HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-5, Page 5l re- re-. f the 1 my go T etng. r_E•1 hand ,1110. tali I fished Saf^ ,iact. rrn to Ailey thing hurry. know �P.Uls, ;s. r On Taro ER itt's ;.lm, bon red 'rOp 'lack r, 1P.00 ignei ret, a o the enno P.0, pad, Nov. r pro - o' Hib- i1. A rnmo. soros. sold ;pur- lasion .P.0 will 10 of a the r the cv off d for o25 h rants. A -5t An - town ipany ad Se- eetora ossant r• Alt BER. rotary. PAT - ,r the :y of ap116' others. 'atriok ophon, 10 died 892, :at iby m- aid, to, .e. one ,onnr , 1893.. s, and eir no - seem -. 19.-saidi. in and : le said Geed to sceasedr lb g re, 9 then, Tilt not ny part whose, ve had • ,IN, xeoutor• t • oes 'al. Blems1 ,Garbs. Stifles, Jou/het.' War. ihCure,'' A FATAL DISCUSSION, FOQTE, A FORGER FON! TORONTO, SHOT IN SAGINAW. Rc Argued Against Annexation With a So -Called Brother and the Latter Shat liian*-TIie lliurcleror In J'all--Jroote's Unsavoury' Canadian Record. TORONTO, Jan. 8, -Eight years ago Fred Foote, the son of a wealthy f orally of Swyndon, Wiltshire,, Eng- land, came to Toronto and secured employ- ment as bookkeeper for 0. Wilson & Son, the. Esplanade street scale manufacturers. $e was a bright, clever young man and his employers liked him very much: He work- ed there for several years, then went to Newmarket; whence he returned in a short time, bringing a French woman whom he said was his wife. His old employers willingly gave him his v,d position and all went well, A. man call- ed and said he was from Newmarket, and that Foote had taken away his wife, but he didn't propose to make anytrouble over it; Foote was welcome to her. Foote worked along, and soon another young man appeared on the scene,who was introduced as a brother of Foote's, and he went to live at the home of the unmarried couple, at 551 Parliament street. People soon knew that Foote and the woman were. not married and that the other man was not Foote's brother, even though Fred ac- knowledged hila as such.. His brothel's were English, and this man was not. ,A.bout this time Fred Foote received a legaoy of $1, 00 from e relative in Eng- land. • The French woman was a Ronan Catho, lie and he was an Orangeman. She was a handsome creature and dressed with some magnificence, which, of course, was kept up on :his money. She held him in abso- lute subjection, and he feared her as he would a ghost. She would appear in the office of the scale works and curse him in French, and he would tremble like a leaf, grow white and say to his employer that he must go out with her. On one occasion he had promised her to be home at 5.55 in the evening but was detained at an arbi- tration tt"here he was giving evidence, He said then that be was afraid of her. Last. February Foote was given three weeks' holidays, and while lie was away Mr, Wilson had occasion ta'refer to some accounts, and he found them tangled up. He met Foote and his 'female companion on the street, and mentioned the accounts, when Foote said, "Oh! I wilt come down to -morrow." Mr. Wilson said that would do, and added that Foote bad not drawn $20 salary which was clue him; he could get that at the swine time if he wanted it. foot replied that he was not in a hurry for money. He did not go to the office. but the same night left for East Saginaw, Michigan,with the woman. Then. Mr. Wilson examined the books more closely and ascertained that some notes and letters had been forged, And so Foots passed from the arena of life in Toronto, and nothing more was thought of him till an English mail brought to Messrs.. Wilson & Son a letter from an aged. father asking for informa- tion of hia son's whereabouts. Then this fall John Barfield, who had known Foote intimately, both working at Wilson's, got letters from his friend saying had settled at Saginaw. "I wish I could have been with you Christmas," said a letter which Iter. Barfield got last Thursday," but drink my health New Year's, old man, I will be over to see yon next summer. But Foote will never visit Toronto again, for he was shot in his home at Saginaw on New Year's Eve by his supposed brother. This dispatch tells how it was done: The last hours of the dyiug year in one of Saginaw's homes witnessed a terrible fratricidal struggle, the outcome of which was murder. Fred Foote came to Saginaw with his family nine months ago from Tor- onto, Ont„ and started a small grocery, the sleeping apartments being upstairs and the kitchen in rear of the building. George Foote has resided with the family some months and latterly the brothers have had warm discussions on the question. of annexation. On Saturday night the arguments waxed warm and furious, George being a strong anti -annexationist, while his brother held gpposite views. The fat 1y had retired, leaving the disputants in the kitchen to continue their wrangle, when the report of a revolver was heard, followed by a groan of intense agony. Mrs. Foote rushed down- stairs and was horrified at the sight of her husband lying unconscious on the floor,. covered with blood, while George stood be- side him with the revolver in his hand. "Physicians found the ball had pierced the body near the fifth rib, glanced upward, passing near the heart and lodging in the shoulder. He died e at 10.34finds s y night. George is behind bars. He claims he shot in self-defence, as his brother at- tacked him first. He shows as evidence of this a bruised eye. He says the struggle was a savage one and that his brother sprang upon him with the ferocity of a bulldog. He is 35 years of age." People here knowing the record of the three people can perhaps give a different version of the affair. They will say that the two men quarrelled over the woman, for "George is probably no other than the man who lived with Foote and the woman 'here, and who is not Foote's brother, 'but who is believed to have passed as snob. that he, too, might maintain im- proper relations with the woman. Friends of Foote believe this and say that Foote was quite and inoffensive and would not, begin a fight, " The woman was seen in the city about three weeks ago, boarding a street car, KISSED THE MURDERER, Mrs. Roots Shows Love for .iier Rua - enemies ]furdorer. mousses , J'an. 8.-lt will take. easeiens detective work to unearth the tine cause of the murder of Fred Foote by hisbiother George. Not only did. the murderer, and the murdered man's wife insist that the cause of the trouble was a political quarrel, but an ante-mortem stateinent of.the dead man indicates the same, Ile did not in- timate that any jealousy existed regarding.; his 'brother and wife, though gossip has it that there was such:: jealousy, and the fact that Mrs. Foote kissed the murderer good- bye as oodbyeas the was being led from the scene of the tragedy intensified this gossip. The murderer seems to feel reat regret i'; • ovei .t he trouble and ogg . Mrs. to is appar- ently overcome with:' grief. The Footer' have ...frequently ;had, quarrels, but' ;poliit say nospecial'troubie has ever 00 ODDFEtLOwiS'aLOC A BENEFICENT DISCOVERY, THE NOBLEST ACHIEVEMENT Qk' SOIENO], The iron horse with its tireless etrenath, Re pulses of vapour and its heart of Same, is a glorious ecponent of the creative of the human mind; and the metallic nerves through which intelligence causes over a continent prove by every flash of thought which traverses the power to annihilate space and time. 13utvast and important as have been the results of making steam and lightning the common cattier and messenger of the world, the discovery by which' weak or impure blood eau beyitalized or restored to new vigour and parity by means of internal and external remedies is of Jufinita raltte. The resources of vege- table chemistry as developed and applied by Thomas Holloway have proved equal to tbis mighty task. His famous remedies. impart to the stream of lite a disinfecting principal which frees the system from an impure and poisonous elements. The powers of chemistry are almost beyond calculation, and as he has brought them to bear upon all the varieties of dlaoasa in those invaluable vegetable compounds known as .Honaowuu's PILLS AND OINTMENT, they have oompeased their highest and holiest object. Steam, as the great motor, is a sub- bidiary agent, its usefelness oonsieta. mainly, in conveying onbstanttal benefits with speed and certainty, to the fields in which they ars to operate. Lt is pimply the bearer of blessings, not their originator. Of all the froigtat which it carries over land end sea, there is perhaps none so precious asBoniowax's remedies. Itis scareelya figure of speech to say that whithersoever it conveys them it flies +'with healing on its wings." Under the influence of the Ointment the skin, however disfigured by eruptions or excrescences, Lecomes a tapula rasa, pure, apothem, and transparent ; and this erasure of blemishes is not a000mpiished by driving back disease into the vital recesres Of the system but by neutralizing the morbid material which feeds it. The Pills set upon the laternal fluids and the organs wiaiob secrete them upon the sanitary principle. They destroy the particles subjected to their chemical ae,ion, as infallibly as an alkali neutralizes an. aoid ; and et the same time impart a mild and constant electric action to the see. relive and excretive machinery. The motion of governments. the pat- ronage of princes, the approval of all Christian natone, the gratitude of pagan millions attest the worth of these twin curatives. In fact there is no region with which England or any country hap any commercial intercourse where Holloway would not find himself at borne. Some. estimate may be -., ee:zre:4, 'H3 extent and variety of his foreign correspondence,ff9In the fact that sixty eorreaponding clerks, of which number sixteen are accomplished. linRnists, aro employed iu conducting it, Ile is the centre of a anitary circle that belts the world, Baboon Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind says :-"I bays been in a distressed condi. tion for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Sternlieb, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gond. I bud been dooto:ing constantly with no re. lief. I bought ono bottle of South, Ameri- can Nervine; which done me Moro good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly parson=o use this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A trial bottle will convince you. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist. aug, 14 ouTRrvALs ALL oTH- na.-In curing colds, con gbs,hoarseneas, asthma bronchitis, sore throat, and all diseases of the throat adn lungs there is but ono remedy which is un- equalled by any other. We refer to Dr, Wood's Norwoy Pine Sprup which has effected many remarkable °urea this Season. ALTOGETmEn DISAPPEARED, -DEAR Sine, About three months ago I was nearly wild w'th the headaches. I started taking 13.13. B. and took two bottles and my headaches have disappeared. I think it :a grand medicine. LETTIOER$ODEs Londeeboro, Ont. A Cuns Fon DrirarsiA---In investigate. ing the pause of this prevalent complaint it is found to :eat principally in wrong action of the stomach and impurity of the blood, These exciting onuses are easily removed by the regulating, purifying We and di- gestive, effects of B.B. B,henoe the success in B. 13. 13. in curing dyspepsia in any form no matter of how long .standing or how severe it may bo. Mr. J, H. Howard, one of Blanehard's respected and worthy residents left last week with hia family for Innisvale, Alberta N. W. T., where he intends going extensive lyinto ianohing. At this season of the year cold In the head resulting in catarrh is alarmingly b1ease prevalent. As a reoautionar measure re ottle of Nasal Balm should ybe kept in household. It speedily relieves and per- manently cures the worst oases of cold in the head and catarrh. All dealers or by mail in receipt of 50o. for small or $1 for large bottle. G. T. Fulford & Co., Brookville, Ont. Jas. A. Dorman, formerly of Mitchell, but latterly of Marlette Mich. sustained a reriousaccident to bia right arm while working in the woollen mill, some time ago. It was so mangled that it had to be amputated at the shoulder. Special Cheap Sale ; of Furniture Xmas Greeting. With Ting TIMES of the $ week we wish all our custom ers a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year. $ARGAINS. 25 pairs Men's:Felt Overshoes at $1.10 50 prs Wom's " buckle .55. in sizes 3 and 4. 25 prs Wom's buttoned Overshoes 1.00 25 prs Men's plain Rubbers .50 25 prs Men's Clogs .35 25 prs Wom's Croquet Rubbers .35 25 prs Wom's Clogs, .25 12 prs Misses' Carnival 1.25 These goods are in perfect condition and never before have the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country had such an offer. Therefore don't fail to see them, They will be sold. for °Asa only. Yours very truly, oueimrsz 1UTIO .EACH PLUG- OP Myrtle Navv IS MABEED T B. SN 731vO3S l TTr $- NONE - OTHER - GENUINE ^RURWdATISM It NEURALGIAI s and kindred diseases are due to o, ngestion of the blood vessels that produce formon tation, resulting in acids: If the blood does not circulate in 1Inu mation in time n- ,,, t„Mstbe the inevit- able rcestriraaiG.r'r atioo Absorbent is ono of the most pow- erful blood stimu- lants known , It>Him elates the blood to notion, restoring the circulation, That once established dis- ease must cease. Canadian Odeo, LONDON, 0N'T MARKET REPORTS. Exeter, Jan.4,1393. Pall wheat porbusb.:.- $ 60 $ 62 Spring wheat per bush58 60 Barley porbush. . 33 35 Oats per bush- 25 26 Peas nor bush .......... .....:52 52 Flour per bbl.. ......... 400 4 ee Apples por bag .. .•••.75 ,35 Potatoes per bag 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton 8 00 6 00 Wood per cord hard 300 3 50 Wood per cord soft 2 00 2 05 Butter per lb... ...... ........._18 19 Eggs par dozen -es... ........ 8 18 Pork nor hundred... - ..... 6 76 7 00 $4000 WANTED ! AT THE Exeter Packing House SNELL 8805 & CO'Y Will pay the Highest Market prices for Dressed Hogs. All hogs bought subject Lathe following rules :-2 lbs per cwt. off all hogs ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck ; 3 lbs for bung gut or jollet if left in ; hogs to be cut through from tail to throat. SNELL BROS. & CO. !a:hnab Zt1O$! w 0 0 TH14; BEST YET ! TRE CHEAPEST YET T.H;E. BIGGEST YETI Rest Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter 13 ontlenten 1 leave .your orders early, for with the beststaff of Tailors ; the beet stock of, Pine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town , yen are sure of satisfac- tion r. DAYS LUNGER. CLI!ULRXNc* S4LEI On Jan'y 18th the store will be closed and balance of the stock removed. During these 15 Days the stook of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Glas Etc., will be sold at greatly reduced prices, to save cost of moving. NOW FORBARGAINS, GOODS at YOUR OWN PRICE ,1 Bissett's Old Stand, Exeter. Clubbing Rates. THE TIDIES and any of the following newspapers will be era to any address from now to January let, 1891, for the prices mentioned : Tml TIMES and Toronto Empire $1.75 Till Treves and Toronto Globe 1,70 Tire TIRES and Toronto Mail 1.75 Tut; Tr ties and Toronto News 1.75 Tun Tons and London Free Press 1.75 THE TIMES and London Advertiser 1.50 THE TIMES and Illustrated Buffalo Express 2.50 THE* Tietis and the Family Herald and Weekly Star, ineluding the Star Almanac 1.75 Tun T1nixs and The Farmer's Sun 1.50 Any other paper not mentioned in the list at egaaily low rates. Farmers' £tton1in 1 Watch this space Next Week. 3r. S. RIOEAR4SON, FINE CIGARS,CIGAitL "''1 Tf1BAC0O Brad Now Stock -JUST OPENED OUT AT THE - PALACE GROCERY, (G A Hyndman's Old Stand) Comprising Teas, Coffees, Spices, Baking Powders, I3ird Foods, Startles, Blues, Soaps, Brushes, Brooms, Pails, Raisins, Rice, Currants, Qatmoals, Wheat Germs, Figs, Nuts, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Peels Extracts, Fine Dairy Salt, Middle, Oye tors, Boneless Cod Irish, Siscoes, and every thing kept in a General Grocery, Give us a call. G. A. HYNDHrAN, M. VINCENT, Manager. Proprietor, OYSTER PARLOR NOW OPEN. MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed tenders addressed to the P ostmaster General, will ne received at Ottawa until noon on FRID Ix, the 27th JANUARY 1893, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mail, on proposed contracts for !four years from the 1st .April next. I. Between Zurich and Hensoll, and Hensall and the Railway Station, 12 and 24 times per week, each way respectively. 2. Between Drysdale and Rippon, 8. times per week each way. Printed notices containing further inform- ation ss to conditions of proposed contracts way bo seen and blank forms of Tender may be Post Offices alongthe re eot- obtaiued at the P ive routes, and at this office, H. G. HOPKIRIZ, Post Offiee Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office Stratford. 16th Dec. ]892, S 8t The New Bakery A. BAG SHAW, Wishes to announce that lie has open- ed a Bakery and Confectionery Busi- ness in the stand lately occupied by E. A. Follicle, north of the Post Office, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Bread, Cake 84 Buns Fresh every day, and delivered to all parts of the town. OYSTERS &.LUNUHES served at all lours. Having engaged . as Foreman baker, Mr. B. 0. MoKAY, of London, I shall by using the best grades of Flour, and pure, Hop Yeast, so' highly recommend- ed by the Medical fraternity for its nutritious and dtgestible qualities, be enabled to turn, out by. far the best bread in town. Wedding, 13irthday, and other cakes• a specialty. Oysters and Lunches at all hours. dl-tf A..,BAGSHAW McDONELL BBO N' [ILIURG llROU'4ft 8 r 0 OURS IS NOT A BANKRUPT STOOK, But a large and, well -selected Stock of Bright New ;Good which we are selling below so-called Bankrupt prices. Au inspection of the Stock and a colas.- parison of prices will tell the tale. We carry everythiu in the Hardware line ---light and heavy. A. HASTING'S, BARBEL, NSON'S BT,OCK, EXETER. linstreet As you pass by on Just for a moment stop. And have your hair and whiske At Hasting's Barber shop. We are the lightning barbers, Wo do our work with care. We always keen our razors And shears in good repair. We have the very finest styles enchain. W1Vooshampoo keep ourin tthe owelsbest of olodn. avis And use the easy hair machine. Sonie barbers work so slowly, But this is our text: Wo do not keep you waiting. Your turn is always "next." As for the ladies and children, We do their work tip-top, We shingle their Bair and trim their bangs At Hasting's Barber shop. • mined NEW GOODS For Christmas Are continually arriving, among which are found the following extra good lines . LADIES' SHOPPING BAGS, Ladies'and Gents' Calling Card Cases Ladies' Money Bags and Purses, Wallets and Pocket Books, Plush and Leather Cases, Music Portfolios, Writing Portfolios, Plush & Leat her Albums THE LATEST NOVELS, Dolls, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, AU. sparathin4 very superior in the following lines : Bibles, Bibles and Methodist Hymns combined, Methodist Hymn Books, Bibles andPresbyterian Hymns combined, English Church Prayer and Hymnals, And will have the finest display of Xmas and New Years Cards ever shown in Exeter. We would advise purchasers to call early and pick out presents, and have them put away until wanted. J. W. BROWNING �o -ov S4YED byl3 One3r up aI at PLANING MILL ing "r And. LUMBER Y.&R We keep constantly oti hand a large stook o .i1 kinds of building materials. Dressed ortan �d pine and hemlock lumber, also a. chola -.1 pine lath. 's. sash, blinds, moulding ,nalr kiln rind. ed .edby th dn... stockof Our stook o ,ko. is complete and tho We offer for sale l.-00,000. and CEDAR SHINGLES manufao best makersin Ontario. Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and sises,mad to order at lowest prices, We have somethta newin this line for watering cattle in tbo atabi or barnrari. Call and see our celebrated Baking Cabin Livery woman using them recommends then hi hey. Turning,band,scrollsawing, and all kinds o machine work promptly attended to. It will be to your interest to examine ou stook before:purohasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street Three PoilltsI NOTE WELL. Experience We have had th expenience that at tention to business, close prices an proper fits, are the main factors in ou business. Promptitude• With this eve redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, w have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what should i have been done this. This is a n' '0ats ice act an ' Iookin or f w d but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in word and tree way it is exemplitied in our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res pects. if you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced that what we have said is true. W. JOHNS Do you want a I( PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY-; IT OLES, EXPRESS WAGONS f 3 StRIOTLY HiGH GRADE ALL MADE OF 'SHE BEM STE cL AND 'WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR 0IANUPAOTII0 ED BY Cooed Bicycle era Ltd aRANTfORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue geode at do, mohdernaprice' i s the PERIKINSt reliable ,t MARTIN'S, dealer., ill Mnsicat Instruments, Sewing Machine supplies. etc. All kinds of farm implements told on a mar gin over OOst, .Agents for the celebrated Ohet ham,;%Vngon.. PERSINS & MARTIN, Fanson's• Block.• Great inducements in Dry-- Goods, ry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. If you want the best goods, the great- est variety, and low prices come t Doupe's Store. ELEGANT DRY -GOODS, Fine' Flannels and Woollens, Cold wea- ther Dry -Goods never so good and never so cheap. We stai}d'at the in top . , style, quality and variety. y And all can reach our rices. A.11 are in "ted toP. va the Bargains that We give.; Business inereasiug all the thine:': DQUPE & C