that the production of soot
this city. A Mr. So'neick has been given is practically inn." The results of the tests
a. contract to band houses along the line of made by the Lancet are interesting. The
the Joppe, road for miles A large institu- report of the commission gives a comparison
den is under constructionnvhich will bedal. of the deposit mado by burning a specific
Mated for the use of the Jews having no quantity of oriel under the now system, and
one to care for them. Houses for the aa- in an ordinary range, over a period of sev-
commodation of 100 familes will be buil% on eral days. Limier the new system the per -
the Bethlehem roads near the etation."' outage in dry deposit was: Carbon, 7.90;
hydrogen, 0.23 ; mineral matter, 80.15;
TO HARNESS MONTMORENOL nitrogen, (partly as ammonia) and oxygen,
3 40, as against a percentage in dry soot,
Sale of roc Old Hall Estate to sen -Quebec * -
in the ordinary range of: -Carbon, 70.76 ;
end loves Electric Light company.
whiteness beneath. The sliding feet sink
deep into the shifting surface, and the trav-
eler stands face to face with Israfel in simile.
So the gates of death are passed and the
journey is ended.
Then sundenly, as, the bead rises above
tbe crest of the last white wave, all is in-
elantly transformee. The last hill is climb-
ed with panting breath, and then death in
aelf is lett behind.
Before the eye there stretches away the
eternal oceau, & glorious purple sparkling
with dancing whitecaps and. dotted with
shining seine The ceaseless surf shouts juin-
lautly on the beach, and the cool pure a,ir
rushes upward, bathing the hot face like
the breath of a newer and purer life. The
ocean, the sails, the rushing breeze all tell
of something vast end liminess that lies be-
Behind was left the limited plinn, bound-
ed by the blade shadows and the white
death. Before is an image of limitless he.
A &wireless Atmophere rOr Cities.
The netv English invention for the con-
sumption of smoke, which has been patent-
ed by Leggett and Marsh, has been received
with fanorable criticism in England, as to
apparently have established its claim to bo
the most practical method yet devised for
grappling with the smoke nuisanee in cities
burning bitumnious coal. Some time ago
an iugenious ioventor showed how smoke
could be robbed of half its balefulness by a
refining /emcees. His plan was to wash the
smoke 'before it escaped through the chim-
,A.11 the railways in Japan are owned and
operated by the governinent, anti the
revenue from them is large, while dee rates
of tra.velling are not blab.
A tav on street orgarogrinders is propos.
ed by two London Vestries. They suggest
that the bonier of the Hoene° ahould exhibit
it number on leireonne sor purposes of idea-
A study of a German map, on which is
plotted. the stations of the troops in their
huge ortny, shows that the masority are so
plaeed as to be convenieettly moved in sec-
tions to the French frontier.
mineral matter, 16.68, ane nitrogen(ammo-
The famous falls of e(1onernorenci and all nia), 6.36, the moisture being respectively
the suerounding property, belonging of late 0.70 and 6.68 pencent. Coming from such
to the Hall estate, has been sold for 5230,- an anthorative source, these figures carry
000 to the Quebec and Levis Eleceric Light great weight, and it is a elgnificant fact
Company. The Old sawmills, worked for that in no single instance were incomplete
so many decades back by the Hall firm products of combustion, like cerban meows -
with the water -power froi•a the falls. We 50 icle or 13111phi/rotted hydrogen obtained. But
toile torn down. They are not only all out of the inhabitants of aides are now promised
date, but their usefulness has aeased with not only an atmosphere proeically smoke -
the disappearance of the timber that used less, but a, ready means of charging the eet
to supply them with work from the Mont- over a large area with ozone. Mr. Leggett,
morello. river. The property sold includes the inventor of the new method of cannon.
the oia Hall matieiou house overlooking tbe ing smoke let ft recent meeting in London,
MIs, that was the Duke of Kent's summer stated that he hoped shortly to be able to
residence in Canada in the early years of detnonstrate that by a twist of the hand
She century, when he was the commander the wearied Londoner vvould presently turn
of the British forces in North America. on his supply of life -renewing ozone, just
The electric light company'has acquired in the saree way as he now switches ma
Montraorenci for the sake of the water eleetrcity or estens on gas or water.
power of the falls, which is to be chiefly ;
The cellular prietaa syetem in Holland,
where the offenders are completely isolated,
is asserted to be most effectual in repressing
crime, toed reforining the critninels.
The Australian free Mbourere have invent-
ed the term uimion slave," winch they apply
to the unioeiste us a. set-off against the title
" bleck-leg," which is invariebly used by
unionists when speaking of the free labour -
The new flagstaff which is to bear the
Royal Standard at Windsor Castle, weighs
tle tons. Four Maundy coins obtained frorn
the Mint—silver peony, twopenny, three-
penny, and fourpenny putces—vsere deposit.
ed. under the butt before it was lowered
inte its position.
In Rome there is much talk about an old
bagger who used to frequent the doors of the
Church of the Minerva, and who dying
lately, was found to be possessed of 100,000
francs et4,009), wisest). he had left by a prop-
erly drawn -up will to his three children,
who wore completely ignorant of their
father's wealth.
The best insect destroyer known is hot
alum water. Pub alum into hot water and
boil until dissolved, then apply the water
with a brush to all cracks, closets, bed-
steads, and other /name where insects may
be found. Ants, cookronithes, fleas, and
other creeping thinge are killed.
There is a fresh water -spring, which
covers an area of two acres, in the Atlantic
Ocean, two miles from the Florida. shore,
and ten miles south of St Augustine. The
spring is define by the silver gleaming
white caps trying to force themselves over
the powerful boiling spring.
employed in the manufacture of electricity.
..ectiele iron -pew, 1,209 feet long and six
feet in diameter, le being constructed to
conduct the water from above the cataract
may be used over e gam for supplying
power to another establishment. It isnrob-
able that the cow:any will supply electric
noxious plant, and watched all 1000 Oa808 streetY
Tco Pres rve
The richness, color, ond beauty or the
tho greatest care is necessary,
mud) haim. leeltig clone by the use of
worthless eireesinge. To be sure of
having a nrst-class article, ask your
druggist or perfumer rot. kern Hair
Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any
other , preparetion of the leincl, 11
restores the original color and fullness
to linie which has become thin, faded,
or, gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist,
and free from danclruff. It heals Robing
lemon, prevents baldness, and imparts
The man telly has looted to live right-
ly who takes with a smile thewancl's praise
or blame, and with steady head and hand
goes straight on with the work he has in
hand. —[S. K. Bolton.
Trae werth is in being, not seeming;
In doing each day that goes by
Some little good, not dreaming
Of great thiegs to do by and by;
For wheeeier inea sey in their blinclneas,
And M spite of the fancies of youth,
There's nettling so kingly aft kindness,
And nothing oo royal as truth'.
Iron bedsteads are aboitt the only kind of
hardware exported from England to Daman
am. •,
Chird'rell ry for Pitcher's Gagtorial
A powerful lamp, which distinctly Wu-
minates objects over half a, elite distant,
by means of a greet reflector, is to be
adopted in the French army. Te is carried
on a light waggon, behiud the soldiers, and
they will be in obsotirity while the enemy
and all objects in front will be made con-
A very sympathetic gentleman, who had
the welfare of the ladieeat heart, delivered
leettwe on " The Duties of Husbands," to
a provincial audience: In impressive sen-
tences he urged the gentlemen to treat their
wives kindly, and had not completed his
advice when an officer appeare(1 upon the
stage and arrested him for bigamy.
A splendid specimen of the file-baole son-
nets, which is said to be very rarely seen in
English waters, has just been capeured on
She Lincolnshire Coast, between Gibraltar
Point and'nkegness. It measured 7 feet 3
inches in length and 5 feet 6 inches in depth,
a silken texture and lasting fragrance.
No toilet can be considered complete
without this most popular and elegant
of all hair -dressings.
"My hair bn'gan turning gray and
falling out whet% I was about .es years of
age. I have lately been using Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and it is causing a oew
growth of hair of the natural colon"—
R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas,
"Over a year ago I had a severe
fever, and when I recovered, my hale
began to fall out, and what little remain-
ed turned gray. Itried various remedies,
but without suecess, till at last I began
Ayer's Hair Vigor, and e ow my tidy es
grhwing rapidly' and is restored to its
original c °lore —Mrs, Annie Collins,
Dighton, Mass.
" Heave used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
nearly live years, anti my hair is moist.
glossy, ancl in an excellent state of
preservation. I am forty years old, and
have ridden the plains for tweray-five
years."—Wro. Henry Ott, alias "Mus-
tang 13111," Newcastle, Wyo.
Hair Vigor
Po:parte by Dr. 3. C. Ayer Lowell, Mass.
Sala be Dreogis s Eeerywhere.
Drug Store
A full stock of all kind s of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
resh. Family recip-
ees carefully prepared at
Central Drug Store Ezete
7rtD3 -
Ready. for use in any Quantity. For making Soap,
.ioftentng shelter, Dieinfecting,anti a hundred other
LitieS. A Carlene:as ze p011talti bal SCRIM.
som by All Grocers read D11415104.
Nrir., GLima.rmotalbart
The Great W ekly Competition of The
fei Ladies' Home Magazine. • 0
1V1i101) word in this advertisement spells the same
Backward aS Forward This 05 12 rare opportunity for
every Modem and IiLiss, every Father and Son, to stature
splendid Prirc.
'WEEKLY r1;xzEg,:—Every week throughout this great
eolopetition 1 11518 will be distributed on folicorm The
first correct answer r (caved Ohc postmark date on each
letter to tettilimt t he ante received) at the carte of the
LADIES' 1103M kIAtin Kinn leach end every ti cc lc (luring,
8921 will get 8200; the second correct 411.3111T, :NCO ; the
third Sod' feu
and weighed. close upon three-quarters of a o'clock`sileer reTrtiteauirrirwul 'uver 2""eu ; fifth' giv0
ton. 'The fish has been sent to London for cot Teizearangini i'Mtu ale trfl!5?,000gett"'Srara
ygit:;esrp, icrirstasvrieztet:e or v hether n prise iviiinkrye oir•Ynfi057m0,11.lPt
Competitors it cvstitti �ndee pas ololzut nikueuri
preservation. t statca, as well as other disztaentw,
Mr. Whymper, in a paarr upon Greenland will to motet
dance with those men
, rbo
M the " Alpine Journal, ' characterises the nemes neelerrn eterY
single word, he says, is mado to convey au berrlirksPerAiggliolgt lona gAiniller4u; tbre c;V:15Ara, 0 an t
our .41come, 1010 Ono ethilf Eith "t
idea which in English would require- a full "need the'z , 15 5"1/2
sentence. Of such words he offers one ex. recall -AB during any week eteesa the e h e °
roOofIrS8NV4etrs must be accompanied
h itiscription to one of the
Esquirnaux language as sententious." A *4'41' 1;M'
wises, such excess will be tickled pi rat: tOraltil lIZte
ample—a. word ineaning, " You must try
to got a good knite." Here it, is : nave- etti,e'eraNeen,t'i'"?41gd18""ntwill 1"4de. Iv
breti;siTatittert...AnAgx2; g is
well able to carry out itsertipur
cenearreatoresooaratlaromaronatetok. Mr.
at) Times, "A splendid paper: and financPallTa',43,13CuLL
Whyroper does not indicate how this pre- h'eElsvectruYtt"tfelT 411,11 -" Nr pwriw"00'";
clone polysyllable is to lerelaaeedsthaenidu- 0`ii—filatenstatuaii4'ftati(e.!‘eziaGstiteair'd,151.e.w5d1115e4116:ess au letters to one looms°
we must leave our readers to exorciseINZ, Peter orough, Canaan, •
own discretion upon that poinO 1
cti5 :tgmlok, 4.esterneek1k1i 1 tfUIii
RHEUM ATisrix,
Sprains, tuiee, Burns, Swellings.
Canadian Depot: TORONTO, ONT.