HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-1-5, Page 1reee AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZ NTT M. 'HEW TO THE LINE, •LET TRE (MIPS FALL WHERE TE.EY MAY VOL. XX. NO 19. ust Arrived 1 ,ibettpeSt Line of ods ever brought Gle curec. a large :honeienutlent •of tkese oods PRICES AWAY DOWN We will give the people of this vicinity the advaotage of our close buying, For the next few weeks we will offer Ladies' Storm Collars, Ladies' Boas and 1VIuffe, et prices bound to sell them. Thebesvalue in ChildrenLamb Boas in the trade. 'Come and get tho Bensb choice of these Goode. We are also offering anybhing in the Dry Goods line at the lowest cash price and will he pleases' to show you though our itfore. No trouble to:show goods. A. J. MOTAVISEC & 00. POLISH BRIGANDS CAUGHT. Peasseet /sound In the Leader's Ilonge Ifeld for Itaneonas Vbre'l Mar an., 4. -The authorities at Warsaw ere exeited over the spread of brigandage in Russian Poland. The pro - Vince of Badonn adjoining Ausarten Gal. Ida, has reeently been infested by a band of twenty briganda led by a notorious rob- ber.ohief named Julian Voyte, Thee° eobs bem attaeked the residence Of a Wealthy land owner named Vetehlrodovitele 01M:teetered the live stock fouild on the plaete and, after pl dering the house, set I t on Aro. Vetableo writer' aucceeded in easaping. Some of his employees easaled *ord of the ontrage be the authorities and ort the following day a torte a troops went in pursuit of the brigande and over- took the robbers in a forest where a sharp Aglat occurred, The robbers made a fierce xesiatanee and wounded several of the sol- diers, but the baudits were at length sub- dued and taken priso:ners, The *mope made their Ivey to the abode of e, the robber leader, where they found a me quantity of stolen wealth. In the cellars of ,eraytees house a peasant was f ound whom the robber chief was holding for ransom. Another band of sixteea masked brigands attacked the mansion of Baron Kbevokh, near Alexandrovo, about 60 intim, west of Warsaw. A severe COP.- Iliet ensued and the barcm, aided by Iris Tants and by peaeante front the estate, 'et breve resistance to the banditti, novena.' persona were wounded on each side, but the bandits were at length re- pulsed. A number of land owners in the nedghborhood of Zavada have had their residences sacked by brigands. THE FIGHTING DERVISHES Itepulsed by Troops--Captaln Pyno and 415 Egyptiana 11111ed. Mane, Jan. 4. -The body of dervishes which reeently attacked Gemai near Wady - Haifa was overtaken near Ambigot yester- day by a detachment of Egyptian casedry. A fierce battle ensued. The dervishes,who greatly out -numbered the Egyptians, made several ftnions onslaughts on the Govern- ment troops but were finally repulsed with heavy loss. Many dervishes were slain. Capt. Perms, of the British staff, and forty - Ave Egyptians, inelttding an officer, were hilted and many others were wounded. • A netaehment of Egyptian cavalry with British officers leas arrived at Anabigot since the battle took place and further reinforce- ments have been despatched tothe scene of the conflict. HEADLONG TO DEATH. Pursued and Tared upon, a Getman Dore erter arakes a Petal Leap. Emirate Jan. 4. -Four soldiers arrested a deserter from a Iradgeburg regiment ba- lm 11 and 12 o'clock at night. On his s to prison the deserter bolted and the sjees ran after him shouting to him to erstop. Be disregarded their snouts, and all four opened fire. Men and woraenraninto the etreet, thinking that a riot was he pro The pursuers gained on the fugitive so rapidly that he ran into an °pee .house mud up to the second floor. As he heard them beleban him he leapeil from the 'window, struok on his head med. died a few minutes ter. . The Umbria nod the Gallia. LONDON, Xan. 4. -The Cunard company lesued ,an °facial statement of the allia-17mbria incident. In this state- - ment Capt. Ferguson, of the Gallia, says that when his steamer approached the Um- bria he saw a eteamer lying in proximity to her blowing' off steam. The Umbria was lying like a duck in the water and formed a perfect picture of security, while the Galliawas rolling heavily. On reading the signal, "shaft broken," Capt. Fergoson consulted with his chief engineer. The latter officer was satisfied from the next signal, "Ready to proceed to -morrow," that the Umbria was in no danger whatever, and there were gome weeks' more provisions on board for all the passengers and crew. Capt. Fer- guson, the repOrt continnes,hadto consider his own position, with the prospect, of east: erly weether, leaving him an mEnifficient margin in his coal supply. Should he it asks, inane expended a considerable port'ion ofhis fuel in standing by the Umbria for one and possibly two days. eaten], coming. eionenasen, Jan, 4. --Jt is reported- here that Mgr. Satolli will soon visit this 'ty,to eettle some existing religious differ !M - EXETEB, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINP-, JA.NUARY 6 EBBIL-A. large quantity of Feed for sale. Meal scab $10 per tout dust $6 per ton. Good white Oate wantedoend good prioes paid. linessee Gemmers MILLS r Great Clearing Sale of Boots 411,1 Shoes at A, Weseloke.-In order to Meer out the balance of ounerenter stook, we will sett at the renew- ing prices: Menet hair fox felt Boots 8150 anderperani; aleree llubber and Seolce $1.75; Gram fort lured Ilhoov 81.50i Volt Beale Shoes al; now excluder lined Overawe 81.10; main felt overshoe, $1; Women's plain felt buttoned overshoe, i1.25. Misses' plain felt buttoned overshoe.81.10: Children'a plain felt buttoned overahoe 81- Women's felt slipPerra Moe Wo mwes si,inPers,25or 5119808' oloth elippers 20o; Children . sboes.10o; We bave in stock a nice assortment of Mo's and Ladies' ell Deers, and Women's,Misses' end Children's cardigan oversheee for NOW Year's gifts. A call will convinee you that we eell cheap for oath. Boots and sloe/ made to order. Roptcifing Death, done while you wait. We eon R, Brett WaterProor Bleating; aek for it, It is the best made eo Preeerve the leather. Try it, only lee and 15o A box. Butter and ears taken. Sign of the Dig Boot, A. Weseeon, Preen Gene Cremona SALE. -Ta order to make room for MY Sprin stock. I will for the next 6e dive sell at the foliowing recluovoes i- nset minuted suite worth $20for alia; 5 eater 18, 18 for 15. Beat Botch Tweede worth 621 for $18, All -Wool Sem! " 21 for 18 e and AO kW NI $10,, Overetratinge We nave some tit teen ravioli left whith wo will !toll at melt. Remember these geode areell the neventandletestratterm and enli be made ne in the latest gybe with 4.1 trimminge. In Gentes Furnishings, hie a wellknown feet that we carry the hest and largest stook, mud to tbat of any town or city, wh loh will be sold atbigredujn, Space will not permit fur - them quotations $o we will conclude by saying athta1l those wlio bus karat from ea from now till Obristmaa will be green a neck tie or nook aced as a prerent, Remember this le a genuine stale and POD will nave rummy by buying from us. We guarentee all wore; 08 wo can boaster having the best system of cuttingandfirsteelase bands to ratite up a stylish suit. Give us a oall melba convinced that we mean what wo advor Remember the stard, MoBwon's Meek, op. 008110Oommere1 Hotel, de4t Jowl. POPE, Prose Following are the raerket quotatious Wheat .... .... 60 to 61 Barley . 88 to 40 PI:)eartte$ ... 26 to 28 - .... *... 55 to 56 Hay 5,00 to 6.00 Butter .s,„„ , hea to is 0 to 19 Hoge ........ ..... 5.75 to 6.25 Clover seed..........7.00 to 7.50 Seines --Our photographer is turr out good work and ie kept very b Buainess was vary good in town dine holidaye.--The eleetion went off V8 ly and everyone eeenas pleated wit .0 re- sult. -Mr. &mon Hunter sold his team of barites for eenoodr sum and In DCW OM til8 1001C otet for another team -Saw loge are oonsing in in large numbers since the aleighing.-Mr Morrison of London is visit. ing at Mr W, Coxworth's.-Mr. and Mra Woods of Dungannon were visiting at Mr A McPherson's.- School opened on Tuesday and the attendances was very good. Mr 3- T, Wren, Principal ; Misa Whitealdea of Heneall as geoond Macho', and Miss Chilly of Clinton the third department -Qiiite number went out to Zurich on Monday night to bear the epeeking of the new matr- on elected and they report having had a good timin-Mr Chas Fisher and wife of Godariah were the goat of Mr Chas Meyers on Monday and Tuesday. -Mr Chau Reddy and wife of Georgetown are visiting at Mr A, Wese1oh's.-11/r Thos Welsh and slater, Emily, returned home after a week's, 'Alit at Strathroy and London. -Mies 11. SmaIia- ooinbe returnee home after a weekh visit at Elma.--Mr Win johnston and family Of Bluevale returned home after Beyond day's! 'fiat at Mr Wm Stoneman's.-Mr Fritz Lierch returned after two week's nut, alld has teken hie old position again with Mr C. Clausern-Birth-Orn the 28t12 Deo., the wife of John McArthur, hardware merchant a son.-MrJohn Coulter and family are away on a trip to Milverion visiting Mr. Coulter'e pareetc-Mr Jelee Skis kali lett d on 11 Vidi to Itamburg.-Mr Charlee Cook retarned to Detroit after a week's visit under the parental roof,-Afr W. Thomson returned home Tuesday after spending several weeks visiting around Mitchell and Stratford. -Ur E Roedding returned home Tuesday after visiting his parents at Ayton. -Mr D,Buchanainand Mr John limber= of Guelph, are Imam on a visit. -Mr and Mrs Alex Murdock of Thamesville who were visiting friends and ,relatives, have returned home. --Miss Bella Wilson spent New Years in Londesboro' with her sieter, Mrs A. Wilken. elon. lintere-The tea meeting ou Wednesday night last, was a grand SUCCESS. Owing to the beautiful night and elegant sleighing the °Muth was packed to overflowino. ,Tea was served in the school house and after everyone had satisfied their a,ppenteu at the littevily laden tables, all repaired to the church to listen to a well selected program correlating of music, recitations, and dial°. giros. After which Rev. Mr Russell- of Elimville delivsh ered a ell address, which was very highly appreciated by all present. Miss M. Revlon also delivered a couple of M her ohoe recitations- Ou Friday evening a social was ikeld, which was also a success, keoeeede of both amounting to somewhat over $53. -Mies Maud Dempsey of Luoan epent a few days lant week at Ler parent's horns here, --Mrs T. Cote m end Motet. Alfred of this place epent last week vleiting friends in Toronto. -Mr Aubry Buswell of St Marys spent a few days under the parent al roof last week. -Mr Will Coates Intent Sunday visiting friends in Didclulph.-Mise Edith Dyer of Exeter was the gnest of her cousin, Miss Edith Burwell the past few clay.. -Miss Herren of By City, who has bead the guest of her sister, Mrs Wm Caves for some time, intends 'returning to her home M a few days, -Mr Bob* Brownlee of Elmira City, N. Y., has beim spendiug hi variation with Mende hater -The new seats were placed in the nollool heave here 011Monday last, which adds greatly to the ap- pearance °Nita school, as well as the ocen fort of the scliolareenediss Edith Buswell lett for her new charge, No 9• school, Bid- dulph, on Tuesday lese • Cromarty, Builtrs.-The school concert in No. 5 01101 under the auspices of Mr. A Rab- aul, was a grand success notwithatending the unfavorable weather -erre Hoggarth gave a party last week in her new house, at which a large number of young folks apent a Very enjoyable time, -Mrs. James ar, who hies been 11 is now recov- ering, Angas ltreKeig was home to epend the holidays wader the old roof-. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Miler. jr„ were away et/ending the holidays entong her many 'rpm& in the vicinity of Listowel. -Pre- parationo are DOW in progress for a very busy summer in the building line' --Sev- eral weddings are an dit. 1:71:born.4e. KtPPERTAINATENT.-Oc Wednesday, Dec. 210 ult, there was a very enjoyable even- ing ',pent at S. S. No. 3, it being the event of their annual entertainment. A good program was renamed, consisting of read - Inge, recitations, dialogues, etc. Mr. G. W. Holman, of Elimville, occupied the chair in hie usual happy style. Every- thing passed off in good style, Cad every- body esserned to enjoy theinselvea. A very pleasing part Df the evening's entertain. meet was the presentation of a writing desk and gentleman's dressing ease by the scholare to their teachers on the eve of his leaving them to attend the Collegiate In atitute at Se Marys. Mr. Dicke depart- ure will be regretted as he bats by the in - tercet taken in the section and his genial mermen, endeared himself to those with whom he has labored tbe past three years The Address accompanying the presents apelike volumes in itself for the Itie4hetes end efAcieney of the teacher. Mr. Hicks replied in feeling tame, thanking the don- ors for the beautiful uremia and also foe the kind consideration and courtesy the had shown him. and expressed the ha this life and 0 live that the Great Toech- er would emit unto thorn a crown of life hereafter, that th:YWoul.d abundantly limner in heoeier. (Too Bitten - in . celebrated , but the 26t12 .ee storm having being good. - a and the harbor were u X-mas Day, since which .ting parties, innumerable, have .sal their frozen surfacen-Muniaipal matters are boiling, there being a content. for the efayorality and the Reeveahip • ewe, Butler and Seeger contending the termer, ausl Wire Protellent and i e y the latter. There will be contests in St David's, St George's and St Andrew's for councillors, and for school trustee in the latter named 'ward, -The Masons of Goderich united with their Brethren of Carlow on Tuesday bvening, and held a joint installing ceremony, the 0. D. R. W., Bro. Beek, ofeciatiug, The time was a bang pleasant one, the drive mng exhil- sarating, tee interchange of sentiment en- joyable'and the epicurean sapper relish- able. The Goderich Brethren reached town ahortly after one of the most happy fraternal visits to their God obildreci at Carlown-alessrs Hunter and Crossley are holding largely attended meetings in the North Street Meth. and Knox churches -In Goderich township the old reeves were elected by acclamation, but in Col- borne there is t for all the positions, Dashwood. Commar-Court Dashwood 1. 0 F. heiti a vtry suceeseful concert in :Wi Isrt's Hall on Wednesday evening, Dee.28 The chair was occupied by Dr MoLaughhn, mad the principal feature of the evening was J. H. Cameron of Toronto, elooationiat and hum- erous voeallet. Mr McKee of Toronto gave an addroge on the elms and objects of the I 0„ F. This -Court elected their offreerri hot Saturday night for the entering half year: 0 D. H. C It, J. Hell; C R, M. Fenn; V. R, H Weab; R 8, Wm Zimmer; F S. Jos Snell; Trees, Wise Ball; 8 W, 8. Willert; J W, 1'. Mania; S B, F. Guenther; J. 3, flartleib; Chap. A. Masser; Physn, Dr T. P, MoLaughlin. Basers-K action is passed alit the peo- ple have settled down to bushman -Me 1. Reihro, formerly of this village, but now living in Berlin, is visiting and renewing acquaintancee.-Mr M.Fonn,harness.roe,ker bought the remainder of E. J Hardy's (Zurich) stock of harnesm, etc.-mr and edre Devine of Hanover are spending their honeymoon with Mr and Mrs Norsworthv. --Men G. Taylor of Bankrof, Mich, was the guest of her sister, Mrs Fenn, last week__. Mn and Miss Woodhall of Thedford were spending New Years Day with Mr .1. Hall. -watch night services were bald in tlae Lutheran eleurch.-A publio meeting was held in Willert's Rail on Friday evening, when township end House of Besiege matters; were thoroughly dismissed by Messrs.Ratz, Eilber, Geiger and Voelkere-The election of offieers for the Evangelical Sunday School was held on Sunday morningovhen the following allure were eleated 11 Cook Free; J. Kellerman,Tice do; A.Birk.Trean; J; W Graybell, See; M. Miller, Libe-Mr Ilobbs of Parkhill moved into the village on Thursday laat. Re will have charge of sehool No 8, Hay, wish Kith E. Halls as assistant tesiober.--efessrs Fritz and Stan. bust, boot end shoe makers, bought the estate of the late Fred Wurtz.-Reeival services are in progress in the Evangelical °laureli at present. The annual business meeting of Evengelicel church was held on Turseday morning. -Nature has wrought a ,ehangs on the countenence of our M Winne Fnenixo.--When, horses and cattle are kept in stables most of the winter and ate fed on dry food, they are apt to got gut of condition and the spring finds anim- als that are not thriving,many have aetually lost during the winter and Lave to do all _their "piekitag up" when tinned out to grass but all this eon be prevented and animals madeno gain all winter long by using Diek's Blood -Purifier. Note the name-Diok's not Richard's. 1893 IMIRVISORIM1141 , JOON WRITZ e Pub/lithe r and Proprt Kiritton. Bruen-The Misses Di noon d el are epem- Ing their holidays at Mr. Moore e, --.George Moore and A. Beatty retateed this week to their 'studies at Toronto University.-Boln Whaley was elected treaters at the annual school aneetiose-laarvey Vickers goes to Mlobigen this week to take a position on tbe railroad, -Mrs Warnock rted daughter were the guests, of Urs Leigh test week - Mr, aria afro Leigh colebened the teeth ennriveraary of them wedding 01127th olt.- The Misses Copelend, vis.,here been sore), teaohing, spent their veoation at home. Baum Berne -The folio eing is the report of Kirkton oboe( ter December; the report is baseti on attendance, recitation; pueetesaity and cloudiest 1I -Violet jos- iesion, Beet Hazlewood, Roy BMW. jrUt .410VIII1113. WIRODIAD, Pary 1)0110, '14a Brethour, Sr III -Belle Haziewoo IsLenra Wiswinan, Harriet Barr. Jr 1V Nellie Switzer, Harold Shier, ISara n Donee. Sr. IV-W01Maggie Davis, Gilberts Miller. V -Harvey Robinsoe, Norman TOO, Zurich. 20 per mint. off for eashidarin4 JAIMarY,1893,a:m on Tweeds, OrereeatIngs, Flete, Shawls. Mainlines and Jeeket Cloth, Readr-made CletitingtEall Prints and Dress Goods. Mee's and Bees' Caps. eleese*Zseeeit. Manshard.. Baum -‘1. W. Ford, vho has been atteading Toronto Medical Cellege, and Jos. Ford, who has been attending Tor - 0019 TilliArgity, are spending their hol. idols with their parents "in Woodllarn.-• Miss inna Switzer who has been at - t.^ .44 the Normal 'school in Toronter eine on a visit. She has secured a euation as teacher in the neighborhood of Chatherre-B• Multi has returned from Manitoba. Ile has been euga,ged as timelier for the Balm Line school kyr the year 1893. -efeClarke of Pickering is vlsittng J. W. Abrey, Woodharn.--Mr and Miss White are visiting friends and rola/rosin Toronto and Whitby. -The ratepeyers of S. S. No. have decided to build a new school house next sum- mer. ---G. Grafton has rented. his farm on the 8th coneessiee to P. Illitlenoye Rollers have hese placed in Woodh am, grist mill, . St. Marys. number of men are engaged in putting a slate roof on the new Catholics Catholics netnes et previews Pretty onld on the Angers is the verdict. J. H. lYfoRoberts of Lucian was in town on Saturday. He intends lemming for tee Western States on the 15th with a carload of horses. Goo, Norris, t practical jiorsemat of thie town, accompanies him. We wish him success in his venture, The Daptiet church choir furnished music for their Fullerton brethren ab Fullerton Corn- ers on Xmas night (Monday). They re- port a good crowd and an enjoyable titne. Farmers and others are busy arawing stone from our quarries while the sleighing is good. By • appearances there will be considerable building done next season. The services of the "week of prayer" commence(1 last night in bile Baptist churete-Wehave two over - energetic farmers in this vicinity. Nob• withstanding the blindiog snow storm of last Sunday they loaded two loads of hay and drove some eight or ten miles to town and did nob know what day it was until they arrived here. We told ib was Sunday they turned around and drew their hay back home again with- out saying a word to any person. -Mrs. Pye is visitin her friends in town, KEMP Tr ON TIAND.-BIRO, Ialways keels) a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil for outs, sprains, and bruins. The folks at the hones use it EllITIOSt for everything, 1 know it to be a goon medicine, it is an excellent roolifter for cracked or obapped hands. • Mr. Herkimer, brother of Mrs. liobt. Dalton of Hibbert township, eho lived here im to twelve years ago when he left for California, die(1in Washington. The Dominion Dranglit Horse Sooiety held their annual meeting- m Clinton on Wednesday last. John McMillan, M. P, ocoupied the obtain The council's report, ethical was adopted,showed the membership to be 25) and 350 entries for the third vol- ume, There ere no liabilities and a wish balance in the bank of over $1,600. The recommendations of the council approved incited°the suspension of all members who are over two years in arrears for annual dues at Feb. let, 1893, no member to be allowed the privilege of registration unless ho be olear of all arrestrages at the time of making an entry; tee redaction of the 111111110 dues from $1. to 50 cents; and other provisions regarding the issuing of dupli- cate certificates, of registration, and strengthening the safeguards against fraud in pedigree,. The °Moen elected aro: Mr John MoMillan, Pres.•, Mr. D. McIntosh, Vete do; Mi Jae, Mitchell, Saone Ur, las. Connolly, Treas. The retiring members of the Council were re,eleoted, Mr Thos Laugluin et Grey taking the place of Med. J. Flakier, CTiLLED FROM TEtE OLD YEAR. Lewis, S. Butler, Burinnetel., Itheureation. Time. Wasson, ,Sheffield, N. B., Lockjaw. I3y. McMullin, Chetliam, Ont, Goitre, Mrs, W. W. Johnston, Walsh, Ont, Inflam- mation, James H. Bailey, Parkdale, Ont., Neural. gla. C.1, Lague, Sydeev, 0, Bele* Grippe, In every ease unsolicited arid authenti- ated. They attest to tne merles of MIN - AIM'S LINIMENT, CIONDBINTSED DIST OT NEWS, munmessx Wm. Turner a former resident of Taman dice recently in Torontse The Lueart Record has been mita W. la, Bocien,of Toronto., who has poseeinsion. A. cripple man is helplean : freak cripple and at Aeolis Olt cures fro, promptly and permanently. A Not out dispute. Mr. Geo, Bloomfield, the retiring te of School Seal= No, 1 McGillivray preowned with all elegant gold WAte chain and an elesaut plush albure pr his leesvieg to further bits stales i profession, At a public exemiaatien in 8. S. Bidclulph, on the °Waive ofschool, Um/Alton the retiriug teacher. wh tenant in tlieschool for three yertrs, presentedwith a beautiful parlor tem stand and ladles' eompanion. Mon was held in the hieliest estee everybody. There AM MOM oases of Moline; death from diseased. kidneye than fro other disteate corobinad. It ie your fault if you %now your riclintya to re in an unhealthy oenditien *when tho 021 at bona Doclah Kidney Pale MC go teed to aura the worst ewes It octets little to give tliera is trial. They are sale by Ali druggists an ',dealers, or by on receipt of 50 °erste or 0 boxes far $ Write for bask milled Derry Teter; rinson Itiohatd Eintatien of Wingeaut has appointed att Onterie Genre and Fish Witt,ion ler that vicinity. Inns. W. Coate of alinton:broke thr the et:leering of an old wen in the a the other day, and narrowly ose drowning. James Beattie of Seeforth has otiou a xeat, at the email board for 21 NUM years. He in at Emmet lai 1 up 'embus,. Olintoa papers rire euggestine that Council buy a nubile anow-ploe. Oa is =rely eehind the times if they hoe already it corporation snow plow, A Clinton }milder hest been a.stkeil to pare specification; eto., for a coldosto building to he eroded in Clinton next trier, with a capacity ef 20.000 barrels. Must not be oonfoundea with cora eatbertio or purgative pale. Oertetes L Liver Pills are entirely unlike them in e7 °spoon One trial will proye theirs; riority. David MaCloy, of the 10th +speciosa° aokersorith, len reeentle foga trip to la onotry, tut verso be gotele far asear, York he changed his mine retur ome, Mies A. Eletbelu, la fifteen year-old g nd pupil of the Gerrie public tiehool, ined the highest number of marks in ounty of Huron at the antrimee exatain on in July -last. The members of Knox Church ohoir, my's, met at the residence of Mr. Marston there the other evening and p nted a very handsome seoretary to one sir members, Mr. J. Muir, who was gra Ily surprieed. 'me week the residence of Mr. Wm. rien Hay townahip was burned to t ound including the contents. In t mporary absence of the occupants, t O started from a defective chimney, whi noticed, got full control of the buildin o hammer% Word has come bo Bayfield of the ma ✓