HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-5, Page 4Established in 1877
Transacts a generalbankinAbnsinessa
Receives the 'Accounts of Merchants and
others on favorable terms.
afeandoeaservat ebnkhas principles. with
Interest allowed on deposits.
Drafts issued payable at ally oflloe o the
Merchants Bank,
Nous DisCQlrr.T]D, and lilmsemTO LOAN
ON No'rEs and MORTOacgs.
Mt Onto tth .
THURSD.aY, JANUARY 5th 1893.
The county of Pontiac, Quebec, has
been. seized by the sheriff, who will
probably levy taaee on the people to
satisfy a judgment and coats amounting
in all to about $200,000. The debt
was incurred by bonusing a railway, and
it is safe to predict that no other rail-
way will be bonused by that country
until a new set of enthusiasts have
grown to maturity and the old ones have
classed off the stage.
Says the Toronto Globe: ---
",After making the most liberal provi-
sion for education, for charitable and re-
formatory institutions, for agriculture, for
colonization roads, eta., the Ontario Gov-
erument has a surplus of several million
dollars in its treaeury-"
If this be true, Sir Oliver Mowat has
not done with the people's cash as he
saki at Woodstock he would do at all
times,uauiely,spend it from year Oyes;
as it came in. and not hoard ie. He
once told his Woodstock hearers that
that was the best way, to spend every
dollar for the public needs, and not
keep it locked with the moth and rust.
In face of that plede'e, if the Globe
telly truly, Sir Oliver has kept back a
large sum each year, until ho hat
"several million dollars in the treasury
Why. does he keep it there under look
and key, while there is so much to be
done with the aid of a little money in
/every part of the land ;
* i
Less than a quarter of a century ago
this country suffered consider able loss
from the free circulation of silver of
BAD FOR CANADA. NEW10 CS 'A W11 Tt Hants 11 b appointed bishop of
NO I!urther Crofter Immigration Under IMPORTANT EVENTS IN FEW WORDS
nee, Goveenmont ,Assistance,
Iserneoly, Jan. 4, -The outgoing of Lord
Salisbury's Administration, and the in-
coming of that of Mr, Gladstone, has quite
upset the policy and, plans of state aided
emigration. The secretary for Scotland
has intimated that there will be no further
crofter emigration to the Northwest under
control of the State.
The British Colombia crofter sobeme is
affected by this declaration, and as
at con-
sequence the. Crofter company, pro-
posed to establish a. Crofter colony and
provide the members with means for mak-
ing a living, which would be to the mutual
advantage of both the company' and its
settlers, is still unformed and the syndi-
cate has been compelled to obtain an ex-
tension of time of one year for its forma-
Found Frozen in the Woods.
OrrAwA, Jan. 4.—John Burns, who went
into the hospital on Saturday, had a ter-
rible experience rap the country. He
was engaged working in one of Mr. J.
R. Booth's hunber camps on the Black
river, some 110 miles from Mackey's sta-
tion on the C,P.R„ and left the camp on
December 23 with the intention of coming
home to Ottawato spend his Christmas holt-
days. He was met on the road eoming down
by John Dosser, jogging along Four days
afterwards the unfortunate man was found
standing up with, his arm around a tree
some six miles away from the camp he had
left on the 23rd. Mr, Dasserwasreturning
when he espied the unfortunate roan, and
thinking that he was dead, exclaimed,
"Why, that's John Burns, and he
is dead." '`Not dead," replied the
unfortunate man, "but nearly dead."
Ile was carefully taken into the convey-
ance and brought to Mackey's station. On
examination it was found that his legs and
ams were frozen solid. Be had been four
days and four nights exposed to the in-
tense frost without any nourishment. He
was treated in the Pembroke hospital for a
few days, and on Saturday was brought to
Ottawa. It ia feared the u nfortnnate emu
cannot recover..
United States coinage, Tho Govern -
extent of the day devised a means where-
by the nuisance was abated and the in•
dividual holders were relieved of loss,
but the people at large had to pay the
loss, and unless means are promptly
taken to discourage the eircul
silver from the other is
_a. issued tee silveer '"Certifiestas, in 'r
words issued on t basis of silo
yalues or redeemab in silver, we
shall have the experienc epeated, but
in a greatly aggravated degree. The
question of bi-metallism—the relative
value of gold aria *nye; —se sego ••.,---
it being much discussed, and into which
we need not onto; The practical point
is that the U. S. silver dollars, and the
bills issued in that country as silver cer-
tificetes, or redeemable at the option of
the "Government in 9il,Serer° worth only
65 Dents in the dollar in gold, that is
the silver dollar and its equivalent in
paper money is only capable in actual
fact of purchasing goods or produce or
,Anything else which care be bought for
63c, in gold or its equivalent. History
shows that this is a moat dangerous state
of affairs. We are not "in it" except in
so far as our fatly draws us in. Silver
U. S, coinage is not a legal tender in
this country, and our people should be-
ware not to accept it in payment or
change except at its value. It may be
that some legislation in the matter is
necessary or desirable, but we trust in
view of the fact that the circulation of
that class of coinage israpidly increasing
in volume in Canada, probably not with-
out design, that the Government will
give the matter prompt attention and
take the steps necessary to check the
Bad as Narrow Escape.
Bitim-aolin, Jan. 4.—Bugle Major Bar-
ber was handling the rifles in the Duiferin
rifie armory yesterday, when one of the
weapons went off, the bullet destroying
a linger on his left hand. The
rifles are not supposed to be loaded
and it is supposed this was an unfired
charge et the time of the annual
matches, Had the sham fight come off at
Toronto on Thanksgiving day and the wea-
pon been used, as it would have been,
there might have been a fatality. As it
was Barber had a very narrow escape.
Calls for a Quarter Million Insurance.
FORT. WaYNE, Ind., Jan. 4.—Fire last
night in the works of the Fort Wayne
Electric company damaged the plant to
the extent of $250,000. Fully insured.
The G. O. M. Returns Thanks.
Loxnoer, Jan. 4.—Mr. Gladstone has
sent out a card expressing his gratitude to
his friends throughout the world who sent
him congratulatory letters and telegrams
en his birthday. Ile regrets, he says, that
the largeness of the number of these friends
renders it impossible fox him to acknowl-
edge the kindness of each through indi-
vidual letters.
A Detective's Suicide.
OTraves, Jan, 4.—Detective Montgomery
was found hanging by a rope in his shed
yesterday morning. His father recently, it
is stated, made his will, which considerably
limited the amount Henry expected to de
The Cortes Opened.
LxsnoN, Jan. 4.—King Carlos yesterday
ned the session of the Cortes, The
ech from the throne promised that the
vernmeut would submit bills Monday
electoral reform, measures to remedy
deficit in the country's production of
eats, and, to increase her export trade in
e, and m,:asnres for reform in the pub-
ans, as been' appo n
It is said Archbiahop Corrigan ,and
FOR BUSY READERS. his friends are displeased because Mon,
A Complete Record of rho Busy, World's.
Happenings Carefully Compiled and Put
Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the
Readers' of Our Raper.
Intense suffering from famine is re-
ported in North Finland.
The persecution of. Jews in Russia
continues on an extensive scale.
Negotiations are under way for a mil-
itary ride from Vienna to Rome.
The insurgents of Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil, have invaded Uruguayan terri-
tory and trouble is probable.
There is much discontent in the Rus-
sian army with the prolonged period of
peace, and many officers think the czar
is too pacific in his disposition.
A; sew line of steamships istobe estab-
lished between Swansea, Wales, and
South American ports, calling at New
York. There will be a fleet of aix ves-
sels, exclusively for freight.
The steamer Noordland, from New
York for Liverpool, with abroken shaft,
was towed into Queenston by the steam-
er Ohio, bound from Philadelphia. The
Noordland had a very tempestuous voy-
age, and was disabled 400 miles from
Prince Metoherski, manager of The
Graschdamin, of St. Petersburg, has
been sentenced to one month in prison
for libelling public officials
L'Electeur, Mr Pacand's paper, of
Quebec, has been condemned to pay $100
damages and costs to Hon. L. P. Pelle-
tier, Provincial Secretary, for libel,
On Friday W. F. Maclean M. P. was
committed for trial on a second charge
of continually libelling Mayor Fleming;
of Toronto,
Two more players at the Monte Carlo
gaming -tables have committed suicide.
John Kenny, aged nineteen, committed
suicide in Montreal by shooting himsel`�f
with a pistol.
Elsa Roge, a Russian actress, has shot
herself because her lover, Prince Stoie-
weski, abandoned her.
A dispatch from Markham says:—
ays:"News have reached here of the suicide
by hanging of Herbert Clarke, eldest son.
of John Clarke, a farmer, living at Med-
ford. The young man, who was aged
22, had been low-spirited for some time
signor Satolli reported to the Vatican in
Dr. McGlynn's casewithout consulting
the archbishop.
Rev. Mr. Thompson, who disappeared
from Washington, D.C., several days
ago, has been found at Newport, ICY.,
and is all right,
Mr. Gladstone has entered his eighty-
fourth year.
John D. Rockfelier has given another
million dollars to Chicago University.
The banquet to Hon. W. B. Ives will
take place at Sherbrooke, Que., January,
Louis Pasteur, the French chemist and
biologist, was seventy years old last
Mr. Gladstone received hundreds of
letters of congratulation o•, the occasion
of his 83rd birthday.
Edward Parker Deacon as begun anP
action in the American a reme court
for an absolute divorce fro his wife.
Ex -Premier Mercier has gone to Rome
to plead the case of the pa
parishioners of
St. Hyacinthe against Bis op Moreau,
Cholera continues to spread in the
north of France• tee,•_
rive from the estate. At. Celina,., Ohio, an• infante stamp
Montgomery had done wrens -gem -"wore caused an outorettii of smallpox.
for the Pin as one of the lead- Two deaths from cholera have occured
ringing to justice Whalen, in Altona, a suburb of Hamburg'.
w was hanged for the murder of Hon. A number of cases of typhus fever
-Thos: D'Arcy McGee. have been reported in New York.
Shelf Pars Close at Ten? Four more cases of cholera and two
TORONTO, Jan. 4.—tri the naso of the deaths have been reported in Hamburg.
Common Pleas DM -Four fresh cases of cholera and two
Queen v, Farrell the Common
deaths were reported from Dunkirk,
sional Court yesterday made an order for
the issue of a rule nisi, on the return of France.
which a motion will be made to quash the Kilgour, a small town in Carroll
conviction against the defendant. The de- county, Ohio, has calmest been depopu-
lendant refused to comply with a resole- laxed by diphtheria,
issionera of North
A Soldier's Bard Fate.
LONDON, Jan. 4.—A despatch from. Bou-
gne tells a curious story of a French sol-
er captured in the war of 1870 and
eated1y re -imprisoned for' attempting
escape. ` • He. was released but a few
ye ago and leached Boulogne yesterday,
find his wire married again and the
other of several' children by her second
Bob Slavin, the minstrel, died sudden-
ly at Toledo, Ohio.
Crown Attorney Hutchinson, of Lon-
don, died Friday evening, aged 66.
Orange Judd, senior editor of the
Orange Judd Farmer, of Chicago, died
last week, aged 70.
Capt. Joseph Taylor, ons of the oldest
marine men in Canada, died Friday at
Kingston, aged 85,
William Sohaw, the well known im-
porter of and dealer in works of art in
New York, is dead.
Mr. George Taylor, late general freight
agent of the Intercolonial railway, died
on Friday at Halifax.
John Cathcart, a farmer' of Stonewall,
Man,. dropped dead on Christmas morn-
ing while attending to his stock,
Lire Lesohyski, °Russian womanwho
lived in New York, died the other day at
the • reputed age of 124 years and 6
Rev. Wm. Fraser, D.D„ late clerk of
the general assembly of the Presbyterian
church in Canada, died. at Barrie in his
Rev, Samuel Buel, S.T.D., professor
of systematic divinity and dogmatic Dundurn park, in Hamilton, has been
theology in the general theological sem- surveyed into building lots,
inary of theProtestantEpiscopal church, The U. S. Wallpaper trust intends in -
died in New York Friday, aged 75. creasing its capital to $38,000,000,
Wheat prices jumped up from 3 to 5
cents per bushel in Manitoba on Friday.
Tho money stolen the other day from
the express office at Sarnia has been re-
Shippers of hay from Kingston to
England say the venture has been un-
The Lord Mayor Installed.
mese San. 4.—The new Lord Mayor
Dublin was installed in' his office yester-
at with: all the pomp ansa' ceremony that
natty attend the; taking of office by the
's chief di atar . I'uterest was added
�. Y
the oereinonees' by the presence of the
rdMay t . o • of London, who is the pest of';
blip's Mayor, and who code in the pro
tion of the license comm
Perth that the bars of all hotels should be
closed at 10 p.m,
Illness of Sir Donald Smith.
LONDON, Jan. 4.—Sir Donald Smith is
ill with congestion of the lenge,
Sir Andrew Clark the distinguished
physician, is in attendance upon the emi-
nent Canadian, and has ordered Sir Don-
ald to keep the house for the present.
From this it would seem that Sir Donald's
condition is far from being critical.
Fire at Bownianville.
BOwl.rANVILLE, San. 4.—A fire broke
out in the liquor store of J. W. Tuft yes-
terday morning. The store was pretty
well gutted and the stock wholly destroyed.
The building is a good deal injured, and is
owned by W. H. Ives. All boss covered by
Held by a Landlady 'Who Wants Its
Mother's Board Bill Paid.
IN.DIARAPOLIS, San. 4. -Mrs. Laura
Hepburn, who says she is a widow, is fig-
uring in a snit for possession of her 10
months' old babe. She is a member of the
Wilbur Opera Company, and has had her
child boarded in the family of Charles M.
Hess ih the city.
When the company played here a few
weeks since, Mrs. Hepburn left ittempora-
rily on account of illness, and took up her
home also at the Hess residence. Becoming
dissatisfied and not having paid her board.
as Mrs. Hess claims, she was not allowed
to take her baby away. She appealed to
the police and by the aid of an attorney
obtained the child and took it to her room
at the Occidental Hotel.
She had occasion to go out and left
the infant alone, lying on the bed. Mrs.
Hess secured an attorney and called to see
about the boarding account. She found
the child, she rays, lying on the floor under
the bed where it had rolled.. It was cry-
ing, and out of affection for the helpless.
little creature, carried it 'away, leaving a
note for the mother, telling her where she
could be found.: When the mother learned"
of the fact she fell in a dead faint.
Publishing Sunday Papers Illegal.
PSILADELPSIA, San. 4. --Among the :de-
cisions handed down by the, Supreme'
Court to -day was one confirming the legal-
ity of the old .blue law of 1794, .in 'relation
to theublication of Sunday' newspapers.
The case upon which the' decision. was ren-
dered was that of Thomas Matthews,
publisher of the Pittsburg Sunday Leader,
Mr. Matthews was convicted of publishing
a :
and issuing his paper on Sunday, , Dec.27 ,
•1801, under the act of 1794, which pro-
hibits' the worldly pursuits of the Sabbath
save those that are an absolute necessity
for the wants of the community. The
court says that the framers of the act: of
1794 could not foresee the growth 'of news-
papers 1'. have
would ossib
papers and that they w, p, , Y
exernpted thein under bre provisions of the
n conclusion,
:act.: The court, i
the getbut says that a too liberal enforce
ment of its provisions may lead to iarre
Count Peter Romanoff is said to have
been killed in a duel with a man from
Brooklyn; N. Y. , at Nice, « The affair
grew out of a gambling dispute.
A negro on trial at Bowling Green,.
Ky„ for assaulting a young white
woman, was taken ;from the courtroom
by a mob, hanged to a tree and riddled
with bullata.
Twelve hundred cans of contraband
opium valued at $12,000, were seized at
San Francisco. The opium was hidden
in the sheathing of the steamer Oceanic'
from Hong Kong.
The Governor-General has decided not
to extend the executive clemency to
Ling Kee, the Chinaman who was con-
victed of murder at Nanaimo, B. C.
The execution will take place on Janu-
ary 16th.
Jas. Robertson was struck, by a yard
engine in the yard at North Rend sta-
tion, B.C., and died two hours after-
The three-year-old son of Jacob Krel-
ler, of Hanover, fell into a pail of boil-
ing water and received injuries which
will likely prove fatal.
The 3 -year-old daughter of Emerson
Currah, Bright, has been burned to
death. Her clothes caught' fire while
her parents were out of the house.
At Chicago on Friday four persons
were killed and twice that number in-
jured by the collision of a passenger
train with a heavily loaded street car.
A brakesman on the Michigan Cen-
tral Railway, who has not yet been
identified, fell from a car at Homer,
Mich., and was cut in two. His body
was frightfully mangled.
David J. Park, senior member of the
Arm of Park. Bros., Chatham, died
Thursday morning from the effects of
the severe burning he received by the
explosion of a coil oil lamp a week pre-
John Bonner. 18 years old, and Emma
Shea, about the same age, broke through
the ice while skating on the lake oppo-
site Portsmouth, Ont„ and' were
drowned. Their bodies have not yet
been recovered.
A yotinggirl named MoVane, while re-
turning with a sleighing party from a
concert at Renfrew, Ont„ the other even-
ing, was killed. The horses ran away
and upset the load, Miss MoVane strik-
ing on her head
An explosion occurred in the Paris'
prefecture of police on Friday. Anar-
chists are suspected.
Numerous attests continue to be made
in Kieff of persons suspected of con-
spiracy against the czar.
A mass meeting of Cork citizens has
adopted a resolutioncoudeniing the re-
cent dynamite outrage in Dublin.
The Irish National League of Great
Britain has issued a statement strongly
denouncing the Dublin outrage as a blow
against the hopes of Ireland.
A number of policemen and firemen
at Buenos Ayres have been arrested
charged with plotting to burn up the
city, with the object of plunder.
Every business house in Snow Hill,
Alabama, has been burned.
Orillia was visited by a destructive
fire early Thursday morning. The Cold-
water street rink and several adjoining
buildings were destroyed.
At Ossawattomie Kansas, three large
two-story buildings caught fire from
natural gas and were entirely consumed.
Four persons were cremated.
The plant_, and buildings of the Mil-
waukee Street Railway Co. was destroy-
ed by fire yesterday. The blaze was
started from foes in the car stoves.
The relations between Chili and Peru
are once morn friendly.
Messrs. J. A. Dionne and J. Israel
Tarte wore nominated to contest L'Islet,
The latest reports as ta the insurrec-
tion in Buenos .A reseenrt rimer) favorable
to tllsit"Government.
.fr. David 11f. Jordan
of Edineston, N, Y
Colorless, Emaciated,
A Complete -Care by
This is from. Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re-
tired farmer, and one of the most re-
spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y.
"fourteen years ago I al an attack of the
caval, and have sine° been troubled with my
Levee and Kidneys
gradually growing worse. Three years ago X
got Iowa so low that If con id scarcely es•cttl..
I lnolaal more like a corpse than a living being.
I l;•i.1 no appetite autt for five weel.s I rag,
nothing 1 r -t vele!. !. I was badly emaciated
in I had 00 more color than n marble ,fie 1130,
110x15 Sal!. 5:1181r1113 runs recommended and I
tb'utcht I crotid try It. Rcfere I had finished
tho hit :d+st leisotil.i co.klitbetter.
rannatiou r tl
d .lord 6' u,ih;t, tirot.l- beannto1:turn10
r 5 Mae, mai I Enizatt do fel to xn.wsy, lifter
I 11%1 talimi tt e i bottle : I o 1 1 e.tt anything
without hurting ma. Why, I ta,t su hungry.
illy': I had to eat 5 times a day. x lia''0 110W
fully eoc,'.Orel, thank, to
'▪ "toe" 1.70.12 and ant well'. A,11 who know
• r_iarvc1 to see me so well." D. 111. JORDAN.
Fi.Ot'S PILLS. are the be: t-iinnorrills,
assist dODigestion, etre itoaclacho anestftcrbiUonsness.
Iterkshi.e Boar (large breed) far service on
lot 15, con 7, Usbsrno. Bred from 1st prize
stock. Terms 31, W;t1 SN ELL.
Two Berkshire Boars -for "sale ; also a 2'itt's
horse Power, nearly now. TintMAs RUSSELL,
Itiversido Farm, Thames Rad, Usborne,—
A. thoro'bred Berkshire Boar for service, on
lot 2, cont, Stephen (near Centralia.) Bred
from Delbridge's Stook. Terms 01.
dl -2m \Pit-HUXTABLI, Prop
Thotails, undorsignowhackwdill hasbosold for salecheap. 10,000 blank
The postal revenue of New Zealand
st year was £320,05. nci th JOIIN SOUTHCO:T,
- Lot 18, con 10, Stephen, Dashwood P.0
The Northwest Assembl • was rd- -la' oro 43. a e cellon
5 p diturebes=.
rogued on Saturday, after a session last -
Ludwig merchant, of
ing about three weeks.
g Mahn, dry goods
Mr. John. Smith, straight Liberal, was Duluth, has assigned Liabilities, $150,-
000- assets considerably less.
elected' in Peel Friday over Mr. M. W. The Waterloo Count Council has
Cook, Independent LiberalY
Mr. A. W. Carscallen Conservative ordered from England a coat of terms for
was elected in North Hastings Friday to the Berlin Court House, -to cost $125.
succeed Hon. Mackenzie Bowell A New York capitalist has made ex -
Mr. Rocheiesu has retired from the tensive purohases of lithographic stone
deposits in lllarmora, Hastings county,
contest and Hon. L. G Taillon is re-elect- Ott,
ed for Chambly, Qua„ by acclamation, S. V. White, of New York has mailed
The es an Vremya, St. Petersburg, checques paying in full his Creditors of
article, apparently inspired the unfortunate corn deal which caused
by high authority, disparaging the ' his susp7ulsion.
Freucle alliance. The Suez Canal Company has deter
The Berlin cbrrespondent of the Lon- , mined to retain Ferdinand de Lesseps
don Daily News says that the Czars- and his son la their present positions in,
witch will attend the wedding of the the company'sservice.
Emperor's sister, Princess Margaret of
W. L. Saehteleben, of Alton, Til, and
Prussia, for the purpose of improving Thomas G, Allen, of Ferguson, Ind„
the relations between Germany and g ,
Russia, - ave reached San Francisco, after mak-
The annual report of the minister of ng a tour of the world on bicycles.
finance shows the receipts during the The London Standard's Berlin Cortes
fiscal year ending June $0:,1892, reached endent saysa complete opera, entitled
$36,921,871, or $1,657,439 less than the "King Lear," has beefcund among the
manuscripts of the de
previous year. The total expenditure geed composer,
Litolff. `
was $36,765,894, an increase of. nearly I <
half a million, For the first five months° f the current
fiscay ear the receipts at"'Vashin on
THE WORLD'S IYEAer ER. l Of internall revenue show nn increase of
Old London is buried under a dense $5,712,876.98 over the coireeionding
fog. period last year.
The Ohio river is frozen over at Cin- The President has proclaimed 'a; de-
cinnati- finite arrangement of c'ammercial're-
Ice-cutting has commenced on Hamil- ciprocity with Salvador, : concluded os
It is said the coal dealers in the Hock-
ing Valley will combine against the
Reading trust.
A strike among the workers in stained
mosaic and opalescent glass is in progress
in New York city.
The Springhill, N.S., strike is not set-
tled yet, Manager Cowan refusing, it is
said, to sign the agreement.
Thousands of the locked out cotton op-
peratives in Lancashire, England, are
said to be on the verge of starvation.
The Panamacongress has passe d a law.
santioning the introduction of Chinese
workmen for all classes of industrial en-
The difference between the Baltiutore
and Ohiarailroad officials and the 'Griev-
ance Committee of the Brotherhood of
Trainmen have been settled by the sign-
ing of a wage scale,, which makes an
average increase of from eight to eight-
een cents per day.
''Duffin his 30 ,ears of office Bishop
g the diocese of Ontario has
Lewis of' ,
confirmed 35,000 persons.
Rev. J. D. Ferguson, ' of Quebec, has:
been given a call by the congregation of
Burns church, Brooksdale. •
Voting took place 4n the,. New }York
presbytery. Friday; on the: chiargea of
heresyDr. Bri s, On. all the
six counts against a'inst the voting was adverse. to sus-
taining the charges.
•habeen `
Rev. J. H. Gundys apointed
chairman of,the Loudon district of the,
Methodi t church in laee of Rev: Geo.
s. 11
Boyd, deceased, '
- Icodon "03.19,announce° that ltev
ger in broad daylight 1a t week
ton bay.
The ice scenery at Niagara Falls is
said to be very grand just now.
Charleston, away down in South Car-
oline, had a blizzard last week.
The Mississippi river is frozen over
from shore to shore at St. Louis.
On Tuesday the mercury dropped to
22 degrees in New Orleans, the coldest
since 1880.
Intensely cold weather prevails
throughout England, and much suffer-
ing is reported
A despatch from Cheboygan, Mich.,
says the straits are frozen over at the
earliest date for years.
Navigation on . the Rhine, Moselle.
Becker and Main rivers, in Germany,has
been stopped by floating ice.
Damage to the extent of $1,000,000has
been caused by floods in Sacramento and
San Joaquim valleys, California.
Railroad traffic throughout the west-
ern states; provinces and territories is
very much delayed by heavy snow
Thousands of cattle in Kansas and ad-
joining. have died on account of
the present spell of unusually cold
The people of Birmingham, Ala., have
been shivering for four days in a tem
perature. of 15 degrees. One. man"was
frozen to death.
R.:W. Godolphin, of Huntsville, treas-
urer and tax' collector, is said to have
JohnWindsor the. Toronto man, who
in afit of bad temper• tore up $170 of
his wife's money, got six months in, the
Central for it.
John Donahue;; convicted of stealing
clothing from a, -St. Thomas boarding
house, was sentenced to six months in
the Central Prison
Informatienshave .been made against
Several other persons implicated in the
poisoning of the non-union workmanin
`the' Homesteadmiil.
jewellery tore on teon`stteet east,
A 5ewe Y s, (i ,.
"Taro to, weer ransacked;;b masked men;
with revolvers in the meat daruig man
Perrin of St, Luke's el uteit,
the 29th ultimo Thp arrangement„
took effect Saturday..
Lord Mayor Knill, o. London, paid
a visit in full state ib Lord Mayor
Meade, of Dublin. On o nday both the
officials went in process' to the Roman
Catholic cathedral, whe they attended
In Which We. Get an Ilitry Into 1893's
The Quebec Legislature will meet
January 12. 1
The striking miners itt Germany now
number 22,000.
The Western hotel, Goderich, was de-
stroyed by fire. 1.
Ottawa voted $250,0011 to railway bo-
nuses on the 2nd.
A serious disturbance among natives
along the upper Nile is Feared.
Paris anarchists are fposting revolu-
tionary placards throughout the city.
An extra of The Quebec Gazette calls
the Legislature to meet on January 12.
e Three collieries at P1}mouth, Pa., are
to start operations at once, giving work
to 4,000 miners.
Mr; Hugh John Macdonald, M: P., for
Winnipeg, has decided to hold his seat
for another session.
The detectives working•on the Sarnia
express robbery case expect to arrest
the guilty parties in a day or two.
In his New Year's, speech the German
Emperor said the reichstag will be dis-
solved if the army bill is not passed.
Cecil Muerch, of Toronto, a brakeman
on the G. T. -Re, had one of ins legs crush-
ed by falling beneath the cars near Mer -
Lewis Fax and Adam .Gripapon, two
colored murderers, were lynched 1n St.
Charles parish, Louisiana, Wednesday
on the lbcalOp tion. byY -laza
Voting Option
Monday i•
n Brock township resulted in
the defeat of the Act by over 200 of a
for the U
i keted f
All ssen era t c .... .
110 g ,
Slates now arriving ''fat .Halifax ,from
Europe have; to be fumigated: on arid
at that port..
Came into the promises of the undersigned
lot 13, con. 9, Uaborne. on or about 20th Oct. a
white yearlinghoifcr. Owner can havo the
same by preying property and paying expense
Winchelsea P. 0,
Came into the premises of the undersigned,
lot 6, con 2. Usborno, one ewe, on or obout Nov.
12, 1892. The owner is requested to prove pro-
Perty, pay expenses and take the animal away..
d8 -1m. STEPHEN HICKS. Exeter Pi O'
Being lot 10, con, 14, South Boundary of Hib-
bert,00ntaining 100aores of first-class soil, d
bank barn 120 x 50, part briok, and part frame.
Well fenced, good water in flue wolfs : 10 acro°
of bush, 90 acres cleared, One milo from post -
office, and convenient to school. Will be sold
for 36,000, one-half down, balance to suit pur-
chaser at 5i per cent. Immediate ipossession
given. Apply to
N10 -2m Elimvillo, P. 0
Notieeis hereby given that auplication will
be made to tho Legislature of the Province of
Ontario. at the next session thereof for an Act
authorizing tbo Village of Exeter. in the
County of Huron, to issue debentures for the
purpose of raising money to moot and pay off
the debentures tf the said Village issued for
the purpose. of aiding the London, Huron &
Brune Railway and accruing duo on the 25th
day of July, 1593,
Solicitor for Applicants.
bated at Exeter, the 24th i
'tlovemb er, A. D„189'1 n23 -St
oit'for 1[inard a wird take,: ao n tt.
Notroele l.,,, .. t.,. ty. that the 18th An-
nunI Meeting of the -111c0, 11111,711'Z
__t o IIay town
ship Farmers' lYIhtual Fire insurnlli_ c
will bra held at rho Towa IIall, Zurich: pan3'
day January 9th.A. D. 1893. at ono o'eloolf
m. Business: BEeotiving the Director's' and Se-
cretary's Annual Reports, election of Dlreotora
and such other business as arr
for l
the good and welfare of theCompany. e A
members are requested to attend,
President Secretary_
1V —
In the matter of the Estate of PST
RICK GLAVII3; Sen., late of' the
Township of /Stephen, County of
Huron. Yeomen, deceased.
Notice is hereby, given pursuant to'Chap 110'
see 36, H.S. 0., that all creditors, and others
having claims against the estate of Patrick
Glavin, son., late of tho,Township of Stephen,
County of Huron, Yeoman. deceased, who died
on or about the 1st day of July, A. D. 1892, :at
the said township of Stephen, are hereby ro-
quired co deliver dr sen&by post, prepaid,: tea
Daniel CoughliniCreditgp .1'.0. Onblrio. one
of the Execute, of the satid•deceased, on or
before the lst.'day of February, A. D , 1893.
their Ohristi6n and Surnames, addresses, and
descriptions,,the full particulars of their ac-
counts or chums. and. the nature of the scout-
ityAndf (if ansibholdtakbye them..
Grt er notion that after the'. aid'.
1st day of February, 1893, Daniel Coughlin and
Arabia MoIlhargey, the Executorsof the said
Patrick Glavin, sen. deceased, shall proceed to
distribute the Assets • of the said deceased!
sinong.the parties entitled thereto, paving "tee
crud only to the oiaints'.of;„whieh they then
shall have had notice, and that they will not
be responsible for the said assets or any. part
tereof to any person or persons of whose.
claim or claims they shell not then bane had
Dated'at Crediton, Deo 19,1802.—d22 -3t
ieh SP.., avin Liniment+,:'remvOea al;
• hard, soft or oalioused Lumps ;and Btemel
febris from liarelas, ljlood'. Spaviu O ar be.
Spe Ria' Bone, Bweonee, Stiftea;
Sbrai . a
i3br&ins',iibrohitd Shiollen Throgl, Coigns;
$' e, ...:b tae of ore, bottle, ,War -
no, Bdbmiefi0ure'
anitid Ilia •rues! gond f 1 t
.t"kaeWU..; geld by U. lintp.29'l7