HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-5, Page 2LEGAL;
IL DICKSON , aster, Soli -
litter of Suoreme dont% liotarY
e "'deo, Rowsrayancor demmiesioner,
latonev t Loan,
Otedesin enteia'sBlook, Exotet,
S rt 0
r o or onveyonser Etc.
OFRWE ; Over O'Neil's 13au1•
Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries Pullin,
0ouveyancers 8643, o.
laffite oney to Loan at 11.ow_ps% Rates of
f•CIE STREET, 'ffiX.ETElt.
v. tracer. ereacer.
)11,. 0. H. INGRAM, DENTIST.
Suceeesor to IL L.Billings.
e mbar of the 'Royal College of Dental
;sueritionee Teeth inserted with or without
rat.e, in Geldor Rubber, A. safe Ancestiaetie
gAlen fairtlie painless extraction of teeth,
Fine Gold Fillings as Required.
°Mee ever the Post flims,
W. B.ROWNING 31, D, Xt. 0
E."• P. S Graduate Victoria Unlyer ty;
°Moe and residence, Dom.nion Lobo 14
tory ,Exe ter
HYNDMAN. coroner for
goecty Huron. Office, oppAite
ctorling Bros. store,Exeter.
T'. . J.&, ROLLINS, M.O.P. S.
0. Office, Main St. F,xeter, Out.
Residence, 11011 Ma ratite:stair occupied by P.
R. 'if: P. McLA.UG HEIIN, MEM-
ber tbe college, of Physicians and
-"Surgeons. Ontario, Physieiam Surgeon and
Accoucheur, Mite ,DASII WOOD ONT.
tionabor of College of PhYsicians
an Surgeons. Ontario,
= 4 I • tioneer for the Connty of Buren,
Cherges luoderate. deer ea 0.
• comma Auctioneer Sides canducted
allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed, Charges
Moderate. Ronson e 0, Ont.
provide both the °Moore with Charts a the at, the place, but 1 cod not eee how with
pert of the Agra fort end mark the place in my wooden leg I wadi lo make my way up
the wall were the treesure was W. Major to it. I teamed, liawever, %boata traps
ShO1t0 WAS to LTO to Judie, to test our etory door in the roofeend 418oabolvt Mr. Sholto'
If les. fouud the box he eves to leave it there sepper-hour. It seated to me that 1 could,
to sena out a small yacht provisioned for a manage the thing easily through Tonga.
voyage, which was to lie off Rutland Island, brouelittden out with me With a loeg rope
to which we were to teethe our way, aud wound round side waist. He could climb
finally t� return to 111A autieo. Captain like a cat, and he sooemeade hie way through
Morsten was then t� apply for leave; of the roof, but, as ill luek would have it,
&beam to meet us at Agra, and there we Bertholoneew Shell° was still in the room,
were tolieve a tinel divisiori of the treasure, to his cost. Tonga thought he had clone
lie taking the major's tharedae arell aa his something very cleverin killing lahn, for
own. All this we sealed by the roost soleran when I came up by the rope I found him
oaths that the mind could, think or the lips strutting about as proud as a peacock.
atter. I sat up ale:night with paper and Very much surprised was he when I made
aud by the morning I had the two At bin) with the rope's end and cursed him
charts all ready, signed with the sign of for a little blood -thirsty imp. I took the
four--thatis, of Atelellah, Akbar,Mahomet, treasure -box and let it down and then slid
and myself. down myself, having fleet 1:ft the sign of
" Well gentlemen, I weary you with trier the four upon the table, to show that the
long story, and.I know that my friend Mr. jewels had come back at last to those who
Jones is impetient to get no safely stowed bad most right to them. Tonga,then pulled
in obokey. 111 make it as short as I can. up the rope closed the window, and made
The villain Sheath went off to India, but he off the way that he had come. ,
never came back. again. COMM alorstan "I don't know that I have anything else
showed me Ids IMMO S.M9ng liSt Of TaSSOn• to tell you, I had heard a wittermam speak
gas in case a the meil-boats very sleoetlY of the speed of Sraitide launeh the Aurora,
afterwards. is uucle had died. leaving so I thought she would be a handy craft for
bins a fortane, and he had left the army, our eseape, I engaged with olcl Smith, and
yet he could stoop to treat five men as he was to give him a big sum if he got us safe
had treated us. Montan went over to Agra to our ship. He knew, no doalet, that there
Shortly afterwards, and foend, aa we ex -
Kited, that the treasure was indeed gone.
'he mandrel had stolen it all, without
carrying out nue of the conditions on which
we had eold him the secret. From that (ley
I lived only for vengeance. I thought of it
by clay and I uursed it by night. It became
50 overpoweringatbsorbing passion with me.
I cared nothing for the law,—nothiug for
the gallows. To escape, to track down
Sholto, to have my bend 0000 1118 throet,—
011APTSR XII.---400.tornetfen.). I sly safe game" A very 'an little PartY
they used to make.
"It lay vehere he had dropped it, when he 4 " Well, there Was one thing Whieh very
was first attacked. Tim hex WAS the sun° ,e0Olt struck Me, and that edas thet the ttob,
•tehich now lies open Open, your table. A diers used aldraya to lose and the divilione th.
key was hung by a tsilken cord to that eery- win Mind, I don't say that there was any.
ed. handle, upon the top. We opened it, thing Unfair, but so it was. These prison -
and the light of the, lantern gleamed upon a eliejsKinial done little elee than play Goads
collection of gems such as I have reed of ever since they had been ab the Andaman%
and thought about when 1 was a little lad and they knew eadh other's game to a point,
at Pershore. It was blinding to look upon while the others justielayed ter pads thetime
therm When we feasted our eyes we took And threw their cerds downanyhow. Night
them all out %mimed° a list of them. There after night the soldiers gob up poorer mete,
were one bemired. and ferty-three diamonds ancl the poorer the' got the more' keen they
of the first water, including one whieb. has were to play. Major Sholto was the hard -
been called, I believe, the Great Mogul' est hit. He used. to pay in netes and gold
and is said to he the seeond largest stone at fired but soon it mule to notes of hand
in existeuce. Then there were ninety- and for big sums. Re sometimes, would
seven, very fine emeralds, And one hundred win for a few deals, just to give him bort,
and seventy rubies, some of which, how, and thee the lack would settle agaiest him
ever, were small. There were forty oar- worse than ever, AU day he woeld wander
buneles, two hundred. and ten sapphires, about as black as thunder, and he took to
sixty-one agates, mid a great quantity of drinking a deal more than was geed for
beryls, onyxes, catedoyes, turctuoises and han. „
other stones, the very wanes of which:I did "One night he loet even more heavily
not know at the time, thoughIlievebecOme then uStial. d was Sitting in MY hut when
more familiar with them since. Besides this, he and Captain Masten, came seumbling
There were nearly three hundred very fine along on tile way to their quarters. They,
pearls, twelve of wbich were set in a gold were bosom *muds, those two, aaul neva
eorouet. ley the by, these 1ast had been far apert The major was raving about his
taken out of the chest and were not there losses.
"It's all up, Morsten ' he was saying, as
waen I recovered it. they passed my hut, 'II shall have to send
"Alter we had counted our treasures we
in,m4 y papers. I am a. ruined man.'"
put them bask into the chest and carried.
' Nonsense, old ebep le said the other,
them to the gate -Way to show them to Ma -
slapping iiiin upon the shoulder. 'I've lied
homet Singh, Then we solemnly renewed facer myeelf, but--' That was
our oath to stud by each other and be true a` nasty
all I could hear, bat it was enough to set
to our secret. We agreed to concad our loot
in a safeplace until the country should be lite thinking-
" A couple of daye later Major Sholto was
at peace egain, and. then to divide it equally
strollineton the beach :so I took the chance
among ourselves. There was no use dividing
of ,syeaktng to him.
it at present, for if gems of sach value were
said 1. wish to' bare your advice, Mater,'
fouud upon us it would cause suspicion, and
there was no privaey iu the fort nor any satu„1.
"Well, Small, what is it?' he asked,
place where we could keep than. We cate
taking his cheroot from his lips.
mai the box therefore, into the same hell " 'I wanted to ask you, sir,' said 1,
where we had buried the body, and there
' who is the proper paean to whom bidden
under certain bricks in the best -preserved
tretteuee elloald be handed over, I know
stall, wo made a hollow and put our traiwhere haaf a milliou worth lies, and, as I
ore. We made earefulnote of the place, andt
epaulet use it, myself, I thougat perhaps the
next day I drew four plane, one for each o
best tldeg thatl could do would be to baud
us, and put tbe eigu of the four of us at the
over to the proper authorities, and then
bottom, for we had. sworn that, lye should
perhaps they would get my sentence short -
each always ea for all, so that one might
ened for me."
take advantage. That is an oath that I can
" 4 Half a million, Small?' he gasped,
pansy band to my heart and swear that
looking hard at me to see if I was ni own.
I have never broken. est.
T.TEMIY BILBER Licensed Auc-
tioneer for the Counties of Huron
and Illufslesex; • Sales conducted at mod-
erate rates. Office at Post-oftloo, °red.
ton Out.
Tennent& Tennent
Incorporated 1887, with Cash Cottal of 0000
AND Appu.A.Nom co.
El,ectorivici,etny,BaiesetagpoliBeedlt, the
Te now recognized as the neatest boon offered
to sin:ruing insmartity.
G. C. PATPERSON, Mgr. for Collodi.
fast taking the
place of drugs in all
troubles, x,nd will off
hopeless cases whereev
our secrets. AU this is the truth, and if I NATtlinap.a' "Sin' . ittlx4107)0eulic,111:13:
has failed. It is natux
Was some ecresv loose, but he was not In steady, soothing ;current
tell it to you, gentlemen, it is not to amuse KInanoteeppepo-4000.
yenedefer you have not done me a very good 1Genetbi.anTol),°11."'
defence 1 on make is juee to hold back l'Ileiresrve°70"seline4:""si taeirBvilya°Dcillis:leanislelte*.
turn,—bat it is because I believe the best
nothing, but let all the world knew how
to or
badly I havmyself Sholto, and how innocent I am of the death R 14 E,U M AT 1 S NI Well known foot that e been served by 1Vlajor
of his It Is a medical Selena
" A very remarkable account," said Sher- bas utterly toilets Affd relief In thetintetie
Mectielt; TiVOltriryttAis IerritnrIVillnetclita
"Well, there's no use my telling you ifQuito that jewel
gentleman what came of the Indian mutiny. It lies there ready for any one.
After Wilson took Delhi and Sir Colin re- queer thing about it is that the real o
lieved Lucknow the back of the business outlewed and cannot hold property, AO t
m, it belongs to the first coiner.
was broken. Fresh. troops came pouring
aud Nana Sahib made himself scarce over
the frontier. A flying column under Colonel
Greethed came round to Agra and cleared
the Pantiles away fromit. Peace seemed to
be fettling upon the country. and we four
were begmtung to hope that the time was
at hand when we might safely go off' with
our shares of the plunder. In a moment,
however, our hopes were shattered by our
being arrested as the murderers of Achmet.
"It came abont this way, When the
rodela put his jewels into the hands of Ach-
met he did it because he knew that be was
de trusty man. They are suspicious folk in
tlae East, however: so evhat does this rajalt
do but tithe a second even more trusty ser-
vant and set him to play the spy upon the
first? This second man was ordered never
to let A 1 et out of his sight, and he fol.
lowed in like his shadow. He went after
him that night, and saw him pass through
the door -way. Of course he thought he
ha,d tithen refuge in the fort, anda plied for
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col
OrrIcv x One door Routh ofTown
per cent, V25,000 Private Feuds. Best
Loaning Companies renresented.
L.11 .'"50X80N
Bai . Exeter.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Ei-
Office, Upstairs.Samwell's Elock, Exeter.Ont
that was my one thought Even the Agro lock Holmes. . "A. fitting wiud-up to an
treasure bad come to be a timelier thing ila extremely interesting ease. There is noth-
my mind than the slaying of Sholto. ing at all new to me in the latter Part of
"Well, I have set my mind on InanY your narrative, except that you brought
things in this life, and never one which I your own rope. Thal I did not know. By
did not carry out. But it was weary years the way, I had hoped that Tonga had lost
before my time came. I hew, told you that all bis darts; yet he managed to shoot one
I had picked up something of medicine. One at us in the boat."
day when Dr. Somerton was down with a "Ho had lost thern all, sir, except the
fever a little Andaman Islander was piolced one which was in his blow -pipe at the
up by a conViet gang in the woods, lie was • o
sick to death, aud lied gone to a lonely "Ah, of course," said Holmes. "1 had not 5'
place to die. I took him in hand, though tbeefist el tided., by any kiwi ot drugs is 1)..rtictising o dongetrox
agent for a few years, it has cured more eases
of ltheumatlein Man otbor rneane
bleed Salle of our leading physiCialrf, rector -
'Aging this foot, ATP tkruiting themselves of this
most Petent Of notaries forcea.
allousands of people starer from aver:Ay of
nervous diseases, such as Seminal, Weefxness
Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, ete
that ale old modes of treatment fall to cure
There Is a loos of 'nerve force or power that+
cannot bo restored by medical treatment, and
iThetOt' h wottld try to accomplish th
lln WAS as veuomous ros a, young.sno,ire, and " there any other point which You form et eluolataulsm,,, roperly treeted
aud able to walk. He took. a kind of fancy affably. THESE DISEASES BE CUBED
after a couple of =lathe I got lure all right would like to ask AbOltt, 1" asked the conviet,
enewered. Faectricltde as applied by the Owen Electric..
his woods, but was always lienging about 'sizes.uredly_do
to me then, and would hardly go back to "I think not, thank you," my companion Reit and uspensory. will most
my hut. I learned a little of his ling° freni "Well, .Holmes, Athelney J01108, So. It is the tally known remedial swat that
luen, and this made him all the fonder of " you are a man to be humored, and we all will supply Nsr that is ticking, name y, nerve
me. force or power, impart tone and vigor to tile
orgaus end ouse to heAlthY Q
At9011 the *bot
I know that von are a eounisseur of crime, nervous system,
"Tonga—for that was big name—was a but duty is duty, mid I have gone 1 IVIS
fine boatman, and owned a big, roomy rather far in doing what you and your frten
uenoe of his own. When 1 found that he asked me. Been feel more atom° when we Ana tho vorthlese, ellen?, eotealleduEloectitifica
the WAS devoted to me and would do anything
is to serve me, I eew my elience of escape. I
at talked, it over with him. He was to bring
To governmen t, Small,' he stammerea
to government' But -he said ib in a
halting fashion, and I knew in my heart that
I had got him.
" You think, then, air, that I should
give the information to the 0 overnor-Gener-
al ?' said I, quietly.
Well, well, you must not do auything
rash, or that you might repent. Let me
hear all about it, Smell. Give me the
" I told him the whole story, with smell
<Menges so that he could not identify the
places. When I had fintshed he stood stock
still 50(1 11111 of thought I could see by the
twitch of hie lip that there was a struggle
going on within him.
" ' This is a very importantly matter.
Small,' he said, at last. Yon mnst not
say e word teeny one about it, and I shall
see you soon.'
"Two night's later he and his friend,
Captain dlorstan, came to my hut in the
admission there himself next day,but coukt , dead of the night with a lantern.
find no trace of Achmet. This seemed to " ' I want you just to lot Captain Masten
him so strange that he spoke about it to a hear that story from your own lips, Small,'
sergeant of guides, who brought it to the said he.
ears of the commandant. A thorough "1 repeated it as I had told it before.
search was quickly made, and the body was "'It rings true, ell 1' said he. 'It's good
discovered. Thus at the very moment enough to act upon?'
that we thought that all was safe we were " Ca tain Masten nodded.
all four seized and brought to trial on a P
charge of murder,—three of us because we "'Look here, Small,: add the inejor.
had held the gate that night, and the fourt,h We have been talking it over, my friend
INSURANCE. here and I, and we have come to the con -
because he was known to have been in the
___.--. .e,..........___. elusion that this secret of yours is hardly a
THE LONDON MUTUAL any of the murdered man. Not a.
have our storyteller here We under loc t an Belts mires s e
key. The ettb still waits, andthere are two through the country. They aro electrittop
Itirtrolgtel.gloi.leee us a curetive power, e
inspectors down -stairs. I am much obliged
his boat round on a certain night to an old to you both for your assistance. Of course ' sesii` Oliktlerige the World to show
wharf which was never guarded, and there he was to pielr me up. I gave him directions you will be wanted at the trial. Good -nig it Electric Dolt where the current is under ton
tool of the patient es completely as thIS.
e ' to youOuTea
several gourds of water and a lot of,"
"Good night, gentlemen both," said r clo Nark Is the portroit of 3)
100a -tints, and sweet potatoes. Jonathan Small. Owen embossed in gold upon every Belt tux
appliance manufaetured by no.
exec had a more faithful ,Tones
eYs oflv.is atirlset; Sielfiltalt11,1: rteomonairked the Vary Seud for Catalogue -Mailed (Sealed) Free.
stanch ond true, was little
esanecl he had his boot pertioular care that you don't clu‘bc 101101 etit/liktlat
• mescal, el 1 to the cattleman at the Andaman erseetedt4t9hiskitger.St. W., Toronto.
iced, however, your wooden leg, whatever you may have
itil'e'aidnTell, and there is the end of our littleeee-
. it.
Winter Storintroi tliee Atitliti to,
tls4 wit
a, chance of ineu
had always vowed
had my chance. It was ae
him .10 my woo/ that I migh
before I left the island. He stoo
bank with his back to me, and his ca
on his shoulder. I looked about for a stone
to beat out his brains with, but none could
I see. Then a queer thought came into
my head. awl showed me where I
could lay my hand cal a weapon. I
sat down iu the darkness ana unstrapped
my wooden log. With three long hops I
was on him. He put his cabine to his
shoulder, but I struck him full, and knock-
ed the whole front of his skull in. Toucan
see the splie in the wood now where I bit
him. We both went down together, for I
could not keep my balance, but when I got
up I found hint still lying quiet enough. I
made for the boat, and in an hour we were
well out at sea. Tonga had brought all his
earthly possessions with him his arms and
his gods. Among other things, he had a
long bamboo spear, and some Andaman
cocoa -nut matting, with whicb I made a
sort of a sail. For ten drtys we were beating
about, trusting to luck, and on the eleventh
WO were picked up by a trader which -was
doing from Singapore to Jiddah with a cargo
of Malay pilgrims. They were a rum crowd,
and Tonga and I soon managed to settle
down among. them. They had one very
good quality : they let yoa alone and asked
no questions.
government matter, after all, but Ms a
CANAFIT.B allOnfte,IldT3gitN7 IDE cwOmr id. about the jewels came o•ut at the trial,
for the rajah had been deposed and driven Private concern of your own,which of course
have the power of disposiag at as you
After 33 year- of successful 'business, stilt out of Indio,: so no one had any partioular you eontinnes to dearth° owners of farm. property interest in them. The murder, however, think best. Now, the question 1st what
priee would you ask for it ? We might be
inclined to take it up, and at least look into
it, if we could agree as to terms.' He tried
to speak 01 a cool, careless way, but his
eyes were shining with excitement and
"'Why, as to that, gentlemen,' I answer-
ed, trying also to be cool, but feeling as efc-
cited as he did, there is only one bargain
which a man in my position can make. I
shell want you to help me to my freedom,
and to help my three companions to theirs.
We shall.then take you into partnership,
aud pre you a. fifth share to divide between
" 'Hein I' said he. A fifth share That
is not very tempting.'
"'It would come to fifty thousand apiece,
said"But how can we gain your freedom?
You know very well yon ask an impossibil-
" 'Nothing of the sorb,' I answered. I
have thought it all out to the last detail.'
The only bar to our escape is that we can
get no boatfit for the voyage, and no pro-
vetions to last, us for so long a time, There
are plenty of little yaehts and yawls at
Calcutta, or Madras which vvould serve our
turn well. Do you bring • one over. We
engage toeget aboard her by night, and if
you wig' drop us on any part of the Indian
coast yea he've done your part of ,the
"'11 there were only one,' he said.
" INone or slid I answered. 'We.,have
sworn it. The four of us must idways act
Efousee,Morst° an,, said.
SVisil is a
man of his word. He does not Much from
and private residences, either on buildings or
oontents,tb a most favorable protection in ease
ef loss or da,mageby fire orlightning, at rates
v pon such beral terms .that no other respect,
ablecompanyeanaffordto write. 38,410 poli-
cies inform!, lstJan ,1892. Assets $367,200.00
in cash in bank. Amount at risk. S14,913,032.
itovernmeot demist. Debenteres awl Pre-
mium :Stites. Carr, Tiros. E. Rouses, Pre-
aident ; D. C. McDOXALD, MAnawor. DIVID
,Tartnics,Agent for Exeter and vicinity,
was clearly made out, and it was certain
that we must all have been concerned in
it. The three Sikhs goe penal servitude
for life, and I was condemned to death,
though my sentence was afterwards com-
muted into, the same as the others.
"It was rather a queer position that we
found ourselves in then. There we were all
four tied by the leg and with precious
rp' HE WATERLOO MUTUAL little chance of ever getting out, agadn,
.1... FIRE INSTIRANC EGO . while we each held a secret which might
, have put each of us in a palace if
..Istablished in 1863.
HEAD OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT. we could only 'have made use of
This Compaoy has been over Twenty-eigh
J0508, in successful Opel' ition in Western
Ontario, and continues to insure against loss or
damage by. Fire. Buildings, Merchandise
lia,nufactories and all other deseriptioas of
insurable property. Intending insurers have
the option of insuring on the P remia.m No te or
a ,.. y
During the past ten years this. company has
Issued 57,005 Policies, eovering property to the
aniount of S40,872038; and paid in losses atolls my time.
Assets. sile,loo.00, consisting of Oash
in Bank Government Depositand the unneses-
eat Premium Notes, on hand and in foree
J:W•WALDEN, M.D.. President; 0 M. TkYLos.
Pecretary ; J. 13.1100)153. Inspector. CHAS
DELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity
it. It was enough to make a man eat his
heart out to have to stand the Lae an t e
cuff of every petty jack -in -office, to have
rice to eat and water to drink, when that
gorgeous fortune was ready for him outside,
just waiting to be picked up. It might have
driven me mad ; but I was always a pretty
stubborn one, so I just held on and bided
"Ablest it seemed. to me to have come.
I was changed. from Agra to Madras, and
from there to Blair Island in the Andamans.
There are very few white convicts at this
settlement, and, as I had behaved well
from the first, I soon found myself aosorb of
privileged person. I was given a hut iu
Hope Town, which a small place on the
slopes of Mount Harriet, and I was lefe
pretty much to myself. sit is a dreary,
fever -stricken place, and all beyond bur
little clearings was infested with wild can-.
nibal natives, who were ready enough to
blow a poisoned dart at us if they saw a
chance. There was digging, and ditching,
and yam -planting, and a dozen other things
to be done, so we evete busy enough all day;
though in the evening we had a little time
ourselves. Among other things, I learned
to dispense drugs for theaurgeon, and pick-
'ednie a smatteritig of his knowledge. All
the time 1 was,011 the lookout for a chance.,
cif escape s but it 19 hUndredS of miles from
any other land, and there is' little or no
wind be thole gees ; so it was a terribly dif-
ficult job to get away.
The surgeen, Dr. Somerton, was a fast,
sporting young chap, and the other young
officers would meet m Ids rooms of an: even-
ing and play cards. The surgery, where I
used to make up my drugs, Was next to his
sitting -room, with a small window betweep
us. Oftea, 111 felt lonesome, I used to turn
out the lamp in the surgery0 and thens stand-
irig.there, I could hear their talk and watch
thew 'play. I a,m fond of a hand at ,cards
myself, arta it was almoet as good an having
one to watch the other& There wee Major
Sholto, Captain Masten, and Lieutenant
Bromley BrOWn, who were in 'oomMand, of
the native troops, and there wet the sur-
geon hiniselfe and two or three todeon.offi-
'ends, crafty old Ilan' de who,' pleyed a nice
DR. wpoD'S
orway Pine
yru PO
Rich in the ling. -healing virtues ofthe Pine
rombinedtWith the soothing and expectorant
properties of other pectoral herbs arid barks.
r ProarsenesS; "Asthma. Bronchitis, Sore Throat,
Croup and all'THROAT, BRONCHIAL and
LtIhTG DisgAsEs; Obstinate coughs which
resist other ternedies yield proniptly to this
pleasant piny syrup.
'vice ase. AND elOC. PAR norms.
SOLD 111.t /41.1. DRUGGISTS.
s• TI E S
drama," I remarked after we bad sat some
tim emoting sileuee. " I fear that it
ay be the last investigation in WhiCh
lall lieve the ahem° of studying you
lode. Miss 'Alorstan ho,s done me the
1 or to accept me as is husband in pro-
He gave a most; dismal groan. "1 fear-
ed, as much," said he. I really cannot
congratubsto you."
NVAS a little hurt. " Have you any rai-
son to be dissetistied with my choice I
"Well, if. I were to tell you all the
adventures that my little churn aud I went
through, you would not thank me, for I
would have you bere until, the sun was
shiuing. Here and there we drifted about
the world, something always turning up to
keep us from.London. "All the time, how-
ever, I never lost sight of my purpose. I
would dream of Sholto at night. A hundred
times I have killed him in my sleep. At
last, however, some three or four years ago,
we found ourselves in England. I had no
great difficulty in finding where Sholto lived
and I set to work to discover whether he
had realized the treasure,or if he still had it.
I made friends with some one who could
help me,—I name no names, for I don't
want to get any one else in a hole,—and I
soon found that he still had the jewels.
Then I tried to get at himn in many ways;
but he was pretty sly, and bad always two
prize-fighters, besides his sons and his
khitmutgar, on guard over him.
"One day, however, I got word that he
was dying. I hurried at once to the garden,
ma(1 that he should slip out of my clutches
like that, and, looking through the window,
I saw him lying initis bed, with his sons on
each side of him. I'dhave come through
and taken my chance with the three of them,
only even as I looked at him his jaw drop.
ped, and I knew that he was gone. I got
into his room that same night, though, and
'I searched his papers to see if there wee any
record of where he had hidden our jewels.
There was not a fine, however: so I came
away, bitterand mtvege as a man amid be.
Before I left ledeethoaght me that if I ever
met my Sikh friends again it would be a
satisfadtion to know. that I had .left some
mark of our hatred : so I scrawled down the
sign of the four of us'as it had been on the
.chart, and I pinned it hishosom. It was
top much. that 'heshould be taken -to the
gravewithout some token, from the 'men
whom lie had robbed and. befooled. .
A Queenstown, despatch says: The Whi
Star lino steamer Majestic, Capb. Persell
from New York, for Liverpool has arrive
bearing evidence of having had it very ten
peetuous voyage. Her funnels were batter
ed, and her sides and upper works wer
coated With salt. The height of the
that boarded her may be judged
fact that her crow's nest, the ple
foremast oceupied by the lookoii , a besi
" Not at all. I think she is one of the The demolished.
Majestic took a heavy gale on tbe 18
might have been most useful in such work There was a tremendous sea, and tons upoi
tons of water boarded the stearner, 03.05111most charming young ladies I ever met, and
as we have bean doing. She had a decided
genius that way : witness the way in which
silo preserved that Agra pleu froin all the
other papers of her falser. Bnt love is an
emotional thing, and whatever is emotional
is opposed to that true cold reason which
T. place above all things. I should never
marry myself, lest I bias my judgment."
"1 trust," said Ia laughing, that my
judgment may survive the ordeal. But
" Yie already upon me, The Hidden Treasure,
es, the reaction
you look weary."
I shall be as limp as a ate for a week."
"Strange," said T, "how terms of what
in another man I should call laziness alter-
nate with your fits of splendid energy and
that a pretty spry sort of fellow. I often think 'tale going about the quarries to the e
me 1 is he who shall turn me over.
the makings of a very fine loafer and also of
Yes," he answered, "there are. in
of those lines cf old Goethe,— Now at the time this occurred there was a
Iat there was hidden treasure in the neigh -
much diseomfort. The sea wile on the por
bow, and this caused the Idajestie to pith'
and roll heavily. Several of her passenger
who attempWil to wak about in the salmi
were thrown from their feet, and sueteine
slight injuries. On the day of the gale th
steamer made only 350 miles. The timt
of her passage was six days and fourteez
his friends. I think vve may very well trust
• "'It's a dirty business,' the other answer-
ed. 'Yet, as you say, the money would save
our coinnaissions handsomely,"
".' Well, Small,' said the major, we
must, I suppose, try and meet you. We
must first, of course, test the truth of your
story. Tell me where the bex is hid, and I
shall get leave of absence and go back to
India in the monthly relief -boat to inquire
into the affair,' ,
" Not so fast,' said I, growing colder as
he gob hot. must have the 'consent of my
three comrades. I tell you that it is four or
none with us.'
" 4 Nonsense 1'he broke in. Wbat have
three black fellows to do eyitle our agree -
A quarryman dis covered an inenfensoblock
of marble which was almost baried in rub
bish. Upou removing pert of a crust o
dirt he discovered some letters carved oi
the marble, and after a little scraping he
made out the following words 1—" Blessed
Sehade class die Natur nur cincit Mensch 45 15
dir schuf.
Den sum wnrdigen Mann war und gum Schel:
men der Stoff.
By the way, a propos of this Nord ood busi-
ness, you see that they had, as T surmised,
a confederate in the house, who could be
none other than Lal Rao, the butler: so
Jones actually has the undivided honor of
having caught one fish in his great haul,"
"The division seems rather unfair," I
remarked. "You have done all the work
in this business.: I get a wife out of it,
Jones gets the credit, pray what remains
for you?
"For me," said Sherlock Holmes'"there Feminine Contrariness. '
still remaans the ccesaine-bottle." And he Old Rooster—" What have gots stopik
laying for ?
Old Hen—" It's too cold."
Old Roosteed-"Huh les Just like you
males. Quick as it gets cool enough
to crow without getting into a persp
you quit laying."
The man at once jumped to the conclusion
that his fortune was made. :
He rushed off home and obtained the as.
sistauce of some of his friends.
After two hours of patient toil they sue
ceeded in turning over the only obstacle
between them and the eapposed treesure.
Judge of their surprise when. they for
that their only reward, carved on
side of the stone, was as follows :—"
my friends; I was weary of ridc
long in lone position." °
• " "Blaele bine,' „said 1,, f they' are in
with. me, and we all go together. ,
" the matter ended by a secon
eetieg, at which lVfahoinet Singh Abdul.
lahKhan, aridDost Akbar were all 'present,
We talked the matter Over again, and at
last we came, to an arraegenient..Wewere to°
Children Ciy for Pitcher's Castori4
stretehed his long white hand up for It.
Cholera in Hamburg -
Two fresh cases of cholera have been re-
ported, and the doctors are making examin-
ations with a view of detecting the'bacteria. . The brightest prospects are pies
The Cholera Commission announces that the cases developed yesterday are of the by indolent habits.
The man who has ono talent and im ro e
Asiatic type. The report) has caused oon.
siderable apprehension, and besiness • men it will soon have ten. e
who had been picking up courage are less' The Man who works for God always get
hopeful of the future..., It is ease reared his pay in advance. :
that the news will have an unfavorable ne Education is the only interest worthy the
fluence on the steamship traffic of Hambarg deep, contrelling anicietyof the thoughtful
eniwii ustrorg tenthein o:enentnA u(r: ia-1Ven.dell Phlips.,-
ietoltontLnigtant,espeeiaity"tue;A36;toneehooboiwi0evi ien tly°, has
The stateinent of the Hamburg news- essay with thaw ee e;rds : "The world was
paper, intimating that the United „Oates°. eomerly_inaabsted 1yimmor tals, but they
Consul at Hamburg - was about to resume
discredited in Washington. Nevertheless
of health to vessels
United 'are now,all dead."
ers, in which idle people indulge than.
the issue of clean bills One secret of self-denial, one sacrifice of
clearing from that port for
treah inclination to duty, is worth all good'
004es of cholera were reported is entirely thoughts, warm feelings, passionate pray -
States, notwithstanding the fact that
out of abundant caution, Secretary Chile. selves.—IJ. H. Newman.
Foster ifilmediately communicated the iri- /1 every D.el here °mild be taught to
formation to the Secretary of State, with water it plant daily and not forget it, one
the suggestion that the United States Con- of the fundamental principles of a usefut
sul at Hamburg be instructed to refrain life would have beea establishede---[Mrse
from such action until there is 110 longer William G. Choate.
allY danger of the intretineti" °f th° eon' " Do yedi believe lit the transmigration ar
tatgaiteer fo
from that source int° the United eeralindstffaeneese,thatWthh:ttosowtbhaatg, hinard?ap`:W
istenee in another form—perheps
We must not only look ,thead, but We.' being like myself." "Oh no dee
numb go ahead. 1 cow's been a calf."
viti; earned a living at this time by my
exhibiting poor Tonga at fairs and other
such places asthe black cannibal. Ile would
eet raw meat and dance his war -dance: flo
wo afways had a hateul of pennies after a
day's Work. 1 still heard all the news from
Pondicherry Lodge, and for some years
there was ino news to hear, except that
they, were henting for the treasure.
At last, howeverj came what we bad
wetted, for so imig. The treasure had been
fotind, ' It was up at the top of the house,
10 Mr. Bartholomew Sholto's chemical
laboratory. I bane at once and 'hall a look